"Developing resilience to life's knocks" |
"Understanding resilience versus grit and just 'pushing through' that doesn't help over longer periods. Learn to manage and build it from experience and insights so that you can more effectively feel on top of problems when they arise, as they inevitably will. Look forward with less fear and anxiety about the impact of life events that may shake your stability at times. "
Price: 19.99

"Better Email Writing Skills" |
"Email is an essential part of most people's jobs. The emails you write need to help you achieve your objectives, not get in their way. A well written email can help boost your career or business, while a poorly written email can do an awful lot of harm. In this quick course, I'll show you how to write effective emails, how to manage your reader, and how to master your Inbox all while staying safe online.Reviews from Mark's other course, Better Business Writing Skills:""Mark is an excellent speaker and very engaging. The lessons are short and to the point. The material is delivered in clear, plain English, making it very easy to absorb."" S.J.""This course is well worth the time. It's clear that the instructor knows his craft. I don't say this because of his impressive background. I say it because he knows how to engage students and teach in an understandable and personal way, which also includes clever visuals and a bit of whimsy."" S.G.""I really enjoyed this course. I was dreading doing an on-line course, but was glad I did! He kept me interested. Lot's of good and useful tips!"" J.G.""I'm annoyed that I didnt discover this course earlier in life."" B.M""An applicable, straight forward approach to learning. Love it!"" L.A.P.""Great Presentation, Awesome Content. Thank You!!!"" U.A."
Price: 24.99

"Mobile Automation for Android devices using Appium" |
"This course is designed for complete beginners.Get started with Appium on Android & iOS using JAVA .If you are a complete beginner on Appium , this course is perfect for you. Topics we are going to cover: overview on core java concepts Introduction to Appium Overview of Open Source Mobile Test Automation tools Open source Mobile Automation tool Evaluation docsAutomating various scenarios in Android AppOverview on Cucumber BDD frameworkAutomating app using BDD framework"
Price: 1280.00

"Dance Chair Yoga for Seniors 'Chopra Certified Instructor'" |
"Dance Chair Yoga is really for everyone who requires the support of a chair whilst moving the body to a range of music. As we get older so many of us become more sedentary. Without realising it, were taking shallow breaths, our muscles and joints start to lose their fluidity. Over time, we also tend to lose our mobility and as a result we feel less enthusiastic and motivated. And NO, its not because youre getting old! The solution to maintaining a love for life, a healthy body and a clear mind is to regularly participate in safe, supported exercise.No matter if youre 53 years old like me or 95, chair yoga is an awesome way to reinstate your love for life again, to feel great from the inside out gain and regain clarity, focus and gratitude for everything you have."
Price: 19.99

