"canva tutorials in tamil for beginners" |
"canva is an amazing website for graphical design. If you are a web developer or social media manager, you will never need to hire a graphical designer. The only thing you need to know is CANVA . Nowadays Jobs are getting tougher and people have to play dual roles.This course would help you solve all your queries. You can design from visiting cards to calendar for your brand. I wanted to create this course in tamil language which would make the subject easy for all. There are only 3 things in graphical designing 1. PURPOSE2. COLOUR 3. FONTcanva . . . .ps - you will learn about COLOUR WHEEL which is the most important chapter, that's what you are paying for this course."
Price: 19.99

"IVR Based Digital Payments - FinTech" |
"The most important aspect of any digital and cash lite economy is its adoption by merchants and customers, and both prefer the simplest, cheapest and efficient system. Among such mobile payment tools, IVR based payment meets these criteria, here customer doesn't need a smartphone, it can be done through basic telephone, feature or smartphone as well.Please go through the curriculum thoroughly before purchasing the course""In this business-oriented introductory course we will learn; - Basics of IVR based payment, DTMF Tones, Digital Payments, Mobile Payment, Payment processing, Types of IVR solutions, Steps of IVR based payment, Backend Process, Types of IVR payments, PCI DSS models, Market and Players, Risks and challenges, Risk Mitigation points Future of IVR, Artifical Intelligence (AI) and IVR, Payment ProcessingFinTech Digital Banking, Digital Finance, Financial Technology.After completing and reflecting well on the discussed points, you will have a good understanding of IVR based payments, its back end processes and challenges. Look forward to meeting you in the course."
Price: 8320.00

"Mastering Java SE programming from Beginner to Master" |
"The course consists of JAVA features, Java SEConcept of programming are made simple and easy.Every topic is explained with real-life examples.This course is designed to make you familiar with JAVA Programming in detail.By the end of the course you will understand Java extremely well and will be able to build your own Java applications.After completion of the course, you will be as productive as a software developer.The course is taken right from basics to all the features in JAVA.Basic topics like Methods, Object-Orientation and Inheritance are explained.Features like Multithreading, AWT, Swing, Collection Framework and Networking are also covered in a detailed manner.Who this course is forBeginner in java programming, want to learn in-depth java programmingThis course is ultimate for absolute beginners and the intermediate looking to improve their aptitude to expert levelStudents who want to learn java perfectlyCourse Contents:Introduction to JavaSetup Java Environment.Operator and Expressions.String Class and Printing.Conditional Statements.Loops.Arrays.Methods.Object-Oriented Programming.Inheritance.Abstract ClassesInterfacesInner ClassesStatic and FinalPackagesException HandlingMultithreadingjava.lang PackageAnnotations and JavadocLambda ExpressionsJava IOCollection FrameworkNetwork ProgrammingAWTSwing"
Price: 179.99

"Structural Engineering: Design of Steel Connections 3" |
"Course overviewIn this course the determination of forces as well as design calculations for welds and elements in connections are covered. Prior knowledge requiredIt would be beneficial to have the knowledge from the course ""Structural Engineering: Introduction to connections design"". Course contentThis course is essentially divided into three sections: The first section of the course covers the capacities of welds. A discussion is covered on the directional and simplified method of weld capacities. The second section of the course covers the way in which forces in beam-column connections are resolved and applied to the welds. The third section of the course has a number of practical examples. Course aimsProvide learners with a sound introduction to weld connection design.Teach learners how to calculate forces within welds and subsequently design those bolts using capacity equations to BS5950Learning outcomesLearn how to design welded connections subject to combined shear and momentLearn how to design welded connections subject to combined shear and torsion"
Price: 24.99

therapeutical-nutrition |
Price: 104.99

"Circle Geometry" |
"In this course you will learn all the circle theorems, their meanings as well as the rules we can use to determine angles. Each lesson contains explanations and examples for you to try with a separate answer sheet so you can compare your work with our answers. All theorems are explained in detail so make notes of the important characteristics as we highlight them. This work becomes like a puzzle where you just have to spot the right reason, once you know what each one looks like. "
Price: 19.99

"Pinterest Marketing & Advertising Beginner To Advanced 2020" |
"How To Gain a MASSIVE Boost In Traffic & Sales For YEARS To Come! (This works EVEN IF if youve tried before & failed, have zero marketing or design experience and you dont even need a website!)Did you know that 90% of all online businesses fail within 120 days?Or that 81% of bloggers make less than $100 in their lifetime from blogging?The problem is that most people who try to generate income online were never taught the secrets to driving profitable, sustainable traffic.This means if you dont know the secrets to driving traffic youll likely end up with the other 90% of failed business owners who have to tell their family and friends this whole online business thing just isnt really working out.Luckily for you theres a solution.Let us introduce you to the Pinterest Marketing & Advertising Mastery Course!In this course you willGain 14 FREE, stunning, done-for-you Pinterest graphic templates.Learn how to (ethically) read the minds of your target audience to know EXACTLY what products & content they desperately want.Master Pinterest SEO & build a machine that can reach THOUSANDS of your dream customers & get them to buy all while you sleep.Get the step-by-step guide to creating stunning Pinterest graphics THAT GET RESULTS in minutes (for free) without any graphic design experience whatsoever.Save HOURS of time & stress by quickly identifying & killing bad strategies with Pinterest Analytics.Learn how to create 2 simple & INSANELY PROFITABLE Pinterest advertising campaigns virtually ANYONE can implement in literally minutes!Now, what gives us (Ali & Sumner) a single ounce of credibility to teach you this topic?Well, were one of the few people on the planet who are able to generate a full-time income while traveling the world by creating content & selling products online with Pinterest being one of our biggest secret weapons.Not only are we able to use Pinterest to skyrocket our own profit but we can teach you the secrets you need to do the exact same.Dont just take our word for it! Read some of the raving reviews of this course for yourself and check us out on social :)ZERO RISK: If you aren't IN LOVE with this course Udemy will refund your entire purchase amount within 30 days. NO questions asked!You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!ENROLL NOW & get the unfair advantage today!"
Price: 199.99

