"Introduction to Uno Platform" |
"Learn to build single-source apps for WebAssembly, Mobile, and Desktop Apps with C#. Uno Platform allows you to build single-source native apps for multiple platforms. The course walks you through a simple UI scenario and shows you how to build a single-source app for iOS, Android, Browser, and macOS. Check out the Uno website to see this amazing technology in action. You will need a PC for this course, but some material may be useful for Mac only usershttps://platform.uno/"
Price: 29.99

"Fondamenti di Microsoft Azure (AZ-900) - Prove pratiche 2020" |
"Il test pratico sui principi di base di Microsoft Azure progettato per aiutare gli utenti a prepararsi e superare l'esame Microsoft AZ-900. L'esame AZ-900 progettato per i candidati che desiderano dimostrare la conoscenza a livello di base dei servizi cloud di Azure. A differenza della maggior parte degli esami Microsoft, AZ-900 destinato a candidati non tecnici, come quelli coinvolti nella vendita o nell'acquisto di soluzioni e servizi basati su cloud o che hanno un certo coinvolgimento con soluzioni e servizi basati su cloud.I candidati dovrebbero essere in grado di comprendere i concetti del cloud e i principali servizi di Azure. I candidati devono comprendere sicurezza, privacy, conformit e fiducia. I candidati devono dimostrare competenza nella comprensione dei prezzi e del supporto di Azure.Certificazione: questo esame conta come credito per le seguenti certificazioni:Fondamenti di Azure certificati MicrosoftGarantiamo che tutti gli obiettivi dell'esame siano trattati in modo approfondito, cos sarai pronto per qualsiasi domanda sull'esame. Il nostro contenuto di qualit e la nostra tecnologia innovativa hanno guadagnato la prestigiosa credenziale del Provider di test per la pratica certificata Microsoft.Le domande sono simili alle domande d'esame in modo da testare la conoscenza degli obiettivi dell'esameSpiegazioni dettagliate per le risposte corrette e distrattive rafforzano il materialeLe domande riguardano i seguenti domini di esame AZ-900:Descrivere i concetti del cloud (15-20%)Descrivere i servizi di base di Azure (30-35%)Descrivere sicurezza, privacy, conformit e affidabilit (25-30%)Descrivere gli accordi sui livelli di servizio dei prezzi di Azure e i cicli di vita (20-25%)Chi dovrebbe sostenere questo esame?Per coloro che sono coinvolti nell'acquisto e nella vendita di servizi cloudUtile per le persone che vogliono convalidare le loro conoscenze di base in servizi o soluzioni cloudStudenti interessati alla preparazione per l'esame di certificazione Azure AZ-900Candidati con conoscenze tecniche limitate o assenti che sono interessati a conoscere Microsoft AzurePersone che desiderano acquisire una conoscenza dei fondamenti di AzureAumenta le tue possibilit e preparati a qualificare l'esame di pratica Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) con test di pratica pi recenti e contenuto del corso aggiornato. Inizia a praticare ora!"
Price: 19.99

"Forr em 10 Passos!" |
"A dana considerada a atividade fsica mais completa, pois proporciona desenvolvimento fsico, cognitivo, emocional e social.Os movimentos de dana geram novos desafios ao corpo estimulando nossa mente, a msica nos transporta para outro cenrio e as aulas de dana nos oferecem oportunidades de socializao. Neste curso voc dar seus primeiros passos do estilo mais popular e acolhedor das danas de salo, o FORR. Sero 10 mdulos onde, alm de ensinar o movimento proposto, temos as consideraes finais que daro um toque a mais na sua dana.Pensamos em cada detalhe para que em algumas aulas voc j possa danar, sem medo de ser feliz, por isso desenvolvemos aulas-bnus para potencializar o que aprendeu e ainda conhecer um pouco dos demais estilos.Voc ver que a dana de salo pode ser muito divertida, basta se permitir desfrutar de todo o caminho.Sendo assim, bem vindo ao universo paralelo chamado dana de salo!"
Price: 99.99

