"Complete React Bootcamp (Advanced) Build 6 Hands-On-Projects" |
"This is a Complete Advanced React Course for the students who are having some basic knowledge of React JS.Topics you gonna cover in this course.React IntroductionHow To Create a new React ApplicationReact Hooks, Advantages of React HooksForms and Form Submissions with React HooksRouting in ReactImplementing Routing by creating multiple Routes/ComponentsControlling one component from another Component with the help of Context-APIConnecting React Applications to Back-End and build complete full-stack Applications"
Price: 104.99

"8 Timeless Leadership Principles: Business Leadership Course" |
"Have you asked yourself how can I become a more effective leader in any environment? So here you will find 8 principles that will help you in your environment in any industry. The 8 words to create change are Trust, Importance, Motivate, Equip, Laugh, Example, Strengths and Support. Be ready to become an effective and influential leader....... This is TIMELESS LEADERSHIP. Led by Sean Ortiz from Jurupa Valley, CA"
Price: 19.99

"Reach Your Dreams Now" |
"Reach Your Dreams Now is a comprehensive guide that will show you how to live a life filled with infinite possibilities.You will learn easy-to-follow strategies to:*Change habits that keep you standing in place*Overcome obstacles standing between you and your dreams*Connect to your core values*Unleash your inner power*Create the life of your dreams"
Price: 49.99

"Anda sudah di bisnis retail tetapi mungkin banyak hal mendasar yang belum Anda pahami tentang: Cara mengelola bisnis retail modern Dasar-dasar mengelola sumber daya untuk bisnis retail Dasar-dasar Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia/Orang dalam bisnis retail Cara membuat struktur organisasi dan untuk apa perusahaan punya struktur organisasi Apa tugas dan tanggung jawab orang-orang dalam struktur organisasi Bagaimana mengelola toko yang efketif dan efisien Bagaimana mengelola barang dagangan agar sales bagus dan cash flow lancarWorkshop: Basic Principles of Retail BusinessTerbagi dalam 5 modul utamaModul 1: Prinsip-prinsip Menjalankan dan Mengelola Bisnis Retail ModernMengenal berbagai format bisnis retail.Mengenal jargon bisnis retail yang paling terkenal yaitu: Retail is Detail.Pengelolaan bisnis retail Traditional dan Modern dan apa perbedaannya.Prinsip dalam mencari dan memilihan lokasi ideal.Prinsip Grow or Die dalam bisnis retail."
Price: 350000.00

"Fsica: Esttica - Fuerzas - Equilibrio - Ejercicios" |
"En este curso de Fsica nos enfocamos en la parte de ESTTICA, aqu encontraras los temas explicados de manera fcil y sencilla,toda la teora, conceptos y caractersticas fundamentales de los temas representados en ejemplos de la vida cotidiana para que el alumno los comprenda fcilmente con una representacin grfica. Cambien vamos a hacer un breve repaso a la trigonomtria, para que no se te escape nada y sepas resolver cualquier ejercicio que se te presenteAl finalizar el curso, sabrs entender un problema, analizarlo detalladamente, crear la grfica de fuerzas correspondiente y resolverlo sin cometer ningn error"
Price: 19.99

"Learn French" |
"If you have reached this page, you probably want to learn French, not English! Bonne nouvelle, this course is 100% in French, mostly with videos, created and presented by Meyer, an experienced native teacher.This course is there for those of you who have taken some French before, and want to improve your skills. It is for those of you who are ready for their first story, or have seen a few, but would like some help getting to the next level.Give you multiple reasons to focus on learning the French language, literature, etc.."
Price: 24.99

"C Programming Language Basic to Advanced for Beginners" |
"After completion of this course, you will be confident about creating a new program. This course covers all the basic concepts of C practically and theoretically. This course also strictly covers the academic syllabus of C for computer science students. Programming is a process of creating a set of instructions that tell the computer how to perform a task. When you come to programming Language as beginners, C is an excellent choice. C is beginning point learning of programming of any language to understand syntax, structures, loops, and functions. mainly form in C. In the short term, we say that C is the base of all programming languages. This course helps to understand the fundamental of computer Theories easily. C coding is simple, elegant.Highlights Data type and Variable Keyword and Identifier Literals Header file and data types Arithmetic Operator Unary operator Bit-wise operator Relational operator Logical operator Conditional operator Decision-Making StatementSelection StatementIteration StatementFunctionRecursionArrayStringPointerStructure"
Price: 34.99

