"Prince2 Foundation - Practical Exam" |
"PRINCE2 -Foundation practice exams Actual questionsPrinciples that underpin the PRINCE2 methodologyTailoring the methodology to your project and environmentFoundation level exam strategies and practiceThe seven principles, seven themes and seven processesProject rolesStarting a projectBusiness CasePlansDirecting a projectTracking progressManaging changeClosing a projectPractitioner-level review of the PRINCE2 methodologyIn-depth preparation for the Practitioner exam"
Price: 29.99

"Design a Floating Point Unit 2 - Multiplier" |
"Welcome to the course on designing a floating point multiplierThis course covers all the basics you need to know in order to understand how to design and simulate a single precision 32 bit floating point binary multiplier. I work through the design using a tool I created in Microsoft Excel (VBA) which allows us to see visibly what is happening when we multiply two 32 bit single precision floating point binary numbers together. From this tool a really great visual and intuitive understanding is gained and this will allow us to then write down the mathematical algorithm that we need to use to implement the floating point multiplier in the digital simulation tool called Logisim.I work through the entire design in Logisim and explain how each section works. You will have access to all the simulation files and the Excel VBA code that I used to model the multiplication process. The design follows the IEEE754 standard for single precision values and includes both normal and subnormal numbers , special cases + and - zero , + and - infinity NaN (Not a Number) correct subnormal rounding injection using nearest even value (as per IEEE754) , pre normalisation of subnormal numbers , extension of exponent range to 9 bits , overflow and underflow flags , not exact flag.If like me you were stuck trying to find a practical (not a black box) course on a floating point unit (FPU) then this series of courses is for you.Good Luck with the course."
Price: 19.99

"Crea fcil y desde cero tu propio Robot de Trading FOREX" |
"No necesitas saber nada de programacin para crear tus propios robots de trading, hoy en da existen programas que hacen todo el trabajo de cdigo, y tu solo te enfocas en lo verdaderamente importante, que es robotizar estrategias.Con este curso aprenders de manera sumamente fcil y sin poner un solo cdigo a crear tus propios bots y comenzar a generar ingresos en Forex.Deja que tus propios Robots trabajen para ti!Realmente solo necesitas conocimientos bsicas sobre trading para comenzar a crear tus propios proyectos y beneficiarte de tus robots de trading."
Price: 114.99

"MD-100 Windows 10 Real Exam Practice Tests" |
"Latest available questions!!!Get a feel of the real MD-100 exam and guarantee yourself a PASS by taking these two practice tests ( 50 questions each ) which simulate the real exam accurately. (It includes Case Studies)Skills measuredThis exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam.Deploy Windows (15-20%)Manage devices and data (35-40%)Configure connectivity (15-20%)Maintain Windows (25-30%)"
Price: 39.99

"How To Make Your Own Wooden Spoon" |
"The method of making all spoons is the same, and after the end of this course, you will be able to create your own spoon with your desired shapes. In this training course, we will teach you how to make the spoon. All stages of making the spoon will be done manually and there is no need for any kind of electric appliance. No history is needed to get started. I hope that you have enjoyed this training course and make beautiful things."
Price: 19.99

