"Modelagem BIM para projetos de drenagem" |
"Com esse mini curso voc ser capaz de gerar um dispositivo de drenagem linear desde o incio at a extrao de relatrio de quantidades utilizando o Civil 3D.Voc ter acesso a vdeo aulas explicativas, um e-book com o passo a passo caso voc queira ler antes de aplicar, e ainda ter disponvel arquivos em civil 3D para que voc possa praticar.Esse mini curso te dar base de conhecimento para desenvolver outros dispositivos utilizando o mesmo conceito e te oferecendo a oportunidade de conhecer novas ferramentas do Civil 3D."
Price: 69.99

"Manajemen Talenta 101" |
"Salah satu kesuksesan Bisnis perusahaan Anda adalah ketika Anda memiliki orang - orang terbaik yang bekerja secara ekselen diperusahaan Anda sehingga menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan profit yang berkesinambungan. Namun kenyataannya, tidak mudah untuk mendapatkan orang - orang terbaik yang mau bekerja untuk Anda dan memberikan produktivitas optimal. Pertanyaannya ini yang perlu Anda jawab:Apakah saya memiliki karyawan atau orang - orang terbaik yang mampu mendukung bisnis saya menuju pertumbuhan?Apakah saya memiliki strategi yang tepat untuk mengelola dan mempertahankan orang - orang terbaik saya?Apakah saya menaruh peduli terhadap pertumbuhan dan pengembangan orang - orang terbaik saya?Bagaimana saya bisa menemukan orang - orang terbaik diluar sana dan mau bekerja diperusahaan saya?Apa yang harus saya lakukan untuk merekrut orang - orang terbaik ini?Apa yang harus saya lakukan untuk mempertahankan orang - orang terbaik saya?Bila Anda memiliki pertanyaan tersebut dan membutuhkan jawaban, Anda sangat tepat mengambil program ini untuk menjawab kepedulian Anda.Disini Anda akan mempelajari bagaimana manajemen talenta bisa mempengaruhi bisnis Anda dan bagaimana menerapkannya di organisasi Anda dengan bahasa sederhana yang dapat dengan mudah Anda pahami. Anda juga tidak perlu harus memiliki latar belakang keilmuwan SDM untuk memahaminya."
Price: 19.99

"Preparazione all'esame di Avvocato" |
"Affronta con successo le prove scritte dellesame di Avvocato preparandoti con il corso in streming della Scuola Legale Lavorato.Impara a scrivere pareri ed atti, anche partendo da zero, con le videolezioni, della durata complessiva di circa 5 ore, sul metodo e sulle tecniche di redazione del parere e dellatto giudiziario, civile e penale.Con il supporto degli schemi forniti, puoi esercitarti nella redazione dei pareri e degli atti, attraverso un percorso studiato per prendere, innanzitutto, confidenza con la redazione degli elaborati e per migliorare, step dopo step, durante lintero corso.Potrai controllare la soluzione della traccia fornita attraverso la proposta di svolgimento completa dellelaborato assegnato, nonch visionare la videolezione di correzione della tracciaInfatti, oltre alle videolezioni sulle tecniche e sul metodo di redazione dei pareri e degli atti, civile e penale, sono previsti 12 pareri (6 di diritto civile e 6 di diritto penale) e 8 atti giudiziari (4 di civile e 4 penale), con proposte di svolgimento complete e videolezioni di correzione.Ed alla fine del corso previsto un incontro personale di unora, online in diretta, con il docente, per qualsiasi dubbio, domanda o curiosit per affrontare con successo le prove scritte dellesame!"
Price: 139.99

"AZ-400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Expert - Prc Test:UPDATED 2020" |
"This Ultimate Exam Training for the Microsoft Azure DevOps Engineer Expert certification is packed with comprehensive questions & answers.If you want to clear the Microsoft Azure DevOps Engineer Expert certification confidently, this practice tests helps you to do that. This AZ-400 practice tests will test your understanding of the exam topics and areas which you need to improve. Its highly recommended to take this practice tests before you appear for actual exam.This course is prepared by certified Azure developer with detailed explanation on each questions. If there any doubts, you can reach me via course discussion board. To know about my other course, you can checkout my Udemy profile.Happy learning and best of luck for your AZ-400 exam!"
Price: 29.99

