"Introduo Otimizao para Mecanismos de Pesquisa (Google)" |
"A otimizao de mecanismo de pesquisa o processo de fazer melhorias dentro e fora do seu site, a fim de ganhar mais exposio nos resultados dos mecanismos de pesquisa. E mais exposio nos resultados dos mecanismos de pesquisa levar a que mais visitantes o encontrem pelos motivos certos.Aproveitaremos as melhores prticas do setor, exemplos e nossa prpria experincia em trabalhar com dezenas de clientes para mostrar como obter o mximo de exposio e resultados de sua estratgia de pesquisa orgnica.Contedo do curso:Conhecendo a pesquisa: O bsico sobre mecanismos de pesquisaA histria dos mecanismos de buscaComo funcionam os buscadoresComo os mecanismos de pesquisa veem a webExplicando a busca orgnicaSeja descoberto com pesquisa: Introduo otimizao de mecanismos de pesquisaA importncia de um plano de SEOO processo de SEOComo escolher palavras-chavesEntendendo a distribuio de palavras-chavesFerramentas para Analisar Palavras-chavesDefinindo objetivos reais de SEO"
Price: 189.99

"JNCIA-SEC JN0-230 Practice Exams" |
"Last Updated: August 2020This practice test is fully aligned with JNCIA-SEC JN0-230 exams.This Juniper JNCIA-SEC practice exam is patterned based on the latest JNCIA-SEC exam format. The questions are updated regularly based on feedback from our students on what appeared in the actual exam.This practice test has been prepared with the utmost care and is as close to the real exam as possible. The exam questions are divided into sections, like the JNCIA-SEC certification syllabus.This JNCIA-SEC Practice Exam is for anyone who is looking for a study material that provides the following:130+ first-class exam questions - divided into 6 sections like the real JNCIA-SEC examDetailed explanations - our answer keys will tell you why your answer will be considered correct or incorrectAnswer references - our answers keys also include references for further readingSimulates the actual exam - updated with our students' feedback, this mimics the actual JNCIA-SEC exam to help you ace the certificationUpdated weekly - our dedicated team updates the questions and answers weekly based on feedbackInstructor Support - this practice exam includes instructor support for all your questions within 24 hoursTest Report - the test validates your knowledge against the required pass score to mimic the actual examMobile compatible - use the practice exam on any device - computer, tablet or smartphoneImportant Note:I highly encourage you to repeat these practice questions again and again until you reach a score of 90% or higher on each section.Remember that this a practice exam. It is tailored using the JNCIA-SEC blueprint and is designed to test every area of the exam. By the end of this practice test, you'll feel SUPER CONFIDENT to pass the exam. I promise this practice test will give you a comprehensive assessment of your knowledge, identify areas where you need to focus, give you a real-world exam feel, and improve your confidence to pass at the first attempt.What our students say:""Questions are very technical, and there are explanations why my answer is considered correct or incorrect. This approach is impressive. Helped me a lot to prepare for the exam. I loved the course, will recommend to others. Many thanks!""""I have spent a lot of time with this, and other, practice exams and this exam site is constantly updating the question. That doesn't seem to be the case with other sites I have used!""""These tests are as close to the exam as it gets. Well supplemented with explanations and links for more reading. I'll recommend these for exam takers.""The S2 Academy Promise:Students love our courses and have top-rated each of them. We guarantee that this JNCIA-SEC practice test will add value to your knowledge and will improve your confidence to pass the exam. If we don't live up to any of these promises, just tell us and we'll refund your purchase. No questions asked!"
Price: 19.99

