"How to create a plugin for Moodle using PHP" |
"This course will take you through the complete process of developing your first Moodle plugin.It is highly recommended that you have PHP, HTML, JavaScript and CSS experience before attempting to create a plugin in Moodle but it is not essential that you have worked in Moodle before.This course will teach you the basic structure and requirements of a plugin, then take you through the actual process of:creating the pluginadding the core filesmanaging versionsadding templatesadding JavaScripta new database table for your plugincreate, read and update data using formsprovide data to templatesaccess the Moodle databaseExport data to CSV and PDFSecure your pagesBy the end of this course you will be ready to answer that question....""Can Moodle do THIS?""And you will be able to answer...""Sure, let me write a plugin that will do it.""The plugin process is recorded using Moodle 3.9 but the code can be used in Moodle 3.7.2+This course does get deep into coding but I am sure you will enjoy it and learn so much that will save you searching for days on the internet to find the solution to creating your own first plugin.I will see you in the course.Chris Richter"
Price: 99.99

"Der Messenger Launch Blueprint - Facebook Messenger Strategy" |
"Wie man den Facebook Messenger verwendet, um eine Hyper-Responsive Liste von Kufern aufbaut und diese dazu bringst Dir deine Angebote aus den Hnden zu reien! Eine Praxis erprobte Strategie mit der Du dir eine eigene Interessenten Liste von NULL auf ausbauen kannst, um deine Angebote ohne Kopfschmerzen ber das Internet zu Promoten ohne den Lwenanteil der Arbeit zu erledigen."
Price: 39.99

"Edio de Vdeos com Celular - Curso COMPLETO para Iniciante" |
"Vdeo o meio de comunicao mais popular da internet.Os vdeos comearam a se popularizar no YouTube e logo se expandiram para todas as redes.Facebook, WhatsApp, Vimeo, Blogs, Sites, Instagram... impossvel imaginar a vida hoje sem um vdeo engraado ou de notcias ou mesmo com aquele tutorial que te ensina como fazer algo interessante.Plataformas de ensino EaD so cada vez mais a realidade dos estudantes e a tendncia de aumento.Se voc tem contedo, gosta de se comunicar e no tem como investir em equipamentos caros no momento, que tal comear apenas com o seu celular?Sim, possvel!Neste curso vou te mostrar passo a passo como editar vdeos apenas com o seu celular ou at mesmo com itens simples que voc pode ter na sua casa.. com investimento mnimo ou mesmo ZERO!No perca mais tempo e d o primeiro passo para o sucesso em plataformas e redes que tem o vdeo como principal contedo, cadastre - se agora mesmo neste curso completo.O curso conta com garantia de 30 dias e suporte completo on-line.Te vejo l!"
Price: 39.99

"How to Get Started with Video Marketing" |
"Video marketing has become indispensable lately especially in a world where social media is the number one tool to reach people.In this course you will learn how outstanding marketing videos with absolutely no skills required whatsoever. Instead of spending hours trying to learn complex tools and softwares to create marketing videos, in this course you will be taught the simplest method to start creating videos for marking FAST. You don't need to learn complicated softwares neither do you need to spend hours mastering the creation of marketing videos. Moreover, you will be taught how to create eye-catching videos that increase engagement and covert! You will be able to use these videos for Instagram, Instagram Stories, Facebook ads, Facebook Page, LinkedIn, Youtube, Twitter, Website, and more."
Price: 29.99

"Intro to SwiftUI" |
"When Apple announced SwiftUI at WWDC developers throughout the world knew that it would change everything.As time goes by, we will quickly see SwiftUI become the standard way to build apps, eventually replacing UIKit.SWIFTUI CHANGES EVERYTHINGEverything you know about building interfaces has changed with SwiftUI. No more StoryboardsNo more SeguesNo more View ControllersNo more long build times for UI changesIf you have ever developed in Flutter and Dart you will find SwiftUI similar and refreshing. You now build reactive components and can watch the changes in real time (no more manually building for each change).WHAT YOU'LL LEARNThis course is designed for Swift developers who want to get a quick handle on Swift UI. Here are some of the things we will cover in the course:Simple componentsWorking with dataProgress barsWorking with listsMoving around dataOpaque typesWorking with StateWorking with forms and dataApp navigationObservableObjects and moreThe goal of this course is to get you up and running quickly with SwiftUI. It also comes with projects that will help you retain what you have learned.Let's get started!"
Price: 149.99

