"Learn Path Loss 5" |
"You want to learn about network planning, especially the Access Network which is most fragile and ever changing part of the fixed and wireless network.I have been working in the transmission field since last twenty years and I found that there is no basic training of the most commonly used access planning software and the new comers in Transmission planning learn this tool through hit and trial. That is why they are never able to fully utilize their potential.Keeping this in view I have designed this course in order for you to learn the complete tool. Additionally I feel that you need to learn some basic ideas about Network Planning and Microwave Propagation as well. Even though I assume that most of you should have enough background knowledge still I have added some basic information so that no one is left behind.The course is distributed in the below sections:IntroductionBasic Network PlanningMicrowave PropagationConfiguration of Path LossPlanning your first linkWhere to move forward nowBonus SectionTool Quiz"
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft Excel Orta Seviye Dersleri (10 DERS)" |
"EXCEL YETENENZ BR ADIM LERYE TAIYINBu kurs Microsoft Excel kullanclarnn ,yeteneklerini bir adm daha ileriye tamak iin gelitirilmitir. Bu kursta Microsoft Excel'in Trke arayz ve Trke formlleri kullanlmtr.Bu kursta ilenen ders balklar ve aklamalar u ekildedir ;DERS-1 : TEMALARMicrosoft Excelde varsaylan temadan ok daha fazlas bulunmaktadr. Bu eitimde alma kitabmzn varsaylan renklerini, yaz tipini iinde barndran temann nasl deitirilecei ilenmitir.DERS-2 : METN STUNA EVRMEMicrosoft excelde ilenmesi gereken veriler her zaman karmza tablo formatnda kmayabilmektedir. zellikle .csv formatndaki dosyalar analiz etmemiz gerektiinde birbirinden virgl ile ayrlan verileri ayrtrmamz gerekir. Bu eitimimizde tablo d formatlarda nmze gelen verileri nasl tablo formatna getirebileceimizi grmekteyiz.DERS-3 : GREL VE MUTLAK DEERLERMicrosoft Excelde Greli ve Mutlak olarak adlandrlan iki kavram bulunmaktadr. Formllerde kullandmz hcre isimlerini baz durumlarda sabitlememiz gerekebilmektedir. Bu durumlarda mutlak hcre deerlerini kullanmaktayz. Bu eitimde iki kavram ele alnarak ikisi arasndaki farklar rneklerle aklanmaktadr.DERS-4 : DEYARA FORMLMicrosoft Excelde kullanlan enok 5 formlden birisi ola deyara , bir tabloda aranmas gereken baz deerlerin bulunmasnda ve getirilmesinde kullanlmaktadr. Bu eitimde Deyara formlnn en yaygn kullanm alan incelenmektedir.DERS-5 : NTERNETTEN VER EKMEKMicrosoft Excelde herhangi bir internet sayfasndaki verileri alma kitabmzn iinde kullanarak vakitten kazanabilir ve verilerimizin analizini daha gereki bir ekilde yapabilmekteyiz. stelik dardan alnan bu veriler internete bal kaldnz srece canl olarak beslenmektedir. Bu eitimde, Excel alma kitabmza internetten veri ekmenin nasl gerekletirilecei anlatlmtr.DERS-6 : HCRELERE AIKLAMA EKLEMEExcelde ibirlie ak bir yap bulunmaktadr. Deitirilen veriler ile ilgili bir kullanc hcrelere aklama ekleyerek, ayn alma kitabn kullanan dier kullanclara aklamalar vastasyla notlar brakabilmektedir. Bu eitimde excelde aklamalarn nasl eklendii,dzenlendii ve silindii ele alnmtr.DERS-7 : GELTRC SEKMESGelitirici sekmesi excelde varsayaln sekmeler arasnda yer almamaktadr. Kullancnn kendisinin bu sekmeyi aktive etmesi beklenmektedir. Bu eitimde Gelitirici sekmesini tanyarak bu sekmenin baz zelliklerini kullanmay renmekteyiz.DERS-8 : DME OLUTURMAExcelde dmeler oluturarak yaplmas gereken baz ilerin daha efektif ve hzl bir ekilde yaplmas salanabilmektedir. Bu eitimde Excelde buton oluturmay ve bu butonlara baz ilevler yaptrmay grmekteyiz.DERS-9 : EER FORMLExcelde en ok kullanlan forml zellii tayan Eer forml ile bir ok koula bal veri analizlerini gerekletirmek mmkn klnmaktadr. Bu eitimde Eer formlnn en yaygn kullanlan alanlarndan rnekler ile birlikte bu fotmln nasl kullanldn grmekteyiz.DERS-10 : DLMLEYCExcelde filtreleme yapmann daha kolay ve hzl bir yolu olan Dilimleyiciler ile filtreleme yapmanz daha da kolay bir hal alr. Ayn zamanda daha grsel bir ekilde filtreleme imkan salanabilmektedir. Bu eitimde veri tablomuza dilimleyici ekleyerek ilevlerini renmekteyiz."
Price: 49.99