"Normas de Facebook Ads" |
"Aprende sobre las normas de Facebook Ads para hacer anuncios en Facebook e Instagram de manera seria y profesional y evitar sanciones por parte de Facebook.Mejora tus habilidades como anuncianteAprende las diferentes normas de Facebook Ads.Desarrolla un criterio al momento de presentar anuncios en Facebook.Aprende qu debes hacer cuando te rechazan un anuncio en Facebook AdsEntiende cmo funciona el sistema de revisin de anuncios de Facebook Ads.Conoce cmo ser un mejor anunciante.Una gran habilidad que puedes desarrollarAprender sobre las normas de Facebook Ads te permite crear anuncios en la plaforma de Facebook e Instagram de manera seria y profesional. Facebook Ads es una gran herramienta para cualquier negocio o empresa que desea promover sus productos o servicios, pero si esta plataforma publicitaria se utiliza sin conocer sus normas podemos ser sancionados de manera permanente por parte de Facebook.Contenidos y descripcin generalEl presente curso tiene ms de 3.5 horas de video sobre normas de Facebook Ads y un PDF de 80 pginas sobre marketing en Facebook, el curso esta diseado para personas que ya poseen una cuenta publicitaria en Facebook Ads y desean hacer anuncios en Facebook e Instagram de forma seria y profesional cumpliendo sus normas. En primer lugar se har una introduccin al sistema publicitario de Facebook, posteriormente se compartirn algunos consejos para ser un mejor anunciante.Luego se explicarn las diferentes normas de Facebook Ads. En el transcurso del curso se compartirn algunas experiencias personales como anunciante en esta plataforma publicitaria.Al finalizar de este curso, tendrs habilidades valiosas que te permitirn ser un mejor anunciante, podrs hacer anuncios en Facebook Ads de manera seria y profesional, podrs evitar sanciones por parte de Facebook Ads por incumplimiento de sus normas adems de recibir un certificado verificable de finalizacin al terminar el curso."
Price: 59.99

"React e TypeScript: desenvolvendo um Dashboard" |
"Neste curso voc ir desenvolver um Dashboard utilizando ReactJs e TypeScript. Voc ir desenvolver um layout responsivo com Grid Layout e Flexbox. Nesse projeto, alm de aprender a criar grficos, tambm ir criar temas de cores e permitir o usurio a trocar o tema (dark e light). E tambm ir aprender a aplicar animaes."
Price: 54.99

"Super Curso de Guitarra- Mejora tus Solos de Guitarra" |
"Mejora tus solos de Guitarra con el sistema de 3 notas por cuerda, te ayudara a visualizar todas las notas de una escala a lo largo de todo el diapasn, esto te llevar a tomar mejores decisiones a la hora de crear un solo y tambin de improvisar. En este curso obtendrs ideas creativas y una explicacin detallada de como utilizar este sistema para construir solos de gran calidad. Si estas buscando elevar tu nivel como guitarrista, ESTE ES EL CURSO PARA TI."
Price: 24.99

yccazbfa |
Price: 3000.00

"Introduction to C# Programming and Unity (Part 1)" |
"Price at $12.99-Code=>92A4FC6DFA568A313F80-Limited time periodIn this module, you'll learn about the course and get Unity installed and configured. You'll write your first C# console application and C# script in Unity, and you'll also learn some of the ways we store and use information in our C# programs.Key ConceptsUse C# and Unity documentation to effectively utilize C# and Unity engine code.Use Write and WriteLine methods to display output in console applications.Use the print method to display output in the Unity Console windowDescribe the relationship between the number of bits we use and the number of things we can represent with those bits.Describe the two things a data type tells us"
Price: 19.99

"Chinese Remainder Theorem" |
"The Chinese remainder theorem is not a difficult concept but is one that comes up over and over again. Instead of resolving it each time you see it, we discuss here that one can identify it instead and reuse old insights. Problems involving this have been encountered as early as grade 5 where you might want to know when two clock hands meet at the same point on the clock or when racers meet each other during their laps, or sharing bananas between monkeys. This recurs in every level of competition all the way from the qualifiers to the USAMO. I even remember solving puzzle hunt problems based on this idea."
Price: 34.99