"Bible Study" |
"The Bible Study: Complete Bible school course is divided into 5 concentrations: Ministerial Formation, Old and New Testament, History of the Christian Church, Systematic Theology and Biblical Greek: Pronunciation. Each of these concentrations prepare and equip the student to the position that God has called them for the service and edification of the Church."
Price: 19.99

"MECM Training" |
"Hello and welcome to my MECM online training session. MECM which is also known as Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager.This course will give you skills you need to install, configure, administrate, troubleshoot MECMWe designed this course from basic to advanced level so that anyone from IT or non-IT background can easily understand this course.By the end this course you will be able to fully implement, administrate MECM in your production IT infrastructure or lab environment.The goal of this course is to turn you into MECM administrator so that you may take this skill into your day to day work profile.Do not worry if it sounds complicated or difficult, in case you face any challenges then put your questions or comments in the discussion board inside the course and we are there to assist you with the same."
Price: 199.99

"Figma UI/UX - Design a Budget App Using Figma (Project Base)" |
"Figma is one of the best tools for designing UI/UX. It runs online, and you can use it on any device. Many big organizations are moving towards Figma for designing their mobile and web app UI. Therefore, there is a bright future for Figma UI/UX designer. This course is for anyone keen to become an expert UI/UX designer(Beginner to advanced level).In this course, you are going to learn how to design a complete mobile app using Figma. Once you have finished this course, you will design a fully functional mobile app UI/UX using Figma. Once you will finish this Figma UI/UX course you are going to learn the basic uses of all of the Figma tools and how to implement it in a real-world project. In this course, you are gonna learn how to design User Interface(UI) and User Experience(UX) for mobile App.In this course, I will teach you how to design a complete Budget management app UI/UX using different sorts of Figma tools and how to use prototyping. Figma has a different sort of tool to design UI/UX and in this course, you are going to implement all of the tools.In this exciting Figma course, I will end up showing you how to add prototyping and animation while moving from one page to another page. Moreover, you are going to learn how to play with different sorts of options in the Figma prototype. For instance, On Tap, Open Overlay, and Close Overly, and so on.While you are going to design a Budget management app, you are going to learn :1. How to work with Figma Rectangle tools and why we need to use this tool frequently in our app UI/UX.2. How to use Figma Elipse tools and how to design user profile picture and shape.3. How to use Figma text tools and how to use it in-app UI/UX.4. How to select Figma color and color gradient such as Linear gradient, Radial gradient, and so on.5. How to make a group and reuse it.6. How to make Component in Figma and how to reuse it.7. Figma Horizontal and Vertical Scrolling.8. How to make a frame in Figma and use it.9. Figma Plugin for adding icons and charts.10. Figma Animation while moving from one page to another page.11. Figma Animation with the prototype.12. Figma prototype and different sorts of options of the prototype.13. How to design a custom alert dialog using Figma.14. How to install a Figma plugin and how to use it on UI/UX.15. You will learn how to export Figma design in different formats.16. How to draw a card design using the Figma Pen tool.17. How to add images and use the Add Images tool for adding multiple images one by one. 18. You will design a stunning profile page using Figma."
Price: 199.99

"Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (A Complete Guide 2020)" |
"Hello and Welcome Everyone in this course !!This course focuses on the Identification of this new virus, Symptoms, Transmission, possible potential Treatment of COVID-19. Also we will study what is Social distancing, Quarantine and how to do it? Healthcare professionals etc.How to test for COVID-19?How to contain or stop COVID-19 (Lockdown)?Also we will study about Pandemic, Epidemic and how it rolls out and what are the consequences of it?- covid-19 - covid symptoms - covid testing - covid Vaccine - covid asymptomatic - covid early symptomsAs we all are aware that the world is engulfed with Coronavirus currently and it is a high time that we should learn what we all need to do to protect ourselves and our loved ones. This is a very basic and detailed course which will teach you all that is required as a GLOBAL CITIZEN. The language and pace of this course is purposefully kept simple and slow and the English is very basic for everyone to understand.Stay safe !Happy Learning Everyone..."
Price: 64.99

"Recruitment: IT Basics for IT Recruiters" |
"In this course I will share with you all of the knowledge and insight I have picked up as an IT Recruiter working within an international environment. As far as I know by myself that an official IT language is quite dry and yes, even, boring and sometimes hard to follow for a non-IT person, I have tried to make this course as easy to understand (using a lot of practical examples) as it is practically possible.Thus, in this course you will find an introduction information about:- IT Fundamentals (such as hardware & software, operating systems and project life cycle), which are essential for the further IT roles understanding;- IT roles itself (key responsibilities, functions and skills related to it). Each recruiter has to stay in a close contact with the hiring manager to be able to identify his needs and each recruiter has to understand the market to be able to find a perfect match;- IT Technologies (incl. programming languages, frameworks, data bases, deployments and communication tools)- Some tips for conducting the interviews.I sincerely hope that you will enjoy this course on an ongoing basis and that it helps you being at your job not only efficient, but successful.Are you ready to jump in an IT Recruitment word? Then see you soon! And no worries, if you cant swim their yet, I have a lifebuoy with me."
Price: 24.99

"Get Prize Fighter Fit in 30 Days: HOME Boxing and Training" |
"Get Bad Ass Fit Right at Home with the Ultimate Fitness Blueprint, "" PRIZE FIGHTER FIT IN 30 DAYS"".This One-of-a-Kind Breakthrough HOME WORKOUT CHALLENGE is going to show you exactly how you can go from ground zero (very unfit) to turn back the clock and get into your best fighting shape - FAST!Have you reached 30, 40, 50 plus years old and everyday you wake up you feel like your 70?Unfit, overweight, weak, tired......or even worse, you've been working out for months and even years with apps, gym memberships, spinning and the list goes on with little or no change in how you look or feel?Well, now you can take back your health, turn back the clock and start feeling ALIVE with strength, muscle, stamina, energy and focus to looking and feeling your best.We want you to start start hitting your goals, seeing a change, feeling more fit and knowing that you're not wasting your time and hard efforts.All you need is a tad of motivation to get the ball rolling and this program paves the way for you to finally turn back the clock and feel vibrant, strong and young again.PRIZE FIGHTER FIT WILL HELP YOU GO FROM UNFIT TO SUPER FIT!No matter if your goal is to drop inches, build muscle, increase stamina, double muscle endurance or simply to start seeing results.LADIES RESULTS IN 30 DAYS:Drop Dress Size and Melt PoundsIncrease Strength and Build Sexy MuscleGet Tone, Defined and FitBoost Energy, Body Confidence and StaminaFeel and Look SexyLearn How To Punch and Have Fun Working outGUYS RESULTS IN 30 DAYS:Lose Belly FatIncrease Testosterone and StaminaBuild Muscle and StrengthFeel and Look More Confident Burn Belly, Chin and Back FatLearn How To Train Like a Fighter Double Muscle Stamina and StrengthLook. There is no more time to waste. Time is ticking and you need a fast, guaranteed and high level solution to getting super fit.""PRIZE FIGHTER FIT IN 30 DAYS"" is the answer to giving you amazing results that will make you happy and your friends envious.ONE, TWO, THREE KNOCKOUT BODY COMBINATION...This Most Powerful Fitness Plan will give you everything you need to bring your fitness to a higher level. Workouts: Conditioning, Shadow Boxing, Body Transformation and Metabolic Resistance WorkoutsDiet: Sure-Fire Belly Flattening and Body Defining Metabolic Plan to build muscle and rip off fat.Blueprint: Expert Designed Step-by-Step, Day-by-Day Blueprint to hand you the Secret Method to Getting Into Bad Ass Shape.WHO THIS IS NOT FOR:1. Someone who wants to be a body builder and not an athletic warrior.2. Someone who wants to just do copy cat workouts (burpees, mountain climbers etc..) and get no results.3. Someone who's not motivated and won't follow the blueprints to start dropping weight, build muscle and get stronger4. Someone who won't buy some dumbbells and expect results training with water bottles.5. Someone who won't consistently workout for 30 days.These are just some of the reasons this is not for you but I'm sure If you're reading this right now. You are not this person and wants access to the best program. Wants to look and feel amazing and wants results!Start today! Start getting results and be the fittest version of yourself. This is the blueprint to get you on your way. Don't procrastinate. Don't wait to get into the best shape. Start Now. Trust me...Think how awesome it will feel with more energy, muscle and stamina. You will love your results - GUARANTEED!"
Price: 99.99

