"DevOps Project: CICD with Git GitLab Jenkins and Laravel" |
"Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CICD) is a very important part of modern day software release processes. As a matter of fact, you can not survive as a DevOps Engineer without a good understanding of CICD.In this course, you are going to learn how to set up a fully functional CICD pipeline for PHP/Laravel applications. You will learn how to manually deploy laravel applications to production and later automate the process with CICD using Git, GitLab and Jenkins as the pipeline tools. The concepts can be applied to any programing language or framework.If you are seeking a job as a Developer or a DevOps Engineer and need some more points in your resume, this course is one of those courses that you should take. You are going to set up a local DevOps lab environment consisting multiple Virtual Machines similar to what you get from cloud service providers. And that, you can work with and keep for as long as you will without any fear of charges.Everything we'll do will be hands-on and straight to the points."
Price: 74.99

"Curso de Introduo em Reflexologia Podal - Rvv" |
"Este curso te habilitar para iniciar um trabalho com excelncia no atendimento, cuidando dos seus familiares ou at mesmo profissionalmente.O que Reflexoterapia?A Reflexologia tem por objetivo restaurar o equilbrio e a harmonia proporcionando ao corpo sensao de bem-estar. s vezes, nos sentimos mal-humorados ou desligados e o nosso corpo precisa de equilbrio a fim de continuar funcionando devidamente. Mesmo um rpido tratamento de Reflexologia pode ajudar a criar esse equilbrio.Quais os benefcios da Reflexoterapia?Ajuda o corpo a restabelecer-se de qualquer distrbio a que esteja sujeito.Diminui os efeitos do stress.Estimula o Sistema imunolgico.Alivia a Dor.Melhora a circulao.Agiliza o trnsito intestinal.Elimina os detritos orgnicos.Livra o corpo de toxinas.Estimula os nervos.Promove o relaxamento geral.Cria vnculos mais slidos entre as pessoas.Ajuda na recuperao ps-cirrgica diminuindo a dor e acelerando os processos de recuperao do prprio corpo, dentre outros benefcios."
Price: 399.99

"Apache HBase : NoSQL Database Of Hadoop" |
"When we talk about Hbase we refer the nosql as part of hadoop ecosystem . HBase is a column oriented data store which uses HDFS as an underlying storage. Data storage unit in HBase is column i.e. columns are stored sequentially in contrast to RDBMS where data storage unit is row and rows are stored sequentially.Introduction To Big DataBasic Hadoop CommandsIntroduction To HbasePlatform Introduction & Common Shell OperationsHbase table CreationInserting Data Into Hbase TableHbase Misc. Shell CommandsHive To HbaseHbase To HiveSqoop Introduction Of SqoopImporting MySql Table to HDFSExporting HDFS To MySql TableCreating Hive Table From MySql Using Sqoop"
Price: 1280.00

"Scrum Essentials" |
"O Scrum Essentials est baseado no conceito de Ultralearnig proposto por Scott H. YoungDomine as habilidades difceisSupere a concorrnciaAcelere sua carreiraPblico AlvoO Scrum Essentials destina-se profissionais que desejam aperfeioar seus conhecimentos em gesto gil de projetos, com foco no framework Scrum. O curso foi projetado tambm, para o pblico que ainda no atua com esse framework gil, porm gostaria de se preparar para esta experincia aprendendo conceitos e ferramentas do Scrum.Prepare-se para implementar o framework Scrum em um mundo complexo e em constante transformaoAprenda o que precisa de forma objetiva e eficaz e transforme, definitivamente, seu desempenhoDomine ferramentas e aplique imediatamente em sua carreira e vida pessoalAprenda com base em casos reais do mercado de trabalhoSaiba como elaborar e executar Histrias de Usurio e Roadmap de um produtoAprenda a atualizar seu Quadro Kanban e Grfico Burndown ChartVantagens e Diferenciais Aprendizagem interativa e dinmicaMetodologia baseada nos conceitos de Ultralearning e AndragogiaAulas gravadas e disponibilizadas aos alunos de forma vitalciaContedo exclusivo ao acessar nosso grupo no Telegram"
Price: 504.99

"Character Design with Tigerchu" |
"This course is designed to help people (1) with their basic drawing skills (2) get started with character design using anime models and (3) learn what it takes to observe details in the world around them. This is a for fun course and its up to you to practice if you choose to. I'm very easy going and fun usually...though I do apologize a lot (so sorry haha)...Also, this field needs to be 50 words or more so I'm improvising..."
Price: 19.99

"Character Design with Tigerchu 2" |
"This is the continuation of Character Design with Tigerchu. It goes into more depth about Character Design with about an hour of content. Hope you like to hear me ramble haha....... I get to teach you my own personal drawing style and critique other cartoons like Big City Greens. I also discuss Religious Figures Saint Mother Teresa and a Modern Interpretation of how I think Mother Mary and her Son Jesus Christ would have looked and dressed if they had been born today,"
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1001) - PREGUNTAS DE EXAMEN" |
"Contiene una serie de preguntas que te preparan para poder lograr la certificacin de compTIA A+ CORE 1 y CORE 2 CompTIA A + es la credencial de calificacin preferida para soporte tcnico y roles operacionales de TI. Se trata de mucho ms que la reparacin de una computadora. 220-1001 y 1002"
Price: 19.99

