"How To Start Online Coaching Business" |
"Are you ready to start selling your expertise?Its About Time For You To Start AnONLINE COACHING BUSINESST O D A Y !Every person has at least some information or interest in information that they can potentially make money with.When you sell your expertise in the form of a course, an online program, or some sort of book, you get paid to talk about stuff that makes you curious or which pushes you to investigate.There are more passive versions of selling your expertise than active ones.Dear Friend,Let's be clear about something here before we begin:Everybody is an expert (or ""expert enough"") in at least one body of knowledge.It doesn't matter what it is.Maybe you know how to sing a little bit better than everybody else, maybe you know your way around the basketball court, maybe you have discovered a way of running a little bit faster, or maybe you know how to make money with Twitter or Facebook.Regardless of who you're dealing with, everybody has at least one area of expertise.Since this is the case, did you know that people might actually pay for your expertise?The online coaching business is a large multimillion-dollar industry.People all over the world are interested in what other people have to teach them.There is also a tremendous variety of online education platforms that help people improve their expertise in a wide range of knowledge areas.There is a tremendous demand for online coaching services because, let's face it, we live in a world that is increasingly expertise-based.The demand for online coaching services will continue to rise in the foreseeable future.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou are going to learn how to start an online coaching business.You will learn to identify what to look for in terms of opportunities and potential problems.You will understand different coaching service sales models.You can begin to understand the benefits of selling your expertise.You are going to learn exactly how to set up live one-on-one appointment systems.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...I N T R O D U C I N GHow To Start An Online Coaching Business Turn Your Personal Knowledge Into CashNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just AQuick Preview Of What YoullDISCOVER INSIDE...The Benefits of Selling Your ExpertiseBenefit From Passive Models of Selling Your ExpertiseSell Your Personal Expert BrandDifferent Coaching Service Sales ModelsSell your coaching expertise through booksSell Video CoursesSell your expertise through scheduled webinarsLive webinarsOffer One-on-one CoachingPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually start selling your expertise!Who Needs ThisSTEP-BY-STEP GUIDE?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou are going to learn how to start an online coaching business.You want to sell information you're passionate aboutYou want to develop a passive income stream.You know that people might actually pay for your expertise.You want to have the chance to get paid to talk about stuff you are curious about."
Price: 199.99

"The Psychology Of Motivation" |
"Are you ready to get motivated on command today?Its About Time For You To Learn ThePSYCHOLOGY OF MOTIVATION!It's easy to confuse our ultimate goals with our practical goals.You must have a crystal-clear idea of the outcomes and objectives you want for your life.You have to keep igniting your motivation and keep at it until it is self-sustainable.Dear Friend,What if I told you that you are capable of working on something in such a way that you are unstoppable?That's right. When you enter a certain mental and emotional state, it seems like all you can do is produce lots of your best stuff. It doesnt matter what's going on around you.This is called your state of flow. The good news is everybody has one. It can take different forms. It definitely takes place at different times. It can be triggered by many things.The Problem Is, For Most Of Us, We Stumble Upon Our State Of Flow.A lot of people think that as long as they focus on their state of flow or they think about it or they kick around the idea in their head that it will overcome them somehow some way.It doesn't work that way. You're missing a key ingredient.You're missing motivation.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou are going to understand the importance of motivation.You will learn to identify the five pillars of sustainable motivation.You will understand why a lot of people continue to struggle.You can begin to be clear about the big outcomes and objectives of your life.You are going to learn exactly how to get motivated on command, so you can achieve your state of flow.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...I N T R O D U C I N GThe Psychology Of MotivationHow to Achieve Peak Performance on CommandNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just AQuick Preview Of What YoullDISCOVER INSIDE...Focus on Practical GoalsThe Problem with States of FlowStoking Motivation the Right WayThe Five Pillars of Sustainable MotivationFocus on Your PurposeFocus on What You Stand to LoseGet Motivated By Daily Micro-VictoriesTurn to Others When You Begin to Slow DownMentally Standardize Your State of Flow and Call It Into MindPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually tap the power of motivation!Who Needs ThisSTEP-BY-STEP GUIDE?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to produce a lot of stuff, take care of your best work and feel good about it.You want to push yourself to do more and more complicated stuff.You know that the future is not going to happen until you lift a finger to do things now.You want to live a more effective and purposeful life.You want to learn how to get motivated on command."
Price: 199.99

"Niche Marketing Secrets" |
"Are you ready to build a winning money-making system today?Its About Time For You To Learn ProvenNiche Marketing Secrets!A lot of online entrepreneurs think that once theyve discovered a niche, they just need to build a website or a business.You have to build a brand. This is what people will gravitate to.Your brand is a set of values that your community and a targeted audience would associate with your business.Dear Friend,Its very easy to get excited about niche marketing.After all, how can you argue with working only a few hours per week while enjoying a full weeks (or even a full months) income?As awesome as the idea of online passive niche marketing income may be, achieving this reality is another thing entirely.A lot of people fail to make money online because they don't know how to pick niches the right way.They end up building thewrong kind of business.Regardless of how much time, effort and money they put into their business, nothing seems to work.At best, theyre forced to settle for cents on the dollar.At worst, they don't make any money at all.Picking a niche the smart way involves several filters.You can choose to do something else.You can't wait to just build a website and get going.With My AdviceYou Are Going To Understand The Mental Connection With Your Target Audience.You Will Learn To Identify Key Starting Points.You Will Understand What Works And What Doesn't Work.You Can Begin To Understand The Specific Types Of Content That Generate A Lot Of The Results That You're Looking For.You Are Going To Learn How To Build A Self-sustaining And Self-reinforcing System That Can Ultimately Lead To Victory.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...IntroducingNiche Marketing SecretsWhat You Need to Know to Build a Winning Money Making SystemNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just A Quick Preview Of What YoullDiscover Inside...How to Pick a Niche the Smart WayCreate a Niche Brand HomeDesign Your Niche Content System for Maximum ConversionBuild a Successful Niche Content Creation SystemPromote Each Piece of Content SystematicallyHow to become a niche authority quicklyFor Maximum SEO Get .edu links like a champMonetize your brand systematicallyOptimize your brand systematicallyPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually get started with a system-based approach to niche marketing!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to achieve morepredictable success you can duplicate not just with your current niche but with other niches as well.You want to build a homefor the brand you will be creating.You know that if you don'tbuild a brand, tt's only a matter of time until your business stagnates or flat-out fails.You want to achieve greater successwith niche marketing.You want to learn how to dominateyour niche."
Price: 199.99

