"Es un taller de tramas, de una tcnica de dibujo llamada Zentangle, es parte del arteterapia. Tiene muchsimos beneficios el practicarla, por ejemplo: bajar el estrs, calmar la ansiedad, controlar los ataques de pnico, desarrollar la creatividad, ayuda a la motricidad fina, hasta mejora el autoestima, ya que cuando terminas el trabajo no puedes creer que hayas hecho esa obra de arte. Esta estructurado en 3 niveles, de 4 clases cada uno, en cada clase se ensean 3 o 4 tramas, explicadas paso a paso y luego se aplican en un dibujo en concreto"
Price: 24.99

"Essentials of Smart Building Technology" |
"How best to tell the story of Smart Buildings than through the most familiar of building typologies?We all cherish our home experience. But how do we make our homes an integral part of our Jetson Lifestyle?The first part of the course explored the possibilities with Smart Buildings. Lots of innovations were uncovered, leveraging the Foundational Framework of Smart Building Technology. Stories that reshaped history were told...Beyond the possibilities with Smart Building Technology, it takes a collaborative and innovative delivery vehicle - that is the focus of the second part of the course. Lots of digital transformation and trends were explored interactively.The third part of the course put the first two parts into the application. It started by exploring the peculiarities of Smart Home delivery in African Cities. It ended by offering a business perspective to Smart Home delivery."
Price: 49.99

"Digital Marketing for Beginners" |
"It does not really matter when you start to learn, what is more important how much effort you put in learning. You may not have any knowledge of Digital Marketing yet, but you will after going through this course, you will feel empowered as you will get to know different Digital Marketing techniques to win customers and increase your web traffic. You will learn Digital strategies to grow your audience and lists even further.All these strategies will help you to know about basics of Digital Marketing and how you can thereby make a career out of it. This course will help you to brush up on digital basics with understanding strategies like Social Media or Paid Advertising. It will also help in understanding important concepts such as Search Engine Optimization, Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing and more.My goal is to make sure that by the end of the course you have a basic understanding of the Digital Marketing Strategies which are necessary to attract new followers and clients for your business.Let's get started and learn fast!"
Price: 1920.00

"Repair, Strengthening of Buildings in Arabic AlSakkar" |
"The Course was designed to make you an expert in Rehabilitation of Structure.How to investigate.How to write the report.How to Propose solutions .How to design the solutions and How to construct it.How to use different Repair techniques like, Section Enlargement by Concrete and special mortar, using Structural Steel, Carbon Fiber, External Post Tension and Span Shortening."
Price: 199.99

"Dveloppeurs:Booster et doubler productivit en tltravail" |
"Grce cette formation, Boost ta productivit !Tu as souvent l'impression que tu n'es pas assez productif !Que tu dois travailler plus longtemps que tu le devrais pour atteindre tes objectifs ...Tu dois tout le temps choisir entre ta vie personnelle et ta vie professionnelle ...Pour chaque jour qui passe sans ragir, tu ancres un peu plus profondment tes mauvaises habitudes ...Ce n'est pas de ta faute, nous sommes programms pour tre improductif, Il faut dire aussi que notre mtier et notre environnement de travail ne nous aide pas ...Je te propose ici de voir des mthodes simples qui vont te permettre de booster ta productivit en tant que dveloppeur.Nous allons amliorer tes journes,tes semaines,ton environnement de travail,et je vais te partager quelques hacks !En rejoignant cette formation tu vas pouvoir tre productif rapidement,Tu pourras enfin profiter de tes amis,Voir tes enfants grandir,Apprendre de nouvelles choses ...Tu peux aussi choisir de ne pas te former,et de continuer courir aprs ta vie qui passe.C'est ton choix !Si tu veux changer !C'est ici !"
Price: 19.99

"Market Research & Consumer Behavior" |
"This course will help you to develop an understanding of the importance of knowing your consumers and how to go about conducting thorough market research.As you may have realized, this Consumer Behavior and Market Research course is part of the Marketing Strategy Specialization.This is a 4 weeks course spread around various modules.We hope you enjoy this course and that it will help you take your product to new heights!"
Price: 1280.00