"Symfony 3 / 4 / 5 : le composant Command" |
"Dans ce cours vous allez apprendre crer et excuter des commandes grce Symfony et son composant Command.Vous pourrez suivre ce cours et le comprendre si vous avez dj des bases en Symfony et/ou dans un framework quivalent comme Laravel.Nous verrons des exemples ainsi qu'un cas pratique dans lequel nous allons avoir besoin de crer et excuter des commandes avec diffrents paramtres, tout en couplant notre excution de commande avec des insertions en base de donnes ainsi que des appels HTTP.Nous verrons tout cela tape par tape avec des exemples concrets et pertinents pour nous aider mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des commandes.tes-vous prt booster vos connaissances sur le framework Symfony ?!"
Price: 24.99

"Corso completo AutoCAD per disegno 2D" |
"Autocad un software flessibile e interdisciplinare che consente di progettare e visualizzare qualsiasi idea concettuale con grandi risultati, producendo elaborati grafici completi, 2D e 3D.In questo corso ti illustrer tutte le funzionalit del programma e gli strumenti per il disegno bidimensionale; familiarizzeremo insieme con l'interfaccia e i comandi fondamentali. Metter a tua disposizione tutti i mezzi avanzati del programma fino alla versione 2020, finalizzati all'elaborazione di disegni tecnici professionali e di qualit fino a giungere alla personalizzazione dell'interfaccia del software e alle novit introdotte con le ultime versioni. Completano il corso unit di riepilogo ed esercitazioni pratiche, per facilitare la comprensione dei concetti e consolidare l'apprendimento.L'obbiettivo formativo di questo corso consentire all'utente di operare sia in autonomia sia in team con altre professionalit.Indice degli argomenti del corsoInterfaccia utente Inizio e componentiInterazione con AutocadCreazione apertura e salvataggio disegniImportazione conversione e cloudControllo della visualizzazioneStrumenti di selezioneDisegno di precisioneCreazione di oggetti 2DDisegno parametricoPropriet degli oggettiModifica degli oggettiInserimento di testi e tabelleQuotatura del disegnoBlocchiStampa e pubblicazioneLinguaggio LISPAlias dei comandi e variabili di sistema"
Price: 59.99

"Master the Art of CV Building, Cover Letter & Job Interview" |
"In todays world it is no longer a simple task to get hired for any job. Even the simplest of the job search has become stressful due to increased competition and availability of rather increased candidates in the market. In todays world winning a job or even for the recruiter to hire the perfect candidate has become an Art.Recruiters are almost already trained for this Art and all we need is to Master this Art by using IT, CV, Interview & Psychology to unconsciously make it easier for the recruiters to pick our CV out of those piles and call us for the interview and then we could use that interview opportunity to actually land on our dream destinations.A lot of different learning opportunities available but what makes this course different is its Content, Its Depth and its Impact Fullness along with all of its imperfections.We would be having an Impactful Learning Experience along with Self-Assessments in following sections in this course as follows;1- Mastering: Emotions, Fear & AnxietyHere we would understand and learn to control our minor Emotions, Anxiety and Stress in regard of Employment needs in todays world. Also we would learn to set-up a growth mindset to become productive by keeping today's suffering market due to Covid-19 Pandemic in mind.2- Mastering the Art of CV & Cover LetterHere we would be learning step by step by the help of templates to master the art of development of a Globally Accepted CV/Resume by developing it in the most convenient and impactful way possible.So that when any recruiter across the globes lays eyes on the CV it gets noticed and all your indirect messages to the recruiter get decoded and they instantly pick your CV to call you for the interview.3- Mastering The Art of Interview with PsychologyIn this section we would be learning the Psychology tricks to understand all the intention of the recruiter when it comes to the questions they are going to ask us in the interview. This would again make the recruiter to actually understand us better as after learning from this section we would be in a position to take away that communication barrier.We would be in a position to actually convey every message we want to the recruiter with 100% impactful meaning. This would help us win the job by winning the recruiters heart.4- Mastering On the Job SuccessHere we would be learning that how we can maintain a positive overall outlook by giving away positive, meaningful and result oriented feedback. We would also learn to understand the basic principal to get promotions fast in the professional career.5- Bonus: Self DiscoveryBy the end we would understand our personality type by the help of a Personality Test. We would also be learning to discover a way to understand our passion, strength and weaknesses.This would help us to understand which career opportunity is perfectly fit for us not just keeping our strengths or the things we are good at in mind. Rather it will help us by understanding our true self to align our life towards growth and prosperity by actually having meaning in life."
Price: 134.99