"Find Your Niche" |
"""Discover The Simple Steps That You Need to Take to Find Your Online Business Niche ""Finally! A Simple Step-by-Step Guide For You to Find Your Niche So You Can Stand Out and Create Success FasterThese days, everyone wants to start their own business.Owning a business has many advantages from being able to set your own hours to have the control to sell what you want.Unfortunately, too many new business owners fail within their first year.While it isn't for lack of effort, those looking to start a new online business fail to complete the crucial first step; they fail to research to find a viable and profitable niche.Why You Need To Niche DownWhen it comes to running a successful business, you cant please all of the people all of the time.If you can find a viable and profitable niche to focus your time, money and efforts on, you are far more likely to succeed in business. If you're concerned that spending the time to research so you can choose a profitable niche will keep you from starting your business, here are some great reasons why you need to take the time to find a niche.A niche will help you stand out from the crowdIt will keep you focused on your vision, your mission, and what your business stands forIt will help you build relationships with loyal customersYou can create a brand around itYou will be seen as an expert in the fieldIt can increase your profitsIf you know that you need to find a niche but dont have the first clue about how to get started, youre not alone.Luckily, Ive created a simple step-by-step guide for new online business owners to find their niche.This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know for finding your niche so you can stand out and create success faster.Introducing...FIND YOUR NICHEThe Step-By-Step Guide To Finding Your Niche So You Can Stand Out And Create Success Faster"
Price: 199.99

"Web Accessibility Development and Testing - Best Practices" |
"Professional web accessibility training for developers and testers to learn how to fix defects on tables, iframes,links,lists,landmarks,skip links, languages across HTML markup of websites. Learn from 'Best Test Manager Award Winner' who hold 3+ years of accessibility testing and accessibility test automation experience across javascript front end applications.What is Web Accessibility?Users with disabilities such as visually impaired or physically challenged (term used in this section as special users) are required accessible web applications for ease of use. This has been suggested as part of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (known as WCAG)/General Services Administration Section 508 Standards(known as Section 508) in detail. Providing proper text for each section of the page and facilitating best user experience on the web pages are very important while providing accessibility features to web applications.Note: Visually impaired has classification specified by Centers of Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) and it is not the only reason for performing accessibility tests. Accessibility ensures the special users with disabilities can access the same web pages what normal users access. In this course, selenium based BDD scripts are explained using Javascript as a programming language hence knowing Javascript is essential for this section; This is not a automation or selenium focused training but purely focusing on accessibility testing. This is an amazing course to learn and perform web accessibility verification through manual and automation tests using selenium,pa11y,axe,zoomtext and web accessibility toolbar!What is WCAG?The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are part of a series of web accessibility guidelines published by the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium, the main international standards organization for the Internet.Instructor: Endorsed by TechNation as 'Exceptional Talent of UK' in Digital TechnologyCourse Language: English (Indian Accent)Requirements: Computer with Windows Operating System and Internet Explorer/Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Browsers (Reason: Tools such as NVDA and JAWS can be installed in Windows OS only)"
Price: 199.99

"How To Make Natural, Clean Beauty Products" |
"This course will teach you step by step how to create your own beauty products for your skincare, hair care and makeup. Avoid harmful chemicals found in commercial beauty products. Learn how to preserve your delicate skin microbiome and how to pick ingredients to promote healing. Recipes, instructions and insights for creating products catered to your specific beauty needs, this course cannot be missed!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About The Instructor:Charlene RossiterI am a Herbalist and an Energy Healing Practitioner. I have been studying nutrition and health for over 15 years and help my clients overcome health and wellness issues through nutrition, lifestyle choices, stress management and energy healing practices. I believe the body has an incredible ability to overcome health problems when our lives are simplified through natural healing practices and nutritionI would like to share with you some of the successful techniques I have used to help clients overcome multiple health and wellness issues and live more fulfilling lives."
Price: 24.99

"Introduccin al clculo diferencial de una variable" |
"En este curso se presenta una introduccin al clculo diferencial de una variable. El contenido abarca los mismos temas de cualquier curso de clculo diferencial tomado por estudiantes de ingeniera o ciencias, aunque puede adaptarse fcilmente a los contenidos de otras carreras que lleven un curso introductorio de clculo diferencial de una variable.Se requiere conocimientos previos de preclculo aunque las explicaciones se dan paso a paso para que aquellos que no tienen una base slida puedan comprender los temas expuestos.El curso se imparte utilizando el denominado ""lightboard"", lo cual permite que el estudiante tenga una experiencia ms parecida a lo que es estar en un aula de clases, pudiendo ver directamente al instructor, en lugar de observarlo de espaldas. Esta tecnologa es aplicada en diversas universidades que imparten cursos online y ha demostrado tener mucha efectividad as como una gran aceptacin por parte de los estudiantes"
Price: 19.99

"Premiere Rush" |
"Premiere RushPremiere Rush"
Price: 24.99

"Web Development: Beginners Guide to Basics (HTML/CSS/JS)" |
"In this course you will learn a range of things;HTML Structure, Elements, AttributesCSS Structure, PropertiesJavascript (JS) Structure, FunctionsResponsive CSS design with flexBuilding a personal website / portfolio from scratchEach section will come with a slightly more advancement on beginner basics as well (but manageable) to give you that edge. There will also be coding exercises provided for each topic covered.At the end of the course, you're guaranteed to be able to create a styled web page using HTML & CSS and have interactive functionality using Javascript (JS) to manipulate data and elements."
Price: 104.99

