"Neue Kunden entspannt und effektiv gewinnen" |
"Neukunden-Akquisition wird erfolgreich mit einer klaren Strategie, differenzierter Verkaufspsychologie, strukturierten Prozessen und einer berzeugenden Rhetorik.Wer Neukundenakquisition zu seinen/ihren Aufgaben zhlt, ist hier richtig: Auendienst, Innendienst, Freelancer.Vertriebsfhrungskrfte und Unternehmer erhalten wertvolle Impulse, um ihren Vertrieb zu steuern und ihre Mitarbieter/innen optimal zu entwickeln.Einsteiger erhalten ein sofort umsetzbares Erfolgssystem.Erfahrene Mitarbeiter erhalten Auffrischung und Feinschliff, knnen Routinen hinterfragen und neue Impulse mitnehmen."
Price: 74.99

"Engines - STEM Essentials" |
"Tackle Engines head-on, all in less than 2-hours! Be confident in the concept, configurations, and improvements of engines, from diesel all the way up to hybrids and electric vehicles.Whats important to engineers when designing, improving and using engines? What are all the key components? How does the energy flow? You'll be able to answer all these after watching this course. Daniel is your navigator of all things Engineering, and also the founder of Engineering All Sorts, where were all about Engineering for Educators - STEM education to help you to be confident in the details."
Price: 24.99

"Part 1 - Bouquet" |
". , . , , , , . . 3 . Part1 Bouquet . 6 5 . , !"
Price: 220000.00

"GCP Associate Cloud Engineer Practice Test Updated July 2020" |
"This course has 2 x practice test with 50 questions each. This will help you to pass the GCP associate cloud engineer exam. You need to take 70% to pass each practice test. GCP official exam does not have any specified pass percentage. This questions are based on the official exam study guide that has been written by Dan Sullivan. This will be very useful to relate the scenario questions"
Price: 1280.00

"Blue Prism Developer Certification AD01 - Learn by Studying" |
"All of our course materials, including these two sample AD01 certification exams have been designed for students who genuinely want to learn and become better developers. If you're looking for an exam dump, please look elsewhere. We've been training Blue Prism developers online and in workshop sessions for over three years now. Hundreds of students have obtained their Blue Prism certifications through our training courses.What this exam offers:High quality questions matching (or surpassing) the difficulty of the actual exams. By ""surpass"" we mean that we've deliberately tried to not include obviously incorrect choices. This gives you more opportunities to learnQuestions designed to track the exact topics, style and concepts on the actual examDetailed answers for each response. The answers teach you the theory and best practice concepts needed to not only pass the exam, but to become a better developer. All of the answers have been checked in the Blue Prism software and documentation to ensure their correctnessNear-perfect English grammar and unambiguous questions"
Price: 19.99

"Create your first program in Python within 1 hour!" |
"First Iota hands-on course available.Enough with evangelism. Enough with shallow info that you already know.We will take you by the hand and allow you to code your first program with iota within one hour, with a structured and easy-to-follow approach. In only 7 videos you'll be able to take the first step in your Iota development, demystifing the coding and discovering sources to further your solutions."
Price: 39.99

"Travel Website Making Free of Cost" |
"This is a very easy course in which we have shown complete step by step how to make a Free Website. The best part of this course is that you can complete it in less than 30 minutes and you would get instant result. A website is the most important part of most of the business now days. If you have professional looking website which is dynamic and not static then it would surely benefit your business. "
Price: 19.99

