"Apache Spark Core 3.0 In-Depth" |
"Apache Spark has turned out to be the most sought-after skill for any big data engineer. An evolution of MapReduce programming paradigm, Spark provides unified data processing from writing SQL to performing graph processing to implementing Machine Learning algorithms. It effectively uses cluster nodes and better memory management to spread the load across cluster of nodes to get faster results. Apache Spark drives the mission of data-driven-decision-making in thousands of organizations.In order to fairly appreciate the benefits of the libraries of Apache Spark, it is essential to know the foundations right. This course aims exactly at that part. It starts from the beginner level and gradually explains all the complex concepts in an easy to reflect manner. It gives a profound description of the features and working of the framework through 5 different use cases with detailed hands on implementations. In fact, some hands-on sessions and solutions to the use-cases are explained in a full classroom mode with videos extending over 40 mins. After taking this course, you will gain the expertise on Spark Core and usage of further libraries like Spark SQL, Structured Streaming, Spark ML and GraphX will be much easier to visualize, implement and optimize."
Price: 24.99

"AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Practical Exam" |
"The AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty certification is intended for individuals who perform a development or data science role. It validates a candidate's ability to design, implement, deploy, and maintain machine learning (ML) solutions for given business problems.Abilities Validated by the CertificationSelect and justify the appropriate ML approach for a given business problemIdentify appropriate AWS services to implement ML solutionsDesign and implement scalable, cost-optimized, reliable, and secure ML solutionsRecommended Knowledge and Experience1-2 years of experience developing, architecting, or running ML/deep learning workloads on the AWS CloudThe ability to express the intuition behind basic ML algorithmsExperience performing basic hyperparameter optimizationExperience with ML and deep learning frameworksThe ability to follow model-training best practicesThe ability to follow deployment and operational best practicesPrepare for Your ExamThere is no better preparation than hands-on experience. There are many relevant AWS Training courses and other resources to assist you with acquiring additional knowledge and skills to prepare for certification. Please review the exam guide for information about the competencies assessed on the certification exam."
Price: 19.99

"Docker pour DevOps" |
"Le monde de lIT a connu plusieurs volutions notoire. Mais lune des avances plus bouleversantes reste lmergence des micro-services, permettant aux applications dtre plus agiles, plus flexibles, plus volutives et plus scalable, pour le plus grand bonheur des dveloppeurs et admins systmes.La mouvance DevOps a encore plus accentue son adoption, cest la raison pour laquelle est lun des des outils les plus incontournable sur le march de lIT.Cette formation a pour but de vous permettre de crer vos propres micro-services laide de DockerCette formation concerneles dveloppeursles administrateurs systmes et rseauxles DevOpsLes managers IT et ArchitectesFormateur: Dirane TAFEN (Consultant et Instructeur Cloud et DevOps)"
Price: 64.99

"Kubernetes: Les bases indispensables" |
"Kubernetes, k8s (pour k, 8 caractres, s) ou encore kube , est une plateforme Open Source qui automatise l'exploitation des conteneurs Linux. Elle permet d'liminer de nombreux processus manuels associs au dploiement et la mise l'chelle des applications conteneurises. En d'autres termes, Kubernetes vous aide grer facilement et efficacement des clusters au sein desquels vous aurez rassembl des groupes d'htes excutant des conteneurs Linux. Ces clusters peuvent couvrir des htes situs dans des clouds publics, privs ou hybrides. C'est la raison pour laquelle Kubernetes est la plateforme idale pour hberger les applications cloud-native qui requirent une mise l'chelle rapide, comme la diffusion de donnes en continu et en temps rel via Apache Kafka.Dans cette formation vous apprendrez dployer vos premires applications l'aide des pod, services, replicatset et le gestionnaire de Chart Helm.Cette formation est destine:aux dveloppeursaux administrateurs systmes et rseauxaux managers et chef de projet ITPrrequis: avoir de bonnes bases sur Docker Formateur: Dirane TAFEN (Consultant et Instructeur dans le Cloud et le DevOps)Dure de la formation: 4 heuresPRATIQUE ! PRATIQUE ! PRATIQUE !Nos formations sont trs pratiques, vous verrez que nous mettons en place systmatiquement des exemples concrets afin de vous permettre de mieux apprhender les notions voques. En plus, sur certains de nos cours (docker, kubernetes, ansible, openshift ...) nous vous permettons de raliser les Labs directement sur notre plateforme, en effet nous souhaitons vous faciliter la tche en mettant en place une plateforme d'exprimentation hberge par EAZYTraining et laquelle vous avez accs tout moment. Qu'attendez-vous ? Allez lancez vous et apprenez en pratiquant."
Price: 79.99