"Vida y alimentacin saludable en el siglo XXI" |
"Con este curso aprende a crear tu dieta definitiva (aquella que mantendrs de por vida y que te ayudar a mantener tu salud y peso).Tenemos un temario muy completo elaborado por el nutricionista Carlos PalmerTipos de alimentos y su aporte nutricionalAprende sobre los macronutrientes qu son y qu funciones tienen en nuestro cuerpo: protenas, grasas y carbohidratosQu son los aminocidos y qu tienen que ver con la absorcin de protena?Qu cantidad de protena, grasa y carbohidratos debo consumir?Como calcular las calorasCmo funciona mi metabolismo?As es como nuestro cuerpo consume las caloras.Cmo convertir en un hbito una dieta saludableCmo construir nuestro menCalculo de macronutrientes y reparto entre comidas segn la actividad fsica diaria y la edad"
Price: 29.99

"Marketing Para Pequenas e Mdias Empresas" |
"Com frequncia, ouvimos casos bem-sucedidos da utilizao de estratgias de marketing em grandes empresas. Mas saiba que o marketing tambm pode ser importante e talvez at mais importante em pequenas e mdias empresas. Estratgias de definio do produto, de precificao, de distribuio e de comunicao so fundamentais para aquelas empresas que buscam uma correta orientao para o mercado. Sobretudo, aquelas empresas que percebem as expectativas, desejos e necessidades dos clientes e se preparam para satisfaz-los melhor do que seus concorrentes."
Price: 129.99

"Cmo Crear tu BLOG Profesional y Gratis en Blogger 2020" |
"Si Quieres aprender cmo crear un Blog Profesional y Gratis en Blogger punto com sin tener que Pagar un servicio de Hosting, sin dudas, Este Curso es Para Ti.Te explicamos de forma clara y concisa, vamos directo al grano. Simple y prctico!Adems, vas a poder tener instalado en tu dominio (direccin web) con Certificado SSL (Gratis y Auto Renovable), haciendo que tu Blog cumpla con los ltimos estndares de seguridad y SEO (los sitios con https tienen mejores chances de ranking en los motores de bsqueda).Un curso creado bajo la metodologa; Aprender, haciendo.En este curso aparte de aprender a crear tu Blog, configurarlo, y subir el contenido, te regalamos una Gua de SEO para que puedas aplicar tcnicas poderosas de posicionamiento en los primeros resultados de bsqueda de Google y dems buscadores importantes. Tambin te mostraremos los trucos y tcnicas para crear contenido que venda, que atraiga a los prospectos y los conviertas en seguidores o clientes por el buen contenido de calidad que ofreces, dando una impresin profesional de trabajar.TODO ESTO Y MUCHO MAS EN ESTE CURSO DE CREACION DE BLOG PROFESIONAL EN BLOGGER Y SEO PARA PRINCIPIANTES.Inscrbete HOY MISMOTe esperamos en las clases tcnicas!"
Price: 19.99