"Crack The React Native Interview 2020 - Questions & Answers" |
"In 2020, React Native is one of the most in demand and popular frameworks. Cross-Platform mobile development is also one of the highest paid skills in IT. This course offers :OVER 75 REAL QUESTIONS & ANSWERS OF REACT NATIVE FROM HIRING COMPANIES.TWO PRACTICE TESTS.HARD RARE AND TRICK QUESTIONS TO INCREASE YOUR CONFIDENCE AND SKILLSALL VIDEOS ARE DOWNLOADABLE AND THE Q & A SLIDES TOOIn order to become a React Native Developer, Unfortunately projects and portfolio isn't enough to cover everything or convince the recruiter about your skills. So you need to pass a technical interview, and your answers show for any interviewer how much experience and knowledge you really have in React Native. So in order to pass and ace the technical interview and leave the best impression you need to be prepared with all types of questions and topics that may come during the interview and also the trick questions. And this course is made just for that."
Price: 19.99

"Lifting operations supervisor Training - Arabic" |
". . . ( ). . ."
Price: 49.99

"""Russian for Survival"" (Language course)" |
"Hello everyone! Would you like to travel or work in Russia? Do you know what Russian phrases can help you in everyday communication? I know the answer! This is my course which I would like to share with you, guys! Even if you dont speak any Russian at all, Im confident that I can help you to be able to have conversations in no time.In this intensive course, I would like to share with you some really useful information which can help you enjoy your time in Russia. I include the most common phrases and words that you can use in everyday conversation.I am Russian and I know which materials to use to make the learning process both fun and interesting. I realize that understanding basic conversations as soon as possible is very important to new students.I am open to any suggestions and comments from my students and constantly adapt my lessons to keep them interesting. Lets get started on our journey. See you soon!"
Price: 29.99

"PTE Academic Exam Preparation: Writing Mastery (Achieve 79+)" |
"The writing section of any English exam is a source of anxiety for many students, and the PTE is no exception. Writing is a crucial part of learning a language, and to achieve your goal of passing the PTE to progress in areas like your work, study, or visa status, you need to prove your ability.This course will equip you with everything you need to achieve your highest potential in the writing section of the PTE exam, guiding you through each part and providing examples every step of the way.Based on my 8+ years of English language teaching at top schools and universities in New Zealand and Australia, I have created this course to target the most-needed skills to achieve top scores in academic writing in the PTE exam, as efficiently as possible. This includes Score 90 sample answers, PTE vocabulary lists, focused lessons on elements of writing that will improve your writing the fastest, and an emphasis on structure and logic.I am also here with you the entire way to answer questions and help you out - writing is my absolute favourite subject to teach and I love discussing it, so your questions are more than welcome!You will learn:Fundamentals of word forms and sentence structure, which are essential to writing strong summaries and essaysA 3-step approach to Summarize Written Text, helping you to break this task into manageable stages as we write the task answers togetherRecommendations for the easiest ways to include complex structures in your writing to impress the scoring matrixAll of the criteria for both Summarize Written Text and Write Essay to understand how you are scoredStrong essay structure for each essay question type in the PTE exam, complete with sample essay questions and key language to identify question typeA deeper look into developing an essay, from introductions to body paragraphs to conclusions, with walk-through examples and the option to write your ownHow to use clause and sentence connectors (linking words) as well as complex language to create logic, cohesion, and sophisticationMy top tips for achieving strong academic style in essay writing, with examples of the good and the badSample Score 90 essays will be provided for your reference and analysis throughout the course, exemplifying points taught in each ModuleFor more advanced students seeking 79+, specific recommendations for essay development and language use are given to bring greater sophistication to your styleAt the end of the course, we will test your learning by looking at a full student sample essay to identify errors and problems in the essay, before comparing it to a Score 90 sample of the same topicWhy you should take this course:Learn from a an experienced university teacher who is also a native speaker of EnglishGain access to vocabulary lists for the PTE exam, Lesson Summaries for EVERY Module, Lesson Worksheets when tasks are available, quizzes to check understanding after each Module, and sample writing tasks throughoutYou will practise the tasks yourself as you progress, learning more than just theoryUse the Q&A/Discussion function to ask questions and receive personalized help as you progressEnjoy enthusiasm and passion from your teacher as you learn! Im having a great time so I hope you will too :)I am so looking forward to sharing this course with you and hearing about your PTE results. Please feel free to look through some sample lectures and the introductory video to make sure this is the right course for you, and I hope to see you in there soon!"
Price: 74.99

