"/ 21 / felting / felted sculpure" |
"2021 (). () . : 1. ( , ).2. . .3. - , , - . - , """" . , """" , . .4. . , . , - . , , . . . ."
Price: 54.99

"Hashtags Mastery by Urvee Designs" |
"This course is for everyone who is looking forward to growing their Instagram account for free using hashtags! I've been able to grow various accounts using this strategy! There are a lot of myths & misconceptions when it comes to using hashtags, I've explained how one can use hashtags for their advantage to grow on Instagram! This does not depend on your follower size, it is applicable to everyone!"
Price: 19.99

"AWS EKS Kubernetes MasterClass (best practices) in 2020" |
"If I summarize this course in one sentence?Learn production-proof AWS EKS Best Practices using Handson concepts and labs (e.g. Helm, Dashboard, Ingress, SSL Termination, AWS ELB Logging, RBAC, IRSA, CA, HPA, Monitoring).Please check preview videos to see if this course is really for youAre you one of the below?You want to learn how to use managed Kubernetes cluster on AWS EKSYou feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start with AWS EKSYou learned Kubernetes with minikube but don't know how to deploy K8s cluster on AWSYou want to know production-ready AWS EKS best Practices such as SSL Termination at AWS ELB, RBAC (Role Based Access Control), IRSA (IAM Role for Service Account), CA (Cluster Autoscaler using IRSA)You want to be able to configure SSL for AWS ELB using K8s ingress controllerYou want to be able to give right permissions to AWS IAM users in K8s cluster using ClusterRoleBinding (RBAC: Role Based Access Control)You don't know how pod-level AWS IAM authentication (IRSA: IAM Role for Service Account) worksYou want to learn how to monitor K8s apps using Prometheus and GrafanaWho should take this courseyou have decent knowledge of AWS (EC2, VPC, subnet, load balancer, IAM, etc)you have learned Kubernetes fundamentals (pod, service, deployment, ingress, configmap, role, etc)you don't know how to go about learning Kubernetes on AWSyou have development experience in Kubernetes YAML resourcesyou want to learn about production-ready best practices for AWS EKS regarding security, monitoring, scaling, and performanceyou want to learn ins and outs of AWS EKS from a cloud DevOps working at an US company in SFyou want to improve your AWS EKS knowledge and skillswho should NOT need to take this courseyou already know a lot of AWS EKSyou are not planning on using Kuberenetes on AWSyou have never used AWS (EC2, VPC, subnet, load balancer, IAM, etc) beforeyou have never deployed pods in Kubernetes cluster In this course, you will learn various aspects of AWS EKS best practices such as:how to setup K8s dashboard with RBAChow to monitor K8s cluster and apps using Prometheus and Grafanahow to configure SSL Termination at AWS ELB created by ingress controller using k8s service YAMLhow to authenticate and authorize AWS IAM users to AWS EKS cluster using aws-iam-authenticator, aws-auth ConfigMap, and RBAC (Role Based Access Control) aka ClusterRoleBindinghow to authorize Pods to AWS resources by creating pod-level IAM permission using IRSA (IAM Role for Service Account)how to scale EKS worker nodes automatically using CA (Cluster Autoscaler using IRSA) and how to stress test ithow to scale pods automatically using HPA (horizontal pod autoscaler) and how to stress test itwhy you shouldn't use eksctl managed worker nodes in productionwhy you should be careful when using EKS's default AWS-VPC-CNI plugin, because Pod IP pool gets exhausted based on EC2 instance type6 Reasons why you should take this course:1. Instructed by a cloud DevOps engineer (with CKA and certified AWS DevOps pro) working at US company in SFI have been pretty handson with Kubernetes, AWS, and AWS EKS. With 6.5+ industry experience in both North America and Europe, I breakdown and explain hard concepts using diagrams2. Abstract Concepts Explained with DiagramsYou usually don't find a solution in multiple languages. Catered for Java backend developers and Python developers. Also beneficial if you know one of them but also want to learn the other.3. Updated Knowledge about AWS EKS in 2020Some of the tools (such as kube2iam for pod-level IAM permissions) are outdated. I will demonstrate 2020-updated version of tools and concepts.4. A Little Detail Matters in ProductionWhen setting up AWS EKS cluster for production, you need to pay lots of attentions to security, reliability, and resilience. I have included how to secure HTTP connection to AWS ELB, how to enable AWS ELB access logs, how to configure pod-level IAM permission using IRSA, how to authorize AWS IAM users to K8s cluster using RBAC, how to setup CA with IRSAetc5. Tons of handson!I won't bore you with dry lectures. Instead every concepts are paired with handson demo.6. Entire course under SIX HOURSI tried to make this course compact and concise so students can learn the concepts and handson skills in shorted amount of time, because I know a life of software engineer is already pretty busy :)My background & Education & Career experienceCloud DevOps Software Engineer with 6.5+ years experienceBachelor of Science in Computing Science from a Canadian universityKnows Java, C#, C++, Bash, Python, JavaScript, Terraform, IaCExpert in AWS (holds AWS DevOps Professional certification) and Kubernetes (holds Certified Kubernetes Administrator, CKA)I will see you inside!"
Price: 59.99