"Programma di lavoro magico sciamanico - livello 3 Master" |
"Questo corso ti far conoscere l'essenza dello sciamanesimo e ti permetter di fare un lavoro energetico importante ed essenziale.Questo sistema stato canalizzato e fondato da Linda Colibert, famosa Reiki Master.Il corso e il certificato sono riconosciuti a livello internazionale dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist.Il sistema formato da tre livelli, tutti e tre con relativa attivazione, di cui l'ultimo Master, cos che potrai a tua volta insegnare questo programma ad altri.In questo terzo livello imparerai a fare trattamenti sciamanici e ti avvicinerari al mondo delle erbe e dei cristalli.Imparerai ad avere dimestichezza con i tuoi sensi superiori e imparerai a connetterti e a modificare l'impronta energetica di luoghi e cose.Imparerai la pratica della magia naturale e come vivere in armonia secondo la pratica sciamanica.Infine, diventerai Master di questo sistema e imparerai come attivare gli altri tuoi eventuali studenti a questo metodo.Otterrai l'attivazione necessaria, imparerai la teoria e avrai a disposizione i mezzi pratici di questo programma.Il programma di lavoro magico sciamanico particolarmente utile per velocizzare il proprio percorso energetico-spirituale e per cambiare la tua vita.Sei pronto ad entrare in questo mondo affascinante?"
Price: 119.99

"Price Action - Kompletny Kurs Inwestycyjny!" |
"Chciaby zacz inwestowa na giedzie, ale nie wiesz jak to wszystko dziaa i boisz si ryzyka? To zrozumiae! W moim przypadku byo tak samo. W kocu jednak odwayem si, zrobiem ten pierwszy krok i na giedzie zarabiam ju od 14 lat. W tym kursie prostym i zrozumiaym jzykiem wyjani Ci czym jest Gieda Papierw Wartociowych. Dowiesz si jak rozpocz inwestowanie, unika ryzyka i wybra strategi odpowiedni dla siebie. Znajdziesz tutaj wszystko, o czym powinien wiedzie kady pocztkujcy inwestor. To wiedza poparta praktyk, omawiana na realnych przykadach z rynku."
Price: 29.99

"Effective Charts and Visualizations [Excel & PowerPoint]" |
"Looking for creative ways to present your numbers with impact?If youre willing to think beyond and explore more than the pie charts, then you can use Excel to achieve impressive visualizations (charts & tables) that will add credibility to your reports and presentations.Through interactive and hands-on demos and exercises youll learn modern data visualization techniques that have close resemblance to creating infographics!Fairly all the charts presented in this course can be created in both Excel and PowerPoint.AndIll also show you how to create themes (a colour palette and fonts) that you can access across Excel, PowerPoint and Word to save you having to look for your corporate colour codes.Well dive into both simple and advanced, but creative techniques that allow you to create your own Excel charts and visually-rich tables from scratch with confidence."
Price: 49.99

"Preparation for English Exams : Nouns, Pronouns" |
"[Nouns]Are you familiar with all types of the nouns?In most exams, ""Nouns"" often focuses on the following four parts:(1) Uncountable nouns: air/ smoke/ vapor/ thunder/ energy/ power/ rice/ garbage/ luggage/ traffic/ food/small quizzes:few furnitures (x)little furniture (v)No news are good news. (x)No news is good news. (v)Which one is incorrect? Long exposure to intensive sunlights may result in a wide variety of skin diseases. The answer is sunlights. It should be sunlight.(2) Irregular Plural Nounssingular noun -> plural nounMan -> menChild -> childrenOne sheep - > two sheepWife -> wivesBasis -> bases(3) DeterminersWhich is incorrect? Drivers who think they own the road make cycling a dangerous sports. Answer: sport(4) Countable nouns can be singular or pluralDog is a useful animal. (x)A dog is a useful animal. (v)The dog is a useful aninal. (v)Which is incorrect? During the past decade, the crime rate have been increasingly growing in most cities of the world.Answer: crime rates********************************************************************[Pronouns]A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody, etc.) is a word that takes the place of a noun. In the sentence Joe saw Jill, and he waved at her, the pronouns he and her take the place of Joe and Jill, respectively. PRONOUNS ARE IMPORTANT.Other than one's name, pronouns are the way people identify us and refer to us.When we refer to ""personal"" pronouns, we don't mean that these pronouns are necessarily private information (generally they are not), we mean that they are pronouns referring to a unique and individual person.********************************************************************Would you like to test your English ability related to Nouns and Pronouns?Those quizzes will help you review your knowledge. Before you are going to take any English exams, take those quizzes to enhance your confidence."
Price: 19.99