"Escalacin de Privilegios en Linux - De Cero a Experto" |
"Este curso se enfoca en mtodos de escalada de privilegios realistas o mtodos comunes de escalacin de privilegios que sern tiles en el da a da para diferentes escenarios especialmente para los laboratorios del curso OSCP y examen de certificacin.Se estarn cubriendo mltiples mtodos de escalacin de privilegios, herramientas que nos ayudarn a detectar brechas de seguridad y el funcionamiento bsico de los permisos de usuario en UNIX.Aprenders diversas tcnicas de escalacin de privilegios que te ayudarn a convertirte en un experto en HackTheBox HTB."
Price: 24.99

"Manual Software Testing+QA+JIRA+Test Rail+AGILE+Database" |
"Learn Manual Testing, QA, Software Testing Interview Preparation, Database Testing, Be a Test Lead, or Test Manager by learning this course.Learn Test Management Tools like JIRA, Test Rail, Confluence with Demo in real tool.Learn AGILE with a live example. Also learn other project models like the Waterfall Model, Prototype Model, Spiral Model, V- model.Learn the basics of Web Accessibility testing."
Price: 9600.00

"Starting with Teespring: Buidling a Passive Income Business" |
"I'm going to teach you how to cut straight through the noise and do what you need to be successful on Teespring! If you don't love this course, get your money back with our 30-day money back guarantee. During the course you will learn: Create designs that will sell based around your interests without any Graphic Design skills! How to get your first sales so that Teespring then does the marketing for you! The tips and tricks needed to turn this into a real passive income. What to expect and how to continue to grow your Teespring Business!No more endless searching, this course is ready to go, you can take it anywhere, and watch it at your convenience in the privacy of your home or on the go!What kind of results can you expect?I prefer to under promise and over deliver but what I can tell you is if you follow the simple steps within this course to get started and then you spend 30 minute to an hour a day just repeating them, you should easily be able to get your business to $300 a month and then continue to grow this month on month.It changed my lifeWhen I began working on Print on Demand I was skeptical that a passive income was feasible but my team and I have managed to create large earnings in a short space of time and the beauty is if we decide not to work one day, everything is automated.Open to All BeginnersNo prior knowledge of Print on Demand is necessary.If this sounds like you, this course if ideal:People tired of their 9-5Busy individuals who need extra income.Those who want to start selling online.Those who want to start a passive income stream."
Price: 49.99

