"Menggunakan Puppet Tools di Adobe After Effects" |
"Dalam course ini, kita akan mempelajari tentang penggunaan Puppet Tools dalam pengerjaan animasi walkcycle. Dalam course ini, kita akan mempelajari tentang penggunaan Puppet Tools dalam pengerjaan animasi walkcycle. Dalam course ini, kita akan mempelajari tentang penggunaan Puppet Tools dalam pengerjaan animasi walkcycle. Dalam course ini, kita akan mempelajari tentang penggunaan Puppet Tools dalam pengerjaan animasi walkcycle."
Price: 350000.00

"Manajemen Tim dan Karyawan" |
"Saat ini, belum semua tempat kerja memiliki pengelolaan tim dan karyawan yang baik. Course Manajemen Tim dan Karyawan dibuat untuk membantu para profesional, terutama dalam mengatasi dinamika pekerjaan dalam sebuah tim yang melibatkan pimpinan dan karyawan. Course ini mengajarkan bagaimana seorang pemimpin mengelola tim asuhannya, mengatur komunikasi dengan tim, serta cara mendidik karyawan dalam tim untuk mencapai target yang sesuai. Tujuan dibuatnya Course ini adalah meningkatkan efektifitas dan kinerja karyawan dalam sebuah tim. Pengelolaan tim dan karyawan yang baik membuat perusahaan dapat mencapai target yang diinginkan."
Price: 350000.00

"Bagaimana Cara Mengatasi Stress?" |
"Stres adalah musuh terbesar setiap orang, karena stres memiliki dampak negatif yang berbahaya jika terus dibiarkan. Beberapa dampak dari stres adalah tidak produktif, mudah lelah, dan lebih rentan sakit. Secara umum, stres terjadi karena otak yang terlalu terbebani oleh pikiran. Oleh karena itu, kalian harus mampu mengatur pikiran kalian. Course kali ini akan mengajarkan bagaimana cara mengatasi dan menghadapi stres. Materi yang ada mencakup jenis, penyebab, serta cara mengatasi stres dengan benar. Setelah mempelajari Course ini, kalian diharapkan lebih kebal terhadap stres dengan menerapkan metode manajemen yang efektif."
Price: 350000.00

"Memahami Konsep Komitmen" |
"Setiap orang memiliki 24 jam dalam sehari, dan bagaimana mereka menggunakan waktu mereka menunjukkan kepada aktivitas maupun perilaku apa saja dan mereka memberikan komitmen mereka, dan seberapa besar komitmen yang mereka berikan pada tiap kegiatan dan perilaku tersebut. Bisa dikatakan dan dipastikan, tingkat komitmen kita pada setiap kegiatan, hubungan, dan juga perilaku, memiliki peran yang sangat besar dan vital terhadap produktivitas dan kualitas hidup kita. Course ini akan menjadi jawaban yang mengubah pemahaman dan awareness kita pada komitmen-komitmen yang kita miliki, mengurai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya, dan strategi scientific untuk mengelolanya dengan lebih baik dan cerdas untuk diri kita, dan juga orang-orang di sekitar kita."
Price: 350000.00

"Menjadi Kreatif : Modal Memenangkan Persaingan" |
"Menjadi kreatif dapat membantu kalian sebagai profesional untuk lebih mudah beradaptasi di era modern ini, dimana kalian dituntut untuk cepat dalam mengambil tindakan dan mampu menyampaikan ide-ide saat brainstorming. Materi yang ada pada Course ini mencakup kemampuan apa saja yang diperlukan untuk berpikir kreatif, definisi berpikir kreatif, hingga cara mengembangkan pola pikir kreatif . Setelah mempelajari Course ini, kalian diharapkan dapat menyadari dengan benar apa itu berpikir kreatif, mengetahui bahwa kita semua pada dasarnya adalah pribadi yang kreatif, dan akhirnya mampu melatih kreatifitas dengan hal-hal kecil yang sering dijumpai. Dengan begitu, kalian dapat mengatasi berbagai masalah dan tantangan, baik di kehidupan sehari-hari maupun dunia kerja."
Price: 350000.00