"Ansible pour DevOps" |
"L'automatisation est devenu une ncessit pour les DSI afin de rpondre rapidement aux nouveaux enjeux du monde de l'informatique. L'industrialisation est une discipline de l'informatique qui existe depuis plusieurs annes, le besoin a t adrss avec des outils tels que puppet, chef ... . L'objectif tant de dployer l'infrastructure et installer les applications par la mme occasion sans intervention humaine.Ces derniers annes, l'outil Ansible (by RedHat) a pris de l'ampleur sur le march et a russi s'imposer comme l'outil de rfrence pour tout ce qui est Configuration Management.C'est dans ce cadre que cette formation s'inscrit afin de vous permettre de matriser les fondamentaux de l'automatisation (l'industrialisation) de vos process de dploiement et de configuration.Cette formation est destine:aux DevOpsaux Administrateurs Systmes et Rseauxaux Architectes et Managers ITaux dveloppeur curieuxFormateur : Dirane TAFEN (Consultant et Instructeur dans le domaine du Cloud et du DevOps)PRATIQUE ! PRATIQUE ! PRATIQUE !Nos formations sont trs pratiques, vous verrez que nous mettons en place systmatiquement des exemples concrets afin de vous permettre de mieux apprhender les notions voques. En plus, sur certains de nos cours (docker, kubernetes, ansible, openshift ...) nous vous permettons de raliser les Labs directement sur notre plateforme, en effet nous souhaitons vous faciliter la tche en mettant en place une plateforme d'exprimentation hberge par EAZYTraining et laquelle vous avez accs tout moment. Qu'attendez-vous ? Allez lancez vous et apprenez en pratiquant."
Price: 99.99

"Git: les bases indispensables" |
"Le versioning est devenu un lment indispensable dans la gestion du code applicatif ou infrastructure. En ce sens qu'il permet d'assurer une volutivit de notre travail et de pouvoir travailler avec d'autres personnes.Git est la solution qui a gagn le cur des dveloppeurs et des DevOps, GIT reprsente un indispensable pour tout dveloppeur ou toute personne souhaitant bien grer son code infra (script bash, powershell, terraform, ansible ...) et applicatif (python, java, .NET, C#, Go).Cette formation vous permettra de mieux grer l'volutivit de vos travaux et de pouvoir travailler en collaboration avec collgues autour d'un projet commun au travers de la mise en place de workflow qui sont utiliss par les plus grandes entreprises informatiques du monde.Cette formation est destine:aux dveloppeursaux administrateurs systme et rseauaux DevOpsaux managers ITVous n'allez pas regretter les amisFormateur: Dirane TAFEN (Consultant et Instructeur DevOps et Cloud)Dure de la formation: 3 heuresPRATIQUE ! PRATIQUE ! PRATIQUE !Nos formations sont trs pratiques, vous verrez que nous mettons en place systmatiquement des exemples concrets afin de vous permettre de mieux apprhender les notions voques. En plus, sur certains de nos cours (docker, kubernetes, ansible, openshift ...) nous vous permettons de raliser les Labs directement sur notre plateforme, en effet nous souhaitons vous faciliter la tche en mettant en place une plateforme d'exprimentation hberge par EAZYTraining et laquelle vous avez accs tout moment. Qu'attendez-vous ? Allez lancez vous et apprenez en pratiquant."
Price: 29.99