"Vue JS 3: The Composition API" |
"Vue.js 3 and the Composition API is here!Learn to build real world apps with the Composition API, TypeScript, Vue Router and testing with Vue Test Utils. This is an intermediate course. We move fast and introduce all the required topics to build highly dynamic, complex single page apps with Vue.js 3 and the new Composition API. Unlike other courses, testing and design patterns are at the core of everything we do. We explore the new features Vue.js 3 brings to the table. Some of the things you'll learn:- how to use and test new Vue 3 features like Teleport and Suspense- building resuable modules using the new reactivity API- create a flux store from scratch- Routing, include navigation guards with Vue Router 4- Writing and testing complex interactions with Vue Test Utils- TypeScript to create typesafe applicationsThis is a intermediate to advanced course; some basic programming knowledge is required. I respect your time and have packed as much content into the course as possible. We won't explain the same basic concept 10 times over, rather, move quickly and see the same concepts applied in different contexts to reinforce them."
Price: 49.99

"Practician n consultan i consiliere filosofic" |
"Programul Practician n consultana filosofic i consilierea filosofic a fost gndit aa cum s fie att potrivit pentru tine ct i despre tine. El propune un demers care s te ajute n cutarea de sine i a propriei autenticiti, dar i va fi foarte util fie c te regseti n postura de viitor consilier, fie n cea de posibil consumator de practici filosofice.Partea introductiv are menirea de a te introduce n atmosfera acestui training filosofic i a te face s te simi confortabil cu ntregul demers pe care trebuie s l facem mpreun.Consultana sau consilierea filosofic reprezint o practic filosofic, iar consultantul este n postura unui filosof practician. De aceea, cu primii pai intrm n lumea practicilor filosofice, cu exemple care ne ajut s nelegem diversitatea acestor practici.Mai apoi, ne ntlnim cu civa practicieni filosofi care ne ateapt n cabinetul lor de consiliere i facem cunotin cu practica de consultan i consiliere filosofic online. Ca s nelegem, efectiv, ce se ntmpl n teoria i practica filosofic, aducem n discuie practicile de consiliere subliniind diversitatea metodelor i perspectivelor pe care le gsim n consilierea filosofic. Avem n vedere c filosofii practicieni, n mod ndreptit, refuz s se alinieze n spatele unei singure practici sau metode.Vom ilustra cu practicile propuse de filosofi pe plan internaional, dar avnd n vedere c sntem interesai de dezvoltarea acestei practici filosofice pe piaa romneasc a consultanei i consilierii vom apela i la filosofii din spaiul cultural romnesc, care contribuie la dezvoltarea i internaionalizarea practicilor filosofice.O parte foarte important este cea n care ne vom familiariza cu specificul consultanei i consilierii etice organizaionale, cu atribuiile consilierului de etic i cu mecanismele presupuse de managementul etic i managementul eticii.Trei seciuni importante ale incursiunii noastre n consultana i consilierea filosofic au n vedere relevarea aspectelor semnificative ale unei practici de consiliere realizat ca demers de consiliere existenial. Snt supuse aici ateniei dimensiunile existenei de la dimensiunea fizic, la cea social, la cea personal i la cea spiritual, dar i dimensiuni precum cea religioas sau dimensiunea virtual. n rezolvarea problemelor i dilemelor existeniale, consultana i consilierea filosofic presupune o situare reflexiv i dialogic deschis, a consilierului i clientului su, pe toate aceste dimensiuni ale existenei.Alte cteva teme snt legate de specificul consultanei i consilierii filosofice ca practic filosofic. Fr a recurge la o perspectiv comparativ cu alte forme ale acordrii de sprijin i ale consilierii, vom releva maniera specific n care funcioneaz practicile filosofice sub forma terapiei filosofice, a consilierii filosofice interpersonale sau a consilierii etice organizaionale.Pe parcursul ntregii cltorii filosofice pe care o facem mpreun n cadrul acestui program, vom sublinia importana pe care o are relaia de consiliere n dobndirea, de ctre clientul care apeleaz la serviciile de consultan i consiliere filosofic, a unei filosofii de via care s i dea resursele necesare pentru o mbuntire a calitii vieii sale cotidiene.Semnificativ mi se pare importana pe care o acord consultana i consilierea filosofic necesitii de a tri intenionat, de a te angaja, ntr-o manier socratic, n asumarea contient a propriei viei n dorina de a ajunge la o via bun, conceput ca o via fericit.Pe lng dezvoltarea competenelor specifice unui practician n consultana i consilierea filosofic, programul de fa i propune s te ajute s i dezvoli i s-i confirmi vocaia filosofic a propriei tale viei.Ai aici la dispoziie materialele video, dar i o serie de materiale ajuttoare pe care poi s le descarci de pe site. Cred c este, de asemenea, o bun oportunitate s ntlneti civa filosofi practicieni care au acceptat invitaia de a intervenii pe parcurs. Acest programs se dorete unul interactiv. n acest sens, vor fi folosite att facilitile oferite de platforma Udemy, ct i Grupul de practici filosofice, consultan filosofic i consiliere, din care pot s fac parte toi cei care parcurg mpreun cu mine acest training filosofic.Totodat, este important de precizat c, pe lng certificatul oferit de Udemy la finalizarea programului, cei care finalizeaz acest training filosofic vor beneficia i de certificare din partea Centrului de Practici Filosofice, Consultan Filosofic i Consiliere."
Price: 99.99

