"How to create a Self Personal Brand, complete simple steps" |
"This course is created by the creator of the Self Brand En Lefko and the world's most effective high-value counselor Dr. Anastasia MakratziHow to create a Self Personal Brand, complete simple stepsYou want to be able to show to the others and sell the products or your services. You are struggling years now to do it. You will not be able to do it if you do not know how to create a Self Brand so you want to learn about business branding.This course is a shortcut to years of experience on how to create a self-brand in order to be able to present your self in the world and be able to benefit from it and get all the attention you deserve and the money that comes immediately.You can go on with trial and error for many more years, or you enroll in this course about personal branding.You will learn the steps you have to follow to create a self-brand.This way you will feel confident and secure about the way you follow.You will be able to create your own way to the top of your dreams.You will be able to create your mission and to influence others to make a meaningful change.Do not lose any more time and money.You are a Beginner brand creatorIt is an offer special for your success. If you succeed the whole world is going up.You can create the world that you deserve.Get all the attention you deserve and the Ks of money that comes immediately.There are steps that you have to follow in order to be able to create your own vision road and succeed.Go deep find your needsCreate a missionMake GoalsRelationshipsBe responsibleSucceedAll these steps are in the online course on how to create your Self-Personal brand and dominate your niche.Get all the attention you deserve and the Ks of money that comes immediately."
Price: 199.99

102-A |
". A-102 . . . . : -. - -. . - - - . - . - -"
Price: 59.99

"Aprenda Manipular Dados na Linguagem R com DPLYR" |
"Bem vindo Aluno. Se procura aprender o DPLYR, chegou ao lugar certo. Com o DPLYR aprenda como utilizar uma das principais e mais utilizadas bibliotecas da linguagem R quando se pensa e necessita CONSULTAR e MANIPULAR DATA FRAMES. com os DADOS.DPLYR uma poderosa biblioteca da Linguagem R voltada a Consulta e Manipulao de Dados. Nesse treinamento veremos como na linguagem R com o Dplyr possvel selecionar os atributos e dados para anlises, aplicar filtros, retirar duplicidades, criar campos calculados, gerar sumarizaes e relacionar os DATA FRAMES utilizados. Tudo isso de uma forma muito simples e com funes fceis de serem aplicadas.Tudo bem prtico. Vamos comear? Vamos l!Apresentando a voc de forma prtica os principais recursos e arquitetura para utilizao e manipulao dos dados com Dplyr."
Price: 59.99

"Penetration Testing Mega Course" |
" ----------------------------------------------------- web pen-testingwarm upOSCP LIKE Machine Python for networking track----------------------------------------------------- !!------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 199.99

"Produccin para escritores" |
"Este curso est diseado para personas con conocimientos de guion, el propsito es guiar al alumno a compartir su trabajo de una manera eficiente para que pueda impulsar su carrera como escritor.Los temas vistos durante el curso son:-Networking-Portafolios-Cinematografa bsica-ProduccinEl curso es recomendado para guionistas, cineastas, directores y animadores de todos los niveles."
Price: 19.99

"The DevOps Essentials - The Handbook" |
"DevOps is a buzz word these days. If you are working in cloud environment , then you really cannot get away from this ""Buzz Word"" .It is paramount that you have a clear understanding of the terminlogies used in the DevOps world. Various jargons used in the DevOps World may be daunting . You will hear about ""Continuous Integration"", ""Build Automation"", and ""Orchestration"" from the Developers . You may be part of the Scrum calls and you will hear engineers talking about issue reported in tools like Jenkins, Ansible, and ChefThis course is a basic introduction to the DevOps essentials everyone must know. By the end of this course, you will have a working knowledge of usage of DevOps in the IT World. We will cover the various practiecs and tools associated with DevOps. You would also know about the relationship between DevOps and Cloud (AWS and Azure).If you are new to DevOps and you are searching for a real time course that would give you a kick start into your DevOps Career or If you have been in IT world for quite some time and you want to learn all about DevOps , the your search has ended. This will also act as a quick refresher for any one who already working in DevOps.I suggest that you take a look at the preview videos to understand if this course fits in your technical domain and interest areas. Thank you and I welcome you to this course. Happy Learning."
Price: 34.99