"Professional Kanban Exam Prep - Pass on your FIRST try!" |
"What do students say?""Yet another great product for preparing for certification from Scrum dot org. This product is in alignment with the official assessment exam and will prepare the Scrum Master to further their skills and certification to a new level. I have used 3 of the study courses now and all have led to complete success and were more than useful.""""The course was very useful in aiding me to pass the exam.""""Unbelievably great course. This exam prep gave me confidence going into the test. I passed on my first attempt!!!!""READY TO TAKE YOUR TEAM'S SCRUM TO THE NEXT LEVEL?The Professional Scrum with Kanban level I (PSK I) is an advanced level assessment aimed at demonstrating your knowledge of Kanban strategies and how to apply flow-based perspectives to enhance and expand the practices of Scrum. This course will help you to see if you are ready and prepared for the PSK I assessment.HOW DO I PASS THE PSK I ASSESSMENT?Our carefully formulated questions and explanations will help you gain a deeper understanding of how Kanban complements the Scrum framework. The official assessment consists of 45 questions (multiple choice, multi-select, and True/False). You have 60 minutes to complete the assessment and must score 85%+ to achieve the certification. As with all official assessments, it is challenging and designed to test your real understanding of Kanban usage in Scrum. This course will bring your learning to life. It is of course possible to take and pass the official assessment without attending a course if you have sufficient knowledge and experience.The Professional Scrum with Kanban level I (PSK I) assumes that you will be using Kanban in a Scrum environment thus knowledge of the Scrum framework is essential as Kanban is used to enhance and complement the Scrum framework.How much does a Scrum Master make?The national average salary for a Scrum Master is $97,319 in the United States. Compare this with the average salary for a Project Manager, $66,137 in the United States. The ability to help organizations change the way of working is more important than ever as our world rapidly changes. Companies will depend on Scrum Masters to help teams and organizations rapidly adapt to these changes in order to stay competitive.How can this course can help you prepare for the Professional Scrum with Kanban level I (PSK I) exam?The best way to pass the PSK I exam, is to have knowledge of the Scrum framework and learn how Kanban practices can be applied to complement the framework. Memorizing doesnt help. Having a deep understanding helps you answer questions youve never seen before. So, if you see xyz should be abc, ask yourself why; ask what happens if its not that way; ask yourself how this principle is connected to all other principles, and how they create a concrete whole.If you're not familiar with Scrum, download the Scrum Guide (free) and read it very carefully as it assumes you are or will be using Scrum with Kanban.Download the Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams (free) and read it very carefully and think about how Scrum Teams use Kanban to enhance their existing Scrum implementation.Evaluate and fill in the gaps:Use the practice exams in this course and check your answers (right and wrong) against the Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams and make sure youve learned from it, instead of memorizing. Repeat the practice exams until you have a firm grasp of the underlying concepts and principles behind each question and answer.DisclaimerThe terms Professional Scrum with Kanban, PSK I, PSK 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum . org. This course is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org or Scrum Alliance.The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the creator of this course and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum .org or Scrum Alliance. This training does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum .org and Scrum Alliance makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this presentation or any material related to this presentation. In no event shall Scrum .org or Scrum Alliance, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the training. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk."
Price: 99.99

"Learn English for Construction from Start" |
"9 lessons - 9 situations - 9 characters746 questions in total15.136 words in totalYou'll be able to listen and speak English for Construction easily and fluently like a native.All you need to do is listen - answer the questions - listen - practice with video every single day.I give you 3 incantations then say it to your self before start learning1. I do believe in myself2. I'm a great English speaker3. English speaking is easyHave a great time."
Price: 39.99

". Kali Linux Cisco . , , . cisco secure. ."
Price: 1799.00

"OKR Goal Setting Master Class" |
"I have successfully implemented OKRs in many organizations of all sizes in diverse industries. This course offers you my PROVEN OKR METHODOLOGY that has worked every single time. Learn the fundamentals of OKRs, then learn to execute them in your team or organization with a step by step guide and most importantly avoid common pitfalls.OKRs are the most talked about goal setting framework in today's world of remote working. You are curious to learn but you realize OKRs are simple, not easy. Add to it all the noisy conflicting content online, you pour through it for hours only to get more confused.This course is built with real-life tips, easy videos, and a FREE OKR tracker. It saves you time and hundreds of dollars on subscribing to a tool that may not even be a fit for you and your team.I offer FULL SUPPORT very quickly and immediate answers to your OKR process so hit me up with questions as often as you need."
Price: 94.99

"AC circuits from A to Z" |
"This is the second course in circuits where after completing the course DC circuits and how to solve them you are now able to study AC circuits. This course takes you to start the journey of learning AC circuits where in this course you will learn what is phasor domain and how to use it to solve the circuit then you will understand what is the AC power and the power factor and its importance in the practical life then you will move to one of the most important applications of AC circuits which is the resonance followed by the filters and finally laplace transform and transfer functions to get the relation between the input voltage and any voltage in the circuit.The course consists of lectures to understand the concepts, tutorials to see how the problems are solved practically , a quiz to solve by yourself and test your understanding and finally a comprehensive test. The course is very simple, organized and easy to be understood and a very important step in the world of circuits where by finishing this course and the course Dc circuits and how to solve them you will have the complete basics of circuits needed to continue the journey."
Price: 19.99

