"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional (SAP-C01)" |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional practice tests (600 questions) are updated and patterned based on the latest exam format. There are 6 sets of Practice Exams (with 100 questions each) to assess your actual exam readiness.To confidently clear the actual exam on the first attempt and become an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional this practice tests play an important role.In order to ensure that you have fully prepared and have a clear understanding of the subject matter. These practice tests with 600 questions, which simulate the actual certification exam, will help you do so.Every question includes a detailed explanation providing an overview of the topic, reference links to AWS docs and a rationale on why the option is correct or incorrectDuring every practice test with 100 questions taken, the questions and answers are randomized, making it more challenging to ensure you're learning and not memorizing."
Price: 114.99

"O essencial para ser referncia em azeite" |
"Azeitloga e criadora de contedo para o Azeite Seu Dia com contedo online.Curso sobre azeites onde:Ensinarei a escolher o melhor azeite na prateleira, como armazenar para manter todas as suas qualidades, falarei sobre o material de um verdadeiro profissional, harmonizao de azeite com o prato, sobre a histria da oliveira e do azeite, benefcios para a sade entre outros assuntos sobre o universo do ouro lquido."
Price: 99.99

"Physiological modelling training" |
"Approach for building mathematical models of dynamic systems using measurements of the systems input and output signals.The process of system identification requires that you:Measure the input and output signals from your system in the time or frequency domain.Select a model structure.Apply an estimation method to estimate value for the adjustable parameters in the candidate model structure.Evaluate the estimated model to see if the model is adequate for your application needs."
Price: 34.99

"LinkedIn skill assessments - Practice questions and answers" |
"Stand out from the crowd and LinkedIn skills assessed.How to crack the LinkedIn skill assessment test?This is the perfect course for you to give preparation for Python, Excel, & Java to understand your preparation levels.***************STUDENTS HAVE PASSED WITH AROUND 90% SCORE USING THIS PREP********************Features:95 QUESTIONS - Varying difficult levels to give you a real feel of an exam. The focus has been given on multiple-choice and hands-on questions similar to the actual examFREE EXAM TIPS - Announcements shared regularly on a weekly basis for you to crack the exam.PREPARATION GUIDE - A Self Preparation Guide providing references to all the knowledge areas for preparation.MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE - Unconditional 30-day money-back guaranteeCOURSE UPDATES - Course content is regularly updated. The latest version update date is August 30, 2020.UNLIMITED EXAM ATTEMPTS - Exams can be retaken any number of times.MOBILE ACCESS - Study on the go and access all resources from your mobileINSTRUCTOR SUPPORT - Responsive instructor support for any questions, concerns or suggestions.WEEKLY UPDATES - Based on student feedback.LIFETIME ACCESS - You will have lifetime access to the resources and we update the course regularly to ensure that it's up to date.Who this course is for:Students preparing for the Linkedin skill assessment testAnyone who is keen to learn python through the questions and answers, explanations, knowledge areas and reference links providedEnroll now to fast-track your preparation for Linkedin skill assessment tests!"
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft 365 Forms - Beginner" |
"In this course, students will learn how to use Microsoft Forms to create easy to use feedback forms and quizzes. Students will also learn how to use various tools such as text controls, date controls and rating scales. In addition, students will understand how to view and manage user responses from within the form.This IAAP-certified counts for 1.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99

"Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners - Level 3" |
"Unleash the Power of MLMachine Learning is one of the most exciting fields in the hi-tech industry, gaining momentum in various applications. Companies are looking for data scientists, data engineers, and ML experts to develop products, features, and projects that will help them unleash the power of machine learning. As a result, a data scientist is one of the top ten wanted jobs worldwide!Machine Learning for Absolute BeginnersThe Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners training program is designed for beginners looking to understand the theoretical side of machine learning and to enter the practical side of data science. The training is divided into multiple levels, and each level is covering a group of related topics for a continuous step by step learning path. Level 3 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and SeabornThe third course, as part of the training program, aims to help you to perform Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) by visualizing a dataset using a variety of charts. You will learn the fundamentals of data visualization in Python using the well-known Matplotlib and Seaborn data science libraries, including:Matplotlib fundamentalsSeaborn fundamentalsSelecting the right chart for the right jobBar, Grouped Bar, Stacked Bar, Lollipop chartsPie, Three-map chartsLine, Area, Stacked Area chartsHistogram, Density, Box-and-Whisker, Swarm chartsScatter, Correlogram, Heatmap, Hexbin chartsEach section has a summary exercise as well as a complete solution to practice new knowledge.The Game just Started!Enroll in the training program and start your journey to become a data scientist!"
Price: 189.99