"Self - Care guide to bring peace in your life." |
"Hi, here's who I am and what I do ?my name is Zeinab Essam I'm a mother , teacher and Peaceful Parenting Coach. I have certified as a positive discipline parent educator (CPDPE) , certified positive discipline classroom educator (CPDCE) and certified positive discipline early childhood educator (CPDECE) from Positive Discipline Association in United States. I help Mothers and teachers to master connection with their kids so they can have a peaceful life . Two years ago , I was over stressed of my work and my home chores. Back then I felt like :Every day was a bad dayCaring about my work or my home life seemed like a total waste of energy.I was exhausted all the time.The majority of my day was spent on tasks I find either mind-numbingly dull or overwhelming.I felt like nothing I do makes a difference or is appreciated. So my mentor told me slow down and take care of my self . A one visit to the spa wasn't enough , hanging around with friends also wasn't enough.Then I discovered the Self-Care world . YAY :))So I make it like a habit at my daily life and here i will share with you my experience and here is some points of the course :1. Why Self-Care Matters & Super Simple Ways To Treat Yourself2. Start & End Your Day With A Little Self Care3. Try Something New Today To Care For Yourself4. Make A List Of 5 Simple Self-Care Routines You Can Fall Back On When Needed5. Self-Care Doesnt Have To Cost Anything6. Dont Feel Guilty For Practicing Self-Care7.Tips to Continue To Take Care Of Yourself Going Forward"
Price: 54.99

"Salesforce Marketing Cloud Administrator Certification" |
"Get certified as Salesforce Marketing Cloud Administrator, learning the concepts of Digital Marketing and understand how to configure the Salesforce Marketing Cloud product not just by visualizing but by actually looking at the product as this course gives you the videos of the Salesforce Marketing Cloud tool.The course covers all the topics mentioned in the certification study guide for the Administrator certification in detail.Videos, Concepts, Exam Tips - all covered in this SFMC Administrator course."
Price: 149.99

"Liderazgo Interior Consciente" |
"En este curso podrs adentrarte en todo lo que tiene que ver en conectarte con tu interior, tu ser autntico, ser tu mismo, tomando el control de tu vida responsabilizndote de tus emociones que manifiestas, ser sabio de ellas en equilibrio y formarte desde lo que eres para aprender de tus errores y hacerlos fortalezas, teniendo una inteligencia emocional para poder ser lder de tu propia vida y poder comenzar a ver tu potencial a travs de tus talentos dando aperturaa tu creatividad, como ser un verdadero lder para con los dems, en un proyecto, emprendimiento, familia y equipo de trabajo para que puedas ser feliz viendo que todo es posible desde la unidad y compromiso mutuo para gestionar y sembrar relaciones genuinas, adaptar e integrar a tu mente nuevos conocimientos para que puedas avanzar en tu vida en todos los aspectos y tambin una sabidura para afrontar otros, para comprender tus decisiones, tus actos, tus consecuencias, tus experiencias y tus aprendizajes desde el corazn desde la mirada interior donde todo es posible si pones inters y pones atencin plena al presente."
Price: 19.99

"Blutegel Therapie fr Pferd und Hund" |
"Um was geht es?Die Blutegel Therapie ist bereits seit ber 3000 Jahren als Heilmethode bekannt und gehrt zu den Ausleitungsverfahren (milde Form des Aderlasses). Blutegel geben unter anderem Gerinnungs- und Entzndungshemmende Wirkstoffe ab und untersttzt in Heilungsprozessen besonders bei z.B Entzndungen wie Arthrose. Der Einsatz der Blutegel auf ausgewhlte Akupunkturpunkte (Hirudopunktur) erzielen eine hohe therapeutische Wirkung. Was Dich erwartet:Theorie: Geschichte der Blutegel Therapie Einblick in die TCM (traditionelle chinesische Medizin) als Grundverstndnis Ausgewhlte Akupunkturpunkte Kombinationen Wie wirken Blutegel? Indikationen und Kontraindikation der Blutegel Therapie Anwendungsgebiete Kombination von Therapieverfahren Hirudopunktur - Ermittlung der passenden Akupunkturpunkte Fallbeispiele Welchen Nutzen hast Du?In diesem umfangreichen Seminar lernst Du die Blutegel Therapie fr Pferde und Hunde als Therapie Zusatz einflieen zu lassen, um die beste Heilungsmglichkeit fr die Tiere/ Patienten zur Verfgung zu stellen. Meine jahrelangen Erfahrungen teile ich gerne mit Dir. Diese Bonus Material erhltst Du: Skript"
Price: 59.99