"Visual Basic - VB.NET- Visual Studio 2019 - MySQL" |
"Aprende a desarrollar tus aplicaciones y sistemas, utilizando herramientas gratuitas en uno de los lenguajes mas populares para el aprendizaje de la programacin Visual Basic, en conjunto con el gestor de bases de datos relacionales mas popular en el mercado MySQL, aprende a aplicar ingeniera inversa a programas ya compilados, o a convertir tu cdigo de C# a VB o viceversa, aprende a crear reportes con report viewer y mucho mas, no importa si tu conocimiento de programacin es bsico o si ya tienes algo de experiencia, pule tus habilidades con este curso o preprate desde cero. "
Price: 24.99

"Chemistry of Biomolecules" |
"Certain characteristics in a living organism such as growth, reproduction, ability to sense, respond, etc distinguish the organism from a non-living thing. It has always been mysterious that despite being made up of non-living molecules, how a living organism performs all the above functions which characterize life. In this chapter, we shall try to unravel this mystery with the study of biomolecules.Biomolecules are the molecules present in a living organism, fundamental building blocks of living organisms as they support the biological processes essential for life. Eg carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, vitamins, etc. Carbohydrates are involved in energy storage; the hormones catalyze the biochemical reactions; DNA/RNA store/transmit the genetic codes of a living being.The inadequate concentration of these biomolecules shall lead to various kinds of health ailments. Therefore, the presence of biomolecules in appropriate concentrations is vital for the proper function of living beings.In this Chapter we will be studying the chemistry of carbohydrates."
Price: 3520.00

"Google Ads: From Bidding to Tracking your results" |
"In this 60 minutes class, you will learn learn everything about manual CPC and automated bidding strategies, plus some basics about tracking on Google Ads.If youve just created a campaign and youre wondering how to bid, I can help you. If you want to switch your campaigns to smart bidding as soon as possible, I have some valuable tips for you. If youre a marketing professional and youre looking to improve your skills on Google Ads. This class may interest you.As a digital marketing consultant with over five years of experience on Google Ads, I can tell you that bidding is fundamental on Google Ads. Its nice to have a clean structure, good keywords and well written ad copy, but if you dont know how to bid, your campaigns will never generate the traffic that you need. Wether its by using manual CPC or automated bidding strategies, I will give you my take on how you should bid on Google Ads. And since tracking is essential in that process, Ive also prepared a section to help you with tracking setupAfter having taken this class, you will be able to review your campaigns settings for any problems on your own and you will be able to optimize all your KPIs.This course can be of use to beginners and people that have an intermediate level on Google Ads. Above that, Im pretty sure it will seem too basic for you. So, if youre launching your account using smart bidding strategies, this class will be useful. If youre considering switching your manual CPC campaigns to automated bidding strategies, I will also have some valuable tips for you.What you WON'T learn in this classStep by step videos on how to create an account or a campaign on Google Ads online platformHow to create a campaign from A to ZHow to create ad copy and ad extensionsHow to choose a landing pageWhat you WILL learn in this classWhy using one bidding strategy over anotherWhen to use a specific bidding strategy over anotherHow to set up your tracking for lead generation using destination or event trackingMy opinion about some choices over othersWhat you will needUnless you have very good eyes, I would advise watching this class on a bigger screen than your smartphone'sBasic knowledge of Google Ads (it's an advertising platform where businesses bid on keywords to make their ads appear. There you go)You don't need a Google Ads account"
Price: 19.99

"Google Ads: Avoid pitfalls & Optimize your campaigns" |
"In this 60 minutes class, you will learn how to avoid traps on Google Ads and how to improve your KPIs in order to optimize your campaigns.Are you looking to launch campaigns on Google Ads but you are scared to make the wrong choices? Did you have a bad experience on Google Ads but dont know what went wrong? Are you a marketing professional looking to improve your skills? This class is for you.As a digital marketing consultant with over five years of experience on Google Ads, I can tell you that even junior marketers have already done these mistakes. The thing is, Google Ads recommends some settings that are a really REALLY bad idea if you want to keep a tight control over your campaigns. Unfortunately, when you dont know that they exist, it would only be through luck that you would avoid those pitfalls.After having taken this class, you will be able to review your campaigns settings for any problems on your own and you will be able to optimize all your KPIs.So, if youre a business owner and you want to learn how to not waste your budget on Google Ads, this class is for you. If youre a marketing professional and youre looking for new ways to optimize your campaigns, I will also have some tips for you.What you WON'T learn in this classStep by step videos on how to create an account or a campaign on Google Ads online platformHow to create a campaign from A to ZHow to create ad copy and ad extensionsHow to set up the conversion trackingHow to choose a landing pageHow to use bidding strategiesWhat you WILL learn in this classThe settings you should know about when creating a campaign or when managing oneThe most common mistakes made on Google Ads and how to correct themImproving your KPIs (Quality score, CTR, CPC, impressions, conversion rate and CPA)My opinion about some choices over others+ a PDF of all the solutions to improve your KPIs+ a complete list of generic keywords to add on your own campaignsWhat you will needUnless you have very good eyes, I would advise watching this class on a bigger screen than your smartphone'sBasic knowledge of Google Ads (it's an advertising platform where businesses bid on keywords to make their ads appear. There you go)You don't need a Google Ads account"
Price: 29.99

