"Know Yourself, Know Your Customer" |
"This course is a hands-on instrument for understanding human behavior and a practical exercise on how to adapt, interact and have a better relationship with any potential buyer, partner, or colleague. Easy to apply personality test, clear and straightforward steps to follow in identifying the behavior people have. Your self-confidence will raise, your ability to connect with others will put you in a more relaxed and winning position. Join and play with PACT Personality Test and become a connoisseur of human behavior!"
Price: 19.99

basictarot |
": ; ; ; ; ; ! , , , ! , , !"
Price: 7799.00

"Build A Powerful English Vocabulary: Course #01" |
"Before taking the Vocabulary Builder Course #01, it is strongly recommended you take the FREE mini Vocabulary Course. This course teaches the five words:obsoletesporadicludicroustantamountskepticalYou will experience the accelerated learning method using pictures, sentences examples, and repetition. You can find my demonstration course ""Build A Powerful English Vocabulary"" here on Udemy.Then, when you are ready, you can progress to Vocabulary Builder Course #01.Would you like to speak English with REAL confidence! Would you like to raise your comprehension of spoken and written English to a high level! This course will show you how make a significant improvement with your spoken English.In the Introduction, you will learn how the brain works and how this understanding will take your English to a high level. Be sure to download the free ebook ""Speak English With Confidence - 2020"" under the Resources section in Lecture 2. It is crammed with valuable information on how to speed up your mastery of the English language.In Section 2, we start adding 25 advanced adjectives to your vocabulary. They are:aggressiveaffablearduousbentbiasedconventionaldelinquentdetrimentalerroneousexpendableextraordinaryfragilegraciousgradualhospitableimpressiveimpulsiverelevantremissridiculoussqualidsupercilioussuspicioussympatheticwoodenEach module provides you initially with 3 examples of each word in a variety of contexts, and a further two examples are provided in a review section at the end. So you will see five examples of each word and also a list of useful collocations containing the word.Then, through a powerful review process so you will start to feel comfortable and confident using these words in different contexts. Additionally, the picture review series will help you get instant recall of these 25 advanced words.The whole process involves listening to the tutor, reading sentence examples, using pictures to form strong mental associations, and a thorough review and repeat section so you get instant recall.By the end of this English Vocabulary Course, you will already feel a dramatic improvement in your confidence with the English language."
Price: 19.99

"Eitimin amac, psiko-pedagojik adan ocuu tanmak ve ocukla yrtlen almalarda tehis ve tedaviye yn vermek asndan ocuk resminin kullanmn aklamaktr. Resimdeki nemli belirtilerin uzmanlar iin ne anlama geldiini ifade etmek ve resmin yorumlanmasnda dikkat edilecek noktalar anlatmaktr.ocuk ve ResimBir fade Arac Olarak ocuk Resmiocuk Resminin Geliim Aamalarocuk Resmindeki Sembolik fadelerPsikolojik Resim Testlerini Uygulama YntemleriPsikolojik Deerlendirmede Kullanlan Resim TestleriBir insan iz,Varolmayan bir hayvan iz,Bir aile iz testi,Kinetik aile izim testi,Yamur altnda dolaan kadn iz testi,Bir kakts iz testi,Bir ev-aa ve insan iz testi,Bir bahe iz testi,Goodenough Harris adam iz testi,D-10 projektif resim test"
Price: 259.99

"Astroloji, gne sistemindeki gezegen ve yldzlarn Dnya zerindeki enerjilerin ekillenmesini, insanlarn zerindeki etkilerini ve sonularn yorumlayan bir dnce sistemidir. Astroloji, kozmos zerindeki hareketleri incelerken matematiksel terimleri kullanr. Bu hareketlerin hesaplamalarndaki sonulara dayanarak enerjilerin oluturabilecei etkileri inceler ve yorumlar. Dnya var olduundan beri insann doaya kar verdii varolu savanda kulland en etkili aralardan biri astrolojidir.nsan hayat boyu, hatta her saniye kendini tanmak, anlamak, anlamlandrmak ister. Bunun iinde isel ya da dsal tm uyaranlar anlamaya alr. inde bulunduu artlar, sistemi kavramak iin tm eleri deerlendirir. Astroloji Ne e Yarar? Astrolojinin temelinde sembollerle akl yrtme ve tmevarm bulunur. Dier pek ok bilim dalyla balants olan Astroloji sayesinde, doum haritasnn yorumlanmasyla insann kiilii, hayat, kefedilmemi potansiyelleri, kklemi alkanlklar, fiziksel problemleri, yetenekleri ve ilerleyen zamanlardaki dinamizmi tespit edilebilir."
Price: 389.99