"Learn Figma in 14 Days - Master UI Design and Prototyping" |
"Figma is one of the most powerful UI and UX Design tool that can even run in your browser. Figmas power is hidden in its being cross-platform and its Collaboration feature where you can easily collaborate with other Designers and Developers. It works seamlessly on Windows and Mac Operating Systems with a Desktop Application. In recent times, it is one of the most powerful and popular User Interface Design App due to being a Cloud based App (saves your file version history) and its FREE to use tooThis course will teach you all about User Interface Designing and also adding interactivity to your Designs with powerful prototyping features of Figma. First, we will learn about the basic tools, common keyboard shortcuts and familiarizing ourselves with the Figmas interface.Once you have solid basics, we will move on to Auto Layout, Responsive design and few advance things like viewing your Prototype live on an actual Mobile Device. I will show you everything step by step.We will design together the User Interface and then the prototype of a Recipe App called YUMMS from the scratch and make it into a pro level design by multiplying Artboards, using reusable Styles and Components.If you are Beginner in UI UX Design or a seasoned UI/UX Designer trying to switch from Sketch or Adobe XD, please join me in this learning experience."
Price: 99.99

"React Native Design de Aplicativos" |
"O curso completo de React Native Design possui 43 aulas, neste curso o aluno vai aprender a utilizar vrios componentes do react para poder melhorar o visual de seus aplicativos, vamos criar modelos de listas personalizadas, telas de login, botes animados, NavBar e muito mais, aprenda a personalizar de forma profissional seus aplicativos criados em React."
Price: 54.99

"Migrate Windows service to Azure" |
"Course explains how to migrate Windows service to Azure. It's for .NET developers and software achitects who solves the task how to migrate Windows service to Azure and are looking for cost effective solution. Course explains cloud service models and benefits of migration to cloud. Course explains alternatives for migration together with pros and cons, then required code changes in Windows service, preparing of Azure infrastructure, deployment, configuration and monitoring using Azure Application Insights. Course explains also other options for migration such as Azure Functions, Azure Automation, Azure SQL Database Jobs and Hangfire."
Price: 24.99

"Getting Started with Automation for Jira" |
"Once a paid third-party add-on, Atlassian has been integrating Automation into Jira. Now you can use this powerful feature to start automating some of those more monotonous tasks in Jira. This course is designed to be a short, no-fluff tutorial that will get you up and running with Automation as quickly as possible so you can get in, learn what you need and start exploring the countless ways you can use it in your organization."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering WordPress" |
"Whether youre building a blog, personal portfolio, a landing page for your company, or maybe even an online store, in this course, I will teach you all the fundamentals of WordPress so you can start building your own website today.You don't have to be a programmer, you don't need to learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript. You need just a computer with internet access.Each lesson builds on concepts and skills from the previous one and by the end of this course, youll know how to install and manage your own WordPress website.You'll learn everything you need about the difference between posts and pages, categories and tags, plugins, themes, and widgets.I will show you how to secure your WordPress website with Two-Step Authentication, how to create a beautiful contact form for your readers, how to install and customize themes."
Price: 29.99