"Unreal Engine 4 : Le Guide Complet (2020)" |
"Dans ce cours nous allons faire un tour d'horizon du moteur le plus puissant du march qui a permis la cration de bon nombre de titre de lindustrie du jeu vido dont le monstre que l'on ne prsente plus, Fortnite.Mon but travers ce guide est de vous permettre de voir, dans un premier temps les grandes lignes de ce que l'Unreal Engine 4 peut vous permettre de faire.Dans un second temps, je vous laisserai orienter les futures mises jours de ce cours grce vos retours et vos choix concernant les catgories que vous voulez que l'on approfondisse.Cette approche me permets d'assurer une longvit au cours en y ajoutant toujours plus de contenu, mais aussi la certitude que les nouvelles parties seront abordes avec un rel intrt puisque vous les aurez choisie.Dans ce cours, nous verrons ensemble normment de choses comme:L'installation et ce qu'il faut savoir concernant les diffrentes versions du moteur. Les Bases dont l'interface, les mouvements de camra, la manipulation des objets ainsi que la logique des dossiers propre Unreal qu'il est impratif de savoir si vous ne voulez pas corrompre vos projets.Les Modes disponiles dont le Vertex Painting qui permet de peindre une texture directement sur un modle.Les diffrents types de lumires, leurs usages et ce qu'il faut savoir pour viter les pertes de performances.Les Matriaux et bien que complexe, nous parviendront crer, pas pas, un materiel avanc et ce sans aucune connaissance au pralableLes objets dans le jeu vido et ainsi viter les piges lors de la cration ou la slection de vos modles.Le Blueprint, la programmation propre unreal qui au-del de permettre la mise en place de fonctionnalit de gameplay, offre aussi la possibilit de crer des acteurs placer directement dans les niveaux comme la classique porte ouverture automatique.Les Personnages, leurs animations, ainsi que les fonctionnalits classiques comme le saut, la marche, la course et nous lui permettrons de voir dans le noir grce une lampe torche. Nous profiterons de cette section pour configurer deux Intelligence Artificielle standard, programme pour soit suivre notre joueur, soit effectuer des rondes des points alatoiresL'ATH ou Affichage Tte Haute nous permettra de sureveiller du coin de l'oeil, la faim de notre personnage ou son niveau d'endurance grce deux barres de progressions.Nous mettrons galement en place un menu pause avec la possibilit de changer les paramtres graphiques ou la rsolution de l'cran. Et nous finirons par un autre classique, le menu de dmarrage de notre projet.Les Particules de manire native avec cascades et de manire plus pouss grce au plugin Niagara.Les Terrains en commenant par les outils offert par le moteur. Puis nous crerons ensemble un materiel avec pose de vgatation automatique et une hirarchie logique faisant que l'herbe sera toujours au dessus, la roche en dessous et la terre entre les deux.Nous terminerons ce cours par la cration d'une petite scne naturelle dans laquelle nous viendront poser nos arbre de manire procduraleEt nous lui donnerons un vrai cachet en lui ajoutant un brouillard volumtrique, en activant la lumire indirecte dynamique et en ajustant notre Post Process afin d'obtenir un rendu riche et des ombres fidles la lumire ambiante.Pour toujours plus de fidlit de notre lumire, je vous montrerai comment crer vos propre Cube Map ou HDR grce au plugin de Nvidia, AnselLes mises jour d'ores et dj prvues sont listes ci-dessous. Veuillez noter que cette liste est non-exhaustive et qu'elle ne reprsente pas l'ordre de parution des futures mises jour:Les DecalsLes sons et bruitagesLe Package d'un projet (cration d'un .exe du projet)La gnration d'une version source de l'Unreal Engine (Visual Studio ncessaire)Le plugin de destruction ChaosUne scne architecturale La dcouverte des nouveauts majeures de chaque nouvelle version du moteur.La synchronisation du projet avec GithubCe cours a t cr en version 4.25.3 et il est FORTEMENT RECOMMAND d'utiliser LA MME version ! Si vous choisissez d'utiliser une autre version, soyez conscient que vous pourriez rencontrer d'ventuelles erreurs non-traites dans ce cours."
Price: 49.99