"How to discard your fear and be successful" |
"This Online Video Training Will help you for Identifying your Fears.Get Rid of Your Unhappy Experiences.Win over your Fears & be Happy.Winning our Mind Game.Winning our Life Game.Not to fail to achieve our Goal.How to ""Discard Your Fear"" of Anything.Create new Habits for Successful life. are you looking for a free and successful life in your reality ? then this course will help you to discard your fear and live your life happily . dear students when we think of doing something great the fear stops us and it keeps or dream not coming in to reality . if you want to turn your dreams into reality join this online course ."
Price: 29.99

"Promote Your Business With Your Influencing Videos" |
"This course will Help you to create Amazing business promotion videos. the videos which are as good as advertisement with low budget will give you an special advantage over your competition.In this course you will learn How to plan your video titles, how to select and identify your audience, how to convert your viewers in to your paying customers and step by step guidance to make them your loyal customer with help of business promotion videos"
Price: 24.99

"Astrologa desde cero" |
"La astrologa estudia la relacin entre el cielo y la tierra y puede ser abordada de muchas formas.Este primer curso llamado Astrologa desde cero es un primer paso en el estudio de la astrologa, necesario para comprender las bases que te permitirn seguir avanzando con cursos ms avanzados y especficos.Por ese motivo, partimos de la base de que no contamos con ningn conocimiento previo acercando los conceptos de forma sencilla para que puedan ser comprendidos por todos y cada uno de los alumnos de este curso.Con solo conocer el lugar, fecha y hora de nacimiento, vas a poder obtener un montn de informacin acerca de vos mismo.Este curso est dirigido a todos aquellos que quieran comenzar a comprender el estudio de los astros y su influencia en nuestra vida.Vamos a ver paso a paso los elementos de una carta natal y cmo interpretarlos. Aprenderemos acerca de la energa de cada planeta, los signos zodiacales, sus cualidades y elementos y las casas astrolgicas.Comprenders qu es el ascendente en una carta natal y porqu es uno de los 3 aspectos mas importantes.El curso est dividido en 15 lecciones visuales, con informacin sencilla y bsica sobre los elementos mas significativos de la astrologa y sus caractersticas principales.Comenzamos definiendo qu es la astrologa y como funciona, para luego analizar en detalle cada uno de sus componentes. Desde los planetas y las luminarias, pasando por la carta natal y los signos, hasta las casas angulares y el ascendente.La terminologa utilizada es clara y evitamos usar trminos tcnicos de difcil comprensin.Gracias por interesarte en este curso y espero que cumpla con todas tus expectativas Luca"
Price: 99.99

