"Otimize suas aulas com folhas interativas" |
"Quer inovar em suas aulas? Ento utilize e crie suas prprias folhas interativas, onde milhares de professores do mundo todo contribuem com desenvolvimento de atividades educativas online. Voc pode utilizar folhas digitais que os prprios professores deixaram disponvel na plataforma. Alm dessas folhas serem atraentes, elas trazem resultados instantneos . E neste curso eu te ensino a como criar a suas prprias folhas digitais, onde voc pode aplicar suas atividades inserindo funes, para deix-la mais atrativas, como: inserir sons, vdeos, autocorreo e muito mais. Alm disso voc poder compartilhar via E-mail, Whatsapp e Classroom, assim deixando suas aulas mais inovadora e atraente. Com as folhas interativa alm de ser inovador, ns estaremos contribuindo com o meio ambiente. Para conferir mais sobre o curso, peo para que analisem a grade e se gostou, venha fazer este curso comigo. Estarei te esperando! Um grande abrao e at a prxima aula. "
Price: 24.99

"Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2020" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU ADOBE DREAMWEAVER CC 2020 QUICKLY & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Adobe Dreamweaver...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with existing Adobe Applications!If your goal is to become a user of Adobe Dreamweaver, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Adobe Dreamweaver...Learning Adobe Dreamweaver is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Adobe Dreamweaver, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Adobe Dreamweaver is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Adobe Dreamweaver even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Adobe Dreamweaver.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup an account in Adobe Dreamweaver and How to Download the Adobe Dreamweaver Application.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN ADOBE DREAMWEAVER BY DOING! (LEARN TO INSTALL ADOBE DREAMWEAVER FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Adobe Dreamweaver. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Account with a 7 Day Free Trial which after is PaidB) Be able to Download and Install Adobe DreamweaverHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Adobe Audition is, why & how its used.2. Install some of the software well be using all throughout the course.3. Introduce you to Adobe DreamweaverENROLL NOW ID LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE THE COURSE AND HELP YOU LEARN ADOBE DREAMWEAVER CC 2020!"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Animate CC 2020" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU ADOBE ANIMATE CC 2020 QUICKLY & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Adobe Animate...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with existing Adobe Applications!If your goal is to become a user of Adobe Animate, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Adobe Animate...Learning Adobe Dreamweaver is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Adobe Animate, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Adobe Animate is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Adobe Animate even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Adobe Animate.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup an account in Adobe Animate and How to Download the Adobe Animate Application.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN ADOBE ANIMATE BY DOING! (LEARN TO INSTALL ADOBE ANIMATE FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Adobe Animate. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Account with a 7 Day Free Trial which after is PaidB) Be able to Download and Install Adobe AnimateHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Adobe Animate is, why & how its used.2. Install some of the software well be using all throughout the course.3. Introduce you to Adobe AnimateENROLL NOW ID LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE THE COURSE AND HELP YOU LEARN ADOBE ANIMATE CC 2020!"
Price: 199.99

"Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk" |
"Obsesif kompulsif bozukluk (ICD-10'da OKB, F42), kiinin belirli rutinleri tekrar tekrar (""zorlamalar"" olarak adlandrlr) yapma ihtiyac hissettii veya tekrar tekrar (""obsesyonlar"" olarak adlandrlr) belirli dncelere sahip olduu zihinsel bir bozukluktur. Kii, dncelerini veya faaliyetlerini ksa bir sre boyunca kontrol edemez. Sk karlalan zorlamalar arasnda el ykama, eyalarn saylmas ve bir kapnn kilitli olup olmadn kontrol etme saylabilir. Nedeni bilinmemekle birlikte, her iki zde ikiz, her iki zde olmayan ikizden daha sk etkilenen baz genetik bileenler var gibi grnmektedir. Risk faktrleri arasnda ocuk istismar veya strese neden olan baka bir olay vardr. Baz vakalarn enfeksiyonlar takiben meydana geldii belgelenmitir. Benzer semptomlar olan dier bozukluklar arasnda anksiyete bozukluu, majr depresif bozukluk, yeme bozukluklar, tik bozukluklar ve obsesif-kompulsif kiilik bozukluu yer almaktadr. Anlalr bir dille ve benzer konularn da eklerde verildii bu kurs size ok faydal olacak. Bu kursta ok daha fazlasn bulacaksnz."
Price: 69.99

"Aile ve Psikolojik Salk" |
"Salkl bir aile, salkl bireylerden oluur. Psikolojik salk ise fiziksel salk kadar nemlidir. Bireylerin psikolojik sal, fiziksel ve psikolojik adan salkl bir aile anlamna gelir. Bu kursta, psikolojik adan salkl bireylerden oluan bir ailenin nelere dikkat etmesi gerektii, muhtemel riskler, mutlu bir aile iin psikolojik sal yerinde olan bir aile gereklilii sebebiyle temel art ve ilkeler ilenmektedir. Bu kurs size, hem birey olarak hem de aile olarak psikolojik sal nasl elde edeceinizi retecek. Anlalr ve kolay ekilde reneceiniz bilgileri verecek."
Price: 69.99