"Aprendiendo python 2020-2021 tcnicas bsicas y avanzadas" |
"En este curso vas a aprender a programar o re-potenciar tu conocimiento en python y algunas tcnicas y proyectos ejercicios reales.En este curso vamos a aprender desde cero a programar en python con tcnicas avanzadas, conocer el ecosistema que necesitamos que es bsicamente contar con Python en la versin 3 o superior; instalar paquetes,arender a manejar datos y crear un CRUD mysql, una nociones y primera Rest Api.Nos apoyaremos en la documentacin oficial que es variante dependiendo los ejercicios que hagamosEl curso se encuentra dividido en varias secciones:1. Primeros pasosEn la primera seccin vamos a dar los primeros pasos con Python, adems de instalar el mismo y nuestro Visual Studio Code, que ser nuestro editor de cdigo para llevar todo el curso.2. Python BsicoEsta es la seccin veremos nmeros, operadores, tipos de datos, condicionales, bucles, listas, funciones. y haremos 5 ejercicios de toda esta seccin.3. POOAprenderemos a usar la programacin orientada a objetos y como poder aplicarla a proyectos prcticos y reales en un futuro.4. Libreras y archivosEn esta seccin veremos libreras como numpy, pandas, matplotlib, url y ficheros.5. Manejo de datos (Json y Mysql)En esta seccin aprenderemos a manejar y crear datos Json y aprenderemos como crear un modelos de base de datos en Mysql.6. Proyectos y ejercicios prcticosEn esta seccin esta divididos en dos partes primero haremos ejercicios prcticos complementando todas las secciones.Despus haremos tres proyectos aplicativos y reales q nos sirvan en un futuro.7. Tcnicas y Tips AvanzadosEn esta seccin vamos a ver mtodos y formas de programar de manera practica y mas profesional. Tambin algunos consejos y asesoramiento para proyectos futuros.Lo que aprendersInstalar python y herramientas para el desarrolloIntroduccin a python tcnicas y conceptos relevantesPrimeros pasos en pythonPython Bsico (variables, condicionales, bucles, listas, funciones)POO(Programacin orientada a objetos con ejemplos prcticos)Libreras y uso de archivos(Numpy, Matplotlib, pandas, urls, ficheros)Manejo de datos (Json, base de datos Mysql)Proyectos y ejercicios prcticosTcnicas y tips avanzadosHay requisitos para realizar el curso?Nociones bsicas en programacinConocer de manera bsica que es unaNociones bsicas de programacin orientada a objetosNociones bsicas de programacinPara quin es este curso?Personas con ganas de aprenderDesarrolladores de PythonEstudiantes de informtica y desarrollo de softwareDesarrolladores que quieran mejorar sus posibilidades laboralesApasionados por las tecnologas y la programacin"
Price: 19.99

"Learn to crochet a baby blanket from start to finish" |
"If you have never crochet before, that's ok! This course is totally suitable for beginners! You do not need any previous crochet knowledge!In my experience, I feel it would be very overwhelming to show beginner students how to crochet lots of different stitches, who is going to remember that? It would be a bit confusing right? So my motto is - The more we make the more we learn! This will get you familiar and fluent in handling the crochet hook, you will learn a repetative crochet stitch, how to join up your squares, crochet a decorative border and the best bit is, you will be able to make a blanket at the end of the course! Even though, you have just learn how to crochet!"
Price: 19.99

"Part 3/3- Document Control - Vendor Documentation" |
"This course will equip you with the tools, methods and approach to timely deliver the services. Document Controller will be able to organise tasks, manage interfaces, and meet or exceed expectations independently.This course will give you an idea how are the documents managed from hard copies, soft copies, how to manage the file numbering to the documents to identify them regularly .The topics covered here are :Document Control Management TransmittalParticipants will be able to understand What is Transmittal how they are managed and controlled.CORRESPONDENCE MANAGEMENTParticipants will learn what are different types of correspondence and how they are controlled in the organisation from their creation to close out.VENDOR DOCUMENT MANAGEMENTVendor Documentation flow into the organisation till they are approved to be used in the internal design, how it is controlled is taught in this topic.FINAL DOCUMENTATIONParticipant will understand why final documentation done and how they are prepared in the projects after they are completed."
Price: 199.99