"IELTS Listening [MASTERCLASS]: Get Band 7+" |
"This is a 6+ hour masterclass for getting Band 7+ on the IELTS listening test. In this course, you'll learn all the strategies and tactics you need in a step-by-step manner. We'll begin by establishing some basic groundwork and then build up your understanding gradually with lots of examples, practice questions and breakdown of strategies. In this course, you will learn:How to answer every question typeHow to watch out for the common tricks and traps that most students fall forHow to pace yourself and manage your timeHow to use your 'prep time' wisely and efficientlyHow to mark the right keywords and look for specific informationHow to listen for the correct answerAnd much more!You'll get hands-on practice with our ""guided video lessons"" in which you and I both will together answer the questions from the listening test, in real time. Then we'll break down the audioscript and look at the reasons behind the correct answer choices and we'll also break down the different tricks and traps that are used. After taking this course, you will be confident in your ability to handle any type of listening question that the examiners throw at you. Are you ready? Then ahoy and welcome aboard!If you're not yet sure about taking this course, then I invite you to preview our free video lessons and read the reviews from our students, so that you can make a better decision:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________""Shay (the instructor) says, its the best course of its kind. I, at the beginning, thought this sentence is nothing but a typical persuasive sentence to attract more students. Now, I am convinced that it is really the best course I have ever come across. Writing task 1 has always been the biggest nightmare for me. I dont why I dont understand graphs, tables and all these stuffs. My mind doesnt work when someone gives me directions. I took IELTS course from Magoosh, Road to IELTS and enrolled in several courses on Udemy. It seems that not everyone covers every aspect of the writing task 1. This course has been the most comprehensive course so far. I felt it necessary to leave an honest review that can help others to take a right decision. I will outline the main reasons why I liked this course below. 1. The slides are extremely beautifully designed. I just feel reading them when I see the colorful slides. 2. Its very engaging, and not boring like other courses. 3. The instructor is extremely knowledgeable and experienced. I was surprised that how come he didnt leave any single aspect of the task 1. The vocabulary he provided, the sample answers he gave, and the sentence structures he taught are just perfect to achieve a band 9. 4. Its more than a writing task 1 course. The grammar section is very concise and to the point. He made the grammar section super easy to understand with lots of useful examples. God bless you Shay. I cannot thank you enough. Much love and good wishes.""The Piercing Star""WOW!! I'm so glad to have taken this course. I learned from Youtube and some other online blogs, but this is the best course I have seen so far!""Martin Wolski""Thanks a lot. This was one of the best IELTS courses which I have watched up to now . Thanks a million for your nice and great job. I wish you and your family the bests.""Akbar Zahiri""I did not expect such well-designed and focus lectures. It is amazing. Well done.""Elnazeer Eisa""Actually, it is the best choice for me. Although I don't intend to take IELTS now,I took advantages of the course and learned many hints and keys to IELTS exam. The teacher is really professional as he uses the best ways of explanation and especially the section of common errors. Thank you gratefully.""Sara Muhammed Abdalsalam Abdaldaym""Shay made everything about speaking crystal clear, he also included a lot of examples which are absolutely essential. I highly recommend this course. Thumbs up!""Tri Yudha Sasmita_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________"
Price: 99.99

alabaadleadership |
". . ."
Price: 99.99

"Solidworks Yzey Tasarm Eitimi" |
"Yzey tasarm genellikle plastik enjeksiyon kalp tasarmnda model tasarm iin ve tersine mhendislik alanlarnda yaygn olarak kulanlmaktadr.Solidworks yzey eitimi ile birlikte noktalardan salkl eriler oluturmay,erileri birbirine rerek yzeyler oluturmay,bu yzeylere kalnlk vererek imalata hazr hale getirmeyi reneceksiniz.Set iinde zellikle sektrel uygulamalara yer verilip, birka sektre zel tasarm bilgisi verilmitir.yi seyirler dilerim.Austos-2020"
Price: 49.99