"Shopify ecommerce : how i built my 10K a month shopify store" |
"stop doing dropshipping, everybody now is doing dropshipping from Chinese websites like Aliexpress or from other websites like amazon. of course, to stand from the crowd and make money from your Shopify store you need to think outside the box and start doing things nobody did before, or only a few business owners know.ask yourself this question; why would someone prefer to buy from your online store something that already excites on other stores???.... well, the answer is easy and obvious, I would say that the way you present your products + the way you will ship the products to your customers are the most important things to take care of to let your online store stand from other online stores and get more clients.in other words, it's all about the way how you present the products and the time of shipping of these products to your customers, that will determine your success or your failure. these two factors are even more important than having the winning product!!!!!!so it's all about the copyright and the shipping time. and of course, if you do Dropshipping from Chinese sites then the shipping time will take from 22 to 35 days to be shipped to your customers, which is a very long time, and some customers will start complaining for sure about the long time they had to wait to get their product shipped to their home. however, if you choose to do dropshipping from amazon then you will promise your customers fast shipping, but the problem would be that products on amazon are overpriced so you won't have that good margin and profits.well, in this course I will show you the next level and the secret of Shopify. I will show you how to have fast shipping (4 to 9 days). and from where to get the same products for cheap and sell them on a normal price to compete against Amazon and other websites and still get a nice profit from each sold unit.I will show you how to play big like a successful business that is taking the entire market!!!dropshipping is the old way that everyone is doing!! what I will teach you is how big whales and successful marketers are doing now to beat the competition!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Python GUI Build a Beautiful Calculator with PyQt and Qml" |
"NB: CERTAIN VIDEOS MAY HAVE BAD SOUNDSAY NO TO QTWIDGETS, QT DESIGNER, QSTYLE (CSS), PYTHON 2, PYQT4 OR WORSE TKINTER AND SAY YES TO ACCURATELY WRITTEN UI CODE; QML AND PYTHON 3Gui's are what are missing from most programmer's toolkit, they cannot find it in addition to their wealth of knowledge. Not many years ago, I researched by God's help and found to my utmost pleasure how programming knowledge is applied in the real world both for UI's and Core-code (Both are scripted by the way).Qt has powered the world of UI's and still powers it. Adobe, VLC, WhatsApp Inc, are a few of notable institutions that use Qt for both UI and also for functional code (for functional code, we will use python). But here is the catch, not so recent though, Qt released Qt Quick Markup language (Qml), that is not written in python, but rather in css style scripting language. This will help the advanced team-work desire to separate UI from core-code functionality.Also there is another problem here, you can't seem to find much resources on it online. So here is it, an introduction and a quick practical hands on, on building a complete Python app with a modern trendy Gui."
Price: 134.99