"Real life complex materials for UE" |
"The intention of this course is not to show you how to create cool materials inside unreal engine, but understand them, you will understand why you need to multiply or divide certain numbers and what are the implications of those operations in real time.Understanding materialsThe course is divided in several materials one more difficult than the another, it is important that you watch them in a linear fashion since the topics exposed in the first ones will be used in the next partsDownload project empty files to follow along with this courseThis course includes a .zip file which can be extracted for you to follow along, it is important to mention the version we will be using is 4.25, the maths and logic exposed in this course can be used in old versions of UE but the assets are not compatible. This course will cover:Creating a soil material, where we will see basic math concept that are really necessary for the following tutorialsCreating an animated fish, we will understand trigonometric functions while we do a cool animation for a fishCreating a toon shader, we will see in deep what is deferred rendering and how to create a custom cheap light model inside the material editorCreating a drawing effect, as complement for the toon shader we will create a cool post proccess effect using outlines, we will understand various concepts that are use inside image processeingCreating a radial blur, for this last tutorial we will use HLSL code, since is the only way to archive such a complex effect!Who is this course for:People who wants to learn about unreal engine in generalThose who want to understand the operations they are doing inside a material graph"
Price: 49.99

"Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Administrator" |
"This course will teach you how to build a contact center based on Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (UCCX). Cisco UCCX is highly in-demand call center platform across the globe. The course provides a step by step process to to set up Agents, Supervisors, Queues, Scripting and troubleshooting. The acquired skill will be helpful in setting up a small/medium contact center environment to meet the needs of a small/medium business.Cisco Unified Contact Center technologies provide powerful, agent-based services that result in reduced business costs and improved customer response by providing sophisticated and distributed automatic call distributor (ACD), interactive voice response (IVR), computer telephony integration (CTI), and agent and desktop services. It enables the effective management of inbound and outbound voice, email, web chat, and customer interactions."
Price: 19.99

"Strategies on Finding New Freelance Clients in Tagalog FT" |
"Dito, ituturo ko ang mga dapat mong malaman para magkaroon ng resulta sayo at kung paano ka kikita sa freelancing. Natuklasan ko ang impormasyon na 'to dahil maraming taon na po ang experience ko online at i-sshare ko po lahat ng natutunan ko dito sa course para ganun din ang maging resulta sayo."
Price: 19.99

"Python packages with PyPI" |
"Any Python developer from beginner to advanced must have had used packages like pandas or numpy on regular basis. How about we create one such package on our own? How about we publish our package for everyone else to use?How about contributing to the open source and make the Python language better?Let's get started with this course to accomplish all the above!!"
Price: 199.99

"Taekwondo Beginners - Learn From The Best" |
"This course is for all levels, and is family friendly. So join us and have a surprisingly fun and memorable time!This flexible course gives students the opportunity to complete each chapter technique at the most convenient time for them throughout the day. Classes are not live with the master in real-time, but videos created by the master or posted by the master are pre-recorded and can be paused and replayed however many times you like or need to throughout the full life time access of the course. Students will also complete and turn in assignments at the end of each chapter technique.The Learning Objectives Are Student-Centered.Each chapter provides comprehensive exposure to current applications related to the martial arts such as:- Korean terminology- Culture of respect- Kicking combination, Self defense, Form, & Breaking techniquesThe Ideas of the Weekly Breakdown: Students can focus of each week of instruction.WEEK 1 - Focus on the basic Korean terminologyWEEK 2 - Focus on how to start and end the classWEEK 3 - Focus on the kicking combinationWEEK 4 - Focus on the self defenseWEEK 5 - Focus on the formWEEK 6 - Focus on the breakingWEEK 7 - ReviewLIFE TIME - Consistent practice and review all learning objectivesThe Ideas of Suggested Time Per Week Spent Working On The Course:1. Watch each week video lesson (2~12 minutes in length; one per week, but it can be reviewed multiple times throughout the full life time access).2. Students can record themselves doing the technique we learn each week and post it (check out the files ""How to Prepare My Stripe Test"" & ""Whats After This Chapter?"" attached here). I will provide positive and encouraging feedback to each student. 3. Download the online belt attached to How to Prepare My Stripe Test and color the stripe.There are 10 Chapters to complete the black belt program. Once students complete the 10 chapters, they are ready for their Black Belt Test (BBT). Wear something comfortable (shorts, sweatpants, and a t-shirt will do/ no sneakers needed, no other equipment is needed at this time). Get excited! Encourage the use of a desktop, laptop computer, or TV scree for a better. "
Price: 19.99