"Machine Learning avec Python - de Zro Rseaux de Neurones" |
"Apprenez le Machine Learning de manire pratique et dveloppez votre premier rseaux de neurones!Cette formation est l'une des formations la plus labore sur Udemy qui va vous permettre d'apprendre le Machine Learning trs facilement! Le machine learning a gagn en popularit ces 5 dernires annes et permet de dvelopper des applications qui n'taient pas possible au pralable. Que vous soyez dbutant, ou que vous souhaitez vous perfectionner en machine learning, Cette formation va vous permettre d'acqurir les concepts fondamentaux qui vont vous permettre de dveloppez des algorithmes de machine learning.Nous allons commencer apprendre les concepts de base qui vont vous permettre de bien dbuter avec le machine learning.Vous serez capable de comprendre le fonctionnement et l'implmentation d'algorithmes de machine learning partir de zro mais aussi avec la librairie scikit-learn.La meilleure manire d'apprendre est par la pratique! Vous allez trouver dans cette formation plusieurs projets pratiques pour complmenter votre apprentissage.Avec cette formation, vous aurez accs 80+ vidos sur le machine learning, le code source de chaque concept abord et des projets utilisant des datasets rels.Nous allons couvrir des concepts comme:Installation des outils ncssairesInitiation au datascienceLa rgression linaire simpleLa rgression linaire multipleEvaluation de modles de rgressionLa rgression logistiqueLes rseaux de neuronesEvaluation des modles de classificationTravailler sur 4+ datasets relset bien d'autresCes concepts vous seront prsents de manire simple et concise. Vous aurez des bases solides pour par la suite vous perfectionner et aller encore plus loin vers des domaines comme le deep learning (apprentissage profond).Inscrivez-vous aujourdhui et dcouvrez les merveilles du Machine Learning en dveloppant des comptences solides de manire pratique et amusante."
Price: 199.99

"Social Media Video Editing with InVideo" |
"Create stunning social media posts for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube with InVideo. In under a day, you will be able to create and upload eye-catching videos that speak to the digital generation. We will go over how to use InVideo's template-based video editing platform to create professional animated videos.This course is for beginners and covers the core features of InVideo. The software is free to try and requires a subscription for full access. If you are already familiar with other complex software such as FCPX or Premiere Pro, then this is not the course for you."
Price: 99.99

"Agile Methodologies: Scrum, Kanban, XP, DSDM, FDD, Crystal" |
"** Elite Instructors, On Udemy since 2016, 15,000+ students, 1,700+ reviews, overall rating of 4.5/5.0 **Agile project planning is collaborative and involves the team in the planning and decision making process. For any agile project to be successful, project managers and team members alike must have a thorough understanding of estimation and planning tools and techniques. While the agile process is flexible and adapts itself to change, accurate and reliable planning is still possible within the framework of the agile methodology.Among all Agile family members the most popular and used by practitioners are: Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Feature-Driven Development (FDD), Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), Crystal and of course, Kanban although it is usually not considered as Agile development method but used in conjunction as a means for increasing efficiency.This course was designed to walk any beginner through the agile key concepts, in addition to the basics of the most popular agile methodologies. COURSE STRUCTUREThis course will mainly have the following sections:1. Agile in brief (History, definition, values, and principles)2. Scrum (Values, roles, events, and artifacts) 3. extreme Programming (Definition, values, and practices)4. Kanban (Definition, principles, Kanban board, and Scrumban)5. Dynamic system development method DSDM (Definition, principles, and practices)6. Feature driven development FDD (Definition, processes, and practices) 7. Crystal family (Definition, principles, and methods)WHY TO TAKE THIS COURSE?- It was created by a professional project manager, Scrum and Agile expert, and leading global consultant. - It will help you understand the theory behind the agile mindset, and the agile manifesto- It will help you understand the different agile methodologies - At the end of the course, you will be able to download useful excel templates to manage your agile project, like Iteration and release plan, retrospective, 30 days sprint planning, and task board templates.- At Elite instructors we are providing our students 24x7x365 Support. You can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. WHO CAN ATTEND?Anyone involved in project management using Agile methodology, such as programmers, testers, project managers and members of delivery teams.At the end of this course, you will receive a certificate of completion, that might boost your CV and open new career opportunities. STILL NOT CONVINCED?And if youre still not sure heres our promise to you:This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee! That means, if you arent completely satisfied with your purchase, I will give you a refund no questions asked!By the end of this course, youll have a working understanding of the fundamentals of Agile mindset and practices as well as its most popular methodologies, in addition to real life scenarios explained. Enroll today and get started learning the fundamentals of Agile methodologies."
Price: 99.99