"Web Tasarim Tam Kurs" |
"Herkse merhaba arkadalar,Ben mert ozturk bilgisayar mhendislii mezunuyum 5 yildir codalamayla urasiyorum, web tasarimla ilgili ozel derslerde veriyordum bi sure ama bunu online tamak istedim hem siz evde rahat birsekilde kursunuzu ala bileceksiniz hem istediniz zaman kursu tekrar izliye bileceksiniz hemde kursu bitirdinizde udemy sizlere sertifica veriyor onayli bir certifica CV nizde yaza bileceksiniz , bu kursta sizlere nasil web tasarim yapildini reticem sizlere nasil is bula bilirsiniz hakinda tuyolar vericem 5 yildir deneyimlilimle sizlere paylasicam, buyuk sirketler facebook google amazon gibi sirketler neler kulaniyor onlari gostericem bu iste profesioneller nasil yapiyor onlari gostericem , bazi yerler gordum iste dyorlarki hic codlama olmadan web tasarimi ogrenin dige bakin arkadaslar bunlarla web tasariyla bilirsiniz ama bi yere kadar herseyi yapamazsiniz yarin obur gun sizlere baska biseyi isterlese onu nasil yapicanizi bilemezsiniz soyle dusunun siz ilerde buyuk bir sef olmak istiyorsunuz bir kursa gitiniz ve size dedilerki yemek yapmak cok kolay gidin merketten hazir konserve alin onu isitin veya mikro dalga firina atin yemeyniz hazir , hic oyle bir sef olurmu , ben sizleri temelden web tasarim nasil yapildini ogreticem ve codlamaninn aslinda hic zor olmadini gostericem kendinizi bir oyun oyniyormus gibi hisediceksiniz , cunku codlama bir insan tarafindan yapildi ve herseyin bir manti var bir code yazdinizda ben sizlere bu code anlamini ve ne yaptini herseyi anlaticam ve en sonunda aslinda bunun hic bir zorluk olmadini ve hersyin mantik uzerine yapildini anlicaksiniz ve hayal ettiniz Web tasarimini yaraticaksiniz sizin hayal gucunuzde ne varsa onu yapa bilirsiniz ben sizlere herseyi nasil yapildini ogreticem ve en sonunda siz nasil hayal etiseniz oyle tasarliya bileceksiniz hadi simdi simdi birsonraki bolume gecelim."
Price: 19.99

"Especialista en ortografa y redaccin general" |
"***Por la compra de este curso, tienes gratis la descarga de mi libro: Ortografa y redaccin - Una breve gua***La ortografa y la buena redaccin son de vital importancia en la correcta escritura. La exactitud ortogrfica es necesaria en la funcin del lenguaje. El lenguaje humano es un fenmeno altamente complejo que ha ido agregando elementos casi interminablemente hasta el punto de necesitar un conjunto de reglas y explicaciones que permitan, al escribirlo, entender la metodologa, los smbolos y los sonidos ms complicados. La ortografa nace entonces como el conjunto de reglas y normas escritas ms completo para entender cmo realizar una redaccin apropiada.Para esto, en el espaol influye: La etimologaEs el origen de la palabra y su escritura en la lengua originaria con las adaptaciones pertinentes. La fonticaEs el sonido usual de las palabras ha impuesto con el tiempo, un cambio en la escritura.Para conseguir una buena ortografa, debemos cuidar y corregir cada detalle de los escritos o materiales que presentemos; estos van desde un correo electrnico hasta un informe profesional. La correcta escritura, siempre ser una buena carta de presentacin."
Price: 69.99