"Python: Data Science, Machine Learning & Neuronale Netze" |
"Als Data-Scientist hast du nicht nur einen unglaublich spannenden Job, du bist auf gefragt wie nie. Zudem bekommst du ein weit berdurchschnittliches Gehalt (laut Indeed Jobbrse).Diesen Kurs habe ich entwickelt, weil ich dich darauf ideal vorbereiten mchte.Dieser Kurs bringt dir alle 4 Themengebiete bei, die fr dich als Data-Scientist notwendig sind. Mit ber 240+ Lektionen und ber 29+ Stunden HD-Videos ist dies einer der umfangreichsten Kurse auf Udemy. Was lernst du alles in diesem Kurs?Python Grundlagen (wenn du noch nie programmiert hast)Data ScienceMachine LearningDeep Learning (Neuronale Netze)Diese Abschnitte sind hierbei ideal aufeinander abgestimmt, du lernst hierbei sehr effizient: Anschauliche Visualisierungen statt trockenen, mathematischen Formeln. Welche Themen behandelt der Kurs?Teil 1: Python GrundlagenIm ersten Abschnitt lernen wir die Grundlagen von Python kennen. Wir schauen uns die verschiedenen Datentypen an, wir lernen Funktionen kennen, und sind anschlieend in der Lage, eigene kleinere Programme zu entwickeln. Als Praxisprojekt schreiben wir schon nach ein paar Stunden einen kleinen Spamfilter.Wenn du schon Programmiererfahrung mit Python hast, kannst du diese Abschnitte berspringen - und direkt beim nchsten Teil anfangen.Teil 2: Data ScienceIn diesem Abschnitt geht's dann um das Thema Data Science. Hier schauen wir uns an, wie wir Daten nach Python einlesen kannst, diese Daten dann filtern, und grafische Auswertungen erstellen. Zudem knnen wir vorab Zusammenhnge aus den Daten visualisieren - das wird uns spter im nchsten Teil dann noch weiterhelfen. In diesem Abschnitt verwenden wir gngige Tools wie Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib und Seaborn. Als Praxisprojekt analysieren wir dann die Gehlter der Stadt San Francisco. Teil 3: Machine Learning Anschlieend haben wir die Grundlage gelegt, uns mit Machine Learning zu beschftigen. Hier lernst du dann, welche verschiedenen Arten von Machine Learning es gibt, wie Daten aufbereitet werden mssen, und wie du die Genauigkeit eines Modells beurteilen kannst.Mit diesem Wissen sind wir dann in der Lage, eigene Modelle zu trainieren - und knnen so nicht nur Diabetes vorhersagen, sondern auch den Spamfilter aus Abschnitt 1 massiv verbessern. Hier verwenden wir das populre Python-Tool Sklearn.Teil 4: Deep Learning / Neuronale NetzeAufbauend auf Teil 3 schauen wir uns dann das Thema Deep Learning & Neuronale Netze an. Hier trainieren wir zuerst ein einzelnes Neuron, aber dann erweitern wir das Modell, sodass wir ein ganzes Neuronales Netz trainieren knnen. Das Wissen zum klassischen Machine Learning hilft uns hier unglaublich weiter, weil sich viele der Zusammenhnge fast 1:1 auf neuronale Netze bertragen lassen.Dadurch knnen wir dann eine Bilderkennung schreiben. Wir arbeiten in diesem Abschnitt mit gngigen Tools wie Keras und Tensorflow."
Price: 199.99

"ASL Antonyms #1 + Review American Sign Language" |
"IN THIS COURSE, were going to boost your vocabulary skills in American Sign Language (ASL). Youll learn a total of sixty (60) vocabulary words and be tested on what you've learned. The words are divided into six (6) groups and further sectioned into antonym word pairs. We'll learn each sign step by step and review what weve learned in each group as we progress. At the end, there are multiple tests covering all words from all word groups. Well test your ability to sign the words and understand what the instructor is signing to you.*** This course is designed to INCLUDE complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. Previous ASL skills are welcome but NOT required.IN THIS COURSE:Students will learn sixty (60) vocabulary words individually, step by stepGroups 1-2 words: ABOVE, BELOW, ADD, SUBTRACT, ALIVE, DEAD, ALL, NONE, ARRIVE, LEAVE, BEST, WORST, BUSY, IDLE, CAREFUL, CARELESS, CORRECT, INCORRECT, DEFEND, ATTACKGroups 3-4 words: EARLY, LATE, FREEDOM, SLAVERY, FRIEND, ENEMY, GENEROUS, SELFISH, HARD, SOFT, HELLO, GOODBYE, IMPOSSIBLE, POSSIBLE, KID, ADULT, LAUGH, CRY, LOUD, QUIETGroups 5-6 words: MARRY, DIVORCE, NIGHT, DAY, PEACE, WAR, PROBLEM, SOLUTION, RICH, POOR, SAME, DIFFERENT, SHOW, HIDE, START, END, SUCCESS, FAILURE, TERRIBLE, WONDERFULEach individual sign will be taught step by step to ensure comprehension, correct hand shape, and hand positionStudents will be repeatedly tested on their ability to sign and recognize ALL material taught in the courseAFTER TAKING THIS COURSE:Students will know how to sign (60) essential vocabulary words in ASLStudents will be able to recognize and understand all vocabulary words in the courseStudents will understand the mechanics of each sign taught in the courseStudents will feel more confident as they continue their journey of ASL improvementQUESTIONS:What is the main focus of this course?This course focuses on using antonym word pairs to increase essential vocabulary skills in American Sign Language (ASL). Students will learn, review, and be tested on ALL vocabulary that is taught throughout the course.Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with ASL before taking this class?No. This course is designed for complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. All necessary signs are taught step by step in the course.Will this course test me on what is taught?Yes. This course contains multiple sections of review and testing where you have the opportunity to demonstrate your ASL signing and recognition skills.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Hello! My name is Michael. When I was three years old, my younger brother became sick with spinal meningitis. In the process, my brother became deaf with an almost complete hearing loss. This difficult situation provided a unique opportunity for my family and I to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Unlike some deaf children, my brother was not sent away to a deaf or hard of hearing school. He grew up with us, his hearing family, and we were active in the deaf community.As a police officer and federal investigator, I often used ASL to communicate with and interpret for witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. I decided to create ASL courses because its a useful and practical skill to have. Like learning any language, it opens your mind and creates the ability to communicate with a whole new group of people."
Price: 19.99