"UI illustrator" |
"Ai UIAIAI 3Chapter01 02 AI03 ++"
Price: 54.99

"Anlisis de datos en R para principiantes" |
"Aprenders, desde cmo instalar R hasta cmo crear atractivos grficos para incorporarlos en tus proyectos de investigacin. R es un lenguaje de programacin para estadstica y ciencia de datos. No importa si eres un estudiante de sociologa o biotecnologa, R es una poderosa herramienta para avanzar en tu carrera. Adems, cada ao, el nmero de usuarios de R crece alrededor del 40%, as como las organizaciones que lo utilizan da a da. Empieza tu viaje para dominar R hoy mismo! "
Price: 1320.00

"Life Coaching For Beginners-" |
"- -"
Price: 149.99

"Google Earth Engine for Remote Sensing Analysis Masterclass" |
"Google Earth Engine for Geospatial Analysis: 3 Courses in 1This course is designed to take users who use GIS for basic geospatial data/GIS/Remote Sensing analysis to perform geospatial analysis tasks with Big Data on the cloud! This course provides you with all the necessary knowledge to start and advance your skills with Geospatial analysis and includes more than 5 hours of video content, plenty of practical analysis, and downloadable materials. After taking this course, you will be able to implement PRACTICAL, real-life spatial geospatial analysis, and tasks with the Big Data on the cloud.This course is designed to equip you with the theoretical and practical knowledge of applied geospatial analysis, namely Remote Sensing and some Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This course emphasizes the importance of understanding the Google Earth Engine platform and JavaScript to be able to implement the spatial analysis on the cloud. So, we will start with the thorough introduction to the Earth Engine Platform, then move to the basics of image analysis (which is essential to understand when you would like to work with Earth Engine) and then move to a comprehensive overview of JavaScript basics for spatial analysis. We will cover essential blocks to equip you with the background knowledge and get you started with your analysis on the cloud.You will learn how to import / export data to Earth Engine, how to perform arithmetical image calculation, how to map functions over image collections, and do iterations. We will cover Sentinel and Landsat image pre-processing and analyses for such applications as drought monitoring, flood mapping, and land cover unsupervised and supervised (machine learning algorithms such as Random Forest) classification.By the end of the course, you will feel confident and completely understand the basics of JavaScript for spatial analysis and you will learn practical geospatial analysis with Big Data on Google Earth Engine cloud. This course will also prepare you for using geospatial analysis with open source and free software tools.One important part of the course is the practical exercises. You will be given some precise instructions, codes, and datasets to create for geospatial analysis in Google Earth Engine.INCLUDED IN THE COURSE: You will have access to all the data used in the course, along with the Java code files. You will also have access to future resources. Enroll in the course today & take advantage of these special materials!"
Price: 19.99

Excel |
"20 .. 40 2013"
Price: 29.99

"Apprendre la photo avec son Smartphone" |
"Pouvez-vous faire de bonnes photographies avec un Smartphone ?Lune des ides fausses les plus rpandues sur la photographie sur smartphone est que le smartphone ne peut pas tre utilis pour la photographie srieuse. Bien que les appareils photo reflex numriques soient techniquement suprieurs, la qualit dune photo dpend principalement de lintention du photographe et de sa vision crative.En tant que photographes, nous sommes souvent pris acheter le dernier quipement photo en pensant que cela nous aidera prendre de meilleures photos, alors qu'aucun appareil photo ne peut prendre une bonne photo sans les ides du photographe.C'est parce que votre Smartphone, comme n'importe quel autre appareil photo, est un outil. Et c'est un outil qui peut tre utilis pour prendre des photos la fois mdiocres et exceptionnelles.Mais avec les bonnes connaissances et les bonnes techniques, vous pouvez utiliser votre smartphone pour prendre des photos si belles que personne ne croirait mme qu'elles ont t prises avec !Donc, cette formation a t cre pour vous aider prendre de meilleures photos avec votre smartphone !Objectif du cours : obtenir l'oeil du photographe. Outil ncessaire : ce cours de photographie est accessible avec un simple smartphone. Programme : ce cours est divis en 2 sections : 1re section : vous apprendrez maitriser l'ingrdient le plus important d'une photo : la lumire 2me section : vous comprendrez comment mieux percevoir votre environnement afin de construire vos photosContenu : toutes les vidos de formations contiennent des explications thoriques et des exemples pratiques avec les photos du formateur et des photos de d'autres photographes."
Price: 29.99