"Spanish Language Courses: Easy, Authentic, Mexican Dishes" |
"Learning Spanish? Do you LOVE Mexican food? Then why not combine both! Our Spanish Language Courses: Easy, Authentic, Mexican Dishes (Learn Vocabulary for Beginner Spanish Students) is exactly what you need! Learning Spanish vocabulary and grammar in context is the most effective way to pick up the language.EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIESThe problem is that language programs, classes, and textbooks include too many random topics and vocabulary in order to appeal to the general population of learners. By trying to appeal to all students, they end up:Wasting instructional time on topics that students are not interested in.Teaching vocabulary that they will never use. Unintentionally creating a boring atmosphere in the class. Lowering student motivation to learn the language. WHAT TO EXPECT IN THIS COURSE Courses presented in the Spanish language that are aligned to your learning needs and interests fixes all of these issues. In this online course, you will: Learn about Mexican cuisine in general.Be introduced to the staple ingredients. Watch 6 demonstrative videos of the cooking process.Improve your Spanish listening comprehension.Expose yourself to a native speaking, Mexican-Spanish accent.Have access to the written recipes in your bonus eBook.Test your new knowledge with quizzes. Be able to prepare/cook 6 new recipes yourself!BONUS: Enjoy our 5-star rated eBook for free with this course! It is filled with colorful pictures, recipes, Spanish language vocabulary, post-recipe quizzes, a place to rate each recipe, and a section for notes on the cooking verbs found in the book. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?In order to benefit the most from this course, students should have a basic knowledge of the Spanish language. Students who have completed Spanish 1 or are an A1-A2 level minimum, are ideal. This course is recommended for Spanish-language learners who are: Interested in Mexican gastronomyCreating a bilingual/multicultural environment at home Want to learn before traveling to Mexico Planning to relocate or live in MexicoHUNGRY!SEE WHAT OUR STUDENTS ARE SAYINGUn curso muy bueno!!! Me gusto mucho, aprend a cocinar ? los tacos me encantan y este curso fue muy bueno y explica paso a paso cmo preparar todo me encanto! Ahora a comer tacos ??.RISK FREE: If this sounds like something you are interested in, then go ahead and enroll now. There is a 30-day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied for any reason! Grammar note: The verbs in thus cities are presented in the infinitive form, without being conjugated, on purpose. The infinitive form is commonly used for instructions, along with the imperative tense. Therefore, there are 3 acceptable forms to conjugating verbs for instruction/recipes/rules/laws. "
Price: 19.99

"MINDFUL MOTHERING: 10 Practices for a Healthy Mom Life" |
"None of us enjoy second-guessing all of our mothering decisions or feeling stress from fear and worry. We definitely don't function well when we allow mom guilt or the sense that we are not enough to weigh us down. But if we love ourselves the way we love our kidsoffering ourselves the grace to learn and evolve right alongside them, then the entire experience of motherhood can be a beautiful and more peaceful journey even amidst the tough stuff we deal with.If you are a mom whoFeels overwhelmed, wrestles with mom guilt, or believes you are not enoughSecond-guesses decisions and feels like you are alone on an island some daysPretends to have it all together despite feeling lost, confused, and desperate for helpLongs for better communication and a deeper connection with your kidsHas a hard time letting go and worries about your kid's futurethen this course is for you. These practices are meant to help you manage the universal struggles of motherhood and feel healthier mentally and emotionally in the process.What's included?Videos with authentic personal stories and insight about mindful mothering practicesPrintable self-reflection worksheets for you to dive deep into your motherhood journeyBook recommendations and other resources to help broaden your mindfulness practicesBonus session with access to 3 FREE chapters of How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don't need to say, ""I'm fine."")What will you learn?How to change the way you look at things so the things you look at change:Mindful Self-Care cultivates a healthy mind and heart and deep self-love to manage the big emotions around motherhoodMindful Self-Compassion reminds you that being perfectly imperfect is enoughMindful Letting Go provides freedom from fear, worry, and the need to controlMindful Vulnerability brings peace and encouragement from knowing you aren't alone in how you feelMindful Presence bends time in your favor, which reduces anxiety and overwhelmMindful Allowing provides relief from trying to carry the weight of your kid's worldMindful Observing gives you a head start on what to expect with your kids down the roadMindful Connection creates an environment where your kids feel safe opening up to youMindful Non-reaction reduces stress and frustration, making room for more joyMindful Mission ensures a wholehearted motherhood experienceHow is the course structured?Each session includes a 10 min video with real and raw personal stories about how changing our perspective and implementing mindful practices helps us have a healthier mom life. The self-reflection worksheets in each session build on what is shared in the video and help guide you through areas you are looking to transform in your mothering journey.The sessions also include book recommendations and links to outside resources that will enrich and expand your experience with the mindful practices.How will you benefit?This course is designed to help you find healing in mind, body, and spirit, build confidence, and lessen mom guilt. The lessons encourage you to be intentional about self-care, be okay with letting go of what you can't control, build trust and connectin with your kids, and have an overall healthy and enjoyable experience raising your children.The course is set up for you to do at your own pace. There is great value in taking the time to sit with the reflection questions and process your emotions along the way. Shelby Spear is an author, blogger, speaker, and freelance writer sharing stories about motherhood all over the web and in print at Guideposts magazine. You can find her articles at places like Her View From Home, For Every Mom, Scary Mommy, Parenting Teens & Tweens, Love What Matters, Today, Blunt Moms, and others. Her recent book, co-written with Lisa Leshaw, is called, How Are You Feeling, Momma? (You don't need to say, ""I'm fine."")"
Price: 39.99