"Getting Started with Apache Struts 2 Framework + Spring JDBC" |
"In the first module we will review and understand the Architecture and History of the Apache Struts 2 Framework. We will look at the progression from Struts 1 to Struts 2 and the security bug that caused major concern with Struts 2 Users Worldwide.In the second module we will set up our development environment on a Windows 10 machine. First we will download and set up JDK 8. Then we will download and install the latest version of the Eclipse IDE. We will download and install the MariaDB and integrate this database with our Eclipse IDE. We will also download and install the Tomcat Web Server and Integrate it with our Eclipse IDEIn the third module we will work through a number of code examples that demonstrates the core concepts and capabilities of the Spring 2 Framework.In the fourth and final module we will put everything together that we learned in the first three modules by creating a fully functional ""CRUD"" Create, Read, Update and Delete Enterprise Java Web Application"
Price: 54.99

"Fundamentos de Programacin - Edicin 2020" |
"La programacin es necesaria cada vez ms y ms, esto es debido al rpido crecimiento del uso de la tecnologa en todo el mundo, ya que esta tecnologa necesita estar programada para funcionar, por tales motivos, el hecho de saber programar te abrir las puertas a infinitas posibilidades.As que, si quieres incursionar en el mundo de la programacin y el desarrollo de software, ests en el mejor lugar. En este curso comenzaremos desde cero, desde las bases de la programacin, de modo que aprenders todos los conceptos bsicos necesarios, as como las principales sentencias de la mayora de los lenguajes de programacin, y comenzars tambin a desarrollar la lgica de programacin. Todo esto son las bases para comenzar a programar de la mejor manera, y te permitirn, en un futuro, convertirte en un exitoso programador.Es importante mencionar que este curso est orientado a personas que no han programado antes, ya que comenzaremos desde lo ms bsico, tambin est orientado a personas que han tenido dificultades para aprender a programar, ya que lo ms probable, es que esas dificultades hayan surgido porque no se comenz de la mejor manera, desde las bases de la programacin, que es lo que abordaremos en este curso.Comenzaremos el curso con conceptos bsicos de programacin, y viendo la manera en que las computadoras y dispositivos interpretan las ordenes que se programan mediante los lenguajes de programacin. Posteriormente, analizaremos las principales sentencias, operadores y sintaxis de los lenguajes de programacin, todo esto mediante ejemplos y ejercicios, de modo que, al finalizar el curso tendrs todas las bases para comenzar a aprender cualquier lenguaje de programacin, como por ejemplo C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Java, Kotlin, Swift, Go, y cualquier otro lenguaje, esto gracias a que la lgica de programacin que veremos es universal, y se aplica prcticamente a cualquier lenguaje de programacin."
Price: 129.99

"Amazon AWS DevOps Engineer Professional Practical Exam" |
"The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional exam is intended for individuals who perform a DevOps engineer role with two or more years of experience provisioning, operating and managing AWS environments.Abilities Validated by the CertificationImplement and manage continuous delivery systems and methodologies on AWSImplement and automate security controls, governance processes, and compliance validationDefine and deploy monitoring, metrics, and logging systems on AWSImplement systems that are highly available, scalable, and self-healing on the AWS platformDesign, manage and maintain tools to automate operational processesRecommended Knowledge and ExperienceExperience developing code in at least one high-level programming languageExperience building highly automated infrastructuresExperience administering operating systemsUnderstanding of modern development and operations processes and methodologiesPrepare for Your ExamThere is no better preparation than hands-on experience. There are many relevant AWS Training courses and other resources to assist you with acquiring additional knowledge and skills to prepare for certification. Please review the exam guide for information about the competencies assessed on the certification exam."
Price: 19.99

