detailed-project-planning-risk-management |
" :- - - - - - -"
Price: 19.99

"Learn CSS - For Beginners" |
"Students learn to harness the true power of front-end development using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Through comprehensive, hands-on exercises, students will develop stylish, responsive web layouts using CSS properties and style definitions.We start with basic concepts such as the parts of a CSS rule and working with Classes, Divisions and IDs. Next we explore an intensive collection of style definition, from working with text, backgrounds and transparency, right to CSS positioning, link styling, and popular layout development techniques.Students will have the opportunity to work on several projects to master the limitless potential of this powerful language."
Price: 6400.00

"Nutanix Certified Professional (NCP-MCI 5.15) Practice Test" |
"Refer announcement suggested free course material links to refer, before attempting NCP-MCI 5.15 exam. Some of the important topics are covered in explanation.The Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Infrastructure (NCP-MCI) 5.15 exam tests candidates on their skills and abilities deploying, administering, and troubleshooting Nutanix AOS 5.15 in the Enterprise Cloud. Successful candidates demonstrate mastery of these skills and abilities*August 2020 - Update* Added 20 new questions. Kindly retake the exam to get updated questions. Note: This test covers most of the exam objectives below. Feel free to post on the QA section if you have any issues!The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for the real exam. It is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource.Objectives covered in the NCP-MCI 5.15 Exam: 1 Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Concept 2 Managing a Nutanix Cluster 3 Securing a Nutanix Cluster 4 Networking 5 VM Creation and Management 6 Health Monitoring and Alerts 7 Distributed Storage Fabric 8 Acropolis Storage Services 9 Data Resiliency 10 Data Protection 11 Prism Central 12 Lifecycle Operations"
Price: 99.99

"LX0-104 Linux CompTIA LPI Certified Practice Test" |
"91 UNIQUE practice questions for LX0-104 Linux CompTIA LPI Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : LX0-104 Linux CompTIA LPI Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 91Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (68 of 91)"
Price: 149.99

"ST0-247 Symantec Cluster UNIX Technical Assessment Exam" |
"368 UNIQUE practice questions for ST0-247 Symantec Cluster UNIX Technical Assessment ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ST0-247 Symantec Cluster UNIX Technical Assessment ExamTotal Questions : 368Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :240 minsPassing Score : 75 (276 of 368)"
Price: 179.99

"SAP C_HANAIMP_1 Certify Application Associate Practice Exam" |
"157 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_HANAIMP_1 Certify Application Associate Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_HANAIMP_1 Certify Application Associate Practice ExamTotal Questions : 157Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (117 of 157)"
Price: 164.99

"SAP C_TSCM62_65 Certified Associate Orders Practice Exam" |
"160 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_TSCM62_65 Certified Associate Orders Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_TSCM62_65 Certified Associate Orders Practice ExamTotal Questions : 160Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (120 of 160)"
Price: 174.99

"Architectural design of Buildings p1 @" |
"* an introduction: Civil engineer holds a bachelor degree in civil engineering AssiutUniversity (Egypt). After graduating, I worked in the field of implementation from10/7/2016 to 1/3/2017. I was working in the field of implementation engineering during the various academic stagesThrough various exercises, I hope to find your chance to work inany area of civil engineering,The field of( residential projects) or the field of( metal installations)or( infrastructure) field.***About the business owner.Engineer / Said Saad Marzouq.Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, Assiut University, with a very good grade (Honors).The last 5 years in the field of implementation and technical officeIn this course, we will learn how to do urban planning for a residential city ... including the following+ i hope to be at your best.** with my best wishes for all student....thanksWe will together learn the following points** How partition works** Laws used for planning work** The basic principles used for planning work** How to locate streets** How to determine the net areas for each plot of land .. ** ** ** ** **"
Price: 39.99