"Aikido Ukemi Fundamentals A Beginners Guide To Fall Safely" |
"Do you want to protect yourself by learning really amazing break falling techniques?You want to become more agile and flexible?You like martial arts and want to learn break fall techniques for training and daily life? You want to increase your ability to move in a controlled and soft way?In this course I will show you how I learned to protect myself from falling and hurting by learning these simple but very useful break falling techniques!Wether you are an Aikido practitioner or an experienced martial artist of any style who wants to enhance his Ukemi technique, an athlete of any other sport discipline or a beginner starting out - you will be able to progress at your own pace at home following clear and efficient step by step progressions.Master this Aikido Ukemi course and learn how to protect and get full control over your body!While there are plenty of tutorials out there that show how to learn Aikido break falling techniques, it is difficult to find a comprehensive beginner course with a detailed structure like this one. Particularly for those with little time and experience it is hard because there are so many different methods but no consistent progression line.This course offers slow but clear and efficient progressions to learn step by step without the fear of injury and hurting yourself. In addition to the main technical aspects of break falling techniques it covers interesting background information about Aikido Ukemi in general.Course BonusesAll the tutorials, sections and lectures are built upon each other and everything comes from one sourceDirect feedback and help from me your instructor...you can ask me and we will solve any problem togetherFilmed in HD quality and a cool design makes this course a nice source to work withHigh quality Slow Motion clips for in depth studyThe key things you will learnHow to protect your body from injuries when falling on the groundBackground information and knowledge about Aikido Ukemi Knowing the fundamental elements of break falls and why they are so efficientKnowing how to learn Aikido break falls by following clear and efficient progressionsKnowing how to train safely and without the fear of falling and hurting yourselfMastering all 8 Ukemi pre exercisesMastering the 3 main Ukemi from different positionsMaster all 8 Basic UkemiPre Exercise 1 Basic Ukemi With Legs Straight & Stretched ForwardPre Exercise 2 Basic Ukemi With Legs CrossedPre Exercise 3 Basic Ukemi Up To A Kneeling PositionPre Exercise 4 Basic Ukemi With Turn Into Kneeling PositionPre Exercise 5 Basic Ukemi With A Straight Kneeling Lunge PositionPre Exercise 6 Stand Up DrillPre Exercise 7 Going Down DrillPre Exercise 8 Go Down Stand Up Jump DrillMaster the 3 Main UkemiMae Ukemi Forward RollUshiro Ukemi Backwards RollYoko Ukemi Sidewards RollContents and OverviewThis course starts with a welcoming section. First you will get an overview about the course. I will shortly introduce myself to you so that you know with whom you will work over the duration of this course. After that you will get introduced to the course structure and how to follow the sections and lectures.Then you will get familiar with Ukemi in general. You will learn about what ""Ukemi"" actually means, what the Japanese meaning is, where the difference to conventional rolls lies, why they are so useful and maybe most importantly - how they exactly work!Once you know all the details you already start your training. You begin with the pre exercises and work on them until you achieve a solid foundation. You will start with the first and easiest one and work yourself through all the exercises. Step by step you will go through 8 pre exercises which will take you from beginner level to advanced - having a really good foundation. As a natural side effect you will significantly increase your body control, balance and agility. You will get into better shape and widen your range of abilities.While learning the exercises you will gradually strengthen your knowledge about break falls and you will start to see common elements which are important and learn to apply them in a natural way!After mastering all the pre exercises and achieving a solid foundation you will continue with the main part - Mae Ukemi (Forward Roll), Ushiro Ukemi (Backwards Roll) and Yoko Ukemi (Sidewards Roll). In between the progressions for each Ukemi type you also find slow motion videos of each Ukemi. This way you can even take a closer look at the technique, take it as a reference and compare to your movements. And since you have a solid foundation you are basically free to start learning any or all of the three Ukemi and master the art of falling! If you want to learn how to protect yourself from falling...then this course is exactly right for you!All my fee-based courses have a 30-day money-back guarantee through Udemy. That means you are able to check it out, make sure it`s the right course for you, and get a refund if it`s not.Are you ready to start learning?Do not hesitate and start your training now! With this online course you can take it at your own pace. Even though you might be too busy right now you can enrol today and take the course at your own pace.Try it out and and have fun. Thank you so much for your interest in my course ""Aikido Ukemi Fundamentals A Beginners Guide To Fall Safely "".See you inside and .... train smart! Tom Inauen / TOMTRICKS(Disclaimer Notice: In order to perform the exercises effectively and safely you should be in good physical condition prior to beginning the course. By registering for the course or performing these exercises you understand that exercising can lead to physical injury. If you engage in any exercise suggested by Thomas Inauen, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Thomas Inauen from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown arising out of Thomas Inauen`s negligence.)"
Price: 49.99