"Aceites y Lubricantes Automotrices" |
"Curso completo de aceites y lubricantes automotrices.En este curso conoceremos sobre todo lo relacionado a la lubricacin del motor, conoceremos tambin el circuito y el sistema de lubricacin del motor y estudiaremos a detalle cada una de sus partes.Adems, aprenderemos acerca de la teora de aceites y lubricantes automotrices con la finalidad de que el estudiante aprenda a seleccionar el lubricante correcto para su vehculo, considerando todos los aspectos relevantes a la hora de hacer la adquisicin. Debido a que la lubricacin del motor es importantsima para mantener un funcionamiento ptimo del motor.Conocers sobre la composicin de los aceites, caractersticas de los aceites, aprenders sobre los aditivos y las certificaciones de calidad de diferentes organismos internacionales."
Price: 19.99

"1Z0-238 Oracle EBS R12 Install Patch Maintain Practical Exam" |
"224 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Z0-238 Oracle EBS R12 Install Patch Maintain Practical ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Z0-238 Oracle EBS R12 Install Patch Maintain Practical ExamTotal Questions : 224Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :135 minsPassing Score : 75 (168 of 224)"
Price: 174.99

"PMI PGMP Management Professional Review Program Exam" |
"269 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI PGMP Management Professional Review Program ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI PGMP Management Professional Review Program ExamTotal Questions : 269Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :160 minsPassing Score : 75 (201 of 269)"
Price: 179.99

powerpump |
"!Pump - . . , . : .. , , . . , , ."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Direo Defensiva" |
"Curso focado na segurana no trnsito.Prprio para:Seguranas VSPP (Vigilantes de Segurana Pessoal)Motoristas de taxiMotoristas de aplicativosMotoristas de escoltaO que a direo defensiva?""Direo defensiva"" o ato de conduzir de modo a evitar acidentes, apesar das aes incorretas (erradas) dos outros e das condies adversas (contrrias), que encontramos nas vias de trnsito.Para que serve um curso de direo defensiva?Mas afinal, o que direo defensiva? Levando em considerao que muitas infraes so causadas por falhas humanas decorrentes de negligncia, imprudncia ou impercia, a direo defensiva um conjunto de medidas de preveno que tem por objetivo diminuir acidentes e suas consequncia no trnsitoOs tipos de direo defensivaDireo preventiva. a atitude permanente do motorista a fim de evitar acidentes.Direo corretiva. a atitude que o motorista dever tomar ao ser exposto a uma situao no prevista, em uma possibilidade de acidente. ...Conhecimento. ...Ateno. ...Previso. ...Habilidade. ...Deciso ou Ao.Quais so os cinco elementos da direo defensiva?As tcnicas de Direo e Pilotagem Defensiva esto agrupadas em cinco elementos bsicos: conhecimento, ateno, previso, habilidade e ao.Curso totalmente ead com vdeo aulas explicativas.timos estudos"
Price: 69.99

"Microsoft 365 Word - Productivity Tips, Tricks and Skills" |
"This course teaches Microsoft Word tips and tricks for beginner to advanced word users. You will benefit from these tips and tricks to improve your productivity and learn some new word document skills. The course covers basics to advanced topics and can make your life easy, work efficient and save your time. You will be using Microsoft Word like a professional after viewing this course."
Price: 19.99

"DESIGN SPRINT: Curso Completo para Formao de Facilitadores" |
"Voc j ouviu falar sobre Design Sprint? Uma metodologia gil criada pela Google que pode ser utilizada tanto para criar novos produtos, servios e processos, quanto para otimizar algum j existente. E o melhor? Voc cria a soluo e valida com usurios em apenas 5 dias! Quer entender melhor quando estratgico utilizar um Design Sprint? Ou conhecer o passo a passo e tornar-se um facilitador (a pessoa que conduz a equipe) da metodologia? Ento este o curso ideal para voc!Durante as aulas voc ir aprender:- para que serve o Design Sprint;- em quais casos ele a ferramenta ideal a ser utilizada;- como se preparar para facilitar um Design Sprint; - o que voc precisa ter em mos antes de iniciar um Design Sprint;- o passo a passo de cada etapa do Design Sprint;- e vrias possibilidades de adaptao de um Design Sprint."
Price: 84.99