"Masterea la Certificacin de SolidWorks CSWA Diseo Mecnico" |
"En este curso se impartirn temas de planos, vistas, manejo de ecuaciones, croquis avanzado, operaciones avanzadas y ensambles avanzados. Todo esto con ejercicios reales obtenidos de la certificacin CSWA, adems de tips y los hacks para que obtengas la certificacin en el primer intento con una calificacin arriba de 85%."
Price: 19.99

"Productividad Personal y Ciencias del Comportamiento" |
"En este curso aprenders conceptos y herramientas para entender la psicologa del comportamiento detrs de tu productividad. Te brindaremos conocimientos tericos y sugerencias prcticas para mejorar tu productividad tanto personal, escolar y profesional, de manera inmediata, para que conforme adoptes los cambios, notes una diferencia importante en tu forma de trabajar y puedas aprovechar tus das.Este curso es la primera de dos partes. Aqu, a lo largo de cinco mdulos, revisaremos los fundamentos y principios generales sobre productividad personal, y lo relacionado con las ciencias del comportamiento. En el segundo curso, podrs profundizar un poco ms sobre metodologas especficas que te permitirn llegar an ms lejos en tu productividad y alcance de metas.Al terminar el curso:Sers capaz de identificar problemas que estn mermando tu productividad.Sers capaz de reconocer los elementos de la psicologa del comportamiento involucrados en tu proceso productivo.Sers capaz de planear, estructurar y generar estrategias basadas en principios de las ciencias del comportamiento para aumentar tu productividad."
Price: 1095.00

"Seja Vereador" |
"O Mdulo Jurdico, do curso Seja Vereador, foi construdo com foco na campanha eleitoral de 2020. O contedo do curso ministrado pelo Professor Guilherme Ap. da Rocha, Procurador da Cmara Municipal de Ja/SP e Professor universitrio e de cursos de formao para o setor pblico.Conhecer as possibilidades e os limites da legislao fundamental para desenvolver uma pr-campanha e uma campanha eleitoral. Por isso, o curso possui aulas especficas sobre propaganda, doaes e coeficiente eleitoral, entre outros.O candidato tambm precisa ter domnio sobre o papel do Vereador. Por isso, o curso possui vrias aulas sobre o exerccio da funo parlamentar, com apresentao de questes atuais e interessantes. O Vereador pode entrar em qualquer repartio pblica para o exerccio da atividade de fiscalizao? possvel vender uma candidatura? O Vereador pode apresentar um Projeto para criar uma iseno tributria? Esses e outros instigantes temas so objeto das aulas do Mdulo Jurdico do curso Seja Vereador.Seja bem-vindo e bons estudos!"
Price: 69.99

"Convirtete en un SPER Anfitrin de Airbnb" |
"La mejor forma de generar dinero! Un negocio que ha llevado, ao tras ao, a miles de personas alrededor del mundo a obtener miles de dlares en ingresos, viajando por el mundo y adquiriendo libertad econmica. Compartimos contigo las claves para alquilar tus inmuebles en plataformas de alojamiento turstico. Tienes una propiedad y te haz preguntado cmo generar ingresos de la forma correcta? Ests empezando en este negocio y an no tienes los resultados que esperabas? Aqu hars un recorrido en el que te iremos guiando al correcto aprendizaje y paso a paso, a travs de ms de 120 minutos de video distribuidos en 8 mdulos, te explicamos de la forma ms clara, fcil y efectiva cmo lograr grandes resultados con tus propiedades.Contamos con la experiencia para revelarte los secretos de este negocio, te damos el acompaamiento personalizado para lograr tus metas, trayendo consigo la generacin de dinero."
Price: 24.99