"Unity + SQL (2020)" |
"Construo de uma camada de backend para armazenar e recuperar dados slidos para um jogo na Unity Entenda como usar MySQL e PHP como uma camada slida para se comunicar com a unity Aprenda o bsico de PHP Aprenda o bsico de MySQL Aprenda a configurar rapidamente o PHP e MySQL para a Unity"
Price: 39.99

"Relaxation therapy with Watercolours - Basic" |
"""The healthiest form of projection is art""~ Fritz PerlsAlways wanted to paint? What better time than right now to embark on a journey of exploration! Looking for a creative way to relax? Have trouble sitting still to meditate? Meditative painting might be just the thing you're looking for. No painting skill or experience necessary - only a desire to relax and become more creative.Much like meditation drawing, colouring, and painting helps to calm the mind and create peace within. ... If you really want to get into a meditative state of higher consciousness pop in your headphones and listen to some meditation music while creating art.Getting started is often the trickiest part. Where do you place that first mark on the page? What is the right technique? If you struggle with these questions, then this course is the answer. Packed with simple-to-follow demonstrations of basic techniques and ideas for painting colourful subjects, it is designed to give you the helping hand you need to get started or perhaps even encourage a non-artist friend to pick up a paintbrush and join you!"
Price: 19.99

"AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Tests 2020" |
"FULLY UPDATED to the latest May 2020 - AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam version!There are a lot of courses out there that are claiming that their courses are fully updated, but they're actually not! Our practice tests contain the latest additions on the new AZ-900 topics, the exam received an update in May 2020.These Microsoft Azure Fundamentals practice tests are patterned after the latest exam format and were crafted based on the feedback of our 25,000+ students that have enrolled in the main AZ-900 preparation course. Our AZ-900 Azure practice tests are TOP-NOTCH and the CLOSEST to the actual exam. Each question has detailed explanations at the end of each set that will help you gain a deeper understanding of the AWS services. The explanation provides an overview of the topic, reference links to Azure docs and a rationale on why the option is correct or incorrect MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone!This AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals 2020 - Practice Tests course offers the following features:FULLY UPDATED TO THE NEW May 2020 exam version - Most practice tests out there are already obsolete and advertised as ""updated"", but in reality, they are not! I have already integrated the May 2020 AZ-900 exam changes.240 TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 6 sets of AZ-900 Azure Practice Tests with 40 unique questions and a 60-minute time limit for each set.SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification exam to help you pass the exam, with confidence!DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS and SCREENSHOTS - the answer key at the end of each set has full and detailed explanations along with complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - the Q&A board gives you the opportunity to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the Azure services and concepts covered in the test.VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - our friendly team of Azure experts is able to address all your issues and COMPREHENSIVELY answer all your questions within 2 business days.CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which Azure knowledge areas you need improvement.MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone!HAS BETTER VALUE THAN ANY OFFICIAL AZURE PRACTICE TEST - they are expensive and you get around 100 questions to practiceCLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post in the course QA sectionPrepared by an Azure Solutions Architect Expert who has also passed the actual AZ-900 exam recently! I take the AZ-900 exam every 6 months or whenever the exam blueprint changes, latest change May 2020 (Please see my LinkedIn profile to view my Azure Certificate)IMPORTANT NOTEThese AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Exams have a passing score of 70%, but I highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 90% or higher on each exam.WHAT DO OTHER STUDENTS SAY?Muhammad A. Today I passed The AZ900 exam with 861 score, these tests proved to be very helping.Anshul P. Very useful, helped me to clear AZ-900 with score of 960 score. Thanks for creating such good stuff.Abhijit D. Thanks XaaS Team! I have cleared the Azure Fundamentals and you guys deserve a big Thanks you for the same. The practise tests have been very helpful. Thank-you once again for curating these questions!Thengum P. Today I passed the AZ-900 exam with high score."
Price: 29.99

dynamics-course |
". . ."
Price: 59.99

chemistry-102-course |
"102 101 . ."
Price: 59.99

calculus-101-course |
"101 . :1. pre calculus2.limits and continuity3. differentiation4. application of derivatives5. integration"
Price: 59.99