"Yurtd naat Projeleri'nde alma ve Yaam" |
"niversite yllarnda ve mezun olduktan sonraki senelerde Bizim de kafamzda, Yurtd'nda byk projelerde almak ile alakal birok soru iareti, nyarglarmz & korkularmz vard. Uzun yllar deiik lkelerde deiik projelerde alarak edindiimiz tecrbelerimizi, ekip arkadalarmla da istiare edip aadaki balklar halinde hazrladk. Projelerde hangi grevleri alabiliriz?Kendimizi hangi ynlerde gelitirmeliyiz ki rekabeti piyasada ayakta kalabilelim?Hangi software'leri renelim? Hangi Sertifikalar alrsak ne karz?Hangi yabanc diller bizi tercih edilebilir klar?Okulda aldmz dersleri nerede kullanacaz?CV'mizi nasl hazrlamalyz?Yurtd'nda inaat projelerinde maa skalalar nasldr?Araba & Ev & zin haklar nasldr?Deiik lkelerden rnekler. Suudi Arabistan, Fas, katar, Tanzanya.Yurtd'nda almann avantajlar - dezavantajlar Dnya'nn en krl irketi alanlarna hangi haklar veriyor?Btn bu konulara, yaadmz tecrbeler ve rneklerle deineceiz ve kendinizi Yurtd'nda / byk projelerde alma konusunda hazr hissedeceksiniz.Proje Ynetimi Dngs ve Procurement flowchart konusunda baz teknik & zet bilgileri bu derste verdik. Hazrlamakta olduumuz 'Project Management' dersine bir giri olmas ve baz terminolojilere almanz iin yararl olacan dnyoruz."
Price: 69.99

"Critical Path Made Easy" |
"This video is for students , Managers and Engineers for understanding how to create a network diagram , understand floats and find the Critical Path.The Projects are made up of many activities and the activities have dependencies or relationships. If all the dependencies are depicted in a logical diagrammatic representation and we are able to show the flexibility of certain activities , then we have a complete picture of the project in a time line.Once the Network diagram is established we can find the flexibility of various activities and determine the longest path in which we can finish all the activities in the shortest time."
Price: 19.99

"Algoritmo com PORTUGUS ESTRUTURADO usando VisualG" |
"Est sentindo dificuldade em aprender uma linguagem de programao ou voc quer aprender uma linguagem de programao? Se a resposta SIM ento voc PRECISA APRENDER ALGORITMO PRIMEIRO. Isso porque todos os cdigos em qualquer linguagem de programao conhecida SO ALGORITMOS. E o que um algoritmo?Este curso vai ensinar voc a abstrair problemas de uma maneira lgica em sequncias de passos para voc resolver todo e qualquer problema. Somente assim voc vai conseguir escrever cdigos de programas como sempre sonhou. Algoritmo no se resume apenas em codificao de programas mas em matemtica, resoluo de problemas e definio de processos."
Price: 39.99

"Introduction to Research, Definition, Types, Methods, Components, Research proposal, how to write a research proposal, and ethics.To understand what is research and why we need to do it.To gain knowledge about research as a whole and each of its individualistic parts.To understands the concept of research and its purposes.To discuss the type of research.To understand different methods of research.To enlighten the process of research.To highlights the conceptual structure of the research design.To understand how to read a research paper and how to write a research proposal."
Price: 24.99

"Java Intro" |
"Taking this course will provide you with a basic foundation in Java syntax, which is the first step towards becoming a successful Java developer. Youll learn how computers make decisions and how Java keeps track of information through variables and data types. Youll learn to create conditional statements, methods to process information and solve problems. Youll even learn to use IntelliJ, a Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that professional developers use, to build, compile, and debug your code. These are foundational programming skills. This course is the first in our Java Programming course series. After you complete this course, you'll be ready to take Object Oriented Programming in Java."
Price: 19.99

"Curso digital para aprender piano" |
"Aprenda a tocar Piano de una manera sencilla y con acordes contemporneos. Este curso de piano online te lleva desde cero a entender las bases que gobiernan este instrumento. Aprende la tcnica correcta y entenders su funcionamiento y desarrollars tus habilidades y destrezas en el piano mediante divertidos ejercicios. Practica y juega con el teclado musical."
Price: 49.99