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Price: 49.99

"Trastornos del neurodesarrollo" |
"En este curso aprenders informacin actualizada y rigurosa sobre lo que es neurodesarrollo normal, factores que lo alteran y trastornos del aprendizaje (dislexia, disgrafa y discalculia), TDAH y autismo. Ensearemos casos clnicos y de la vida real para ilustrar a los alumnos para que comprnedan y detecten estos signos y sntomas."
Price: 24.99

"Os 10 Passos para voc ser o garanho da tua sade fsica" |
"Porque desenvolvi este curso?Porque ao longo dos meus 27 anos de personal e terapeuta eu sempre encontrei muitas dificuldades em ensinar os meus alunos a desenvolverem fora, nos braos. Fui desenvolvendo tticas que pudessem me ajudar a ter maior facilidade e encontrei no treinamento funcional, maneiras criativas para poder ajudar os meus alunos aqui. Hoje quero contribuir com voc nesses 10 vdeos o passo a passo de como aprender ter foras nos braos, resistncias fsicas e tambm o fortalecimento do core. Porque o core um aliado importante para desenvolver fora nos membros superiores! Quem pode fazer? Qualquer homem que esta, sedentrio e que sente que precisa aumentar a sua fora nos braos de uma maneia simples para fazer em casa, e nunca mais passar vergonhar por ter um brao fraco, mas tambm para voc que j faz algum tipo de atividade fsica que no qual no inclui fora nos braos como: corridas, ciclismo, futebol, e outros tipos de atividades aerbica e anaerbica. Este curso vai complementar e definitivamente voc ir ser o garanho da tua sade fsica."
Price: 249.99

"Design Grfico Completo - Packs Editaveis" |
"A formao Design Grfico Completo a formao de cursos mais completa que voc encontrar e com interface atualizada.Adobe Photoshop CC 2020.Adobe Illustrator CC 2020.Adobe inDesign CC 2020.Adobe Animate CC 2020.Pack Editaveis: Transio e Elementos Affect Effect 30 pincis para o IllustratorArtes e texturas CorelDrawMockupsFontes 3DTransio e Elementos PremiereArtes para as Redes Sociais 500 fontes E muito mais.So 125 aulas, e de responsabilidade do aluno, possuir os softwares instalados em seu computador. A Udemy ou Nathassha Silvia , no disponibilizam softwares para seus alunos."
Price: 39.99

"Introduccin a la Estadstica para Data Science" |
"En este curso aprenderemos las tcnicas estadsticas bsicas para realizar un Anlisis de Datos Exploratorio de forma profesional. Combina tanto aspectos tericos como prcticos y utilizamos como herramienta tecnolgica los Jupyter Notebooks de Python. El conocimiento del lenguaje Python es deseable ms no indispensable, puesto que durante el curso se estar facilitando el conocimiento necesario para realizar los laboratorios y ejercicios."
Price: 19.99

"Building Soft Skills in the Modern World" |
"The course Building Soft Skills in the Modern World is a brilliant course for anyone who is looking to transform their soft skills and consequently their life. Within the course we break down some of the key soft skills and work through why they are integral personally and professionally to someone within the modern context. The course then goes through some really practical ways that an individual can quickly and easily improve that particular soft skill. So what are you waiting for get started now."
Price: 24.99

"Emotional Intelligence in the modern world" |
"Have you ever thought you could have handled a relationship or conversation better. Well then this is a course for you as we look at Emotional Intelligence and how by improving these skills you can change your life. High levels of emotional intelligence are frequently a trait in successful individuals like CEO's and Entrepreneurs. If you want to take your career to the next level then you really can't afford to wait take the course now."
Price: 24.99