"Comment accepter / refuser ou bannir un user avec Laravel ?" |
"LE CONSTATLaravel propose un package (Laravel/ui) qui permet aux utilisateurs de s'enregistrer sur ton site. Ok.Mais tu n'as aucun contrle sur qui s'inscrit. Tu ne sais pas si les adresses emails utilises sont valables. Bref, tu n'as pas trop de matrise !MAIS TOI, CE QUE TU AIMERAIS...... c'est de pouvoir demander l'utilisateur qui s'enregistre sur ton site de tout d'abord valider son email.Ensuite tu souhaiterais, en tant qu'administrateur de ton site, pouvoir valider ou refuser l'inscription d'un utilisateur ton site.Enfin, tu aimerais pouvoir bannir un utilisateur si besoin.Et tant qu' faire, un utilisateur banni, ne pourrait plus s'inscrire par la suite sur le site.Et ce, tant qu'il est banni ;-)LA SOLUTION ?La solution, elle se trouve dans cette formation, tu vas pouvoir dcouvrir comment mettre tout ce scnario en place.Voici dans le dtail les points que nous allons aborder au cours de cette formation :installation et configuration de Laravelmodification de la base de donnesutilisation de factory et seed pour nos donnes facticesmise en place de la vrification du mail utilisateurprvenir l'administrateur qu'un nouvel utilisateur est enregistrmise en place d'une partie admin du sitevalider ou refuser un utilisateurbannir un utilisateurComme tu peux le voir, cette formation te permettra de mettre en place un espace membre avec des fonctionnalits te donnant le contrle sur tes utilisateurs.A trs vite de l'autre ct !"
Price: 24.99

"Aile Koluu Eitimi" |
"Ailelerin yaamlarnda davranlarn, davranlarnn ocuklarnn zerinde ki etkilerini, eler arasnda ki iletiimin ve ilikilerin etkilerini kavrayp. Anne ve ocuk ilikisi, Baba ve ocuk ilikisini ve de Anne ve Baba ilikisini kavramay..Tm bunlara ek olarak, aile davranlarnn ocuk benlii zerinde ki etkisini reneceiz. Doru bilinen yanllar ve dorular, nasl davranlmas gerektiini"
Price: 49.99

"Baarl Aile iin Aile ii letiim Eitimi" |
"Bir kii susad zaman, ona sunulan su deerlidir. ocuunda istedii zaman verdiiniz sevgi deerlidir. Zamannz ne kadar az, iiniz ne derece nemli olursa olsun, ocuk sevgi istediinde ona yaklalmal ve sevgi gsterilmelidir. Aile ii iletiimi doru olmayan ocuklarn; bymesi, yrmesi, konumas gecikir. Ayrca zeka dzeyinde gerileme olur. Bu kursta; Mesajlar nasl sakladmz ve davranlara etkilerini, ocua gerek servet brakma ve gerek servetin ne olduu, ocuklar yenilgiye hazrlayan bizler miyiz? Doru davran tarzlar nelerdir? renilmi aresizlii ocuklarmza nasl alyoruz? daha fazlas..."
Price: 49.99

"Duygu Ynetimi Eitimi" |
"Duygularn ynetimi ile baar, i yaam, ilikilerimizi daha gl bir ekilde yaayabiliriz. Yaamda ve i hayatn da Duygularn yneltilmesinin nasl baar getirdii renebilecek ve duygularmz ynetebileceiz. Dncelerimizin, kelimelerinizin ve hatta duruumuzun duygularmz nasl etkilediini grebileceiz. Tm bunlarn yannda bizlere yaplan maniplasyonlar fark edebilecek ve bu maniplasyonlarn nasl yapldn reneceiz. Daha fazlas bu kursta ..."
Price: 49.99

"Startup Course : Learn How to build Tech Startup" |
"If you are interested in building your own startup or just interested in learning about startup for future entrepreneurial journey, this course is for you. I have personally built startup that is generating substantial income and currently scaling the business to make it to the next level and in this course, I'm sharing everything that I have learned so far from building the startup and how you can build one to make a positive impact on people's lives or businesses. What you will learn in this course will be as follows; 1. Six Lessons from building startup experience 2. How to come up with Startup Idea3. How to validate your idea with end users 4. How to implement your idea through outsourcing5. How to market your product 6. How to scale your business 7. How to pitch to raise fund for your startup. Please note, we will not discuss much about the Silicon Valley Unicorns stories in this course as many people already know how they have become successful, their mind-blowing valuation, etc. Instead, we will be discussing how to execute effective actions along the way to ultimately become successful. Although this course is mainly focused on Technology Startup, the lessons can be applied into any business that entrepreneurs may come across as the techniques may be more or less the same which is to build great product/services and market them to the people."
Price: 19.99

