"Curso de Direito Sistmico - Mdulo 1" |
"No primeiro mdulo do curso de Direito Sistmico do IBCJUS, os alunos aprendero sobre o olhar sistmico das Constelaes Familiares aplicado no Direito e na Justia, promovendo uma ampliao da conscincia dos conflitos e a aplicabilidade da cincia que rege os relacionamentos.O curso composto por 11 aulas, de 5 a 9 minutos cada, totalizando assim 1 hora. Esse formato permite que voc assista as aulas onde e quando puder, proporcionando o aprendizado de forma leve e prazerosa.Nele, abordamos o histrico da Constelao Familiar, o que a Constelao Familiar Sistmica, as leis sistmicas, o que o Direito Sistmico, o que a Advocacia Sistmica e, tambm, compartilhamos alguns casos solucionados a partir da viso sistmica."
Price: 189.99

"Twinmotion od Podstaw - Rendering, Projektowanie, Architekt" |
"Ten kurs jest kierowany dla osb pocztkujcych z podan powyej tematyk. Omwimy tutaj podstawy oraz wachlarz funkcjonalnoci oferowany przez niezwykle elastyczne narzdzie TwinmotionZakres obejmuje:Wstp oraz instalacj oprogramowaniaWykorzystanie Sketchup oraz instalacja pluginwZapoznanie z interfejsem oraz skrtowcamiNarzdzia Contex oraz importowanie map z realnego wiata - w tym przypadku Warszawa!Edycja materiaw oraz wykorzystanie ich zmiennychWykorzystanie wbudowanej biblioteki w budowaniu szybkich i efektywnych scenZarzdzanie i manipulacja wartociami pogody, przej oraz owietleniaEksportowanie zdj, panoram oraz wideo"
Price: 69.99

"Cmo producir TRAP y HIP HOP en Ableton Live de 0 a PRO" |
"Bienvenido! En este curso vas a aprender a crear msica en Ableton Live desde 0, vamos a incorporar todos los conceptos relacionados con el audio, para componer, mezclar y masterizar TRAP y HIP HOP, pero lo ms importante es que vas a aprender a aplicar las herramientas y procesos que el programa brinda y existen en el mundo del audio para que puedas plasmar tus ideas y trabajar con cualquier tipo de msica sin importar el gnero.Voy a darte los consejos y aprendizajes que adquir a lo largo de ms de 200 producciones y que me llevaron a trabajar con Warner Music y distintos artistas como Duki, Kodigo, Wolf, G Sony, Rabeat, Midel y DrefQuila entre otros, para liberar tu creatividad y que tus instrumentales, mezclas y msters suenen de manera profesional y estn listas para ser publicadas en plataformas como Spotify y YouTube."
Price: 199.99

"Aprende a usar el programa de edicin de imagen GIMP" |
"Quieres aprender a usar las herramientas y funciones del programa de edicin de imgenes GIMP a travs de una proyecto de fotomontaje? El proyecto que vamos a realizar combina dibujo con retoque fotogrfico. Se trata de una Seccin fugada de la Casa Farnsworth, icono de la arquitectura moderna. A travs de este proyecto obtendrs los conocimientos necesarios para llevar a cabo tus propias creaciones digitales."
Price: 19.99

"CURSO PROFESIONAL COMPLETO, donde se aprende a corregir todo tipo de daos en la carrocera de los vehculos, SIN DAAR LA PINTURA ORIGINAL DEL MISMO, en muy corto tiempo, con una calidad de primer nivel, y sin gastos de insumos, logrando de esta manera, importantes ingresos, cualquier persona est en condiciones de aprender este hermoso oficio, ya que no es necesario poseer conocimientos previos de ninguna clase, hemos tratado de hacer lo ms prctico y sencillo, todo lo que se vierte en el CURSO, tanto en lo escrito, como en los innumerables vdeos explicativos."
Price: 199.99