"Memahami Perilaku Bertransaksi Konsumen" |
"Memahami perilaku konsumen menjadi hal yang krusial di dalam bisnis. Namun demikian, memahami perilaku konsumen memiliki banyak tantangan dan tidak mudah untuk mengidentifikasinya. Customer Behavior adalah studi mengenai individu yang bertransaksi dengan suatu organisasi, dengan cara bagaimana konsumen tersebut menentukan, memilih dan menggunakan produk dan pelayanan yang ditawarkan oleh organisasi. Hal ini terkait dengan motivasi secara psikologi, dan spesifik pada penggunaan panca indera yang dapat membantu konsumen menentukan pilihannya. Bagi organisasi bisnis, hal ini tentu sangat penting dan krusial untuk dipelajari dan mengaplikasikan strategi yang diperlukan."
Price: 350000.00

"Become a sought after Professional Mentor" |
"You have made a wonderful and very important decision in choosing to become a mentor. If youve reached this conclusion, youve done enough research to have an idea of how different each mentoring situation can be. Becoming a mentor can boost your own professional development, as well as helping others. Heres how to become a sought after professional mentor and make the most of the experience."
Price: 19.99

"Gramtica japonesa I" |
"Bem vindo ao curso de gramtica japonesa nvel I. Se tem interesse no exame Jlpt N5 ou apenas gosto por esta lngua, entrar neste curso um tima escolha.Aprender:Vocabulrio variado (ex: membros da famlia, comida, pases/nacionalidades/lngua, profisses, material escolar, transportes, dias do ms/semana, locais...);Verbos (passado, presente/futuro; a sua forma afirmativa e negativa);Partculas (ex: , , , , , , , , ...);Estruturas gramaticais;Expresses (ex: Bom dia; por favor entre; At amanh).Conseguir formar frases como por exemplo:""Eu (tambm) sou ....""""Tu gostas de...""""Todos os dias acordo s...""""Estudo com...""""Tu voltas ...quando?""""Vou de ...""""Aqui fica...""""Isto ...ou...""""Leio/escrevo com...""""Trabalho das ... s ....""Entre muitas outrasPara alm de aulas em vdeo o curso conta ainda com:-Questionrios no final de cada aula com perguntas da mesma;-Vocabulrio adicional e explicaes gramaticais disponibilizadas em pdf de acordo com a aula;-Exerccios tambm em pdf disponveis para download.As aulas contm ainda dilogos/textos no final."
Price: 34.99

"Redes CISCO Simulador Certificacin CCNA 200-301" |
"Una comprensin completa de todos los conceptos y temas que necesita para obtener la certificacin de red ms demandada hoy al aprobar el examen Cisco CCNA 200-301.Ofrece: Una comprensin profunda de las caractersticas y funciones de Cisco.Aspectos fundamentales de las comunicaciones, las redes, protocolos, las tecnologas de conmutacin, el enrutamiento de redes convergentes, as como todos los aspectos relacionados con la seguridad en las redes.Conocimientos sobre las redes de datos, la integracin de sistemas de infraestructura de red.Habilidades y la confianza para aplastar el examen CCNA 200-301.Podr optar por la certificacin CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate gracias a los conocimientos adquiridos."
Price: 19.99

"The course is built for primary school students to practice & to excel in their math skills. Kids can practice their math (Plus & Minus) covering various difficulty levels & tools such as 2 digit numbers, complete the equation, fill in the missing numbers and find look-alike items. The activity can be done multiple times in different ways. It can be used as1. Learn Math.2. Practice math without a calculator.3. Use them as a challenge to learn formula on excel. (formulas are not given here).4. Sum, subtract identical items from the case studies."
Price: 19.99

"Insight into Design Patterns" |
"The intent of this course is to convert you into an ""Experienced Object-Oriented Designer"".Hence, By the end of this course, You will be able to design reusable and flexible object-oriented software, with ease.Your design, apart from being specific to the problem at hand, will also be general enough to address future problems and requirements.You will be able to pinpoint maintainability and extensibility problems in existing designs.You will be able to design ""right"" faster.Finally, You will be a better developer than now.Inorder to take this course, it is mandatory to have atleast 3 months of programming experience in java.This course comes with a 30-days money back guarantee.So, there is really nothing you loose."
Price: 19.99