"PHP & MySQL Course: The Complete Guide (Step by Step)" |
"Learn Complete PHP & MySQLi from scratch. In this course, you will learn the essentials of PHP and Database Management with MySQL. You will learn the latest version of MySQLi and PHP syntax which is used in many projects. At the end of the course, you will learn how to develop a Web Application with PHP MySQLi. Topics covered in this course:Environmental SetupPHP BasicsPHP EssentialsPHP OperatorsPHP StatementsPHP Built-in functionsMySQLi IntroductionMySQLi database structureMySQLi tablesCRUD application with PHP & MySQLiEMS system with PHP & MySQLi"
Price: 4800.00

"SEO link Building Course" |
"SEO Link Building CourseSEO Link Building Course is about the What is backlinking and how can How to Analyze Quality of Links and there is many ways where you can find some Common link schemes some good back inking software for Link building process overview SEO search engine optimization how can use the best software and tools for website YouTube ranking in search results Introduction to Moz Tools for link building there is some tips which can help you Identify keywords relevant link opportunity.SEO Backlink Building Course What is Do fellow no Fellow linksWhat is Do fellow no Fellow links the do fellow links Do-follow links are an HTML attribute that is used to allow search bots to follow the links. If a webmaster is linking to your site with a do-follow link, search engine bots and people can follow you. SEO Backlink Building Course They pass on link juice and really benefit your website to get a high Page RankWhat is the spam and how to check the spam scoreWhat is the spam and how to check spam score links the do fellow links Do-follow links are an HTML attribute that is used to allow search bots to follow the links. If a webmaster is linking to your site with a do-follow link, search engine bots and people can follow you. SEO Backlink Building Course They pass on link juice and really benefit your website to get a high Page RankHow many types of backlinksHow many types of backlinks there is any type of links they do fellow links Do-follow links are an HTML attribute that is used to allow search bots to follow the links. If a webmaster is linking to your site with a do-follow link, search engine bots and people can follow you. SEO Backlink Building CourseWhat is the guest post What is the guest post that is used to allow search bots to follow the links? If a webmaster is linking to your site with a do-follow link, search engine bots and people can follow you. SEO Backlink Building Course and What is the guest post What is web.20 websiteWhat is web.20 website that is used to allow search bots to follow the links? If a webmaster is linking to your site with a do-follow link, search engine bots and people can follow you. SEO Backlink Building Course and What is web.20 websiteWhat is form backlinkingWhat is form backlinking Do-follow links are an HTML attribute that is used to allow search bots to follow the links? If a webmaster is linking to your site with a do-follow link, search engine bots and people can follow you. SEO Backlink Building CourseWhat are comments backlinkingWhat are comments backlinking links the do fellow links Do-follow links are an HTML attribute that is used to allow search bots to follow the links. If a webmaster is linking to your site with a do-follow link, search engine bots and people can follow you. What are comments backlinkingWhat is social profile backlinkingWhat is social profile backlinking links the do fellow links Do-follow links are an HTML attribute that is used to allow search bots to follow the links. If a webmaster is linking to your site with a do-follow link, search engine bots and people can follow you. SEO Backlink Building Course and What is social profile backlinking?Uncover another link opportunityUncover another link opportunity links the do fellow links Do-follow links are an HTML attribute that is used to allow search bots to follow the links. If a webmaster is linking to your site with a do-follow link, search engine bots and people can follow you. SEO Backlink Building Course Uncover another link opportunityConduct link building outreachConduct link building outreach. If a webmaster is linking to your site with a do-follow link, search engine bots and people can follow you. SEO Backlink Building CourseLink building outreach resourceLink building outreach resource that is used to allow search bots to follow the links. If a webmaster is linking to your site with a do-follow link, search engine bots and people can follow you. SEO Backlink Building Course Link building outreach resource"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Creative Cloud 2020" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU CREATIVE CLOUD 2020 QUICKLY & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Creative Cloud 2020...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with existing Adobe Applications!If your goal is to become a user of Adobe Creative Cloud 2020, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Creative Cloud 2020...Learning Creative Cloud 2020 is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Creative Cloud 2020, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Creative Cloud 2020 is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Creative Cloud 2020 even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Creative Cloud 2020.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup an account in Creative Cloud 2020 and How to Download the Creative Cloud 2020 Applications.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN CREATIVE CLOUD BY DOING! (LEARN TO INSTALL CREATIVE CLOUD 2020 FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Creative Cloud 2020. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Account with a 7 Day Free Trial which after is PaidB) Be able to Download and Install Creative Cloud 2020Heres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Creative Cloud 2020 is, why & how its used.2. Install software well be using all throughout the course.3. Introduce you to Creative Cloud 2020 with June 2020 UpdatesENROLL NOW I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE AND HELP YOU MASTER ADOBE CREATIVE CLOUD 2020!"
Price: 199.99