"Personal budgeting and finance /BEST WALLET/Money tracking" |
"*** This ""Personal budgeting and finance /BEST WALLET/Money tracking"" course access includes project files, quizzes & homework exercises, Excel workbook with all sheets from course, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIME access and a money-back guarantee!*** __________PERSONAL BUDGETING AND FINANCE /BEST WALLET/MONEY TRACKING DESCRIPTION:Personal budgeting (personal finance) - it is a very important field. A lot of people became more successful, just becouse they know how to work with their money.All this course is about creating Electronic wallet and Personal budgeting (personal finance).This wallet we will be build in a google spreadsheets, you could do it in Microsoft Excel, but my suggestion - is to do it also in Google spreadsheets.In general - it is practical workshop...just watch, repeat after me.. and you will create the best electronically wallet for your personal finance and personal budgeting, by the way you will lift up your knowledge of personal finance and finance fundamental on a new level...Yes the are a lot of different apps and wallets for money tracking... but I ve never found nothing better, then this my idea... everything so simple, so flexible and transparent.I believe that money tracking - is the first step to be better at personal finance. because money nowadays is an absolutely essential tools for life. The truth is that, it is necessary to know how keto track on your money, use some apps, learn about personal finance and budgeting . Absolutely everyone could get their life on a new level after studying this ""Personal budgeting and finance /BEST WALLET/Money tracking"" course and applying this knowledge in their lives.This ""Personal budgeting and finance /BEST WALLET/Money tracking"" provides you with all the tools and instruments which you need, to understand how to create your best wallet. I am sure it is not so important to remember each of transactions and money placement , more essential is understand how could you structorize your money and know where you could find current information about your finance statements, placements and personal budgeting.Thats why my ""Personal budgeting and finance /BEST WALLET/Money tracking"" consists of very individual, deep and simple explanations of:How to create money flow cash flow sheet and how to work with itHow to create funds sheet and how to work with itHow to create money placement sheet and how to work with itHow to make automatization of your wallwetHow to create a different types of reportswhich I placed separately. In this case if you forget some financial or operation information you could come back to my video course and refresh all information in your memory.By the way.. by creating this course you all will learn Excel on google spreadsheets example We are cover here so different and interesting tricks, as:Microsoft Excel Functions & formulas - VLOKUP, SUMIFS, MAX, MIN, IMPORTRANGE and etc.Microsoft Excel features for data analysis and visualization - Conditional formatting, charts and other..How to connect google spreadsheets with google forms And etc.__________We will also will be touching those aspectshow to work with google formsHw to keep your budgetHow could you create your fundsWhat is it money placement..Just check a couple of reviews on my ""Microsoft Excel tricks ( hacks) (Macbook & Windows) beginner - advanced"" Amazing course!! There's so much to do with Excel that i couldnt imagine. Now im able to use it not only better in my work, but also for personal stuffs, even for gaming! Thanks a lot!!!!!Nice lectures.I have learned amazing stuff about excel.IT WAS A GOOD EXPERIENCE FOR ME AND IT HELPED ME IN MANY WAYS.it's very good , i benefit from every minute in this courseand intructor is be graetthank to himMy suggestion to you..If you really want to understand all features and aspects ( such as formulas and functions, data visualization, data analysis, conditional formatting, charts and etc.)in Excel.... Just try this excellent course...You could use next Software to learn this course:Any Laptop or Smartphone and my suggestion - Google Spreadsheets (sheets)If you want go by a different way, you also could useWindows:Microsoft Excel 2007Microsoft Excel 2010Microsoft Excel 2013Microsoft Excel 2016Microsoft Excel 2019Microsoft Excel 2020Macbook:Microsoft Excel 2011Microsoft Excel 2016And all upper Microsoft Excel version of software"
Price: 199.99

"Aprenda tudo de Scratch -Tutores, Professores e Responsveis" |
"Nesse curso ser ensinado desde o bsico de Scratch at o mais avanado, no necessrio nenhum conhecimento prvio, e ensinado sobre como utilizar a ferramenta, explicando a lgica dos blocos, mostrando a lgica dos condicionais, e tudo isso aplicado no desenvolvimento de alguns jogos. ideal para professores, tutores, pais e responsveis que desejam desenvolver habilidades nas crianas as quais esto em contato direto com tecnologia, alm disso, busca desenvolver a investigao cientfica e criatividade dos alunos. Pode tambm ser utilizado por professores que querem incrementar suas aulas utilizando o Scratch."
Price: 39.99

"K6- Automate Performance &Load Testing of API& Microservices" |
"We will enhance this training course regularly to cover more examples and real-time projects.Summary - Learn the future of performance testing and automate Performance & Load Testing of API and micro-services using open-source tool K6. Open Source - K6 is an open-source load testing tool built for developers and testers' happiness. It has over 1 million installations.Notifications - Pass/Fail behavior for easy automation and integration into CI pipelines, GitlabDeveloper centric load testing - Everyone loves fast apps, APIs and websites. K6 helps you to automate Load tests that simulate real-world users as closely as possible.Goal-based load testing - You will be able to automate test which covers performance and functional goals like what level is a response time not acceptable, and/or what is an acceptable failure rateStore and Visualize Performance Test Results - K6 can output its test result data to different sources like JSON file, GrafanaIntelliSense - Get code auto-completion and in-context documentation.Visual Studio Code Extension - Execute VS Code commands to run a k6 test of your current file.Performance Monitoring - Performance monitoring of your APIs and micro-services in production.Load Testing - Quickly build test cases to validate the performance of your APIs or micro-services. Validate that your system can handle the expected volume of traffic, and catch critical performance regressions in CI before they reach production.Automated testing - Automate your performance tests. Get Pass/Fail behavior on performance goals.Write tests in Javascript code - Full scripting language to write realistic load tests. Reuse modules and Javascript libraries to build and maintain a performance test suite.Scaled to the cloud - Designed to use the same test in a local or cloud environment.k6 Cloud - Speed-up performance testing and Avoid managing your own infrastructure.GUI test builder - Record your tests using the browser extensionRun cloud tests - Scale tests in the cloud up to 100k concurrent virtual users and Generate load from 16 geographic locationsTest Scheduling - Schedule and run tests from the web app, CLI, and CI pipelinesAnalyze test results - Filter your test results by location, period, and tags. Get a convenient overview of your test results.Be a performance expert - Compare performance results between tests. Get automatic analysis and recommendations that quickly pinpoint performance issues. Get alert about your performance tests.Are you still stuck with JMeter? Then, learn GUI and Code-based testing with JavaScript and Upgrade to K6 & K6 Cloud for better developer experience.K6 is used by Amazon, Microsoft, Grafana, Gitlab, Citrix, etc. Backed by 20 years of experience.Course Curriculum SummaryPromotion Video WalkthroughUnderstand the Basics of K6Understand API Performance TestingDesign and execute Sample Test ScriptRunning K6 with 100S of virtual usersRamp-up and Ramp-down UsersChecks, Asserts and Design Error Rate and Failure RateWrite HTTP Requests and parse responsesUnderstand Built-in Metrics, Counter, Trend, Retry MechanismDesign Threshold on Checks to pass/fail load testTest Life Cycle, SetUp, TearDown, Main FunctionFixed RPS with ExampleInfluxDB, Grafana, Design DashboardK6, InfluxDB, Grafana on Amazon EC2Understand Load-impact to design and execute scripts on Cloud from the various geographic locationDefine tags and groups for better filteringPerformance Test Framework design using Postman to K6 Converter Real-time project and Automated Performance Testing Framework DesignUnderstand Virtual Users, Runners, Debugging ScriptsExample1. Write your load testUse the k6 Javascript API to write simple and realistic load test.export let options = { thresholds: { ""http_req_duration"": [""p(90)<300""], ""failed requests"": [""rate<0.15""], }};2. Define Pass and Fail criteria for performance tests- 95th percentile response time must be below 1s.- Less than 0.15% request errors.3. Execute the test. Verify Pass/ Fail behaviour.Test many load configurations to ensure your performance goals in multiple situations.Running the test (50VUs, 2m), please wait...Test Run SuccessfulTotal thresholds: 2. Passed: 2. Failed: 0.4. Automate your performance and load testsRun your tests frequently to be confident in your system's performance.Schedule your test execution and integrate your tests into CI pipelines.Performance test Execution Run 1Checkout API. 2 of 4 thresholds failed.Performance test Execution Run 2Checkout API. 4 of 4 thresholds passed.5. Receive alerts on performance regressionsConfigure your notifications and get alerts if any change breaks your performance goals.6. Visualize Test ResultsHost Grafana and share with stakeholders to view live test execution and test metrics"
Price: 12800.00