"Just Eat Intermittent Fasting Coaching Bootcamp" |
"Can You Relate? Are you tired of depriving yourself the food you love?Are you tired of counting calories and weighing your food? Are you tired of spending money on slimming shakes, pills and teas?Do want to lose weight and burn fat in a natural way? Do you want to learn the sustainable and easy way to lose weight while enjoying the food you enjoy?Do you want to learn from someone who has found amazing success with adopting an intermittent fasting lifestyle?Do You want to learn the scientifically proven way of losing weight and burning stored fat just by choosing 'WHEN' to eat not necessarily 'WHAT' to eat? then, this Just Eat Intermittent Fasting Coaching Bootcamp is for YOU?Learn how you can enjoy the food you love and still enjoy great health and achieve your health and fitness goals.Why Learn From Me? ""Intermittent Fasting Has Liberated Me from 30 Years of Obesity!""I am sharing with you what I wish I knew for the past 30 years when I was struggling with obesity and trapped in ""yo-yo"" dieting, Having struggled with obesity and tried many unsustainable diets for many years, intermittent has been my solution to a healthy living, Not only have I gone many sizes down, I have normalized my blood pressure, cured my body inflammations,Intermittent fasting has improved my psychological, emotional and overall life among many other benefits,It is not an understatement when I say I have tried as many diets as one could ever think of. At all times my weight fluctuated between 105kg (231lbs) and 79kg (174lbs). With my height at 165cm (5'4''), according to my BMI, I was either medically very obese, obese or in the overweight category most of the time,During my self experimentation with intermittent fasting in 2017, I ate anything and everything my heart desired and still saw myself shrinking every week and every month,Its been more than three years and I am still enjoying my flexible life of 'zero' self denial and I am not gaining any weight or body fat,I am sharing this scientifically proven lifestyle backed by my personal experience and discoveries. I have also shared in details in my book ' Just Eat Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle'. Learn how you can enjoy all your meals and be healthy by choosing WHEN to eat not necessarily WHAT to eat. Enroll Now!What to expect from this course?You will discover the secret to weight loss and good health by avoiding self-denial and JUST EATING!You will learn the scientific way of targeting the stored body fat by managing insulin,You will appreciate that intermittent fasting is a health and wellness lifestyle with a side effect of weight loss!You will be happy to learn that it's not 'What' you eat but rather 'When' you eat that determines your success with burning stored body fat!I will also take you through my successful intermittent fasting journey and share personal experiences as well as provide you with practical tips of achieving great health,You will learn that you do not need to sacrifice the food you love. You can still have your ice cream, burger and still look good and feel light,You will learn how our emotions can affect our eating habits, and how intermittent fasting has helped me and many others to stop emotional eating,I will guide and coach you by answering your questions directly throughout your personal journey! Lets do this! Included in the course are interactive video presentation, summary note and self reflective exercises covering the following topics:Introduction to intermittent fastingMy Intermittent fasting journey success storyBenefits of intermittent fastingMethods of intermittent fastingThe best way to begin intermittent fasting lifestyleIntermittent fasting frequently asked questionsBonus feature : Emotional Eating and Food Anxiety AssessmentCertification of completion Training methodology and you will receive:Practical informative conversational videos, Summary tests and downloadable PDF attachments for those who prefer to read further,Detailed explanation of how to start,My past detailed 'Yo-Yo' dieting roller coaster, Success Stories from those who have found success on this lifestyle,Tips and advice on how to be successful on intermittent fasting lifestyle,Frequently asked questions and answers,Testimonials : Just Eat Intermittent Fasting Coaching Program1. "" This Just Eat Intermittent Fasting Course Has Been A Major Game Changer In My Life"". - Hlengiwe FakuIve struggled with weight for the longest time in my life. Ive tried all sorts of diets, meal plans and gimmicks. All these hacks 'diets' seemed to work at first; I would loose the weight then gain it all back even more. In November of 2019, I was introduced to this amazing lifestyle and Ive never looked back since. These are some of the benefits that I still enjoy from my new found lifestyle; Helped me to lose my excess weight, I moved from a size 36/38 to a size 32Lost the excess belly fat and reduction of inflammation No more insomnia , no more No Migraines More mind clarity and inner calmness And I feel and look younger -Anti agingRachel's Just Eat Intermittent fasting Coaching Boot camp has been so effective, motivational and inspirational because she supported me throughout the process. Her quick response is also what I love most. Her Videos are informative, fun, interactive and easy to understand. Rachel's practical program has helped me achieve my health and fitness goals. 