"Persuasion in the Modern World- Persuasion made easy" |
"Ever thought I wished I was more persuasive in that situation maybe I could have got that pay rise or promotion. Persuasion in the Modern world takes you through what is Persuasion as well as some of the key elements of Persuasion. I go through some easy to follow practical steps that anyone can incorporate to make themselves more Persuasive and ultimately improve their life. This course is necessary for anyone who wants to improve their life and ultimately become successful."
Price: 24.99

"Management in the Modern World: Management tips for Managers" |
"The course Management in the modern world is a brilliant course for those currently at management level or those looking to make the jump to a management position. In this course I break down what is Management and why its relevant. I also go through some of the key skills of Management and look at practical ways that you can look to improve them. So what are you waiting for enrol now and take your career to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Building Personal Networks in the Modern World: Network you" |
"Have your ever thought I really should be looking to build my Personal Networks they may take my career to the next level. Well then look no further the course Building Personal Networks in the Modern World is here to help you build that perfect life. In the course we go through what is a personal network as well as looking some of the key features that help you build a personal network. Time doesnt wait for you so take action and take your career to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Building Self Esteem in the Modern World: Form Self Esteem" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could improve my Self Esteem it has really held me back. Well then look no further the course Building Self Esteem in the Modern World is here to help you change your life. In the course we go through what Self Esteem is as well as looking some of the key aspects of Self Esteem with some practical tips improve them. You dont have time not to take action so enrol now and take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Building Listening Skills in the Modern World" |
"Have you ever just thought if I could improve my listening skills I could improve my life. I would be able to learn and retain so much more information and really take my life to the next level. Well the course Building Listening Skills in the Modern world is here to do just that. In this course I go through what is Listening and why its relevant. I also break down some of the key skills for listening and give you practical tips on how to improve them. Now is the time to make a change so sign up now and take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Building Business Communication Skills in the Modern World" |
"Have you ever just thought if I could just improve my Business Communication skills I could really change the course of my career. I would be able to get that promotion and become a leader in my company one day. Well the course Building Business Communication Skills in the Modern world is here to do just that. In this course I go through what is Business Communication and why it is so relevant. I also break down some of the key skills of Business Communication and give you practical tips on how to improve them. Now is the time to make a change so sign up now and take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Building Negotiation Skills in the Modern World" |
"Have you ever just thought if I could improve my Negotiation Skills I could improve my life. I would be able to negotiate that salary or Promotion and really take my career to the next level. Well the course Building Negotiation Skills in the Modern World is here to do just that. In this course I go through what is Negotiation and why its so relevant. I also break down some of the key skills for Negotiation and give you practical tips on how to improve them. Now is the time to take the next step in your career so sign up now and take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Building Resilience in the Modern World: Be Resilient" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could be more resilient it would have helped me through some pretty tough times. Well then look no further the course Building Resilience in the Modern World is here to help you do just that. In this course I go through what is Resilience as well as look some of the key aspects of Resilience with some practical tips on how to improve them. You dont have time to wait so enrol now and help take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Building Positive Habits in the Modern World: Build Habits" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could build positive habits it would have helped me to have a better life. I would have been able to achieve so much more and reach my dreams. Well then look no further the course Building Positive Habits in the Modern World is here to help you do just that. In this course I go through what are Habits as well as look some of the key components of Building Positive Habits with some practical tips on how to improve them. You dont have time to wait so enrol now and help take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Building Organizational skills for the Modern World" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could be more organized it would have helped me be so much better in my career and personal life. Well then look no further the course Building Organizational Skills in the Modern World is here to help you do just that. In this course I go through what is Organization as well as look some of the key Organizational skills with some practical tips on how to improve them. You dont have time to wait so enrol now and help take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Building Self Discipline in the Modern World- Be Disciplined" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could have more Self-Discipline it would have helped me be so much better in my career and personal life. Well then look no further the course Building Self-Discipline in the Modern World is here to help you do just that. In this course I go through what is Self-Discipline as well as look some of the key traits of Self-Discipline with some practical tips on how to improve them. You dont have time to wait so enrol now and help take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Conflict Management Skills for the Modern World" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could be better at Conflict Management it would help me in my personal and professional life. I would have been able to really show my value to my company and achieve much more in my career. Well then look no further the course Conflict Management Skills for the Modern World is here to help you do just that. In this course I go through what is Conflict Management as well as look some of the key Conflict Management Skills with some practical tips on how to improve them. You dont have time to wait so enrol now and help