"Microbiota Intestinal Y Permeabilidad Intestinal" |
"BENEFICIOS:- Convirtete En Un Lder En Tu Campo.- Actualzate y Aprende Desde La Comodidad De Tu Casa.- Mejora Tus Ingresos.- Recupera Tu Salud Intestinal O La De Un Familiar.DESCRIPCIN:Te entregar 75 vdeos en HD, para que puedas aprender paso a paso, cmo recuperar tu Permeabilidad Intestinal y tu salud en general, en 90 das aproximadamente.Son 5 secciones de la Microbiota Intestinal y su relacin con la Permeabilidad Intestinal:Microbioma y Microbiota: Descubre un nuevo mundo y poco conocido, y quizs la raz de todas las enfermedades actuales.Microbiota Intestinal: Averigua cmo afecta tu Microbiota Intestinal con diferentes enfermedades intestinales y su relacin con la inflamacin.Sndrome Del Intestino Permeable: Conoce cules son las causas de la prdida de permeabilidad de tu intestino y cmo es que afecta tu dieta y estrs.Lineas de Investigacin: Investiga sobre el trasplante fecal. Averigua la relacin de tu Microbiota y su relacin con enfermedades neuropsiquitricas.Recursos para recuperar tu Permeabilidad Intestinal Y Salud En General: Te enseo el sistema probado por muchos pacientes con problemas del intestino permeable, modificando tu dieta, sin sufrimiento y recupera tu salud!.Descarga materiales educativos, basados en ciencia sobre las enfermedades intestinales y neurolgicas.Te entrego 81 diapositivas del curso, a libre disposicin y fomentacin de esta informacin valiosa.Aprende en cada seccin a travs de cuestionarios y de inmediato atender a tus dudas sobre el tema en cuestin."
Price: 119.99

"Mtodo para Emprender un Negocio Innovador de Alto Impacto" |
"BIENVENIDO AL MTODO LNZATE - Mtodo para Emprender un Negocio InnovadorBuscas emprender un negocio desde cero? Has estudiado una carrera profesional y no estas ganando lo suficiente? Perdiste tu empleo?. El mundo ha cambiado, la coyuntura actual que estamos viviendo nos ha abierto grandes oportunidades para retomar nuestras vidas y darnos cuenta de que el nico camino seguro se encuentra en el emprendimiento.En este curso voy a ensearte como emprender y estructurar un negocio innovador vendiendo servicios creando productos que las personas quieran comprar.Te ayudar a crear un plan de negocio para crear productos y servicios sin mucha inversin. Te ensear a empaquetarlo, ponerle precio y venderlo como servicioMuchas de estas oportunidades solamente requieren de conocimiento y poca inversin, por lo que representan un bajo riesgo y accin inmediata.Si en verdad estas buscando ser un emprendedor y en un futuro un gran empresario que toma accin de sus vida y ver la crisis como una oportunidad para lograr el xito. Este curso es para t!"
Price: 119.99