2. ""Coach Rachel Nekati is an inspiration indeed not only is she a professional Coach, she lives her teaching"" Tsampa MdhluliRachel coached me first to change my lifestyle through Intermittent Fasting. I live a liberated life where I eat only when I am hungry. I am so disciplined when it comes to managing my eating habits. This has translated to other areas of my life, I commit and make good decisions most of the time. Her first practical book titled ""Just eat"" is written in the most amazing easy to read way. After reading the book, Rachel explains the Intermittent Fasting lifestyle like a pro. Coach Rachel does not judge anyone in the process of taking you from your zero to hero. Your interactions with Rachel opens your mind to apply the acquired skills to all other spheres of life. I recommend anyone who needs a knowledgeable Coach to change their life forever to enroll on this course.3. ""Rachel gives in depth explanation, practical examples as well as her life experience with Intermittent fasting"" Rumbi ChonyeraRachel clearly breaks down intermittent fasting in an easy and simple way to understand. Her examples helped me visualize what happens in my body when I eat. The course is well arranged and I like that she also provides text summary over and above the video presentations which helps one to read again after watching the videos.4. ""I Listen To My Body Not Look At The Clock"" Bomolemo SelalediIt's now a lifestyle, a part of me that I can't imagine life without. Meal times are not determined by time, but rather I listen to my body. This lifestyle has brought about: alertness, focus,increased energy levels, inner peace & happiness, remarkable and sustained weight - loss.It's now an effortless hobby. Thanks to you Rachel5. ""I know the right time to eat my meals"" - Nyangu MolefiJust Eat Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle helped me to live a healthy lifestyle by knowing when its the right time to have my meals. I don't snack nor eat the entire day. My body feels light and I have attained very clear skin. I feel good and healthier among many other benefits.6. ""Practical, Interesting and Easy to understand Program"" Ukhonaye DotwanaI am really happy of this coaching program with Coach Rachel. My knowledge about intermittent fasting has significantly increased. I appreciate the fact that Coach Rachel explains extensively the principles of intermittent fasting and breaks down into detail the fasting times and eating windows for a much better understanding. Rachel's videos are very clear and easy to understand. I like the fact that she gives practical examples and also her personal experiences with intermittent fasting.It is great to learn from Rachel because she has had amazing success with everything she teaches.7. ""This lifestyle has cured my migraine"" Angelinah D. Ramogobya ChikaI am so happy for being part of this Just Eat Intermittent Fasting Coaching Bootcamp. This Course has changed my life for the better. In addition to losing weight and reaching my body composition goals, Intermittent Fasting provided countless other health benefits. I have more energy, increased mental clarity. My fitness and endurance levels has also improved significantly. I am happy to say I no longer worry much about frequent migraine headaches attacks. My mood swings have reduced greatly.I love this lifestyle so much and I am so happy for my coach, Rachel Nekati for introducing this lifestyle to me. I love the way she facilitates this course and how she explains the concepts. Her way of teaching is amazing and her delivery method makes intermittent fasting easy to understand.8. ""I now listen to my body"" - Sthembiso Just Eat Intermittent Fasting has made appreciate the importance to listen to my body, thank for this practical course. 9. ""I have Developed better eating habits"" - Gopolang Ontumetse""Just Eat Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle has definitely changed my eating habits. When I travel i used to buy sweets fizzy drinks loads of junk food and eat as ll the way . When I travel, I buy only water and during my window. At home I just drink tea and water. Im always full of energy and I find I eat healthy foods 90% of the time.10. ""I am now able to control my eating habits"" - Annah MutengaFor me Just Eat Intermittent fasting really helped me to control my eating habits. I used to snack a lot; as early as 7 am then it would continue through out the day. Now, I am only eating during my window. My body has really shrunk and it's noticeable. I am happy with this lifestyle.11. "" I no longer turn to food for comfort "" Langanagi SlaveLimited eating times helps me not to eat as often as I used to. I no longer resort to cups of tea when I get overwhelmed by my job. I no longer resort to snacks to avoid boredom. This is my first week after making up my mind to embark on this lifestyle and I feel its working. No more snacking and tea breaks the entire day. I feel great. You too, can Lose Weight. Achieve Good Health. Claim Back your Desired Body, whilst Eating Anything You Want at the Right Time! Join Me Now! #SeeYouInside"
Price: 19.99