"Armona para Tod@s" |
"En este video-curso vers los elementos armnicos y meldicos ms importantes de la ARMONIA FUNCIONAL, explicados en forma clara y prctica con la ayuda de vdeos, documentos, ejercicios y auto-evaluaciones.El curso est dividido en dos mdulos:MODULO 1. Conocimientos Meldicos: Nociones Preliminares, Tono y Semitono, Intervalos, Escala Mayor, Escalas Menores, Escalas Relativas, Ciclo de quintas, Escalas Pentatnicas, Modos.MODULO 2. Conocimientos Armnicos: Tradas, Cuatradas, Acordes Extendidos, Armona de la Escala Mayor y Menor(es), Ampliacin de la Tonalidad.Cada mdulo contiene 6 LECCIONES, con un video y un pdf con ampliacin del contenido y ejercicios para cada leccin. Al final de cada mdulo, podrs hacer una auto-evaluacin a travs de un cuestionario, para saber cunto has aprendido.Tendrn las herramientas necesarias para conocer ms en profundidad tu instrumento. Conocers las escalas, acordes y dems elementos bsicos de la armona, en un contexto real y prctico. A travs de las funciones, cadencias y relaciones armnicas, aprenders a analizar y conocer mejor la msica.Podrs utilizar todo lo aprendido para seguir investigando y profundizando sobre la armona, y tendrs ms herramientas para enfrentar tanto la composicin como la improvisacin musical."
Price: 34.99

"Premiere Pro VR" |
"Premiere Pro360VRVRVRVRYouTube360360VR"
Price: 24000.00

"How to Make Money Online for Beginners: Follow PROVEN STEPS!" |
"Your first $1 online is the hardest. The rest will be much easier.In this course, you'll learn the steps, mindset and the principles to making money online.You're not going to get push buttons to riches but a solid advice from a person who has helped numerous people to make money online.While I can't promise you results by law, I can promise to do my best to help you to succeed.I've used these steps that I show to you in this course to make over $100,000 online.Everything started from the first $1.After that everything got easier and easier...Roope ""Helping ordinary people to make a life-changing income online"" KiuttuPS. If you have any questions, I will be more than happy to help you.You can ask me questions there or on my YouTube channel Learn to Make Honest Money Online.It's my mission to help ordinary people to make a life-changing income online and I'd love to help YOU as well!-INCOME DISCLAIMER: This is not a get rich quick program nor do I believe in overnight success. I believe in hard work, integrity and developing your skills if you want to earn more financially. As stipulated by law, I can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with any of our products or services. The average person who buys any ""how-to"" information gets little to no results. Any references or examples used within this website are real and documented but are used strictly for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as consistent effort and action."
Price: 199.99