"Reclutamiento 4.0" |
"Curso: Reclutamiento 4.0En este curso el especialista en el mercado laboral Ariel Diaz Rios te enseara desde las tendencias actuales en el mercado laboral hasta cmo calcular tus mtricas de marca empleadora y asegurar resultados al momento de implementar estrategias de reclutamiento digital.Este curso est compuesto por 5 mdulos prcticos:Mdulo #1 - Tendencias en la Gestin del Talento HumanoEn este mdulo conocers los eventos que han causado la crisis de talento que afectan las organizaciones al momento de atraer y retener talento.Mdulo #2 - Marca Empleadora o Employer BrandingAriel te compartir el valor que aade a las organizaciones el desarrollar una marca empleadora fuerte y como esta afecta de manera positiva los procesos de reclutamiento.Mdulo #3 - Reclutamiento DigitalLa era digital ha llegado a revolucionar las organizaciones alrededor del mundo, los procesos de reclutamiento no son la excepcin, en este mdulo conocers las distintas herramientas que te ayudarn mantenerte a la vanguardia en tus procesos de reclutamiento digital.Mdulo #4 - Mtricas y ResultadosLa visualizacin de data y mtricas es esencial para poder entender el desenlace y la efectividad de tu estrategia de reclutamiento, por lo que Ariel compartir contigo distintas herramientas y mtricas que puedes utilizar para evaluar tus procesos de reclutamiento."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo realizar una entrevista de trabajo exitosa" |
"El programa de entrevista exitosa te brinda las estrategias y las plantillas de respuesta para hablar con confianza en las entrevistas, impresionar a los gerentes de reclutamiento y obtener la oferta de trabajo. Seamos realistas. Conseguir un trabajo es MS que solo solicitar un empleo y presentarse para entrevistas. Se trata de saber CMO comunicarse y presentarse efectivamente ante los reclutadores. As que djame preguntarte: cuando te llaman para una entrevista, sientes grandes esperanzas, solo para decepcionarte cuando recibes ese correo electrnico de rechazo? Ests cansado de ser rechazado por los gerentes de reclutamiento despus de que te esforzaste tanto para impresionarlos en la entrevista? Incluso cuando trataste de impresionarlos, es posible que hayas hablado demasiado. O te congelaste y te quedaste en blanco.Crees que fue simplemente un caso de los nervios? O SABAS que hay OTROS motivos por los que no te va bien en las entrevistas? La verdad es que hay unas razones reales por las que no ests pasando las etapas de la entrevista. Y una entrevista exitosa te llevar de rechazos a mltiples ofertas de empleo."
Price: 19.99

"Optimiza tu Perfil de LinkedIn" |
"Si tu perfil no est 100% optimizado, para ser encontrado y descubierto, probablemente ests perdindote de grandiosas oportunidades que te pueden costar el ganar un trabajo en la compaa de tus sueos. .En este curso aprenders lo siguiente: - Introduccin a LinkedIn- La partes del Perfil- Creando un perfil desde cero- Cmo aumentar la visibilidad- Beneficios adicionales de LinkedIn"
Price: 19.99

"Robotic Process Automation: Crie bots com UIPATH" |
"Se voc trabalha com atividades REPETITIVAS, com REGRAS PR-ESTABELECIDAS e INPUTS ELETRNICOS... Por que ainda est fazendo isso?Usando o UIPATH, vou te ensinar a criar um rob virtual (BOT) que TRABALHE PARA VOC! - e fica tranquilo... voc nem precisa saber programar!Olha o que podemos automatizar:+ Entrada de dados + Automao de email + Extrao de dados na Web + Automao de aplicativos Web / Desktop + Automao de faturas + Automao de relatrios + Automao de processos de RH + Automao de processos financeiros + Tudo aquilo repetitivo e eletrnico, que possua um caminho de decises para o BOT realizar!Saiba que ao iniciar esse curso voc est dando um passo a frente de diversos profissionais!O mercado de RPA hoje o que mais cresce na indstria de software. A crise e o isolamento gerados pelo Covid-19 demandou ainda mais do setor de automao robtica. Essa tecnologia ja ajudou empresas a diminuirem cerca de 640h mensais de trabalho humano para 24h de ROBS! ESPERADO QUE ESSE MERCADO CHEGUE A 10,7 BILHES DE DLARES AT 2027Iai, est esperando o que para comear?"
Price: 39.99