"Learn IP CCTV and analog CCTV System - Basic to advance" |
"About the course and contents:1. Learn Complete IP CCTV and analog CCTV System - Basic to advance.2. This CCTV training course for all Levels to boost your career.3. After completing this course you can work as an industry expert in CCTV System.4. I covered all topics of IP CCTV and analog CCTV to make it understandable for all.5. This IP CCTV and analog CCTV Training course contain a lot of practical videos that will help you easily understand this system.6. 5 hours of video lectures will let you have full practical knowledge of the IP CCTV and analog CCTV systems.7. This IP CCTV and analog CCTV System Training course are for all Engineers and Technicians and Operators. Also, for a non-technical person who wants to make his career in CCTV.8. I ensure you, once you complete this CCTV course, you will be an Expert as Engineer.9. At the end of this CCTV System, you will find a full detailed project to explain to you the system completely10. A lot of 5 stars reviews have been rated by trainees from all over the world, which reflects the benefits and the high quality and information you will find in this course.11. This IP CCTV and analog CCTV System course is a summarized course, which is very helpful to anybody who is interested to learn the IP CCTV and analog CCTV System in a very fast way, without wasting a lot of time.Some of the topics which you will find in this course:1. Analog CCTV System Architecture, Component used and accessories2. IP CCTV System Architecture, Component used and Accessories3. CCTV Camera Introduction4. Analog and IP CCTV cameras types and Applications5. Difference between DVR, NVR, and HVR6. What are H.264 and H.2657. Understanding of POE Switch, Switch, Router, Modem and hub8. How to check Ethernet cable with LAN Tester9. 4K CCTV Cameras, types of CCTV Camera Megapixel and how to choose CCTV Camera10. How to Connect CCTV Camera with DVR and Setup DVR for CCTV camera Remote Access11. Analog CCTV System installation and DVR online configuration12. Hikvision Analog CCTV and DVR Installation and Network Setup13. IP Addressing14. How to set your Computer IP address to configure IP CCTV camera15. How to setup IP CCTV Camera with NVR and Setup NVR online for Camera Remote viewing on Mobile Laptop16. Hikvision IP CCTV and NVR Installation and Network Setup17. 4 Ways to connect your Network IP Camera to NVR18. How to Connect Wireless CCTV Cameras to NVR and Configuration19. What is ONVIF Protocol in IP CCTV System20. How to Online DVR/ NVR for online view by Instaon or Cloud21. How to create DDNS & Port forwarding to online DVR /NVR for online view on Mobile/ Laptop22. How to Connect Multiple CCTV camera DVR to 1 monitor or multiple monitors23. How to Connect Multiple IP CCTV Camera NVR to 1 monitor or Multiple Monitor24. CMS Software Configuration25. IP CCTV Training Live26. How to install a hard disk and hard disk calculation.27. CCTV layout28. Non-POE IP CCTV camera installationThese are the first courses on Udemy which provide Onsite Company training with in-depth knowledge.I suggest you never miss these courses to enhance your skill and get trained with the best videos on Udemy.As an instructor, I always consider the level of my course for beginners to experts.Any beginner and professional can join the courses to enhance his/her skill. After course completion, these courses ensure you become an Industry expert.I wish you a great career.Thank you"
Price: 2240.00

"(FREE) ServiceNow Agile & Test Management 2.0 Certification" |
"Free coupon (for limited time): AGILE-FREEExam Purpose Prepare for the ServiceNow Agile Development 2.0 & Test Management 2.0 Implementation micro-certification exam with the most comprehensive set of practice questions with detailed explained answers, all built in Paris release!The Agile Development 2.0 and Test Management 2.0 Implementation Micro Certification certifies that you have the skills and essential knowledge to implement these applications.Exam Preparation Exam questions are based on official ServiceNow training materials, the ServiceNow documentation site, and the ServiceNow developer site. It should not be considered as the official study or exam materials and should be only used to practice for the actual micro-certification exam.Exam Scope Agile Development 2.0 (50%)Test Management 2.0 (50%)Exam Structure Agile Development 2.0 and Test Management 2.0 Implementation exam is non-proctored, 60-minute long and consists of approximately (20) questions. For each question on the examination, there are multiple possible responses. You should review the response options and select the most correct answer to the question. Multiple Choice (single answer)For each multiple-choice question on the exam, there are four possible responses. You should review the response options and select the one response most accurately answers the question. Multiple Select (select all that apply)For each multiple-select question on the exam, there are at least four possible responses. The question will state how many responses should be selected. You should review the response options and select ALL responses that accurately answer the question. Multiple-select questions have two or more correct responses."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Power BI for beginners in Urdu/Hindi" |
"Does your data speak? Do you want to transform the bulk of characters into meaningful insights? Do you want to learn to forecast your business need? Do you want to transform the raw bulk of data into eye-catching Interactive Dashboards?If yes, then Microsoft Power BI is the accurate tool and this beginners course will teach you everything you need to know about it.This hands-on course will support you to utilize this tool for your business growth and will also prepare you to start your career in data analysis.The course contains 2+ hours of video of downloading Power BI, understanding its features & functions, Data transformation, Modeling Relationship, basics of DAX aggregate function, data visualization, and dashboard development along with data sets for practice.By the time you complete this course, You'll be able to develop an attractive dashboard using Power BI and find out interesting insights from that. You'll be fully prepared to collect, clean, model, and present data for any purpose.Learn to create Dashboards using Microsoft's free tool Power BI for data analysis."
Price: 19.99