"Viver com Alegria" |
"Viver com Alegria a minha proposta como Risoterapeuta e Coach de Transformao Pessoal para que possamos viver em pleno e aproximar da percepo de um caminho de vida em Felicidade.Vivermos com conscincia de ns mesmo.Compreender as nossas emoes e gerir de forma a encontrar alegria, reduzindo estados de disperso, de stress e de ansiedade.Mudarmos pequenos hbitos que nos fazem viver a vida com maior conscincia e conexo. Relevarmos questes que no so importantes, e vivermos com maior percepo as coisas que realmente importam.Desenvolver a capacidade de estarmos mais presentes em casa momento.Desenvolver o estado de alegria interna incondicional e elevarmos a nossa vibrao energtica."
Price: 19.99

"Aprendendo a montar cursos on-line" |
"Este um curso on-line e, por conseguinte, para que o aprendizado tenha efeito, necessria a plena participao do aluno e assim, oferecer questionamentos; dirimir dvidas; buscar aprofundar o contedo; e fazer os exerccios propostos. O dinamismo e a eficincia so resultado disso de maneira inexorvel. Ademais, o aprendizado depende sempre, em boa parte, da vontade de quem quer aprender(!).Este curso foi pensado, sobretudo, para iniciantes e que querem se tornar professores de curso on-line sem saber por onde comear. Os que no so professores por formao tambm so bem-vindos, mas que querem transmitir algum conhecimento acadmico ou para o desenvolvimento pessoal. O grande diferencial do contedo a experincia pessoal do instrutor (!) que migrou da sala de aula para o ensino pela internet.A ideia a oferecer um conhecimento bsico com aulas objetivas e curtas. Outro objetivo abrir caminhos para os que pretendem fazer da docncia on-line ou distncia uma fonte de renda permanente ou tornar-se um empreendedor da educao, montando sua prpria escola EAD. Cada vez mais, haver os que buscaro independncia na atuao no mercado de trabalho, usando a internet como ambiente de atuao profissional sem a dependncia de um emprego formal. Na educao no ser diferente. Nas instituies de ensino, sobretudo as da iniciativa privada, o emprego depender da grande intimidade com as tecnologias aplicadas educao. Sendo assim, o curso pode ser muito til tambm para os que esto empregados, mas que necessitem de atualizao do conhecimento sobre a tecnologia disponvel para a transmisso do conhecimento distncia ou de maneira remota. Quando o isolamento social acabar e a crise de sade for superada e retomarmos nossas vidas profissionais de forma plena, o ensino distncia ganhar um impulso definitivo em vrios nveis da educao, sobretudo, no Nvel Superior. A crise provocada pela pandemia promover a disseminao de recursos e muitas ideias que estavam em fase de amadurecimento. O ensino distncia pode ajudar a superar a necessidade de custos para educar milhes de jovens em pases em desenvolvimento como o Brasil. Alm disso, o conhecimento disponvel na internet possibilita atingir cada vez mais pessoas em todo o mundo. Podemos ensinar no s os que moram no Brasil, mas os vivem em outros pases. As aulas oferece como subtemas:A experincia do instrutor ao migrar do ensino em sala de aula para o ambiente da internetOrientao sobre o uso de equipamentos (Hardware) necessrios para a produo de cursos on-line.Orientao sobre o uso de aplicativos (Software) usados para a produo de vdeos e aulas. Orientao de como pensar as aulas. Orientao sobre as plataformas disponveis para a divulgao de cursos para professores independentes. Orientao sobre as estratgias de divulgao dos cursos e captao de alunos. Orientao no sentido da formao de uma escola EAD. O aluno tem a possibilidade de comunicao com o instrutor a qualquer hora e o acesso a recursos pedaggicos que ampliam o contedo.O contedo oferecido de maneira objetiva por meio de aulas de curta durao pensadas, sobretudo, para os que tenham pouca intimidade com a tecnologia necessria para a montagem de cursos on-line. Alm disso, a inscrio vitalcia, possibilitando que o aluno assista as aulas quantas vezes quiser para que assim possa fazer revises do contedo.Exerccios so oferecidos, possibilitando a aplicao do que ensinado e assim, a fixao do contedo oferecido, A ideia que o aluno compreenda de forma imediata o uso da tecnologia necessria. Importante: Sobre os aplicativos, aviso que o curso oferece princpios ou o bsico para us-los, ficando por conta do aluno buscar fontes adicionais como os vdeos disponibilizados na internet gratuitamente para o aprofundamento do aprendizado e assim, saber tirar proveito de recursos mais complexos. Parte-se da ideia de que o uso de todo aplicativo ou programa tem como princpio o uso da capacidade intuitiva. Um exemplo disso est no Word, em que o usurio capaz de us-lo de imediato. Ademais comum que se consiga manipular os recursos disponveis tanto pela constncia do uso e assim, pelas tentativas, erros e acertos, que levam a descobrir recursos que no so explcitos. Compreender a lgica do programa 50% do aprendizado. O aluno ao se inscrever ter um aliado disposto a ajudar a superar todas as dificuldades para a montagem do seus cursos. Respostas sero enviadas sempre com a maior celeridade possvel.Matricule-se j e transforme sua vida profissional e pessoal! "
Price: 84.99