"30 Tcnicas De Fechamento Em Vendas - Do Bsico Ao Avanado" |
"Existem dois tipos de profissionais de vendas: os de alta performance e os amadores. A diferena entre eles que os profissionais de alta performance entregam resultados sistematicamente enquanto que os amadores, por mais boa vontade que tenham, fracassam venda aps venda. Esta uma dura realidade, mas a verdade!E de fato, muitos vendedores fazem um trabalho muito bem feito quando abordam o cliente, apresentam seus produtos e servios de forma brilhante ,sabem como lidar com as objees mas, quando chega a hora do fechamento, travam, no sabem o que fazer, e a triste notcia que o fator que vai determinar se voc um profissional de alta performance ou um amador a sua capacidade de fechar uma venda.Como voc sabe, em toda profisso existe o pulo do gato, o detalhe que faz toda a diferena, mas algo que geralmente ningum te conta.Mas finalizar um fechamento de forma perfeita envolve basicamente trs pontos cruciais:Primeiro, ter um bom produto ou bom servio (isto bvio);Segundo, saber diferenciar os bons compradores e se afastar dos maus compradores que s fazem voc perder tempo, energia e dinheiro (isto j no to bvio assim);E terceiro, utilizar a TCNICAS CORRETAS e finalizar a venda de forma perfeita.E se voc fizer uma anlise mais clara do mercado voc pode ver, de maneira bvia, que pelo menos 80% do sucesso de uma venda finalizada de forma perfeita se deve ao terceiro fator: TCNICA CORRETA. (este o ""pulo do gato"")Isso quer dizer que as tcnicas de fechamentos so responsveis por pelo menos 80% do sucesso para profissional de alta performance.Portanto, a concluso bvia: Se voc aprender essas tcnicas, voc ter mais mais vendas, simples assim.Um dos piores erros no fechamento a ""tentativa e erro"": voc perde tempo, perde energia, perde dinheiro e fica desmotivado, claro.Entenda que para aumentar o seu lucro no menor espao de tempo, e na grande maioria das vezes, voc no precisa de mais clientes! A nica coisa que realmente voc vai precisar, fechar com aqueles cliente que voc j tem, e quando voc utiliza as tcnicas corretas, dificilmente o cliente resiste a compra.Esse um dos motivos pelo qual os profissionais que conhecem essas tcnicas, vendem mais e vendem melhor.Ou seja, se voc no conhece, no utiliza ou pior ainda, nem sabe que estas tcnicas de fechamento existem, voc est andando com o ""freio de mo puxado"".Ento qual o grande segredo do fechamento?O segredo que toda e qualquer tcnica de fechamento simplesmente um padro lingustico, uma frase pronta, um script - palavra por palavra - do que deve ser dito, e que conduza o cliente a dizer SIM pra voc!O seu nico trabalho decorar a frase e repetir para seu cliente, somente isto, e se voc no esta utilizando estes padres lingusticos nos seus fechamentos, voc pode estar perdendo at 80% do seu faturamento. Ou pior, alm do prejuzo, voc pode acabar achando que no sabe vender.E isso uma injustia com voc mesmo! a mesma coisa que querer operar sem ter um bisturi...D? At d, mas difcil, concorda?Mas se voc esta tendo dificuldade em seus fechamentos, importante que voc saiba que a culpa no sua! Mas sua responsabilidade mudar esse quadro...Muitas das abordagens de vendas, principalmente no que diz respeito ao fechamento, esto muito defasadas, so meramente acadmicas. Na prtica, frente a frente com cliente, no funcionam porque so apenas teoria...e se voc conhece estas tcnicas, timo, mas voc s aprendeu apenas uma parte do processo.Algumas tcnicas se concentram somente em argumentos racionais e lgicos e desprezam o fato de que do outro lado, existe o lado emocional.Outras se concentram nos aspectos emocionais, mas desprezam completamente o raciocnio lgico e intelectual que deve estar sempre presente em qualquer argumento de vendas.O fechamento um processo mental que envolve todo o psicolgico do consumidor, e portanto, contemplam estes dois mundos: emocional e lgico.Agora, imagine se voc dobrasse ou mesmo triplicasse sua taxa de converso com simples scripts , frases prontas sem ter que ficar se preocupando com o terrvel momento do fechamento! disto que se trata este treinamento!Ele foi desenvolvido de maneira clara, prtica e didtica para que voc finalize suas suas vendas de forma perfeita. Decorou, aprendeu, voc j pode aplicar na mesma hora!E No tem Mgica, um Mtodo!Este treinamento at hoje era exclusivo das empresas que me contratavam para treinar suas equipes e portanto, um treinamento que vem sendo testado e melhorado constantemente, e no toa que ele to eficiente.Agora, voc tem a chance de ter acesso a todo este material aqui pela plataforma Udemy!O meu objetivo com esse treinamento te apresentar tcnicas prontas para que voc s tenha aqui adapt-la ao seu ramo de atividade. E voc pode ter a mais absoluta certeza que seu faturamento aumentar muito rapidamente.O que voc vai aprender um mtodo extremamente persuasivo que vai te ajudar a fechar suas vendas de forma perfeita, mesmo sendo um iniciante.Descrio Dos MdulosMdulo 01No mdulo 01, ns ns iremos desmistificar 03 mitos muito comuns no setor comercial a respeito do fechamento e que podem simplesmente impedir que voc seja bem sucedido tanto nas negociaes mais simples quanto nas mais complexas.Voc vai aprender a interpretar os vrios sinais de compra que o cliente demonstra inconscientemente e que a grande maioria nem percebe e com isso, saber exatamente o momento certo de fechar a vendas.E por fim, voc vai aprender uma excelente tcnica para saber se o cliente est ou no interessado em seu produto ou servio, e se voc deve ou ao continuar com seu atendimento.Mdulo 02No mdulo 02, ns iniciaremos com 10 com tcnicas de fechamento bsicas, mas no se engane! essa tcnica so bsicas, mas eu te garanto que em muitas ocasies j so suficientes para fechar uma venda.Mdulo 03No mdulo 03, daremos um passo e avanaremos com as tcnicas intermedirias. Essas tcnicas so desconhecidas por muitos profissionais de vendas experientes que o final do treinamento relatam nunca terem ouvido nada do tipo e como tudo seria mais fcil se as conhecessem antes.Mdulo 04No mdulo 04, voc aprender tcnicas avanadas que eu garanto que muita gente por a com graduao, ps graduao, MBA e mesmo assim, nunca ouviu falar. O que faz com que estas tcnicas sejam consideradas avanadas no a complexidade ou dificuldade na aplicao, mas apenas tcnicas que requerem um pouquinho a de prtica e de confiana, o que vir naturalmente em pouqussimo tempo!aqui, voc est em outro nvel, outra categoria e realmente ser muito difcil um cliente no fechar com voc.Mdulo 05 (Bnus)E no mdulo 05, pra fechar com chave de ouro, voc aprender mais 05 tcnicas de fechamento exclusivas para aplicar imediatamente nas suas vendas, aumentando e muito a sua taxa de converso e consequentemente, seu lucro.Este o meu presente e minha maneira de dizer muito obrigado por voc se ter se tornado meu aluno, minha aluna.Essas tcnicas so dadas palavra por palavra e a nica coisa que voc deve fazer decorar essas frases depois utilizar com seus clientes, somente isso!Ser Que Esse Mtodo Serve Para Voc Para Voc?Voc pode pensar que esse mtodo no serve para voc porque voc no bom em vendas.Se voc tem vergonha de falar o preo, ou no consegue vender nem agasalho para esquim, preste muita ateno: isto no tem nada a ver com saber vender, tem a ver com seguir um mtodo claro que qualquer um pode aprender.Este mtodo explicar quais palavras, frases e argumentos voc dever usar.Alguns argumentos iro parecer bvios, outros uma grande novidade, mas o fato que todos funcionam.Voc pode pensar que este mtodo no bom para voc porque voc no uma pessoa extrovertida.Isto no tem nada a ver com voc ser ou no um Silvio Santos.No estamos falando de dom natural. Estamos falando de tcnicas de vendas em que a nica coisa que voc ter de fazer decorar e utilizar nos seus fechamentos. Tem a ver com frases de efeito, e no com seu modo de ser.Voc pode pensar que isso s d certo com vendedores mais experientes.Isto no tem nada a ver com experincia, mas com emoes bsicas que todos os seres humanos possuem, como medo, desejo de segurana, ganncia e muitas outras.Estas Tcnicas de fechamento podem ser utilizadas nos mais variados tipos de negcios - de Imobilirias, concessionrias de automveis, vendas diretas, mercado B2B, marketing multinvel, vendedor de banha de Peixe-Boi da Amaznia ou de qualquer coisa.Para todos esses negcios, as tcnicas funcionam perfeitamente. Com a tcnica certa, voc capaz de entrar na mente do seu cliente e faz-lo fechar com voc.Porque o mtodo d certo?H vrios pontos que voc deve conhecer sobre tcnicas de fechamentos para entender porque este mtodo d certo.1.O senso comum nos diz que uma venda acontece no ponto de venda (supermercado, loja, num escritrio, numa sala de reunio, etc.) Mas isso no verdade. S existe um lugar onde a venda acontece: na mente humana.O segredo para vender ento, se resume em acessar a mente humana e influencia-la. Se voc tiver este conhecimento, voc poder fechar uma venda com quem quiser.2. As pessoas compram a partir do momento em que se sentem confortveis para comprar com voc.Em primeiro lugar, entenda qual este momentoEm segundo lugar, utilize a frase correta.Esse o segredo das tcnicas para voc finalizar de forma perfeita um fechamento.3. Existe uma chave para acessar e influenciar a mente humana composta por trs elementos:As palavras certas na ordem certa e usadas na hora certa e se voc j meu aluno, j conhece meus outros cursos aqui mesmo na plataforma Udemy, j sabe muito bem disso.Ento, agora se voc me permitir, eu quero de te ajudar a decidir se voc deve ou no adquirir este treinamento at porque, esta uma deciso que deve ser puramente baseada em retorno sobre seu investimento. Vou te dar alguns critrios para lhe ajudar:Se voc acredita que este conhecimento que vai ajudar a fechar suas vendas de uma maneira muito mais fcil, vai lhe render, mais do que o preo do prprio treinamento, compre.Se voc acredita que gastaria mais tempo e mais dinheiro fazendo cursos, lendo muitos, mas muitos livros do que o preo deste treinamento, compre.Se voc acredita que a estas tcnicas realmente vo te ajudar, mesmo, durante a fase do fechamento com seu cliente, compre tambm.E olha s que bacana, voc pode escolher a melhor forma de pagamento: carto de crdito, dbito, boleto bancrio e o melhor que voc no precisa decidir agora!Voc tem 30 dias para decidir se ficar com o curso ou no.Eu tenho a mais absoluta certeza que voc vai aproveitar cada segundo deste curso, e por esse motivo, eu ofereo 100% de resultados garantidos.Se no gostar do curso seja por qual motivo for basta requerer o seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias e lhe devolveremos Integralmente a quantia paga. Sem nenhuma pergunta, ou qualquer tentativa de recuperao.isto quer dizer que com toda essa garantia voc no perde absolutamente nada.Portanto, no perca esta chance!O meu desejo que voc aprenda esta metodologia e aplique no seu dia a dia, gerando mais lucro e se motivando cada vez mais, fazendo aquilo que gosta, e fazendo bem feito, disto que se trata Uma vida profissional bem-sucedida.Eu quero te fazer um convite! Inscreva-se agora e j comece a utilizar todas estas tcnicas para dar um salto na sua carreira e aumentar suas vendas imediatamente j nos teus prximos atendimentos.Seja muito Bem-vinda, seja muito bem vindo ao melhor Treinamento De Tcnicas De Fechamento Em Vendas de toda plataforma Udemy!"
Price: 249.99

