"Termografia aplicada a manuteno industrial" |
"Resumo: preparar profissionais capacitados a executar tcnicas preditivas termograficas de forma eficiente, dando todas as ferramentas necessrias para preparar de forma adequada, e no s retirar fotos de uma painel e sim de executar uma termografia de qualidade, No presente trabalho foram abordados os princpios que norteiam a manuteno preditiva, parte indispensvel na manuteno que, por sua vez se divide em preditiva, preventiva a corretiva. Prescreveram-se os tipos de manutenes, suas diferenas, com foco na modalidade de preditiva. Foram analisadas as principais tcnicas utilizadas por industrias mundiais, como anlise de leo mineral isolante, ultrasom, radiografia, analise de gs SF6 (hexafluoreto de enxofre), com destaque na termografia, experimentos, suas vantagens e execues baseadas nas leis da termodinmica, as anlises de falhas reais e experimentos laboratoriais tambm foram feitos visando a reduo de custos com manuteno corretiva e com paradas no programadas que afetam a produo, eleva a produtividade, qualidade e reduo dos custos. Esta pesquisa objetivou evidenciar o ganho em produtividade, qualidade e garantia do fornecimento de servio, assim reduzindo custos com paradas no programadas, paradas essas que elevam os custos gerais de bens e servios, reduzindo o poder de competitividade, em um mercado cada vez mais globalizado e acirrado. Tal tcnica se comprava mais como um investimento em curto, mdio e longo prazo do que custo, j que evitam perdas com paradas em momentos de picos de produo, tendo a preditiva uma importncia fundamental para a continuidade da produo sem o impacto de paradas no programadas. A metodologia utilizada no estudo foi o mtodo qualitativo com o auxlio de livros, artigos e trabalhos de concluso de curso, onde foi explanado os aspectos qualitativos por meio de uma reviso da literatura de carter exploratrio, na busca de demonstrao apoiado em um referencial terico conceitual, servindo de base para as prticas utilizando tambm o mtodo quantitativo em diversas experincias, onde se comprovam teorias e fundamentaes esplanadas no mtodo qualitativo, complementando algumas destas teorias e informaes relatadas.Palavras-chaves: Termografia. Manuteno preditivas. Reduo de custos."
Price: 159.99

"Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer: Practice Exam 2020" |
"Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer: Practice Exam 2020The Professional Data Engineer enables data-driven decision making by collecting, transforming, and publishing data. A Data Engineer should be able to design, build, operationalize, secure, and monitor data processing systems with a particular emphasis on security and compliance; scalability and efficiency; reliability and fidelity; and flexibility and portability. A Data Engineer should also be able to leverage, deploy, and continuously train pre-existing machine learning models.The Professional Data Engineer exam assesses your ability to:Designing data processing systems.Building and operationalizing data processing systems.Operationalization of machine learning models.Ensure solution quality.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking Google cloud professional data engineer exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Google in any way."
Price: 24.99

"Construo de Instrumentos - Musicalizando atravs do som" |
"A execuo instrumental algo que chama ateno de alunos e escola.Quem no gosta de ver um filho tocando, participando de uma apresentao? Quem no gosta de apresentar o seu trabalho, fruto de uma musicalizao consciente?A utilizao de objetos sonoros para o fazer musical pode ser muito interessante e muitas vezes, uma alternativa para se fazer msica em realidades aonde no existe a possibilidade de se ter instrumentos musicais.A qualidade de um trabalho musical est mais relacionada ao saber fazer e no ao que se tem.Esta a proposta do curso. Muito mais do que ensinar a fazer instrumentos (existem inmeros tutoriais por a), o curso procura direcionar o educador para trabalhar a musicalizao de forma consciente, direcionada, com propsitos definidos e desta forma, trazer qualidade musical ao seu trabalho.A ideia oferecer a educadores musicais, pedagogos e oficineiros conhecimento que lhes permita ampliar seus recursos, seus repertrios e suas prticas musicais."
Price: 39.99