"Siemens NX Unigraphics basic to advance level" |
"These tutorials are organized in a manner that enables users to learn NX software from scratch. It will not only cover the NX tool training but also include CAD basics and its applications in the industry. This tutorial is also made, taking into consideration, the professionals who have expertise in other CAD software.The main objective of this tutorial is to ensure the learning gap is bridged and to bring about more capable engineers who are innovative and creative. Also, most of the tools in the software will be discussed in detail, and interview related questions will be discussed as the learning sessions progress.we will add new lectures into this course every week"
Price: 99.99

"Video Marketing Made Easy - A To Z Step By Step Guide" |
"Welcome to Video Marketing Course!Videos are very effective Lead Magnets these says. 75% people say they would prefer videos compared to text!It Is also not hard to understand why videos are very important for marketing. Videos are easy to consume and fast in communication compared to long texts.All looking to sell through digital marketing should have complete knowing of video marketing.In this course we will give you know how of Making Videos & Marketing them. We will also discuss best practices to publish your videos for maximum discover-ability.Video Marketing is also very versatile and easy to change according to consumers taste. It is also very easy to share videos for more engagement.Some Crucial Data to suggest Video Marketing is very important -1- According to Hubspot 97% of marketeers say videos are helpful in selling.2- Cisco says 81% of all internet traffic will be videos by 2021."
Price: 19.99

"Matemtica para Data Science - Tudo sobre Derivadas" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender um dos mais interessantes assuntos do Clculo que so as Derivaes de Funes. Se voc quer subir de nvel na compreenso dos modelos de machine learning e estatstica certamente vai precisar ter conhecimentos sobre as derivadas. Esse curso apresenta uma linguagem simples e direta ao ponto com demonstraes detalhadas dos principais teoremas e teorias das derivadas. As aulas so dinmicas com vrios exemplos e exerccios para facilitar a compreenso dos assuntos.Revises importantes so feitas nas principais sees para evoluo de uma compreenso rpida e aprofundada dos assunto.Possa ter certeza que esse um dos cursos mais completos sobre as Derivadas aqui da plataforma Udemy.Antes de adquirir o curso assista as aulas disponveis para degustao. Se gostar da didtica e proposta do curso faa de imediato sua inscrio. Acesso vitalcio ao curso: Matemtica para Data Science - Tudo sobre DerivadasVamos aos estudos!!"
Price: 39.99

"Curso Completo MongoDB 2020 - Aprenda do Bsico ao Avanado!" |
"O MongoDB um dos bancos de dados mais famosos e utilizados hoje em dia, e a demanda por profissionais qualificados cresce a cada dia. Parte do seu sucesso se deve ao fato de ser extremamente verstil, funcionando bem em quase todos os tipos de aplicao que exista. Outra parte que ele inteiramente focado na praticidade ao desenvolvedor, ou seja, tudo funciona muito bem e de maneira simples, o que o torna extremamente atrativo para a maioria dos projetos.O melhor de tudo que voc no precisa ter conhecimento em bancos de dados para seguir com esse curso.Vamos ter muitas aulas prticas para que voc faa junto comigo e aprenderemos todos os conceitos e funcionalidades do Mongo DB independente da linguagem de programao que voc deseja utilizar junto com seu banco.Quem ser seu instrutor?Me chamo Renan Pallin e trabalho a vrios e vrios anos com o Mongo DB. Dentre os diversos projetos aos quais trabalhei e liderei, nacionais e internacionais, decidi ir bem a fundo na tecnologia para me tornar a referncia em Mongo DB, sendo um dos nicos profissionais do Brasil que possui todas as certificaes oficiais do banco de dados, emitidas pela prpria empresa que mantm o Mongo.Toda essa experincia permitiu a criao de um curso extremamente bem pensado com uma jornada agradvel do jeito que eu gostaria ter aprendido.Mongo DB?Voc provavelmente j ouviu falar do Mongo DB ou at mesmo do termo ""no-relacional"". A internet est cheia de artigos e tutoriais sobre essa ferramenta to maravilhosa, mas eles realmente te ensinam como tudo funciona? Ao finalizar um tutorial desses, eles no te passam a confiana para criar um projeto srio ou ocupar uma vaga com o Mongo DB. Esse curso vai.Como esse curso?O curso inicia com os conceitos iniciais de bancos de dados, falamos sobre os tipos e sobre o prprio Mongo DB. Introduzimos os comandos mais iniciais mais importantes e j comeamos a manipular dados. Logo aps, uma seo muito bem exemplificada sobre relacionamentos e modelagem de dados, que o aspecto mais importante para qualquer aplicao que utiliza um banco de dados.Existem exerccios ao final de cada seo para que voc possa praticar o que acabou de ver e sempre contamos com uma breve parte terica e partimos para a prtica, que onde os alunos normalmente gostam por colocarmos a mo na massa e construir de fato, sem abrir mo da teoria e os porqus das coisas estarem acontecendo da maneira que esto.A linguagem do curso simples para que possa abranger desde o iniciante at quem j conhece e trabalha com a tecnologia, pois acredito que a comunicao fundamental para a evoluo e a passagem de conhecimento."
Price: 204.99