"Ink and Watercolour for Beginners and Beyond" |
"In this course I will show you how to sketch an impression of the chosen subject which will, with practice, evolve into a style completely your own. I will then show you how to add watercolour in a way that will brighten and invigorate the drawing, resulting in a sketch of which to be proud.I have included downloads of the some of the pictures I am going to show you and you will be able to create your own copy alongside me.My intention is to show that with just three colours, one brush and a sketch book you will be able to take these anywhere and a achieve a successful impression of any subject you choose."
Price: 19.99

"Cooking delicious Snacks from around the world" |
"Have you ever wanted to make delicious snacks at home?In my class, I am going to teach you how to make delicious, famous and even street style snacks from around the world.By the end of the class, you are going to be a PRO at making these delicious snacks right from your homeThis class is for anyone who likes to cook and experiment in their kitchen with various food items.You dont need to know cooking for this class but very basic knowledge will be helpful.No need to eat the same old boring snacks which are readily available in the market!Here you will learn to make tasty, vegetarian and eggless snacks at home! These recipes are not just delicious but they are simple, easy & quick to make for evening tea time for your kids, family or party. These snacks are generally eaten between meals.I will be teaching you snacks of various cuisines like Indian, British, American, etc.These snacks are popular and can also be called as a street style favourite dishes.The ingredients are simple and of everyday use and available at most homes.Please check downloadable resources for detailed list of ingredients and instructions.The same can be checked on my website as well.Make these yummy snacks at home and when you do try them, let me know how they turn out and tag me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. If there is any specific recipe you want to learn, send me a direct message and I will try to make a video for it!New recipes will be posted often!PS: The recipes here are vegetarian and eggless.Please do not request for non-veg or recipes that contain egg."
Price: 199.99

"YOUTUBE MASTERCLASS: Create a Youtube Channel From Scratch" |
"Youtube is the second search engine in the world and is always taking new VIDEO CREATORS, do you want to be one of them?In This Course You will learn How to Create a YOUTUBE Channel from ZERO and we will make it attractive for your future followers making a good Banner, a proper description, Keywords and TAGS.Also, You will learn the best way to Upload videos, how to create attractive THUMBNAILS, How to use properly the keywords in your uploads and more.We will learn everything about the YOUTUBE platform and all the secrets inside the famous YOUTUBE algorithm, how the YOUTUBE SEO works and I will give you all the tips and techniques that you need to grow as a youtuber.Are you ready to be a YOUTUBER? What are you waiting for? I'll see you in class."
Price: 19.99

"YOUTUBE MASTERCLASS: Creando un canal de Youtube desde CERO" |
"YouTube es el segundo Motor de Bsqueda en el Mundo y siempre est aceptando nuevos creadores de video, Quieres ser uno de ellos?En este curso aprenders como crear un canal de YouTube desde Cero y lo haremos muy atractivo para tus futuros seguidores creando un buen Banner, una buena descripcin, palabras clave y TAGS.Tambin aprenderemos la mejor manera de como subir videos a YouTube, como crear miniaturas atractivas, como encontrar palabras clave para tus videos y ms.Aprenderemos todo sobre la plataforma de YouTube y aprenderemos todo sobre el famoso algoritmo de YouTube, Que es y cmo funciona el SEO de YouTube y te dar todos los consejos y tcnicas de como crecer como YouTuber.Estas listo para convertirte en un YouTuber? Qu esperas? Nos vemos en clase."
Price: 19.99

"Wing Chun Biu Jee Third Form" |
"I learnt Wing Chun from Ip Man's Eldest Son - Ip Chun for 7 years. Few disciples have such rare experience ! The Master Dragon Bui Jee course is the complete advanced in the Master Dragon Wing Chun system. This is the first thorough professional multi-angle shooting each section over 100 EASY TO UNDERSTAND training formula GUARANTEED to teach you everything you need to Master the advanced level of this exciting Close Fighting Art.The course begins with the absolute basics. This basic level training helps you develop core skills and the discipline required to use Wing Chun. Here you learn the basic hand Kap Jang and leg Huen Ma techniques. Learning to position and move your body correctly so you can effectively apply the movements in combat. Once you have the basic skills. The next element of your training will be to develop your sensitivity and flow of your movement with the Energy Drills. The user-friendly style of this production makes Master Dragon your real life personal trainer! I am with you throughout each moment, every rep, every stance and exercise helping you to complete each task. Not all Wing Chun is created equal! This modern realistic approach to training provided in HD, brings you the secrets of the ancient art of Wing Chun. This is your interactive step-by-step course, provided by Master Dragon , making it easy for anyone, anywhere and anytime to learn Wing Chun."
Price: 24.99