"How to Measure the Blood Pressure Correctly!" |
"This particular course is designed ""How to Measure the Blood Pressure Correctly!"". This course will not teach you about learning the complete subject of blood pressure. We are all aware that almost everyone knows that blood pressure is one of the most important measurements in medicine. Every time a patient visits a physician's office or hospital, one of the first measurements taken is their blood pressure. Because of that, I targeted one specific skill that many beginners like Nursing Students, Pharma Students, MedTech Students, Caregiver Students, or even a person want to take blood pressure at home you'll find this course very helpful for determining blood pressure readings. The whole course is consists of more than 10 High-quality 4K videos in less than 1 hour.I would like to offer you my congratulations at this point, and welcome to my course!Blood pressure is one of the four major vital signs, the others being heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature. These vital signs can help give a general idea of how well the body and its organs are performing. YOU need this course even if you are NOT a Doctor, Nurse, Caregiver, etc. Enrolling NOW to my course can SAVE you from a wrong reading of your blood pressure like underestimate which might give you a false sense of security about your health. But a reading that overestimates your blood pressure might lead to the treatment you don't really need. So, that's why this course is powerful to learn because it is designed only ""How to Measure the Blood Pressure Correctly!""So, what are you still waiting for? Join me in the next lesson and lets get started."
Price: 39.99

"Language of Energy / Commodity Traders" |
"This course is designed to impart you with the most commonly used jargons in the world of physical energy and commodity trading. We cover 100 important and most fundamental terminologies you must know if you are getting into the world of Oil, Gas, Power, Coal, Agriculture and Tanker trading. It is designed for beginners and intermediates. I also cover some real world examples of how these words are used. After doing this course, you will never feel like a fish out water ever again when people around you discuss trading. I cover the following 100 terminologies in easy to consume bite size video lectures with some great background pictures to help you recall better:Over the CounterAccess ChargeAccrual AccountingLoad AggregationAlternative Delivery ProcedureAncillary ServicesAnnual Contract QuantityArbitrageBackwardationContangoBargesBaseloadPeakloadBasis RiskBenchmark CrudeNettingBlendingBook OutBundled ServicesCapacity TradingCarrying ChargeCity GateCrack SpreadCredit RiskDay Ahead MarketHeating / Cooling Degree DayDemand Side ManagementDispatchForce MajeureNominationsHubsISDAMarginsMarket RiskMark to MarketNet Present ValueOPECPaper MarketPhelixImbalancePower Purchase Agreement (PPA)SleevingSpark SpreadDark SpreadQuark SpreadTake or PayTTFUp/Mid/Down StreamFront / Mid / Back OfficeValue at Risk (VaR)VolatilityArgus / PlattsDensity EscalationMaster AgreementBlotterCascadingConfirmationsDerrivativesAssay AnalysisWorking Gas / Base GasBearish / BullishBill of Lading (B/L)Cash and CarryDemurrageDry GasWet GasLiftingParkingPromptComminglingCrude Oil Landed CostWharfageDaisy ChainProof of Product / Proof of FundsChasing RainbowsMandatesSweet / Sour Crude OilLight / Heavy Crude OilMercaptonsScalpingFrackingNetbackOpen InterestProp ShopsAgency TradingMarket MakingInco TermsMiddle DistillatesBottom of the BarrelFlat PositionOfftake AgreementOrigination / SourcingBid / Ask / SpreadsCash / Spot MarketsLiquidationNet PositionE/CTRMHedgeStraddleWheeling"
Price: 19.99

"New Zealand Maths Olympiad" |
"The New Zealand maths olympiad journey starts with the NZMO1: a take home exam with about 3 weeks time to submit. The questions span from junior to senior content and is similar to a combination of the AIMO and Senior Contest. I really like the removal of the time limit because it gives beginners a chance to gather their thoughts and produce higher quality ideas. It is open to all New Zealand secondary students and is the qualifier for maths camp and the NZMO2 which is like the AMO and overall results determine medals and future selection to take the New Zealand TST."
Price: 39.99

"PSM I - Professional Scrum Master Practice Tests 400 Qtns" |
"DisclaimerThe terms Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, PSM 2, PSM II, PSPO I, PSPO 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum . org. This course, quizzes, course materials, and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org or Scrum Alliance. The course content is prepared by the author. The Scrum Guide has been referenced by the author while creating the content.What is PSM 1 / PSPO 1 Certification?These are a certification offered by ""Scrum dot org"". It is available to anyone who wishes to validate their knowledge of the Scrum framework.Why PSM 1 / PSPO 1?Certifications from Scrum dot org are the most popular in the market and are widely recognized by organizations. As of May 2020, 307,000 people passed the PSM1 certification.Advantages:No prior Scrum experience requiredCertification is valid for lifeGlobally accepted certificationNo need to attend any trainingLow fee 150 US$ (PSM 1) , 200 US$ (PSPO 1)The exam can be taken from home/office at your convenienceOpen Book examWhy should you enroll in this course?If you are preparing for PSM 1 / PSPO 1 and looking for practice tests, then you are at the right place.There are 5 practice tests in this course, each with 80 questions. This course contains the right combination of questions with various levels of difficulty. Every question has been carefully drafted covering all the subject areas of the exam. You may find here some scenario-based questions which usually do not appear on the real exam. I included them to help you learn the Scrum concepts through slightly advanced level questions. How to prepare?Below are my recommendations:Understand Agile Manifesto & Principles.Study ""The Scrum Guide "" (From Scrum dot org) and understand it in depth.Practice Open assessments on Scrum dot org (as many times as you can).Validate learning through Practice tests like this course.How to purchase the exam voucher?You need to purchase the exam voucher from Scrum dot org. It doesn't expire. When you are ready to take the exam, just enter the voucher code on Scrum dot org assessment page. What to expect in the exam?You need to answer 80 questions in 60 minutes and score 85% to pass the certification. It may seem daunting but perfectly doable. Practice tests in this course will help you prepare for the challenge."
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Hospital Information Systems" |
"This course is designed to provide a short introduction on the basics of Hospital Information Systems (HIS). Here you will learn about the different solutions that play an important role in digitizing the healthcare industry. Examples on how HIS is applied in a developing country are also given. After this course, you will have a deeper appreciation of how important HIS is and how you can take advantage of its many versatile functions and applications, whether as a student of Healthcare Informatics or as a Healthcare Professional in your chosen field. What's more, you will earn a Certificate of Completion which can be used to augment your resume or curriculum vitae.Increase your knowledge and skills - start learning today!"
Price: 24.99