"Patologias da Reproduo em Fmeas Bovinas" |
"Pelo menos uma em cada quatro vacas (mais de 25%) vai apresentar uma ou mais patologias da reproduo, durante cada ciclo produtivo/reprodutivo. Isto parece assustador, porm realidade. So vrias centenas de milhes de reais em prejuzos anualmente. Os problemas so vrios: diagnstico pouco eficiente, tratamentos equivocados e pouco conhecimento para estabelecer estratgias de controle. Renove seus conhecimentos, obtenha melhores resultados em seu plantel e oferea servios de melhor qualidade."
Price: 144.99

"AWS DynamoDB - Complete Guide 2020 (incl Schema Designing)" |
"Node.js and Python supports.I explain the every single line I write in this course. Be a NodeJs developer or be a Python developer, you can complete this course without any issue. A basic knowledge on any programming language is enough you to understand these programming exercises. State of the art DynamoDB course for 2020DynamoDB team added many cool features at the 4th quarter of 2019. Some of these concepts are not covered in the old courses you find on internet. Such as NoSQL Workbench tool(will be your favourite) , Adaptive capacity and etc. 5+ Totally different DynamoDB schema explainedYou are here to learn DynamoDB properly. Learning DynamoDB is not about learning how to integrate it with N of different services. All the time you do integrations with either REST API of using Triggers. Nothing special there.Instead try to be a DynamoDB advanced schema designer. After this course you will see the real world relationships in DynamoDB perspective.No 1000s of student enrollments yet?The quality of the existing DynamoDB courses on internet is frustrating. They don't train the developers to think in DynamoDB. I created this course to fill exactly that gap. What I am hearing from my students are truly inspiring. World need more good DynamoDB experts today than ever. Designing your database carefully will be the key aspect to reducing your AWS bill."
Price: 19.99

"Bash Scripting and Cloud Computing For BugBounty Hacking" |
"In this course, you will learn the basics of bash scripting and post that we will make one tool for automating our hacking task. After taking the course you should be able to automate the various tasks using bash and also create your own tool.we have covered from basics of bash scripting and we have created the video so beginners can also understand it easily."
Price: 19.99

"Create & Deliver Powerful Powerpoint Business Presentations" |
"""Having to know the different types of presentations, when and how to use them and the purpose of using and knowing these different forms of presentations. How to set up good presentation slides and which content to include on those slides and also how to set up a powerful virtual and physical presentation that will grab your audience attention and also how to use the different editing format that will help you make a killer power point presentation."" - Nosipho Khumalo""This is the best course that shows you how to do quality presentations which is exactly what I needed to know, absolutely valuable and helpful for my personal growth."" - Josephine Mahlangu ""Excellent thus far! Thank you Peter, once again your lesson and course have given me so much knowledge and understanding about this topic. Really enjoyed"" - Werner van WykIn this course I will teach you how to prepare and present powerful business presentations using Powerpoint. The course includes techniques for presenting online so that you still maximise the impact of your presentation if everyone is working from home. I've presented to thousands of people in all kinds of settings during my 20 year career which includes 10 years as a management consultant and 10 years in leadership roles at large financial institutions. Your career success will depend on how well you can communicate and delivering presentations is a crucial method of communication in the workplace. Learn these skills today to make you a more powerful PowerPoint presenter for business.I will teach you about the followingDifferent presentation settings; conferences, executive meetings, small team meetingsReasons for presentations; status updates, executive reviews, approvals, business cases, projectsUnderstand why Powerpoint is banned at Amazon and how you can avoid abusing PowerpointHow agendas are set and presentations are compiled and distributed before a meetingHow to combine text, graphics, data, charts and other visual material in aesthetic slidesUsing Powerpoint from scratch and the techniques of creating your first basic slideOther presentation tools such as Keynote and the different settings they might be usedWhy Mark Twain was thinking about Powerpoint when he said ""I was going to write you a short letter but I didn't have time, so I wrote you a long letter""How to avoid cluttering a slide with too much detail and how to keep the number of slides downThe importance of an executive summary and how this helps you deliver a better presentationHow pictures can easily be misinterpreted and why an unambiguous narrative is criticalWhy you shouldn't repeat words on a slide and what a title and sub-title should achieveThe ""so-what"" box and how you must incorporate this element on your most important slidesHow virtual meetings allow you to add a bit more detail onto slidesDifferent views in Powerpoint as well as adding shapes, text, doing alignment and keyboard shortcutsDrawing tools, tables, charts, smart art, borders, fill, outline, grid and guidesTransitions and animations and why you should avoid using them in business presentationsWhy you shouldn't use gradients, mix pictures and text or use curly fonts that are too smallHow to use all the collaboration features of online meeting tools while you are presentingWhy you shouldn't ask people if they can see your slides or hear you when you start presentingPresentations in a physical setting and the importance of understanding the room beforehandHow to deal with people who are busy on their phones or laptops while you are presentingWhy you should tell people what you are going to tell them before you actually tell themWhy it doesn't matter if you don't actually present your slides and why that's sometimes importantYou can become a powerful powerpoint presenter by following the lessons in this course, locking in the learnings with the worksheets and applying what you have learnt in your next presentation."
Price: 99.99