"Cloudera CCA-410 Administrator Apache Hadoop CDH4 Exam" |
"68 UNIQUE practice questions for Cloudera CCA-410 Administrator Apache Hadoop CDH4 ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Cloudera CCA-410 Administrator Apache Hadoop CDH4 ExamTotal Questions : 68Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :40 minsPassing Score : 75 (51 of 68)"
Price: 144.99

"Drop Servicing Blueprint -Build A Six Figure Online Business" |
":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::""The course is an highly advance online course through which you can setup your own online business in just 2 days and you can generate a six figure income from the first week itself.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Do you want to have a profitable online business running in the near future?Skip the research, test and trail part, don't waste time and skip the cue to hit the online business bull's eye.Here are the major lessons which you will take and learn from this course.What is Drop Servicing?How Drop Servicing works?How much can you make in the first week after you setup your Drop Servicing Online business.What works and what doesn't.What Niche you should go for!Setting up Drop Servicing Funnel/Website.How to advertise and generate profits using online marketing campaigns.How to optimize your online campaigns.What to do after lead generation.How to full fill the service which you offered to the client?What Are You Waiting For?Kick start you digital career and start creating you first highly profitable online business now!Who this course is for:Beginners and professional who are will to make their career in the online marketing business."
Price: 84.99

"Innovate Your Business Model 2021: A step by step guide" |
"In this course you will learn how to successfully innovate your existing Business Model. You will get insights why business model innovations are relevant for every company, understand why big companies failed innovating, learn an easy step-by-step guide to innovate your business model and get some valuable tipps on how to succeed implementing it.The course is divided into five main parts:1) Analyzing external factors and the relevance of business model innovations2) Understanding your existing business model 3) Creating business model innovations for your long term success4) Preparing a pitch to get feedback on your idea and optimize it5) Valuable tipps for implementing your new business modelUsing the Business Model Canvas you will gain a deep understand of your existing business model, focusing on your value proposition, customers, revenue streams, internal resources and activites and cost structure. This will help you getting an objective view on your existing business and creating a strong value proposition. The Business Model Innovation Pattern Cards from the St. Gallen University will show you 55 types of business models, reflecting all possible designs your new business model could look like. We will illustrate all business model types with dozens of examples for the best learning experience. You will be able to adapt the business model types in an easy manner, creating incremental and radical ideas for innovating your business and differentiating from your competition. This Business Model Innovation course will give you deep insights into some of the best and most innovative business practices. You will be able to classify every company out there into an existing business model type and create innovate ideas for companies of every size (startups, small and medium business as well as large corporations). You can use the step-by-step guide to innovate business models on your own - or work in a team. Using this course in a workshop will create even more ideas and will definitely boost your business success. Captions: This course has perfectly accurate english captions. They have been reviewed by ourselves so they correspond 100% to the audio. Captions can help you understand better if english is not your native language. And if you have hearing problems, you can still go through this full course without any problems. (Disclaimer: The ""Business Model Canvas"" and the ""Business Model Innovation Pattern Cards"" used in some parts of this course is used under Creative Commons license and attribution goes to Strategyzer and the St. Gallen University. This course has no affiliation with and is not endorsed by the authors.)----------------------------------------------------------------In order to come up with the content for this course we analyzed and reverse-engineered many tactics of successful and innovative companies. You'll see examples from Airbnb, Amazon, eBay, Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Apple, Nintendo, Kodak, Blockbuster, Atari, Procter & Gamble, Wikipedia, Netflix, Red Bull, Facebook, Zara, Porsche, Ikea and many more!Here is some feedback from clients I worked with using the step-by-step guide: ""The process was really easy to understand and we created so many good business model ideas with it. The author is great at explaining the different business model types and how to use them!"" ""After understanding our existing business model deeper than ever before, we were able to create a truly great business model innovation. It helped us to get ahead of our competition and grow our revenue by 40%. Amazing experience!"" ""Even though I'm working in management for more than 10 years, my understanding for business model types completely changed. Great stuff."" ""Unbelievable how easy it is to create innovative business models. I can recommend it to all kind of companies!""Who this course is for:Small or medium business ownersEntrepreneursInnovation managersC-level executivesEveryone interested in Business Model Innovations"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Stock Trading & Investing Techniques Stage Analysis" |
"Learn the incredibly popular Stage Analysis method to gain an edge in your stock trading and investing. This course makes no assumptions of prior experience of the Stage Analysis method or even any prior stock trading and investing knowledge. We begin with the very basics and foundations of Stan Weinstein's classic method, and introduce key concepts in a logical way, through detailed real life examples of stocks charts in the different stages. Taking you from complete beginner to some expert level Stage Analysis concepts. And so, by the end of the course you will be completely comfortable trading and investing using the Stage Analysis method and will never look at a stock chart in the same way again!"
Price: 29.99