"Formation complte dveloppeur Front-End" |
"Apprenez le dveloppement web de la plus fun des manires avec le dveloppement Front-End !Nous allons partir de la base absolue jusqu un niveau avanc.C'est un cours de 30h+ !Prrequis : un ordinateur et de la volont.Mais commenons par dfinir les types de dveloppement !Le dveloppement Front-End, cest la partie visuelle dun site, on va se concentrer sur laspect esthtique, les animations, les interactions, le tout pour avoir un rendu qui plaira lutilisateur, pour quil passe une bonne exprience sur nos sites.Le dveloppement Back-End, cest le dveloppement ct serveur, cest l o on gre les base de donnes.Le dveloppement Web fait rfrence tous les langages qui peuvent entrer dans la cration dun site, il regroupe donc le Front & le Back.Le dveloppement Full-stack fait aussi rfrence au Front & Back mais on parle gnralement de Full-Stack lorsquon matrise des technologies apparues rcemment.Etc Il existe en effet beaucoup de dnominations et celles du dessus sont dj un bon point de repre.Tu vas dcouvrir un monde gnial o la cration est de mise, o tu peux travailler do tu veux avec un ordinateur et crer des choses splendides et gratifiantes !Perdu, tu peux ltre actuellement Le monde du dveloppement web est vraiment vaste, son cosystme grandit chaque anne et cest dur de sy retrouver !Tu as peut-tre dj suivi des tutoriels ou essay de te frayer un chemin dans cette jungle, mais pas facile de s'y retrouver !Sans plan prcis on ne peut pas acqurir de connaissances solides qui permettent de s'panouir.Ce quil faut faire cest comprendre les bases.Ne pas regarder ce qui brille en premier, mais plutt regarder les fondations et comprendre comment la maison est construite.Pour construire des sites en Front, on a besoin de trois piliers.HTML, CSS, JavaScript.Voil ce quon doit bien comprendre, voil ce quon doit bien matriser.Une fois quon matrise ces trois l, alors toutes les mises jours, les outils, les framework , sont faciles comprendre.a tombe bien, on va les voir en long, en large et en travers !On va partir de la base de chacun de ces langages pour bien les comprendre et apprendre les utiliser correctement. Tu verras que certains sont plus simples que dautres, mme si ils sont tous utiles au bon fonctionnement dun site.Ce cours est l pour a, apprendre rapidement le dveloppement Front.HTML, CSS et JavaScript n'auront plus de secrets pour toi. On va faire des tas d'exercices entre les leons, pour mettre en place directement ce qu'on apprend.Mais cela demande de l'assiduit, car cest quand mme un cours de 30h .. !Un cours consquent donc, quil faut suivre srieusement.Je te montre quelques commentaires de participants satisfaits :super j'ai appris plein de nouvelles chosesj'aime bien, pas de blablas pour rien, trs bonne formation!Au topGnial :)Parfait !Exactement ce que j'attends du cours en termes de simplicit, clart des explications et efficience.Etc Et le plan du cours dans tout a ? Le voici !La base, HTML.Le langage de feuille de style CSS.Les mthodes de positionnement Flexbox & CSS Grid.Utilisation dun prprocesseur CSS.Les animations et les transitions en CSS.L'accessibilit et le responsive Crer un site de A Z.Utiliser un Framework CSS.Le langage JavaScript.Les tableaux, les objets, le DOM.Faire de lasynchrone en JS + manipuler une API.Crer et comprendre des formulaires.Les paradigmes de programmation en JS.La librairie danimation JS Greensock.Introduction au Framework JS React .Etc On a du pain sur la planche ! Et je nai mis que les grands chapitres car il y a vraiment beaucoup de sujets qui sont abords.Rendez-vous de lautre ct pour commencer coder !"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Desenvolvimento Web do Zero - PHP & MySQL no Linux" |
"Esse curso foi projetado para quem no sabe nada e tambm para aqueles que desejam reaprender da forma certa ou evoluir. Conhecimentos slidos de banco de dados SQL e Programao Orientada Objetos que serviro para facilitar o aprendizado em qualquer outra linguagem que a pessoa desejar aprender. PHP a linguagem com a base mais fcil para entender Orientao Objetos e integrao com bases de dados.Alm de PHP & MySQL, esse curso inclui tambm as tecnologias:HTML5CSSJavascriptjQueryBootstrapJekyllGithub, Gitlab, NetlifyProgramao Orientada ObjetosAlm de Laravel o framework mais prestigiado entre os programadores PHP. PHP-GTK para criar sistemas locais integrados. Diversas dicas de Apache, configuraes avanadas. E tudo isso incluso dicas de permisses e utilizao de comandos no Linux."
Price: 54.99

"Aprende a protegerte en redes sociales e Internet" |
"En este curso aprenders a configurar las redes sociales:FacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedInTambin, las aplicaciones de mensajera directa y correos electrnicos que tienen un sistema parecido o igual a la de una red social:WhatsAppTelegramGoogleDebemos destacar que en el curso se aprender a detectar en cada una de las aplicaciones a identificar si ha sido vctima de una intrusin informtica.El curso pretende ser ameno y prctico para que todos nuestros alumnos puedan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en sus redes sociales y aplicaciones. Ideal para terminar el curso implementando lo aprendido en sus plataformas.Aprende de una form tcnica, real y a protegerte en Internet."
Price: 199.99