"Google Game Builder - NoCode" |
"Game BuilderGoogle3DNoCode"
Price: 24000.00

"Career Trick: Create Your First Github Profile- Get Hired!" |
"Github has introduced a new feature to add profile to users on their landing page and this training helps user to learn on how to make their first profile into Github successfully.Getting your new profile in Github would attract attentions from recruiters, open source contributors and increase the reach of your profile in international arena.It is possible to add images such as JPG or GIF into Github along with various URLs part of the Profile which facilitate wonderful look and feel to the profile in github.You can format text and include emoji, images, and GIFs in your profile README by using GitHub Flavored Markdown. For more information, see ""Getting started with writing and formatting on GitHub.""PrerequisitesGitHub will display your profile README on your profile page if all of the following are true.You've created a repository with a name that matches your GitHub username.The repository is public.The repository contains a file named README .md in its root.The README .md file contains any content.About your profile READMEYou can share information about yourself with the community on GitHub by creating a profile README. GitHub shows your profile README at the top of your profile page.You decide what information to include in your profile README, so you have full control over how you present yourself on GitHub. Here are some examples of information that visitors may find interesting, fun, or useful in your profile README.An ""About me"" section that describes your work and interestsContributions you're proud of, and context about those contributionsGuidance for getting help in communities where you're involvedCredits: docs dot github dot comWhat is Github? GitHub is a Git repository hosting service, but it adds many of its own features. While Git is a command line tool, GitHub provides a Web-based graphical interface. It also provides access control and several collaboration features, such as a wikis and basic task management tools for every project.The flagship functionality of GitHub is forking copying a repository from one users account to another. This enables you to take a project that you dont have write access to and modify it under your own account. If you make changes youd like to share, you can send a notification called a pull request to the original owner. That user can then, with a click of a button, merge the changes found in your repo with the original repo.These three features fork, pull request and merge are what make GitHub so powerful. Gregg Pollack of Code School (which just launched a class called TryGit) explains that before GitHub, if you wanted to contribute to an open source project you had to manually download the projects source code, make your changes locally, create a list of changes called a patch and then e-mail the patch to the projects maintainer. The maintainer would then have to evaluate this patch, possibly sent by a total stranger, and decide whether to merge the changes.This is where the network effect starts to play a role in GitHub, Pollack explains. When you submit a pull request, the projects maintainer can see your profile, which includes all of your contributions on GitHub. If your patch is accepted, you get credit on the original site, and it shows up in your profile. Its like a resume that helps the maintainer determine your reputation. The more people and projects on GitHub, the better idea picture a project maintainer can get of potential contributors. Patches can also be publicly discussed.Even for maintainers who dont end up using the GitHub interface, GitHub can make contribution management easier. I end up just downloading the patch anyway, or merging from the command line instead of from the merge button, says Isaac Schlueter, the maintainer of the open source development platform Node.js. But GitHub provides a centralized place where people can discuss the patch.Lowering the barrier to entry democratizes open source development, and helps young projects grow. Node.js wouldnt be what it is today without GitHub, Schlueter says.Besides its public facing open source repositories, GitHub also sells private repositories and on-premise instances of its software for enterprises. These solutions obviously cant take full advantage of GitHubs network effect, but they can take advantage of the collaboration features. Thats how GitHub makes money, but its not alone in this market.Atlassian acquired a competitor called BitBucket in 2010. And earlier this year Atlassian launched Stash, a product that enables you to host private, on-premise Git repositories with BitBucket/GitHub-style collaboration features. The company also sells developer collaboration tools like the bug tracker Jira and the wiki Confluence. Competition from Atlassian, which took $60 million in funding from Accel Partners in 2010, could help explain why GitHub took this round of funding, and hint at some possible future directions for the company. For example, Schlueter says GitHubs issue tracking feature could eventually compete with JIRA for some projects.The money may be in private and on-premise hosting, but the love is in the public repositories. Perhaps most importantly, GitHub has become the Library of Alexandria for code examples. Since Git encourages granular recording of changes, programmers, be they absolute beginners or experts, can trace the steps of some of the greatest developers in the world and find out how they solved thorny problems. But if GitHub were ever to meet the same fate as the Library of Alexandria, it could be reconstructed from all those local forks distributed on so many developers laptops all over the world. Regardless of how this investment works out, thats a hell of a legacy for the GitHub team to leave behind.(Credits: techcrunch dot com)DISCLAIMER:YOUR USE OF UDEMY.COM (THE SITE),THIS COURSE (THE ""COURSE"") AND ANY AND ALL OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ON OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH THE SITE OR OTHERWISE BY NARAYANAN PALANI (""INSTRUCTOR"") , IS VOLUNTARY AND SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY. INSTRUCTOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY INCORRECT ANSWERS, PARTIAL MATERIALS, OR ANY KIND OF PROBLEMS THAT MAY RESULT OR ARISE FROM YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND COURSE, ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE SITE, AND/OR ANY OTHER CONTENT, INFORMATION, PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED OR PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH INSTRUCTOR, INCLUDING, VIDEOS,QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS,ASSIGNMENTS,PRACTICE TESTS,CAPTIONS,DOCUMENTS,POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS (COLLECTIVELY, THE CONTENT)."
Price: 199.99