"1 Gnde 10 Gnlk Bitirin: Herkes iin Zaman Ynetimi" |
"*Udemy zerinde En ok Beeni Alan Trke Hzl Okuma, Hzl renme Kursu Eitmeninden*rencilerimizden Gelenler:""Anlat biimi ve rnek balantlar ile harika bir deneyim sunuyor. Gnlerdir i ve yaam konusunda skntlar yaarken, zgvenimin dt bu gnlerde eski motivasyonumu geri kazandrd. Motive olma konusunda ok g biri olduum iin kendisine teekkr ederim. yi ki bu eitimi almm dediim sayl bir eitim.""Kadir Turan""Uzun zamandr byle bir eitim aryordum hocamz gzel konulara deinmi zellikle byk hedefi olan insanlar iin harika bir kurs"" Serhat Kamaz*****Zamanmzn en deerli sermayemiz olduunu biliyoruz. Peki gerekten hak ettii deeri veriyor muyuz? Zaman sermayemize bir yatrmc gibi yaklaarak boa giden her zamanmz ve yatrm yaptmz ileri yeterince sorguluyor muyuz? Hedeflerimiz, hayallerimiz ancak zamann doru kullanlmasyla gerekleebilir. Her birimizin gnde 24 saati olmasna ramen kimimiz dnyay deitirirken kimimiz harekete dahi geememektedir. Zaman ynetimi, beynimizi ve vcudumuzu anlama yeteneidir. leri neden ertelediimizi, vcudumuzun almaya verdii tepkileri renerek dikkatimizi ve enerjimizi doru saatlere doru ekilde aktararak her gn saatler kazanabiliriz.Zaman ynetiminin gerek nemi uzaktan bakldnda anlalamamaktadr nk zaman ynetimi konularn renmedike yanl yaptmz fark etmeyiz. Dardan gzken, herkesin benzer ekilde altdr. Bu yzden altmz zaman, en iyi ekilde altmz algsna kaplrz. almak istemediimiz veya isteksiz altmz zamanlarda da bu probleme bir zm aramadan doal bir tepkiymi gibi davranrz. Aslnda, alma hayatmzda onlarca hata barnyor ve bunlar zerek zaman kazanabiliriz, verimli alabiliriz. Bu problemleri duyduumuz zaman hatalarmzn farkna varabiliriz.Zaman Ynetimi kursumuz uzun vadeli planlardan gndelik yaama kadar hayatmz etkileyen konular inceleyerek zaman kaybettiren problemleri saptyor. Bu problemlerin nedenlerini kavrayarak bilimsel ve test edilmi zmler veriyor ve zaman kazanmamz salyor. retilenlerin lafta kalmamas adna uygulama videolaryla destekliyor ve kursiyeri aksiyona gemeye tevik ediyor.Kursu bitirdiinizde zaman yatrm yapmay, beyninizin ihtiyalarn anlayp ona gre almay, modunuzu ynetmeyi ve ok daha fazlasn grm olacaksnz. Doruluu kantlanm tekniklerle her ie zorlayc bir son tarih vermeyi, her hedefiniz iin detayl ve gereki plan yaparak aksiyona gemeyi reneceksiniz. Bu sayede, az zamanda ok i yapmay, en ksa zamanda hedefe gitmek iin mantkl bir yol izmeyi, planlarnz ve yaptnz ileri analiz ederek en verimli hale getirmeyi renmi olacaksnz.Kursta 39 ders, 10 uygulama ve 7 test bulunuyor. Her ders, bilimsel almalara ve testlere dayanmaktadr. Doruluunu teyit iin birok kaynan yannda uygulama videolarnn desteiyle kendi hayatnzda deneyerek de yararn test edebiliyor olacaksnz.imdiye kadar yaplan zaman ynetimi kurslar iinizi planl yapn, ara verin tarz basit ve neredeyse herkesin birka ey duyduu bilgilerden olumaktayd. Bu kurslarda verimlilik iin aldmz tavsiyelerin nedenini renemiyorduk dolaysyla daha kolay unutuyor ve kendimize gre yorumlayamyorduk. Kursumuzda, zaman ynetimi, iki temel adan farkllk ile ok daha verimli ve uygulanabilir hale geldi. Birincisi, her teknik ve tavsiyenin arkasndaki mant da anlatarak daha iyi renilmesini ve gerektiinde yorumlanabilmesini saladk. kincisi de pratikler ekleyerek sadece teoride kalmayp yntemin hayata gemesini saladk.Kurs konularn ksa ve z bir ekilde anlatarak ksa sreye ok fazla konuyu sdrm olduk. Bylece zaman ynetimini anlatrken kursiyerin zamann en verimli ve etkili ekilde kullanan bir i ortaya kardk.Neden Zaman Ynetimi Eitimimizin Online Kurs Olmas Daha Avantajl?Hazrlanan videolar iin gnlerce alma yaplyor ve en ufak seslendirme hatas dahi dzeltiliyor. Konuulan kelimeler ve cmleler defalarca kontrol ediliyor. Dolaysyla, izleyiciye en ksa srede en fazla bilgi verilmi oluyor. Bir eitim merkezinde 10 saatte verilen bilgi online kurs ile dakikalar iinde ve hatasz olarak veriliyor.Gncellemeler ile kursa gelen yeniliklere cretsiz olarak ulalabiliyor ve kursiyerlerin geri bildirimleriyle devaml gncelleniyor, iyiletiriliyor.Fiyat olarak birok eitim merkezine kyasla bedava saylacak bir crete sunuluyor.Kurs katlmclarnn yorumlaryla kursun yararllna emin olunabiliyor.Satn aldktan sonra saniyeler iinde kursa balanlyor dolaysyla eitim merkezindeki gibi bekleme sreleri bulunmuyor.zleyici daha elenceli vakit geiriyor nk dersler animasyon, hareketli yazlar ve grseller ile anlatlyor.retilen bilgilerin kaynaklarnn da paylalmasyla internet zerinden bilgilerin doruluu ve gvenilirlii dorulanabiliyor.Soru&cevap blm ile herhangi bir zamanda eitmenden birebir yardm almak mmkn oluyor.Kursa ilgi duyduunuz ve incelediiniz iin teekkr ederim. rendikten sonra alma hayatnz daha verimli hale getirecek yntemleri en doru bir ekilde renmeniz iin elimden geleni yapmaya hazrm. Her trl sorunuz, neriniz iin bana ulamaktan ltfen ekinmeyin. (Instagram: @wabyilmaz) Hala kararszsanz cretsiz derslerimizi izleyebilir ve ardndan zamannz kontrol altna almaya karar verirseniz kursu satn alabilirsiniz.Kursu bir kez satn aldnzda snrsz eriim hakkna sahip oluyorsunuz. Yani btn gelecek gncellemeler de dahil olmak zere btn derslere snrsz ve sresiz eriim salayabiliyorsunuz."
Price: 249.99