"Figma for mobile application and web design" |
"FigmaFigma is a digital design and prototyping tool. It is a UI and UX design app that you can use to build apps, websites, or UI components that can then be integrated into other projects. Figma allows you to present models from start to finish. With intuitive design features and a host of features, Figma is an ideal design tool. There is a completely free version. Thanks to Figma, you can save your work online anywhere. You can work on the browser as well as on a desktop version.Figma allows you to- Create mobile applications- Create website templates- Create graphic elements- Create interactions between the different artboardsAt the end of your work, you will be able to view your model with the interactions.Training courseIn this course, you will learn how to prototype from scratch with Figma. You will thus see everything of the software, master all the tools, management of colors, images and much more, you will be able to see all the features. The design of application for mobile or website template will have no more secrets for you. You can also work on concrete examples through the creation of web applications with different work plans, adding interactions."
Price: 49.99

"Speeds and Feeds - Machine Shop maths" |
"As a machinist, arguably the most often used maths equations we use is to calculate speeds and feed. in this course, you will learn how to quickly work out spindle speeds for your cutter, how to select the correct cutting speed, calculate the table feed rate for the perfect finish, calculate feed per tooth (chip load), understand feed per revolution when using lathes and working out correct cutting times. All with downloadable question sheets. This laser-focused course will teach you all this is 60 minutes. Everything explaining using both metric and imperial unit."
Price: 19.99

"learn illustrator,how to create high quality game graphics" |
"If you make your own custom graphics in illustrator, this class is for you!Im going to teach you how to use illustrator(a design software) and create the art you Because illustrator is a vector graphics software, the graphics you create will be salable and also highly versatile. You will create them once and then you can use them on any device and also any resolution! From iPhones to desktop computers.Learning the basics of illustrator and 2d game graphics/Game Art Design will put a very powerful and useful tool at your fingertips. illustrator is very easy to learn, it has amazing documentation, and is one of the most used tools for creating vector arts.Who this course is for:2D game design passionate students and beginnerStudents interested in illustrator and graphics designs"
Price: 79.99

"Mterilerin Tekrar Gelmesini Salama (Sadk Mteriler)" |
"Genellikle bir dokunuun, glmsemenin, nazik bir szcn, dinlemenin, iten bir komplimann ve kk bir dikkat gstermenin, hayat kolaylatrma potansiyeli olan tm bu hareketlerin gcn gz ard ederiz.Mterinin yerinde siz olsaydnz ne gibi durumlar sonucu oray yeniden tercih ederdiniz?Gemite Banzdan Geen Kt Bir Mteri Deneyimini HatrlaynYardmc Olmak in Ne Yaptlar?Veya Sorunu Daha yi ekilde zmek in Ne Yapmalar Gerekirdi?"
Price: 49.99