"Health Education" |
"Welcome to the test prep exam for Introduction to Health.This exam consists of 50 multiple choice based questions. You will be given 60 minutes to take the exam.To pass, you must answer 40 questions correctly out of the 50. There are no prerequisites to this exam. However, it is recommended to read and study notes before attempting to take this exam."
Price: 19.99

"Java Tutorial in Arabic" |
" java With this course, you will learn everything important to javaA certificate you can put on your CV for workYou will learn the basics and advanced level of the Java language"
Price: 19.99

" PHP With this course, you will learn everything important to PHP A certificate you can put on your CV for workYou will learn the basics and advanced level of the PHP language"
Price: 19.99

"Lmites por Definicin - Mtodo nico y 100% Efectivo" |
"Bienvenid@ al curso de Lmites por definicin, iniciaremos el curso planteando cinco pasos que son muy efectivos para resolverlos adems cada problema ser abordado paso a paso con la finalidad que puedas captar completamente la idea.Los 20 problemas propuestos son los principales modelos que existen de lmites por definicin, entre ella tenemos funciones polinomios, racionales, raz cuadrada, raz cbica, mximo entero y valor absoluto.Para la eleccin del valor de delta analizaremos cada caso ya que la eleccin de ste es vital en la resolucin."
Price: 19.99

"Sistemas de Ecuaciones Lineales S el mejor de tu clase!" |
"El curso abordar a cada Problema bajo un enfoque Cualitativo y Cuantitativo, para los cual usar el Mtodo de Reduccin, Regla de Cramer y al ltimo un anlisis con en Rango de una matriz y de acuerdo a ello proceder con el Mtodo de Gauss.La presentacin sera detallada y se sustentar cada paso para juntos avanzar y lograr el objetivo final, aprender."
Price: 19.99

"Lmites Indeterminados 0/0 - Mtodo Totalmente Explicado!" |
"El curso consiste en la resolucin de los principales modelos de limites indeterminados los cuales han sido escogidos de un amplio banco de preguntas, llevo trabajando en calculo diferencial mas de 10 aos y en base a mi experiencia hice esta seleccin.Durante el curso se trabajar de manera razonada y sin dejar ningn detalle al aire y siempre argumentando cada paso ademas te indicara las formulas que se utilizaran durante la exposicin de cada problema.Atte. Eduardo De La Cruz"
Price: 19.99

"Hacking Debutant - White Hat Hackademy" |
"Bienvenue dans mon cours ""de Hacking thique"". Dans ce cours, tu apprendras installer et configurer Kali Linux. Si tu n'as pas envie de faire des formations Linux seulement pour utiliser Kali Linux, tu trouveras dans ce cours les bases pour les dbutants pour apprendre utiliser le terminal avec Kali Linux. Tu vas apprendre les bases de Metasploit Framework qui sont essentielles pour les dbutants, mais souvent ngliger dans les cours et tutoriel de Hacking. On va faire l'installation de Lab de Pentesting pour pouvoir t'entraner au Hacking Ethique. Tous mes tudiants auront la chance d'apprendre sur un LAB de pentest avec Kali Linux et les autres outils. Si tu es un dbutant et que tu commences avec Kali Linux ce court est fait pour toi.Ne t'inquite pas. Tu n'as pas besoin de connaissance pralable. Les bonnes nouvelles sont puisque les outils libres et populaires sont utiliss vous n'avez pas besoin d'acheter n'importe quel outil ou application.Apprenez utiliser le puissant ensemble de bibliothques principales de C # pour automatiser des tches fastidieuses mais importantes telles que le coding de payload, le fuzzing, les analyses de vulnrabilits. Avec laide de Mono, vous allez crer vos propres outils de scurit pratiques fonctionnant sous Windows, OS X, Linux et mme sur des appareils mobiles. Organiser et simplifiez votre journe de travail en tirant le meilleur parti du vaste rpertoire d'outils et de bibliothques du C # avec cette formation de Hacking.La solution la voici, connaissance et savoir, je ne vais pas vous donner une solution toute faite cl en main, mais si vous travaillez, faites vos propres recherches avec les informations du cours, vous arriverez au FUD et ne ferez plus jamais confiance un antivirus.Nmap et Metasploit sont les outils les plus populaire d'Internets avec des fonctionnalits avances que la plupart des gens ne connaissent mme pas ! Dcouvrez les secrets du piratage thique et de la dcouverte du rseau en utilisant Nmap et Metasploit sur ce cours complet.Nmap et metasploit sont des outils indispensable que tous les informaticiens devraient bien connatre. Il sont utiliss par tous les bons hackers thiques, les pentesteurs, les administrateurs systme et tous ceux qui veulent en savoir plus sur la scurit d'un rseau et de ses htes. Vous ne pouvez pas tre un bon hacker thique ou administrateur de systmes sans tre un expert dans Metasploit et Nmap. Vous passerez de dbutant expert dans des tapes structures faciles suivre et nous couvrons toutes les plateformes majeures sur lesquelles Nmap et Metasploit peuvent tre utilis , y compris Windows , Linux et Kali Linux.IMPORTANT: Ce cours est cr des fins ducatives et toutes les informations apprises doivent tre utilises lorsque l'attaque est autoris.L'tudiant idal pour ce cours est techniquement intress par le piratage thique et la scurit des rseaux. la fin de ce cours, vous aurez l'occasion d'utiliser Nmap et Metasploit pour analyser les rseaux. Vous serez en mesure de trouver des vulnrabilits et des faiblesses sur des systmes qui peuvent tre exploits par des pirates informatiques."
Price: 24.99

