"Heart Chakra Yoga Course" |
"A yoga course focused on helping you build a deeper connection to your heart and your own energy.In this course, you will learn the basics about the heart chakra, dive into the current state of your own heart chakra energy, and use the practices within the course to shift your energy into having a strong heart centered vibration.The meditations and yoga practices will guide you into opening your heart chakra both physically and energetically.Positive daily affirmations will help you stay focused on holding a heart centered uplifting attitude through your day.You will receive journal prompts to guide you into understanding the current state of your heart chakra along with learning where you may need to make some changes to promote a healthier state of being.This course if followed daily can be completed in 7 days. But you may choose to take more time with it to suit your lifestyle."
Price: 49.99

"Gym Rings for Beginners: Workout in Nature" |
"Want to take your training outdoors? Excited to learn cool movements to impress yourself and others?The gymnastic rings are a fantastic piece of equipment guaranteed to give you a major pump as well as develop strength that will allow you to progress onto bigger and better movements.This course is designed for complete beginners who are looking for an alternative to the traditional gym workout.My name is Hamza, I'll be utilising my 6 years of resistance training experience to teach you the most important safety and training optimising techniques.Here's the course content:What to look out for when purchasing your gym rings onlineSafety training techniques - Very important!Gym rings set up - Take your training outdoors on a tree branchMain movements and progression exercises (Easy enough for complete beginners)Rest and recovery informationLet me guide you safely and efficiently through your first weeks gym rings training and you'll pack on muscle, strength and athleticism. What more could you ask for?Scroll up and get this course if you are excited to start your gym rings training."
Price: 24.99

"La formation Organisation pour les entrepreneuses zbres" |
"Tu es une entrepreneuse zbre, c'est dire que tu as un milliard d'ides en tte, tu as le cerveau en effervescence, tu es hypersensible, tu penses d'une manire diffrente... ce qui fait que tu as du mal trouver une organisation qui te convient toi.Puisque je suis moi-mme une entrepreneuse zbre je sais ce que tu vis.Je te donne donc ici la mthode quil te faut pour : Avoir ta PROPRE organisation QUI TE CONVIENT A TOI Savoir optimiser ton temps Dfinir tes objectifs correctement Identifier tes priorits, celles qui te font avancer concrtement dans ton business.Cette formation en ligne va te permettre de retrouver la srnit face ta relation au temps et l'organisation et en phase avec ta faon d'tre!"
Price: 194.99

"[Meditation complete guide]" |
", ! , , - , ! , Meditation !The Law of Attraction is one of lifes biggest mysteries. Very few people are fully aware of how much of an impact the Law of Attraction has on their day to day life. Whether we are doing it knowingly or unknowingly, every second of our existence, we are acting as human magnets sending out our thoughts and emotions and attracting back more of what we have put out.This is the best free High Hope - Law of Attraction app with an awesome resource for practice daily.- Hypnosis: training your unconscious mind help you align your mind, it helps your conscious mind auto-forward with positive thinking.MeditationGuided Meditations from RAHUL JAJORIYA are the ultimate relaxation techniques. Whether you're looking to de-stress, or feeling anxious, or you want to explore the depths of your being - we have a meditation."
Price: 1280.00

"Alteryx Portugus - Aplicativo otimizador de planilhas" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo de te ensinar em apenas 1 hora, como comear utilizar o aplicativo ALTERYX, abordando desde como realizar o Download e conseguir a licena, at as programaes simples utilizadas em empresas multinacionais para resolver grandes problemas, otimizar tempo e gerar insights atravs de anlises. Se voc no sabe nada sobre o aplicativo ou programao, no tem problema!!! Trata-se de um ""SAIA DO ZERO"" e voc aprender o necessrio para iniciar em suas automatizaes!!"
Price: 39.99