"YouTube Success: Create and Grow Your YouTube Channel" |
"Have you ever considered building your own YouTube channel, or even learning how to make your existing channel more popular? Here's the best online course to jumpstart and grow your YouTube success!Learn about:Increasing Video Watch TimeHow to Turn Views into SubscribersOptimize Content SearchabilityUnderstand the ""YouTube Algorithm"" and How to Utilize it to Grow Your Channel's Popularity""Ten Tips"" for YouTube SuccessYouTube TheoryReach Monetization Quicker"
Price: 49.99

smileharproom-basic |
Price: 24000.00

"Full-stack Deno with GraphQL, NextJS, and PostgreSQL" |
"This course will guild you how to use/integrate modern and well-established technologies such as Deno.js, GraphQL, NextJS, and PostgreSQL to build a professional, real-world full-stack application.# What are we going build?A full-stack JWT authentication system# What topics this course will cover?Create web server with Deno.js and Oak frameworkCreate GraphQL server with Oak GraphQL librarySetup PostgreSQL database and connect to the serverWrite GraphQL API (schema, queries, mutations)How to use Oak middleware functionHow to manipulate Oak Context and use it to pass data between middlewareHow to use CookiesHow to create, send, and validate JWT tokenPerform PostgreSQL Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operationsHow to send email in Deno.jsHow to connect NextJS application with Deno web server using Apollo Client (v3)Fetch data from GraphQL API with Apollo Client Hooks (useQuery, useMutation)How to write Apollo Hooks as custom hook functionHow to fetch data from GraphQL API on server-side in NextJSManage state with React Context APIHow to protect route on client-side in NextJSHow to protect route on server-side in NextJS"
Price: 19.99

"CIA Part 1 - Practice Exam - 2020 Version -750 MCQs" |
"The Best-selling CIA course supplement includes the following features: Best Bank of Exam-Quality Questions Most Realistic Practice Exam ExperienceThis platform is designed to provide the most realistic practice experience possible. Being familiar with the look, feel and difficulty of actual exam is key to passing with confidence on the first tryThis course covers the updated syllabus 2020 of CIA Part 1 Foundations of Internal Auditing (15%) Independence and Objectivity (15%) Proficiency and Due Professional Care (18%) Quality Assurance and Improvement Program (7%) Governance, Risk Management, and Control (35%) Fraud Risks (10%)"
Price: 99.99

"CMA (USA) PART 1 - Practice Exam - 2020 Version - 1200 MCQs" |
"The best-selling CMA course supplement includes the following features:Best Bank Of Exam-Quality QuestionsMost Realistic Practice Exam ExperienceHundreds of multiple-choice and essay questions. Practice with MCQs and essays designed to prepare you for the real exam, and get detailed answer explanations.Know what to expect for the real exam! This platform is designed to provide the most realistic practice experience possible. Being familiar with the look, feel, and difficulty of the actual exam is key to passing with confidence on the first try.15% - External Financial Reporting Decisions20% - Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting20% - Performance Management15% - Cost Management15% - Internal Controls15% - Technology and Analytics"
Price: 99.99

"CMA (USA) PART 2 - Practice Exam - 2020 Version - 1000+ MCQs" |
"The best-selling CMA course supplement includes the following features:Best Bank Of Exam-Quality QuestionsMost Realistic Practice Exam ExperienceHundreds of multiple-choice and essay questions. Practice with MCQs and essays designed to prepare you for the real exam, and get detailed answer explanations. This platform is designed to provide the most realistic practice experience possible. Being familiar with the look, feel, and difficulty of the actual exam is key to passing with confidence on the first try.20% Financial Statement Analysis.20% Corporate Finance.25% Decision Analysis.10% Risk Management.10% Investment Decisions.15% Professional Ethics."
Price: 99.99

"CIA Part 2- 2020 Version - 900+MCQs" |
"The Best-selling CIA course supplement includes the following features: Best Bank of Exam-Quality Questions Most Realistic Practice Exam ExperienceThis platform is designed to provide the most realistic practice experience possible. Being familiar with the look, feel and difficulty of actual exam is key to passing with confidence on the first tryThis course covers the updated syllabus 2020 of CIA Part 2I. Managing the Internal Audit Activity (20%)II. Planning the Engagement (20%)III. Performing the Engagement (40%)IV. Communicating Engagement Results and Monitoring Progress (20%)"
Price: 99.99