"Excel 2019 Bsico - Simples Assim!" |
"Este curso foi preparado para ajudar a todos que buscam conhecer essa poderosa e flexvel ferramenta usada tanto para controles domsticos quanto para tomadas de deciso e anlise de dados em grandes corporaes. Voc ter acesso a um contedo abrangente com quase 5 horas de material em vdeo, alm de testes e exerccios para praticar e fixar o que aprendeu. Com esse curso, voc ter condies de usar o Excel para facilitar suas tarefas e otimizar seu tempo."
Price: 39.99

"Capacitao em manicure e pedicure" |
"Curso dinmico, rpido, prtico, eficaz, com vdeos aulas com teoria e prtica em manicure e pedicure, voc aprender todos passos necessrio para execuo do trabalho, compreende tica no trabalho, responsabilidades e deveres, MEI, paramentao, biosegurana, esterilizao, DORT e atividades preventivas, anatomia da unha, doenas e alteraes relacionadas a lmina, relao de material a ser utilizado, passo a passo do atendimento."
Price: 144.99

"Elaboracin de Jabones, Cremas, Tnic con Aceites Esenciales" |
"En primera instancia se reforzarn definiciones sobre aromaterapia, aceites esenciales y aceite portador. Se indicarn las propiedades teraputicas de algunos aceites esenciales orientados en el uso de cuidado de la piel, cabello y emociones, usados para la elaboracin de estos productos. Se visualizar el procedimiento para la elaboracin de jabones slidos de glicerina, cremas y tnicos con aceites esenciales a travs de videos cortos."
Price: 24.99

"Clash Management for BIM Project" |
"This tutorial is in Persian, But all people of different nationalities can use it based on specific methods in the clips.This tutorial has been specially produced to investigate interferences in BIM projects. As a bim coordinator or bim manager, how should you manage, generate, and report interference? We will first get acquainted with the concept of LOC (Level of Coordinator/Clash) for a BIM Project.How to prepare a Revit file for transfer to Navisworks and Manager. All items related to the transfer to these two applications have been carefully reviewed.Then in Navisworks, we explained the Clash Detective window in full and in detail. We have illustrated the types of techniques that can increase your accuracy and speed in projects with examples. We also taught Clash Detective in detail in Bexel Manager software. We used Dynamo and Excel as two important communication tools. We teach you how to use the BCF format to optimize collaboration between different types of software. BIM BIM Clash Detection . . Revit Navisworks Bexel Solibri . Bexel Revit. Coordinate BIM BEP ( BIM) BIM . BEP Clash Matrix .LOC Level Of Clash 1 . .LOC Level Of Clash 2 . Sprinkler .LOC Level Of Clash 3 . . . : . . . : Navisworks Bexel Manager . : Clash Detective BIM Clash Matrix BEP Revit Revit ID Excel ID Dynamo Revit Excel Dynamo Revit Navisworks Navisworks Clash Detective Clash Detective Clash Test New Old Done Navisworks Clash Test BIM (Hard Hard Conservative Clearance Duplicates) Revit Navisworks Set Clash Matrix BEP Set Find Items Rules Rules Select Clash Detective Select (4D) Display Settings Result Clash Detective Clash Detective Quick Filter Comment Options Editor BCF Bexel Manager Bexel Manager Bexel Manager Bexel Manager Revit Bexel Manager Bexel Manager Clash Detection Bexel Manager Set Bexel Manager Clash Matrix Bexel Manager Clash Detection Bexel Manager Duplicate Bexel Manager Bexel Manager Clash Matrix Bexel Manager Clash Matrix Excel Attach Bexel Bexel Manager"
Price: 24.99

NeuralKnowledge |
Price: 5400.00

"SAP Cloud Platform - Essential Training { 2020 }" |
"Everyone is talking about SAP Cloud Platform. They say it is the future of SAP. SAP itself is pushing hard on SAP Cloud Platform. Are you in a position where your management wants you to learn SAP cloud platform?Don't worry! We are here for you >>>In this course, we will help you to understand SAP Cloud Platform. This Course will lay down the foundation for SAP Cloud Platform Certification Exam. We will start with basics.Once you have completed this course, you will have knowledge about:Why SAP Cloud Platform came into existence?The challenges of existing On-premise system.How SAP took inspiration from Cloud Computing?How SAP is helping its clients to move in the direction of Innovation.The Intelligent Enterprise.Understanding of SAP Cloud Platform's capabilities.How to create trial account in SCP?What are the commercial and deployment models in SAP Cloud Platform?What is SAP Neo, ABAP, Kyma and Cloud Foundry Environment?What are Regions and Service portfolio of SCP?Deploy applications in SAP Neo Environment.Deploy applications in SAP Cloud Foundry Environment.Connect on-premise system to SAP Cloud PlatformThis course is divided into sections to help you to learn in a systematic manner."
Price: 19.99