"Come Fare un Corso On-Line" |
"Scopri come creare dei corsi on-line di alto livello.Sono Giovanni Romolo Flaccomio e da anni mi occupo di content marketing, comunicazione persuasiva e formazione manageriale.Con questo corso voglio dare a formatori e professionisti degli strumenti pratici che gli permettano di creare dei video-corsi di alto livello e di distinguersi efficacemente dalla massa di chi fa corsi on-line."
Price: 44.99

"Beginners Guide to Marketing Your Business with Video" |
"Learn How To Grow Your Business With Video Marketing!Enroll now to unlock over 35 videos, guides, templates and more to create engaging video content with your mobile device.The Beginners Guide to Marketing Your Business with Video eCourse is designed to give you the tools you need to create professional video content that attracts, converts and delights to grow your business. Learn how to create engaging promotional content, live streams, social media stories and more all with your mobile device.What's In This Course?First, were going to cover the benefits of video marketing and how your business can take advantage of it. Next, well take a look at the best types of videos to create based on your goals and how to craft an effective and engaging message. Then well dive into setting the scene with great audio, lighting and composition and bringing all of the elements together through the video editing process. Lastly, well discuss distributing your video to the platforms your audience visits most and learn which metrics you should focus on to track the results. And as a bonus, weve included a one-hour webinar that teaches you how to leverage Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube advertising to reach your audience after the video has been produced.Developed for Beginners - Learn how to produce engaging video content from beginning to end with devices that you already own.Lifetime Access & Updates - Once you enroll, you'll have lifetime access to this course as well as free future updates!Efficient - We developed this eCourse to be completed in under two hours so that you can put your skills to work and get back to business!Case Studies - We will show you examples of what works and what doesn't when creating content.Helpful Guides - We've included useful guides, templates and resources to assist you on your Video Marketing journey.Interactive Quizzes - Put your newly developed skills to the test with seven unique quizzes after each chapter."
Price: 149.99

"Manifesting your Best Life with Intentional Living" |
"Its my joy to share with you the 5 steps I have learned on my own journey that will allow you to start creating a life you love, today. Together we will explore lessons in Intention Setting, Journaling, Visualisation and Meditation, learning why each one is important and how to do them in a way that works for you. Each section has homework exercises for you to do, then well pull everything together at the end to create your bespoke intentional living practice."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Medical Language and Terminology" |
"Enhance your career in the Healthcare Ecosystem by learning and improving your Medical Language and Terminology. This course is designed for both beginners new to Healthcare Ecosystem, BPO, KPO, ITES and for experienced clinical and non-clinical Healthcare Domain Professionals as a refresher.In easy to review lessons, the course material will give you a solid foundation in Medical Language and Terminology.You will analyze individual word parts such as prefixes, suffixes and word roots, along with learning body system dynamics, basic medical language, body orientation, health, wellness, and disease terms.So if you are planning on pursuing a career in healthcare ecosystem or domain, medical billing or medical coding, physician's secretary or medical support staff, or maybe you want a jump start in the medical field before starting college, or perhaps you are just interested in learning the latest in medical language.Let us get started now!"
Price: 3200.00