"CIA part 3- 2020 Version - 1000+MCQs" |
"The Best-selling CIA course supplement includes the following features: Best Bank of Exam-Quality Questions Most Realistic Practice Exam ExperienceThis platform is designed to provide the most realistic practice experience possible. Being familiar with the look, feel and difficulty of actual exam is key to passing with confidence on the first tryThis course covers the updated syllabus 2020 of CIA Part 3I. Business Acumen (35%)II. Information Security (25%)III. Information Technology (20%)IV. Financial Management (20%)"
Price: 99.99

"ICSE Computer Application Concepts+Last Year Paper Solution" |
"It's a perfect blend of conceptual clarity and programming practice sessions along with ongoing lectures. It not only takes you coupe for the entire course, but, it makes you equipped and mentally prepared for MAX scoring capabilities too, with add-ons like, solving previous years' exam papers with the accurate solutions and also with the accurate way of presentation needed by the respective school or college. We are coming with another course which helps in developing academic projects, shortly. Till then, ramp up your programming skill set."
Price: 1280.00

"Unlocking kid's creative mojo" |
"In this course adults working with kids will explore ways to help kids with language arts, self-expression, and communicating. More importantly, you will learn how to connect with your kids naturally, easily and in a way that doesnt take much time. Maximizing quality time and engaging them in learning and talking. Guided to engage kids through different techniques in poetry writing, participants will learn how to have fun while building self-esteem and checking off gift lists. Best of all, you do not need to know grammar."
Price: 19.99

"ITIL 4 Foundation - Simulado 2020 (Simulado mais confivel)" |
"O simulado completo e direcionado aos alunos que j fizeram o curso de ITIL e gostaria de tirar a certificao internacional ITIL 4 Foundation. Ao responder o questionrio o aluno ter acesso as explicaes claras das respostas, apoiando na viso geral da teoria vs prtica e testando o domnio do contedo.(+) duas perguntas bnus sobre os processos do dia a dia impactados no ITIL"
Price: 99.99

"Sales Result Guarantors 21 - for High Value Sales" |
"Sales Result Guarantors 21 has the secrets that powerful sales leaders across the world use to get sales, build lifelong relationships with their clients and create a reputation for excellence. Anyone who learns and follows these 21 steps will get guaranteed results in high value sales. These are details that the ordinary sales person ignores and therefore remains..........well.........ordinary. The course has videos and resources to help you take your selling game to the next level."
Price: 1280.00

"Learn flute with Bhaskar vatya" |
"In this Bamboo Flute Course you will learn basics of Bamboo Flute like how to blow, thumb & fingers position, then some of alankaar, Ornaments of Indian Bamboo Flute & Indian Classical Music like Meend,Gamak, Murkhi, Khatka, Kanswar, And also We will See Some Indian Classical Raags too, some bollywood songs, any of your Choice Music. etc till the masters"
Price: 10560.00

"O Trader Vencedor" |
"Aprenda de forma profissional, leitura de anlise grfica. Pontos importantes que devem ser analisados, como as estruturas, os traamentos corretos de linhas e o que fazer quando preo sair delas. O segredo por trs de Fibonacci e como determinar pontos entrada e sada da operao, atravs delas. Saa do absoluto zero, e se torne um Trader analista profissional."
Price: 249.99

ftservice1 |
Price: 19.99

"Econometrics in Excel for MBA and professionals" |
"There are many great Econometrics courses on Udemy which sell in thousands of copies. However, busy MBA students and professionals might not have sufficient programming experience to run econometric models in Python, R, Stata or Eviews. MS Excel, on the other hand, is a familiar and accessible tool which can be used for advanced data analytics. In this concise course I have carefully selected the most important econometric tools and techniques that are really needed to understand the complicated relationships that exist in your data. Linear regression is the absolute must for data analysis and Analysis ToolPak is a simple yet powerful feature available in MS Excel. The key concepts used in this course have been distilled based on my experience with many groups of business students that I have taught in three MBA programs and various industries. Improved English subtitles (not automatically generated) Excel Datenanalyse in Excel mit Untertiteln in deutscher SpracheExcel Excel Uchambuzi wa data huko Excel na manukuu kwa lugha ya Kiswahili"
Price: 39.99