"CRUD de Firestore con Flutter [2020]. Desde lo bsico" |
"Bienvenido al curso CRUD de Firestore con Flutter [2020]. Desde lo bsico. Donde aprenders cmo implementar el paquete cloud_firestore en tus aplicaciones hechas en Flutter y usando buenas prcticas de desarrollo.Primero crearemos un proyecto de Flutter donde configuraremos el paquete cloud_firestore y haremos lo necesario para que tus aplicaciones en iOS y Android puedan interactuar con una base de datos Firestore.Luego aprenders algunos conceptos relacionados con Firestore y reglas para tener en cuenta a la hora de implementar Firestore en tus aplicaciones hechas en Flutter.Aprenderemos de colecciones, documentos y cada uno de los tipos de datos que Firestore puede almacenar: String, number, boolean, map, array, timestamp, geopoint, reference y null.Trabajaremos las operaciones bsicas de un CRUD de Firestore: C (Create/Insercin), R (Read/Lectura), U (Update/Actualizacin) y D (Delete/Eliminacin). Esta parte est enfocada al CRUD tanto en la consola de Firebase como desde Dart, de tal forma, que se pueda comparar cmo en Dart puedes hacer las mismas operaciones que se hicieron manualmente desde la consola de Firebase.Utilizaremos el widget StreamProvider para visualizar un listado en tiempo real usando una base de datos de Firestore.Usaremos el widget Dismissible para actualizar la informacin de una lista y tambin para eliminar informacin de la misma.Implementaremos el widget SnackBar para deshacer el borrado de un tem de una lista.Agregaremos un tem a una lista a travs de un cono en el AppBar.Consultaremos informacin consumiendo un servicio REST usando el paquete http.Implementaremos el CRUD de Firestore en una aplicacin de Flutter y por cada una de las operaciones del CRUD trabajaremos de forma independiente el back-end del front-end. De tal forma, que si t eres un desarrollador de software experto en back-end o en front-end, puedas entender de una forma ms fcil cada tarea de manera independiente, no est de ms mencionar que este curso est dirigido para todo tipo de desarrollador en Flutter, incluso un desarrollador full-stack.Tambin trabajaremos con un paquete para realizar calificaciones con estrellas u otro tipo de iconos a travs de un widget.Finalmente, veremos el uso del tipo de dato GeoPoint para mostrar una ubicacin en un mapa con Google maps."
Price: 49.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner - Practice Test" |
"This simulation allows those who are preparing to take the Prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, to have contact with issues similar to what falls in the exam, this better prepares the student and trains him in studies and preparation. With these questions students live a little bit of what happens during the exam.Note:This simulation aims to help students and may have questions and incorrect answers."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA BR0-001 Security + Bridge Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What makes the 10th position in the 10Base-T?a) delayb) speedc) resistanced) lengthe) NoneQ) Workstation client can not connect to the network due to the fact, it has not been assigned the IP-address. Which server, most likely the problem?a) DNSb) WINSc) DHCPd) FTPe) NoneQ) The routing protocol is a protocol that defines how the routers communicate with each other, the spread of information that allows them to select routes between two nodes in a computer network, path selection is performed by the routing algorithms. Which routing protocol is a link status and use of the spine called area 0?a) OSPFb) BGPc) IS-ISd) EIGRPe) NoneQ) Which authentication protocol passes credentials in clear text?a) PAPb) GUYc) MS CHAPv2d) MS-CHAPe) None"
Price: 174.99

"HP0-J22 Designing HP Storage Works Solutions Practice Exam" |
"Sample Questions Q) The client is concerned about the growth of its database HP Protector Software Data. Which tool will have to deal with this problem?a) HP Storage Works tools dimensionsb) Sizer HP Data Protector databasec) Configuration Database Sheetd) sheets capacity planninge) oneQ) What is the term for a configuration in which the failure of one component does not cause the entire system?a) hot-swappableb) NSPOFc) high availabilityd) SFPe) NoneQ) You offer HP Storage Essentials SRM Enterprise Edition solution for the client environment only with Oracle databases. You have chosen to develop a single server deployment. What is another term for this configuration?a) overallb) dedicatedc) mixedd) isolatede) NoneQ) What type of connection control using the same operating data link?a) privateb) in-bandc) from the groupd) series-e) None"
Price: 169.99

"Fundamental Analysis" |
". Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Statement and Cash Flow Statement. . , 1- 2- 3- 4- ."
Price: 5760.00

pregnancybysohappylexsa |
", ! 40 . . , , , , , . . 40 . 9 , 7 . , , . . , , , - , , , . , ?))"
Price: 11799.00

"Chapter Two of Chinese Tea Art Micro-course: Green Tea" |
"Whenever I tell people I am a tea teacher, coaching people with tea life, they would think about tea ceremony, tea art something like that. Yes, indeed, tea ceremony or tea art is definitely the destination we would get there, it's more about the spiritual activity. However, before we get there, we need to know more about the foundation knowledge.Imagine we are going to appreciate a masterpiece of Picasso, will you really understand it without knowing his background, the painting's stories?We will get there, to really appreciate the art of tea, but this is the basically systematical tea course that you should take until you really understand the tea ceremony well.For studying conveniently and flexibly, we are going to update the Chinese Tea Art Micro-course one chapter by chapter, so you can choose the one you like the one you are interested in. Chapter Two: Green Tea Green tea the majority of tea produced and consumed in China. It is the first type of tea invented in history. There almost only steamed green tea existed until the Ming dynastywhen there finalized all processing steps like pan-fried, steamed, baked, sun-dried. Do you know what are the differences? Do you know any famous green tea? And how to brew green tea properly? We are going to figure out all in chapter two: green tea.Lesson 7 The Origin of Green Tea Lesson 8 The Processing of Green tea Lesson 9 Fixation Lesson 10 The Major Kinds of Green Tea Lesson 11 Tasting&Evaluation of Green Tea Lesson 12 The Brewing Methods of Green Tea Lesson 12.1 Green Tea Ceremony Lesson 12.2 Tips of Brewing Skill Lesson 13 Medical Function of Green Tea Statement: All the contents are reserved at DiscoverCha(Yunnan) Cultural Communications Studio except for the named pictures, videos, and background music. All the contents shall be only used for the study who purchase these courses and shall not be used in any commercial events or training without any authority."
Price: 19.99