"Noes de Contabilidade para Concursos de Nivel Mdio" |
"Voc aprender conceitos de Contabilidade, Balano Patrimonial, Equaes fundamentais, lanamentos contbeis, escriturao, contas de resultado, apurao de contas de resultado e Demonstrao do Resultado do Exerccio, exemplos prticos, lanamentos e fatos contbeis, regimes de competncia. Com estes conceitos voc estar apto a ingressar nos estudos de contabilidade tendo uma tima base. Alguns concursos como na rea policial civil, tambm exigem por exemplo estas noes bsicas que contemplam todo o edital."
Price: 39.99

"Scrum en pocos pasos" |
"Potencia y desafa tus habilidades como Scrum Master, incorporando nuevos conocimientos, tcnicas y habilidades los que te permitirn llevar un equipo a un nuevo nivel de desempeo.El objetivo del curso ""Scrum, primeros pasos"" es que una vez finalizado el mismo puedan: Conocer el origen de la Agilidad, sus valores y principios Entender en qu contextos aplica Scrum como marco de trabajo y en que otros aplica marcos de trabajos tradicionales Contar con toda la base terica: roles y responsabilidades, ceremonias, artefactos, etc Comprender las ventajas de la implementacin de este marco de trabajo y metodologas giles. Tener las herramientas para poder incorporar el marco de trabajo en un proyecto de Desarrollo de Software. Llevarse mejores prcticas para su da a da en el rol de Scrum Master, PO o como miembro del Scrum Team"
Price: 19.99

"SAP S/4HANA aATP - Sales & Distribution" |
"This is an era of digital enterprise solutions for businesses. SAP is catching up in a big way with SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management. The solution is well accepted by businesses by transforming themselves from old versions to new digital version. Digital Transformations are at full swing.When businesses are transforming and adopting new technology the enablers like SAP Consultants must also transform themselves to help businesses in the adaptation. SAP Consultants have to step-up by understanding the new features of SAP S/4 HANA. Just understanding is not enough but gain expertise. Expertise is not only at aerial level but at deeper level mandatory. Knowledge and expertise of every key functionalities is important. This is the basic reason we have come up with a course which deals with brand new, ever green and hot topic - aATP, advanced Available to Promise. Why we say it is ever-green because it has present in every selling activity with customer. It is hot because, this is a new functionality and you hardly find any experts in this area. Knowledge and expertise in this area will provide a magnetic pull in the job market. Those who want to remain relevant in todays SAP consultancy market, he/she must have knowledge on these niche skills. Normal SAP expertise has become a commodity market. Create differentiator by gaining expertise in subjects like aATP, which is back bone of selling process.With redesign in SAP S/4 HANA, it is now become mandatory for consultants to know the subject to upgrade their knowledge and create opportunities for themselves. "
Price: 149.99

"Blended Learning - So kombinieren Sie Lehrformen geschickt" |
"Das erste reine Online-Semester ist fast vorbei. Erste positive wie negative Erfahrungen haben Sie gemacht. Nun geht es darum, fr das kommende Semester daraus zu lernen und lernfrderliche Lehrveranstaltung im reinen Online-Format oder auch in einer mit Prsenzveranstaltungen gemischten Form zu gestalten Stichwort Blended Learning. In diesem Selbstlernkurs werden die Strken und Schwchen der verschiedenen Lehrformen (asynchrone Lehre, virtuelle Prsenzlehre, Prsenzlehre) herausgearbeitet. Auf dieser Grundlage lernen Sie dann, wie die jeweiligen Lehrformen so kombiniert werden knnen, dass ihre jeweiligen Strken verstrkt und die jeweiligen Schwchen durch den Einsatz der anderen Lehrformen kompensiert werden. Dabei thematisieren wir auch Mglichkeiten, wie Lehrveranstaltungen mit geteilten Studierendengruppen und hybride Lehrformen umgegangen werden kann. Sie lernen dann, wie Sie systematisch Lehrveranstaltungen im Blended Learning Design entwickeln knnen und wie Sie die verschiedenen Lehrformen so ausgestalten, dass sie maximal positive Wirkung fr das Lernen der Studierenden entfalten."
Price: 24.99