"AI in Healthcare: Deep Neural Networks and Quantum Learning" |
"AI is an enabler in transforming healthcare delivery in terms of treatment modalities and their outcomes, electronic health records-based prediction, diagnosis and prognosis and precision medicine. This course will introduce you to the cutting edge advances in AI concerning healthcare by exploiting deep learning architectures.The course aims to provide students from diverse backgrounds with both conceptual understanding and technical grounding of leading research on AI in healthcare. Highlighted topics to be covered in this course are listed below; 1. AI functionality and what is refueling AI in healthcare.2. Deep Learning Convolutional Networks for AI Healthcare.3. Role and Management of Big Data Computing in AI Healthcare.4. How Hadoop and Python is cultivating AI based wellbeing.5. AI based solutions for Neurological Diseases using Deep Learning.6. AI for Brain Computer Interfacing and Neuromodulation.7. AI algorithms for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plans for Tumors.8. How to model an AI problem in Healthcare.9. How to create, preprocess and augment a data set for AI based Healthcare.10. How to use transfer learning in multiclass classification healthcare problems.11. Optimizers to be used in Deep learning Healthcare Problems.12. Leading Convolutional Neural Networks (ALEXNET & INCEPTION) and validation indices.12. Recurrent Neural Networks extending to Long Short Term Memory.13. An understanding of Green AI.14. Implementations of Neural Networks in Keras and Pytorch.15. Introduction to Quantum Machine Learning.16. Algorithms related to Quantum Machine Learning in TensorFlow Quantum and Qiskit."
Price: 149.99

"PINTEREST PERFECTION: From Pins to Profit" |
"Pinterest is easy to ease, beautiful to look at, and extremely effective. Its one of the best ways to connect with your soulmate clients because theyre already looking for you.Yes, thats rightyour clients are ready, willing, and eager to buy from you on Pinterest. Thats because Pinterest isnt a social media channel. Its a search engine and people use it to search for products and services. This means theyre already ready to BUY!When you understand this, you can start using Pinterest to drive traffic to your website, attract your ideal clients, and start making sales in your sleep.In this course you'll learn how to:Set up your Pinterest for businessSEO/keyword optimization for your Pinterest boards and pinsDesign tips and tricks to create eye-catching pinsWhat to pin, when to pin it, and whereScheduling tools for PinterestBest practices to get your content found and keep your followers coming back for moreGrow your following and expand your reach with PinterestDrive traffic to your blog or website with PinterestAutomate your sales with Pinterest"
Price: 19.99

"CREST Practitioner Security Analyst (CPSA) Practice Tests" |
"CREST CPSA Practice tests, 160 questions created by industry leaders and senior security consultants. In light of COVID 19 we have brought our testing questions to Udemy for you have a means of passing your CREST CPSA exam with similar questions to those that will be presented to you in the exam. Our goal was to provide the most accurate and most affordable CREST CPSA Practice questions on the internet. Instructors will be on hand to ask any questions should you need more clarity. Not all but most questions come with an explanation for further understanding."
Price: 29.99

"PHR Practice Exams 2020" |
"2 PHR practice exams 160+ PHR actual questions All PHR topics 30 days money back guaranteeMonthly updated questions7/24 support from Q$APHR practice exams Good Luck!Example Question:Your organization uses ADDIE for developing new seminars and training. During the design of the course, you need to follow four distinct steps to create a good training design. Which of the following is NOT one of the four steps of design?A. Identify the outcome objectives.B. Identify the distribution methods.C. Identify learning methodologies.D. Gain agreement and sign-off.Answer option B is correct."
Price: 19.99

"The 3 Spiritual Steps to Abundance." |
"This course consists of 7 recordings IntroductionWhat really stops us from moving forward in our business?A description of 3 main blocks -FEAR, REJECTION AND UNWORTHINESS - and how they affect us.What are blocks?An overview of what the blocks are and how they become encoded in our energy field.Step 1 - Releasing the emotion of fear.You will be guided to release the emotion of FEAR.Step 2 - Release the emotions of rejection and unworthinessYou will be guided to release the emotion of REJECTION and UNWORTHINESSStep 3 - Create the life you wantYou will be guided through a powerful process to create the life you wants.Conclusion"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Edge Computing" |
"Introduction to Edge Computing is for beginners to gain a quick understanding of the edge computing technology. The course covers various topics such as the evolution of computing industry, cloud computing basics and edge computing. The course provides information on the different types of edge compute deployments, different types of edge compute services (such as CDN Edge, IOT Edge, and Multi-access Edge (MEC)). The course also educates the students on the different vendor platforms, software services, standard bodies and open source communities available for edge computing."
Price: 1280.00