"Python Fullstack Senior Developer" |
"Bienvenido al curso ""Python Fullstack Senior Developer"", en el que aprenders todo lo necesario para dominar el lenguaje de programacin multipropsito ms popular en la actualidad y todas las tecnologas a su alrededor con ms demandas.Este es un curso profesional, ests ante el curso mas completo en el que aprenderemos:Programacin desde cero y paso a paso, sin necesidad de tener conocimientos previos.Python, uno de los lenguajes de programacin ms populares en la actualidad.POO, Programacin Orientada a Objetos en Python.Conector de Bases de datos MySQL, para trabajar desde PythonMdulos y frameworks, para dar el salto profesional con PythonEl mundo grfico de Tkinter, para crear aplicaciones de escritorio con interfaz grfica.Habilidades full-stack, haciendo cientos de ejercicios, programas 100% probadosSi quieres ser programador o desarrollador profesional, o incluso si ya te dedicas a esto, aprender a trabajar con estas tecnologas y frameworks es prcticamente obligatorio en el nuevo mundo laboral.La metodologa de aprendizaje recomendada por expertos:Todo explicado desde cero y paso a paso y 100% prctico+25 Horas de contenido en clases en vdeo+210 programas de prctica y ejercicios funcionales descargables+110 clases explicadas con metodologa prctica para aprender rpidamente.Adems te estar ayudando cuando tengas cualquier duda o problema.Cada seccin contiene una evaluacin para verificar su avances en el aprendizaje de Python. y al final del curso, haremos un exmen de prueba, con 60 preguntas para verificar que seas todo un experto en Python. El exmen de prueba se logra respondiendo correctamente 42 preguntas (70%) del total de 60 preguntas.Adicionalmente, en el ltimo captulo del curso encontraras TODOS los programas que hemos realizado a lo largo del curso.nete al curso y mejora tu de nivel laboral: Se un Full Stack Senior Developer !!"
Price: 24.99

"ENEAGRAMA dos Subtipos: Instintos, Asas e Flechas (Nvel 2)" |
"E se houvesse um sistema que nos permitisse ver e entender melhor quem somos e quem so os outros?E se esse sistema nos auxiliasse a discernir melhor nossos filtros ou seja, a forma como vemos o mundo?E se existisse um sistema que pudesse mostrar de uma forma clara e profunda nossas principais questes psicolgicas, nossos pontos fracos e nossos pontos fortes em nossas relaes?E se existisse um sistema que apoiasse a nossa jornada de desenvolvimento pessoal e espiritual rumo ao divino?Este sistema o ENEAGRAMA!Seja bem-vindo nossa Formao no conhecimento Sagrado do Eneagrama! Pra voc que j tem uma base de Eneagrama ou j fez o curso inicial comigo (Eneagrama das Personalidades - Nvel 1), vamos agora a Nvel 2 - Eneagrama dos Subtipos: Instintos, Asas e Flechas.Mas o que o Eneagrama? um sistema que apresenta 9 tipos de personalidade. um sistema que permite entender 9 padres de motivaes. uma FERRAMENTA DE AUTOCONHECIMENTO. Um guia capaz de orientar a nossa jornada de crescimento pessoal, profissional, psicolgico e espiritual. O ENEAGRAMA pode direcionar a minha TRANSFORMAO PESSOAL?SIM! Atravs do conhecimento do seu tipo de personalidade do Eneagrama (Eneatipo), descobrindo suas motivaes inconscientes, suas crenas limitantes e originais, seus mecanismos de defesa, suas ideias fixas (filtros de percepo da realidade). Desta forma o Eneagrama lhe ajuda a entender como o seu sistema egico funciona e assim poder lhe fornecer ferramentas e subsdios para promover a mudana e a transformao atravs da expanso da sua conscincia. Tudo isso com o objetivo de buscar o desenvolvimento da VIRTUDE do seu tipo especfico do Eneagrama.E a minha CARREIRA e o meu DESENVOLVIMENTO PROFISSIONAL? O Eneagrama pode apoiar?COM CERTEZA! Todos ns possumos DONS e TALENTOS especficos por conta do nosso tipo do Eneagrama. Neste sentido, precisamos entender que limites inconscientes ns temos e como promover o desenvolvimento. Podemos promover movimentos especficos nas flechas de evoluo, buscando assim entender novos comportamentos e novas atitudes que iro potencializar a nossa carreira. O Eneagrama ainda capaz de nos mostrar que movimentos devemos ficar atentos nos momentos de estresse profissional.O ENEAGRAMA pode influenciar na minha JORNADA ESPIRITUAL?SIM e isso lindo! O Eneagrama considerado uma mandala sagrada com conhecimentos que at ento eram ocultos e agora so revelados pelos estudos dos mais renomados autores mundiais e espiritualizados do tema. Com o desenvolvimento das ideias superiores do Eneagrama podemos resgatar a nossa ESSNCIA perdida no momento em que ocorre a queda de alma para as profundezas da nossa personalidade. possvel realizar um resgate da nossa essncia perdida, nos conectando a misso divina que nos foi dada pelo Universo. Este processo promove a conexo com o divino e o alinhamento da nossa jornada neste planeta.Porque fazer um CURSO DE FORMAO em Eneagrama?Para entender de forma extremamente profunda como promover o seu autoconhecimento e o seu desenvolvimento. A menos que tenha a crena que j chegou no seu nvel mais alto de evoluo, este curso no serve pra voc! Caso voc acredita que pode mergulhar em uma jornada de descobertas da sua psique, alinhando sua mente, seu corpo, seu corao e seu esprito, este curso pra voc. Com o nosso curso de formao em Eneagrama, voc ser capaz de alm de promover a evoluo em voc mesmo propor caminhos de evoluo para as pessoas amadas ao seu redor, sua equipe e seus clientes.O que farei na PRTICA aps o curso?Na prtica voc olhar as pessoas com profunda compaixo, percebendo cada movimento, cada motivao, cada crena, cada sistema de defesa, cada atitude emocional especfica de cada tipo do Eneagrama. Voc se tornar uma pessoa profundamente emptica, encontrando caminhos para desenvolver relacionamentos muito mais saudveis e resultados muito alm dos obtidos atualmente. Na prtica, voc ser ainda capaz de promover e propor ferramentas e estratgias de evoluo para seus clientes, sua famlia, seus colegas de trabalho, seus pares e sua equipe.Que RESULTADOS poderei obter com o curso?So pelos menos 2 nveis de resultados!PESSOALMENTE voc ir crescer. Ir expandir a sua conscincia de modo a sair do piloto automtico da mente. Ter mais estado de presena, maior segurana, mais controle e mais conforto emocional.PROFISSIONALMENTE voc ir potencializar seus dons, talentos com o alinhamento da sua misso. Ter mais foco, determinao e controle emocional frente aos desafios do mercado corporativo."
Price: 264.99