"Gmail 2020 Gestiona Profesionalmente tu correo electrnico!" |
"Todos conocemos Gmail o hemos escucha hablar de este servicio de Correo Electrnico.Gmail es la mejor opcin como Correo Electrnico, ya que es un servicio de el Gigante Google, y tener un correo de Gmail nos facilita hacer uso de los dems productos que nos ofrece.El usuario promedio no explora las funciones avanzadas de Gmail dejando de lado un gran potencial productivo para si mismo o su negocio, por esta y otras razones hemos decidido ofrecer este curso.En este curso aprenders desde crear correctamente una cuenta de Gmail, hasta Trabajar desde la Nube creando documentos compartidos con clientes o grupos de trabajo.Configurar a medida tu Correo Electrnico de Gmail.Agregar Foto de Perfil y Firma Automtica al enviar mensajes.Configurar Respuestas Automticas para los mensajes recibidos.Organizar los Mensajes recibidos con una funcionalidad muy til llamada Etiquetas.Agilizar el Flujo de Trabajo creando Respuestas PredeterminadasCmo gestionar Profesionalmente el envo y recepcin de mensajesCmo asociar y compartir archivos y documentos con otras cuentas de correoCmo utilizar efectivamente la Agenda o Calendarios de GmailCmo Crear Formularios de Registros o Encuestas con Gmail.Cmo Trabajar desde la Nube con Herramientas de Gmail y mucho ms..INSCRIBETE AHORA! Te esperamos en las Clases tcnicas.."
Price: 19.99

"How to use Artificial Intelligence in Marketing" |
"A.I. is no longer reserved for large companies with armies of data scientists and huge data sets. Artificial Intelligence can also be used by non-data scientists and companies with smaller data sets. YOU can now leverage it as a secret weapon of your personal skills and growth strategy. This course will show you how!After this course you will master the essentials of A.I. in marketing. You will have an understanding of how you can use artificial intelligence within your marketing strategy. And learn which A.I. approach you need to answer your business questions. You will get insights in how to predict your customer journey. And understand leads & customers by text, speech and vision. Including, important take aways which every marketeer should know."
Price: 19.99

"AI-100 Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution Test" |
"This Learning Practice Tests is designed to help you prepare for the AI-100 exam Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution. Even if you don't plan to take the exam, these hands-on tests will help you get an overview of the Azure AI engineer exam.Features and benefits:You only buy once and have lifetime access.You have all future practice test updates.All exam objectives are addressed so that the student knows if he / she is prepared for the exam.Performance-based practice tests provide the student with a better learning experience.The timed person prepares the conditions for the ""exam"" with a graphical score at the end.You have a 30-day refund if you don't like our practice tests for any reasons.About this certification:Get the knowledge you need to design the Azure AI solution by creating a customer support chat bot using artificial intelligence from the Microsoft Azure platform, including language understanding and pre-built AI functionality in Azure Cognitive Services.Measured skills:Analyze solution requirementsDesign AI solutionsImplement and monitor AI solutionsPublic:This course is aimed at cloud solution architects, Azure artificial intelligence designers and AI developers.Prerequisite:Before attending this course, students must have:Azure FundamentalsUnderstanding Azure storage technologiesC # KnowledgeIMPORTANT:Unofficial testing practice.We offer educational materials and practical tests to assist and help students prepare for these exams.All certification marks used are the property of the respective owners of the marks. We do not own or claim any ownership in any of the Marks."
Price: 89.99

"ServiceNow CSA practice tests exam questions - Orlando" |
"Practice tests include questions covering latest release - ORLANDO Release - for ServiceNow CSA exam. ServiceNow Certified System Administrator. SIX - 6 - practice exams. I have curated set of questions, based on my experience and knowledge, covering CSA certification exam content ServiceNow fundamentals, framework, and implementation activities. I have converted the notes, and tips that I used to gain my certification into questions. How to prepare for the exam? Complete required ServiceNow training(s) General familiarity with general industry terminology on Servicenow Gain hands-on experience on ServiceNow or on Dev instance (PDI) Practice, Practice and Practice - make use of these practice questions to prepare well - 300+ questions to practice. Wishing you the best! #OrlandoRelease #ServiceNowCSA #CSAexam"
Price: 149.99