"Kennzahlen im Personalmanagement" |
"AllgemeinIm Personalmanagement spielen natrlich die Personalkosten eine wichtige Rolle. Aber wie werden diese konkret berechnet? Sind diese inklusive oder exklusive Sozialaufwand. Wird die Personalkosten-Quote auf den Umsatz inkl. der Mehrwertsteuer bezogen? Daneben gibt es noch viele weitere Kennzahlen aus dem Personalmanagement, die fr die Steuerung bercksichtigt werden mssen.Als Personalbetriebswirt und Controller habe ich speziell im Bereich Kennzahlen viele Projekte im Personalwesen begleitet.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, welche Kennzahlen im Personalmanagement im Einsatz sind und wie diese definiert und berechnet werden.InhaltPersonalkosten- und QuoteKrankheitsquoteFluktuationsquoteAbwanderungsrisikoquoteAbsagequoteund viele mehrDie Prsentation der Kennzahlen findet ber Excel statt. Somit haben Sie direkten Zugriff auf alle Kennzahlen bzw. deren Berechnung."
Price: 49.99

"Still Mom, Still Me" |
"In this course you will learn how to accept the things you cannot control, understand the power of your mindset, and be able to name, understand and process your emotions. I will give you the tools to strengthen your mental and emotional strength, and the support needed to gain confidence and freedom in your life."
Price: 194.99

"Enumeration CEH Practice Test LIVE" |
"Enumeration is a part of the first phase of ethical hacking which is information gathering. It is a process where the attacker establishes an active connection with the target and tries to find as many factors possible, which could be used to carry out the attack.This technique can be used to gain information on Network sharesSNMP data, if they are not secured properlyIP tablesUsernames of different systemsPasswords policies listsIt depend on the services that the systems offer that could include the following DNS enumerationNTP enumerationSNMP enumerationLinux/Windows enumerationSMB enumeration"
Price: 1280.00

"MS-700 & MS-900 Practice Exam : Actual Questions" |
"Exam MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams:Candidates for this exam are Microsoft Teams Administrators for their organization. The Microsoft Teams Administrator configures, deploys, and manages Office 365 workloads for Microsoft Teams that focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in an enterprise environment.The Teams Administrator must be able to plan, deploy, and manage Teams chat, apps, channels, meetings, audio conferencing, live events, and calling. The Teams Administrator is also responsible for upgrading from Skype for Business to Teams.The Teams Administrator collaborates with Telephony engineers to integrate advanced voice features into Microsoft Teams. This role is not responsible for configuring direct routing, configuring call routing, or integrating telephony. The Teams Administrator may work with other workload administrator roles, including security and compliance, messaging, networking, identity, and devices.Candidates for this exam should be proficient at managing Teams settings by using PowerShell. The Teams Administrator has a fundamental understanding of integration points with apps and services, including but not limited to SharePoint, OneDrive for Business, Exchange, Azure AD, and Office 365 Groups. The Teams Administrator understands how to integrate external apps and services.Skills measured:Plan and Configure a Microsoft Teams Environment (45-50%)Manage Chat, Calling, and Meetings (30-35%)Manage Teams and App Policies (20-25%)Exam MS-900: Microsoft 365 Fundamentals:This exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational-level knowledge on the considerations and benefits of adopting cloud services in general and the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model. Candidates should have knowledge of available options and benefits gained by implementing Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings.Candidates should have the requisite knowledge to recommend solutions that address common organizational IT challenges and to differentiate Microsoft 365 solutions from the competition in the market. Candidates should also have fundamental knowledge of offerings, optimizing licensing for cost effectiveness, and support options for organizations.Candidates should be able to differentiate between Microsofts services and products (Microsoft 365, Azure, and Dynamics 365).Skills measured:Describe cloud concepts (10-15%)Describe core Microsoft 365 services and concepts (30-35%)Explain security, compliance, privacy, and trust in Microsoft 365 (30-35%)Describe Microsoft 365 pricing and support (20-25%)"
Price: 19.99