"Python for Excel: Use xlwings for Data Science and Finance" |
"Excel vs. Python - what is the best tool for Data Science, Business and Finance?The answer is: Use Excel and Python together and integrate both tools with xlwings. Get the best of two worlds!With xlwings, you can use Python Data Science libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Scipy, Matplotlib, Seaborn and Scikit-learn directly in Excel! You can run Python code in Excel and boost your Excel projects! More and more Professionals and Developers useExcel as Frontend Python as analytical Backend. This course is the perfect choice for Experienced Python Coders: Use Excel as Graphical User Interphase (GUI) Run your Python scripts with Excel Present your results with Excel Dashboards Excel Users and complete Python Beginners: Boost your Excel projects with clean and powerful Python code! Mixed Groups: Non-Coders can run and use Python code simply by clicking on buttons in Excel. Why take this course?You will learn and master the xlwings library from scratchFor Excel Users and complete Python Beginners: This course includes a Python Crash Course that is tailor-made for you!Its the most comprehensive and practical (hands-on) xlwings course on the webIt covers three comprehensive real-world projects.Project 1: You will learn how to boost your financial model in Excel by adding a Python Monte Carlo Simulation - Run your Excel calculation 10,000 times with different sets of inputs and analyze the results!Project 2: You will learn how to create Dashboard Apps with Excel (Graphical User Interface) and Python (analytical Backend).Project 3: You will learn how to use Pandas methods and functions on your datasets directly in Excel.Why use Excel?There is no better Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Reporting tool than Excel. Excel is widely spread (750 million users) standardizedintuitive to usemost users are well-trained it requires low/zero set upit requires low/zero maintenance and its still the best choice for financial models & spreadsheet calculationsWhy use Python?With hundreds of powerful Libraries, Python is the first choice for Data Science, Machine Learning and advanced analytics in Business and Finance. The Python Ecosystem is way more powerful and versatile than VBA. And its cleaner and easier to learn and apply!Why learn and master xlwings?xlwings is the perfect tool to integrate Excel and Python! xlwings allows you toAutomate Excel from Python e.g. to produce reports or to interact with Jupyter Notebooks.Write macros in Python that you can run from buttons in Excel, e.g. to load in data from a database or an external API.Write UDFs (user-defined functions) and leverage the power from NumPy, Pandas and machine learning libraries.Leverage Python's scientific stack for interactive data analysis using Jupyter Notebooks, NumPy, Pandas, scikit-learn, etc.Use xlwings to automate Excel reports with Python.Write Excel tools with Python instead of VBA and call your code directly from within Excel, e.g. via a button on the sheet.This also works great for prototyping web apps.Write (array) UDFs in a breeze by taking advantage of all the functionality already available in libraries like NumPy and Pandas.Dynamic array formulas are supported.As always, there is no risk for you as I offer a 30-Days-Money-Back-Guarantee. Looking forward to seeing you in the course!(Mac users are welcome! However, please note that 10%-15% of the course content (UDFs) is currently not available on Mac!)"
Price: 199.99