"Mindfulness, Meditation, and Journaling" |
"This course gives you the opportunity to experience multiple styles of meditation. You will create your own personal meditation practice that works for you and your schedule. You will create habits to journal daily and practice mindfulness. Over the next 6 weeks your awareness will be heightened as you practice stillness. Each day your purpose will become more clear. You will start to see your potential and feel empowered as you become more aware of your surroundings and recognize the good that surrounds you."
Price: 54.99

"Di dalam Modul 3: BASIC PRINCIPLES OF RETAIL BUSINESS, pembelajar/pebisnis retail akan mempelajari dasar-dasar dalam mengelola divisi merchandising. Merchandising adalah sebuah divisi utama bahkan disebut jantung bagi perusahaan yang bergarak di bidang retail (perdagangan eceran) dan sejenisnya.Mengapa orang tidak memiliki divisi ini secara khusus? Bahkan seringkali digabung dengan fungsi lain? Padahal divisi ini begitu penting? Hal ini rata-rata dikarenakan karena pebisnis retail tidak begitu paham mengenai seluk beluk tugas dan tanggung jawab divisi Merchandising ini.Di materi ini pembelajar akan mempelajari:Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab MerchandiserStruktur Organisasi Merchandising di dalam Struktur Organisasi PerusahaanCara membuat struktur merchandisingMemahami cara-cara mengelola Inventori yang efektif dan efisienMemahami prinsip dalam memilih barang agar tidak salah dalam membeli."
Price: 420000.00

"Ultrassonografia Doppler Colorido em Bovinos" |
"Venha fazer parte da vanguarda. A ultrassonografia proporcionou, nos ltimos anos, impressionante evoluo na reproduo animal. Hoje ferramenta imprescindvel ao tcnico capacitado para melhoria da eficincia reprodutiva dos rebanhos. A fronteira desta evoluo a ultrassonografia Doppler Colorido. Com ela, surgem novas perspectivas e possibilidades que podem tornar a tcnica ainda mais importante neste contexto."
Price: 189.99

"Certificate Course in Aviation Management" |
"A Student will demonstrate:Extensive knowledge about Cargo, Ramp, Terminal, Dangerous Goods Regulations, Aviation safety, fleet management, Ground handling/ Inflight, Regulatory management and moreEquipped with skills and Knowledge that are required to fulfill the role of an Executive/ Manager in the Aviation industry.Performs work activities effectively and efficiently to the standards expected in the operations required in the Aviation industry/hospitality sectors.Analyses situation, identifies problems, formulates solutions and implements corrective and/or mitigating measures and action management into service operations.Demonstrate the ability to develop, examine, question, and explore perspectives or alternatives to problems in day today operations."
Price: 10240.00

"Airport Ground Handling Management- Equipments and Services" |
"Airport Ground Handling Operations- Terminal/ Ramp/ Aircraft Exteriors/ Cabin and Catering/ Passenger services. Various Powered and Non Powered Equipments used in Terminal - Ramp operations/ marshaling signals . Few Ground Handling Agencies/ Operators worldwide. A brief on process of operations- After aircraft Landing, Taxing, Marshaling, Parking, Push back, Taxing, take off. A brief on equipments like tow bars, push back trucks, baggage loaders, dollies, Ground Power Unit, chocks and tripod jacks etc."
Price: 6080.00

"Airside-Runway(markings, designators, length, lightings)&GSE" |
"THE MOVEMENT AREA- Orientation of Runways, Numbering of Runways, Length of Runways, Strength of Runways, Taxiways, Aprons, Visual Aids, Indicators and signaling devices. b) Paint markings. c) Signs. d) Lights, Visual Aids for Navigation Wind Direction Indicator, Threshold Markings, Aiming Markings, Touchdown Zone Markings, Runway Side Stripe Markings, Taxiway Centre Line Markings, Taxi-holding Position Markings,Aircraft Stand Markings,Apron Safety Lines, Lights, Approach Lighting Systems, Visual Approach Slope Indicator Systems, Runway Edge Lights, Runway Threshold Identification Lights,Runway Edge Lights, Runway Threshold Lights, Airport Markings and Signs, Navigation Lights."
Price: 3200.00