"WELL AP Complete Exam Prep Course" |
"This course is based on WELL v1, which is the current version that is used for the creation of all WELL exams through the year 2020.As being derived from the official WELL AP study guide that has been adopted as primary course material by many universities throughout the United States and abroad, this course helps the student to understand the important aspects of wellness in buildings and the key guidelines on how to prepare for the test. The course covers the whole WELL AP exam scope. This approach helps the students to avoid procrastination and focus on the important points. It also gives immense confidence and enthusiasm to take the real-time test.WELL AP exam is more detail-oriented than tricky (unlike LEED AP). So to understand the most important features and points to note are extremely important. My videos are on-demand and clearly demonstrate the highlight of the exam and preparation guidelines. This preparation course constitutes of downloadable resources that are required to study for the WELL AP test, my on-demand videos on each and every topic (also outlining all 100 features) and their sub-phrase and important notes. My personal notes have been attached that helped me pass my WELL AP in the second try. The reason why this course makes itself different from the others is due to the involvement of my own experience along with a few others on their experiences with WELL AP. This course is also recommended for students, professionals, and anyone who has not chosen to take the WELL AP exam, but nonetheless retains a strong interest in Wellness in buildings."
Price: 49.99

"The Complete Business Process Management Master Class" |
"In this step-by-step course, BPM expert and Amazon best-selling author Theodore Panagacos will walk you through the entire discipline of Business Process Management. Fast-track your BPM career by learning about BPM, why it's used, and how it can be successfully applied to any organization. This course will also provide you with career-ready skills which includes;How to explain the benefits of BPM to your organization's Executives.How to implement a BPM Center of Excellence.How to build a Process Architecture.How to identify the differences between mapping and modelling.How to model in Business Process Model and Notation 1.2 and 2.0 (BPMN) .Not only will this course teach you about BPM, but it has been designed to make you a more effective employee. This Complete Business Process Management Master Class covers critical aspects of process management that will help you add immediate value to almost any business analysis or process improvement activity you'll work on. Best of all, the course has been structured in an easy-to-follow format, and includes course notes so you can continue your education offline. This course is suitable for students at all levels."
Price: 199.99

"Automao de testes de API com Postman + Projeto de testes" |
"Neste curso de automao de testes de API com Postman, voc ir aprender desde os fundamentos do Postman, essa poderosa ferramenta para testes de APIs. Aprender a criar e gerenciar workspaces colaborativos, ambientes, colees, criar scripts de pr requisio, scripts de testes e gerar documentao de testes no Postman. Execuo de requisies via linha de comando com Newman e gerao de relatrios HTML!Integrao contnua com Jenkins. Criao e execuo de um plano de testes de API."
Price: 39.99

"Economa 1 - Principios de Economa" |
"Descripcin del curso Economa 1Resumen del cursoEste curso proporciona a los alumnos un nivel bsico de competencia utilizando un enfoque terico-practico para obtener as conocimientos bsicos esenciales para comprender la economa. Ya sea que ests estudiando economa en la universidad, ests empezando tu emprendimiento, o simplemente te gustara aprender con mayor complejidad economa para mejorar tu entendimiento de la econmica actual, este curso te ayudara a lograr tu objetivo.Sumergirse en el aprendizaje de economa significa obtener habilidades de anlisis crtico, solucin a problemas, y la capacidad de tomar decisiones apropiadas conforme a la situacin econmica presentada. La economa es una ciencia que transciende frontera de los pases e idiomas, ya que, por ser una ciencia exacta, es aplicada en todos los pases del mundo.Adicionalmente, el campo de accin de esta carrera incluye finanzas, estudios de mercado, asesora, auditoria, marketing, inversiones, entre otras.Como se estructura el curso?El curso utiliza breves tutoriales en video y prcticas para el aprendizaje paso a paso de los fundamentos de la economa bsica. Los mismos conceptos, teoras y formulas son utilizados por economistas profesionales ya sea a nivel privado o pblico.Este curso de economa est compuesto por 11 unidades. Cada unidad cubre conceptos bsicos esenciales para el entendimiento de la economa. La meta de este curso no es solo brindarte conocimientos tericos acerca del funcionamiento de la economa, pero tambin sus aplicaciones prcticas en la vida cotidiana. Las unidades del curso son las siguientes:Unidad 1: Conceptos BsicosUnidad 2: Oferta y Demanda: Conceptos BsicosUnidad 3: Oferta y Demanda: Fundamentos y AplicacionesUnidad 4: Equilibro del MercadoUnidad 5: Teora de la ProduccinUnidad 6: El Estado en la EconomaUnidad 7: Ingreso Nacional, Consumo y AhorroUnidad 8: Medicin del nivel de Actividades EconmicasUnidad 9: El DineroUnidad 10: El Sector Externo de la EconomaUnidad 11: Crecimiento y DesarrolloObjetivos del curso Demostrar la utilizacin de conceptos tericos de la economa. Demostrar la utilizacin de conceptos prcticos de la economa. Demostrar la aplicacin terica y prctica de la economa en la vida cotidiana actual.Para quien es este curso:Estudiantes universitarios de Economa I.Emprendedores que deseen su toma de decisiones mediante la profundizacin de sus conocimientos econmicos.Para cualquiera persona que quisiera aprender los fundamentos y aplicaciones bsicas de la economa.Cules son los requerimientos o conocimientos necesarios para tomar este curso?Un dispositivo tecnolgico con acceso a internet.CERO conocimiento previos de economa es requerido. El curso esta diseado asumiendo ningn conocimiento previo del estudiante.Voluntad y buena disposicin para aprender!Este curso esta basado en la siguiente bibliografa:Bibliografa1. Mochn, F y Beker, V. A. (2008). Economa. Principios y Aplicaciones. 4 edicin. Mc Graw Hill. Mxico. DF.2. Mankiw, Gregory N. (2011). Principios de economa. 5 edicin. Mc Graw Hill. Mxico. DF."
Price: 19.99