"Balangtan Bitirie Para Yapm FL Studio" |
"Herkese merhaba, ben zgn.Uzun zamandr sizler iin hazrlamakta olduum yeni kursum ""Balangtan Bitirie Para Yapm"" serisi sonunda bitti. Bu kursta sizlere batan sona para yapm gsteriyorum. Kendime para yaparken kullandm teknikler, plugin'ler ve seslerle sfrdan para yapmay retiyorum.Kursta deineceimiz konulardan bazlar:- Aranje ve para yaps- Melodi bulma- Doru sample seimi- Akldaki fikri paraya dntrme teknikleri- Miks teknikleri- Mastering yapm- Ssleme teknikleri- FX Ekleme ve yaratma- Batan sona para yapmSfrdan bir melodi bulup onu nasl yaynlanmaya hazr bir para yapacanz batan sona reneceiniz bir kurs. Ayrca kursu satn alan herkes kursta yaplan parann FLP proje dosyasn da cretsiz edinebilecek. Ayrca kursa nmzdeki aylarda bir de Deep House serisini cretsiz ek ders olarak ekleyeceim."
Price: 49.99

"Cmo emprender o iniciar un negocio exitoso en Mxico" |
"Convirtete en un persona exitosaEsts buscando construir un negocio escalable y sustentable que conquiste y venda. Con estos 20 pasos y tips aprende el camino para emprender un negocio de alto impacto sin saber nada de negocios. Consguelo ahora SIN COSTO por tiempo limitado.Por fin el servicio definitivo para emprender online que ayuda a tu negocio a triunfar en 2020."
Price: 270.00

"Elixir e Phoenix do zero! Crie sua primeira API Phoenix." |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso Elixir e Phoenix do Zero.Nesse curso voc se tornar um programador com conhecimentos suficientes para criar sua primeira API em Elixir e Phoenix do Zero, de forma rpida, didtica e bem dinmica. Ns comearemos aprendendo o bsico da linguagem Elixir, onde consolidaremos e aprofundaremos nossos conhecimentos em dois projetos prticos onde em um deles at criaremos um jogo baseado em Pokmon!Em seguida conheceremos o framework Phoenix e criaremos nossa primeira API JSON conhecendo o framework de ponta a ponta e por fim, aprenderemos como autenticar nossa API. Nossa API tambm ser inspirada em Pokmon, onde criaremos uma API para ser possvel criar Trainers e seus Pokemon's.Por fim, adicionaremos uma camada de autenticao em nossa API para termos certo nvel de segurana.Algum dos pontos que cobriremos alm disso:O que programao funcionalComo escrever cdigo em Elixir limpo e concisoComo testar aplicaes ElixirPhoenix frameworkConsumir APIsComo autenticar uma API PhoenixComo testar aplicaes Phoenix"
Price: 99.99

"Le cycle des quintes - L'outil magique pour les musiciens" |
"Connaissez-vous le cycle des quintes ? Si oui est ce que vous le connaissez vraiment ?Est ce que vous savez que cet outil peut la fois vous donnerLa tonalit d'un morceauLes notes d'une gamme majeure ou mineureLes accords permettant l'harmonisation de ces gammesL'ordre des dises et des bmolsLes notes de chaque accord majeur ou mineurLes notes des 7 modes issus de la gamme majeure (mixolydien, dorien ...)Les accords jouer pour une cadenceLes degrs de chaque accordEt encore pleins d'autres choses...C'est un outil magique absolument connatre pour mieux comprendre la musique, pour composer, pour improviser, pour lire une partition, pour harmoniser ... Bref, c'est l'OUTIL indispensable tout musicien qui se respecte.N'ayez plus peur des gammes, des modes, des accords ... Ce n'est pas si compliqu si on a les bons outils. Et le cycle des quintes est l'outil magique. Il ne faut pas oublier que Pythagore, en -500 avant JC, avait dtermin toutes les notes de musique grce aux quintes (Mais sans savoir que c'taient les quintes :D). Ce cours a t ralis pour que n'importe quel instrumentiste, du guitariste au pianiste en passant pas le joueur de violon, d'harmonica ou d'ukull, de basse ou tout simplement les chanteurs, puissent comprendre de manire simple ce cycle des quintes."
Price: 69.99