"Introduo Medicina Dentria" |
"Um curso que d algumas bases para a compreenso da medicina dentria. Direccionado principalmente a assistentes de dentria, mas que pode ser realizado por qualquer pessoa que pretenda entrar no mundo da medicina dentria de forma acessvel.Com linguagem fcil para que consiga enveredar pelo conhecimento da medicina dentria sem grandes complicaes. Simples, fcil e descomplicado assim o objetivo da introduo medicina dentria."
Price: 19.99

"Advanced Web scraping (Images, Charts, Dynamic with Ajax)" |
"Don't waste your time on courses that hide behind hundreds of hours. In just five lessons, you will be scraping titles and images with confidence, and using flask, bootstrap and chartist.js to display your scraped data in galleries and dynamically changing charts! You will also finally walk away confident with regular expressions, write OOP code and AJAX and learn a hell of a lot in an extremely short time frame. Happy learning and I do hope you'll really enjoy and benefit from this course."
Price: 19.99

"The Content Marketing Plan" |
" ATTENTION: Business owners, bloggers, marketers, coaches, product owners...""Finally! The In-Depth Content Marketing Course You've Been Waiting For Is Here""Discover how you can finally create a content marketing strategy that will help you grow your business! Are you in a tight spot right now? You want to grow your business, but nothing seems to be working?Youre tired of hearing people say how this technique and that method worked for them. Maybe digital marketing isnt as good as experts proclaim it to be. Perhaps content marketing is nothing but some fancy phrase that some marketer cooked up! And truth be told, you feel like you just want to give up sometimes. Do Any Of These Scenarios Sound Familiar?Youve got a blog on your website, but no one ever reads your content. You probably think youre not a very good writer?Youve got people reading your blog and visiting your website, but you never get sales, at least not consistently! $0 days are but a normal for you.You know youve got some valuable content on your site, but you dont know how to get it in front of the right people (you probably dont even have a clue who to target)!Youve read a lot of books and articles on how to grow your business, but they all cost a ton of money.Youve no idea how social media works and how you can use it to promote your brand successfully. Youre willing to put in the time to learn new digital marketing strategies, but you want someone to hold your hand, or at least provide you with a step-by-step manual. Do You Want To See Your Business Succeed?Of course, you do! No business owner is going to say they want to see their business fail!Fortunately for you, help is on the way. Ive created a detailed course to help you plan your content marketing strategy in just 30 days! Its full of high actionable and practical tips that will walk you through everything you need to do within the 30-day period. Are you excited? I bet you are! You can say goodbye to failure and finally say hello to success!Let me introduce you to:The 30-Day Content Marketing Plan - Blueprint To Creating A Content Strategy That Converts Like CrazyHere's what you'll discover in this course:The easiest way to chart your path from beginner to content marketing expert!The one secret no one tells you about the different digital marketing techniques.Why getting social - and building relationships - with influencers is important for your success.How to thoroughly plan out your content marketing strategy and finally succeed in your marketing efforts!The easiest way to make the most of your content and how you can use these to further along your content marketing goals.8 different WordPress plugins that are essential to your content marketing strategy.Why you need to understand what a content marketing funnel is so you can create the right content.How to write content like a boss and be looked up as a thought leader in your industry!6 popular formats you can repurpose your content to and how you can use these to get backlink opportunities.And so much more!SPECIAL BONUSES FOR TAKING ACTION!FAST-ACTION BONUS #1: Point-By-Point Checklist View or print this handy checklist so that you can check off each point. It is like a summary of the entire guide but in actionable, bite-sized points so that you can successfully get through the course.FAST-ACTION BONUS #2: Resource Cheat SheetYou'll also get access to a rolodex of top sites, blogs, forums, tools, apps and services to get you even further.Inside you'll find:Top blogs and forumsTop toolsTop tips and how to's+ more!FAST-ACTION BONUS #3: MindmapA quick glance over this mindmap and you'll get an instant refresher of all the major points and action steps from the main guide. Are You Finally Ready To Launch A Content Marketing Strategy That Works?You'll learn so much just by going through this course. Here are some of the most powerful benefits you'll gain:Uncover why content marketing is so important in todays digital world.Know which platform is best for your brands content marketing activities.Learn how to utilize the power of content marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, and other marketing techniques to help your business grow.Never underestimate the power of building relationships with your audience, the influencers in your niche, and yes, even your competitors.Discover how to build a system that will let you publish high-quality content on a regular basis.Be a content marketing master in as little as 30 days!Find out how you can finally target the right keywords that will bring in a ton of highly targeted traffic! How Can I Use This Powerful Course Right Now?You can Enroll in this The 30-Day Content Marketing Plan Course together with all the bonuses Now!! Plus You Get 30 Day Money Back Guarantee... That is a truly incredible deal!P.S. - Buying this course will help you figure out how you can use the power of content marketing to provide not just valuable content for your audience, but to convert them to leads as well. You'll also get the added benefit of knowing what kind of content Google (and other search engines) love and how you can use this to your advantage.P.P.S. - Youll never find another step-by-step guide like this at this price. This guide will not only educate you on the different techniques you can use to grow your business, but it will also hold your hand while you learn everything there is to know about content marketing."
Price: 199.99