"HTML5 & CSS3 Course: The Complete Guide (Step by Step)" |
"This is a complete beginners course for learning HTML5 & CSS3 from scratch. Here you will learn how to design and develop your own websites purely with HTML5 & CSS3. Once you get started with the course you will learn from a complete beginners aspect on how to design and build web pages for any business or personal use.If you are planning to get started with Web development then this course is perfect for you. Here you will learn the very most basic concept of web development. In this course you will everything from Basics of HTML5 tags and CSS3 syntax to create and buid your own website. By the end of this coure you will be a complete professional HTML5 and CSS3 expert in develping websites."
Price: 4800.00

"Python 3 Course: The Complete Guide (Step by Step)" |
"In this complete Python 3 course, you will learn about the most advanced programming language Python. We will learn the fundamentals of python and then we will deep dive into how python works. We will cover everything that is essential to learn and get started with python. Following are the details covered in this course:Fundamentals of PythonBlocks in PythonHow to use Loops efficientlyData types in PythonOperators in PythonLists and TuplesClasses, Methods and Objects in PythonManaging and Handling files in PythonBuilt in ModulesSimple-Dictionary-App (Project)Snake Game in Python (Project)"
Price: 4800.00

"Ben's English for Hospitality Course" |
"In this intensive five-hour course with lecture videos and written assignments, Enrolled students will learn to boost their English language skills to better be able to find jobs in the Hospitality industry from being a caregiver to being a tour guide. Six major job types are covered in this intensive course along with how to make sure all interactions with customers and clients go smoothly. From your first greeting to saying goodbye to the client at the end of the day, this course will help you with your English skills so you can better be able to succeed in this important and growing industry. For those English learners looking to make a career in Hospitality, I highly recommend enrolling in my course especially if your English grammar, vocabulary, writing and conversational skills need improvement in this area of work."
Price: 99.99

"React & Firebase: Code & Deploy a Realtime App in 90 Minutes" |
"Build and deploy your own fullstack, serverless app with React and Firebase in an afternoon! STOP TAKING MASSIVE TUTORIALS YOU DON'T FINISHHere's the sad truth90% of programming courses spend 10+ hours covering every single detail of a technology, but never show you how to build anything with it.And what is the result?You put in huge amounts of time into learning and listening, but at the end, you're not confident using what you set out to learn....What if instead of listening and passively learning, all of that time was spent actively coding our own amazing applications?...THE CODING TUTORIAL, REIMAGINEDWelcome to a course based around a better, faster, more practical way to learn what you need to know.This was made from the ground up to respect your valuable time, with no fluff and lengthy explanations.Forget listening to endless lecturesWe'll dive right into using key technologies by building and deploying our own attractive, real-world project. You'll be writing code every step of the way.You'll learn powerful skills, best practices, and key insights all in a couple of hours, not weeks.And best of all, instead of having every single concept hand-fed to you, you will learn the most important skill of all: how to think and code like a professional developer.WHAT WILL WE BE BUILDING?We'll build a realtime social app called ShopSharer, where users will be able to share and collaborate on lists of products, tasks, and items with other users in realtime. Check out the preview video to see it in action!WHAT CONCEPTS WILL WE COVER?How to properly integrate Firebase with ReactHow to query and mutate data using the Firestore Realtime DatabaseAdd handle authentication in your app using a custom useAuth React HookManaging global app state with React Context and the useContext HookThird-Party Authentication using Google via Firebase AuthenticationSubscribe to data in realtime with FirestoreDynamically upload images using Firebase StorageCapture screenshots of web pages using the ScreenShot APIRouting using React Router 5Build and deploy React apps faster using the all-new Vite build toolDeploy your React apps to the web using Firebase HostingBest practices, plenty of a-ha moments, and tons more...If I could summarize this course in a sentence:This is the course I wish I had when I was first learning React and Firebase.Finally, if you've made it this far...I can tell this course will be a good fit for you. So what are you waiting for?I really enjoyed making this course and I think youll enjoy taking it just as much.Looking forward to seeing you within the course!- Reed"
Price: 24.99