"Como crear una Landing Page en WordPress + Plantillas" |
"Hola!,En este curso aprenders paso a paso como crear y administrar tu primera Landing Page o Pgina de Aterrizaje desde 0 con la Ayuda de WordPress, Elementor y Contact Form 7.Este curso es 20% Estratgico y 80% practico ya que es necesario combinar ambas estrategias para lograr conseguir una Landing Page de xito que pueda convertir:"
Price: 345.00

"Terraform: Les bases indispensables" |
"Lanc en juillet 2014, loutil dinfra as code Terraform offre dsormais un niveau de fonctionnalit permettant la configuration dune infrastructure cloud complte.Voyons dans le cadre de larchitecture dune plateforme web comment crer une plateforme complte sur Amazon en utilisant Terraform.Terraform est un outil open source dinfrastructure as code, crit en go, dont lapproche est dautoriser la dfinition dune architecture aussi htrogne que possible et ainsi faire cohabiter des instances Amazon EC2 et Google Cloud Engine, grer son DNS avec DNSimple ou encore envoyer les mailings avec Mailgun. Sur la page dintroduction du projet, Terraform se compare avec dautres solutions du march, assumant pleinement ne pas remplir les mmes fonctions que Puppet ou Chef. Le duel avec Ansible est malheureusement absent. Saluons cependant la dmarche.Si les dveloppements se sont jusqu prsent principalement focaliss sur les services Amazon, dautres providers sont supports officiellement et la liste augmente au fil des versions. Il est possible de crer son propre module et les initiatives pour ajouter les providers dautres solutions mergent de la communaut (Openstack, VMware, )Cette formation est destine:aux dveloppeursaux administrateurs systmes et rseauxaux ingnieur Cloudaux DevOpsPrrequis: Avoir des bases sur AWSFormateur: Dirane TAFEN (Consultant et Instructeur Cloud et DevOps)PRATIQUE ! PRATIQUE ! PRATIQUE !Nos formations sont trs pratiques, vous verrez que nous mettons en place systmatiquement des exemples concrets afin de vous permettre de mieux apprhender les notions voques. En plus, sur certains de nos cours (docker, kubernetes, ansible, openshift ...) nous vous permettons de raliser les Labs directement sur notre plateforme, en effet nous souhaitons vous faciliter la tche en mettant en place une plateforme d'exprimentation hberge par EAZYTraining et laquelle vous avez accs tout moment. Qu'attendez-vous ? Allez lancez vous et apprenez en pratiquant."
Price: 79.99