"Learning basics of Chemistry for Entrance Exams and Boards" |
"This course has been designed and developed looking at the requirement of the students appearing for board and entrance examinations. It will help them at the beginner level to understand the concepts of chemistry. This course will include basic conceptual terms and numericals related to chemistry and is essential for learning chemistry from the start."
Price: 1280.00

"PMI RMP + PgMP + ACP practice exams 2020" |
"PMI RMP + PgMP + ACP practice exams 20206 practice exams265+ 300 +100 questions30 days Money back guarranteExample Question:Thomas is a key stakeholder in your project. Thomas has requested several changes to the project scope for the project you are managing. Upon review of the proposed changes, you have discovered that these new requirements are laden with risks and you recommend to the change control board that the changes be excluded from the project scope. The change control board agrees with you. What component of the change control system communicates the approval or denial of a proposed change request?A) Configuration management systemB) Scope change control systemC) Integrated change controlD) Change log"
Price: 19.99

"PMI RMP + PgMP practice exams 2020" |
"PMI RMP + PgMP practice exams 20206 practice exams265+ 300 questions30 days Money back guarranteExample Question:Thomas is a key stakeholder in your project. Thomas has requested several changes to the project scope for the project you are managing. Upon review of the proposed changes, you have discovered that these new requirements are laden with risks and you recommend to the change control board that the changes be excluded from the project scope. The change control board agrees with you. What component of the change control system communicates the approval or denial of a proposed change request?A) Configuration management systemB) Scope change control systemC) Integrated change controlD) Change log"
Price: 19.99

"PMI RMP practice exams 2020" |
"PMI RMP practice exams 20203 practice exams265 questions30 days Money back guarranteExample Question:Thomas is a key stakeholder in your project. Thomas has requested several changes to the project scope for the project you are managing. Upon review of the proposed changes, you have discovered that these new requirements are laden with risks and you recommend to the change control board that the changes be excluded from the project scope. The change control board agrees with you. What component of the change control system communicates the approval or denial of a proposed change request?A) Configuration management systemB) Scope change control systemC) Integrated change controlD) Change log"
Price: 19.99

"PMPBOK 6th Edition Practice exams With Explanation 2020" |
"Included in this PMPBOK 6th Edition Practice Test course: - 3 practice tests- Practice like the real PMPBOK 6th Edition Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersPMPBOK 6th Edition Practice Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 214+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 80 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"PMPBOK 6th Edition Agile 600 Questions With Explanation 2020" |
"PMPBOK 6th Edition Agile 600 Questions With Explanation 2020600+ Questions With Explanation6 Practice Exams30 days Money back guarrante for any reason7/24 support from Q & A Good Luck!PMPBOK 6th Edition Agile 600 Questions With Explanation 2020600+ Questions With Explanation6 Practice Exams30 days Money back guarrante for any reason7/24 support from Q & A Good Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Az-104 New practice exams 2020" |
"Microsoft Az-104 New practice exams 2020120+ Questions3 Practice exams30 days money back guaranteeExample Questions:Note: This question is part of a series of questions that present the same scenario. Each question in the series contains a unique solution that might meet the stated goals. Some question sets might have more than one correct solution, while others might not have a correct solution.After you answer a question in this section, you will NOT be able to return to it. As a result, these questions will not appear in the review screen.You have an Azure virtual machine named VM1. VM1 was deployed by using a custom Azure Resource Manager template named ARM1.json.You receive a notification that VM1 will be affected by maintenance.You need to move VM1 to a different host immediately.Solution: From the Overview blade, you move the virtual machine to a different subscription.Does this meet the goal?You have an Azure subscription named Subscription1 that contains an Azure virtual network named VNet1. VNet1 connects to your on-premises network by usingAzure ExpressRoute.You need to connect VNet1 to the on-premises network by using a site-to-site VPN. The solution must minimize cost.Which three actions should you perform? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.You have an Azure virtual machine named VM1. VM1 was deployed by using a custom Azure Resource Manager template named ARM1.json.You receive a notification that VM1 will be affected by maintenance.You need to move VM1 to a different host immediately.Solution: From the Redeploy blade, you click Redeploy.Does this meet the goal?"
Price: 19.99