"Vendre plus sur 5euros (2/3)" |
"Dans cette 2e formation, vous apprendrez les techniques pour augmenter votre rentabilit et vous faire une place sur 5euros. Amlioration de votre profil, augmentation de votre comptitivit, rcolte de bons avis auprs de vos clients : grce des astuces simples, vous aurez toutes les cls pour savoir mieux vous organiser et gnrer un maximum de gain."
Price: 19.99

"Les techniques des meilleurs pros sur 5euros (3/3)" |
"Passez la vitesse suprieure avec cette troisime et dernire formation 5euros. Vous y dcouvrirez outils et logiciels de Pros pour faire de votre activit sur 5euros une vraie mine d'or. Publicit, rfrencement, amlioration de vos microservices, et upsell : maintenant que vous avez dcid de vous y investir fond, il est temps de mettre toutes les chances de votre ct."
Price: 24.99

"Mastering ASP.NET Web API : An In-depth Course" |
"ASP.NET Web API is an open-source framework for building RESTful services using .NET. Learn to implement ASP.NET Web API2 concepts including routing, Action Results, HttpResponseMessage and IHttpActionResult, Content Negotiation, Media-Type Formatters, Model or Parameter Binding, Model Validation and Handling Validation Errors, pipeline, filters, creating custom filters, exception handling, versioning strategies, dependency injection and hosting ASP.NET Web API."
Price: 99.99

"Mastering ASP.NET MVC5 : An In-depth Course" |
"Learn ASP.NET MVC for developing robust web applications using the MVC design pattern. Discover the ASP.NET MVC fundamentals including MVC pattern, Razor View Engine, Razor Syntax, Razor Statements, Routing, HTML Helpers, Data Passing Techniques, Partial Views, MVC Forms, Validation and Unit Testing etc. Learn the skills to work with MVC5 and to build modern and dynamic web applications using Entity Framework along with Form authentication and authorization using Filters.Understand ASP.NET MVC detailed pipeline along with filters configuration and uses. Here, for authentication and authorization, you will learn the uses of custom authentication and authorization filters using forms authentication."
Price: 99.99

znuclicg |
"- 21 ! , -. , , , . , 30-50% ! - , - , , (, ), (, ), (.. ) (, H.pylory - ; ( ) - ), (, BRCA1 - 70% ). , .. , . , . , , : , . : , , , . . . , 100% . . . , , . , . , , , . , , , , ."
Price: 19.99

jqyxzlwq |
", 2 2 . , . . H.pylori . , , . . . , . , , , , . , .. , , . : , 1 60%. : H.pylori, , , . , , . . , , , . . , , . , . , . .!"
Price: 19.99

"MB-600 Microsoft Power Apps+Dynamics 365 Practice Test :2020" |
"Welcome to our MB-600 Microsoft Power Apps+Dynamics 365 Certified Associate Project Management Test 2020 Course.These tests will help you pass the Exam in the very first attempt.What you get in this MB-600 Microsoft Power Apps+Dynamics 365 Course22 High Quality practice questions for your MB-600 Microsoft Power Apps+Dynamics 365 ExamAll Questions & Answers are verified by ExpertAlways updatedAll domains covered30 Days money back guaranteeWhat will students learn in your course?22 High Quality MB-600 Microsoft Power Apps+Dynamics 365 practice questionsOur Practice tests will help you score at least 80% on the main exam.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Should have Basic IT knowledgeWant to Clear MB-600 Microsoft Power Apps+Dynamics 365 Certified Associate in Project Management Certification Exam Go ahead,Take our courses.Practice hard.Test your Knowledge.Best of Luck for your exam!"
Price: 34.99

"Greek For beginners" |
"Test your self in Greek .. Make your Greek better ... learn more Greek .. Go for holidays in Greek without problem on your language / Test your self in Greek .. Make your Greek better ... learn more Greek .. Go for holidays in Greek without problem on your language / Test your self in Greek .. Make your Greek better ... learn more Greek .. Go for holidays in Greek without problem on your language"
Price: 19.99