"This course focuses on the English Parts of Speech for beginner students of the Language all over the world. With rich visual contents and animations, it explains the meanings and examples of the eight parts of speech including determiners. Each topic is explained with animated sentences meant to enliven the student's experience."
Price: 19.99

"En este curso, aprenders un mtodo que te guiar paso a paso en la realizacin de una ponencia perfecta. Est pensado para todo estudiante o profesional que quiera comunicar eficazmente sus trabajos e investigaciones. Te permitir realizar un escrito ordenado, bien estructurado y persuasivo, con el que logrars un gran impacto, cautivando a tu audiencia y generando contactos importantes para tu carrera."
Price: 29.99

"ChildWise Child Development Associate Credential Module 1" |
"This course will lead you to obtain the Child Development Associate Credential (CDA), one of the most recognized credentials in early childhood education. ChildWise has proudly partnered with the Council for Professional Recognition to bring this internationally informed professional course to you. The ChildWise Child Development Associate Credential (CDA) Courses are internationally informed courses that are applicable in many countries including the U.S. Finishing the courses and obtaining the CDA credential will enable your career opportunities in many other countries. If you have experience in early childhood education and want to advance your career in the field, or simply have an interest in entering the industry, this is one series that you do not want to miss."
Price: 199.99

"ChildWise Child Development Associate Credential Module 2" |
"The goal of this module is to help you obtain knowledge on how to advance the physical and intellectual competence of children from ages 0 to 6. If you are someone who has experience in early childhood education or wants to enter this industry, this course series will help you jump start your career. The ChildWise Child Development Associate Credential (CDA) Courses are internationally informed courses that are applicable in many countries including the U.S. Finishing the courses and obtaining the CDA credential will enable your career opportunities in many other countries."
Price: 199.99

"ChildWise Child Development Associate Credential Module 3" |
"In this course, you will be learning the theoretical knowledge of children's social and emotional development. You will also be learning the effect of trauma on the child's brain, and how you as a teacher can guide them in the right direction. If you are someone who cares deeply for children's social and emotional development, the ChildWise CDA course series is just the right thing for you. The ChildWise Child Development Associate Credential (CDA) Courses are internationally informed courses that are applicable in many countries including the U.S. Finishing the courses and obtaining the CDA credential will enable your career opportunities in many other countries."
Price: 199.99

"ChildWise Child Development Associate Credential Module 4" |
"In this module, you will be learning the intricacy of family relationships for children, such as how families and caregivers affect children's development, how to care for bilingual children, and how to work or partner with families. By the end of this module, you will have a basic understanding of how to engage with children's families in the most helpful and efficient way possible. The ChildWise Child Development Associate Credential (CDA) Courses are internationally informed courses that are applicable in many countries including the U.S. Finishing the courses and obtaining the CDA credential will enable your career opportunities in many other countries."
Price: 199.99