oratormaster_english_part_two |
"""-. . 1"". : , 17 . 38 ( 23 ). . 38 PDF . . PDF , . PDF . , . . 38 MP3 . . MP3 . PDF , , . 1 . 1000 . 1, . . ... ,"
Price: 29.99

"Investing Introduction - Understand the Stock Market" |
"The stock market have been building wealth for many generations, but can be quite difficult to understand how to start investing.In this 30 minute class you will learn:Different types of Investment StrategiesHow to Buy StocksWhat is a StockPassive vs Active InvestingShort Term vs Long Term InvestingMutual Funds, ETFs and Index FundsHow to Analyse a Company - Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow StatementDividendsAfter you're done with the videos, create a Course Project and create your first Virtual Portfolio.Apply the skills that you learned from this class by building a virtual (not real) portfolio including stocks and ETFs in eToro. Here are the steps:1. Create eToro account2. On the top left corner next to the ""Trade"" option you can switch to ""Virtual Portfolio""3. A pop up window will notify you that you are switching to Virtual Portfolio4. Click ""Go to Virtual Portfolio""5. On the top left next to the ""Trade"" option you should see ""Virtual""6. You should have the amount of $100 000 virtual dollars, with which you can create your hypothetical portfolioYour task is to research companies you like and invest those $100 000 virtual money.Keep track of your portfolio and report your progress after 1 month (upload a picture to this course and explain why did you chose those exact Stocks/ETFs).Note: Include ETFs in your portfolio.If You Are Someone Who:- Want to Learn How to Invest in the Stock Market- Want to Learn How to Buy Stocks- Want to Understand the Basics of the Stock Market- Want to Learn about Dividends- Want to Learn How Much Should You InvestEnroll in the Course Today and Get Started!This course comes with a 30-day 100% Money Back Guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, you can get a refund - no questions asked!You will also get:- Support and Answers to All Your Questions During the Course- Lifetime Access- Certificate of CompletionThank you for your interest in this course!Now go Ahead and Click the Enroll Button.I'll See You in the First Lesson!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn to Create & Edit PDF Files for Office & Personal Work" |
"Learn PDF editing from Scratch Without any Conversion and offline.This Course includes how to download, install and use Infix Pro.Infix pro is the perfect tool for professional document creation and distribution, from official forms to scanned copies and customer surveys.""Infix PDF is definitely more powerful then Adobe Acrobat Pro when it comes to modifying a PDF. It is easier and more intuitive to modify the font of a text, making it bigger or smaller or put it in bold. And it also allow to move text where Acrobat Pro would not let me move it!""Students will access PDF documents and learn to navigate the interface, use tools, menus, navigation bars, as well as change preferences. Students will create PDFs by various methods and learn to combine PDFs. In addition, students will learn to navigate PDFs, search, create bookmarks and links, comment in a PDF, send for review, modify text and images, and work with pages. Students will also learn to optimize PDFs by reducing size, create and use actions, export PDFs to Word, Excel or RTF formats, redact content, and protect PDFs.In this Infix Pro video training course, trainer Rakesh Agarwal will show you how you can create documents, forms, add interactivity, collaborate and publish your work for everybody to view. Starting with a review of the interface and toolbars, this video tutorial will teach you to get the most out of Infix Pro. But this is much more than a rundown of product features. You'll learn exactly how Infix fits into a professional business environment, with tips on workflow and productivity that can save you time and frustration. By the conclusion of this video training course, you will be fully capable of creating, editing, and sharing your documents in PDF form. The author has included extensive project files to allow you to work alongside him as you learn.A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course."
Price: 164.99

"Deploy de aplicaciones Node.js con Ubuntu y PM2" |
"Una de las etapas ms importantes del desarrollo backend con Node.js es la salida a produccin por eso en este curso aprenderemos a realizar el deploy de una aplicacin Node.js en un servidor Linux con Ubuntu 20.04, Nginx y PM2.Adems configuraremos un dominio gratuito con SSL en nuestra aplicacin Node.jsRequisitos para este curso:Conocimientos bsicos de lnea de comandos (shell).Conocimientos bsicos de Nodejs con Typescript.Conocimientos bsicos de Git."
Price: 19.99

"Back-End com Laravel" |
"Esse curso visa, capacitar o Aluno para o mercado de desenvolvimento Web, com PHP e o framework Laravel, focado no Back-end.Durante o curso o aluno ira aprender como instalar um servidor rodando PHP em sua maquina, ira instalar node js, composer, criar o projeto laravel e em seguida iremos criar um sistema de postagens estilo rede social.Com esse curso voc ira aprender de maneira didtica desenvolver aplicaes web focado no back end."
Price: 39.99

"Dejar de fumar" |
"Vamos a aprender como dejar de fumar en un proceso de 7 das. Vamos a ir dando paso a paso la preparacin necesaria para el gran daEn el ultimo da haremos una meditacin guiada que nos llevara a dejar definitivamente el tabaco.Los efectos son duraderos y se pueden repetir si uno recae por cualquier motivo."
Price: 49.99