"Innovation & Intrapreneurship" |
"Innovators are needed everywhere but never taught in school the way we need to use it at job. Here is a course from a practitioner of Innovation and this course is modelled around a working professional. You will learn why Innovation, its relevance to organisation and yourself, how to connect innovation to organisation and monetise Innovation and also the biggest myths about innovation to give you the confidence why you can be innovating today. The full cycle of innovation is explained highlighting the key points of each phase which includes how to start, how to run and how to finish your innovation cycle. Also the key part of pitching an innovation and boundaries of intellectual property and patents are discussed. The short but effective quizzes will ensure you are grounded on the concepts but each quiz has a connect to the real world example.Who said you cannot Innovate ? You can and you will Innovate."
Price: 189.99

"SHRM-CP Practice Exams With Explanation New 2020" |
"HR COMPETENCIES QUESTIONSExample Question: Once the new policy goes into effect, many employees are upset with the HR manager and develop a negative attitude toward HR. What should the HR manager do to develop and maintain mutual trust and respect with employees?Answers:A. Walk around the plant to talk to employees and get to know them better.B. Meet with the corporate HR director to identify a legally acceptable activity to replace the lottery.C. Organize a company-sponsored picnic for all employees and their families.D. Organize one-on-one interviews with employees to discuss what the HR manager can do better.Explanation:A is correct. Building trust is critical to the success of the HR function. Given the recent changes spearheaded by the HR manager, it is even more important to focus on the relationship with the employee population, as it has most likely been impacted by the policy change. The most effective way to determine the level of impact and work toward changing perceptions is to have face-to-face interactions with the employee population.B is incorrect, as providing an alternative to the lottery attempts to win a popularity contest versus developing the relationship.C is incorrect, as HR is then seen as a party planner, and this action is not a step to developing the relationship with employees.D is incorrect. Given this recent policy change spearheaded by the HR manager, this would not be the best point in time to obtain objective feedback and would most likely result in more emotionally charged feedback, further eroding a positive relationship."
Price: 19.99

"PHR/SPHR practice exams" |
"2 PHR practice exams4 SPHR practice exams160+ PHR actual questions600+ SPHR actual questions With explanationAll PHR topicsAll SPHR topics30 days money back guaranteeMonthly updated questions7/24 support from Q$APHR/SPHR practice exams Good Luck!Example Question:Your organization uses ADDIE for developing new seminars and training. During the design of the course, you need to follow four distinct steps to create a good training design. Which of the following is NOT one of the four steps of design?A. Identify the outcome objectives.B. Identify the distribution methods.C. Identify learning methodologies.D. Gain agreement and sign-off.Answer option B is correct.A good training design includes four steps: Identify the outcome objectives, Identify learning methodologies, Establish a time frame, and Gain agreement and sign- off. Identifying the distribution methods is not part of the process.Answer option A is incorrect. You do need to identify the outcome objectives.Answer option C is incorrect. You do need to identify the learning methodologies.Answer option D is incorrect. You do need to gain agreement and sign-off.Reference: Professional in Human Resources Certification Guide, Sybex, ISBN: 978-0-470-43096-5. Chapter 5: Human Resource Development. Official PHR andSPHR Certification Guide, HR Certification Institute, ISBN: 978-1-586-44149-4, Section III, The US Body of Knowledge.Chapter: Human Resource DevelopmentObjective: Talent Management"
Price: 19.99

"La Auditora Interna gil - Gua metodolgica" |
"Este curso no est respaldado, asociado ni afiliado a ninguna organizacin que desarrolle o promueva el agilismo, el Marco de Trabajo Scrum o la Auditora Interna. Actualmente las empresas estn enfrentando entornos geopolticos, sociales y econmicos cambiantes, con alta volatilidad e incertidumbre. La velocidad de los riesgos y de las oportunidades requiere de flexibilidad y agilidad para satisfacer oportunamente las exigencias crecientes de los clientes. En esta situacin, la funcin de auditora interna est en posicin privilegiada para mejorar y proteger el valor corporativo. En este curso se explica una metodologa prctica mediante la cual la auditora interna puede adoptar y aplicar procedimientos giles para fortalecer su efectividad y eficiencia, agregando valor a la organizacin."
Price: 49.99