"Aile ii Problemler ve zm Yollar" |
"Hzla deien dnyamzda insann yaayabilmesi ,bir bakma en yakn evresiyle olan iliiklerine ve evrenin kiilerin davranlar zerindeki etkisini anlamasna baldr. nsann en yakn evresi evi ve ailesi olduu tartlmaz bir gerektir. Bu yzdendir ki aile iinde oluan bir sorun ve problem ailenin bir paras olarak grlr ve birlikte zm yollar bulunur. Ancak bu zm yolu ailenizi yapsna gre deiecek ve belki de ok eyin balang veya bitii olacaktr."
Price: 49.99

"Top 2 Klavierstcke fr Anfnger" |
"Herzlich willkommen bei der Langschen Klavierschule.In diesem Kurs lernst Du 2 der bekanntesten Klavierstcke, die sich fr Anfnger eignen am Klavier zu spielen. Lerne in Deinem eigenen Tempo und erlerne grundlegende Kenntnisse spielend leicht, mit Stcken die Du sicher schon gehrt hast. Deine Vorteile:Spass-Faktor durch sorgsam ausgewhlte EvergreensErfolgserlebnis durch leichte Stcke Lerne in Deinem individuellen TempoSehr gnstig (zum Vergleich: Klavierlektionen kosten meist 50-100.- pro Stunde) Fr jedes Alter geeignet!Perfekt fr Anfnger und Wiedereinsteiger, auch ohne VorkenntnisEinfache Tutorials fr ein rasches und mheloses LernenGeeignet fr:Anfnger jeden Alters (Kinder und Erwachsene)Wiedereinsteiger"
Price: 24.99

"Adobe Photoshop Course: The Complete Guide (Step by Step)" |
"Get started to learn Image Editing with Adobe Photoshop & start building your career as a Graphic Designer. Learn everything from Beginner's level to an complete advanced level from scratch. Here you will learn the most advanced and most popular Graphic Editing software ""Adobe Photoshop"". We will be using Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 but any version which is higher than CS6 should work fine."
Price: 4800.00

"JavaScript Course: Complete Guide (Step by Step)" |
"JavaScript has become the most popular and essentials scripting language. If you are planning to go for web development or any JavaScript based framework like Angular, React, or Vue js, then the Complete JavaScript for Beginners is the right course for you.Here you will learn Complete JavaScript from beginner to advanced level from scratch. In order to get started with any JavaScript framework or Web Development you need to have a fundamental skills in JavaScript. This course cover exactly all about that."
Price: 4800.00

"JavaScript ES6 Course: ECMA Script 6 (Step by Step)" |
"ECMA Script 6 or ES6 is the latest standard used in JavaScript to get the most out of the JavaScript language itself. A lot of new syntax and keywords have now been added to the JavaScript ES6 update.These updates have actually improved the performance of how good and fast can JavaScript be used in many web applications.Some of the most popular JavaScript frameworks are NodeJS, Angular by Google, ReactJS by Facebook use the modern JavaScript ES6. In this course we will cover everything that is required to get get started with the modern JavaScript. After completing this course you can further proceed to any Popular JavaScript Framework."
Price: 4800.00