"Cisco Data Center 300-620 and 300-625 Exam : Practice Tests" |
"Welcome to the practice test for exam Cisco 300-620 and 300-625 Exams : Practice Tests 2020Implementing Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (300-620 DCACI)This exam verify a candidate's knowledge of Cisco switches in ACI mode including configuration, implementation, and management. Cisco 300-620 DCACI is a 90- minute exam that is associated with the CCNP Data Center Certification.This exam tests your knowledge of Cisco switches in ACI mode including:1. ACI Fabric Infrastructure Describe ACI topology and hardware Describe ACI Object Model Utilize faults, event record, and audit log Describe ACI fabric discovery Implement ACI policies Implement ACI logical constructs 2. ACI Packet Forwarding Describe endpoint learning Implement bridge domain configuration (unicast routing, Layer 2 unknown hardware proxy, ARP flooding)3. External Network Connectivity Implement Layer 2 out (STP/MCP basics) Implement Layer 3 out (excludes transit routing and VRF route leaking) 4. Integrations Implement VMware vCenter DVS integration Describe resolution immediacy in VMM Implement service graph (managed and unmanaged)5. ACI Management Implement out-of-band and in-band Utilize syslog and snmp services Implement configuration backup (snapshot/config import export) Implement AAA and RBAC Configure an upgrade6. ACI AnywhereDescribe multipodDescribe multisiteImplementing Cisco Storage Area Networking (300-625 DCSAN)This exam verify a candidate's knowledge of Cisco MDS 9000 series switches including deployment, implementation, management and monitoring, and troubleshooting. Cisco exam 300-625 is a 90-minute exam associated with the CCNP Data Center Certification.This exam tests your knowledge of Cisco MDS 9000 series switches, including this topics :1. Deployment Describe installation and initial setup Describe secure boot2. Implementation Implement Fibre Channel port channels Implement Fibre Channel protocol services Implement FCoE Implement VSANs Implement NPV and NPIV Implement device aliases and zoning Configure inter-VSAN routing Implement VSAN extensions3. Management and Monitoring Configure DCNM Configure RBACConfigure Fibre Channel fabric securityDescribe slow-drain analysis Implement SAN telemetry streaming4. MDS Troubleshooting Troubleshoot Fibre Channel domains and duplicate domain ID Troubleshoot zoning and zone merge failure Troubleshoot boot and upgrade issues"
Price: 29.99

"Web Design Layouts A Must to Learn For All Levels" |
"What Are Responsive Forms?Your forms should work on all mobile devices to create a seamless experience for all employees. This means optimizing for Apple, Android and all sized devices, from tablets to smartphones.Responsive forms get the job done because they automatically adjust for all devices, screen sizes and orientations.Filling this form out on mobile would then require users to scroll and pinch to view all of the information. In fact, had the form not been optimized, it may not have been visible without scrolling since the large image would have crowded it out.If youve ever tried to fill out a form on a mobile device that isnt optimized for the mobile experience, you will know how frustrating the process can be. After pinching and scrolling for a while, you may have abandoned the task completely and put it off until you can access a desktop computer.Your customers and employees feel the same. Without optimization, theyll abandon the experience and put it off until they can access their desktops. The greater the user effort and/or confusion, the worse the user experience, which wastes time and lowers productivity.Why is Mobile Design so Important for the Modern Workforce?Mobile applications and forms have become an important component of the modern workforce.Create forms that work perfectly for mobile devices with this expert advice.Whether it is a signup flow or a multi-view stepper, forms are one of the most important components of digital product design so you need to design them so they work effectively on mobile devices.Regardless of the device size, the easiest way to complete a form is in a linear fashion. Multiple columns disrupt a user's momentum (the users are likely to interpret the fields inconsistently, which is a negative factor in terms of usability) and can result in users having to resort to horizontal scrolling.When it comes to laying out forms, you should design the entries in one column: if a form is in a single column, the path to completion is a straight line down the page.The form field won't be wide enough to display the user's entire input, making them more likely to mistype their responses and leading to more erroneous forms being submittedWhen a user is notified that they have entered erroneous information, they may have a hard time spotting and fixing the problem as they won't be able to see the entire invalid inputPlacing the label above the form field when a user is browsing from a mobile device will ensure users can see the maximum width to input their details, since you don't need to use up any for the label. Writing your labels above the input fields also makes it much easier for you to write clear and meaningful field labels, as you won't be limited to one or two words.Help and inspiration ?Not only do you get a load of practical, useful starting projects in this course, you can also head over to CSS Animation.rocks for more, and even sign up to a weekly newsletter packed full of tutorials, inspiration and tips for animating on the web.Theres no better time to learn Animations : Youve made a smart choice, because CSS 3 Animations is the most popular language out there. This is no exaggeration. This popularity and growth means more jobs and opportunities than ever before.Get access to fast support if you get stuck : Theres nothing worse than getting stuck ten hours into a course and not getting the help you need to continue. Getting stuck is part of the learning process. Thats why Im here to answer every single question that comes my way.I guarantee that this is the most up-to-date and engaging course available, and it comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee.I cant wait to see you on the inside ! - B. Praveen Kumar ( PHP Developer & Web Designer - FULL Stack Developer )."
Price: 6720.00

"Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional - Modulo de Compras" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional Modulo de ComprasSi deseas poder gestionar el Modulo de Compras de Odoo este curso es perfecto para ti.Nuestros cursos son actualizados constantemente, si tienes duda con algn tema que no se ah tocado lo agregamos por ti.Aprovecha esta oportunidad y aprende a utilizar el Modulo de Compras"
Price: 19.99

"Sleep faster - how to sleep better in less time." |
"How to sleep faster, better, well, less, deeply? How to wake up energized?Don't waste your time googling these questions, because in this training, all questions will be answered at once within 3 hours!Henry Bucko, founder of Switzerland's No. 1 stress institute, STRESSPOINT and certified heart rate variability coach, will tell you exactly what to do when it comes to improving your sleep quality. You'll experience a mixture of scientific basics and practical instructions. He will teach you everything about:Typical sleep problemsThe sleep architectureSleeping pills - blessing or curse?The sleeping diaryBecome an optimist!What belongs in the bedroom?What your body needsBlue light alarmSecret weapon biofeedback The locking technique Sleeping typesThe optimal sleep durationLearning in your sleepStrange dreamsSleep like clockworkStress and sleepMeasuring sleep qualityMagic potion for better sleep""Since my own sleeping problems back in 2010, I realized that a lot of people think, that sleeping pills are the only solutions to a problem that can't be solved. It took me years to understand, that this was a lie and everybody can do something to improve their sleep!I won't promise you to solve your sleep problems within 3 hours. But I promise you, that if you really hang into it - your sleep will improve soon! And of course, I will answer all your questions personally.""Henry Bucko (Founder and CEO STRESSPOINT) Are you ready to fall asleep within 15 minutes? Are you ready to sleep through again? Are you ready to wake up energized? LET'S START TOGETHER - ENROLL IN THE COURSE NOW! "
Price: 199.99

"Aplica tcnicas de PNL en el Trading (PsicoTrading)" |
"El psicotrading o psicologa del trading NO FUNCIONA!La nica manera es utilizar tcnicas de PNL para reprogramar tu mente y cambiar patrones de conducta que afectan a tus operaciones de bolsa. Programar habilidades nuevas es sencillo con los ejercicios que presento en este curso, y con ello preparar tu mente para tener sesiones de trading en la que la incertidumbre, el miedo o la ambicin no interfieran en tus operaciones y te hagan realizar acciones llevadas por tus emociones.Preprate para conocer un nuevo modelo de psicologa que te har tener el control de tu mente tanto en el trading como en el terreno emocional y personal."
Price: 19.99

"Business Intelligence: Strategies, Tools & Techniques" |
"Welcome to Business Intelligence: Strategies, Tools & TechniquesIn this course you will learn the basic principles and elements of Business Intelligence and how to apply it to achieve sustainable and profitable business growth. By the end of the course, you will be able to build the fundamental architecture for functioning business intelligence systems with the support of data-mining & data-warehousing applications. You will have the knowledge you need to develop and launch a BI project turning the flood of data into actionable information that helps your business succeed. Finally, you'll discover how the applications and technologies join forces to access, analyze, and offer data that you can use to make better business decisions, improve your products, satisfy customers, overcome competitors, and more. What you'll learn in this course:Understand the basic principles and elements of Business IntelligenceLearn how Business Intelligence leads to sustainable and profitable growth Learn how organizations use Business Intelligence systemsLearn what is data warehousing and how to utilize itUnderstand the Business Intelligence processLearn BI and Data Mining applicationsDiscover Data Mining tools, methods, and techniquesLearn Data AnalysisLearn Factor AnalysisLearn Cluster Analysis and Multidimensional ScalingDiscover best practices and pragmatic approaches"
Price: 199.99

"Hazr bir tema zerinden hzl bir ekilde JSF framework (Java Server Faces) kullanarak Full Web Blog Uygulamas gelitireceiz. Bu eitimde Jsf (Java Server Faces) ile web projesi gelitirmenin aslnda ne kadar kolay olduunu reneceksiniz. Bu eitimin ardndan artk sizde Java destekli Jsf framework ile istediiniz btn kurumsal web uygulamalarn rahatlkla gelitirebileceksiniz. renci nce Resimler zerinden Aydnlatld. Ardndan Kodlama Yaplarak Bilgiler Pekitirildi. . Artk sizde Javann Sihirli Dnyasnda Umaya Hazrsnz."
Price: 34.99

"Pandemics & human society." |
"Pandemics are not just a force of nature. They arise in social, political and economic contexts and affect human societies in different ways. History shows us that pandemics have always played a role in human development, as they often exposed fault lines running through society, catalyzing change. CoVid19 is no different. It has emerged at a time in which our faith in our political institutions and leaders is low. It has emerged at a time of escalating global inequality and threatening climate change. Will our societies respond?"
Price: 19.99

"Erfinde Deine Karriere neu!" |
"Eine komplexe und sich wandelnde Arbeitswelt fordert uns heraus. Die Fhigkeit sich immer wieder neu zu erfinden, wird zum ultimativen Wettbewerbsfaktor auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Du mchtest deinen beruflichen Alltag mit Sinn erfllen und einen Job kreieren, der wirklich zu dir passt? Du mchtest nicht mehr lnger warten und deine Karriere endlich selbst in die Hand nehmen? Die Denkweise und Methoden des Life Designs nach workliferomance helfen dir dabei, genau dies zu tun. Im Rahmen dieses 1-stndigen Onlinekurses mchte ich in die Welt des Life Design einfhren. In meinem Kurs zeige ich dir, warum wir Life Design gerade jetzt bentigen, um uns und unsere Karrieren zu entwickeln. Ich erlutere dir, was Life Design konkret ist und vermittle dir wie es funktioniert."
Price: 19.99