"SAP S4HANA Production Planning & Manufacturing Practice Test" |
"Get Certified in minimum timeMain Features:100 QuestionsNo repetition of questionsScenario-based questions2 Practice testsSpecially designed for SAP S/4HANA Production Planning and Manufacturing Certification Exam Ideal for C_TS422_1909, C_TS422_1809SAP Certification Exam Facts:80 questions3 hoursPassing 55%(C_TS422_1909) & 68%(C_TS422_1809)All question have same weighting ( every question is worth 1 point )No partial scoring ( you get one point for the entire question or nothing )Questions from same topic stay together, topic sequence is randomizedSource material is course handbook / e-bookSame 80 questions for everyone and every timeAlways objective, never opinion basedNo true/false questionsSample Questions and answers:01. What generates capacity requirements in a process order?Please choose the correct answer.a) Activitiesb) Phasesc) Operationsd) Resources Answer: b02. You run MRP for a material that was planned using Demand-Driven Replenishment. Towards which buffer level does the MRP run create a replenishment proposal?Please choose the correct answer.a) Top of Greenb) Top of Redc) Top of Yellowd) Top of Red Base Answer: a03. Which material master data can you copy when you use the Copy Material program (transaction MMCC, Material Master Copier) to create new materials?There are 2 correct answers to this question.a) Storage location datab) Warehouse number datac) MRP area datad) Production version data Answer: a, b04. A material in your company is planned with planning strategy 70 (Planning at assembly level).The consumption mode has been set to backwards with a consumption period of 12 days. Starting from when are the 12 days counted backwards?Please choose the correct answer.a) From the planned independent requirement date of the materialb) From the requested delivery date of the related finished goodc) From the availability date of the related finished goodd) From the dependent requirement date of the material Answer: d05. Which of the following elements does the MRP run take into account?There are 2 correct answers to this question.a) Sales ordersb) Planned independent requirementsc) Shipmentsd) Material documents Answer: a, b"
Price: 1280.00

"The Art of Respect, TheBest of Soft Skills (Part1)" |
"I designed this course for the busy people who want to get to the Core & Gain the Fundamental Building Blocks of Soft (people) Skills. ---Gain & Retain!---My teachings reach beyond theoretical knowledge to practical applicable techniques you can use in your daily lives, groundbreaking techniques that engage the mind-body connection to maximize the use of Muscle Memory (Neuroplasticity) and be available for recall in an instant. Gain Confidence in your Abilities, get out of hiding, and step into your own Power.Most other soft skills training is focused on mid- to upper-level management and misses the majority of people who need it the most: EVERYONE who interacts with people.With my course you can master a few simple but fundamental mind-body techniques which can be turned into / applied to numerous Soft Skills.The soft skills cannot be acquired by reading a textbook, but by ""doing,"" by practicing, and I am offering exactly that. Whether you need these skills to improve your career or improve a personal relationship, this course is for You! All you need is willingness and a few secrets I offer: *new* groundbreaking techniques proven to work quick, are practical and have a long lasting effect.I am certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistics, I am the founder of the Creating Ease movement and I've been teaching these groundbreaking techniques for over 10 years with great results.*In Part 1 you will go over the basic creating steps and how to apply them, you will get a fresh perspective of your blind spots, stress or difficulties to help you get out of hiding and stepping into your power. It is highly ineffective to ""push"" for learning skills without addressing your difficulties: you are Not a machine that needs to retain an enormous amount of information, but you are a human being with strengths and difficulties, so let's dismantle your self-sabotaging thought-patterns to make room for Positive Modeling behavior.*Youll learn a few techniques meant to increase your confidence, aid in understanding Respect from 360 degrees (what is and what is not) and turn it into a lasting skill to apply it to a multitude of other soft skills like: self-respect, communication, clarity, active listening, constructive feedback, confidence, focusing, management, goal setting, organization, stress management, adaptability, self-motivation, decision-making, interpersonal, networking, ethics, professionalism, team work, negotiating, collaboration, imagination, mind mapping, observation, persistence, introspection, acuity, recall, versatility, generosity, etc.*Youll go over the Learning Styles and Quadrant behavioral theory (DISC), specifically about the D Driver/Dominant, their strengths and weaknesses, so you can better understand how to shift into a behavior (skill) appropriate for the situation.*You will learn about the Happy Hormones (neurotransmitters) and how you can naturally make them flow within your body with the techniques taught in this course.*Troubleshooting chapter to guide you into successfully applying this course.I look forward to seeing you in the course & to be a great resource to you for your exponential growth.What Carmen's students are saying:The exercises come in handy throughout the day. Im having to navigate difficult conversations throughout the day. Im feeling very capable and I have the tools and the inner strength to self-advocate and advocate for others."" TKI feel more confident and know how to address situations (but Im also open to others ideas) and I have an improved focus in life direction and I just know what to do. CSTThe most amazing effect from doing this work, totally, incredibly life changing! I find myself not reacting to other peoples stuff much anymore! I feel wonderful in my body and mind. My relationships have gotten better and easier. My business relationships have improved. And, especially interesting, is that Im happy without effort!!! Thank you so much, Carmen, for your patience and dedication! This has been one of the most precious experiences in my life. What a gift. Please dont stop your work! I cant wait for another session. AW""The sessions work so well. I became (more) full of life, I am also very confident, calm and happy even if I'm tired and have a lot of work to do. I noticed that I am more playful. I play with children and we are happy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."" EC""I have studied with many renowned leaders but none offered such practical techniques that work so quick. After practicing only 3-4 times I've already seen clear results. I am astounded!"" MLFVery interesting: It brought much awareness to the thoughts I was thinking and where I was putting my attention. ESI am so glad I was able to join. I felt free from negative thoughts & worries, I felt emotionally balanced, peaceful, detached from all problems. Thank you very much for everything Ive received and experienced! EEI have to say I tend to allow stress to build in my life. After doing the practices, I feel so relaxed and free. I look forward to gaining more insight each time. RW""Carmen has a great talent with the Practices. My experience is always very astonishing. Last practice I have given myself fully into the process and was rewarded with a long anticipated ease of mind!"" AS"
Price: 19.99