"Calculus AB AP Advance Placement Mr Rock Math" |
"This course is for high school students in the Advance Placement Calculus AB course. Topics such as functions, limits, derivatives and integrals are covered through a unique language learning approach which scaffolds math vocabulary for a deeper understanding. Necessary materials for the course are a graphing calculator, writing instrument and paper or composition book."
Price: 34.99

"The 6 steps to unlock your confidence" |
"we will learn about importance of having goals in life and the extent of their impact on self confidence and moving with specific and steady steps towards goals and how to overcome challenges and obstacles and the importance of approaching the successful and imitating their steps and confidence in our capabilities and ideas and changing the negative ones to positive to reach the desired success. failure dose not reflect the person, his thoughts,or his feelings,but it is just an unsuccessful step and must be retried many times to reach the desired goal"
Price: 199.99

"Learn TradingView Pine Script Programming From Scratch" |
"TradingView is one of the most well known online charting platforms across the globe. With its clean charts and access to hundreds of exchanges across multiple asset domains, it has become the go to source for beginners and experts interested in finance. This course will teach you how to take advantage of TradingViews powerful charting library by creating your own custom indicators and strategies using the Pine Script language.You will learn everything you need to know in order to start coding your own indicators and trading logic to gain that extra edge in the markets. I've even included tips and tricks for writing better code and bypassing some of Tradingviews pro features! -- By the end of this course you will be able combine any number of indicators so you no longer have to worry about being limited by TV.You will also be able view and monitor multiple assets on one chart! If you're still on a free account with TV; you know how annoying these limitations can be. I've built this course from the ground up so you don't need to have any prior experience programming."
Price: 99.99

"Eagle CAD with Proteus" |
"Eagle CAD with Proteus is a combined course designed in a way to provide the learners with complete exposure of simulating and then designing a printed circuit board using two different widely used software platforms ie. Eagle CAD and ISIS Proteus. The course covers explanation of the software working using two important circuit examples along with the crucial required skills such as reading the datasheet, creating a custom part for the circuit, generating Gerber files, checking the generated Gerber files using a third party software 'Gerber Logix' and also generating a 3D design of the required board."
Price: 1280.00

"Ce cours pour but de vous initier et dcouvrir la beaut du kung fu, Je me souviens encore de ma toute premire leon de kung fu, c'tait il y' 25 ans , j'ai t tout de suite conquit et sduit par les arts martiaux chinois, je venez de comprendre que ""le vrai combat est avec soi-mme"", l'aspect philosophique puissant du kung fu m'a permis de raliser de belle chose dans ma vie personnel et professionnel.Les sessions de ce cours de kung fu (consacr au dbutant ""ceinture blanche"") proposent :Apprendre le kung fu pas pas et chez soi avec un expert. Voici une video pour bien commencer le kung fu, Leon n1, Niveau dbutant et dcouverte de cet art martial. A pratiquer seul(e) ou avec un(e) partenaire. 1. Meditation - 2. chauffement de kung fu acadmique - 3. Positions de base du kung fu - 4. Renforcement musculaire - et Stretching 5. Retour au calmeConseil pratique : Pratiquer au minimum 2 fois par semaine / Pour une progression plus rapide nhsitez pas faire 5 entrainement de kung fu par semaine selon vos disponibilits."
Price: 24.99