"Creativity Guide: Develop Your Creative Ability" |
"Do you think that youre not a creative person?Do you struggle coming up with new ideas?Do you want to learn how to become more creative?The truth is creativity is not a gift from the gods. Its the result of preparation and effort, and its within reach of anybody who wants to achieve it. All it takes is the willingness to make creativity a habit, an integral part of your life.Everyone has the ability to be creative, come up with amazing ideas, think differently and have productive and effective days. We just need to give our brain a consistent daily workout!This course will provide you with the necessary steps that will help you flex your creative muscles, find inspiration, identify your artistic voice, and build your confidence by creating new and exciting ideas.You will learn many effective methods of increasing the quality and quantity of your creations, increasing the number of ideas you come up with, and help you get in touch with your artistic side.Empower yourself now by enrolling in this course and lets get started boosting your creativity!"
Price: 199.99

"Business Analytics: Drive Business Growth with Data Analysis" |
"Most people realize the need to pay more attention to data in their business, but have no idea where to start. With the help of this course you will be able to understand the crucial importance of the data surrounding your business and learn exactly what to do with it. It outlines the best ways for applying data science to make the kind of data-driven business decisions that lead to industry dominance. Whether youre a corporate leader, business executive, or business intelligence analyst, youll find the knowledge, insights, and tools you need to drive business growth and profits in todays data-driven economy.This course is a practical guide that will teach you how to leverage data to enhance the productivity of your organization and the quality of your services. You will have gain tremendous insights, understanding and basics of Data Science and how it can help you to discover new growth areas and product opportunities, reduce their costs, increase their operating margins and above all; make better human resource decisions using efficient budgets. In addition, you will learn how to win customers, overcome competitors, and increase your profits using data science."
Price: 199.99

"Learn How to Fly an FPV Drone and Track a Moving Car" |
"In this course you will learn what is needed to get into flying an FPV drone. 5 fpv drone simulators are reviewed and the instructor offers his opinion on which is the best.You will learn the basics of how to fly an fpv drone. Learn how to practice tracking a moving car with an FPV drone on a track like Youtuber JohnnyFPV.You will learn how to take any Minecraft world and fly an FPV drone in it!"
Price: 19.99

"Extend Youtube Comments using AngularJs & Firebase" |
"AngularJs & Firebase AngularJs W3school ngModel ng-blur URL Iframe AngularJS Firebase AngularFire Firebase AngularFire ( Firebase) Firebase Firebase CSS W3schoolTool to Extend Youtube Comments SectionCreate Your Own Comment section for youtube and Learn AngularJs & FirebaseContentInitial project AngularJs using W3schoolFirst app and use ngModelCreate First function ng-blur on inputGet Video ID From URLUsing Iframe with AngularJSGet Youtube Video as EmbeddedConnect To Firebase using AngularFireConnect To Firebase using AngularFire issueRetrieve Data (solve firebase issues)Add & modify data to firebaseCreate comment functionPush Comment to FirebaseMake CSS for commentsAdd W3school Template"
Price: 19.99

"Airbnb Rental Arbitrage - A Guide to 10K/Month" |
"Why have we seen rental arbitrage take off in the last few years?andWhy is rental arbitrage such a golden opportunity to get started in real estate?Over the last few years we have seen Airbnb grow into a multi billion dollar company, taking away market share from massive booking companies and catching the attention of governments and lawmakers around the world.With the growth of Airbnb we have seen many become millionaires from this new and exciting way to enter into real estate. Before Airbnb, to enter into real estate, you had to buy a property, put down a massive down payment, and rent that monthly to someone all to make very low margins.Airbnb has totally transformed the real estate market. Now, you can get into real estate without even having to own it and turn an apartment into a vacation rental unit, getting value from turning what would normally be rented out at a monthly rate and renting it at a daily rate.What used to require a small fortune and be very time intensive can now all be done with minimal capital and be fully automated so you can focus on scaling your business. In this course I take you through the entire process of how to build your Airbnb rental empire!What youll learn:What to look for when searching for your first propertyCrafting the perfect listingDynamic pricing strategies to maximize your profitsSEO optimization strategies showing you how you can rank your listing on the first pageHow to obtain super host statusAssembling your airbnb war machine and SCALINGHow to fully automate your airbnb business so youre not shackled by your business"
Price: 129.99