"Blockchain, Bitcoin & Co. fr Anfnger" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen wie eine Blockchain funktioniert. Spielerisch und fr dich, auch ohne Vorkenntnisse, verstndlich zeige ich dir die Vorteile von dezentralen Netzwerken (Blockchain, Bitcoin usw.) im Vergleich zu herkmmlichen zentralen Systemen (wie z.B. unserem aktuellen Gedlsystem).Der Kurs ist genau richtig fr dich, wenn:du Lust darauf hast zu verstehen was eine Blockchain istdu verstehen mchtest wieso die Blockchain-Technologie die Welt verndern wirddu endlich verstehen mchtest wie Kryptowhrungen funktionierendu die Vorteile von Bitcoin im Vergleich zum Euro kennen lernen willstdu deine erste Kryptowhrung kaufen mchtest"
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Messenger Bot Marketing Unleashed" |
"Are You Ready To Grow Your Target Audience Today?Its About Time For You To Learn Facebook Messenger Bot Marketing The Right Way!Facebook Messenger has revolutionized how marketers can access and grow their audienceNow that Facebook has launched Messenger and allowed it to operate with bots, this has presented a tremendous opportunity for online marketers.Whatever your installation is, Facebook Messenger is designed in such a way that it can be automated.Dear Friend,Don't let the word bot throw you off.I can understand why people have all sorts of misgivings regarding this word.When we think about bots, we think about malicious and seemingly autonomous pieces of code that create all sorts of havoc.Too many people are trying to be something they're not, and this grinds them down.A Lot Of Online Consumers Don't Have Exactly A Very Favorable View Of Automated Communication Software aka Bots.The good news is that bots aren't all bad.Facebook Messenger bots are proof of this.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou are going to understand the importance of Facebook Messenger bots.You will learn to take advantage of the Facebook Messenger platform automation features.You will understand how it can help your business.You can begin to walk prospects through an automated sales funnel.You are going to learn exactly how using Facebook Messenger and automating it through Facebook Messenger bots, enables your brand to distinguish itself from the competition.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCINGFacebook Messenger Bot Marketing UnleashedHow To Leverage This Emerging Platform To Grow Your Target Audience!No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside... Discover Inside...What is Facebook messenger and how can it help your business?A more in-depth look at FB messenger botsHow can Facebook Messenger Bots Grow Your Audience?The Dos and Don'ts of Marketing Through a Facebook Messenger Chat BotHow to Qualify Facebook Messenger TrafficThe Classic Sales FunnelHow to Create Your Own Facebook Messenger BotHow to Drive More People to Your Facebook Messenger Chat BotThe 10 main reasons why you should use Facebook Messenger bot marketingPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually leverage this emerging platform to grow your target audience!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide? Step-By-Step Guide?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need this You want to drive qualified traffic to your website. You want to automate your engagement with your audience. You want to automate your engagements with people trying to get more information about your business. You know that If you want your business to thrive, you need to look no further than Facebook. You want to learn how to use Facebook Messenger bots to grow your audience.SEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 199.99

"Freedom Online Business" |
"""Discover How You Too Can Create An Online Business Around Your Passion And Lifestyle So You Can Work When, Where and How You Want""Finally! Discover The Blueprint To Starting and Growing An Online Business So You Can Live a Life of FreedomYou see the success stories of average people quitting their day jobs after having successfully started their online business.It seems far-fetched, doesn't it?Take a moment to imagine working for yourself on a daily basis, with no one telling you what to do.You can take on projects that appeal to you the most and feel proud as you watch them grow and add value to the market.If this is a scenario sounds more interesting to you than spending your days working 9 to 5 for someone else, then you likely have an entrepreneurial spirit.But What's Stopping You?Perhaps you've always dreamed of being your own boss, but have feared to start your own business because you lack the time and money, and maybe you don't feel like any of your ideas are good enough.Perhaps you're afraid of setting out on your own because you're afraid of putting yourself and your family at risk.However, the good news is that it has never been easier to become an entrepreneur as it is today.The Internet has helped to reduce most of the barriers to entrepreneurship.Today, you can start building your business while still working at your regular job and only investing an hour or two a day tending to your business.But how and where exactly do you start?Let me introduce you to my latest course...FREEDOM ONLINE BUSINESSHow To Create An Online Business Around Your Lifestyle"
Price: 199.99

"Instagram Marketing Secrets" |
"""Finally! Discover How to Master Instagram to Reach a HUGE and Incredibly Engaged Audience""Crack the Instagram Code and Reach the Ideal Followers to Grow Your BusinessInstagram is one of the most important platforms when it comes to branding and reaching a wide audience. It has over 1 billion active users, and is considered a trendy and youthful platform for by the majority of marketers.The only issue? A lot of people have no idea how to make use of it.Instagrams power lies in the fact that it is an image-based platform. This gives it a great return on investment, and means that you dont need to write reams to be successful. It also makes it perfect for getting an emotional response from your audience. And ultimately, emotions are what sell products.But this is also what throws a lot of peopleSee if this sounds familiarYou dont know how to take great photosYou dont know any other way to succeed on InstagramYou have NO idea how to get a verified account or why youd want oneOr what a story is, or how to use Instagram LiveYou dont know how regularly youre meant to be posting, or how to gain any kind of tractionYouve been sporadically posting promotional content into the void for a while nowYou have no strategy and no hope of growing in the futureSo What's The Solution?The problem is that a lot of businesses just dont understand Instagram. They are STILL somehow too set in the old way of doing things, and dont know how to leverage the unique advantages of Instagram to their advantage.But once you crack Instagram, once you get it, thats when everything becomes much simpler and you can start to see a MASSIVE increase in your growth and your sales.Did you know that the average Instagram influencer with 100,000 subscribers can charge $1,000 for a post? Thats a HUGE amount of cash, and when you think about influencers with millions of followers, the mind truly boggles at what those people must be earning!But this should also tell you something else. Big brands are willing to pay BIG money for the kind of exposure and influence that Instagram can afford them. And if you can build that kind of momentum yourself, then you can gain that same exposure completely for freeThe big question is, how can you get started on Instagram to start building a huge audience and start making serious profit from it?The good news is, I've written a guide on how you can get started starting today.Introducing...INSTAGRAM MARKETING SECRETSHow To Build An Audience and Market Your Business on Instagram Even If Youre Just a Beginner"
Price: 199.99