"The Oil Painting Process" |
"List price of $49.99 now $24.99This is an amazing courseThis course has filled in all the gaps of knowledge that we know exist but don't know where or how to find the answers. This is THE foundational course we have all wanted and searched for. - Josh F.This is an extremely comprehensive 5-hour long online painting class with a focus on the construction of an oil painting and the process of layering paint rather than actual brushwork and design. To truly master oil painting, its important to have a strong foundation; to thoroughly understand your materials and their proper usage. You have to know how to build a sound substructure or base, and then apply the paints in such a way as to ensure decades of life for the painting.In this comprehensive course, students are taken step-by-step through topics such as supports, sizing, grounds, an imprimatura, the underdrawing, the underpainting, upper layers of paint, and varnish. Each layer is explained thoroughly and clearly, and then followed up with related demonstrations so that students can follow along.The goal is for:Students to come away with a clear understanding of oil painting materials and how to build a stable painting; To help those who felt intimidated by oil painting to feel that its approachable;Experienced painters who have gaps in their knowledge to gain a more thorough understanding.Includes over 40 student resources."
Price: 24.99

"LEE's Web-Hacking (SQL-injection / SQLmap / Secure-Coding)" |
"This course is very compact, simple but has very valuable interesting content.Designed for more convenient watching on your smartphone or tablet.The SQL-Injection is world's most famous hacking-skills to the all kinds of web applications.Designed by the IT security-instructor who has the experience on private educational institute and Anti-Cyber-Crime School for the government of South KOREA.The Data Robbers can steal the data from any spots ! (Login / Search / Registering information)Present day, every web developers must need this protection-skills. [ PREPARED-STATEMENT ]Coming soon ~~! The Next laboratory for Other programming language's Protections or New secure coding skills !!![Updates are Coming Soon !! -->> KALI-Linux / OWASP-TOP-10 Vulnerabilities / OWASP-ZAP Scanner / DVWA / BWAPP] [Metasploit + Metasploitable2][Also, The ANTI-SQLmap attacks -->>PHP's ORM (Red Bean) / Python-Frameworks(Flask) and ORM(SQL-Alchemy)]"
Price: 199.99

"Crash Course: Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)" |
"Are you looking for a crash course on how to use Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with my friend and collegue Varun - he is very talented and knows SSRS inside out!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:Setup And InstallationDatabase and TablesSample Data in DatabaseFirst SSRS ProjectFirst SSRS ReportReport and Design and ObjectsSSRS Charts and DashboardDeploy SSRS ReportSSRS Export and Report ParametersSSRS Sub ReportAnd more!So if you are ready to learn how to easily use Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 74.99

"Crash Course on Network Monitoring - With White Animations!" |
"Are you looking for a crash course that covers all of the essential points on Network Monitoring?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with a friend and colleague - he is very talented and knows Network Monitoring inside out!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:Monitoring in OSIObjective of Network MonitoringThings to MonitorTypes of MonitoringNetwork Monitoring MetricsProtocol and Tools for Networking MonitoringPRTG MonitorOp ManagerAnd more!So if you are ready to learn how to easily use monitor your network safely and efficiently...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 69.99