"CFA Level 1 (2020) Equity Investments - 200+ Questions" |
"Equity Investments is one of largest topic area on Level 1 of the CFA Program. Due to its sheer weight, it is important for all CFA candidates to master it. These practice exams will test the breadth and depth of the curriculum. It contains detailed explanations to help you learn how to narrow down on correct answers while attempting the real exam.CFA is a registered trade mark of the CFA Institute. The material provided is intended solely to help you prepare for the CFA exams."
Price: 19.99

"Unique Vector Seamless Texture Patterns in Illustrator" |
"Hey there! Have you seen all the cool vector Illustration thats being enhanced with texture? Have you always hankered to create these in Adobe Illustrator? Did you attempt, but struggled to make it work? Texture can be a really simple way of adding additional interest to your design, whether it be an illustration or a pattern. One of the simplest ways of adding texture to your surface pattern designs is by using vectorized patterns you create from scratch. This new course, Textural Repeating Background Pattern in Illustrator, focuses on the creation of the textures with the end goal being the use of these in other repeating patterns, though they can be used for any application. Creating layered surface pattern designs can give you that edge to make you really stand out in the crowd. As a designer, knowing how to create both raster and vector (Photoshop and Illustrator) textural patterns is a real asset. This course focuses on vector (for raster-based, check out my other course, Textural Floral Pattern Design which focuses on raster or bitmap textures created in Photoshop).In this class, I will show you how texture adds interest and a tactile quality to what might otherwise be a flat color. We will begin some of the work for a few of the patterns in Photoshop. This sets up preparation of the images to be converted to vectors in Illustrator. Alternately, we will create some from scratch, right in Illustrator. We will work with full color textures and one color textures, as well as creation of dot patterns and more.Once we have created a few textures, we will apply them to existing patterns to see what we can come up with. We will then experiment with color and will even dive into use of the Recolour Tool to experiment with our newly created patterns. Your head will be spinning like mine was by the end of the class. Take this one hour class for a full mind work-out! There is no exercise better, especially if you have been stuck!Upon completion of your textures, you can go through all your existing artworks and give them a new lease on life with these techniques. You can use companies like Spoonflower or Print on Demand sites to showcase or to create custom products. Or check out my recent course called Passion to Profits where we use the Adobe Design-to Print-Extension and publish straight to Zazzle. Wouldnt it be fun and satisfying to create and sell products with your design on them?You may have taken courses on pattern design before, but it is guaranteed that there are new measures and methods to be learned every day. If you've taken other Deloresart classes, this is just a natural progression in your development towards full proficiency in all manner of design work.As far as prerequisite skills, I would recommend some knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator with the goal of wanting to learn additional techniques. In class, well talk about both the design and technical aspects of creating a pattern. I will demonstrate them at a reasonable pace so that it will be easy to follow along. This course is for all levels; I recommend being acquainted with Illustrator to a certain degree. I suggest Illustrator for this class, as that is what is being featured here, but any other vector software is suitable, so long as it has the same functionality. Remember, you can adjust speed of the playback in particularly difficult areas.The key concepts I will include are:sourcing textures in the environment around you using pencil rubbings and photographsprocessing your raster images in Photoshop and finishing in Illustrator to create vectorsapplying your texture to backgrounds behind repeat patterns in Illustratorapplying your texture to foreground items in Illustrator patterns and Illustrationstips to perfecting your patterns and experimenting with colormethods to deal with computer processing limitations and software issuesThis course has a huge line-up of ideas for you no matter at what stage you are in your design career, and it can help you whether your focus is illustration or pattern design. Join me and learn an abundance of things you may never have considered before! You can be applying this practical knowledge in your design practice tomorrow. Creating a textural pattern can be done relatively quickly with this short but information-filled class. Im ready to get going. How about you?IntroIn this class, I will give you an overview for how texture adds interest and a tactile quality to what might otherwise be a flat color. We will start some patterns in Photoshop, for preparation to be converted to vectors in Illustrator, and we will create some from scratch, right in Illustrator. We will work with full color textures and one