"Associate in Project Management (APM - GAQM) practice exams" |
"Practice TestsPractice Test # 1 - GAQM APM-001 Associate in Project Management CertificationPractice Test # 2 - GAQM APM-001 Associate in Project Management CertificationPractice Test # 3 - GAQM APM-001 Associate in Project Management Certification.It covers 100% of the GAQM exam APM certification syllabus. In this course, you will get 3 Full-Length Practice Exams with 150 Unique Questions from GAQM APM-001 Associate in Project Management Exam covering all the topics for the GAQM APM-001 Exam...Below are the Official Details of GAQM APM-001 Associate in Project Management Exam:Certification Overview :Project management isn't just for construction engineers and military logistics experts anymore. Today, in addition to the regular duties of your job, you are often expected to take on extra assignments and to get that additional job done well, done under budget, and done on time. This E-Course and Certification is not intended to take you from a supervisory or administrative position to that of a project manager. However, the Associate in Project Management (APM) Certification will familiarize you with the most common terms and the most current thinking about projects. Associate in Project Management (APM) is an important globally recognized credential in the field of Project Management. Passing the exam and obtaining the APM credential will demonstrate your commitment to project management excellence.The Associate in Project Management (APM) certificate is an entry-level certification in the field of Project Management Framework, The APM certificate demonstrates that the candidate has a required knowledge in the field of Project Management confining to the entry-level of project management, the candidate who has little or no knowledge of project management can appear for the APM certification.Exam Information :Exam Pattern: The exam comprises 50 Multiple Choice Questions out of which the candidate needs to score 70% (35 out of 50 correct) to pass the exam.Mode of Exam: Exams are online and proctored based, using a webcam and a reliable internet connection exams can be taken anywhere and anytime.Duration of Exam: The total duration of the exam is 1 hour (60 Minutes).Open Book: No external sources of information may be accessed during the examRetaking of Exam: If a candidate does not pass the exam in the second (2nd) attempt, the candidate must wait for a period of at least fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of their attempt to retake the exam for third (3rd) time or any subsequent time. The exam can be taken any number of times.Certification validity: The Associate in Project Management (APM) Certificate is valid for life.Pre-Requisite: The Associate in Project Management (APM) Certification has no prerequisitesTarget Audience: Managers and project team members, students at the graduate or undergraduate level, and/or entry-level practitioners, as well as anyone who has an expressed interest in project management as a career or wants to improve their effectiveness in a project management environmentThe APM certification is suitable for you if you:1. Have a basic or limited understanding of project management2. Are working in a project environment3. Require knowledge for APM Certification Exam4. Want an internationally recognized project management qualificationOfficial Exam Syllabus :Module 1 Project Management FundamentalsDefining a project and project managementHow projects can benefit you and your organizationProject life cyclesSelling your own project ideasRole & skills of the project managerCreating a visionSetting project goalsProject planning worksheetsThe statement of workModule 2 Project Management TrainingWhat a project isProject management basicsHow projects can help youA projects life cycleSelling and preparing a projectThe role of a project managerProject goalsLaying out a projectProject risks and contingency planningThe work breakdown structurePlanning tools and budgetsTeamwork and developmentCommunicationClosing out a projectTeam meetingsProject presentationsModule 3 Intermediate Project ManagementWhat really needs to be done?Scheduling your projectThe Work Breakdown Structure and other planning toolsBudgetingProject risksSchedule and budget compressionChange control processClosing out a project"
Price: 34.99

"Fearless College Application Essay Writing" |
"Our time together will be spent writing your college application essay(s) based on the 7 Common App Essay Prompts along with some other commonly used prompts from competitive universities. I will guide you through fearless steps of brainstorming, winnowing, creating drafts, and finally editing and revising. Along the way I have embedded various example essays, multiple cited sources to use for college essays and beyond, and most importantly, videos talking you through the questions and stages of crafting your meaningful essay!"
Price: 59.99