"Comandos eltricos - Conceitos e aplicaes" |
"Sistemas de proteo (Disjuntores, Disjuntor motor, Fusveis).Dispositivos de controle (Contatores, rels de estado slido, rels eletromagnticos).Controle com soft-starter.Controle com inversor de frequncia.Controladores de temperatura (Anlise de controle on/off e PID).Motores Trifsicos.Motores monofsicos.Fechamento de motores (6 pontas e 12 pontas).Sensores industriais (indutivos, capacitivos, fotoeltricos, magntico).Rels eletromagnticos, falta de fase e sequncia de fase.Acionamento de cilindros pneumticos (Simples e dupla ao).Simulaes de partidas no Software CADeSIMU."
Price: 99.99

"Heal Your Kitchen, Heal Your Body" |
"Whatever your health concerns are--weight loss, soothing anxiety, depression, preventing illness such as cancer or diabetes--your kitchen is the most important space in your home. I'll show you how to set your kitchen up, so you can create meals that heal you. It is easier than you think to start right were you are with what you have. I'll go through step by step and as you follow along, you'll get stronger, slimmer, sexier."
Price: 54.99

"Energetic Uncoupling" |
"A breakup can change you forever. Healing your heart and spirit requires a different set of tools than healing a broken arm. I'll take you through a specific set of exercises that will help you recover your joyful self, call back your spirit, and restore your energy. Let's consider what you've been through, or what you are experiencing right now, and work towards the new you."
Price: 59.99

"Curso Tcnicas de Vendas - O Poder das Perguntas" |
"Aprenda a usar a ARMA MAIS PODEROSA DAS VENDAS! As Perguntas! Atravs de tcnicas poderosas para fazer suas perguntas, voc ser capaz de dominar qualquer situao e influenciar o pensamento de qualquer pessoa, principalmente seus clientes. Imagine conseguir o que voc deseja, vender muito mais facilmente usando as perguntas certas? isto o que voc vai aprender neste curso! Eu e minha equipe mapeamos e formulamos mais de 180 PERGUNTAS PARA VENDAS, com INMERAS TCNICAS E GATILHOS MENTAIS para voc utilizar nas suas vendas ou at mesmo para convencer as pessoas MUITO MAIS FACILMENTE! Todas estas tcnicas vieram da psicologia, PNL (Programao Neuro Lingustica), e PRINCIPALMENTE da minha experincia no campo de batalha! Tudo que voc vai aprender nesse curso EU J TESTEI E USO NAS MINHAS LOJAS E NAS EMPRESAS DE MEUS CLIENTES DE CONSULTORIA! Ou seja, so tcnicas testadas e aprovadas de verdade, sem enrolao! Vida REAL!Se voc estiver curioso e quiser vender mais, aprenda ESTAS 180 PERGUNTAS E TCNICAS, FAA O TREINAMENTO O PODER DAS PERGUNTAS EM VENDAS e aprenda a dominar os pensamentos dos clientes e assim, vender ser muito mais fcil!Aproveite o BNUS EXCLUSIVO DO CURSO - Ebook ""180 Perguntas Para Turbinar Suas Vendas"" Disponvel apenas para os alunos do curso O Poder das Perguntas!Voc no convence ningum DIZENDO. Voc convence PERGUNTANDO!Zig Ziglar"
Price: 294.99