"Professional Mixing & Mastering" |
Price: 49.99

"Grow On Instagram Organically 2020 (COVID-19 Edition)" |
"$9.99 Coupon Code. Expires 8/7/20! Code: AUG2020HEY YOU! Yes, you. The person on this course page. I don't mean to shout but I couldn't think of a better way to get your attention. I know you're looking for the best Instagram course for you. Well, look no further because this is the one for you. This course is not as long as the other Instagram courses. Why is that? I wanted to provide high level content in a short amount of time so you can get started today! For the price of a single meal from Uber Eats (or Postmates), you can get the beginner's guide to growing on Instagram. Because let's face it, times are changing fast. Making money online is the key to being successful in today's world and knowing how to grow on Instagram opens the door for YOUR money making! Instagram is one of the top social media sites of 2020! You need to learn how to correctly utilize Instagram and set yourself apart from the 1,000's of other accounts. Are you having problems getting followers, getting likes, getting comments, and reaching people on Instagram? This Udemy's Instagram course designed for help you master Instagram in 2020. You will be able to:Create your brandDefine your nicheLearn the #1 secret to Instagram growthand much more...You may gotten this course because you are starting a new business and are looking to organically grow your account, or maybe your goal for this year is to become an influencer, or maybe you have tried and failed and tried again to grow on Instagram but nothing seems to stick. Like I said before, times are changing fast. If you want to make money, then you have to change with it. Let me show you how to growth hack Instagram in 2020. Enroll now!"
Price: 19.99

"SAP Fiori Application Developer Certification Practice Tests" |
"Get ready for SAP C_FIORDEV_21 & C_FIORDEV_20 Certification Exams with high quality training material: Practice tests with verified questions that will help you succeed!Are you ready to pass the SAP Fiori Application Developer exam? Find out by testing yourself with new verified questions. Each of the 2 full practice tests in this set enables you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your C_FIORDEV_21 / C_FIORDEV_20 exam.SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Fiori Application DeveloperThe C_FIORDEV_21 & C_FIORDEV_20 certification tests can be difficult even after studying carefully and consistently. After finishing the preparation tests you will understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure, syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognize them when analyzing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.DescriptionThe SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Fiori Application Developer certification exam verifies that the candidate has the required knowledge in the area of SAP Fiori application development as it pertains to the Developer consultant profile. This certification builds on the basic knowledge gained by a developer from formal SAP Education training and preferably refined by practical experience within a SAP Fiori application development project team in a mentored role. This is an entry level certification.Topic AreasSAPUI5 Foundations > 12%Deployment & Testing > 12%SAP Fiori Launchpad Configuration 8% - 12%SAP Fiori Strategy, Standards and Guidelines 8% - 12%SAP HANA Cloud Platform and Web IDE Basics 8% - 12%OData and Advanced Data Handling 8% - 12%Extensibility in SAPUI5 8% - 12%SAP Fiori Elements & Smartcontrols 8% - 12%SAP Fiori Architecture Overview < 8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name: SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Fiori Application Developer (C_FIORDEV_21/C_FIORDEV_20)Exam: 80 questionsExam Cut Score: 66%Exam Duration: 180 minsType of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/False"
Price: 19.99