"How to have an enriched Parent Teacher Meeting?" |
"How to make and organised an effective PTM- The Parent Teacher Meeting is always a situational analysis. This goes a long way in exploring the strategies by schools. The module shares actively some points and practices every school need to adopt in order the have the maximum positive impact of the meeting. This has been capsuled and encapsulated through the resource person, Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra, himself out of his two decades of teaching, school management and academic audits. An initiative towards excellence for all heads of schools."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo escribir tu libro! De la idea inicial al libro final." |
"TE GUSTA ESCRIBIR? QUIERES PREPARAR UN LIBRO PERO NO SABES CMO HACERLO? TE GUSTARA APRENDER A ESCRIBIRLO RPIDA Y FCILMENTE, APLICANDO LAS TCNICAS Y HERRAMIENTAS DE LOS MS GRANDES AUTORES DE TODOS LOS TIEMPOS?NO LO PIENSES MS! CONVIERTE TU SUEO DE ESCRITOR EN REALIDAD!A travs de este videocurso de 4 horas aprenders todo lo que necesitas para escribir tu libro rpida y fcilmente, desde cmo concebir la idea original y desarrollar la estructura bsica, hasta cmo darle vida a tu primer borrador y convertirlo en un manuscrito final.Si sueas con escribir un libro, este curso es ideal para ti, ya sea para darte a conocer como nuevo autor, dejarle un legado al mundo, impulsar tu marca personal y la de tu empresa, incursionar en el negocio de la autopublicacin o, simplemente, para tener la enorme satisfaccin de poder ver tu libro hecho realidad.T PUEDES ESCRIBIR TU LIBRO YA!Te acompaaremos, paso a paso, a lo largo del proceso de creacin de tu escrito aplicando las tcnicas de grandes autores de la talla de Gabriel Garca Mrquez, Ernest Hemingway, Mario Vargas Llosa, JK Rowling, Julio Cortzar, Patricia Highsmith, Jorge Luis Borges, Horacio Quiroga, y Albert Einstein, entre otros.Con el fin de brindarte la mejor ayuda, las 30 lecciones de este videocurso fueron grabadas durante el reciente Curso-Taller Cmo escribir tu libro, impartido en la ciudad de Bucaramanga, Colombia, por el escritor y editor venezolano, lvaro Parra Pinto, director de la editorial online Ediciones de La Parra y anfitrin del canal de YouTube para escritores Publica tu libro en Amazon.Sus tcnicas, mtodos, consejos prcticos y herramientas no solo te ayudarn durante el proceso de redaccin, sino que adems dispararn tu creatividad con el fin de ayudarte a escribir tu libro y convertir tu sueo de escritor en realidad.REVISA LAS CLASES GRATIS Y APROVECHA NUESTRO PRECIO DE OFERTA! INSCRBETE YA!"
Price: 19.99

"Ben's English for Traveling Course" |
"From planning your visit to checking-in to a hotel to knowing how to use different modes of public transportation, my English for Traveling course will help you as an English as a Second Language learner to navigate how to travel within the English-speaking world. Whether it is grammar, vocabulary, or conversational skills, my English for Traveling Course covers all of these skills and more. With a dozen assignments and over four hours of unique video content, my course offers you what you need to make your travels in the English-speaking world a pleasant one and without any anxieties or stresses that come with traveling in another part of the world."
Price: 99.99

"Advanced After effects - Create a Stylised Animation" |
"In this course you will learn how to use the extremely powerful Adobe After Effects to boost your brand with great animation transitions like the ones in the promo video. You will also get to learn how to stylise any scene you have to boost it's beauty and delivery message with simple and very useful tricks that you can use for all sorts of projects."
Price: 39.99

"Google Keep Mastery" |
"Learn Google Keep Course to learn about a free tool that syncs across all devices and helps you to make, edit, share & collaborate Notes and Lists. This is one of the best Google tools which help you to increase productivity at personal, professional, office and management level. Unlock the features of Keep with this course."
Price: 1280.00

"Simple Past Tense - How to use the three forms of the verb" |
"This course is for all levels, but specifically pre-intermediate (A2) and intermediate (B1). You will learn how to make sentences using the three verb forms in the English language. You will also learn tips and tricks to help with how to pronounce irregular verbs ending with -ed.If you need to correct your grammar with tenses, particularly past simple, present perfect and past perfect, then I recommend that you take this course as I will show you how the verb changes in all three forms, using the most common verbs that are used everyday. The past participle form is extremely useful for students learning present perfect and past perfect (intermediate and advanced levels of English).In this class you will learn:The three forms of the verbsExamples with present simple (infinitive form), past simple and present perfectHow to pronounce regular verbs with -ed added to them in the past formNew vocabularyAn introduction to prepositionsand An introduction to other grammar rules with tips and tricks to help you remember.This course also looks at pronunciation. Many students have problems with pronouncing the regular verb form in the past, for example, when you add '-ed' to the end of the verb. I will show you some tips and tricks to pronounce the words correctly when reading and speaking so you don't make that mistake anymore and you don't have to feel embarrassed when you are talking to an English speaker."
Price: 19.99