"Building a recruiting company on Wordpress step by step" |
"In this course you will learn everything step by step on how to launch your own recruiting business and build the website from scratch using WordPress.You will learn everything from purchasing a domain name and setting up hosting to bringing the website to a stage where it is fully operational and ready for you to put on your own design slant."
Price: 19.99

"220-901 CompTIA A+ Certification Practice Exam" |
"353 UNIQUE practice questions for 220-901 CompTIA A+ Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 220-901 CompTIA A+ Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 353Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :240 minsPassing Score : 75 (264 of 353)"
Price: 179.99

"220-902 CompTIA A+ Certification Practice Exam" |
"197 UNIQUE practice questions for 220-902 CompTIA A+ Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 220-902 CompTIA A+ Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 197Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (147 of 197)"
Price: 169.99

"PK0-004 CompTIA Project + Certified Practice Test" |
"173 UNIQUE practice questions for PK0-004 CompTIA Project + Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PK0-004 CompTIA Project + Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 173Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :110 minsPassing Score : 75 (129 of 173)"
Price: 169.99

"PMI-100 Certified Associate Project Management Practice Exam" |
"281 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI-100 Certified Associate Project Management Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI-100 Certified Associate Project Management Practice ExamTotal Questions : 281Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :160 minsPassing Score : 75 (210 of 281)"
Price: 179.99

"MuleSoft Dataweave 2.0 Crash Course for Beginners Mule 4" |
"Hello Learners, welcome aboard!We have few questions for you?Are you new to Dataweave language?Are you looking to learn more on data transformation in MuleSoft?Are you experienced Mule developer and looking for a strong foundational knowledge on DWL?For all of the questions, if answer is yes, then this is the right course for you.api Academy proudly presents you ""Crash course on Dataweave language for Beginners"". Master this expression programming language in less than 3 hours.This course is focused for beginners and those who are looking for strong foundation knowledge on DWL."
Price: 6080.00

"Pharmacy Technician Certification Board(PTCB) Practice Test" |
"In this Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Practice Test course there are over 135 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing.I am highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to pass your Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Practice Test examWhy take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 135 Questionsii.All Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Practice Test Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!Requirements:i. Want to pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Practice Test certification.ii. Want to find your weak areas for Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Practice Test certification, and improve on them."
Price: 19.99

"Common Running Injuries and Treatment Basics" |
"In this course, we will review some of the most common running injuries, learn about the structures involved, risk factors, how to prevent them from occurring, and basics on treatment.This course is for educational purposes only and should not take the place of seeking help from a licensed healthcare provider nor should it be used to diagnose a condition."
Price: 19.99

"Create a Blog System from Scratch using NodeJS and ExpressJS" |
"If you have ever wondered how blogs work, this is the right course for you. I will be explaining how blogs work and I will demonstrate how to create one for yourself from scratch with your bare hands. The technologies used are NodeJS, ExpressJS and MongoDB. As already stated in the prerequisites section above, having a little bit of knowledge of these technologies is a plus in this course, even though I will be explaining each step I make."
Price: 19.99