"Data Science con Python Visualizacin Matplotlib & Seaborn" |
"Quiere aprender a crear visualizaciones impactantes con las que dominar el rea de Data Science?Al finalizar este curso podr crear sorprendentes visualizaciones con base estadstica de una manera muy sencilla con Python y sus libreras Matplotlib y Seaborn, lo que le har pasar al siguiente nivel en el anlisis de datos para obtener conclusiones que provoquen alto impacto en su entorno.Adems, ser capaz de analizar series temporales y crear previsiones basadas en tendencias y estacionalidades, algo muy til para cualquier reto de negocio.Aprender tambin a automatizar sus tareas diarias, puesto que Python es un lenguaje que le permite explotar reas adicionales al Data Science.No necesita conocer previamente Python o estadstica, puesto que habr bloques opcionales enfocados en ensearle Python desde cero y los fundamentos estadsticos si lo necesita.Este curso tendr un enfoque eminentemente prctico, se explicar paso a paso y en detalle cada nueva funcionalidad, pero el objetivo es que sea capaz de aplicar los nuevos conocimientos ejecutando los mltiples casos prcticos reales propuestos para poner a prueba las destrezas adquiridas.A su vez, tendr a su disposicin un material extenso de consulta y todos los scripts de Python explicados durante esta especializacin de tal manera que le sea muy sencillo reutilizarlos para su caso de uso concreto.Es el momento de que pase a la accin, preprese para un futuro dominado por los datos adquiriendo una habilidad muy importante para poder destacar sobre el resto y conseguir sacar el mximo provecho de la informacin.Apntese a la carrera profesional de mayor potencial del siglo XXI.*Este curso forma parte de una carrera en Data Science complementada con cursos adicionales."
Price: 104.99

"Real-time Communication using Socket.IO and React JS" |
"Have you ever thought of building real-time communication applications for your clients or in your organization? Are you tired of writing the same old long polling logic to get the updates from your databases? Do you want to share live updates of the data across two or more than two applications? Do you work with live stocks or tweets kind of applications?As you know our clients or customers would like to get quick and live updates of the information like stocks, currencies, the sales data, tweets etc. Or they want to build live collaborative applications for the customers/in-house projects. This is where we can think of Real-time Communication and we can achieve that using one of the most popular library Socket.IO. Easy to learn and easy to implement.This course is a complete hands-on course where we will take few real-time scenarios and develop several applications step-by-step. At the end of this course, you will have better understanding of Socket.IO library and you will be able use this library to build RTC applications. We will build several client application using React JS library along with RxJS Observable."
Price: 79.99

"Speed Up Your Windows Computer Or Laptop (For Beginners)" |
"***Use this course to speed up your windows computer or laptop ***A sluggish computer or laptop can slow any person or home business owner down!But computers, much like cars, need tender loving care (TLC) from time to time too so that they can run their best! So weve created this course so that you can get the best performance out of your Windows computer (without having to pay to replace it!)Well dive into:The reasons your machine might be running slow (youll probably have an aha moment!)The tricks of the trade on how to give your machine the TLC it needs to start running again And finally signs that you just need to get a new one! (sorry! Sometimes these things cant be fixed)This is a beginner course rather than in-depth coding so is accessible to those with minimal experience.Note: Only for Windows machines - NOT MAC"
Price: 39.99