"Adobe After Effects Fundamentals to Create and Edit Videos" |
"Hello,The following course is absolutely the best way to master all what you need to create and edit videos using Adobe After Effects.It contains the information and technics that I have personally mastered and successfully used after more than 5 years of experience. I was a successful video producers and editors on freelancing platforms. And now, I teach videography to people from all over the world. The purpose of "" Adobe After Effects Fundamentals to Create and Edit Videos ""By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge, the skills, and the tricks that will make you an expert video creator and editor. You will learn how to professionally edit your videos, also how to create attractive motion graphics & typographies with minimum investment of time and energy."" Adobe After Effects Fundamentals to Create and Edit Videos "" is for you. Because the lessons and the steps that we will go through during this course are general in niches and detailed in explication. Also, they are explained in the most easy to understand way, step by step, and with a simple English language.SOME topics that you will see during "" Adobe After Effects Fundamentals to Create and Edit Videos "" are the following:Creating animated motion graphics and typographies Making attractive effects Changing the background of your videos Merging two videos in the way you wantEditing the speed of videos ( speed up, slow down, freeze, )To select and mask, to drop shadows, to optimize the quality of your videos...These are SOME general topics that you are going to master. Besides, I will show you several tricks that will make your life easy, will save you months and even years of time, and will makes you far more better than 90% of creators and editors of videos who don't have the chance to learn these information and benefit from them in a proper way. Why choosing "" Adobe After Effects Fundamentals to Create and Edit Videos ""There is one difference between "" Adobe After Effects Fundamentals to Create and Edit Videos "" and the other courses. It is the Investment ! And in better terms, the time and energy that you need to invest in the aim to achieve your goal, that is to become able to create and edit videos professionally. And as we all heard before that time is money, and Lost time is never found again, and Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. All these quotes, and others from highly successful people inspired me to search and try new smart ways to create the easiest way that helps a normal person, with a basic or no experience on videography, to become a master of ""Adobe After Effects"" software, who is able to perfectly show his imagination creativity in his videos.Moreover, I still have my business in this field. So as soon as there is a new update, I will explain it in the ""Uploads"" section of this course. And I will notify you to be aware of it ( For free ) to be always the first to know the information, which means the first who benefit from it . And all this, is because of your life-time access to the "" Adobe After Effects Fundamentals to Create and Edit Videos "". The spread of "" Adobe After Effects Fundamentals to Create and Edit Videos ""I really love my masterclass. I'm receiving amazing feedbacks form happy businessmen and businesswomen from 5 continents: North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. I guarantee you that they can't be wrong. But if you think they are, you can, by one click, refund your money.Try it now. It will be your most profitable investment!"
Price: 19.99