"WooCommerce 2020 : Build E-Commerce Wordpress Site in 1 Hour" |
"Hello, I am Gurpreet Singh and welcome to my Course. I am really looking forward to working with you. I will teach you How to make Ecommerce Website With Wordpress.Welcome to my course 'How to build an ecommerce store using Wordpress & Woocommerce'! I'm going to teach you, step-by-step, how to build a fantastic looking eCommerce store, from scratch in no time at all. And the best part is you don't need any technical skills, in fact if you can use a web browser you are fully qualified to take this course !In this course, i am going to reveal my Super Secret Trick with the help of this trick you can make website within 1 hour without Coding.Youre about to discover how to create stunning Ecommerce Website within 1 Hour as well as how to add products and then how to add Payment Gateway. In this course, I will teach you everything you need to know from getting started right through to more advanced design tricks.I will guide you every step of the way and I am always available to answer any messages, discussions, questions, or feedback that you have.Get a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!With our 30-Day 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason hesitate!ENROLL NOW!Regards,Gurpreet Singh"
Price: 19.99

"Ben's English for Livelihoods Course" |
"Finding out how to use your English skills for practical purposes can be quite difficult. In this English for Livelihoods course, I go over the necessary conversational skills you'll need to make your daily life easier as an ESL student in an English-speaking country. Whether you plan on traveling, studying, or working in English, this course will help you building your English skills to use your English in different situations in life. If you're going to the grocery story, ordering a meal at a restaurant or talking to a Doctor, your English skills will improve for these kinds of situations so that you can be at ease using the language with making less mistakes and having less stress. In addition, you'll learn the grammar, vocabulary, and cultural concepts necessary to adapt to life in an English-speaking country when you enroll in my course. I look forward to helping you utilize your English for real day-to-day needs and I am excited to have you onboard!"
Price: 149.99

"Como utilizar o Google for Education para aulas dinmicas" |
"Ol Pessoal!Se voc tem dificuldades em fazer uso das ferramentas tecnolgicas da Google for Education esse curso para voc!Vamos aprender a utilizar as ferramentas Google for Education para aulas mais dinmicas!Durante o curso vamos utilizar todas as ferramentas disponveis no Google Classroom para aplicar estratgias de aprendizagem que tornam as aulas mais interativas e engajadas para os alunos.O curso possui sugestes de uso das ferramentas para que voc possa aplicar junto aos alunos. Alm disso, possvel automatizar o processo de correo das atividades com o uso da Rubrica para reduo da carga de trabalho do educador.Aprenda a lecionar na modalidade online com o uso do Google Meet e o Google Classroom para ter base de atividades prticas aos alunos.O Google Classroom ser explorado desde o incio com a criao da sala de aula de sua disciplina at as etapas mais avanadas com a aplicao de atividades e materiais para os alunos.Venha fazer uso das ferramentas mais avanadas da Google para que voc se torne um Educador diferenciado!Vejo vocs no curso!Prof. Julio Cesar Passos"
Price: 129.99

"What is a Podcast and how do they work??" |
"podcasting is the easiest way to share your idea through voice and it's the new blog. Back in 2005 , we all used the content management systems like Wordpress, Joomla and still we are! But the trend right now is PODCASTING.podcast will be a billion dollar business in the next 10 years like the blogs/websites which have the higher valuation. It's the time right now to jump in. . 10 . .1. podcast creation2. Niche selection , your business and podcast3. Submit podcast on apple, spotify and new podcast platforms4. Marketing strategies5. How to podcast (beginners)"
Price: 19.99