"The Energy Based Practice" |
"Professional Energy Master Diploma The Energy Based PracticeFully Accredited Energy Master Diploma Course. Using easy techniques of Energy Protection and Management for a successful practice!This is a fully accredited Professional Energy Master Diploma Course and is accredited by WMA- World Metaphysical Association and endorsed by Hypnosis New Zealand.Our Professional Energy Master Diploma course is aimed at those who wish to expand their therapy practice by utilising the techniques of Energy Hygiene and Energy Management or for those that wish to learn the techniques for themselves. This course gives you all the tools for using Energy Hygiene and Energy Management for beneficial change personally and professionally. The course is a combination of video, PDFs and audio.Our easy to learn course includes: Understand how you can use energy to enhance your practice. Learn how to read your own energy Learn how to sense energy in your therapy room Understand how clients' energy can affect the outcome of their therapy How to deal with ill wishing, psychic attack, spirit attachments Hypno-Visualisations to clear and protect your energy Be an empathetic therapist without being drained by some clients How to raise your vibration to be the best therapist you can beRaise your vibe to grow your practice.Attract the clients who are right for you and become your raving fans.Self hypnosis/visualisation scripts that can also be used with clients, meaning you instantly add value to a session or program.Recognise when your energy field is compromised and know what to do about it quickly and easilyRecognise energy issues in your clients and know what to do about them, creating a great client outcome and enhancing your reputation as a powerful practitioner.Downloadable mp3s of all the scriptsThis course is fully accredited by the World Metaphysical Association.There are no prerequisites for this course.It is equally effective for a new therapist or someone with many years experience.Utilise the powerful hypno-visualisations to enhance your energy and that of your practice and clients!"
Price: 179.99

"Basics of Options Trading in Hindi" |
"Options Trading of Indian stock markets for beginners. In this course we have covered basics of options such as what are they, who can trade and how? What are requirements of options trading, concepts of Call (CE) and Put (PE) when to use it. Different concepts such as options premium, strike price, ATM, ITM, OTM Options and how to use them. Options Intra day trading techniques, Option Selling and its use, Options Chain Analysis for prediction. Money management and risk management in Options trading."
Price: 1280.00

"PL-900 Power Platform Fundamentals Practice Tests" |
"Can you really take the PL-900 exam?All of our practice tests with questions and answers for you to improve your knowledge on PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals.This practice test contains 117 questions to help you get better results when taking the PL-900 exam.About the Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals PL-900 certificationCandidates for the PL-900 exam are users who want to improve productivity by automating business processes, analyzing data to produce business insights, and acting more effectively by creating simple application experiences.Skills measured:Describe the business value of Power Platform (15-20%)Identify the core components of Power Platform (15-20%)Demonstrate the capabilities of Power BI (15-20%)Describe the capabilities of Power Apps (15-20%)Demonstrate the capabilities of Power Automate (15-20%)Demonstrate the business value of Power Virtual Agents (10-15%)Advantages when purchasing our practice Tests:You only buy once and have lifetime access.Content updated frequently.All exam objectives are addressed so that the student knows if he / she is prepared for the exam.Performance-based practice tests provide the student with a better learning experience.The timed person prepares the conditions for the ""exam"" with a graphical score at the end.You have a 30-day refund if you don't like our practice tests for any reason.IMPORTANT:Unofficial testing practice.We offer educational materials and practical tests to assist and help students prepare for these exams.All certification marks used are the property of the respective owners of the marks. We do not own or claim any ownership in any of the Marks."
Price: 84.99

"Injeo de Plsticos" |
"Voc conhece o processo de injeo de plsticoQue temperatura usar no canho?Como o plstico derreteO que contrapresso e qual o valor usar?O que recalque e qual valor usar?Como realizar um tryout de molde?Neste curso voc vai aprender tudo isso e muito mais, em muitos momentos as pessoas perdem oportunidade por no estarem preparadas para assumir uma oportunidade e protorganismo dentro das organizaes por falta de conhecimento, convido a voc embarcar nesta busca de conhecimento pelo universo da injeo de plsticos.Voc que j atua no segmenta, j se deparou com um problema no processamento por injeo difcil de resolver?Com certeza sim, isso normal, no processamento por injeo so muitas as variveis e desta forma fcil ser levado a caminhos que no apresentaro resultado efetivo, incentive seu colegas e colaboradores a realizar esse curso."
Price: 39.99