"Incident Investigation - Incident Cause Analysis Method" |
"If you ever had a difficult situation on Investigating an Incident and find out the Root cause properly and effectively, this course is for you. This course will give you enough resources and In-depth knowledge on Incident Investigation. This course has been designed to provide detail knowledge to Safety Professionals, Managers and Business Leaders to Incident Investigation techniques. Most incidents involve multiple, interrelated causal factors. They can occur whenever significant deficiencies, oversights, errors, omissions or unexpected changes occur.There is a value on collecting data on all incidents and potential losses as it helps to prevent more serious events.Good investigation is a key element to make improvements in health and safety performance.This course is concerned with the importance of reporting of incidents and accidents at work, their investigation and technique of investigation using ICAM to help organizations benefit from the investigation and recording process.You will get to know about Terms used In Incident Investigation, Type of Events, Purpose and Benefits of Incident investigation, Swiss Cheese model, Incident Cause Analysis Method, 5 Why technique, Data collection & analyze method from this training.The course sections are as follows:1. Section 1: Basic Concepta) Lecture 1 Terms used In Incident Investigationb) Lecture 2 - Type of Incidentsc) Lecture 3 - Reasons for Preventing Incidentsd) Lecture 4 - Purpose and Benefits of Incident investigation2. Section 2: Introduction to Investigationa) Lecture 1 - Investigation Process Overviewb) Lecture 2 Human Error3. Section 3 - Investigation Processa) Lecture 1 - Immediate Actionsb) Lecture 2 Investigation Teamc) Lecture 3 Gathering Datad) Lecture 4 Organise Datae) Lecture 5 - Analyse Dataf) Lecture 6 - Corrective and Preventive Actionsg) Lecture 7 - Investigation Report, Record Keeping and Training 4. Section 4 Summary5. Section 5 - QuizAt the end of the course, resource materials will be given on Checklists, Investigation report format, and other necessary documents that will help you to implement at your own organization and make you a hero to your management.This course will definitely help you to take your career a step forward."
Price: 84.99

"Music Theory for Dummies - Stage 1" |
"Welcome to the wonderful world of Music Wisdom, called - Music Theory!Whether you are an amateur musician, or just a music lover who wants to understand, this series will take you through the basics of Music Theory.Because even experienced and talented musicians who only ""play by ear"", or only through written notes, understand finally, that in order to progress, one must master Theory.Many musicians, even gifted ones, find themselves blocked.We believe (and have many years of teaching experience to prove it) that understanding how music works in the mind, along with training the senses to recognize musical phenomenons, can make a real break through.Because where talent ends, learning begins. And as talent has its limits, learning has practically no bounds.One has only to apply one's self to serious work.And from there the way is open to:Improvisation, composition, and just plain good old Music Appreciation - enhancing musical experience.So we start with the fundamentals, and through the different stages of Music Theory for Dummies, you will be able to cross the boundaries, which will officially rid you of the title ""Dummy"", as you arrive at understanding Classical & Jazz Harmonies, and other complex issues in Music Theory.In this course, Music Theory for Dummies - Stage 1, we cover the subjects of Notation & Intervals.We will learn how to use the musical staff and its clefs, and of course learn how to write and read notes.Then we will talk about the wondrous phenomenon of Melody and the importance of musical intervals.In the rest of this series we learn how to identify and construct all the musical intervals, both on paper, and using the ear through Ear training.So if you want to have a real breakthrough in your musical experience and activities, roll up for the Magical Mystery Tour of Music Theory, in this course!"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle SQL : The Complete Certification Course" |
"ORACLE UNIVERSITY COURSE (1Z0-071)Relational Database conceptsExplaining the theoretical and physical aspects of a relational databaseRelating clauses in SQL Select Statement to Components of an ERDExplaining the relationship between a database and SQLRestricting and Sorting DataApplying Rules of precedence for operators in an expressionLimiting Rows Returned in a SQL StatementUsing Substitution VariablesUsing the DEFINE and VERIFY commandsSorting DataUsing Conversion Functions and Conditional ExpressionsApplying the NVL, NULLIF, and COALESCE functions to dataUnderstanding implicit and explicit data type conversionUsing the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functionsNesting multiple functionsDisplaying Data from Multiple TablesUsing Self-joinsUsing Various Types of JoinsUsing Non equijoinsUsing OUTER joinsUnderstanding and Using Cartesian ProductsUsing SET OperatorsMatching the SELECT statementsUsing the ORDER BY clause in set operationsUsing The INTERSECT operatorUsing The MINUS operatorUsing The UNION and UNION ALL operatorsManaging Indexes Synonyms and SequencesManaging IndexesManaging SynonymsManaging SequencesManaging ViewsManaging ViewsManaging Objects with Data Dictionary ViewsUsing data dictionary viewsRetrieving Data using the SQL SELECT StatementUsing Column aliasesUsing The SQL SELECT statementUsing concatenation operator, literal character strings, alternative quote operator, and the DISTINCT keywordUsing Arithmetic expressions and NULL values in the SELECT statementUsing Single-Row Functions to Customize OutputManipulating strings with character functions in SQL SELECT and WHERE clausesPerforming arithmetic with date dataManipulating numbers with the ROUND, TRUNC and MOD functionsManipulating dates with the date functionReporting Aggregated Data Using Group FunctionsRestricting Group ResultsCreating Groups of DataUsing Group FunctionsUsing Subqueries to Solve QueriesUsing Single Row SubqueriesUsing Multiple Row SubqueriesUpdate and delete rows using correlated subqueriesManaging Tables using DML statementsManaging Database TransactionsControlling transactionsPerform Insert, Update and Delete operationsPerforming multi table InsertsPerforming Merge statementsUse DDL to manage tables and their relationshipsDescribing and Working with TablesDescribing and Working with Columns and Data TypesCreating tablesDropping columns and setting column UNUSEDTruncating tablesCreating and using Temporary TablesCreating and using external tablesManaging ConstraintsControlling User AccessDifferentiating system privileges from object privilegesGranting privileges on tablesDistinguishing between granting privileges and rolesManaging Data in Different Time ZonesWorking with CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and LOCALTIMESTAMPWorking with INTERVAL data types<<<<<<<<<<Learn SQL from an Architect who worked 16 years in SQLAn Oracle Certified Professions (OCP)Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Points: 12,975 Level: Master>>>>> >>>>>This course designed to learn Oracle SQL step by step and master it.Database Developer are mostly sought and highly paid job (60,000$ - 100,000$ per year).You can learn SQL and clear Oracle certification 1Z0-071 (OCA- Oracle Certified Associate), It will give boast to your career as a Pro-SQL Programmer.1Z0-071 question after each topic will help you to clear the certification. It is also much easier to master the language as there is no prerequisite to learn SQL. I have around 16 years of real time IT experience as an Architect in Database related technologies. This course is prepared based steps by step approach with real time coding standards and best practices in the industry, what I have learned in my career.It will definitely helpful all the aspirant who wants to join IT industry as database developer."
Price: 8640.00