"Video Creation for Social Media" |
"Welcome to Video Creation for Social Media! The first course regarding Video Creation exclusively for Social Media.If you are here, you already know the importance of video in the online world. Its the best and most engaging form of content. This is why your online content & social media strategy should implement video format as well.But, the knowledge alone never brings the results you are craving for. You may have noticed that when you tried to create videos but get little engagement.This is because the format alone wont make any significant difference. Its the value of the content in the video that brings all this engagement, conversions, and general rewards.If you just try to pass a message in a video format, chances are it wont get far. So, what can you do instead?In this course, I outline the process I follow when creating my videos. Its mostly designed for people who are shy or dont like to talk to the camera (but are willing to put the effort). It also explains the transition of an idea into video in a way that its engaging and easily consumed. It does take some time to create but no more than it takes to write a 400 words blog post or to record a 10-minutes podcast episode. Well, at least when it becomes a habit.You just need to know how to use the available tools and write a compelling script.Let's see how many video formats there are to choose from, even if you don't like talking to the camera. And how to create compelling promotional videos to grab users' attention, like this one for the course's promo!"
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Web Mapping and Web GIS 2020: GeoDjango" |
"This course is mainly designed for the peoples who are highly interested in the web-mapping/web-GIS development. In this course, I mainly focused on the leaflet, GeoDjango and GeoServer. Since it is a practical based course, I directly started to write the code rather than making slides. Inside the course, you will find the simple, effective and alternative ways to do the tasks."
Price: 49.99

"Reverse Engineering 4: Software Protection" |
"If you had always wanted to learn how software protection works and how to use x64dbg to unpack them, then this is the course for you. This course is an introduction to Software Protection for anyone who wants to get started in this field. It is suitable for software developers who want to learn how to protect their software and also for reverse engineers who want to fix bugs where the source code is not available.You will learn how to use x64dbg to unpack Crackmes protected with packing and anti-debugging. A CrackMe is a small program designed to test a programmer's reverse engineering skills. What you will learnHow to set hardware breakpoints and analyze the unpacking header stubDumping unpacked executable from memoryFixing Import Address Tables (IAT) after dumping memory.Modify program behaviourPatching programsCreating loaders for process patchingWhat if the program cannot be unpacked3 techniques to unpack multiple protectionsPrerequisites:Before taking this course, you should already be familiar with how to use x64dbg. Money back guarantee:This course is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. So, go ahead and enroll in this course now and start reverse engineering and debugging programs the fun and easy way! "
Price: 19.99

"Socks knitting from start to finish for beginners" |
"Learn fan way of socks knitting, step by step, through detailed tutorials and interesting projects.Develop your skills by making actual home boots, designed to be flexible and newbie friendly.Learn simple and also patterned stitches Master techniques like increasing and decreasing through accessible projects,Delight your friends and family with personalised, handmade socks.Understand knitting patterns and even create your own patterned knitting styleMake fancy socks to sell on Etsy This course takes you from absolutely never knitted and guides you gently through your first steps. These 2 projects has been designed for a beginners. They slowly increase in complexity the more you learn.you will enjoy knitting socks but you will also be addicted to the socks you have knitted by your own hands.Content and OverviewStarting with a quick overview of tools and materials you can find in a knitting shop, you'll go straight in and learn the two most important knitted stitches: starting your first knots, increasing stitches, decreasing, color changing, pattern making, shaping a socks.... To cement these techniques, you'll immediately get to use them in a project and knit a multicolored handmade home boot.With these fundamental stitches under your belt, we'll go on to learn how different combinations can create a whole range of different patterns. What Will I Get?Students who have completed this course will be able to knit patterns with confidence and have the knowledge to create unique knitted socks."
Price: 24.99

"Tudo sobre as Vitaminas" |
"Bem vindos ao Curso: Tudo sobre as Vitamians Neste curso voc assistir vdeo-aulas ilustradas e com boa qualidade de som e imagemAps assistir a vdeo aula voc responder um Questionrio - Exerccio de Fixao sobre o contedo aprendidoNo final do curso voc ser capaz de entender e compreender sobre os principais conceitos das vitaminas hidrossolveis e lipossolveis. POR QUE ESCOLHER NOSSO CURSO ?Todo o curso foi embasado na literatura cientfica vigente o material mais completo sobre o tema de toda a plataformaNosso compromisso trazer informao de qualidade com base em artigos e livros de alto grau de evidncia cientfica Estaremos sempre atualizando o curso com material extra sobre assuntos pedidos pela comunidade PRECISO TER CONHECIMENTO PRVIO SOBRE ALGUM TEMA?Sim, nosso curso de carter intermedirio-avanado. Pressupomos que o aluno saiba o bsico sobre Nutrio e Bioqumica. Se voc ainda no tem conhecimento prvio, no se preocupe! Procure pelo nosso Curso de Nutrio Bsica - recomendamos assisti-lo caso voc ainda no tenha afinidade com o tema. QUAL O ENFOQUE DO CURSO?O objetivo do nosso curso proporcionar um conhecimento base sobre todas as vitaminas, direcionado principalmente para estudantes e profissionais da rea da sade. No entraremos em grandes detalhes sobre mtodos de anlise laboratorial."
Price: 474.99

"Trading Secrets Revealed: My 2 HR/Day Strategies & Tactics" |
"Only 2% of Traders make money from forex and options trading. I am sure many of you are aware of that. I am not here to provide u the holy grail of trading but a combination of 2 platforms with simplicity method to trade with discipline.I am here to provide: Straight to the method Perfect for perfect beginners with no knowledge at all, i will teach u how to set up from scratch, in your mobile and your computer Ideal for season traders to learn a new method and see the market in a different view 1st Course in the market to provide a combination of Binary options and Forex trading 2 methods combine that can enable you to trade with lowering the risk to the markets movement I only highlights the important things u need to know, but of course i do cover the important basic stuff that u will need to know there is so many courses out there that only teaches u the basics and over and over again. A method that work for all time frames as well for foundation for Stock tradingIndicators are lagging, for those who trades before knows this.No one can predict the future. Yes market changes based on human emotions and the saying ""history repeats itself"" is true in finance, but not all the time. Only happens when significant fundamental news appears, for example, financial crisis, virus outbreak pandemic usually on a 8 year cycle.*DISCLAIMER*THIS COURSE IF FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSESNot intended to be, an offer or solicitation to enter into any forex OR binary options transaction, or any type of trading or investment advice. This course if for educational purposes.Only risk capital should be used when trading futures. Investors could lose more than their initial investment. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. The risk of loss in trading futures can be substantial, carefully consider the inherent risks of such an investment in light of your financial condition."
Price: 199.99