"Competency based Interview" |
"Melakukan wawancara dalam rangka merekrut calon karyawan , mungkin sudah merupakan hal yang biasa dilakukan oleh para manager / supervisor . Ketrampilan wawancara harus dimiliki tidak hanya oleh para pengelola bidang HRD, namun juga pimpinan / manager lainnya . Mengapa ? Karena mereka perlu mengenal secara langsung calon karyawan yang akan dipimpinnya. Apakah para manager sudah melakukan praketk wawancara dengan tepat ? Sehingga diperoleh karyawan dengan kompetensi yang sesuai dengan tuntunan uraian jabatan / job description ?Jangan sampai waktu yang digunakan untuk melakukan wawancara calon karyawan menjadi tidak efektif karena wawancara tidak menggunakan metode yang tepat. Apa maksudnya ? Wawancara yang dilakukan tidak memiliki konsep dan struktur yang mengaraha kepada penggalian kompetensi calon karyawan tersebut. Pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam wawancara lebih banyak menyangkut hal yang bersifat pribadi , tanpa menggali informasi atas kompetensi yang dimiliki calon karyawan.Dalam wawancara berbasis kompetensi , proses wawancara akan berpusat kepada penggalian informasi atas kompetensi calon karyawan (terutama soft competency / behavior) , berdasarkan pengalaman yang dilaluinya. Metode yang dilakukan disebut dengan STAR , yaitu merupakan aktronim dari :S : SituationT : TaskA : ActionR : ResultDalam metode ini , seluruh yang pertanyaan telah disiapkan oleh pewawancara, mengacu kepada keempat aspek tersebut. Artinya, calon karyawan diminta untuk menceritakan pengalamannya secara spesifik dalam suatu aktivitas / kegiatan tertentu, sehingga peawancara dapat menggali lebih dalam perilaku apa yang pernah dilakukan oleh calon karyawan di masa lalu.Dalam konsep wawancara berbasis komptensi ini, berlaku prinsip : Past behavior predict future behavior (Perilaku yang dilakukan di masa lalu, merupakan prediksi atas perilaku di masa yang kan datang)."
Price: 280000.00

"Learn to paint The Bay in acrylics with Kathy Karas" |
"Would you like to learn to paint in acrylics? Join me for this beautiful course with step by step tutorials learning all about my techniques. I will guide you on the best materials to use, how to draw the subject, composition, colour mixes followed by the first block in all the way through to the finished painting.Are you ready to learn to paint and take your art to the next level?Join my class and paint from the heart and south...for that is when the magic happens"
Price: 49.99

"Future Technologies and Their Effects on Management" |
"Dear All,In this course, students will learn future technologies; Artificial Intelligence, Big data and Blockchain Technologies; their basics, main philosophies and their applications in various fields. Later on, how can these three important technology effect on management and which effects they may make on management you will study on. You will get ideas on how can these technologies change well known classical manager properties, and how it may be effected that you will be created awareness for these matters. In this sense, with learning these technologies properties, and utilization fields, both you have knowledge of looking for future and you will get ideas how can these fields can interact with management that will be beneficial for you as you study on a course content."
Price: 99.99

"How you can create a paper collage" |
"If you have a passion for craft, that's all you need to be a part of this course. Using just 3 basic materials, alongside me, you will learn how to make beautiful journal/scrapbook pages, by effectively using just what you probably have lying around at home. Let your creativity be your guiding light! Preview my course to find out more!"
Price: 19.99

"OBS Studio de NINJA a SENSEI / PRO" |
"La solucin a los problemas que tengas con OBS est aqu, al igual que tu senta que no haba solucin para esos problemas comunes, pero si las hay! y te voy a simplificar la vida con todos estos trucos y secretos pero no solamente eso.Sino que har que tus vdeos y tus streams suban de nivel! obviamente todo esto de manera ordenada y paso a paso!"
Price: 24.99