"SEO ()" |
"SEO ()SEO Google 30 5,000 Tips: seo technique to rank a keyword FAST (cantonese)it is a technique you can simply apply to your website to improve the seo.search engine optimisation basicgoogle algorithm search intentionfast way to do keyword researchcontent strategy: how to produce 5,000 word of content with 30 mins of timetips: structured data markup for faq"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Python From Scratch With Lots of Examples and Projects" |
"Learn Core PYTHON 3.8 IN 2 HOURS!and after that still we continue learning it with extra projects and contents, because learning never ends.Join the other 70000+ happy students i taught online and offline. BRAND NEW COURSE!I value your time, so This course is designed in such a manner that it will teach you more in less time.It will not waste your time. If you are tired of watching tutorials that take hours to explain simple concepts? Then You came to right place. The complete python basics will be explaining to you with hands on code in only 2+ hours.Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Pythons elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms.Best part of this course is No prior programming experience is required. This is the course, I wish I had when I was trying to learn Python Programming.This course has notes, video tutorials as well as python project codes to practice.Python is one of the most powerful yet simple to learn programming languages in the world. What makes python stand out from other programming languages in its simplicity.Python is mainly used for Web Development, Game Development and Software projects."
Price: 199.99

"Yoga Strength for Beginners: Focus the Mind & Body" |
"Welcome!This vinyasa yoga flow will bring new awakenings to the mind and body.Build strength and flexibility. This strength flow will move you through a fun, invigorating sequence that will open, strengthen, and lengthen your body.Tone your entire body with strengthening yoga poses such as: Warrior II, Triangle, and Plank. I will walk you through all the poses with modifications and variations, if needed. Otherwise, this course is meant to push the body to new strengths.Yoga is meant 'to join' or 'to unite' the body, mind, spirit through the breath.So get creative and have some fun!See you on your mat!~Namaste"
Price: 34.99

"Polyglot - Start Memorizing English Words - Part 1" |
"Learning a new English word is not difficult anymore. With the new method that I have applied, it will give everyone access to a word recognition method that has never been done before.All one needs to do is listen to a word 160 times over that period, after that the brain will have formed a whole new network of neurons specifically tasked with remembering that word, found by Cambridge neuroscientists as in ""Rapid Cortical Plasticity Underlying Novel Word Learning"" reseach published in JNeurosci (the journal of neuroscience). I have chosen words from the books that Paul Nation has written (4,000 Essential English Words 1-6)."
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript Complete Beginners Course For Web Development" |
"JavaScript For BeginnersOne of the best Practical JavaScript tutorial udemy.This is a 100% complete JavaScript course, that goes beyond what other JavaScript courses out there teach you. Javascript is the language that modern developers need to know. Truly knowing Javascript will get you a job, and enable you to build quality web and server applications. After completing this course i truly say that you will become an Entry Level developer in Javascript.I will take you from a complete JavaScript beginner to an Entry Level developer. You will not just learn the JavaScript language itself, you will also learn how to program. How to solve problems. How to structure and organize code using common JavaScript patterns. You will Learn Javascript JS ES6 (ECMAScript 6). You will learn Javascript OOP, Js Array, JS Operators, Js Property Descriptors,JS Error Handling, JS Validation Form,JS Timing, JS Maps,JS Method Overriding, JavaScript Inheritance ,JavaScript Encapsulation,JavaScript Constructor,JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM),DOM Manipulation,JavaScript Variable Scope, JavaScript Variable,JavaScript Loops,JavaScript Events,JavaScript Statement Control (If,Else,Switch Etc),Build-In Methods in Javascript,ES6 Template Literals, ES6 const Keyword,ES6 let Keyword,ES6 Default Function Parameters,ES6 Arrow Functions,ES6 Rest Parameters,ES6 Classes,ES6 The Spread Operator,ES6 Destructuring Assignment,ES6 Generators,ES6 Symbol.Iterator Method,ES6 Generator throw,ES6 Async iterators and Much more.Come with me on a journey with the goal of truly understanding the JavaScript Programming language. And I explain each and everything on the way with great detail!Why should I learn JavaScript in 2020? Yes, of course, you need to learn JavaScript because it has a lot of usage in the web developing world, and its the only language which runs on the browser. And the average salary of a JavaScript Expert is about $112,436 per year in the united states.JavaScript is excellent for animating, rendering and scaling. JavaScript even has contributed to the internet of things, the technology that makes simple objects, like your fridge, smarter. Everyday devices can become interactive and collect data using JavaScript libraries.WHAT IS JAVASCRIPT?JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and growing faster than any other programming language. As a developer, you can use JavaScript to build web and mobile apps, real-time networking apps, command-line tools, and games.Who uses JavaScript?JavaScript is run on almost every modern browser. Web Developers and Front-End Engineers use JavaScript every day to create interactive websites. Whenever you're reading a blog article, or interacting on facebook, you're reaping the benefits of JavaScript. Websites are created using several different languages.To achieve our Javascript goal together, the course contains coding sessions, coding challenges, theory lectures (articles), real-world projects ,Video Lectures, Javascript Interview questions, and a final course exam.This course is totally different because it's not just about learning and writing code, it's also about how and why code works with real life example the way it does. Because it's the perfect mix between theory and practice. If you are interested in using popular libraries/frameworks like React, Angular or Node.js Javascript is most important to learn.This course will also cover such advanced concepts or topics as objects and object literals, function expressions, prototypical inheritance, functional programming, scope, function constructors (plus new ES6 features) , call, apply, bind, and much more.While learning course will make you a better Javascript developer, and improve your abilities in AngularJS, NodeJS, jQuery, React, Ember, MongoDB, and all other Javascript-based technologies! Because this is the basic Javascript course and these concept are using in these all languages.Curriculum of the Course: Sections Covered Introduction to the CourseFundamentals to JavaScriptOperators in JavaScriptBuild-In Methods in JavascriptControl Flow or Decision makingJavaScript EventsJavascript LoopsArray In JavascriptFunctions in JavascriptBeyond the basic of JavascriptJavaScript Document Object ModelJavaScript OOP Advanced JavascriptJavaScript ES6 (ECMAScript 6)Generators, advanced iterationSo Guys what are you waiting for start this adventure today by clicking the Take this course"" button, and join me in the only JavaScript course that you will need to grow your skills!Note: In this course you'll also get downloadable source code with each lecture.and lot of coding challenges."
Price: 119.99