"Ace Your Job Interview by Perfecting Interviewing Skills" |
"During my professional career, I've been on all sides of a job interview - a candidate, a recruiter, and a hiring manager.After thousands of candidates and hundreds of interviews, in this class, I'm summarizing everything I wish I knew from the beginning. You will learn how to:Prepare before the interview;Answer tough questions;Handle phone interviews;Negotiate a better salary;Gather information about the quality of the company and the hiring manager;Leave a long-lasting good impression.In addition, I will also share with you my best tactics for impressing even further recruiters and hiring managers including, what questions to ask, what to bring, how to boost your confidence, and much more.See you in class!Zlatin"
Price: 69.99

"The Ultimate Guide To Mutual Funds (English)" |
"In this course, we have covered all the basics and details about Mutual Funds for you to learn and master the course. Now, you can easily pick the Mutual Fund type that suits your requirement.You will get a thorough details about mutual fund returns and taxation, how many types of mutual funds are there and also about equity and debt mutual funds. We have provided the detailed knowledge about how to get to know about all the details of Mutual Fund scheme as well.WHY THIS COURSE ?This course is a complete guide for everyone who is not aware of the complete in and out of this scheme of investment. As people are often found to be confused about investing into mutual funds and some are even not aware of what is Mutual Fund for real. Mutual fund is a type of financial tool which is made up of a pool of money. This money has been collected from many investors for investing in securities. Also funds are invested on the basis of fund scheme objectives. In other words, investment through mutual funds can help even a small investor to get professional fund management services offered by the AMC.Chapter 1- BASICS OF MUTUAL FUNDSThis chapter containing 1 lecture gives you the basic information on the How do Mutual Funds works. In this chapter, you will come across basic terms such as fund, Asset Management Company, Debt financing, Equity financing, etc.Lecture 1- How Do Mutual Funds Work?This lecture gives you the required lesson on the working mechanism of Mutual Funds. You get to know about Asset Management Companies and mutual fund schemes with the help of examples. Grab a detailed knowledge of Debt Financing and Equity Financing.Chapter 2- COMPLETE GUIDE ON MUTUAL FUNDSThis chapter containing a total of 8 lectures gives a complete idea on the concept of a mutual fund, how it works, how to choose a mutual fund as well as the process of making a mutual fund investment. Further, you get to learn about various types of mutual funds, the benefit of choosing then and their disadvantages too.Lecture 2- Types Of Mutual FundsThis lecture gives detailed information on the various types of mutual funds You get to have in-depth knowledge about Equity Mutual Funds and its types as well. These types are explained with proper examples.Lecture 3- Types of Debt FundsThis lecture starts with a detailed explanation of types of Debt Funds. You get to learn about government bonds and its advantages as well. You also get a chance to grab knowledge regarding Hybrid Funds which invest in both equity and debt funds.Lecture 4- What Are Open-Ended And Closed-Ended Funds?This lecture gives a thorough explanation of open-ended and close-ended funds. Classification of mutual funds based on the types of market. Grab information of the Capital protected Scheme.Lecture 5- Understanding Scheme Information DocumentThe lecture gives a thorough explanation of concepts like New Fund Offer, Benchmark Index, Lump-Sum amount, Entry and Exit Load and much more. Along with this, you get to learn about the scheme information document.Lecture 6- Learn About Investment StrategiesIn this lecture, you get to learn about two popular investment strategies including Value Investing and Growth Investing. Know about the importance of Expense Ratio. Acquaint yourself with the concept of Key Information Memorandum.Lecture 7- Taxation in Mutual FundsThe lecture gives an elaborate explanation of the concept of Taxation on Return in different mutual funds. Indexation is fully explained with the help of examples. You also get complete detail on Index Cost.Lecture 8- How to choose Mutual FundsThis lecture gives an in-depth knowledge on How to choose Mutual Funds, explaining the step by step process. You get to understand the benefits and disadvantages of choosing various types of mutual funds.Lecture 9- Understanding Large Cap Mutual Fund SchemesThis lecture continues to explain the process of choosing a mutual fund which suits your investment needs. Along with that you also get to learn about large-cap mutual fund schemes in detail. How to analyze a fund managers expertise?Chapter 3- UNDERSTANDING MUTUAL FUND INVESTMENTThis last chapter contains 1 lecture. It is designed to give a thorough explanation of the process of making mutual fund investment either through Regular plan or Direct Plan.Lecture 10- How To Make Mutual Fund InvestmentThis lecture gives an insight into the process of making a mutual fund investment in India. Two methods namely Direct Plan and Regular Plan are explained in a detailed way."
Price: 1280.00