"Certified English for Easy Fast learners Medical English Too" |
"English as a universal language is taught here through video lectures on a variety of subjects, to suit learners from all fields and subjects of learningEnglish as the medium of instruction and communication worldwide is recognised as the means to cross the barriers separating different people from various countries. It crosses the hurdles of learning and facilitates the coming together of persons of several other mother tongues, other than native speakers of English."
Price: 1280.00

"Certificate Class - Indian Dance Flexibility Workout/English" |
"Bharatanatyam as an Indian classical dance form is an art that has been passed down centuries, from generation to generation. First performed in temples of South India and then in King's courts and later in Halls and auditoriums for the public and now, finally online as technology has evolved further, its essence has remained the same although several adaptions have been incorporated into its presentationEnglish lessons via lessons on myriad things pertaining to daily human existence.Dance class recorded video lessons to guide you through the basic steps needed to perform a complete item for stage performanceEvery step is shown as separate hand movements alone video lessons, legs alone and then finally both together with face expressions and all of the entire set step needed in the videos depicted with easy explanations, given simultaneously by the teacher.Recorded ready to use dance steps in unique Choreography set to music, that is different from the usual tunes. A variety of various dance choreography in short and brief items, chosen from pieces of exquisite music, from talented artists of India."
Price: 1600.00

"Certificate - Indian Dance Movement Cultural English lessons" |
"Bharatanatyam, the dance from India, of the Devadasis in earlier times and later done on stage by solo artistes and group dancers, belonging to a team are part of this course and form the structure of it.In the course is also an English curriculum lesson format and the lectures are interspersed with both Dance and English class lessons for combined learning, to enable a knowledge in both and grasp the lessons, in a dually supportive educational purpose, that is intended to serve the student well, in his/her all round progress as a dance artiste and with a better language skillset also.Modern and traditional steps are blended together in a fusion of easy to do steps, that a non dancer too can learn.While most of the video lectures are dance performances, choreographed as ready to do for the stage, others teach the steps one by one slowly and go through the all the primary beats.First speed, second and third in slow, medium and fast action are shown taking the learner through the basics gradually building up on both their stamina, as well as their understanding of the fundamental concepts.Through the progress of the simple to understand course format, students are guided to eventually be able to put together their own dance item, taking these as a base example, to learn fromIt is an attempt to bring the dance form to bridge cultural gaps and showcase Indian Heritage and its ancient arts, on the educational platform here, that encourages universal learning and facilitates, moreover all students from different countries to engage in a healthy exchange of each other's skills, irrespective of where they may be from."
Price: 1600.00

"Certificate for English & Indian Dance with Spiritual Wisdom" |
"Indian Spiritual wisdom has a lot of value in terms of its Heritage importance.Down the ages, ancient India is rich in its abundant wisdom and with advancements made in technology and education, India stands on the world's map, as a country that can give much to the world via its learned scholars.This course consists of dance set items, with steps that you can do directly on stage. These are video lectures of completed items to do, as it is.Other courses of mine on Udemy have various types of steps demonstrated seperately for a student, who is looking for explanations of each step to learn the movements.Depending on your need, a student can choose the courses accordingly.Modern India is a blend of traditional ways and new methods.Learning from our ancestors and bringing it to our present generation, in interesting ways, cutting across boundaries, leaping across continents, while pushing aside differences in how people of varied countries conduct their daily life, striving to bond as human beings capable of a higher thought, with faith in humanity and in its ability to acheive as a unified whole, even as individual talents coexist with the other is the prevailing message here.These are ready to do choreography lessons, while other courses of mine have step by step explanations of basic steps to do in a program."
Price: 1600.00