"La correcta ortografa con PNL" |
"La ortografa es la base del buen entendimiento, y su utilidad radica en permitir a travs de sus reglas y esclarecimientos, el entendimiento de la metodologa, los smbolos y los sonidos mas complicados que el lenguaje humano como fenmeno altamente complejo ha ido agregando continuamente a travs de su perfeccionamiento continuo.Se considera que gran parte de la ortografa se aprende bsicamente por la lectura continuada de textos ms que por la memorizacin de cada regla. Sin embargo, existe un extenso numero de alumnos y aprendices a quienes la buena ortografa se les convierte en una meta inalcanzable.En este curso les presentaremos tcnicas sencillas y eficaces basadas en la PNL, como base terica, que les ayudaran a conseguir un mejoramiento profundo de hasta un 80% en su ortografa"
Price: 19.99

"Sales Funnels Blueprint (for Fitness Pros) with ClickFunnels" |
"Hi there! My name is Arthur Khoyetsyan and I am your instructor for Sales Funnels Blueprint (for Fitness Pros) course. In this course I will teach you everything you need to know about top 5 converting sales funnels that your competitors use... and now you can too. This course is a roadmap and a blueprint that you can start using right away in your fitness business. Why would you need to use sales funnel in your fitness business?Sales Funnel unlike a regular website has a chain we want prospects to follow through. We know exactly the scenario and the end result we want to get them and we know how we want them to get there. This Is how you control your sales process through funnels and increase your profits.This course will help you understand the core differences between top five sales funnels and how, when or why you want to use them in your business: Lead Magnet FunnelSurvey FunnelApplication FunnelProduct Launch FunnelProduct Sales FunnelI am certified through a Digital Marketing Management program by University of Toronto and I help entrepreneurs and business owners with their online marketing and improving their growth and profitability.What My Clients Say About Me:When I started my online wellness business, I thought I could do everything on my own. I struggled for almost a year with online marketing. That is when I took the plunge and began work with Arthur. In less than 2 months, Arthur helped me get my very first funnel up and running. He walked me through every step, answered all my questions, offered advice on funnel concepts, design, and copy. If I can offer one piece of advice to other entrepreneurs, stop wasting your time and spend the money on a proper marketing strategy. Arthur is a fantastic coach and will kick your ass in gear to get your marketing goals on track. - Priscilla H., Creator of Pri Wellness""Arthur gave us specific feedback on the work that was already done and created a comprehensive Digital Marketing Blueprint Strategies for the LYP highlighting various tools and strategies we could employ for effective digital marketing. Almost three years later, we still regularly consult the Blueprint Arthur created for references and ideas. Arthur was thorough and professional. Thus, the solutions he offered were spot on and helped us immensely. I would highly recommend him for all your digital marketing needs. - Lilit S., Co-Founder of LYPArthur helped us narrow down a niche, come up with our unique value proposition, fine-tune our message so we can speak directly to our dream customers. He strategized the whole online marketing infrastructure for Nouricious. As a result of building sales funnels and the backend of the product launch funnel we were able to increase ROI by almost 25% in 3 months of working with him. Arthur knows his stuff and he is for sure a go-to-person when it comes down to sales funnels, automation and marketing overall! - Ann S., Founder of NouriciousIf you are struggling with understanding what the sales funnel is and how to use it in your business, follow me in this course and together we'll make these five top sales funnels work in your fitness business depending on a goal and a business model you're in. This course will give you an overall idea and will take all of the guesswork out of what funnel to use, when, why, and how."
Price: 199.99

"Basics of Travel Consultancy" |
"Adding value to your self by increasing your networking abilities is the key to start-up this low cost business. All you would need is a high-speed internet, loads of connections and a web-page that can share all your important deals with your customers. This course will help you to profile your travel customers based on their travel preferences, life-stage, life-style and help them save cost while planning a tour. The course will provide guidance on how to make your travel business a legal entity based on your area of operation. The course will also help you to identify potential earning options while you work with various tourism service providers."
Price: 5120.00