"Cuida tu salud con Qi Gong Meditacin NIVEL 2" |
"En este curso encontrars los ejercicios de estiramiento, respiracin y meditacin para mejorar los tres tesoros de la salud (Sam Bao).El cultivo y mejora de los tres tesoros sistema fsico (musculatura, sistema de tendones y seo) sistema respiratoriosistema emocionales uno de los secretos mejor guardados por la cultura china, AHORA A TU ALCANCE, a travs del sistema Lo Han Kung.En este curso te ofrezco la posibilidad de conocer tu cuerpo a travs de la conciencia corporal que logrars con los ejercicios de estiramiento y respiracinregular tu respiracin y utilizar sus beneficios para calmar tu mente y relajar tu musculaturaconocerte a ti mismo y enfocar tus objetivos con energa y optimismo a travs de los ejercicios de meditacinSi buscas MEJORAR TU CALIDAD DE VIDA este es tu camino.El curso tambin incluye la posibilidad de canal para preguntas y dudas sobre los ejercicios.Con un enfoque realista a travs de vdeos en HD, se te propocionarn los secretos del Qi Gong Taosta y Budista de la antigua china preservados en el legendario Templo de Shaolin.Este es tu curso con un programa paso a paso, creado por Sifu Luis Lzaro para que cualquier persona interesada sea capaz de aprender Qi Gong y Meditacin."
Price: 99.99

"Cuida tu salud con Qi Gong Meditacin NIVEL 3" |
"En este curso encontrars los ejercicios de estiramiento, respiracin y meditacin para mejorar los tres tesoros de la salud (Sam Bao).El cultivo y mejora de los tres tesoros sistema fsico (musculatura, sistema de tendones y seo) sistema respiratoriosistema emocionales uno de los secretos mejor guardados por la cultura china, AHORA A TU ALCANCE, a travs del sistema Lo Han Kung.En este curso te ofrezco la posibilidad de conocer tu cuerpo a travs de la conciencia corporal que logrars con los ejercicios de estiramiento y respiracinregular tu respiracin y utilizar sus beneficios para calmar tu mente y relajar tu musculaturaconocerte a ti mismo y enfocar tus objetivos con energa y optimismo a travs de los ejercicios de meditacinSi buscas MEJORAR TU CALIDAD DE VIDA este es tu camino.El curso tambin incluye la posibilidad de canal para preguntas y dudas sobre los ejercicios.Con un enfoque realista a travs de vdeos en HD, se te propocionarn los secretos del Qi Gong Taosta y Budista de la antigua china preservados en el legendario Templo de Shaolin.Este es tu curso con un programa paso a paso, creado por Sifu Luis Lzaro para que cualquier persona interesada sea capaz de aprender Qi Gong y Meditacin."
Price: 99.99

"Cuida tu salud con Qi Gong Meditacin NIVEL 4" |
"En este curso encontrars los ejercicios de estiramiento, respiracin y meditacin para mejorar los tres tesoros de la salud (Sam Bao).El cultivo y mejora de los tres tesoros sistema fsico (musculatura, sistema de tendones y seo) sistema respiratoriosistema emocionales uno de los secretos mejor guardados por la cultura china, AHORA A TU ALCANCE, a travs del sistema Lo Han Kung.En este curso te ofrezco la posibilidad de conocer tu cuerpo a travs de la conciencia corporal que logrars con los ejercicios de estiramiento y respiracinregular tu respiracin y utilizar sus beneficios para calmar tu mente y relajar tu musculaturaconocerte a ti mismo y enfocar tus objetivos con energa y optimismo a travs de los ejercicios de meditacinSi buscas MEJORAR TU CALIDAD DE VIDA este es tu camino.El curso tambin incluye la posibilidad de canal para preguntas y dudas sobre los ejercicios.Con un enfoque realista a travs de vdeos en HD, se te propocionarn los secretos del Qi Gong Taosta y Budista de la antigua china preservados en el legendario Templo de Shaolin.Este es tu curso con un programa paso a paso, creado por Sifu Luis Lzaro para que cualquier persona interesada sea capaz de aprender Qi Gong y Meditacin."
Price: 99.99