"Salesforce ADM-201 Certification Exam" |
"Welcome to our Salesforce ADM-201 Certification Practice Test.Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass your Salesforce ADM-201 Certification Exam. This practice test has 180 High-Quality Questions to prepare for your Salesforce ADM-201 Certification Exam. What Special About This (Salesforce ADM-201 Certification Exam )1.High-Quality Question to crack your Salesforce ADM-201 Certification Exam on your first attempt.2. Contains The Most Asked Questions on the Salesforce ADM-201 Certification Exam.3. Validate your expertise with an industry-recognized credential.4.100% verified answers.5. Current & always Updated.6. These questions will help you to get a good score of at least 80% on the main exam. 7.30 days money-back guarantee by UdemyThis course does not contain the study material.This course contains a number of questions.Who this course is for:i.Students who are motivated enough to crack their Salesforce ADM-201 Certification Exam on their first attemptii.Those who want to gain knowledge & Check their Skill Test while attending this Practice Testiii.Want to find your weak areas for the *** certification, and improve on them.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft 98-361 Certification Exam" |
"Welcome to our Microsoft 98-361 Certification Exam Test.Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass your Microsoft 98-361 Certification Exam. This practice test has 200 High-Quality Questions to prepare for your Microsoft 98-361 Certification Exam. What Special About This (Microsoft 98-361 Certification Exam)1.High-Quality Question to crack your Microsoft 98-361 Certification Exam on your first attempt.2. Contains The Most Asked Questions on the Microsoft 98-361 Certification Exam.3. Validate your expertise with an industry-recognized credential.4.100% verified answers.5. Current & always Updated.6. These questions will help you to get a good score of at least 80% on the main exam. 7.30 days money-back guarantee by UdemyThis course does not contain the study material.This course contains a number of questions.Who this course is for:i.Students who are motivated enough to crack their Microsoft 98-361 Certification Exam on their First attemptii.Those who want to gain knowledge & Check their Skill Test while attending this Practice Testiii.Want to find your weak areas for the *** certification, and improve on them.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 19.99