"MS-101 Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security Practice Tests" |
"The current world challenges you to a new business that you see becoming more difficult due to competition and a lack of time.The lack of material to test your knowledge and know that you are really prepared can leave you with doubts.To do this, weve created practice tests to help you make sure youre really prepared.You can prepare for the Microsoft MS-101 exam - and demonstrate your true mastery of the skills and knowledge needed to manage mobility, security and administrative tasks related to Microsoft 365. You will become a semi-level Microsoft Certified Expert.What do we offer?Practice Tests Complete with unique questions in each test set.Practice objective questions with scores by section.Reliable exam reports that assess strengths and weaknesses.Unlimited access.About the Exam:Exam Name: Microsoft 365 Mobility and SecurityExam code: MS-101Number of questions: 40-60Duration: 120 minutesApplication fee: $ 165.00Pass score: 700 (on a scale of 1-1000)Exam language EnglishTo earn the Enterprise Administrator Expert certification, you must pass both exam MS-100 and exam MS-101, plus earn one of the new associate-level workload certifications:Modern Desktop AdministratorTeamwork AdministratorSecurity Administrator orMessaging AdministratorExam outline:To check Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security (MS-101), open the following topics:1. Implement modern device services (30-35%)1.1 Implement mobile device management (MDM) MDM plan Configure MDM integration as or Azure AD Define an MDM authority Set device enrollment limit for users1.2 Manage device compliance Device compliance plan Conditional access policies for the project Create conditional access policies Configure the device's compliance policy Manage conditional access policies1.3 Plan for devices and applications Create and configure the Microsoft Store for business Implementation or application plan Planning or co-management devices Plan or monitor your device Plan for device profiles Management plan for mobile applications Plan the security of your mobile device1.4 Planning for Windows 10 deployment Windows as a Service (WaaS) plan Appropriate method of planning or deploying Windows 10 Enterprise Analyze, update or order Windows 10 Evaluate and implement additional security features for Windows 10 Enterprise2. Implement or manage the Microsoft 365 patch and security (30-35%)2.1 Implement Cloud App Security (CAS) Configure or Cloud App Security (CAS) Configure cloud application security (CAS) policies Configure connected applications Security solution design for cloud applications (CAS) Manage Cloud App Security (CAS) alerts Download traffic logs from cloud security applications (CAS)2.2 Implement belt management Plan a solution to manage two messengers Azure Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) implementation project Protect Microsoft 365 ATP policies Configure Azure ATP Configure Microsoft 365 ATP policies Monitor Advanced Analysis Threat (ATA) incidents2.3 Implement Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) Windows Defender ATP solution plan Set preferences Implement Windows Defender ATP policies Enable and configure security features for Windows 10 Enterprise2.4 Manage security reports and alerts Manage our service guarantee panel Manage tracking and reporting in Azure AD Identity Protection Configure and manage Microsoft 365 security alerts Configure and manage the Azure Identity Protection dashboard and alerts3. Manage governance and compliance with Microsoft 365 (35-40%)3.1 Configure data loss prevention (DLP) Configure DLP policies Protect data retention policies in Microsoft 365 Manage DLP exceptions Monitor DLP policy match Manage DLP policy correspondence3.2 Implement Azure Information Protection (AIP) AIP solution plan Implementation plan for the direct management connector in the local area Windows information protection (WIP) implementation plan Plan for classification labeling Configure information policy management (IRM) for workloads Configure superuser Implement AIP clients Implement Azure information protection policies Implement the AIP locator key3.3 Manage data governance Configure information retention Microsoft 365 backup plan Content restoration or deletion plan Plan information retention policies3.4 Manage audit Configure audit log retention Configure audit policy Unified audit trail monitor3.5 Manage eDiscovery Search for content using the Safety and Compliance Center Legal and in-place retention plan Configure eDiscovery and raise casesIMPORTANT:Unofficial testing practice.We offer educational materials and practical tests to assist and help students prepare for these exams.All certification marks used are the property of the respective owners of the marks. We do not own or claim any ownership in any of the Marks."
Price: 19.99