"Heroku for NodeJS" |
"Are you a Node.js/JavaScript programmer? If so, this course will get you up to speed with Heroku in record time.Invest just one hour of your life to learn to use Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) cloud hosting and I promise you that you will fall in love, as well as adding a valuable skill to your CV.Following along step-by-step, you will:* Deploy your first four websites to the cloud* Use add-ons such as Redis* Troubleshoot errors using the Heroku CLI* Configure and customise your virtual serverClick the ""Buy Now"" button to get started immediately. The course comes with lifetime access to the videos and materials. If you don't love it, just use the 30-day money-back guarantee.What is Heroku?Heroku is a cloud hosting platform that allows you to deploy websites and web applications with a simple git push.Heroku manages the environment, including installing Node.js on your own virtual server: all you have to do is tell it what to do and Heroku does the rest.What should I learn Heroku?If you run your own website, Heroku is a cost-effective and convenient way to host it without having to manage your own server or be dependent on your hosting company to give you the correct version of Node.jsIf you are an employee, many companies are converting to cloud platforms such as Heroku. Therefore, having this skill on your CV will increase your employment opportunities and make you more valuable to your existing employee.Why should I sign up for this course?I've designed this course to get you up to speed as fast as possible. We will dive straight in and write code: you can follow along with all of the examples and get your first web application live in the first hour.I've been working as a software consultant for over ten years, as well as being a teacher here on Udemy and I will be here to help you every step of the way."
Price: 29.99

SGravityAdvance |
Price: 24000.00

SGravityAdvance |
Price: 24000.00

SGravityAdvance |
Price: 24000.00

"Learn Terraform From Scratch" |
"Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions.In this course, I will show you how to manipulate Terraform with concrete example case by case. And I strongly believe that after you finishing learning this course and indeed practice all the case I showed to you, you will be an excellent Terraform expert!See you in the course, Let's go!"
Price: 199.99

"Blog - Para Afiliados e Conteudistas do ZERO ao Profissional" |
"Aprenda neste curso como Desenvolver um Blog completo para seus negcios.Neste curso voc aprender desde a instalao do WordPress at a criao completa, inclusive dicas de Copywrite em geral para ter a possibilidade de rankear contedo no Google e demais buscadores.Utilizamos para isso o um passo - a - passo com o plugin Yoast.Divulgue ideias, produtos fsicos e digitais em um blog completo que voc mesmo poder potencializar desenvolvendo outros Blogs de diversos assuntos com as mesmas tcnicas.Atualmente fundamental para qualquer tipo de empreendimento possuir um canal de comunicao na internet.Blogs so de longe a melhor alternativa para iniciantes ou pessoas que no so da rea de informtica.Neste curso voc ser capaz de desenvolver um Blog completo mesmo sem nenhuma experincia anterior pois vou mostrar desde o absoluto ZERO como criar este tipo de aplicao.Aqui vamos abordar o poderoso WordPress e seus Plugins que vo proporcionar uma aparncia realmente profissional ao seu Blog.Utilizamos aqui essencialmente clique e arraste sem a necessidade de conhecer cdigos.A vantagem disso que de fato qualquer pessoa mesmo sem experincia anterior poder sim ter o seu Blog completo e profissional publicado na internet.No perca mais tempo e inicie agora mesmo seu curso.Voc ter garantia de 30 dias oferecida pela plataforma e total suporte direto com o instrutor e sua equipe.OBS: Este curso voltados a iniciantes na rea de desenvolvimento de aplicaes Web, se voc um desenvolvedor experiente possvel que este curso no atenda suas expectativas.Te vejo l!"
Price: 39.99

"Requirements Engineering" |
"Der Kurs ist ein Einsteiger-Kurs in die Welt des Requirements Engineering / Anforderungsmanagements. Es werden die grundlegenden Begriffe und Vorgehensweisen zur Erhebung und Formulierung von Anforderungen aufgezeigt. Weiterhin werden die Soft-Skill-Aspekte wie Stakeholder-Management, Kommunikation, Empathie und Konflikte thematisiert. Im zweiten Teil wird die modellbasierte Anforderungsdokumentation besprochen. Dort geht es um verschiedene Notationen wie das Entity Relationship Modell, Zustandsdiagramme und vor allem auch um UML (es ist aber keine UML Einfhrung)."
Price: 149.99

organic-course |
": : 1. 2. 3. 4. SN1SN2"
Price: 59.99

Unity2DUnity |
"App StoreGoogle PlayUnityUnityC#-------------UnityUnityC#Unity"
Price: 24000.00