gamedevunityarabic |
". . ( , ) ."
Price: 49.99

"Complete course on weight loss : U & Diet" |
"In this course you will receive a lot of subject knowledge on weight losing. You will be clear with concepts like how to loss and maintain your body weight, How to plan a meal for yourself and others, How to keep yourself motivated while on your weight loss journey.I will Describe the whole science behind weight loss and will tell you different methods to loss weight and which are proven for losing healthy weight. You will also get to know about what you should do according to your weight and level of weight you want to loss from few ounces to 80 ounces can be reduced by following the course. You will get to know many strategies and tactics that help you in losing weight without starving and I will let you eat for the whole day with these tricks. many unknown factors about weight loss are discussed in this course which will help you a lot. I am sure that if you follow everything provided in the course you will loss your weight as my real clients get benefited by these methods. I briefly explain my whole practical knowledge through which I loss weight of people so that you can also loss your weight. If you are fed up of dieting, many types of restricted diet this course is worth for you.U & DietDiet consulting Company"
Price: 9600.00

"Pure Hypertrophy" |
"Technical Optimization is an eight week program focused on movements that are designed to perfect technique in the shortest amount of time by utilizing: progressive overload, training frequency, and muscle recruitment. Most trainees have no clue where to start on the fitness journey, this is the solution. Trainees will learn the five fundamental lifts that can transform any physique while getting stronger. I would love to share my 10+ years of health and fitness experience with you guys!"
Price: 19.99

"Manifesting the Love You Want" |
"Are you looking to attract the right partner into your life? Wonder how to create harmony in your relationship? Long to be aligned with the frequency of love so you can manifest the relationship you desire?If you answered YES to the above questions, then you came to the right place, beloved. In this Manifesting Love You Want course, we depart on a journey of self discovery, attracting love, harnessing harmonious relationships, exploring senses and emotions, and becoming the essence of LOVE in our emotional body. I put together this truly unique experience for you by combining my knowledge and skills as a couple therapist, women pleasure coach, aromatherapist, and Taoist practitioner. How you can benefit from this course...Gaining control over who your choose to attractGenerating an aura of self-lovePowerful daily practices that help you get clear on the type of partner you really want and how to attract that perfect partnerHow to build an unshakable trust that the love of your life is on his way to youAromatic scents and essential oils that support the release of attraction and love hormones Effective communication techniquesEstablishing healthy boundaries to honor your self while at the same time creating a loving bond with your partnerCreating shifts in feminine and masculine polarities within yourself that affect how you show up in your relationships Understanding where you are in your relationship to avoid toxic patternsAND there is MORE...Be LOVE section includes empowering talks and heart opening meditations to guide you on the path of self-love, high vibrations, love, forgiveness, emotional release, and feminine embodiment. I want to love you without clutching, appreciate you without judging, join you without invading, invite you without demanding, leave you without guilt, criticize you without blaming, and help you without insulting. If I can have the same from you, then we can truly meet and enrich each other. Virginia Satir"
Price: 129.99

interperscommskills |
". ."
Price: 24.99

python5153 |
". . kares numpy . : + : Anaconda : + + + ( ) + ( ) : + + + + + : + Tuples + + + : + + + + + : +"
Price: 49.99

"Hacking de redes Wi-Fi" |
"Actualmente el sector de la ciberseguridad y el hacking tico es el de ms crecimiento en Europa, Amrica y Asia. Los constantes ciberataques de los que son victimas las empresas, tanto pequeas como grandes, ha hecho que los profesionales de la ciberseguridad sean los perfiles ms demandados para cubrir las carencias.En este curso vamos a ensear que ataques realizan los hackers para introducirse en las redes WiFi domsticas y empresariales. Veremos que ataques usan para capturar contraseas, informacin sensible o incluso inutilizar una red entera.En el curso vamos a aprender que tcnicas y contramedidas podemos usar como ethical hackers para defendernos y detectar de los ciberataques que amenazan nuestra red."
Price: 34.99

"Noun and pronouns are the fundamentals of any language and this course is equally helpful for elementary students as well as freshmen as it deals with each aspect of the topic undertaken.Each concept has been explained in detail with ample examples and questions. All you need to do is watch the videos and then attempt the test related to the video. Here you will also get the study material for future reference.After the completion of the course you will find a remarkable difference in your knowledge as well as the application of the concepts that you have learnt. "
Price: 29.99