take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Becoming more Assertive in the Modern World: Be Assertive" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could be more Assertive it would have really helped me in my personal and professional life. I would have been able to really show my value to my company and achieve much more in my career. Well then look no further the course Becoming more Assertive in the Modern World is here to help you do just that. In this course I go through what is Assertiveness as well as look some of the key traits of being Assertive with some practical tips on how to improve them. You dont have time to wait so enrol now and help take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Building Motivation in the Modern World: Become Motivated" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could be more Motivated I would be able to achieve so much more in my life. With all that extra time I would have been able to really show my value to my company and achieve much more in my career. Well then look no further the course Building Motivation in the Modern World is here to help you do just that. In this course I go through what is Motivation as well as look some of the key Elements of being Motivated with some practical tips on how to improve them. You dont have time to wait so enrol now and help take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Building Confidence in the Modern World: Be more Confident" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could be more Confident I would be able to take advantage of so many more opportunities in my life. With all that confidence I would have been able to really show my value to my company and achieve much more in my career. Well then look no further the course Building Confidence in the Modern World is here to help you do just that. In this course I go through what is Confidence as well as look some of the key Elements of being Confident with some practical tips on how to improve them. You dont have time to wait so enrol now and help take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Team Building Skills for the Modern World" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could be better at Building teams I would be able to achieve so much more with my business. With that brilliant team I would have been able to take advantage of all the opportunities that come my way. Well then look no further the course Team Building Skills for the Modern World is here to help you do just that. In this course I go through what is Team Building as well as look some of the key skills needed to build effective teams with some practical tips on how to improve them. You dont have time to wait so enrol now and help take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Business Innovation Skills for the Modern World:Innovate you" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could be more innovative in my business it really would help me grow it organically. I would be able to go to open up new markets and employ more people. Well then look no further the course Business Innovation Skills for the Modern World is here to help you do just that. In this course I go through what is Business Innovation as well as look at some of the key skills required to effectively innovate within business with some practical tips on how to improve them. You dont have time to wait so enrol now and help take your business to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Leadership Skills for the Modern World: Be an Amazing Leader" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could have greater leadership skills it would really help me grow within my Career. I would be able to go to really show the value I bring to the organisation and climb the career ladder. Well then look no further the course Leadership Skills for the Modern World is here to help you do just that. In this course I go through what is Leadership as well as look at some of the key skills required to effectively lead people within business with some practical tips on how to improve them. You dont have time to wait so enrol now and help take your career to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Mentoring in the Modern World: Become an Amazing Mentor" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could be a better Mentor it would really add value to my team. I would be able to go to train the next leaders of the business and really give back. Well then look no further the course Mentoring in the Modern World is here to help you do just that. In this course I go through what is Mentoring as well as look at some of the key skills required to effectively Mentor people within business with some practical tips on how to improve them. You dont have time to wait so enrol now and help take others careers to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Anger Management Skills for the Modern World: Be Anger Free" |
"Have your ever thought I really wish I could be a become better at managing my anger it has really been detrimental to my life. I would be able to maintain and rebuild some of the key relationships that are so important to me. Well then look no further the course Anger Management Skills for the Modern World is here to help you do just that. In this course I go through what is Anger Management as well as look at some of the key skills required to effectively Manage Anger with some practical tips to improve. You dont have time to wait so enrol now and help take your life to the next level."
Price: 24.99

"Salesforce Advanced Admin Practice Tests240 Questions'2020" |
"Practice TestsThe practice exams fully prepare you for what it is like to take in Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification Exam 211. These questions are collectedWritten and answered by multiple Salesforce professionalsExplanation of the answer is provided with every questionFollowing the 10 knowledge areas as required by the examThere are four practice exams included and theyre designed for those who would like to consolidate their knowledge and be fully prepared for the advanced admin exam.All the exams will be updated and added in order to provide you with the most up to date content.About the ExamRead on for details about the Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam.Content: 60 multiple-choiceTime allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutesPassing score: 65%Registration fee: USD 200 plus applicable taxes as required per local lawRetake fee: USD 100 plus applicable taxes as required per local lawDelivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment. Click here for information on scheduling an exam.Exam OutlineThe Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience as a Salesforce Administrator and have demonstrated the application of each of the features/functions below.Security and Access: 20%Extending Custom Objects and Applications: 8%Auditing and Monitoring: 6%Sales Cloud Applications: 10%Service Cloud Applications: 10%Data Management: 10%Content Management: 3%Change Management: 10%Analytics, Reports and Dashboards: 10%Process Automation: 13%"
Price: 19.99