"Azure ringing - Author's masterclass of painting" |
"When spring comes, nature awakes with the flowering plants. Getting strength from the ground, early spring flowers delight us with their beauty. Hyacinths are especially good. They envelop us with their dainty aroma, that emanates from many different bells. Lets create a symbolic bright blue tree by enlarging the small spring flower. Hyperbole always helps to stop the moment,"
Price: 19.99

"Plastic analysis (Basics)" |
"Although the terms Plastic analysis and design normally apply to such procedures for steel structures within the yield flow region, however the Idea may also be applied to reinforced concrete structures which are designed at ultimate loads near yielding of reinforcement.1- Idealization of stress strain curve of Steel2- Advantages of Plastic Analysis3- Assumptions in Plastic bending4- Number of Plastic Hinges5- Plastic hinge formation Concept6- Shape Factor and significance 7- Collapse load of a structure determination Methods(i) Equilibrium Method () Mechanism Method8- Examples"
Price: 49.99

"El curso avanzado de trading para intradia y scalping order flow nos muestra todas la herramientas para que un Trader pueda llegar a la consistencia, el alumno al terminar este curso tendr el conocimiento de las herramientas y la estrategia para poder definir con mayor precisin la probable direccin del precio, se trata de un curso de mas de 7 horas con la teora y practica necesaria para mejorar tus conocimientos para poder operar en Intradia o scalping."
Price: 2970.00

practical_prd |
"(PM)Product Requirement Documentation(PRD)PMPRDPRDPRDPRD14PRD"
Price: 199.99

"Let's Read in Russian" |
"This course will help you to improve your reading, listening and understanding skills. Together we'll read different stories, I will give you a brief idea of the story and will give you some tips to understand Russian better. Before you start reading stories you will get necessary vocabulary that will help you to understand the stories better. When you've done with a lecture you'll have to take a short test that will help you to see how good you understood the story."
Price: 39.99