color textures, as well as the creation of polka dot patterns and more.Lesson 1: Overview, Examples and End GoalsIn this lesson, I will explain the goals for the class and I will share examples of my work. We will discuss the main techniques we will be using in this class.Lesson 2: Adobe Exchange and LibrariesFor this lesson, I will introduce you to Adobe Exchange as means to finding existing free background vector patterns. Looking at these patterns will give you an idea of what to shoot for. I will explain organization using Adobe Libraries within Illustrator and we will take a close-up look at a vector pattern.Lesson 3: Pencil Rubbings and Textural Photo PatternsI will demonstrate the creation of two different bitmap-based patterns in this lesson. We will begin with adjusting settings such as levels in Photoshop. We will then take the corrected files into Illustrator and do the image tracing to create the vectors. I will explain settings in the Image Trace palette and other factors which must be considered when designing patterns in this way. We will do several edits so you see the complete process.Lesson 4: Pattern Made with Marker LinesWe continue using the same techniques to prepare our bitmap image to be converted to a vector. This time we will not use grayscale, but rather black and white. Once the pattern in traced in Illustrator, we do a bunch of adjustments to make the tile seamless.Lesson 5: Textural Dot PatternsSimple dots can be a very effective texture when used in you design. In this lesson, I will show you a quick technique for creating textural dot patterns. In later lessons I will thoroughly explain how to change the color of existing patterns.Lesson 6: Color Photo Pattern PreparationWe begin the process of creating a terrazzo style pattern using a color photo. This lesson mainly uses Photoshop for preparation to vectorize in Illustrator. This is a quick and viable way to create a coordinating color scheme.Lesson 7: Color Photo Pattern FinishingThis lesson will cover the completion of the terrazzo pattern in Illustrator. We will cover testing and perfecting the pattern and working with a specific color scheme. Use of the Transform Again filter is covered in detail in this lesson.Lesson 8: Adding Backgrounds to Existing PatternsThis is the lesson where we will be testing the use of the background textures we have created. There are plenty of alternatives to explore. We will talk about scale, color, the Recolour Tool and much more. You will learn more about managing and applying the patterns in as efficient a way as possible.Lesson 9: The Project and Mockup ExamplesIn this lesson, we will experiment with mock-ups and discuss methods of re-coloring patterns. I give you a few more ideas and tips and tricks. I will summarize the class in this lesson and explain the class project.Outro and Wrap-UpThanks so much for being here! Hope to see you in many other classes!Concepts covered:Concepts covered include but are not limited to Photoshop image touch-up, Photoshop filters, Illustrator pattern making, Illustrator filters, techniques for enhancing textural art, expand and expand appearance, simplify, keyboard shortcut reinforcement, the Recolor Tool in Illustrator, pattern repeat types, copy, paste, paste in place, the pathfinder palette, paste in front, paste in back, layering, the layers palette, correcting textures, adding detail to illustrator line art, and much more!You will get the bonus of approx. one hour of direction from an instructor who has been in the graphic design business and education for over 40 yearsawareness of multiple approaches to resolve each design challengehandouts explaining key conceptsa list of helpful online sites to further your education"
Price: 24.99

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"What if I told you, you can be the boss of your emotions that you can be free of debilitating insecurities, toxic relationships, and painful loneliness. You can be the true master of your destiny even if you suffered a painful past. The common belief is that when you have had an abusive childhood or any other negative past, finding true happiness or a truly self-satisfying life will be elusive and out of reach. It is believed by many that you are to live a life that reflects a person once victimized. You are supposed to be struggling. Happiness Formula class offers a clear solution that you can put to use to live a happier life that is rightfully yours. My name is Nancy. I have devoted over forty years of my life studying happiness. You see, I went through a horrific childhood, filled with physical and psychological torture from my narcissistic parents. Though I fought as hard as I could to heal, move on, and to find a happy life of my own as an adult, I struggled with the life that reflected past abuse. I could not get free until I finally discovered the key to how.Here is just a fraction of what youll learn from Happiness Formula class:How to gain healthy emotional controlHow to experience happiness consistentlyHow to be free of toxic dramas in your lifeHow to be a person who knows how to live your best lifeThe solutions that this course offers are essential if you want to be authentically happy. You dont have to miss out on life any longer."
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