"Conocimientos bsicos antes de emprender." |
"Bienvenido y bienvenida a este nuevo curso de ""8 TALLERES"" para ayudarte a emprender. ""8 TALLERES"" te ofrece una visin conjunta de lo que es emprender, las tareas, competencias y habilidades que al menos deberas adquirir antes de lanzarte en tu proyecto de emprendimiento empresarial. Te acercar a los conceptos y herramientas bsicos que deberas conocer como emprendedor/a empresarial, dedicando los primeros temas a la descripcin global sobre el emprendimiento y lo que es la gestin de un proyecto pues el tuyo ser un proyecto empresarial. A lo largo de 18 temas, reflexionars al tiempo que avanzars por diferentes etapas de tu proyecto empresarial e irs descubriendo el camino y la visin amplia de lo que implica poner en marcha un negocio nuevo. He querido dar una visin cohesionada de los diferentes aspectos que intervienen en tu aventura como emprendedor, y evitar hablar de puntos sueltos e inconexos que a veces no se saben muy bien cmo encajan y suelen pertenecer a cursos de especializacin y que podrs hacer posteriormente cuando ya sepas dnde influye y por qu lo vas a hacer: hay muchos temas en los que puedes formarte y profundizar en tus conocimientos.Se han redactado 18 temas, agrupados en 8 talleres (secciones), y cada tema consta de dos partes:un vdeo explicativo,un documento en formato electrnico donde se detalla lo descrito en el vdeo, con ejemplos y plantillas.Cada tema te permitir formarte y trabajar en un rea distinta para que adquieras la visin global del funcionamiento de una empresa. Adems, reflexionaremos sobre algunas de las principales competencias tcnicas y de management, habilidades, valores y actitudes que necesitars en tu da a da como emprendedor/a empresarial: no todo el mundo puede lanzar su proyecto empresarial de la misma manera si no rene un mnimo de todo ello, y debera evaluar si est preparado para hacerlo.Los objetivos del programa son tres:que entiendas qu es emprender, qu implica y cul es el proceso hasta llegar a crear tu empresaque aprendas a analizar tu idea de negocioy que aprendas a conocerte, identifiques lo que sabes hacer y lo que debes aprender a medida que avanza tu proyecto de emprendimiento.Vas a aprender aqu todo lo que necesitars saber como empresario/a a medida que pasen los das? Vas a aprender mucho, pero tambin necesitas mucho ms: un/a emprendedor/a empresario/a est siempre aprendiendo, curioseando, imaginando y creando. Como te he comentado, hay muchsimos temas ms all de estos ocho talleres donde profundizar en sus conocimientos, y como emprendedor/a debes seguir formndote ms all de este programa. Adems, debes ser consciente de que hay una gran diversidad de factores especficos de cada proyecto que influyen en su desarrollo y crecimiento y que tendrs que gestionar adecuadamente para alcanzar el xito de tu empresa.Tu proyecto te apasiona y estars pensando en l 24 horas al da, 7 das a la semana. Un/a buen/a emprendedor/a est siempre aprendiendo.Nota: En algunos temas, el programa enumera a varias entidades espaolas a las que puedes contactar segn la accin que desees resolver, adems de explicaciones puntuales segn la normativa espaola. Si vas a poner en marcha tu empresa en otro pas, debes consultar la regulacin aplicable y las entidades de ese pas."
Price: 49.99