"Excel Basics: Learn While Creating a Personal Budget" |
"The best way to learn Excel is to jump right in and start on a project. What better project than creating a personal budget. Follow along with each video as I guide you through the project, step-by-step. I could take you through each feature of Excel that I feel you should know as a beginner. And it might make sense - until you try to put it all together with your own project. At the end of this course, you will a have a working knowledge of Excel and a usable spreadsheet - your budget!This course is packed with information, but is is also kept simple. You will not be buried in complicated or exhaustive explanation that cause confusion. Each detail is broken down into sizable chunks, which makes it easy for you to move along at your own pace. You are encouraged to ask as many questions as you like regarding the course and project."
Price: 19.99

"Corona Render 5 Dersleri Eitim Seti - Gereki Render" |
"3ds Max 2021 ve Corona Render 5 ile Gereki Render Dersleri Eitim Seti ile ok daha kaliteli render alabilirsiniz. Ayn sahneyi 3ds Max + Vray 5 render eitimimizde de bulabilirsiniz. Corona da bilmeniz gerekenler bu eitim setinde. Eitimde kullanlan dosyalar satn alma sonrasnda Udemy mesaj sistemi zerinden size iletilecektir. Eitimin faydal olmas dileklerimizle."
Price: 149.99

koyouchouseijoseikindougamanual |
Price: 18000.00

"Google Earth - from basic to advanced uses" |
"Google Earth is software that came to revolutionize the way we see the world. The experience of circling a sphere when but with a scope of approach to any part of the world, as if we were there.This is a unique course, from the basics of sailing to the construction of three-dimensional guided tours. In this, a professional from the social sciences, journalism or a teacher will open their minds to take full advantage of this tool to make better expositions. You can also find new ideas for exercises and projects with your students with applications for engineering, geography, geographic information systems or cadastre.Additionally, the course has an advanced level explaining different interactions of Google Earth with the cadastre areas, geographic information systems and engineering. This includes things like:Import coordinates from Excel,Import satellite images,Georeferencing images,Download images from Google Earth,Send ArcGIS and AutoCAD software data to Google Earth,Georeference data,Construction of routes and guided tours,Import cadastral data and add elevation.The course includes both the data used in the explanations (images, CAD files, GIS files, Excel files, KML files), as well as the software used for the georeferenced image download exercises and also for data conversion."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Python easy! - USA english" |
"This is an Introductory Python Course which will enable students to pursue some higher and more advanced material and courses on Python.Particularly, this course teaches students the following things:What is Programming in general and how to do it using Python?How to get started with coding in python?Python variables, data types and input handlingHow to perform conditional programming in Python?How to declare functions and use them effectively?"
Price: 199.99

"Structural design using Microstran" |
"This is a course focused on the design of structural elements, using Microstran software, from Bentley Systems.The course includes theoretical teaching of elements, application of loads and generation of results.Getting Started With Microstran: General OverviewDifferent Toolbars of Microstran and FunctionsSimple Beam ModelingSimple Column ModelingSimple Truss ModelingFrame ModelingPortal Frame ModelingBeam SFD and BMD Different side toolbars and functions3D Frame ModelingPrinting and Making ReportMicrostran is a software widely used in Asia, for structural projects."
Price: 199.99

"How to make Infographics : Full Tutorial of Canva (NO Cost)" |
"Learn Canva for Graphic Design in This New Course!Are you spending valuable time and money trying to create your own images for your business, brand, or social lifestyle? Would you like to learn how to gain attention from your audience with stunning graphics in an affordable way?Do you want to know how experts save precious time by using pre-made layouts and templates?If you answered YES to any of these questions, than this course is for you!What this course is about:Canva for Beginners - Your Guide to Canva for Graphic Design is designed to help any entrepreneur, solopreneur, business owner, marketer, advertiser, or social media expert gain the advantage by using FREE online software, called Canva, to create killer graphics and images. This course teaches you everything you need to know about how to use Canva to launch yourself steps ahead of the competition when it comes to visual media.What you will learn in this course:In these lessons, you will learn all of the basics of Canva so that you can get up and running quickly. Within an hour, you will already have all of the tools you will need to create amazing graphic design projects.These lessons include the following:Creating and setting up your account.Navigation around Canva's interface.Selecting pre-made layouts and templates.Adding artwork, images, text, and backgrounds.Sharing your designs for social media platforms.Downloading and printing your designs.Plus free updates and additions to the course in the future!"
Price: 19.99