"Create your own custom FOOD SELECTOR filter with Spark AR" |
"What if I tell you that in less than 1 hour you could make your own custom Instagram/Facebook filter, even if you have absolutely no clue in how or where to start?Yes, you've read it right!...You can make your unique filters for FREE in few minutes and I can teach you how.This course has been specifically designed for beginners with absolute zero tech experience.Absorbing informations through bite size lessons is the most effective way to learn, that's why this course has been strategically simplified and shortened to make your learning experience practical and absolutely exciting!You'll be guided step by step with easy to follow instructional videos that will allow you to create while learning.By the end of this course you will have your own custom Instagram/Facebook filter ready to share with your family, friends and followers.Everyone can do it!..It's FUN, FREE and EASY!In this class you'll be creating your own FOOD SELECTOR FILTER for Instagram or Facebook, (or any other quitz ""what are you/who are you"" filter).You can apply straight away what you'll learn in these lessons and make your own version of the popular selector filters.You will learn while doing it, ending this course with your own digital product.So let your inspiration flow..unleash your creativity.. and make something truly unique!There is no better feeling than to feel empowered with a new set of skill that allow you to express your creativity in so many different ways.So let's jump right into it and let's start learning!"
Price: 19.99

"Wedding Photographers Business Tool Kit" |
"How much is enoughthe philosophy I use to run my wedding photography business and the name of this workshop.Its not about making thousands of pounds, having a super-rich lifestyle and yachts in the Mediterranean, its about thinking about how you run your business to make enough to enjoy the lifestyle you want.No get rich quick schemes here so click away if thats your thing. No ""6-steps to a 6 figure income"". No ""instant result if you follow this easy to use process"". Just hard work and dedication.Wedding Photography Business Training for when you need to get on top of things.Bonus Addition - Free Adobe PDF ""The Business of Wedding Photography"". 186 pages if ramblings, hints and tips from me, Andrew Miller."
Price: 19.99

"Building an online Business like A Jedi" |
"This course enable you to build business that pass your competition even if they get more numbers or followers.This course will teach you . How to Blog and get traffic .how to pitch your Products and service. how to market yourselfHow to Network online and offlineI have interview best-selling , top CEO like Evan Carmichael, Jason David Frank aka Tommy oliver"
Price: 19.99

"Freelancing: Learn How to Make Money Online During the COVID" |
"Welcome to this course: Freelancing: Learn How to Make Money Online During the COVID-19. You have the skills. You have the desire. You have the persistence, work ethic, and belief in yourself required to start your own business and become a successful freelancer.But what you don't have is experience running your own successful business -- so why not learn from people that do?Today, you can start to make good money, easily, as a freelancer (without quitting your job), with no outlay whatsoever and with ZERO prior experience!Your initial goal is an easy $2,000 every month.For most people, owning a freelancing business means working as a self-employed person doing specific pieces of work for various employers. It presents an attractive alternative to being an employee, allowing for independence and a sense of control. Heck, the word itself implies a sense of freedom.Keep in mind, however, that freelancing combines the best and worst of the world of being a business owner and an employee. How so? If youre freelancing, you own your business, and youre an independent contractor, controlling your hours and the kind of work you choose to take on. On the other hand, you are in effect employed by the person who hired you and must comply with their demands and time schedules. You also pay a price for the freedom of freelancing because you are responsible for your own health and disability insurance, other benefits, employment taxes, and new projectsinstead of having these things handed to you like an employee.Despite the challenges unique to the freelancing business, its a field that holds endless opportunities to do something you enjoy in the manner that you enjoy doing it. These tradeoffs are worth the risks to many people. But despite the casualness of the word, freelancing is like any other business in that certain steps should be followed in order to find the path to success.So, What are you waiting for, let's get started!"
Price: 24.99

"Fast Practice Test for OCI OCP 2020 1Z0-997-20" |
"Weekend Saving: $12.99 - Use this code for the discount: 6F01C6755B473E0939ECIf you are going to take the exam Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect Professional and you don't have much time to prepare, this Practice is designed for you!This Practice Test has been validated against OCI version 2020Exam Title:Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect ProfessionalExam Number:1Z0-997-20Format: Multiple ChoiceNumber of Questions:Please check in the Practice Test section."
Price: 19.99