"Learn KravHIIT Close Quarter Combat Knife Defense" |
"In this course you'll learn how to defend yourself against just about any knife attack. It doesn't matter how big they are, these techniques work!We recorded this course in our live classes so you'll feel almost like you are there learning along with everyone else! Don't go another minute without doing all you can to keep you and your loved ones safe!Thomas Griffin is one of the leading Close Quarter Combat Specialists in the world. He is sought out to train law enforcement and military personal around the globe. What makes his teaching and techniques unique is his ability to break every technique down so they are easy to learn. His approach to self-defense is to have as few answers as possible to as many questions as he can. In other words you should be able to use the same defense for many different attacks so you don't have to spend years to learn thousands of techniques.Don't wait! Act NOW, This course could literally could save your life!"
Price: 174.99

"How to get a career in ICS/SCADA Cyber Security" |
"Due to popular demand, I've created a course that covers ""How to get a career in ICS/SCADA Cyber Security""! In this course, I cover topics such as:What kind of college majors should you study?How can you get an Internship?How can you network, and build out your professional network?How to write a traditional paper resume and a digital resume.How to prepare for an ICS/SCADA Cyber Security interview?and many more topics...So join me in this course, and I hope it can benefit your current career, or maybe even start a new career in the field of ICS/SCADA Cyber Security!"
Price: 194.99

"Liderana Mxima - Seja um Lder de Alto Impacto" |
"Aprenda a Arte de Entender e Liderar Pessoas e Cresa sua CarreiraVoc lidera uma equipe ou possui uma empresa e cada vez parece que entende menos o comportamento das pessoas? Se sente perdido em como fazer com que todos faam o seu melhor e sejam realmente engajados com os objetivos da empresa?Calma! Sua equipe pensa e sobrevive sem voc sim, desde que voc use as tcnicas certas para se tornar um lder admirvel e criar uma equipe em alta performance totalmente alinhada aos objetivos do seu negcio.O que voc ser capaz de de fazer ao passar por esse treinamento:Seja auto gerencivelSeja especialista em entender pessoasGerencie diferentes perfis na equipeCrie, aplique e gerencie mudanasAprenda o modelo de conversa ideal com lideradosResolva conflitos de forma rpida e assertivaMelhore Comunicao e FeedbackCria uma equipe de alta performancePense de forma inovadora e moderna como nubank, uber e demais empresas que esto crescendo muito no mercadoAprenda a Inspirar, motivar e servir pessoasSe autodesenvolva continuamente com ferramentas de coaching e meditao.Seja um lder admirvel para as pessoasPara quem este Treinamento?Para lderes, gerentes, supervisores, diretores, empresrios ou pessoas que buscam ter cargos de liderana na empresa em que atuam.Por que um treinamento diferenciado?Nosso treinamento utiliza ferramentas, tcnicas e mtodos de coaching e desenvolvimento humano para acelerar o processo de aprendizagem, reflexo e tomada de ao onde voc ser capaz de continuar seu desenvolvimento contnuo aps a concluso.Possui certificado?Sim,certificado da UDEMY automtico e certificado oficial do instituto ao entregar a atividade extra ao final do treinamento.Fornece Material Didtico?Sim! Apostila + Materiais Complementares + Ferramentas"
Price: 39.99

"Fundamentos de Inversiones: Aprende desde cero" |
"Este no es un curso de Trading, antes de incentivarte a invertir es importante que conozcas las bases o fundamentos de inversiones, es decir, como funcionan los mercados, clases de inversiones, la importancia de las tasas de inters y el mercado del dinero. Es por esto que he diseado un curso que contempla los aspectos bsicos que un futuro inversionista debera conocer.El curso contempla temas como: Tipos de inversiones, riesgos financieros, pros y contras del anlisis tcnico y fundamental, conceptos bsicos de economa y valor del dinero en el tiempo.La metodologa es sencilla y dinmica, primero desarrollamos la teora y luego se muestran varios ejemplos."
Price: 54.99