"Creacin de Assets para videojuegos en blender 2.83.3" |
Price: 139.99

"Small Business projects SMEs" |
"( ) . . (Project Plan) (Financial Plan) (Marketing Plan ). (Business Plan) (Business Model )"
Price: 19.99

"Check Point CCSM (156-115.80) :Practice Exams (Updated)" |
"Check Point CCSM (156-115.80) :Practice Exams (Updated)Check Point Certifications mean expertise with the technology that secures the internet .CCSM Exam provides an understanding of the advanced concepts and skills necessary to troubleshoot and optimize Check Point Security Gateways and Management Servers.Exam Topics covered in Check Point CCSM Certification Exam skill questions :SmartConsole and policy managementAdvanced database management Advanced Network Address Translation (NAT) VPN troubleshooting Kernel Mode and User Mode troubleshooting Troubleshooting access control policies Troubleshooting Threat Prevention policies Optimization and tuning Advanced clustering Acceleration debugging Deploying IPv6"" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Check Point in any way.""Wish you all the best !"
Price: 24.99

"Google Advertising Adwords Fundamentals Practice Exam" |
"155 UNIQUE practice questions for Google Advertising Adwords Fundamentals Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Google Advertising Adwords Fundamentals Practice ExamTotal Questions : 155Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (116 of 155)"
Price: 154.99

"Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer: Get Certified 2020" |
"The need for data engineers is constantly growing and certified data engineers are some of the top paid certified professionals. Data engineers have a wide range of skills including the ability to design systems to ingest large volumes of data, store data cost-effectively, and efficiently process and analyze data with tools ranging from reporting and visualization to machine learning. Earning a Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer certification demonstrates you have the knowledge and skills to build, tune, and monitor high performance data engineering systems.This course is designed and developed by the author of the official Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer exam guide and a data architect with over 20 years of experience in databases, data architecture, and machine learning. This course combines lectures with quizzes and hands-on practical sessions to ensure you understand how to ingest data, create a data processing pipelines in Cloud Dataflow, deploy relational databases, design highly performant Bigtable, BigQuery, and Cloud Spanner databases, query Firestore databases, and create a Spark and Hadoop cluster using Cloud Dataproc. The final portion of the course is dedicated to the most challenging part of the exam: machine learning. If you are not familiar with concepts like backpropagation, stochastic gradient descent, overfitting, underfitting, and feature engineering then you are not ready to take the exam. Fortunately, this course is designed for you. In this course we start from the beginning with machine learning, introducing basic concepts, like the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning. Well build on the basics to understand how to design, train, and evaluate machine learning models. In the process, well explain essential concepts you will need to understand to pass the Professional Data Engineer exam. We'll also review Google Cloud machine learning services and infrastructure, such as BigQuery ML and tensor processing units.The course includes a 50 question practice exam that will test your knowledge of data engineering concepts and help you identify areas you may need to study more.By the end of this course, you will be ready to use Google Cloud Data Engineering services to design, deploy and monitor data pipelines, deploy advanced database systems, build data analysis platforms, and support production machine learning environments.ARE YOU READY TO PASS THE EXAM? Join me and I'll show you how!"
Price: 49.99

"Java Basics Programming - Fast Track Beginners & Developers" |
"Java Basics Programming Fast Track for Beginners & Developers in depth. Learn all the concepts to write quality Java programs and follow standards and guidelinesJava is one of the most popular programming language.write once and run anywhere programming languageobject-oriented, platform independent and secureDesigned for distributed environment like Web or Internet.About 2 billion Devices using Java in various applications.Java is used every where like Embedded devices, Mobile phones, Enterprise Servers, Super computers, Web Servers and Enterprise"
Price: 99.99