"5 Pilares clave para la Gestin del Estrs" |
"Basado en mi experiencia y en investigaciones neurocientficas, con lenguaje sencillo, conocimiento estructurado y recursos prcticos aprenders a gestionar el estrs desde las bases fundamentales del crecimiento personal: cuerpo, mente, espritu y relaciones personales. Existen unas bases esenciales de cmo funciona el estrs que debes conocer para entenderlo y adaptarlo a tus necesidades y circunstancias.Dejars de perder el tiempo buscando y recopilando informacin, sin ton ni son perdiendo horas y horas sin una lnea de aprendizaje y sin llegar a entender como conectarlas para aplicarlas en tu vida de manera coherente.Vas a conseguir mayor claridad para crear tu propia estrategia de autoconocimiento y control de tu estrs con los recursos y ejercicios que te ofrezco. Recupera tu bienestar emocional, ya!"
Price: 44.99

"Trucos para escribir letras de canciones" |
"Curso enfocado en mostrarte los trucos para escribir letras de canciones sin necesidad de requerir una meloda o msica de por medio.Si te cuesta escoger un tema sobre el cual hablar, si te quedas sin ideas a la mitad de una cancin o simplemente necesitas ms orden y organizacin en tus letras, este curso te ayudar. Adems de experimentar con nuevas alternativas, sentirs como revive tu imaginacin.Este curso est dividido en trucos rpidos y cortos para que puedas aplicar a tus letras. Aqu encontrars muchos ejemplos para motivarte y entender ms. Es importante que tu compromiso por escribir sea el mximo.Bienvenido (a)!"
Price: 24.99

"Lean 5S Workspace Organization & Auditing" |
"Your journey of reducing waste, optimizing processes, and engaging your team starts here. 5S is the time-tested, proven method of workspace organization developed in Japan over 70 years ago. It is a simplistic, universal approach to creating a visual workplace that will distinguish your plant from the competition. 5S is cheap to implement and yields many rewards: lower cost, higher quality, and shorter lead times.Whether you are a lean sensei who is continuously learning, or a beginner new to the world of lean manufacturing, this course is for you. While basic knowledge of lean is helpful, ultimately there are no prerequisites. The course is ideal for lean practitioners, operations managers, line supervisors, business leaders, and quality professionals alike who want to set a lean example. A robust 5S program will improve safety in the plant, satisfy your customers, impress your management team, and gain respect from your direct reports. There are no reasons not to be doing 5S.This course is a comprehensive review of the 5S methodology. At the end of this fun and engaging course, you will successfully:Learn the origins and history of 5S from Japan and the automotive industry,Understand the purpose and role that 5S plays in a lean environment,Grasp the five principles of workspace organization with real-world manufacturing examples, andDevelop a 5S auditing program to lock in the gains.The instructor is an independent lean manufacturing consultant with over five years of experience implementing the Toyota Production System in a range of manufacturing environments. Notably, this includes machining, fabrication, casting, extrusion, stamping, final assembly, aseptic manufacturing, packaging, electronics manufacturing, and inventory management. He holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and an M.S. in Industrial Engineering."
Price: 39.99