"Dominiamo la declinazione dell'aggettivo in Tedesco" |
"Imparare il tedesco sfidante, sei chiamato a dare il meglio di te stesso altrimenti NIENTE funziona.Sono sicura che neanche quando ti sei impegnato e hai studiato molto, le cose hanno funzionato.Chi insegna, spesso, non fa nulla per aiutarti davvero.Quante volte hai studiato e ripassato la declinazione degli aggettivi in tedesco?Sono sicura che anche quando ti sei impegnato e hai studiato molto, non sei mai stato in grado di arrivare a sapere, senza avere dubbi, quale fosse la desinenza giusta da mettere.Rilassati c' un nuovo metodo logico e di facile apprendimento che ti permette di dominare questa declinazione.Questo corso per tutti:per chi in inizia e vuole farlo beneper chi parla gi bene il tedesco, ma proprio sulle desinenze degli aggettivi si trova ancora in difficolt.per chi insegna con la mia stessa passione ed sempre alla ricerca di metodi innovativi per aiutare chi studia."
Price: 24.99

"Build Your Online Store with Wordpress Tagalog Tutorial" |
"As of 2018, over 1 BILLION people are purchasing products online, and the number just keeps growing. There's no doubt that e-commerce is the future. And with low start up costs and the ability to run your business anywhere in the world, it's no surprise that e-commerce is a popular choice for business owners.Who this course is for:Business owners who want to build an E-commerce store.Students who want to learn about WooCommerce.Anyone who wants a way to monetize their WordPress website.This course teaches you to setup your own e-commerce shop using WordPress. This tutorial is in Tagalog Language."
Price: 19.99

"Educational Neuroscience" |
"In this course you will learn about the basics of brain structure and function. How we study brain using different techniques and methods? What are common myths about brain and what is truth? and you will learn about some basic and advanced concepts about educational neuroscience. This is a new area and recently lot of work has been done to improve learning experience of the students as well as teaching methodologies. Before this it was mainly educational psychology which was helping the educators but now we can actually see the learning process inside the brain."
Price: 19.99

"Excel Solver" |
"Excel Solver, . Linear Programming . . . BIN INT DIFF."
Price: 24.99

"How to raise your GCSE Science grade by 3 levels in 90 days" |
"On this course, students will be able to:know the exact set of Required Practicals for each GCSE AQA Science Paper(i.e B1, B2, C1, C2, P1 and P2)easily list the equipment set for each practical clearly understand, outline and explain the full method for each Required Practical identify the 3 categories of Variables for each Required Practical -and indeed for any Science practicalconfidently analyse the Risk Assessment for each practical. Highlight the possible hazards and proffer the appropriate precautionexpertly work through sufficient number of exam-style questions -mainly based on the Required Practicals acquire the skills to attempt every 6-mark question and achieve full marks -thus gaining the number of marks that would enable them raise their original target grade in Science by 3 levels."
Price: 199.99

"British English Pronunciation Course" |
"Do you struggle to pronounce some English words correctly and speak with more confidence?This course will help you to;1) pronounce English words correctly using the British accent.2)Know the different classes of vowel sounds.3) Apply each of the vowel sounds correctly in words.4)Read sentences with the correct pronunciation of words of each vowel sound.5)Speak English with more confidence."
Price: 19.99

"Create your first Amazon, Kickstarter or Shopify product." |
"Dropshipping is fine but if you want a bigger margin and earn more money, you will have to develop your own products. This course teaches you how you can do this and uses examples to explain this process. You will be guided step by step and at the end of the course, you should be able to create your own product. Once this is done, you will be able to sell these products on Amazon or on your own Shopify store. You will be able to stand out with your unique product and earn more money. "
Price: 19.99

"Libras para profissionais da sade e interessados." |
"Esse curso tem como objetivo capacitar os profissionais da sade e demais interessados para terem uma comunicao bsica com a pessoa surda. Tratamos da Cultura Surda, da Libras e Comunicao com Surdos. O curso contm textos escritos, videoaulas e atividades de treinamento para apreenso dos sinais e frases em Libras a fim de auxili-lo na comunicao com as pessoas com surdez."
Price: 39.99

"Mastering Machine Learning Algorithms: A Project Tutor" |
"This project based course consists of video lectures with coding on cloud based Jupyter notebooks.It guides you to set up an easy and interactive project working environment without downloading any software.Its a bunch of 5 projects based on machine learning algorithms covering all details of implementation in python. You can go through side by side video lectures to implement step wise projects inthe given worksheet as per your pace.Finally you can download whole project code. Final project solution sheets are also provided."
Price: 19.99