"Blood Banking: Ultimate Guide to Solving ABO Discrepancies" |
"Ahh, one of the most dreaded topics for any student of Immunohematology, Blood Banking, and/or Transfusion Medicine! ABO discrepancies are indeed a challenge to handle... but once you get the hang of it, you will find out how amazing and fulfilling it is to understand and solve them on your own. So let me show you an easy way to master the concepts behind them! We will be going through each classification individually by analyzing some case examples and determining what their possible resolutions are in the lab. After this course, you will be more confident in solving these problems on your own, whether they be for a test, a licensure exam preparation, or in real life setting. Anyone who needs a refresher course or just simply interested in this topic is also welcome. Remember that upon registration all lecture videos, downloadable resources, and practice questions will always be available should you wish to go back and review the material once again. What's more, you will earn a Certificate of Completion which can be used to augment your resume or curriculum vitae.Increase your knowledge and skills - start learning today!"
Price: 29.99

"Curso Introduccin Al Sistema SAP" |
"EL ERP SAP actualmente es el lder indiscutible en la industria del software empresarial.El sistema SAP divide las distintas reas funcionales de la empresa en mdulos que agrupan diferentes transacciones.Los mdulos ms importantes son el mdulo de Finanzas, Crontrolling, Logstica y Recursos Humanos.Con muchas diferencias de mayor valor entre sus competidores, SAP, se ha convertido en un estndar en las grandes empresas.Actualmente :1- Est implantando en ms de 440.000 empresas en ms de 180 pases.2- Es utilizado por el 92% de las empresas pertenecientes a la lista Forbes Global 2000.3- El 98% de las marcas ms valoradas confan en l para gestionar sus procesos.4- Sus clientes producen entre otros muchos productos: El 78% de la comida mundial El 82% de los dispositivos mdicos mundialesTodava no sabes sobre este gran ERP. Esta es tu oportunidad. Qu aprenders en este curso de introduccin sobre el ERP SAP. Qu es SAP Todos los mdulos que componen el SAP. Cmo se accede y navega en este sistema Todos los Datos maestros que maneja el SAP. Como utilizar todos sus iconos y menu del SAP para tener manejo del Sistema SAP. Qu opciones de personalizacin se pueden utilizarVentajas y el porque deberas saber SAP.Actualmente en el mercado internacional, el 80% de las empresas ms grande del mundo, estn utilizando SAP. Por tal razon, una vez y aprendas sobre este gran ERP internacional, tu valor en el mercado ser mayor.Adems, si ests a la bsqueda de empleo, el conocimiento de este curso te proporcionar una gran ventaja respecto al resto de candidatos. Ya que demostrar que te has interesado proactivamente por mejorar tu formacin en un aspecto clave."
Price: 199.99

Git(github&gitlab) |
"git, git, , git, git. git, . git merge, . 0Git."
Price: 19.99

"Sistema de Trading Rentable FOREX para MetaTrader 4" |
"Quieres conocer una manera fcil y rentable de operar los mercados de FOREX, CRIPTOMONEDAS, INDICES, ACCIONES, etc ?.. saber cuales son los activos que pueden generar ms beneficios?, llevar una adecuada gestin de riesgo para hacer crecer tu capital?Con este curso, aprenders a utilizar una estrategia de trading altamente rentable, que te servir tanto para entender mejor el mercado, como para poder operar correctamente y generar ganancias da a da.Conocers todas la seales que da esta estrategia y que necesitas para abrir y cerrar operaciones con xito. Tambin, podrs descubrir que activos son mejores para operar y porque, adems de como llevar una gestin adecuada de nuestro capital para hacerlo crecer.Este es un curso Espress, con consejos y trucos para ayudarte a comenzar a operar con xito.(Uso exclusivo en plataforma Metatrader 4)"
Price: 84.99