"Drawing Birds with Pastels in Renaissance Style" |
"RequirementsAny soft, thick drawing paper. I recommend brands Fabiano and Archer.An assortment of pastels. I recommend brands Rembrandt, Faber Castell, or Schmincke.DescriptionDraw three birds in the Renaissance style, under 5 hours, using soft pastels and pencils. In this course you will learn techniques for creating beautiful, artistic, vibrant drawings of a parrot, an owl, and a rooster, using colored pastels and soft pencils. I start from scratch with each drawing and guide you through the entire process. It will be fun and easy, and your creations can then be framed, or gifted to your friends or family. This course is for anyone, and does not require prior experience with drawing.Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to draw, particularly animal lovers and bird lovers."
Price: 19.99

"Be a 'Specialist' In Key Account Acquisition and Management" |
"If you have recognised that a small number of customers are responsible for a large volume of your business (and this does apply to most businesses!), then you should be focusing on locking them in. Specially, post COVID -19 siutation, Key accounts have not only become your most valued clientele, but are also the accounts most likely targeted by your competition. Therefore, it is of significant importance to continuously advance ones skills in developing and managing key accounts, to ensure you can retain your most important clients and simultaneously maintain your organisations long term viability. By the end of the course, you will Learn:1. Definition of Key Accounts and their characteristics2. Difference between Transactional selling and Key Account Selling3. Selection criteria of Key Accounts on Quantitative and Qualitative aspects4. Setting Objectives before acquiring key accounts5. Maintaining the Tag of 'Key Account' on the basis of their status through various categories6. Few practical tips for the retention of key accounts for long term success This basic program will give Key Account Managers, the opportunity to practice, refine and build their skills and learn to effectively implement KAM principles in target accounts. My series of programs will help managers to develop the ability to manage complex business situations in uncertain or ambiguous environments, break away from functional focus and develop a more inclusive attitude, integrate cross-functional objectives to generate innovative solutions that benefit the organization as a whole, and build a global business, general management programs for you."
Price: 1280.00

"Petra Klaus - Vom Soll zum Haben" |
"Nicht jeder muss eine EINKOMMENSTEUERERKLRUNG abgeben, doch eine Abgabe lohnt sich fast immer: laut statistischem Bundesamt fhren rund 87 Prozent aller Steuererklrungen zu einer Rckzahlung. Diese betragen im Schnitt 1.027 Euro. In diesem Kurs erfhrst Du in klarer Sprache und Spa wie das System ""Einkommensteuer"" funtkoniert.Welche Einkunftsarten gibt es und in wie weit betrifft es Dich, Deinen Job, Dein Business und Dein Leben.Du kannst bares Geld sparen, gewinnst Zeit und kommunizierst mit Behrden, Kunden etc. auf Augenhhe.LASS UNS DEIN PAPIERKRAMGESPENST BESIEGEN!!!dein Papierkramcoach Petra Klaus"
Price: 19.99

5-ejjifd |
Price: 54.99

"AWS Solution Architect Associate Practice Exam" |
"Welcome! I'm here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam.Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certification is fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with AWS. This course is designed to help you pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) - Associate Exam. With this AWS certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.There are a lot of courses out there that are claiming that their courses are fully updated, but they're actually not! Our practice tests contain the new SAA-C02 topics such as AWS Global Accelerator, Amazon FSx for Lustre, Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), Direct Connect Gateway, and many others."
Price: 24.99