"Master Class - Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making" |
"Gone are the days when Problem Solving and Decision Making often happened within the four walls of a top bosss cabin. In the beginning of this century - As we blinked our eyes, the world changed, cabins broke down to give way to open offices, traditional management hierarchy collapsed and saw a horizontal spread. With delegation and authority batons being passed to the executive and trainee levels, Problem Solving and Decision Making skills became a must have quality at all levels in an organization. In simple words it is have it or leave it.Thats less said - Just learning the skill of solving problems and taking good decisions isnt enough. Today, the modern workplace demands the new age executives and managers to expand their potential of creative thinking and bring it to the table while solving problems and making decisions. There is one more news for you, Creativity, Problem Solving and Decision Making skills are no more confined to the management and leadership levels, students who aspire for their dream jobs to be a reality, also will have to bring these skills along with their candidature. That is why, we decided to offer this practical and highly researched course with all these 3 skills clubbed into 1 course so that you may not have to search anywhere - anymore. If at any point of your life, you ever felt the need to work upon your creative thinking ability or your problem solving skills or even your decision making capability, look no further, this course is just the right one for you.Get ready to have learning with fun and tickle your hidden potentials to see the daylight as you move along with me in this course."
Price: 12800.00

"Fundraising & Marketing for non-profit organisations." |
"Are you concerned about your organisation's fundraising & marketing strategy? This program will give you a birds-eye view of the most important elements needed to guarantee success. It was filmed during a live event and will for sure educate, equip and energise you to look at fundraising in a different light. There are a total of 15 videos and the total length of the course is 3 hours. This is a highly beneficial online training program for Fundraisers, Managers and Board members."
Price: 500.00

"Grow your Memory" |
"If youre like the vast majority of people, you probably think you have an ""average"" or ""below average"" memory.Sure, you can remember some things - sometimes, but youre far from being able to memorize all the information you wish you could learn and remember.Information like*CHEMICAL NAMES*WORDS*ATOMIC NUMBERS*AUTHORS AND BOOK*AND MANY MORE!!!!!If you want to be a MASTER LEARNER Be sure to come with me and learn Memory Mastery"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Traditional Painting - Principles & Methods" |
"This course is designed to give a broad introduction to the fundamentals and methods of traditional painting, from the history of academicism and the functioning of a studio or atelier, the materials and methods of painting, colours, mixtures and paint application, to practical demonstrations of realistic painting!Not only for beginners, but also intermediates, and even advanced professionals who want a greater knowledge of traditional and academic methods of painting.Watch the teacher Rafael Guerra, graduate and former teacher at The Florence Academy of Art, in Italy demonstrate in practical lessons the use of materials, from pencils, charcoal, brushes and paints, to papers and painting surfaces; the use of limited and complete palettes of colours, and how to make the right mixtures for an efficient colour palette that will allow you to paint any subject; and the step by step to produce drawing or painting based on the realistic tradition of the great European academies. In the end, you will have all the basic knowledge of traditional painting and the timeless academic methods and fundamentals for quality painting, such as the Sight-Size Method, the use of lighting, and the steps for the production of any painting. Just a reminder, you will need access to a printer to print the guides; practical exercises are optional, and the student can choose to do them, which will result in the need for materials, or just watch the course and absorb the information. Materials needed for practical exercises, which are ultimately the student's choice to do them or not: - HB Graphite Pencil- Charcoal (Suggested Nitram H, HB, B; explanation of use within the course- Paintbrushes (Suggested round Bristle type, varied sizes; explanation of the use within the course- Oil Paints; list of colors described within the course- Canvas or other painting surfaces of the student's choice- Some tools, such as masking tape, plumb line, etc. will also be necessary, but all the material to be used is described in detail within the course during the demonstrations of the useThe Language is listed as English (UK) because the teacher lives in Europe, but the English is spoken with a Brazilian Portuguese accent. Subtitles (CC) are available but generated automatically"
Price: 74.99

"Ultimate Selenium Selectors for Java" |
"Students will be perfectly equipped to find the perfect selector after acquiring the knowledge in this course. Ever tired of all that maintenance of broken selectors? Well, search no more! You have come to the right place. In this course you will learn a well defined and highly effective system to help you find the best selector you need. With easy set of rules to follow you will not need to change selectors because they are flaky. Also, with this set of rules you will find the fastest most powerful selector. This will help you reduce the speed of your tests and avoid some common mistakes that slow down your tests and make them easy to fail."
Price: 24.99