Excel |
Price: 29.99

"Impara a programmare con Javascript" |
"Javascript diventato un linguaggio di punta. Il suo scopo iniziale era semplice: rendere interattive le pagine web.Da allora ha fatto tanta strada e il web solo uno dei modi pi semplici per utilizzare Javascript. Da qui arrivato alla creazione di applicazioni per smartphone, creazione di software (programmi), gestione di server e a tante altre parti che approfondiremo durante questo corso."
Price: 39.99

shigotoeigobiz |
Price: 10200.00

"Maitrisez le dbogueur (debugger) de Visual Studio 2019" |
"Attention : ce cours parle de Visual Studio 2019, la version Windows, pour les dveloppeurs C#, et non de Visual Studio Code ni de Visual Studio MacLors de l'laboration d'un logiciel, il y a fort parier que vous allez passer, d'une faon ou un autre, par des sessions de dbogage. tape quasiment indispensable pour s'assurer qu'un problme est totalement rsolu, le dbogage permet de suivre la trace l'excution du code et de voir ce qu'il se passe concrtement. Que vous soyez un tout nouveau dveloppeur C# qui apprend utiliser Visual Studio ou un habitu, vous trouverez probablement dans ce cours des trucs et astuces pour vous aider mieux supprimer les bugs de votre application.Mais bien souvent, les dveloppeurs ne connaissent pas la totalit des outils permettant le dbogage et perde du temps alors qu'une bonne connaissance des outils permet d'identifier et de rsoudre le problme plus rapidement.Visual Studio est une IDE rput pour son dbogueur, car celui-ci est extrmement puissant. Dans ce cours, nous allons voir, sur un petit projet de test, comment on peut utiliser le dbogueur Visual Studio pour identifier et rsoudre plus rapidement les problmes, et dcouvrir les fonctionnalits avances mises disposition.Note : Ce cours sera probablement enrichi au fil du temps, vous aurez ainsi l'occasion d'avoir encore plus de module pour le mme prix."
Price: 34.99

"Procrastination Mastery" |
"Procrastination is one of the most powerful and crippling mindsets of modern living. Many people experience it in one or many areas of life. Even the most successful of people experience it on a daily basis. this course allows the learner to overcome and master procrastination within each and every area of life."
Price: 34.99

"Shopify : Crer un e-commerce grce au print on Demand" |
"Suivez mes vidos qui vous montrent EXACTEMENT comment crer votre propre e-commerce de print on demande (d'impression la demande) partir de zro. J'ai document l'ensemble du processus, depuis l'ide initiale jusqu'au lancement des publicits sur Facebook pour gnrer du trafic.Aprs ce cours, vous serez capable deGrez un ecommerce rentable sur Shopify grace au Print on Demand Aider d'autres personnes grer leur ecommerce sur ShopifyCe que vous allez matriser dans le cadre de ce coursCrer une boutique Shopify rentable Choisissez les produits vendre pour commencer gagner de l'argent sur internetAutomatiser l'importation de produits dans votre magasinCrez votre entreprise avec un systme l'preuve des ballesDiriger du trafic vers votre boutique Shopify Et bien plus encore...La plupart des outils de ce cours sont gratuits et vous aideront obtenir des rsultats.La vrit est que... Pour crer un business en ligne rentable sur de shopify, vous devez tre prt y consacrer du temps, de l'argent et beaucoup de patience. Il ne s'agit pas d'une activit qui vous offrira le succs du jour au lendemain. Vous pouvez obtenir des rsultats rapidement, mais ne comptez pas dessus. Comme pour tout ce qui est formidable dans la vie, si vous continuez apprendre et vous amliorer, vous russirez !tes-vous prt commencer gagner de l'argent sur internet ?Rendez-vous dans le cours."
Price: 199.99

"Oracle FS1 Series Systems Implementation Essentials" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle FS1 Series Systems Implementation Essentials 1Z0-429 Exam.Exam Number: 1Z0-429Exam TopicsOracle FS1 flash storage systems overviewDescribe the FS1 storage system architectureDescribe the features of the FS1Manage the supported data services and client protocolsHardware installationExplain considerations for site planningDescribe system hardware and requirementsDescribe system cablingSet up power and load balancingSystem SetupDescribe system accessNavigate the user interfaceManage user access and rolesList default usernames and passwordsDefine user accessPerform FS1 system installationPerform FS1 system setupPerform FS1 software updatesMonitoring and supportDescribe the monitoring system capabilitiesMonitor system statusTroubleshoot system eventsConfigure alertsDiagnose the FS1 system log collectionImplement the data protection managerSet up Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)Analyze historical statistics reportingAnalyze statistics reportingPerform guided maintenanceAnalyze command line interface (CLI) functionsConfigurationInstall FS1 System ManagerDefine storage profilesDefine storage domainsConfigure block storageImplement iSCSI using best practicesDefine host groupsData servicesImplement Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) applications integrationSet up clones and copies best practicesImplement clones and copiesManage MaxRep"
Price: 19.99