"Excel para Bancrios (do bsico ao avanado)" |
"Excel para Bancrios - Domine as ferramentas essenciais para aplicar no seu trabalho!Certamente j lhe perguntaram: ""qual aplicao rende mais, CDB ou LCI?"" "" melhor financiar ou alugar?"" ""Compensa mais vender vista ou parcelar?"" ""Quanto render esse investimento em 1 ano?"" ""Quanto pagarei de juros nesse emprstimo?""So perguntas que o Excel poder te ajudar a responder e prestar uma melhor consultoria a seu cliente e - por consequncia - bater as metas sem sofrimento. Alm disso, poder aplicar esses conhecimentos para gerenciar melhor sua equipe. Eu garanto a voc que as frmulas financeiras/planilhas apresentadas aqui no so abordados nos cursos de Excel normalmente.Nesse curso online vamos abordar desde a parte bsica do Excel (entendimento da ferramenta, formataes, frmulas bsicas) at os conhecimentos avanados que te permitiro resolver os problemas mais comuns do cotidiano no atendimento aos clientes envolvendo qualquer problema com planilhas, aprendendo frmulas importantes, tabelas de emprstimos e importao de dados! Alm disso, vamos montar vrias planilhas do zero e voc ser capaz de aplicar seus conhecimentos em Excel em qualquer projeto que queira!Este curso de Excel tem 4 grandes etapas: Introduo, Finanas Pessoais, Finanas Empresariais e Investimentos.As aulas so dividas por contedo, sendo cada seo identificada pelo tipo de pblico que servir a aplicao do conhecimento de Excel. Nelas, aprenderemos de forma explicada cada conceito e ferramenta importantes para avanarmos no seu aprendizado.Este curso vai direto ao ponto! Da parte de finanas pessoais para frente j avanamos em tudo o que aprendemos ao longo do curso de Excel aplicando na prtica as frmulas e meios de facilitar nosso dia-a-dia. Seu principal objetivo fixar e exercitar as principais funcionalidades do Excel, de forma a tornar seu uso intuitivo e lhe dar segurana para encarar desafios no Excel. Alm disso, para aqueles que precisam aprender o Excel para ontem e preferem uma apresentao de contedo mais rpida, as planilhas feitas do zero lhe ajudaram a chegar em outro nvel tanto para o seu chefe quanto para o seu cliente no seu ambiente de trabalho.Sem mais enrolao, vamos l!"
Price: 69.99

"Learn Advanced Digital Marketing" |
"Learn Advanced Digital Marketing from your home Just at the cost of a pizza. Learn from the scratch to It's Extreme. We've got you covered with our 400+ Slides which includes Marketing, Sales, Running Ads, SEO, Objectives and KPI's, Skills to run campaigns and many more. Enroll to be the change you want to see. The Course is designed by the Industry professionals and It's contents are totally based on the experiences of the real scene in today's market."
Price: 1280.00

"Auriculoterapia Bsica" |
"Curso de nivel inicial de Auriculoterapia, con la siguiente estructura:1- Introduccin a la Auriculoterapia2- Morfologa del pabelln auricular3- Usos y contraindicaciones4- Elementos de trabajo5- Desarrollo de una sesin bsica6- Tcnicas de trabajo7- Diagnosis visual bsica e inspeccin auricular 8- Puntos msculo esquelticos9- Puntos maestros y de regulacin10- Ubicacin de los puntos y sus usos teraputicos"
Price: 49.99

"PMI ACP + CAPM practice exam questions" |
"PMI CAPM +ACP Practice exam questions5 practice exams261 + 140 Questions30 days Money back guarranteExample Question:Which characteristics do effective project managers possess?A) Project management knowledge, performance skills, and personal effectivenessB) Preparedness, project management knowledge, and personality characteristicsC) General management, preparedness, and project management knowledgeD) Assertiveness, collaboration, and performance skills Explanation: 1.7.1 Responsibilities and Competencies of the Project ManagerIn general, project managers have the responsibility to satisfy the needs: task needs, team needs, and individual needs. As project management is a critical strategic discipline, the project manager becomes the link between the strategy and the team. Projects are essential to the growth and survival of organizations.Projects create value in the form of improved business processes, are indispensable in the development of new products and services, and make it easier for companies to respond to changes in the environment, competition, and the marketplace. The project managers role therefore becomes increasingly strategic.However, understanding and applying the knowledge, tools, and techniques that are recognized as good practice are not sufficient for effective project management. In addition to any area-specific skills and general management proficiencies required for the project, effective project management requires that the project manager possess the following competencies:Refers to what the project manager knows about project management. KnowledgeRefers to what the project manager is able to do or accomplish while applying his or her project management knowledge. PerformanceRefers to how the project manager behaves when performing the project or related activity. Personal effectiveness encompasses attitudes, core Personalpersonality characteristics, and leadership, which provides the ability to guide the project team while achieving project objectives and balancing the project constraints."
Price: 19.99