"App Development Without Coding Masterclass - Level 101" |
"This course is designed to help you jumpstart your development skills so you can start building apps without any coding. You will use a visual development platform called Backendless. It is a complete system for designing, developing, and running mobile and web applications. The course provides information and instructions for a variety of tasks from the user interface (UI) perspective, however, lectures go in-depth to review how each and every UI function would integrate with the backend. By completing this course, you will gain knowledge and experience in the following subjects:Codeless programming - visual language for expressing logic for your applicationUser interface layout best practicesImplementing user registration and loginIntegration with the databaseWorking with images in your appWorking with the Google Maps componentIt is recommended to take another course I published as a pre-requisite - ""Build apps without coding - introductory course"". Simply go to my instructor profile and you can find it there (the introductory course is free of charge)."
Price: 24.99

slamdunk |
Price: 12000.00

"ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Overview" |
"Considering a career in quality?This is the course for you! Covered are the principles of a quality management system:Customer FocusLeadershipEngagement of PeopleProcess ApproachImprovementEvidence Based Decision MakingRelationship ManagementWe discuss each of these principles, their importance to any organization's overall health, and the key benefits of utilizing these principles.Additionally, we provide an overview of each of the clauses in the ISO 9001 quality management system standard.And, as a bonus, we've added a lecture describing several opportunities available within a company's quality management system."
Price: 19.99

"Prospeco para Pr Vendedores B2B" |
"A maioria dos pr vendedores nunca sair da mdia do mercado. A demanda pela prospeco nas empresas aumentou exponencialmente nos ltimos anos, mas a evoluo do trabalho de quem faz a prospeco no acompanhou esse crescimento (na maioria dos casos).Nesse treinamento eu te mostro na prtica mtodos e estratgias que funcionam na prospeco. Por aqui no vou te dizer o que fazer, vou te mostrar o que eu fao e que gera um resultado real!"
Price: 39.99

"Become a Master in Tableau Desktop Specialist" |
"WHAT IS TABLEAU ?Tableau software is one of the fastest growing data visualization tools currently used in the BI industry. This is the best way to modify or transform the raw data set into an easily understandable format without any technical skill and no coding knowledge.That's why you can find a growing demand for Tableau Training in the IT market.Before digging deep into Tableau, let's understand, ""Why is data visualization important?""The answer is quite simple. Data visualization is important because human beings understand visually descriptive and interesting things. Thus, working with data visualization tools like Tableau will help anyone better understand the data, as it provides access to the amount of data in easily digestible visuals. In addition, well-designed graphs are usually the simplest and most powerful way to present data.WHAT IS TABLEAU USED FOR ?The use of the Tableau software is listed below:Tableau software is used to translate queries into visualization.It is also used to manage metadata.Tableau software imports data of all sizes and ranges.For a non-technical user, Tableau is a life saver because it offers the ability to create ""code-free"" data queries.Since its introduction, this data visualization tool has been used for the Business Intelligence industry. Organizations like Amazon, Walmart, Accenture, Lenovo, etc. make extensive use of Tableau.WHY TABLEAU ?Why use Tableau software when many tools are available to visualize data?Tableau is widely used because the data can be analyzed very quickly with it. In addition, visualizations are generated in the form of dashboards and spreadsheets. Tableau creates dashboards that provide actionable information and move the business forward. Tableau products always work in virtualized environments when configured with the appropriate operating system and hardware. Tableau is used to explore data with unlimited visual analysis.Some of Tableau's features are presented below:Real-time analysisMix of dataData collaborationAllowing you to work without technical knowledgeHOW DOES TABLEAU WORK ?The major job of Tableau software is to connect and extract data stored at various locations. It can extract data from any platform. Tableau can extract data from any database, be it Excel, PDF, Oracle or even Amazon Web Services.Once Tableau is launched, ready-to-use data connectors allow you to connect to any database.The extracted data can be connected live to the Tableau, Tableau Desktop data engine. This is where a data analyst or data engineer works with the extracted data and develops visualization. The dashboards created are shared with users as static files. Users who receive dashboards view files using Tableau Reader.Data extracted from Tableau Desktop can be published on Tableau Server, which is a business platform where collaboration, distribution, governance, security model and automation functionality are supported. Using Tableau Server, end-users can access files from any location, whether it's a desktop or a mobile phone.ABOUT THIS COURSE :This course comes with 30 days money back guarantee even. If you are not satisfied anyhow you will get the full money back without any question. After completion of the course, you can download a certificate of completion, so you'll produce everyone your new-found skills, steel oneself against the official Tableau certifications, and be ready to start creating analyses for yourselves.When you enroll you also get access to our private telegram and facebook group completely for free.So why you are waiting........... take the action right now and enjoy the course."
Price: 24.99