"This Course Specially Build for Digital Marketer, Social Media Manager Who Want Marketing on Social Media this Is Free Marketing. All One Can Do Self / Brand Marketing by This Tools, Knowledge.This Course Certified by Facebook Authority So You Can Show In Your Resume For Plus Point.All Enterprise Grow Today Time But They Fail.All Candidate Who Want Job They Fail.By This Course You Can Do Self/Brand Marketing In Free.You Can Marketing On Large Scale Without Help Of Anyone.This Course Teach You How You Can Enroll , Get Certificate And Improve Knowledge In Large Scale."
Price: 1280.00

"20 Days Digital Exercises To Test and Enhance Memory" |
"This course covers various easy to do simple exercises to help you stimulate your Memory Muscles and Improve YOUR Memory.Simplicity is the key of this course.The difficulty level increase with each day and this helps you to keep pushing yourself to better your Memory.Scoring Sheet is also provided for each day, so you can measure your progress. It will be great for young children and even senior citizens to practice their Memory Skills.For professionals and entrepreneurs it will help to sharpen your brain.More exercises will be added in coming months in this course."
Price: 1280.00

"Principios de electricidad bsica" |
"En este curso vamos a estudiar los fundamentos de la electricidad y adquirir las bases para comprender los circuitos elctricos encontrados en los equipos mviles y en particular los equipos todoterreno, que incluyen una amplia variedad de mquinas, entre los que se encuentran los:TractoresPavimentadorasExcavadoras de ruedas y orugasRetroexcavadorasCargadoras de ruedas y orugasNiveladorasTractores agrcolasGrasMontacargas o carretillas elevadorasEn este curso vamos a tener:Una seccin de fundamentos fisicos de electricidad, donde vamos a:Describir en que consiste la electricidad.Definir las variables que componen la electricidad, que son voltaje, corriente y resistencia.Estudiar la ley de Ohm, que es la formula que relaciona las tres variables anteriores.Aplicar la ley de Ohm, para entenderla mediante ejemplos practicos.Estudiar el termino de potencia electrica y entender la ley de Watt que relacione las variables de la potencia.Una seccin de fundamentos de magnetismo, donde vamos a:Describir en que consiste el magnetismo.Estudiar los conceptos de campo y flujo magneticosEstudiar los fundamentos de reluctancia, campo e induccin electromagnerticaEstudiar como se produce la corriente alterna y la induccin de voltajeAl finalizar el curso tendrs:Las bases para estudiar los diferentes circuitos elctricos encontrados en los equipos mviles todoterreno.Las bases del magnetismo, lo cual te permitir estudiar y entender los dispositivos que se basan en estos principios fsicos, como los motores de corriente directa (motor de arranque, por ejemplo), Generadores de corriente alterna (alternador), solenoides, relevos y bobinas, entre otros."
Price: 49.99

Zeitmanagement |
"Warum sind wir in der modernen Welt eigentlich keine Zeitmillionre?Eigentlich mssten wir doch heute in der einer Welt leben, in der wir alle ganz viel Zeit haben. Bei all den technologischen Innovationen, die so viel Zeit sparen mssten, msste uns doch fast langweilig werden.Was wir hingegen erleben, ist genau das Gegenteil: Wir haben immer weniger Zeit. Und je schneller unsere Computer werden, desto knapper wird die Zeit.In diesem Kurs kannst du dein eigenes Zeitmanagement weiterentwicklen. Du lernst die 4 Schritte des PREP-Modells und die wichtigsten Techniken im Zeitmanagement kennen."
Price: 29.99