YouTube |
""" "" - , , / . "" YouTube "" , , - ( , )! - "" ""! , YouTube, !"
Price: 109.99

"AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Practice Q&A" |
"This is the right IT Knowledge Center which Helps you to get your Certification about this examThis is very Crucial for Students who want to increase their knowledge about this certification.This is also important for the instructor to Design these kinds of Courses for Students to Measure their skills and Achieving the Certification.Try this test and learn something more new about this certification.Learn and Learn increase in your knowledge is beneficiary for students This Practice Test gives the idea relevant to the logical and difficult part of the exam.If you want to look for how the questions are asking in exams These kinds of Q&A helped you in real exam Because this practice is to give you the kind of questions and answers and how the examiner or Official exam was designed and method of asking from the same topic with different statements to make it more difficult Welcome here you can enroll and check your self-knowledge about this certificationImportant Questions and Answers with some ExplanationThese are the latest and updated Q&A about Certification Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure ExamAZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure ExamDevelop Azure compute solutions (25-30%)Develop for Azure storage (10-15%)Implement Azure security (15-20%)Monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize Azure solutions (10-15%)Connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services (25-30%)"
Price: 24.99

"Tworzenie gier w Unity 1 - Projekt Galactic Fight" |
"Kurs ten jest wstpem do tworzenia gier w Unity. Projekt Galactic Fight zosta stworzony w 3 etapach.Pierwszy wariant bazuje na gotowych paczkach i elementach, ktre bdziemy importowa, a nastpnie delikatnie modyfikowa, tak, aby stworzy funkcjonaln gr.Drugi wariant to trudniejsza opcja, w tej sekcji bdziemy tworzy wszystko od podstaw. Mona powiedzie, e zbudujemy gr od nowa poznajc wszystkie elementy, z ktrych si ona skada.Trzecia sekcja bdzie kolejnym etapem, w ktrym bdziemy dodawa kolejne funkcjonalnoci do stworzonej ju gry. W tej sekcji skupimy si na bardziej zaawansowanych elementach oraz postaramy si tworzy uniwersalne skrypty, ktre bd mogy by wykorzystywane przez wiele rnych obiektw w grze."
Price: 19.99

"Animation C language" |
"In this course you will find yourself watching animated short videos about C Programming language in the most easy way to learn.we will learn about programming fundamentals including arrays , math and logic operations , pointers, functions and other cool things.There is no requirements necessary to enroll.We only ask you to be open minded and ready to learn.so Relax and enjoy the course."
Price: 19.99

"HTML5 for Beginners in Hindi Urdu" |
"This is the awesome course for html5 in Hindi you will learn about basics HTML like a paragraph,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 and more stuff like divs spans form inputs form validation and more have fun learning HTML that too in Hindi thanks and this is my first time making the udemy course if there is any kind of mistakes than sorry fun learning and enjoy learning thanks..."
Price: 19.99

"Pentatonics Unboxed" |
"The minor pentatonic is the most widely recognised and used scale shape on the electric guitar. It is used by players all over the world to create great sounding and instantly recognisable guitar solos and riffs. This lesson package is designed to take advantage of this already well established and understood scale, and apply some new theory and visualisation techniques in order to allow the player to take what is already familiar, and create modern, contemporary sounding guitar lines. Aimed primarily at beginner/intermediate students, the package gives you access to HD videos and a ten page .PDF document that takes the player from basic scale knowledge; including modern labelling techniques such as note names and intervalic structures, through to exercises and techniques that will allow the understanding and visualisation of the minor pentatonic scale in a more unique, contemporary way. As well as this you will also recieve a series of HD videos demonstrating ten licks that I have created using this new technique. They are played over an original backing track, then slowed down and demonstrated for you note by note in order to allow you to see how this technique can be implemented successfully, and to inspire you to be creative! Two versions of the original backing track are also included in this package, a version played at it's full tempo and then a second, slower version in order for you to practise this new technique over until you're ready to tackle it at a quicker pace. Additional .PDF files are also included as support material to help you learn and absorb the information in the videos. These include full tablature charts for the ten licks provided, along with scale and diagram boxes that detail interval names and locations, key to understanding this new visualisation process. Taking advantage of online tuition in this manner will allow you to learn months worth of material at your own pace and in your own home. Enjoy, and good luck in your playing."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel Formulas [ For Office Use ]" |
"This course teaches you 18 most useful formulas of Microsoft Excel that would help you to1. Be more productive at office.2. To be the fastest worker among your team when it some to Using Excel formulas.3. Builds up your Confidence on how to use the formulas on larger data sets.4. This course helps you to get a firm base on the excel formulas and which help you to take on more advance course in excel.Now what makes me eligible to teach this course?1. All the members of the team have experiences in leading MNCs in Retail, Supply Chain & Logistics.2. All the team members have the knowledge on Excel as to what all Functions are used in Day to Day activities within the company to make your life easy within the work environment.3. The formulas taught in the course are the exactly the once that are used in office world wide.Regards,Logistics and supply Chain world"
Price: 1280.00