"Video Production: From A BEGINNER To Video Expert Filmmaker" |
"Are you an aspiring filmmaker who wants to get into video production but has NO IDEA how to start?......or maybe you're just someone who wants to learn MORE about videos but is overwhelmed about the information there is out there to actually learn.How do you use a camera? How exactly do I go about making videos? Should I use this program for video editing? You will find all the answers to your video-related questions here.I have spent years learning the craft of video film making and video production. Unlike other video production courses on here - I practice what I preach and produce results for my clients and myself with things video.What you will expect to learn:What's the best camera to buy and do I need any other equipment?The secret to using ANY cameraHow to setup your shots?The Best Editing ProgramEditing Basics For Success3 Types of VideosWhy you need this ONE component to be successful?How to have a career in Video making?By the end of this course you will know all the basic foundations that there needs to be known for you to have a leg up on the video production market. You will take all the information that you have learned and apply to yourself.Now you too, can also make videos and spread YOUR message to the world."
Price: 119.99

"Learn Creo parametric with a fully practical approach" |
"Creo Parametric is an essential tool for 3D CAD. It is state-of-the-art software, which promotes best practices in design and maintains your industry standards:It has advanced parametric 3D CAD abilities allows for remarkable flexibility in design and manufacturing. It has an extensive scope of design possibilities which enables faster implementation of new products. It is capable of adapting to design modifications, even late in the development processIn this course, you will learn core modeling skills and quickly become proficient with Creo Parametric.Topics include sketching, part modeling, assemblies, drawings, and basic model management techniques. The course also includes a comprehensive design project that enables you to practice your new skills by creating realistic parts, assemblies, and drawings. After completing the course, you will be well prepared to work effectively on product design projects using Creo Parametric. At the end of each module, you will complete a set of exercises to reinforce that module. At the end of the course, you will complete a course assessment intended to evaluate your understanding of the course as a whole.Course ObjectivesLearn the basic Creo Parametric modeling processUnderstand Creo Parametric conceptsLearn how to use the Creo Parametric interfaceSelect and edit geometry, features, and modelsSketch geometry and use toolsCreate sketches for featuresCreate datum planes and datum axesCreate extrudes, revolves, and profile ribsUtilize internal sketches and embedded datumsCreate sweeps and blendsCreate holes, shells, and draftsCreate rounds and chamfersGroup, copy, and mirror itemsCreate patternsMeasure and inspect modelsAssemble with constraintsAssemble with connectionsExplode assembliesLayout drawings and create viewsCreate drawing annotationsUse layersInvestigate parent/child relationshipsCapture and manage design intentResolve failures and seek helpComprehensive two, part Design ProjectAudienceThis course is intended for product designers, drafters, industrial/conceptual designers, and routed systems designers. People in related roles will also benefit from taking this course."
Price: 99.99