"Dein bester Schlaf! Fr mehr Leistung und Gesundheit!" |
"Hallo und herzlich willkommen zum Kurs Dein bester Schlaf! Fr mehr Leistung und Gesundheit!Du mchtest:Dein Ziel ist es:besser zu schlafenschneller einzuschlafenmorgens munter aus dem Bett zu kommenGesnder und fitter zu werdenFokussierter, konzentrierter und produktiver auf der Arbeit zu sein?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich.Ich zeige dir wie du dein Schlaf mit ganz einfachen Tricks so optimieren kannst damit du mehr aus deinem Leben herausholst.All das was du hier lernst kannst du direkt Umsetzten ohne irgendwelche Vorkenntnisse. In diesem Kurs bekommst du Techniken mit die du alle direkt Umsetzten kannst um heute schon besser zu schlafen. Was dich in diesem Kurs erwartet:Was ist schlaf berhaupt und wieso ist er so wichtig?Welche Auswirkung hat der Schlaf auf unsere geistliche, emotionale und krperliche Gesundheit?Welche Schlafphasen gibt es und was passiert da?Wie du dich optimal auf den Schlaf vorbereitetWie du deine Schlafumgebung auf dich AnpasstWas du tun kannst um besser EinzuschlafenWas du tun kannst um durchzuschlafenWie du am morgen besser aus dem Bett kommst."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Database: Advanced PL/SQL 1Z0-148" |
"Practice and prepare for Oracle Database: Advanced PL/SQL 1Z0-148 Exam.Exam TopicsDesigning PL/SQL CodeIdentify guidelines for cursor designUse cursor variablesUse DBMS_SQL functionsCreate subtypes based on existing typesWorking with CollectionsManipulate collectionsDistinguish between the different types of collections and their usesUse nested collectionsUse collection of objectsUsing Advanced Interface MethodsExecute external C programs from PL/SQLExecute Java programs from PL/SQLImproving Performance with CachingIdentify when to result cache a functionHandle session dependencies in a result cache functionSet up PL/SQL functions to use PL/SQL result cachingInvokers Right function result cachingExplain invalidation of cache resultsUse the DBMS_RESULT_CACHE packageProfiling and Tracing PL/SQL CodeTrace PL/SQL program executionProfile PL/SQL applicationsSafeguarding Your Code Against SQL Injection AttacksExplain SQL injectionReduce attack surfacesUse DBMS_ASSERTMultidisciplinaryItems wherein concepts across multiple objectives will be tested in each itemCreating and Managing CollectionsCreate and manage nested tablesCreate and manage varraysCreate and manage associative arrays/PLSQL tablesManipulating Large ObjectsCreate and maintain LOB data typesDifferentiate between internal and external LOBsUse the DBMS_LOB PL/SQL packageUse of temporary LOBsDescribe and use SecureFile LOBTuning PL/SQL PerformanceUse native and interpreted compilation methodsOptimize PL/SQL codeEnable intraunit inliningUse DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE packageAnalyzing PL/SQL CodeUse the supplied packages and dictionary views to find coding informationDetermine identifier types and usages with PL/ScopeUse the DBMS_METADATA package for creation DDL that can be used to re-create the objectsUse compile time warningsUse conditional compilationImplementing Fine-Grained Access Control for VPDExplain the process of fine-grained access controlBuild security policiesEdition-Based RedefinitionUse Edition-Based Redefinition"
Price: 19.99

"Corporate Restructuring, with focus on Tax and Finance" |
"Corporate Restructuring is the process of making changes in the composition of a firms one or more business portfolios in order to have a more profitable enterprise. In this course you will learn the ways that a corporate entity modifies its capital structure or its operations and tax, finance and accounting impacts. This course adopts a visual approach, very dynamic with many practical examples."
Price: 44.99