"VMware VCP550D Professional Data Center Virtualization Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Administrator Vsphere infrastructure planning with the following requirements to ad-hoc network: the ability to shape the incoming (RX) traffic Support for Private VLAN (Private VLAN) support LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) which is the lowest Vsphere edition that will support these requirements?a) Vsphere Basics Plusb) Vsphere Standardc) Vsphere Enterprised) Vsphere Enterprise Pluse) NoneQ) What are the two virtualized IT infrastructure components Vsphere Basics? (Choose two.)a) networkb) appsc) Storaged) managementQ) The administrator must deploy multiple virtual machines. Storage discord between the virtual machines to be managed VMkernel. Some of the virtual machine will use MSCS, and must be highly available ESXi 5.5 hosts. What are the two storage options to meet these requirements? (Choose two.)a) ISCSIb) NFSc) Fiber Channeld) VSAN networkQ) The administrator uses observable health VCENTER Operations Manager in the ESXi host in the environment. There have been no reports of disruptions or problems with the ESXi host, but the administrator will need to determine if the master is behaving normally. What a small icon administrator should investigate to determine this information?a) wrongb) anomaliesc) STRESSd) Healthe) None"
Price: 174.99

"Creacin de cursos virtuales con MOODLE" |
"Objetivos:El objetivo de este programa de capacitacin es aprender y utilizar la herramienta de LMS Moodle para la creacin de cursos on line.Para el desarrollo de un curso online es preciso contar con un proyecto previamente diseado que constituya una gua para su elaboracin e implementacin y que asegure que los alumnos dispongan de la informacin en forma sencilla y agradable, mediante la utilizacin de las diferentes estrategias de tecnologas de la informacin que faciliten el aprendizaje.Para cumplir con este objetivo se debe realizar la planificacin de un conjunto de fases para las cuales es indispensable conocer e implementar las herramientas tecnolgicas que se aprendern en este curso.El alumno aprender a desarrollar un curso online, conocer los ambientes de aprendizaje virtual, conocer la posibilidades de uso de recursos digitales de Internet, de acuerdo con la legislacin de derechos de autor, identificar las caractersticas y elementos del diseo educativo de un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje (objetivos, materiales, propuesta metodolgica y de evaluacin), publicar y comercializar sus cursos online,ProgramaCONCEPTOS BSICOS DE EDUCACIN ONLINEConceptos bsicos de formacin onlineQu es la educacin virtual?Qu es E-learning?Glosario de terminologa E-LearningClasificacin de e-LearningVentajas e inconvenientes del e-LearningPosibilidades que ofrece el E-LearningObjetivos de un proyecto de E-LearningEvolucin del E-LearningCasos de xito E-LearningBlended LearningMobile LearningPlataformas LMS ""Learning Management System""Qu es gamificacinQue es un SCORMPLANIFICACIN DEL CURSOSeleccin del tema del cursoNombre del cursoDefinicin de objetivos del cursoPblico al que va dirigidoFormato general para la planificacin del cursoDiseo de los mdulos de aprendizajeHERRAMIENTAS DE PRESENTACIN Presentaciones con PowerPointMejorar las presentaciones de PowerPoint con IslidePresentaciones con PreziBancos de imgenesHERRAMIENTAS DE VOZ Voces digitalesRECURSOS PARA PRESENTACIONES, VIDEOS, MSICA, GRFICOS Y FOTOS Recursos para la creacin de videosEnvato elementsBancos de imgenesCREACIN Y EDICIN DE VIDEOS GRABACIN Y EDICIN DE VIDEOS CON CAMTASIACreacin de videos con CAMTASIA parte 1Creacin de videos con CAMTASIA Screencast parte 2Creacin de un video completo con CAMTASIA parte 3GRABACIN Y EDICIN DE VIDEOS CON FILMORA FILMORA un maravilloso programa para creacin de videosGrabacin de un video con FILMORA primera parteGrabacin de un video con FILMORA segunda parteCREACIN DE VIDEOS ANIMADOS Videos animados con VYONDVideos animados con TOONLYVideos animados con DOODLYVideos animados con POWTOONVideos animados con MOOVLYVideos animados con WIDEOVideos animados con ANIMAKERVideo infografa con ANIMAKERVideos, logos y otras funciones con RENDERFORESTCREACIN DE UN CURSO CON POWERPOINT UTILIZANDO ISPRINGPLATAFORMA LMS MOODLEQu es MOODLE y para qu sirvePLATAFORMAS PREINSTALADAS Dnde podemos realizar nuestras prcticas de MOODLEINTRODUCCIN A MOODLECrear categoras y cursos en MOODLEAdministracin de usuariosMatricular alumnos al cursoBloques secciones y comandos del editorIntroducir en el curso imgenes y audiosGESTIN DE VIDEOS CON MOODLELos videos en la educacin virtualGestin de videosCreacin de lecciones e incorporar videosACTIVIDADES Y RECURSOS CON MOODLEActividades y recursosRECURSOS CON MOODLECreacin de pginasCreacin de librosNavegando por un libroArchivos descargablesCreacin de enlacesCreacin de etiquetasACTIVIDADES DE MOODLECreacin de glosariosCreacin de cuestionariosPreguntas de opcin mltiplePreguntas de falso y verdaderoPreguntas de respuesta cortaPreguntas numricasPreguntas de ensayoPreguntas de arrastrar y soltar marcadoresBanco de preguntasLos foros en la educacin virtualCreacin de forosGestin de CHATTareasOTRAS FUNCIONES DE MOODLECreacin de grupos y agrupacionesGestin de insignias y envo de tareasCalificaciones, calificar actividades de los alumnosCalificaciones, configuracin del informe calificadortems de calificacinInformes generalesCREACIN DE UN SCORM CON iSpringCreacin de un curso desde una presentacin de POWERPOINT"
Price: 74.99