"ASL I Love Food American Sign Language" |
"IN THIS COURSE, were going to learn a LOT of food vocabulary in American Sign Language (ASL). After we learn food vocabulary, well explore verbs and pronouns. Once weve mastered vocabulary, verbs, and pronouns, we can put the puzzle pieces together and create sentences, questions, and dialogues. As always, there will be ongoing review to test your signing ability and recognition skills.*** This course is designed to INCLUDE complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. Previous ASL skills are welcome but NOT required.IN THIS COURSE:Students will learn forty (40) essential food vocabulary signs in ASLGroup 1 words: BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER, BACON, BEANS, BUTTER, CANDY, CARROT, CHEESE, COCONUTGroup 2 words: COFFEE, CORN, EGGS, FOOD, FRUIT, HAMBURGER, ICE CREAM, JUICE, MILKSHAKE, ONIONGroup 3 words: ORANGE, PANCAKES, PASTA, PEAR, PEPPER, PINEAPPLE, PIZZA, POPCORN, PORK, PRETZELGroup 4 words: SALAD, SALT, SAUSAGE, SMOOTHIE, SODA, SOUP, SOUR CREAM, STRAWBERRY, TEA, WATERStudents will learn to sign personal and possessive pronouns in ASLStudents will learn to combine vocabulary, pronouns, and verbs to create sentences, questions, and dialoguesStudents will learn the correct facial expressions and head movements to communicate questionsStudents will race a timer as they sign vocabulary words, sentences, and questionsEach individual sign will be taught step by step to ensure comprehension, correct hand shape, and hand positionStudents will be tested on their ability to sign and recognize ALL material taught in the courseAFTER TAKING THIS COURSE:Students will know how to sign and understand forty (40) ASL food vocabulary wordsStudents will be able to create sentences, questions, and dialogues using vocabulary, pronouns, and verbsStudents will have a larger vocabulary and understand the mechanics of each sign taught in the courseStudents will be more confident as they continue their journey of ASL improvementQUESTIONS:What is the main focus of this course?This course focuses on learning to sign essential food vocabulary words in ASL. These words will be combined with verbs and pronouns to create sentences, questions, and dialogues.Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with ASL before taking this class?No. This course is designed for complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. All necessary signs are taught step by step in the course.Will this course test me on what is taught?Yes. This course contains multiple sections of review and testing where you have the opportunity to demonstrate your ASL signing and recognition skills.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Hello! My name is Michael. When I was three years old, my younger brother became sick with spinal meningitis. In the process, my brother became deaf with an almost complete hearing loss. This difficult situation provided a unique opportunity for my family and I to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Unlike some deaf children, my brother was not sent away to a deaf or hard of hearing school. He grew up with us, his hearing family, and we were active in the deaf community.As a police officer and federal investigator, I often used ASL to communicate with and interpret for witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. I decided to create ASL courses because its a useful and practical skill to have. Like learning any language, it opens your mind and creates the ability to communicate with a whole new group of people."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a disear y presentar proyectos de arquitectura con un acabado profesional. Este curso te ensear el rumbo de la arquitectura de hoy en da y cul ser su desarrollo con las nuevas tecnologas que se pueden implementar en Revit Architecture.Conoce la forma correcta de trabajar los proyectos arquitectnicos que enfrentamos a diario con Revit Architecture.Construccin de Elementos Arquitectnicos principales.Creacin de Elementos Estructurales de un proyecto.Modelar ideas de proyecto en el programa.Diagramar plantas, elevaciones y secciones 3D.Presentar proyectos a futuros clientes.Cuantificar los elementos que se pueden construir.Disminuye los errores de diseo y aumenta tu efectividad en la presentacin de proyectos de arquitectura.Con este programa aprenders a construir tridimensionalmente todos los elementos que posee una construccin en la vida real. Aprende a construir y disear entornos de proyectos, as como la diagramacin y presentacin de planos a clientes. En este curso aprenderemos cmo crear cualquier proyecto que imaginemos por medio de un programa de diseo 3D.Este curso tiene ejemplos prcticos de arquitectura que permitan el entendimiento de las herramientas de diseo que nos ofrece Revit Architecture 2021. Teniendo archivos descargables de las prcticas que se presentarn podrs aprender de una forma fcil la creacin de Muros, Losas, Pisos que se utilizan en la construccin. Adems de la creacin de elementos de circulacin como son: escaleras, rampas y barandas y la importacin de planos topogrficos para trabajar proyectos reales.Tambin conoceremos las distintas formas de presentar proyectos de arquitectura, conociendo la creacin de plantas, elevaciones, secciones y perspectivas que permitan explicar a cualquier persona nuestros proyectos arquitectnicos.Con este curso aprenders a construir y cuantificar todo lo que construimos de forma fcil y sencilla en un programa que cada da se est utilizando ms en el mercado."
Price: 19.99