"Day Trade - Smartphone" |
"Voc as vezes gostaria de entrar para o mercado financeiro porm, no tem tempo devido a sua rotina, e visando a facilitar sua imerso neste mercado, este curso vai lhe ensinar como voc poder negociar no mercado financeiro atravs de seu smartphone. E vai desde o bsico at o avanado, contendo setup e planos de negociaes para seguir e assim, conseguir aumentar o seu capital. Observao importante: Se voc comprar este curso, ter um desconto de 40% em minha mentoria, com vrias outras vantagens que poderam contribuir com seu desenvolvimento no mercado. Entre em contato pelo email ou telefone:joaopaulom.santos23@gmail.com(31)995575711"
Price: 69.99

"Day Trade: Estratgia" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo de ensinar a voc estratgias que iro lhe possibilitar grandes lucros no mercado financeiro. Tais estratgias representam sinais de grande fora, pois quando acontecem, bem provvel que traga a voc um grande fator de lucro. Voc quer ganhar dinheiro no mercado fincanceiro? Ento, a melhor escolha que voc aprenda o que vai ser ensinado neste curso, e dedique-se o mximo que puder, pois quando mais treinar o que ser apresentado aqui, maior ser sua possibilidade de fazer boas quantidades de dinheiro operando no mercado financeiro.Observao importante: Se voc comprar este curso, ter um desconto de 40% em minha mentoria, com vrias outras vantagens que poderam contribuir com seu desenvolvimento no mercado. Entre em contato pelo email ou telefone:joaopaulom.santos23@gmail.com(31)995575711"
Price: 69.99

"Prctica para el exmen Fundacin ITIL4" |
"Estas pruebas son simulaciones de cmo ser el examen real. Si realiza estas pruebas de prctica, estar en buena forma para el examen real.Cada pregunta tiene una explicacin detallada y enlaces a materiales de referencia para respaldar las respuestas que aseguran la precisin de las soluciones del problema.Las preguntas se barajarn cada vez que repita las pruebas, por lo que deber saber por qu una respuesta es correcta, no solo que la respuesta correcta fue el tem ""B"" la ltima vez que realiz la prueba.Los candidatos de la Fundacin ITIL 4 deben tener una buena comprensin de lo siguiente: Un enfoque holstico para facilitar la co-creacin de valor con clientes y otras partes interesadas en forma de productos y servicios. Los principios rectores de ITIL 4 Las cuatro dimensiones de la gestin del servicio Conceptos clave de Lean, Agile, DevOps y por qu son importantes para entregar valor comercial Cmo las prcticas de ITIL descritas en ITIL 4 mantendrn el valor y la importancia que brindan los procesos actuales de ITIL, al mismo tiempo que se expanden para integrarse a diferentes reas de gestin de servicios y TI, desde la demanda hasta el valor.Lo que se cubre en las pruebas de prctica: Las pruebas cubrirn todos los mdulos requeridos para que est bien preparado para el Examen ITIL4 Foundation."
Price: 19.99

"Pratique pour l'examen ITIL4 Foundation" |
"Ces tests sont des simulations de ce quoi ressemblera le vritable examen. Si vous russissez ces tests pratiques, vous serez en bonne forme pour l'examen proprement dit.Chaque question a une explication dtaille et des liens vers des documents de rfrence pour soutenir les rponses qui garantissent l'exactitude des solutions aux problmes.Les questions seront mlanges chaque fois que vous rpterez les tests. Vous aurez donc besoin de savoir pourquoi une rponse est correcte, et pas seulement que la rponse correcte tait l'item ""B"" la dernire fois que vous avez pass le test.Les candidats ITIL 4 Foundation doivent avoir une bonne comprhension des lments suivants: Une approche holistique pour faciliter la co-cration de valeur avec les clients et autres parties prenantes sous forme de produits et services Les principes directeurs d'ITIL 4 Les quatre dimensions de la gestion des services Concepts cls de Lean, Agile, DevOps et pourquoi ils sont importants pour apporter de la valeur commerciale La faon dont les pratiques ITIL dcrites dans ITIL 4 maintiendront la valeur et l'importance fournies par les processus ITIL actuels, tout en s'tendant en mme temps pour tre intgres diffrents domaines de la gestion des services et de l'informatique, de la demande la valeur.Ce qui est couvert dans les tests pratiques: Les tests couvriront tous les modules requis afin que vous soyez bien prpar pour l'examen ITIL4 Foundation."
Price: 19.99