"Come stabilire e raggiungere le proprie Mete" |
"Un corso altamente consigliato per chi vuole stabilire e raggiungere Mete Ambiziose. In questo corso apprenderai: La scoperta della scala amministrativa, una serie graduale di azioni o livelli, basata su leggi naturali che mostrano come formulare mete, scopi e piani.Quale sia il motivo per cui le persone a volte lavorano duramente per raggiungere una meta, ma non avanzano verso il suo conseguimento e quali sono le azioni da intraprendere per cambiare questa situazione, raggiungere effettivamente il fine verso cui si sta lavorando e avere successo.Lo sviluppo innovativo di un mezzo per suddividere un piano in brevi azioni attuabili che potete eseguire una alla volta per arrivare alla realizzazione della pianificazione globale e raggiungere effettivamente le mete che avete stabilito, indipendentemente da quanto grandi possano essere."
Price: 59.99

"Burmese Speaking Course Beginners" |
"This Spoken Burmese course focuses on learning the language and speaking the language, rather than learning the script. After all, the goal of learning a language is to be able to speak right? That's why this course will have you speaking Burmese from the basics. This course slowly teaches you key phases by building on small sentences. At the beginning of the course, you will learn Greetings & Introduction, Common tense, Tones, Pronoun, Question words, and so on. By the end of the course, you will be able to start speaking Burmese as a Beginner level."
Price: 19.99

"Three secret grammar patterns for whole english" |
"I have been researching for ages and I have found these three secret patterns. Most of the students learn English grammar one grammar by one. If they know my secret patterns before they learn grammar, they are able to be powerful English learners. Because through my patterns I teach about whole English grammar. These are verb patterns. You can make any grammar sentences through my verb patterns.come and see the difference. Definitely your life will be changed today. The intermediate and advanced students who know the grammar already, are able to put their grammar into these three verb patterns. They don't need to memorize them all grammar. They can remember these three patterns and make any grammar sentences using these three secret patterns. The special thing is after finishing my course you are able to make any sentences without having any grammar mistakes. This is a good chance for students who are willing to take part in English exams such as IELTS TOFEL CAE FCE so they can do their grammar questions very easily through my three verb patterns even without having the best knowledge about English grammar. Don't miss this chance. I highly recommend this course for all level students because I have improved my English through these three patterns and also I am teaching English using these three verb patterns. Lots of students succeed. Join my course and feel the difference."
Price: 139.99