"ROS2 For Beginners (ROS Foxy - 2020)" |
"In this course, I will take you, step by step, in a few hours, from a complete beginner to a ROS2 developer who can write scalable robotics applications. You are learning ROS2 from scratch?And you may ask yourself: Where to start? How to learn? What to do first?When I first got started using Robot Operating System, it was really hard for me to answer those questions. Thus, learning ROS/ROS2 was hard. But it doesnt have to be, if you learn with the right resources.Also, something I noticed is that when people are teaching ROS2 (in 2020), they are often making comparisons with ROS1. But, what if you dont know ROS1 ???I have created this course so you can properly learn ROS2 from the beginning, with no prior knowledge in Robot Operating System, and without having to waste weeks, or even months, trying to find what to do. You can say goodbye to this big learning curve everyone faces when learning ROS2.The course is structured so that you can follow it, one step at a time, and get everything you need in the right order. At the end of the course, youll be confident enough to start your own Robot Operating System 2 application. How do I teach?Heres my teaching method, in 3 points:Step by step.Going to the point.Practice, practice, practice.Thats it. No useless stuff and distraction, just the important things you need in order to create ROS2 applications.My experience with Robot Operating System is very practical. I actually used it to build a robotic arm that is now on the market. So I had no other choice than being practical and going to the point. And thats the way I want to teach you. So, what are you going to learn?Here are the main concepts youll see in this course:ROS2 Installation, Workspace, Packages, ROS2 NodesROS2 TopicsROS2 ServicesROS2 Custom MessagesROS2 ParametersROS2 Launch Files...Each section/module of the course is focused on one ROS2 key concept. For each concept, youll get:Concept explanation, with the context, and why you need to learn that.Step by Step how to videos (for both Python and Cpp).An activity to practice + detailed solution video.A recap + code download of everything we did in the section.I like to start with the why question, which is, to me, the most important question you can ask. If you understand the why, then everything after that will make sense because you know where youre going, and why youre going there.I also take the time to write all the code with you. Some teachers and instructors like to show you a huge bunch of code and then tell you ok this code does that. I personally dont do this. When I write code, I write it completely, with you, and I explain why Im writing what I write.At the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to work on a complete project, using the Turtlesim simulation. This will help you practice more on everything youll see in the course, and that will be your first real project from A to Z.Along the course youll also learn how to use ROS2 tools to debug your application, monitor whats going on, and build your code.With everything youll learn + the best practices Ill give you, you will be ready to start any ROS2 project with a good foundation.So Why should you guess what to learn? Start learning ROS2 now with this complete and structured course! Note - this course is not for you if you:Are already a ROS2 advanced or expert developer.Have never used Python or C++ before.Also, this is not a ROS1 to ROS2 guide. This is a course where you learn ROS2 from scratch, with no ROS1 knowledge required."
Price: 199.99

"How to Draw Animal Portraits for Beginners" |
"In this course, you're going to learn all the fundamentals things you'll need to know in order to draw realistic animal portraits.Each lesson covers a different element of the animal drawing process in a very step-by-step way so youll never be overwhelmed.We'll begin by covering the basics of shading. You'll learn about the elements of shading and how to create smooth gradations. Then you'll apply that knowledge to draw the facial features on an animal. You'll learn how to draw a dog's eye, nose, and mouth. After that, we'll go through the entire process of drawing a tiger from start to finish. You'll learn how to draw the lay-in and gradually add layers of shading.And by the end of the course, you will have drawn your very own complete animal portrait!Youll be able to watch over my shoulder as I show you (in detail) everything you need to know. Youll get step-by-step instruction guiding you through every step of the way.In addition to all the lessons, you'll also get reference images and drawings scans for all the projects. And as always, this course comes with a 100% money-back guarantee so if you are not in love with it for any reason, you can get every penny of your money back!"
Price: 29.99