"Impara HTML e CSS da zero." |
"Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) il linguaggio di markup standard per i documenti progettati per essere visualizzati in un browser web. Pu essere assistito da tecnologie come i fogli di stile a cascata (CSS). I CSS descrivono come gli elementi HTML devono essere visualizzati su schermo, su carta o su altri supporti.Insieme capiremo come creare una pagina web utilizzando HTML e CSS.Alla fine del corso introdurr anche Bootstrap che un modo semplice per iniziare una pagina web in pochi minuti.Toccheremo i seguenti argomenti: HTML5, CSS3, Head, Body, Tag semantici.Immagini, Link esterni, Colori, Meta Tag, Nav Bar.Fonts, Forms, Box Model, Contenuti, Padding, Border, Margin, Flex Box.Temi di Bootstrap."
Price: 19.99

"HSPA Fundamentals for Telecom Professional" |
"This course constructed for making clear understanding about HSPA enhanced technology can be used for UMTS to enhance UL and impact to KPI specially for CS and PS .Here in this course more knowledge provide fro depth of technology and its use for UMTS in depth. Here basic understanding of UL HSPA and how it can improve throughput and channels in details."
Price: 1280.00

"Taichi & Qigong philosophy & theory" |
"These lectures cover the theory and philosophy of taichi and chigong. Forms are not taught. You will learn about energy, yinyang, taichi and chigong history and much more. Very useful if you want to learn the deeper aspects of taichi and chigong. It is a nice accompaniment for anyone who has taken up taichi and chigong and a good accompaniment to my taichi master class or my online classes."
Price: 69.99

"Excel 2019 - Data Visualization With Charts and Dashboards" |
"DescriptionFULL COURSE DESCRIPTION:Ask people what comes to mind when they think of Excel, and odds are they'll say ""spreadsheets"". The truth is, Excel is an incredibly powerful and dynamic data visualization platform for those willing to think beyond rows, columns, and primitive pie charts -- and I'm here to prove it.This course gives you a deep, 100% comprehensive understanding of Excel's latest data visualization tools and techniques. I'll show you when, why, and how to use each Excel chart type, introduce key data visualization best practices, and guide you through interactive, hands-on demos and Excel exercises every step of the way.__________We'll kick things off by exploring each of the 20+ charts & graphs introduced in Excel 2019, including:Bar & Column chartsHistograms & Pareto charts (Office 365, Excel 2016 or Excel 2019)Line charts & trend linesArea chartsPies & DonutsScatter plots & Bubble chartsBox & Whisker charts (Office 365, Excel 2016 or Excel 2019)Tree Maps & Sunbursts (Office 365, Excel 2016 or Excel 2019)Waterfall & Funnel charts (Office 365, Excel 2016 or Excel 2019)Radar & Stock chartsHeat maps, 3-D Surface & contour chartsChloropleths & Geospatial mapsCustom combo charts & graphsSparklinesAnd more...__________We'll cover advanced Excel data viz topics that you won't find anywhere else, including:Custom image overlay chartsAutomation with named ranges and OFFSET/COUNTA functionsScroll & Zoom functionality with Excel form controlsAnimated charts to visualize changes over timeDynamic, custom Excel dashboardsValue-based chart formattingCustom gauge charts & pacing chartsGrid visuals using Excel array formulasWhether you're looking for a quick primer, trying to diversify your Excel skill set, or hoping to step up your Excel data visualization game in a major way, this course is for you.See you there!-Srinivas Reddy (Founder, Excel Map)__________*NOTE: Full course includes downloadable resources and Excel project files, homework and course quizzes, lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Most lectures compatible with Excel 2016, Excel 2019 or Office 365."
Price: 3200.00