"Learning Analytics Through R" |
"Want to become a PRO in the field of Analytics!An Analyst is taking in great demand taking in account the current scenario and getting skilled can take you up the ladder with this course.Henry Harvin is your ultimate destination if you are in need of a great course!Analytics is a way to collect, measure, analyze the large amount of data and come to the conclusions that help in building strategies for your business. It helps in exploring, analyzing, and solving business concerns. It also helps in the smooth functioning of the business by enhancing its performance, and finally helps in increasing the companys return on investment and reaching its goal. This course will help you take calculative decisions that can take your business performance up and ahead of its contemporaries in this fast paced and competitive marketplace.The job of an Analyst has become crucial for all business models as it offers solutions to the business concerns, manage business needs and put efforts to take the companys performance to the next level.We offer the best Analytics courses in the industry that help you explore all the aspects of analytics and get into the depth of the subject. To master it all, a comprehensive knowledge of the tools and techniques is also given to the participants. This course aims to make you an expert in the field of Analytics and resolve the real time problems of the business.The curriculum of the course is crafted and taught by the industry experts with 15-20 years of experience. With videos, written documents, quizzes and exercises the course become interesting and easy to comprehend as the focus is to make you understand and not to complete the duration of the course. The participants are personally mentored by the experts in case of any doubts or difficulty.This course is designed keeping in mind the participants who come from all spheres and thus special attention is given to keep the course content easy to grasp, filled with practical exercises, and real-world examples for better understanding and retention. This course will assist you in having an eye for detailing and get updated with the industry norms and feel more confident about your skills.The completion of this course will help you : Learn the concept of Analytics and its applications in depth Get pro with the usage of R in Analytics Understanding the process of downloading and updating R and get skilled in working with it Acquire the knowledge of handling large amounts of data without difficulty Comprehend to enter, read, export, and import the data Get the knowledge to handle different types of data and its structure Handling packages and learn to install, remove, attach and detach it. Learn to manage the large amount of data Master the concept of descriptive statistics that includes mean, median, mode, standard deviation etc. Acquire the skill to develop strategies for your business that help you reach your goal. Get the knowledge of presenting the data graphically using different graphs that help in the analyzation of the data Acquire the skill to solve the concerns of the business that helps in smooth functioning of it Get proficient in taking decisions that are data-driven and increase the companys ROI Evaluate companys performance with the help of factors like Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability, and Growth ratios. Become a successful Analyst in the nick of timeWhat makes the course better than other courses? Curriculum that is based on industry and by the industry experts with experiential learning World-class faculty to make you go through the best practices of the industry Examples from real-world for better comprehension of the subject Better self-analysis with exercises and quizzes Peer learning from the experienced candidates Engaging recordings for better learning Better attitude and optimistic approach To have an eye for detailing that helps in avoiding business problemsScope of the courseThere is incredible growth and a lot of opportunities comes with the growth of the analytics industry. Thus it has become imperative to acquire essential skills with the rapidly changing industry requirement. It requires the professionals to acquire new skills to move ahead with the latest developments of the industry.This course will take you to the top of the game. With it, you can get the increment in salary, promotions, and security in career. Perfecting your skills can take you on the path of growth and there is no looking back after this.Words of appreciation from our StudentsA good program delivered well by experienced trainers. The classes were very helpful in learning the content thoroughly. It was a great and refreshing session surrounded with great minds. Suneet Singh2. A great learning experience! I really like the way the trainers explained things, moving from one concept to another. They were interconnecting the concepts while training and this helped me to have better understanding of the course. . I would rate this program a five star. Namrata Narayanan3. This course very informative and the faculty explained it in an interesting manner. They have handled the candidates in the right manner and the whole learning experience was just mind-boggling.. Pradeep Singhal4. I got personally benefited a lot from the live and interactive learning sessions. The faculty taught the concepts nicely that makes it simple to understand. Loved the experience of this course thoroughly because of the talented faculty who made things so easy and seamless. Ananya Mehta5. The overall experience and journey was very good with experienced faculty members. I love the way they delivered all the content and learnt a lot from them. Thanks to the team for coordinating so well and giving us time. Gauri Shukla"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Sitecore Fundamentals" |
"This course will teach you the fundamentals of Sitecore as a Web Content Management System. You will basically learn the terminologies used, important applications, basic functionalities, and architecture of Sitecore. This course will also cover the important features and different user roles. And above all, this course will guide you on how to use, access, and explore Sitecore. This course contains lectures, quizzes, and laboratories on exploring the Sitecore application."
Price: 199.99

"PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals Q&A Exams" |
"English Course Description / Explicacin del curso en EspaolHello there!I am extremely pleased to have you on board.Lets begin a journey where we would be working together to go through every possible challenging question PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals"" exam offered by Microsoft has to you.Here is what makes this course so unique and beneficial for you. Since our material PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals Q&A Exams is based on a real test, We can guarantee that you would be able to solve 72% questions(at least) in your exam without putting any extra effort by going through all those reference textbooks.My purpose here is to ensure that when you appear in the real exam, you are calm and super confident about yourselves.This test is being offered by Microsoft and our material has about +80 questions. Now, each question has been specifically designed for this course that will push your cognitive abilities to the limits. This intense journey will not only make you have a good idea about what type of questions the real exam would have but also cover the tiny concepts people usually miss while preparing for PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform FundamentalsThe test was last updated on Aug 3rd 2020 and covers all the latest concepts as per the course requirements and it is written in English.I have a firm belief that you are going to ace that exam like a true champion!#### Spanish ####Hola a todos!Estoy muy contento de tenerte a bordo.Comencemos un viaje en el que estaramos trabajando juntos para pasar por todas las posibles preguntas desafiantes que ""Microsoft"" le ofrece en el examen ""PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals"".Esto es lo que hace que este curso sea tan nico y beneficioso para usted. Desde nuestro material ""PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals Q&A Exams"" podemos garantizarle que podr resolver el 72% de las preguntas (al menos) en su examen sin hacer ningn esfuerzo adicional al revisar todos esos libros de texto de referencia ya que se basa en una prueba real. Mi propsito aqu es asegurarme de que cuando aparezcas en el examen real, ests tranquilo y muy seguro de ti mismo.""Microsoft"" ofrece esta prueba y nuestro material tiene aproximadamente ""+80 preguntas"" similares. Ahora, cada pregunta ha sido diseada especficamente para este curso que llevar sus habilidades cognitivas al lmite. Este intenso viaje no solo le har tener una buena idea sobre qu tipo de preguntas tendra el examen real, sino que tambin cubrir los pequeos conceptos que la gente suele perderse mientras se prepara para ""PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals""La prueba se actualiz por ltima vez el ""3 de Agosto de 2020"" y cubre todos los conceptos ms recientes segn los requisitos del curso y est escrita en ingls.Creo firmemente que vas a obtener ese examen como un verdadero campen!"
Price: 345.00

"ECCouncil 712-50 Certificate CISO (CCISO) Practice Exam" |
"343 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil 712-50 Certificate CISO (CCISO) Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil 712-50 Certificate CISO (CCISO) Practice ExamTotal Questions : 343Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :240 minsPassing Score : 75 (257 of 343)"
Price: 179.99

firsttimebusiness |
Price: 29.99