"Detox Yourself" |
"Are You Suffering From Mental Toxins Or Struggling With Spiritual Pollutants?Its About Time For You ToDetox Yourself Right Way!Toxins that afflict modern people arent just restricted to chemical forms.Detoxification is not just a simple matter of going on a juice diet.You have to re-examine the kind of life you are living.Dear Friend,We live in a very chaotic world.We also live in a very polluted world.You probably don't need me to remind you of this fact.There Are All Sorts OfPollutants All Around Us!Detoxification is not just a simple matter of going on a juice diet or going without food for an extended period of time.It goes beyond that.This is why a lot of people are kind of confused as to why the whole idea of detoxification has gained a lot of traction lately.Whether you are suffering from mental toxins or you're struggling with spiritual pollutants or you are faced with the standard physical adulterants that weigh you down and drag you back, I have something for you.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou will learn to conduct a complete detox of your life.You will be able to live life to the fullest.You will break free from all the effects of mental pollution so you can live up to your fullest potential.You will avoid certain mindsets that prevent you from getting the better of you and will be able to have a clear view of what your purpose should be.You will cut through all the fog and will be enabled to bask in the sunlight of purpose, clarity, and meaning.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCINGDetox YourselfThe Complete Detox Guide!No stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just A Quick Preview Of What YoullDiscover Inside...Are you sick?Rediscovering the wholistic personReclaim parts of yourself that you have overlooked or forgotten aboutYou are part of a larger pictureBe aware of your pollutantsFrom victim to victor: the detox pathThe most important emotional detox you need to takeSpiritual detoxHolistic DetoxPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually start living in the moment!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?IF YOU ANSWER YES TO ANY OF THE BELOW, YOU NEED THISYou want to produce ten times better results with Traffic Generation.You want to learn Facebook Advertising the right way./li>You want to leverage the highly sophisticated ""social snooping"" and ""personal profiling"" technology Mark Zuckerberg brought to the table.You want to figuratively get in the head of your target audience.You want to figuratively get in the head of your target audience."
Price: 199.99

"High Ticket Sales System" |
"Its About Time For You To LearnHigh-Ticket Sales Secrets!If you want to sell anything online, its actually not all that hard.The name of the game when it comes to online sales success is return on effort.You don't have to put in all these hours away from your loved ones just so you can put food on the table.Dear Friend,Some affiliate marketers who have been struggling would swear up and down that making sales online is nearly impossible.Well, with the right traffic and the right sales materials, you are bound to generate sales from time to time. Closing a sale is not the problem.Generating consistent, high-value sales, that's the issue. Don't confuse the two.Sadly, Even If You Are Able To Master The Art Online Sales You May Still Continue To Struggle.I understand that this is better than not generating any sales at all, but if you put in a lot of time, effort, and energy into generating online sales only to settle for a low middling amount, you're wasting your time.Thats the bottom line.Thankfully, there is a way out.You don't have to stick to the grind. You don't have to put in all these hours away from your loved ones just so you can put food on the table.Heres Where My Advice For You Comes In.With My AdviceYou will learn how to maximize the return that you get for all your efforts.You will learn how to be at the right place, talk about the right things at the right time with the right people.You will make sure how to apply the first step right, get this wrong and you are going to waste your time, effort and money.You will also learn how to target the right audience, the right wayYou will also learn how to unlock the Power of Segmentation so You can Tap into High-Ticket Sales.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...INTRODUCINGHigh Ticket Sales SystemDiscover How to Make High-Ticket Sales by Working with the Right Clients the Right WayNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this nowYou will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just A Quick Preview Of What YoullDiscover Inside...Make Sure You're in the Right NicheYou Must Target the Right ClientUnlock the Power of Segmentation so You can Tap into Hight Ticket SalesCase StudyKnow the Big PictureGet Inside the High-Ticket Sale Buyer's MindsetConducting a High-Ticket Sales Campaign the Hard WayThe Shortcut To High-Ticket SalesFine-Tune Your Reverse Engineered BrandPicking The Right High-Ticket Service or Product To SellPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to discover how to make high-ticket sales by working with the right clients the right way!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?IF YOU ANSWER YES TO ANY OF THE BELOW, YOU NEED THISYou want to stop struggling on making sales online.You want to stop putting a lot of time, effort, and money into generating online sales only to settle for a low middling amount.You want to avoid working around the clock for chump change.You want to get the biggest reward out of all your investment.You want to learn how to maximize the return that you get for all your efforts."
Price: 199.99

"Make Money On Fiverr" |
"Are You Ready To Start Building Your Online Empire Five Bucks At A Time?Its About Time For You To StartMAKING MONEY ON FIVERR TODAY!Compared to traditional freelancing, Fiverr removes a lot of doubt and guesswork from the freelance process.If you are looking to earn a full-time income, you have to learn how to use Fiverr the right way.You don't have to play the Fiverr freelancing game to lose!Dear Friend,Fiverr has taken the internet by storm.There is really no other way to say it. This little freelancing platform that could has totally transformed people's expectations of getting and providing freelance services through an online exchange format.It seems that Fiverr has solved the two most common problems freelance platforms have historically struggled with.Fiverr not only offers a ton of services from a wide range of eager providers from all over the world, but it also is able to pull in lots of buyers.When you put these two factors together, it is no surprise that Fiverr has become the ""go to"" freelance service destination on the internet.Fiverr has many testimonials of people claiming that their income on this platform has replaced their regular job's income.But there's a big warning sign. You have to be careful about using Fiverr the right way.If you don't know what you're doing or if you don't have a strategy, you end up wasting time and, yes, money, in the form of opportunity costs.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou are going to understand the truth about making money off Fiverr.You will learn to identify six different methods anybody can use to make real money off Fiverr.You will learn everything there is to know about playing the Fiverr game the right way.You can begin to understand how lucrative this micro-freelancing platform can be.You are going to learn exactly how to think outside of the traditional freelancing box.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...I N T R O D U C I N GHow To Make Money On Fiverr A Systematic Guide To Building Your Online Empire Five Bucks At A TimeNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just AQuick Preview Of What YoullDISCOVER INSIDE...Fiverr's SecretThe Good News?The Biggest Hassle with Fiverr6 Better Ways to Make Money Off FiverrOffer premium value-added servicesBundle others services and sell turnkey assetsBundle others services and sell operational assetsBuy Services That Help You Buy Resellable High-Value AssetsResell Cheap Fiverr Services at Other Higher Value LocationsUse Fiverr Services to Build Your Own AssetsPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually start making money off Fiverr!Who Needs ThisSTEP-BY-STEP GUIDE?If you answer YES to any of the below, you need thisYou want to dedicate yourself to charging a lot more for your time.You want to stop trying to turn your spare time into spare cash.You know that traditional freelancing is also not very scalable.You want to have the chance to make real money off Fiverr.You want to learn how to play the Fiverr freelancing game to win."
Price: 199.99