"Fundamentos tcnicos para o violo solo" |
"Curso direcionado para violonistas iniciados e que desejam adentrar no campo do violo solo. A ideia central do curso que o estudante tenha algum que, alm de explicar os princpios da tcnica do violo solo, toque com ele todos os dias. O curso contm aulas com durao mdia de 30 minutos que podem ser revistas quantas vezes forem necessrias."
Price: 114.99

"Guitarra Baby Steps" |
"T cansado de tentar aprender a tocar sozinho? Ou j comeou a estudar, mas t cheio de vcios, sem saber o que estudar pra melhorar, para onde evoluir? Quer deixar de ser um cara que mal sabe segurar o cabo para ser um guitarrista bom pra caramba? Clica a e comece a dar seus primeiros passos na jornada!"
Price: 19.99

"Nutrition, Food and Health for Weight Loss" |
"Food and nutrition play an immensely important role in our health and certainly for weight loss. If you dont have a good understanding you wont treat food right. And if you dont treat food right you wont achieve a healthy lifestyle. The first step is learning where the problem stems from, once you know where it stems from you need to learn more about what you eat and how you treat food or should treat food. Once you know that you start to become the master over your health. From thereon you just need to practice until good choices and behaviour are habitual. Start here today."
Price: 34.99

"Basic to Pre-Intermediate Tumbling (Gymnastics, Acrobatics)" |
"Learn how to Do a quick warm up routine to prepare the body for physical exercise, (however time should be set aside after warm up to go slowly through the progressive Drills of each skill shown in the video, to be thoroughly physically warm and fully mentally prepared for Tumbling Skills.Handstand (Pre-Handstand for this course)Cartwheel on Right and Left LegForward Roll.Handstand to Chest RollDive Forward Roll Handstand Forward RollBackward RollOrKnow the Interim Drills to do whilst overcoming any fears for the Tumbling skills, listed above."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Entrepreneurship & Startup Management" |
"In this course, you will learn A2Z about digital entrepreneurship and startup.You will learn following - Product strategy, perfect customer acquisition plan, price strategy, hustling, referral engine to boost sales of your product, price strategy, business metrics for success of your business, sales and profit forecasting, digital marketing, social media marketing.Upon learning this course you will be able to prepare your quick startup plan, maximise sales and profit, effectively promote and sale your products in market, find out potential customers, achieve your business goals.In this course you will learn A2Z about digital entrepreneurship and startup.This course is based on practical knowledge and approach, hence it will greatly benefit to you."
Price: 12800.00

"Inversor de Frequncia Industrial" |
"Aprendizado desde os conceitos, at a partida de um motor trifsico com um Inversor de Frequncia. Sistema trifsico, Rampas de subida e descida, Tipos de controle, Modulao por largura de pulso (PWM), Fator de potncia, Harmnicas, IGBT, Diodos, Entradas e sadas, Digitais e analgicas, esses so alguns temas que sero apresentados voc."
Price: 39.99

"Elementor & WordPress Masterclass! Build 3 Amazing Websites" |
"Complete Elementor and WordPress Website Design Masterclass starts from the very beginning by teaching you Elementor and WordPress basics and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Elementor and WordPress so you can get real life practice and be ready for the real world. You will also build three (3) stunning Elementor and WordPress websites from scratch in this course in three different sections. Some Fundamentals of Elementor and WordPress that were covered in this course are as follows:How to work with sections, columns and widgetsHow to build a header section complete with the site logo and social media iconsHow to work with title widgetsHow to work with video and text boxesHow to build an image carouselHow to insert number counters as well as toggle elementsHow to add a Google map to your web pageHow to create and insert a contact formHow to build responsive web content and structureHow to work with page templatesand so much moreWhy Must I Take This Course And What Benefit Is It To ME As A Web Developer?This course will help you to become a freelancer and work ready always. This is the only course on the internet that will help you to become a certified and successful Website Designer with an in-depth knowledge of the entire aspect of Elementor and WordPress and also prepare you with the required skills necessary to build you to face job interviews and get employed as a full stack Web developer. Emenwa Global instructors are industry experts with years of practical, real-world experience building software at industry leading companies. They are sharing everything they know to teach thousands of students around the world, just like you, the most in-demand technical and non-technical skills (which are commonly overlooked) in the most efficient way so that you can take control of your life and unlock endless exciting new career opportunities in the world of technology, no matter your background or experience."
Price: 199.99