"ASP.NET Core 5.0 Katmanl Mimari ile Blog Uygulamas .NET5" |
"Pratik ve Uygulamal, Katmanl Mimari ile Asp.NET Core MVC 5.0 kursumuza hogeldiniz.Bu kurs .NET 5 mimarisi zerinde bir blog projesi gelitirerek, sizlere tasarm mimarileri zerinde yeni ve pratik bilgiler kazandrmay amalamaktadr.*Kursumuz orta seviyedeki yazlmclara hitap etmektedir. Eer balang seviyesinde bir yazlmc iseniz; kursumuzda anlatlan baz konseptler sizler iin anlamsz yada zorlayc olabilir.*Kursumuzun toplamda 20+ saat olmas planlanmaktadr. Kursumuz tamamlanana kadar her gn, her hafta ve beklenmeyen aksaklklar durumunda en ge iki gnde bir yeni ders videolar eklenecektir.* Hem indirimli kayt olmak, hemde 1+2 kurs kampanyasndan yararlanmak iin alper@altu.dev adresine mail atabilirsiniz.Kursumuzda ileyecek olduumuz konulardan bazlar:N Katmanl Mimari ile Proje GelitirmekEntity Framework Core 5.0 ile Code First YaklamFluent API ile Detayl Veritaban YaplandrmasGeneric Repository Tasarm DeseniUnit of Work Tasarm DeseniAsenkron ProgramlamaNesne Ynelimli ProgramlamaKaltm (Polymorphism)Data Annotations ile Front-End ValidasyonlarKatmanl Mimari zerinde Dependency InjectionExtension MetodlarResult YapsDTO (Data Transfer Object) KullanmAutoMapper Ktphanesinin KullanmMD5 Password HashingSHA512 Password HashingLINQAjaxjQueryjQuery UISweet Alert2ToastrDataTablesBootstrap 4.5 Tema Giydirme lemleriSome of the topics which we are going to cover:Developing a Project With N Layered ArchitectureEntity Framework Core 5.0 Code FirstDatabase Configurations With Fluent APIGeneric Repository PatternUnit of Work PatternAsync ProgrammingOOPPolymorphismFront-End Validations With Data AnnotationsDependency Injection In N Layered ArchitectureExtension MethodsCustom Result StructureDTO (Data Transfer Object)AutoMapper AutoMapper LibraryMD5 Password HashingSHA512 Password HashingLINQAjaxjQueryjQuery UISweet Alert2ToastrDataTablesBootstrap 4.5"
Price: 299.99

"Microsoft AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator - Exams" |
"English Course Description / Explicacin del curso en EspaolHello there!I am extremely pleased to have you on board.Lets begin a journey where we would be working together to go through every possible challenging question AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator"" exam offered by Microsoft has to you.Here is what makes this course so unique and beneficial for you. Since our material Microsoft AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator is based on a real test, We can guarantee that you would be able to solve 72% questions(at least) in your exam without putting any extra effort by going through all those reference textbooks.My purpose here is to ensure that when you appear in the real exam, you are calm and super confident about yourselves.This test is being offered by Microsoft and our material has about +50 questions. Now, each question has been specifically designed for this course that will push your cognitive abilities to the limits. This intense journey will not only make you have a good idea about what type of questions the real exam would have but also cover the tiny concepts people usually miss while preparing for Microsoft AZ-104: Microsoft Azure AdministratorThe test was last updated on July 24th 2020 and covers all the latest concepts as per the course requirements and it is written in English.I have a firm belief that you are going to ace that exam like a true champion!#### Spanish ####Hola a todos!Estoy muy contento de tenerte a bordo.Comencemos un viaje en el que estaramos trabajando juntos para pasar por todas las posibles preguntas desafiantes que ""Microsoft"" le ofrece en el examen ""Microsoft AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator"".Esto es lo que hace que este curso sea tan nico y beneficioso para usted. Desde nuestro material ""Microsoft AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator"" podemos garantizarle que podr resolver el 72% de las preguntas (al menos) en su examen sin hacer ningn esfuerzo adicional al revisar todos esos libros de texto de referencia ya que se basa en una prueba real. Mi propsito aqu es asegurarme de que cuando aparezcas en el examen real, ests tranquilo y muy seguro de ti mismo.""Microsoft"" ofrece esta prueba y nuestro material tiene aproximadamente ""+50 preguntas"" similares. Ahora, cada pregunta ha sido diseada especficamente para este curso que llevar sus habilidades cognitivas al lmite. Este intenso viaje no solo le har tener una buena idea sobre qu tipo de preguntas tendra el examen real, sino que tambin cubrir los pequeos conceptos que la gente suele perderse mientras se prepara para ""Microsoft AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator""La prueba se actualiz por ltima vez el ""24 de Julio de 2020"" y cubre todos los conceptos ms recientes segn los requisitos del curso y est escrita en ingls.Creo firmemente que vas a obtener ese examen como un verdadero campen!"
Price: 345.00

"Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect : Exams 2020" |
"Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect : Exams 2020A Professional Cloud Architect enables organizations to leverage Google Cloud technologies. With a thorough understanding of cloud architecture and Google Cloud Platform, this individual can design, develop, and manage robust, secure, scalable, highly available, and dynamic solutions to drive business objectives.The Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Architect exam assesses your ability to:Design and plan a cloud solution architectureManage and provision the cloud solution infrastructureDesign for security and complianceAnalyze and optimize technical and business processesManage implementations of cloud architectureEnsure solution and operations reliabilityI have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking Google cloud professional cloud architect exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Google in any way."
Price: 24.99

"Beginner's Guide to Java Programming" |
"If you want to learn to program in Java and learn the fundamentals that are required to learn other Object-oriented programming languages such as JavaScript, C# and Python, then read on.THIS COURSE TEACHES AND HELPS YOU WITH PRACTICE! PRACTICE IS KEY. IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO SPONGE UP A LOT OF CONCEPTS IF YOU ARE NOT PRACTICING IT. TO GET BETTER AT PROGRAMMING, YOU HAVE TO PRACTICE!This course is designed to teach you the essential Java programming skills and knowledge on Object oriented programming needed to solve real world problems and give you the ability to tackle your own projects.Whether you want to:Build the skills you need to get your first Java programming jobLearn java to be able to create your own java apps quickly.Gained the fundamentals of object-oriented programming so it can be applied to other languages like php, python, JavaScript and moreThe course is designed to reduce a lot of clutter and noise you see in other courses.This course is designed to take you through the main concepts and idea behind object oriented programming using Java and has examples to help you practice what you just learnedIn this course you will learnWhat an Object-Oriented Programming language is?Why is it useful in solving programming problems?What is an Object, Classes, Method?How to Install IntelliJ for programming in JavaTutorial: Print out Hello WorldWhat are fields, methods, getters and setters, constructors, String Class, Scanner Class?Tutorial: String Manipulation Example PracticeTutorial: Create a Budget app focused on OOP Arrays, File I/O, ExceptionsTutorial: Manage a mini database of NBA PlayersIt is no Secret that the basic concepts found in other courses can be found on the official JAVA ORACLE WEBSITE. What this course focuses on is Practice! Practice, Practice, Practice.If you are willing to put in the work. I guarantee you that you will develop your programming skills quickly and robustly that simply watching lectures online.IS THIS COURSE UPDATED?Yes- it can be. If you find yourself being benefitted by my course structure and my teaching style leave a comment below and I will sure to create more examples that cover even more complicated topics. I need to know there is a demand for it.PS: If refreshers are needed please refer to the last section for fundamentals on concepts such as , variable and addresses, functions, arrays, and more in C. Videos are old and a little cringe but is packed with knowledge. Also any hints at references can be found in the last sectionThere are a lot of things not covered in this course because it is a beginner course things likeConcurrencyPolymorphism InheritanceAdvanced GUIDynamic Data Structures and moreIf you are interested in those concepts and my teaching style, leave a comment below and I will update the course with those concepts!Thank you!Hope this helps you out!"
Price: 19.99