"Lean Thinking e VSM" |
"Lean thinking (ou pensamento lean) uma filosofia de gesto, inspirada nas prticas e resultados do Sistema Toyota de Produo (TPS).Tem como essncia a contnua eliminao de desperdcios e a sistemtica resoluo de problemas. Princpios e tcnicas vm sendo utilizados por organizaes de diversos setores, no mundo todo, tornando-as muito mais produtivas, lucrativas e eficientes.Mapeamento do Fluxo de Valor - VSM uma ferramenta estratgica Proporciona a Viso de Helicptero Mostra as oportunidades de Kaizens Permite o emprego das ferramentas Lean"
Price: 39.99

"2020 Wordpress Eklentileri Master Collection" |
"Bu eitim sayesinde ok daha ilevsel web siteleri yapabilceksiniz. Burada her rendiiniz eklenti bir gn karnza kabilcek olan bir problem iin zm niteliindedir. Eitim ierisinde bulunan ierikler srekli gncellenip arttrlmaktadr. Wordpress kullananlar veya bunu kariyer planlamas olarak grenler iin baucu eitimi niteliinde bir eitim hazrlamay amaladm.Eitimde lgilendiimiz Eklentilerden BazlarReally simple SSL , Disable Gutenber, Tinymce Advanced , All in one migration , Wp Discuz, Pixabay , Call now button , Easy wp smtp , Contact form 7 , Yoast Seo , Loco Translate , Ajax search lite , Siteorigin , Wps hide login , Popup builder , Shortcode Ultimate , bbpress , Buddy press , Advanced iframe , Webp express , Amp , Wp fastest cache, A3 Lazy load, Head Footer Post InjectYoast Duplicate"
Price: 19.99

"PgMP Practice Tests" |
"This course contains three full-length practice tests available for you to assess your preparedness for the PgMP certification exam from PMI. Remember, the PgMP is not a simple examination. It will really test your mettle as a Program manager by asking several experiential questions. Every one of these test questions is hand crafted by me and is calibrated to match the degree of difficulty of questions that you can expect in the actual examination. I did my PgMP in 2008 and since then I have helped hundreds of students tackle this challenging examination. Wish you all the best for your examination and do give me feedback if this test helped you in preparing for it."
Price: 29.99

"PMI-ACP Practice Tests" |
"My name is Sandeep Shouche. I have been working in the industry since 1993 and on Agile methods since 2006.In my opinion, the best Agile certification in terms of learning content is the PMI-ACP certification from the Project Management Institute. It has the most comprehensive curriculum that is method agnostic and it does a brilliant job marrying Agile with conventional project management practices. It also has the most challenging exam, but if you ask me this only adds to the value and the allure of the certification.To study for the ACP exam, you have to go through training, read plenty of reference material and become familiar with a large number of new concepts. But you also need to practice the art of test taking with questions and environment similar to the actual exam. That is where this course will help you.This course comprises of 3 full length practice tests to help you prepare. These all consist of 120 questions to be answered over 3 hours just like in your actual test. Go ahead and try these and I am pretty sure that it will help you succeed in your PMI-ACP examination."
Price: 19.99

"Disciplined Agile (CDA) exam practice questions" |
"This course contains three full length practice tests for the Certified Disciplined Agile (CDA) certification. The CDA exam is the foundation for all Disciplined Agile certifications that are being promoted by Project Management Institute (PMI). The CDA exam is non-trivial and will require a detailed understanding of the Disciplined Agile Delivery and Choosing your Way of Working (WoW). These practice tests are modelled on similar lines as the CDA exam and will help you prepare for your test. Good luck!"
Price: 24.99

"Introduction To Principles Of Flight -" |
". - Introduction- Introduction to Aerodynamic (1)- Introduction to Aerodynamic (2)- Jet Engines Operation- Stability"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Moodle" |
"En este curso aprenders el manejo de las operaciones mas importantes de la plataforma Moodle, la cual es una poderosa herramienta utilizada a nivel mundial en la educacin presencial o virtual para gestionar cursos. Al ir avanzado por el curso, el participante ir creaando su propio curso el cual podr poner en funcionamiento una vez haya finalizado el curso ya sea en la universidad donde trabaje o para su propio negocio."
Price: 19.99