"Conociendo la Plataforma Metatrader 4" |
"Aprenders a crear una cuenta de trading y descargar e instalar la plataforma Metatrader 4, en la que conocers las diferentes herramientas y utilidades que te van ha ayudar abrir y cerrar ordenes en los mercados financieros. Adems veremos su versin android para aquellas personas que deseen utilizar su versin mobile."
Price: 19.99

jingsi-tcu |
Price: 2600.00

Photoshop(eng) |
"This course is provided for the full study of Adobe premiere pro. Course is suitable for people who are not familiar with application, and for those who have already worked with it. You will be able to fully explore Adobe premiere pro, from the very basics to the more advanced nuances associated with the use of it. At the end of this course, you will learn how to fully use Adobe premiere pro and be able to use it in various real-world projects."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Introduction to New Relic One [With APM]" |
"New Relic is a leading cloud based observability platform, designed to help its customers optimize their software. New Relic works as a SAAS (Software as a service) tool, monitoring everything from your databases to servers to user behaviour. After this course you will find New Relic to be intuitive and easy to use. New Relic gives you detailed stack traces of each error and even provides an overview of the experience your customers have while visiting your website.You will create a New Relic account as well as install an agent in your application. The agent is a lightweight bit of code that gives detailed and segmented information about how long it takes for your servers to respond. The data the agent reports will be used to calculate metrics like Apdex Scores, SLO's, SLI's and SLA's. We will make use of the automated baselining feature as well.Everything is well documented and separated, so you can find what you need. Assignments and Quizzes will make sure you stay on track and test your knowledge. The course will have a combination of theory and practical examples.The IntroductionUnderstand why we should use New Relic and what having an APM tool really enables us to achieve. Everything in this course will be straight from the free trial version, so you you don't need to buy anything. What does the New Relic architecture look like? Familiarize yourself with the mechanics of the course.The Application SetupStart of by signing up for New Relic. Learn how to integrate the New Relic agents in your applications. For an example we will be using a NodeJS application. We also demonstrate how to do this with a heavier Java application making use of TomCat.New Relic APMNew Relic APM is the flagship product of New Relic One. We will spend some time learning how to navigate the UI, from the application overview dashboard to service maps, get detailed insights into your application's performance. Debug errors using the error analytics dashboard. We will touch upon the legacy errors page as well. Understand how Apdex score is calculated and how to set your thresholds in New Relic.Infrastructure and Kubernetes MonitoringWe need Kubernetes to orchestrate our containers but who will monitor Kubernetes? New Relic comes to our rescue. Kubernetes creates a layer of abstraction which we wish to monitor. First setup a simple MiniKube cluster incase you do not already have one. We shall aim to obtain metrics from nodes, pods and all our deployments.AlertingYou are rushing to debug a major production issue. The last thing you want is a lot of spam alerting disturbing you. Whether you use Slack or HipChat you want to be notified quickly on whichever platform your team is comfortable with. To achieve this goals we understand how New Relic Alerting works and setup a sample Integration with Slack. We learn how to take advantage of all the features available in the UI.User MonitoringA single malfunctioning checkout button of an e-commerce website can cost you millions of dollars. Client side monitoring is fundamentally different from monitoring software or infrastructure. The focus is on what happens after once the server has sent a response. The primary goal is to understand what the user is going through. Real user monitoring means monitoring real users once the application is live. We achieve this by a simple snippet we put into our code. But this reports issues after the customer has seen them. Which means we rely on synthetic testing to prepare the website before customers actually come."
Price: 29.99

"Linkedin de Resultados" |
"Voc no consegue nada com o Linkedin, mas quer reverter esse jogo? Ento esse curso para voc! O engenheiro William Mazza mostrar sua estratgia de atuao e os resultados que voc tambm pode alcanar atravs de aes simples e efetivas! Sem enrolao, nem embromao! Direto e reto, como sempre!"
Price: 219.99

"700-037 Advanced Collaboration Architecture Sales Specialist" |
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practising on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass 700-037 exam easilyPractice and trial make your official test error-free and easy also build confidence or give an idea about what type of questions can be made by the examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is to help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney-Back Guarantee in 30 days""You belong with champions. There's no stopping you. I wish you the very best in your coming exam"" 700-037Advanced Collaboration Architecture Sales Specialist This exam covers all the topics"
Price: 29.99

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