"Azure Synapse Analytics Beginner Guide" |
"What will students learn in this course?What is Synapse AnalyticsAzure Synapse Integrity With Azure EcosystemAzure Synapse Advantage and LimitationsModern Data warehouse ArchitectureHow to Create Azure Synapse WorkspaceCreate SQL Pool Azure Synapse WorkspaceAzure Synapse Analytics StudioSynapse Studio Activity Hub DetailsSynapse Studio Data HubDevelop Hub- Power BIAnalytical functionsLAGLEADFIRST_VALUELAST_VALUECUME_DISTPERCENTILE_COUNTPERCENTILE_DISCPERCENTILE_RANKSNAPSHOT ISOLATIONREAD/WRITE/MODIFY JASON DATASTORED PROCEDURESINDEXESCOLUMNSTORE INDEXESSynapse Analytics : SQL on demandMachine Learning Enable DWData Lake integrationAzure Data ShareDQPSQL On DemandSQL On Demand CSV FilesSQL Query Json FilesAzure Synapse Analytics -Architecture overview in SparkSynapse Job serviceSynapse Spark Instance workflowCreating Spark PoolJDBC and PolybaseCreate Notebook on files storageLibrary Management-PythonLevelBeginnersIntended AudienceData EngineersBig data DeveloperData ScientistSolution ArchitectDatabase DeveloperSQL DeveloperAzure Cloud EngineerLanguageEnglishIf you are not comfortable in English, please do not take a course, captions are not good enough to understand the course.Expected OutcomesIn this courseYou will learn Azure synapse Analytics basic feature advantage and limitation You will learn Modern data warehouse architecture You will learn how to create the Syanpse workspace You will learn how to use SQL Pool in azure SynapseYou will learn how to use Synapse StudioYou will learn how to use Synapse Activity HubYou will learn how to use Synapse Data HubPrerequisitesBasic Database conceptsAzure Free trial SubscriptionCourse In DetailAzure Synapse Analytics Beginner guide Full moduleYou will learn the Azure synapse basic details and Synapse Studio detailsHow use Synapse studio Activity HubHow to use Synapse Studio Data HubHow can use Synapse data hub for Storage accountSynapse Developer hub benefitsHow to use developer Hub notebookHow to use Developer hub Dataflow Tunning the Develop Hub -Data Flows Optimize Synapse Studio Monitor HubHow to use Manage Linked Service How to is use Manage Integration RuntimeHow to use Manage Access controlHow to use Manage Integration Run timeData MovementSql Analytics Functions LAGLEADFIRST_VALUELAST_VALUECUME_DISTPERCENTILE_COUNTPERCENTILE_DISCPERCENTILE_RANKSNAPSHOT ISOLATIONREAD/WRITE/MODIFY JASON DATASTORED PROCEDURESINDEXESCOLUMNSTORE INDEXESSynapse Job serviceSynapse Spark Instance workflowCreating Spark PoolJDBC and PolybaseCreate Notebook on files storageLibrary Management-Python[Tags]Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Server, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Data Factory, Data Lake, Azure Storage, Azure Synapse Analytics Service, PolyBase, Azure monitoring, Azure Security, Data Warehouse, SSISAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Basic Database conceptsAzure Free trial SubscriptionWho this course is for:Beginners in Azure PlatformData EngineersData ScientistDatabase and BI developersDatabase AdministratorsData Analyst or similar profiles"
Price: 24.99

"Formation SEO & WordPress" |
"Et si demain, vous tiez lheureux propritaire dun site web performant et moderne ? Et si demain, ce site web attirait des milliers de prospects chaque mois ? Avec un site web comme celui-ci, votre business tournerait en automatique 7j/7 et 24h/24.Malheureusement, faire construire un site web cote cher et vous ne savez pas toujours qui faire confiance. La peur de larnaque est omniprsente. Du coup, vous pensez le faire vous-mme mais vous avez peur de ne pas y arriver, de perdre un temps prcieux ou vous ne savez pas par o commencer."
Price: 79.99

"H2S Gas awareness (Advanced level) - Arabic" |
" ( ) :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ."
Price: 99.99

"Mongo Db, Redis ve Node.js ile Blog Projesi" |
"Kursumuza en temelden balyoruz. lk nce Css (sass) kullanarak arayz oluturuyoruz. Daha sonra yine arayzmzde deiiklikler ve eklemeler yapmak iin geri dnyoruz. Mongo db ierisinde oluturduumuz postlar kayt ediyoruz. Backend olarak Node.js'in Express.js frameworkn kullanyoruz Redis ierisinde ise yaptmz yorumlar kayt ediyoruz. En son olarakta admin kullancsnn ayarlar sayfasn gelitiriyoruz."
Price: 49.99

"How to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube from Beginning to Advance" |
"Welcome To Our How To Solve A 3x3 Rubik's Cube from Beginners to Advance CourseWithin just 36 minute, you'll be able to solve your own 3x3 Rubik's Cube from ANY random scrambled order.This course is for beginners who wants to learn to solve Rubik's Cube.I will teach you and guide you step by step during this entire course.In this course you will learn:How To Solve A 3x3 Rubik's Cube easily step by step.The Overall Step-By-Step Process In Completing A 3x3 Rubik's Cube.How to create beautiful pattern in 3x3 Rubik's Cube. After complete this course you will become Expert in Solving 3x3 Rubik's Cube."
Price: 1280.00