"Computer Office Expert From Scratch" |
"This course is for those students who don't have prior knowledge of computer, and who didn't use the computer too much before but wants to learn and know about the computer then this would be a good course. after complete this course, you will become an office expert and will know too many things. I hope this course would help"
Price: 19.99

"Contrabaixo Descomplicado" |
"Este voltado para iniciantes e intermedirios que desejam aprimorar seus conhecimentos. Passaremos por vrios mdulos onde aprenderemos desde os princpios como as notas e os posicionamentos das mos at o campo harmnico e escalas para improviso. Alm dos vdeos o curso possui:Apostilas em .pdf (mdulos, tablaturas e exerccios).Backing tracks originais desenvolvidas para pratica de improviso."
Price: 54.99

"Mindful Leadership" |
"The concept of mindfulness seems to be everywhere we turn these days. But there's a lot of misunderstanding about what mindfulness is. Some people think it's the same thing as meditation, and so they assume that, if they're not interested in meditation, mindfulness just isn't for them. In this course, we're going to correct that misunderstanding and, most important of all, explore how mindfulness can make you a better leader in both formal and informal leadership roles. If you're interested in learning how to meditate as a way of achieving mindfulness, we'll teach you. But if you'd like to learn how to become more mindful without meditation, we'll teach you that, too. And both meditative and non-meditative approaches to mindfulness will be linked to practical strategies for how to improve as a leader. The overall theme is that mindful leaders are better leaders, and there are lots of proven ways for how you can become a more mindful leader."
Price: 29.99

"Spanish For Beginners Part One" |
"Hello there! If you are ready to learn Spanish rest assured that you will not feel overwhelmed by this course. I give you the basics in bite size chunks to help you on your way to being fluent in Spanish! Greetings and Salutations, Spanish Sentences Basics such as nouns, articles, adjectives. You will feel like you are in a real live class but at your convenience! Get ready for a class that will be easy and fun, as well as not too long. A brief and basic course to help you as you begin your journey with speaking Spanish like a native speaker!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Spanish with a Story A Spanish Course for Beginners" |
"""Spanish Awakenings"" is a Spanish course for beginners that will flow like a story. Besides Spanish beginners, it is also suitable for people who studied Spanish years ago in high school or college and who want to refresh their memory about basic Spanish vocabulary and grammar. ""Wonderful course. Wonderful teacher! Wonderful explanations!"" ""I liked how you added important grammar and even the culture of your country!"" ""I love the course. Very very informative"" ""Awesome instructor! Takes his time to teach! Gives the meanings and the what to listen for"" These beginner Spanish lessons are built around a story that is desiged to let you interpret, recognize and acquire basic Spanish vocabulary and Spanish grammar in context. With these fourty-four Spanish lessons, youll learn the meaning of Spanish words and expressions by using your intuition - and you will do this naturally and organically. Learning beginners Spanish through stories is similar to how you learned your own language when you were a child. But, since you are not a child anymore, we help you double down on this interpretive, organic learning by providing you with the lessons and tools to double check your understanding, and to review and memorize the Spanish words what you have seen and heard.You can also study off-line! This course includes a downloadable audio package, a study guide PDF for your smartphone, and a printable study guide which details all of the Spanish lessons if you prefer good old paper! Spanish students who view the course and do the work will develop basic communication skills in Spanish, and will move from a Basic I to nearly a Basic II level. This course is a great foundation block for Spanish beginners who are serious about learning Spanish, but who are tired of the traditional methods. "
Price: 19.99