"AZ-500 Azure Security Technologies Practice Tests" |
"Validate your skills with Azure AZ-500 Practice Tests and become a Microsoft Azure Security Technologies professional.We prepare practice tests in the last references of the exam so that you can test your knowledge and have chances of passing the first attempt.Features and benefits:You only buy once and have lifetime access.Content updated frequently.All exam objectives are addressed so that the student knows if he / she is prepared for the exam.Performance-based practice tests provide the student with a better learning experience.The timed person prepares the conditions for the ""exam"" with a graphical score at the end.You have a 30-day refund if you don't like our practice tests for any reason.Content included in the practice tests:Manage identity and access.Implement platform protection.Manage security operations.Secure data and applications.Who should take the AZ-500 exam?Candidates who pass the Microsoft Azure AZ-500 Exam are Microsoft Azure security engineers responsible for implementing security controls, maintaining security posture, managing identity and access and protecting data, applications and networks. Candidates taking the AZ-500 exam must have strong scripting and automation skills, as well as a deep understanding of network architecture, virtualization and N-layer architecture in the cloud. In addition, the candidate must have a strong familiarity with the cloud features, Microsoft Azure products and services and other Microsoft products and services.How do I prepare for the AZ-500?The Microsoft Azure Architect Design exam is for those who have strong automation and scripting skills with an understanding of network, virtualization and cloud architecture. In this certification, you will be able to validate your skills to design secure, reliable and scalable applications to become an Azure Certified Security Engineer. As you prepare, 1. Scroll through the plants to get an idea of the exam section. 2. Look for online courses that will help you understand things better. 3. Do as many practical tests as possible to check your strength and weakness.IMPORTANT:Unofficial testing practice.We offer educational materials and practical tests to assist and help students prepare for these exams.All certification marks used are the property of the respective owners of the marks. We do not own or claim any ownership in any of the Marks."
Price: 114.99

"- advanced password attacks" |
"Welcome to my course and thank you to enroll my course . I'm vignesh and im a penetrating tester since 2017 and i love hacking and technologies so here i would like to Change real world to technology world and prevent from the cyber attack so in this i have teach about advanced cracking level of the passwords and create the worldlist for crack the password and CFT challenge for testing knowledge in tamil language Note!!!!!Do want to learn the hacking and cannot know how to start ? This course for you zero knowledge about Linux and zero knowledge about programming and networking This a course only in the tamil languages !!!!!!!!!!!More challenge in course Once again i thank you to enrollAll best and do the best for beginners level hackers !!!!!!!!!"
Price: 1280.00

"Shredders Weight Loss Workouts And Diet Guidance" |
"This course is intended for healthy adults who do not have any chronic disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease or any others. In addition, this course does not provide information for people who have food allergies or intolerances.Losing weight and keeping it off requires planning and goal-setting. Crash diets or fad diets are ineffective and can be dangerous. This course provides evidence-based information for planning and following a weight loss program that is safe and effective in producing a one to two pound loss per week.This course will help learners establish the following:1. A realistic goal weight with a specific plan for rate of weight loss and time frame for achieving goal weight.2. A realistic goal for the frequency, duration, and intensity of exercise that will enable the learner to achieve and maintain the goal weight.3. A specific set of strategies for grocery shopping, eating in restaurants, eating at social occasions, and dealing with hunger and emotional eating.4. A plan for monitoring food intake, exercise and weight loss.5. A plan for continued evaluation of progress to goals and strategies for adjusting goals for continued weight loss for the next 6 months or longer.6. A thorough understanding of the difficulty of maintaining weight loss and a plan for maximizing the chances of keeping off the weight lost."
Price: 2560.00

arcdrawing |
"( - - -- - - -- -)."
Price: 39.99