"SAP S/4HANA for Financial Accounting C_TS4FI_1809/1909 Tests" |
"Get ready for SAP C_TS4FI_1809 / C_TS4FI_1909 Certification Exams with high quality training material: Practice tests with verified questions that will help you succeed!Are you ready to pass the SAP S/4HANA for Financial Accounting exam? Find out by testing yourself with 300 questions. Each of the 5 full practice tests in this set enables you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your C_TS4FI_1809 / C_TS4FI_1909 exams.SAP S/4HANA for Financial Accounting Associates (SAP S/4HANA 1809)The SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA for Financial Accounting Associates (SAP S/4HANA 1809) certification exam verifies that the candidate possesses fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of SAP S/4HANA Financial Accounting. It tests that the candidate has a good overall understanding within this consultant profile and can implement this knowledge practically in projects under the guidance of an experienced consultant. It is recommended as an entry-level qualification to allow consultants to get acquainted within Financial Accounting projects. This certificate is the ideal starting point for a professional career as a Financial Accounting consultant on SAP S/4HANA.Topic Areas :Financial Closing> 12%General Ledger Accounting> 12%Accounts Payable & Accounts Receivable> 12%Asset Accounting> 12%Organizational Assignments and Process Integration> 12%Overview and Deployment of SAP S/4HANA< 8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_TS4FI_1809 / C_TS4FI_1909 - SAP S/4HANA for Financial Accounting AssociateNumber of Questions: 80Type of Questions : Multiple Choice and Multiple OptionDuration : 180 MinutesCut Score: 57%"
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin a las Opciones Financieras y su Operacin" |
"Las Opciones Financieras son instrumentos derivados utilizados frecuentemente en los mercados financieros debido al gran nmero de aplicaciones y soluciones que ofrecen a sus operadores.Algunas de las utilizaciones prcticas de las diferentes estrategias de opciones y sus subyacentes son por ejemplo: Cobertura: Proteccin en el valor de bienes existentes (compra de Put, compra de Put Spread, etc) Especulacin: Ganancias basadas en el comportamiento de la Subyacente (compra de Call, compra de Put, etc.) Generacin de Ingresos en Posiciones Existentes: Manejo de riesgo en posiciones existentes para generar ingresos basados en Opciones (Covered Call, Covered Put, etc.) Apalancamiento: Control de posiciones con una fraccin del capital necesario (compra de Call, compra de Call Spread, etc.) Diversificacin: Uso de capital de manera diversificada debido al mnimo capital requerido en cada posicin (compra de Calls en ndices, compra de Puts en ndices, etc) Flexibilidad en su uso como Intrumentos Estratgicos: Ganancias basadas en Volatilidad, paso del Tiempo o movimiento de una subyacente sin importar su direccin (Compra de Straddle, Venta de Strangle, etc.)En este curso aprenders todo lo que necesitas saber acerca de las Opciones Financieras para su operacin, anlisis, evaluacin, diseo de estrategias, mantenimiento y monitoreo como parte de un portafolio.No importa qu tan avanzado sea tu conocimiento previo acerca de las Opciones Financieras o de los Mercados Financieros en general; en este curso encontrars todas las herramientas que necesitas para operar Opciones eficientemente y complementar tu portafolio o enfocar enteramente tu metodologa en la gran variedad de estrategias de opciones que analizaremos a detalle de manera conceptual, terica y prctica.La estructura del curso har que todos los conceptos necesarios se adquieran secuencialmente y de manera clara y concisa para su aplicacin eficiente. Utilizaremos principalmente material visual y grfico para facilitar el entendimiento de conceptos complejos que a menudo representan barreras en el dominio y operacin de las Opciones Financieras.Como parte de un balance entre conceptos, teora y prctica utilizaremos la plataforma de operacin de Opciones paperMoney by thinkorswim con informacin accesada directamente en los mercados de valores norteamericanos. Instrucciones paso a paso para tener acceso a esta plataforma en versin escritorio (desktop) y mvil as como para la creacin de usuario de cuenta demo sern provistas como parte del curso. De esta manera podrs seguir paso a paso todas los operaciones que realizamos en la plataforma con informacin real tanto en tu equipo de cmputo de escritorio como en tus dispositivos mviles como smartphones y tablets.***Sinpsis del Curso***1. Introduccin a las Opciones Financieras:Anlisis del concepto de Opciones de Compra (Call) y Venta (Put) y lo que representan asi como su implementacin en los mercados financieros junto con su versatilidad y aplicaciones.2. Conceptos Bsicos de Compra-Venta de Acciones:Revisin de Conceptos Bsicos de los Mercados de Valores como Acciones (Stock), ETPs (ETFs, ETNs), Margen, Brokers, Tipo de Cuentas (Cash, Margen), Reg-T en USA, ndices, Futuros, Splits y Reverse Splits, Dividendos,Tasas de Inters y las diferencias entre Anlisis Fundamental y Anlisis Tcnico.3. Plataforma para Compra-Venta de Opciones:Descripcin, descarga e instalacin de Plataforma paperMoney by thinkorswim, Creacin de usuario en cuenta demo y configuracin inicial de la plataforma desktop. Acceso y demo de Plataforma paperMoney en thinkorswim mobile para uso en dipositivos mviles como smartphones y tablets.4. Opciones Financieras y sus Parmetros:Opciones de Compra (Call), Opciones de Venta (Put), Instrumento Subyacente, Strike Price, Ajustes por Acciones Corporativas (Splits, Reverse Splits, Dividendos y Distribuciones especiales, Spin-offs, Fusiones y Adquisiciones, Desenlistamiento y Bancarrota), Fecha de Expiracin, Contratos de Opciones, Opciones en ndices, Opciones en Futuros, Tipo de rdenes de Compra-Venta, Tick Size, Bid-Ask.5. Conceptos Bsicos de Compra-Venta de Opciones:Mercados de Opciones, Ejercicio y Asignacin, In the Money, At the Money y Out of the Money (ITM, ATM y OTM), Ejercicio por Excepcin, Estilo de Opciones (Americano, Europeo), Tipo de Liquidacin (Fsica, Cash), Brokers de Opciones, Options Clearing Corporation (OCC), Comisiones y Costos de Transaccin, Consideraciones Fiscales, Diferencias entre Acciones y Opciones, Niveles de aprobacin para Cuentas de Opciones, Reglas de Pattern Day Trading (PDT) en USA.6. Anlisis Compra-Venta de Opciones:Liquidez, Bid-Ask, Open Interest, Volumen, Precio de Transaccin, Market Makers, Componentes del Precio de una Opcin (Valores Intrnseco y Extrnseco), Put/Call Ratio7. Valuacin de Opciones:Factores que determinan el Precio de una Opcin, Precio Subyacente, Strike Price, Tiempo restante antes de Expiracin, Volatilidad, Medidas de Volatilidad (Desviacin Estndar de Rendimientos Logartmicos Anualizada), Volatilidad Histrica y Volatilidad Implcita, IV por Expiracin y por Strike, IV Rank, IV Percentile, VIX, ETPs de VIX, Sesgo de Volatilidad (Volatility Skew), Estructura Temporal de Volatilidad (Term Structure), Superficie de Volatilidad Implcita, Dividendos y su efecto en Opciones, Tasas de Inters, Modelos Matemticos de Valuacin de Opciones, Modelo Black-Scholes, Calculadora Black-Scholes, Indicadores Griegos, Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho8. Estrategias de Opciones:---------------Estrategias Individuales Bsicas--------------- Compra de Acciones Venta de Acciones Compra de Call Compra de Put Venta de Call Venta de Put---------------Combinaciones de Subyacente y Opciones--------------- Covered Call Covered Put Put de Proteccin Call de Proteccin---------------Spreads Verticales--------------- Compra de Call Spread Compra de Put Spread Venta de Call Spread Venta de Put Spread---------------Estrategias No Direccionales sin Cobertura--------------- Compra de Straddle Compra de Strangle Venta de Straddle Venta de Strangle---------------Estrategias No Direccionales con Cobertura--------------- Compra de Iron Butterfly Compra de Iron Condor Venta de Iron Butterfly Venta de Iron Condor"
Price: 99.99

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Price: 19.99

"Basic Concepts of Electrical Circuits" |
"WELCOME TO BASIC CONCEPTS OF ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS COURSE:This 33-lesson course includes videos and text explanation of basics electrical circuits concepts. and it includes 8 quizzes and additional workbook with extra practice problems, to help you test your understanding along the way. Basic concepts of electrical circuits course covers the following topicsOhms LawSeries combination of resistors Parallel combination of resistors Current divider ruleKirchhoffs Current Law (KCL)Kirchhoffs Voltage Law (KVL)Mesh current analysisNodal analysisSuperposition TheoremEnroll today!I cant wait for you to get started on mastering Basic Concepts of Electrical Engineering.-Pragnesh"
Price: 19.99

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Price: 3299.00