"Practice Test Certified Associate in Python Programming" |
"Weekend saving: $12.99 - Use this code for the discount: A4BBA82B0476883BFCE5A practice test is the best way to prepare your exam.When you are attempting Python Institute PCAP exam, then you should always look for reliable exam preparation material. In this course, you will be able to receive high quality and reliable PCAP-31-02 questions and answers that will help you prepare for the real exam. Exam Code: PCAP-31-02Exam Name: Certified Associate in Python ProgrammingCertification Name: PCAPVendor Name: Python InstituteUpdated: 25 Jul, 2020Q & A: 50 Practice Questions and Answers (40 Q&A in real exam)"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant Practice Tests - 2020" |
"Last month I got Marketing Cloud Consultant Certified in the first attempt with approx 95% score. Its considered to be the toughest consultant exam in salesforce ecosystem and definitely, it was tough. I had been preparing for more than a year for this exam and postponed it a few times because I felt that I was not ready. In the end, it was worth it.My section level scores are below.Data Design: 91%Discovery: 100%Automation: 100%Journey Builder: 100%Conceptual Design: 100%Contact Builder: 100%Account Configuration: 57%Reporting: 100%Email Build: 100%Marketing Cloud Connect: 100%If you want this under your belt, you need some solid experience with Salesforce Marketing Cloud. You have to understand various concepts within marketing cloud in depth and have to learn about many builders and studios within Marketing Cloud. My recent project experiences helped me a lot with this exam.YOU WILL FIND MANY TESTS AVAILABLE IN MARKET BUT AFTER THROGH RESEARCH I CAN SAY THIS IS THE TEST WHICH WILL PROVIDE YOU CLEAR AND BEST EXPLANATION The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant program is designed for consultants who have hands-on experience implementing Marketing Cloud Email Studio, Journey Builder, Automation Studio, Content Builder, Contact Builder, and Marketing Cloud Connect in a customer-facing role. In this course, I will fully prepare you for what it is like to take the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant exam. These questions have been written and answered by multiple Salesforce Marketing Cloud professionals. The correct response, as well as an explanation of the answer is provided, in order to ensure your absolute understanding of the content, rather than merely rote learning the answers to the questions.In order to culminate this exam, I have followed the official Exam Guide from Salesforce to ensure the 10 Knowledge areas and corresponding weightings are assessed so that you can approach the Marketing Cloud Certification Exam with confidence that all areas have been covered. By purchasing this course, you immensely improve your odds of passing with the first attempt in order to avoid costly re-schedule fees, as well as being confident that you will understand rather than memorise the content. After completing the exam, you will receive your total final score and the correct answers and explanations so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further.There are three practice exams included- Study first: It seems to be obvious, but you should not skip this step.You should first study all the topics and only then take the practice test.First Test Attempt: When you feel confident that you have at least a basic understanding of all the Certification Topics, attempt the test. Make a list of the topics where you experienced difficulties. Be sure to read the detailed explanations when provided!Get Stronger with Second test: Re-read the list of your weak points by re-taking the tests as many times as you want and review topics as needed.Final Test: Hurray you are ready!These practice test questions are all composed of the best questions. The tests are a representation of what you can expect on the real exam. Try the final exam only when you feel very confident with the material or you are near the day of the actual exam. This will give you an accurate projection of the score you will get in the real exam!"
Price: 99.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Associate 2019 2020" |
"UPDATE - Sep 22nd 2020 Coupon - 8E1A0178E2A427DFF009 for FREE course for 10 redemptionsGet OCI Architect (Associate) Certification - 100% guaranteedDevelop certification level skills on topics such as: Cloud computing concepts (HA, DR, Security), regions, availability domains, OCI terminology and services, networking, databases, load balancing, IAM, FASTCONNECT, VPN, Compartments, Terraform, with focus on how to use it with OCI. The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Associate exam is designed for individuals who possess a strong foundation knowledge in architecting infrastructure using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services.Successfully prepare for the 1Z0-1072: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019/2020 Architect Associate certification.Crack OCI Architect Associate Certification with flying colors. This Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Associate practice test will help you reach there.Enjoy practice test, and keep your cloud skills current."
Price: 1280.00