"Ferramenta APSDU (ERP Protheus)" |
"APSDU uma ferramenta para manipular tabelas, campos e informaes do banco de dados no ERP Protheus da TOTVS.Muitas das vezes precisamos acessar rapidamente uma informao, ou at mesmo criar um backup para manipulao, e o APSDU / MPSDU fornece o que necessrio para fazer essas tratativas.Nesse curso ns vamos conhecer um pouco sobre essa ferramenta, mostrando as principais funcionalidades e recursos, como por exemplo, limpar uma tabela, excluir registros, criar backup, etc."
Price: 54.99

Buddhism |
"Buddhism is an age-old religion that can teach us how to live a more peaceful, calm and happier life. This course will introduce you and guide you through the incredibly powerful ideas in Buddhism that can help you transcend suffering, achieve a greater clarity of mind and become a stronger and more confident person."
Price: 29.99

"The Modern Flexbox, Grid, Sass & Animations Developer Course" |
"This is the most up to date and extensive course regarding CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid, Sass and Advanced CSS Animations. In this course you will learn all about CSS Flexbox and how it incorporates into real-world websites. You will learn the fundamentals of UI web design and responsive web design along with best practices. We will take a deep dive into the topic of CSS Grid and all the nuts and bolts of it. This course also covers the Sass Extension Language of CSS thoroughly.The first website which we are going to create is a portfolio website for Designers and Developers. This website is fully responsive and has been created completely on CSS Flexbox.The second website is a Villa Booking website with modern features such as an awesome looking Gallery Carousel. This website is also fully responsive on all devices, existing or yet to come. This website has been created purely with the power of CSS Grid.The third website is a Fitness website where we will combine the true power of CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid and Sass. This website is the culmination of all of your efforts throughout the course. The biggest and boldest feature of this website is the DARK MODE FEATURE which allows users to change the color theme of the website with just one click.There are a lot more that this course offers, starting from an intermediate level, it will take you beyond the advanced level all the way to becoming a legend in these technologies.One Last Thing to Keep in MindThis course is NOT going to be a static course. I will definitely update it regularly for fresh content.So, what are you waiting for? Lets start this epic journey together by ENROLLING IN THIS COURSE RIGHT NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Especialista em Excel - Bsico Avanado Dashboard VBA" |
"Adquira conhecimento com um super desconto.Todos os meus cursos esto com desconto, utilize os cupons abaixo:Especialista em Excel - Bsico Avanado Dashboard VBAUtilize o cupom: ESPECIALISTA_25.99Office 365 Completo - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: OFFICE_25.99Lgica de programao, VBA e MySQL - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: VBA_25.99Excel 365 - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: EXCEL_25.99Word 365 - Bsico ao avanadoUtilize o cupom: WORD_25.99Introduo ao ZabbixUtilize o cupom: ZABBIX_25.99Wix - Criao de Websites - CompletoUtilize o cupom: WIX_25.99Introduo ao Office 2016Utilize o cupom: INTRO_OFFICE_25.99Neste curso voc ir aprender os recursos dessa poderosa ferramenta de planilhas eletrnicas, desde os recursos mais bsicos: como formatar planilhas, criar tabelas, formatao condicional, frmulas e funes at os conceitos mais complexos: tabela dinmica, filtro avanado, macros, funes avanadas e muito mais recursos que lhe permitiro resolver qualquer problema com planilhas nas empresas aprender tambm a criar Dashboard e a poderosa ferramenta de dados Power Query, alm de automatizar suas planilhas com a linguagem de programao VBA fazendo conexo com uns dos bancos de dados mais utilizado no mundo, o MySQL, que vai te ajudar a ganhar mais produtividade no dia a dia, e conseguir uma melhor posio no mercado de trabalho, j que todas as empresas pedem conhecimento em Excel e vai ser ainda melhor para voc sendo um especialista.Explico todo contedo sem enrolao, de forma bem simples e direta. Demonstro a aplicao das ferramentas passo a passo, o que facilita e muito a assimilao do contedo."
Price: 129.99

"Salesforce Developer 1 Practice Tests with Explanations" |
"We give detail explanation for everyone of 4 sets about 240 questions. Make you understand why which option is correct or not. We give most pictures and references of official site. According to official certification site, exam points are as below.Salesforce Fundamentals (7%)Data Modeling and Management (13%) Process Automation and Logic: Declarative Features,Basic Apex, Advanced Topics(38%) User Interface (25%) Testing, Debugging and Deployment: Testing ,Debugging and Deployment(17%)"
Price: 34.99

"Laravel Tutorial for Beginners Step by Step" |
"Welcome to this course on PHP Laravel Tutorial for Beginners. Laravel is one of the the most popular option among PHP developers these days. In this course you will Learn the basic concepts, functions that you will need to build fully functional programs with the popular framework, Laravel. Laravel is a Full stack framework."
Price: 79.99