"International Dining Etiquette : Social Skills For Success" |
"Novika Vij provides lessons on Social skills and Dining Etiquette.She has travelled across the globe and trained many multi-nationalist students of school and university level to executives at Fortune companies. She also provides guest lectures in Indian Universities.Combining her experience in Aviation, passion for etiquette and desire to instill both confidence and knowledge, she offers empowering course which is required for success in todays global arena."
Price: 5440.00

"Programacin bsica en C# desde cero" |
"Aprende los conceptos matemticos y lgicos detrs de todo ordenador.En este curso aprenders: -Los principios bsicos de cualquier lenguaje de programacin-A programar en lenguaje C y C#-A utilizar Visual Studio-Que son y cmo usar variables-Condicionales-Bucles-Clases-POO (Programacin orientada a objetos)-flujo de ejecucin, mbitos, y mucho msIdeal para gente que quiera aprender programacin sin tener conocimientos previos."
Price: 19.99

"F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager(LTM) V13 Training" |
"My step-by-step training will initiate you into F5 load balancers installation, licensing, best practice configuration, maintaining and basic troubleshooting for such technology. My hope is that my training will motivate you to become f5 certified administrator.In this F5 Load Balancer Training course, you will learn an introduction to the F5 Local Traffic Management Device. If you would like to learn and gain knowledge of how to load balance using an F5 LTM, this F5 load balancer Training course is for you.This Course has been designed to enable you configure and setup BIG-IP appliance, design and configure load balancing requirements of server / application teams, the course will cover exam requirements (F5 Exam 201) and also cover all the knowledge you need to administrator the BIG IP appliance.It goes through the basic appliance setup, then load balancing basics, load balancing algorithms, Profiles, Backup, CLI, NAT, Routing, HA, Users & Partitions, logging, iHleath, TCPDump and QKView."
Price: 149.99

"Magnetic Marketing Fundamentals: What You Must Know !" |
"The Current Times are rapidly changing and so the way Things are done ! Marketing has been present since ages but till recent times ; there was a rapid shift in the industry since the inception of Social Media and Various platforms that have changed the way traditional Marketing takes place!This Course Will equip you with the Key fundamental concepts that the entire modern marketing efforts DEPEND ON. Without keeping in mind these concepts that you will learn in this course, marketing efforts are highly susceptible to failure.This Course will equip you with important fundamental concepts that will change the way you have viewed marketing and it will provide you with a clear frame work to plan your next marketing Strategy.The Course is Designed and Conducted by a Certified Marketer such that you will be having quality education that blends with matches and blends with real life applications."
Price: 24.99

"Comunicare nell'era digitale" |
"In questo corso viene offerta una panoramica del drastico cambiamento in atto nel mondo dei media a seguito dell'avvento della comunicazione digitale e dei nuovi modelli social, per poter illustrare in maniera efficace come costruire gli strumenti principali e utilizzare le tecniche professionali per allacciare e gestire la comunicazione nell'era digitale."
Price: 84.99

"Introduo a instrumentos derivativos e mercados derivativos" |
"Esse o primeiro curso dentro de um assunto muito mais abrangente chamado Engenharia Financeira (Financial Engineering).Esse curso ser continuamente atualizado.Aqui voc vai aprender:O que so ativos, classes de ativos, ativos reais, ativos financeiros.O que so derivativos financeiros.O que o payoff de um contrato derivativo, e ver exemplos de payoffs.A diferena entre o payoff e o lucro/prejuzo de um contrato derivativo.O que o preo de um derivativo financeiro.O que , como funciona e para que usado um contrato forward.O que , como funciona e para que so usados os contratos futuros (futures contracts).O que , como funciona e para que so usadas as opes plain vanilla (call, put).O que , como funciona e para que usado um contrato de swap.O que , como funcionam e para que so usadas algumas opes exticas."
Price: 39.99