"Angular 10 Course: Build Angular Apps (Step by Step)" |
"Angular is a JavaScript Framework built and maintained by Google. It is the most stable and advanced JavaScript framework which used widely to improve the website application speed and performance. In this course your will learn the Angular 9+ Course from a complete beginner to advanced level.We are going to cover many topics which also includes Components in Angular: Styling in Angular, Install External styles & scripts, Interpolation, Data Binding, Primitive Data Binding, Directives in Angular, Event Binding, Pipes in Angular, Decorators in Angular, Http client in Angular and much more."
Price: 4800.00

"React JS Course: The Beginners Guide (Step by Step)" |
"React JS is a JavaScript library built, development and maintained by Facebook. React JS is specifically used to develop interactive web UI. React JS uses the JavaScript DOM instead of using the HTML DOM, This makes React JS the fastest JavaScript library for developing UI elements. In this course you will learn the following: JSX in React, Components, Stateless Components, Props & Events, Refs in React, Mounting & Un-mounting, Build a Scratch Pad App with ReactJS.This course is complete based on practicals, Basically in this course we are going to build a Scratch pad app with React JS."
Price: 4800.00

"Django 3 Course: Build Python Based Web App (Step by Step)" |
"Django Framework is a Python based web framework which is so popular that it is been used by many professional companies around the world.In this Django Course you will learn how to get started with Django Web Framework & build a Employee database management system app. This course covers the following topicsDjango IntroductionEnvironmental SetupWorking with ModelsCreating Custom ViewsWorking with TemplatesAdmin functionalitiesURLs & Regular expressionStyling web app"
Price: 4800.00

"WooCommerce Course: Build E-Commerce Websites (Step by Step)" |
"WooCommerce is a plugin which extends the functionality of WordPress to work as an E-commerce website. In this course you will learn complete WooCommerce from beginner to advanced level. We will cover the following:WooCommerce Installation & setupAdding simple & variable productsCreating digital & virtual productsCreate custom product setting with attributesManage orders and customersInstall & manage payment gateways & more."
Price: 4800.00

"Commando Workout Fitness Supreme" |
"Welcome to Commando Workout Fitness Supreme!This is a one of a kind course where there are really unique exercises to build the overall tough and powerful body. It will build you mentally and physically to toughen up and become the ""Commando"". Did you always wanted to have the lean, strong and defined body, do not look further! The instructor breaks down the techniques and you can join him while he is doing the sets and reps in the Commando workout. The instructor has over 15 years experience in the field of fitness and mixes different elements of fitness component from different disciplines to create an explosive, powerful workout to lose fat and gain muscle, strength using body weight and weights. The workout is a mixture of circuit, isometrics, plyometrics, calisthenics and HIIT workout to really test your fitness levels. The instructor tailor makes the workout and gives you a range of workout to truly test your fitness and there are plenty of workouts to suit individual needs. This is an overall body workout with emphasis on upper and lower body too."
Price: 59.99

"Arabic for Beginners. Complete & Comprehensive Course 2020" |
"Marhaba!!This course helps the learners to understand how the Arabic Language work, It focuses on understanding rather memorizing, which leads into great results in a very short time. You will learn many topics: How to introduce yourself in Arabic, understand the verbs system and how to form the possessive, How to greet others, Order food and Drinks and much more. In a very short time, you will be able to form hundreds of sentences by understanding how the language works, NOT by memorising.What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Mozn and I've been a professional instructor for over a decade. Plus I'm the founder of Mezan Institute and the Author of a published book in teaching the Arabic language for non-native speakers. My courses are continuously receiving 5-star reviews like these from the Arabic for Beginners. The Complete Method:***** I enjoy the content and the material : video, booklet, whatsap group, zoom class. The trainer is good and motivating. - Sophie***** Makes everything look simple and easy to learn. Well structured. - Roxana***** Thank you for the course. Was very informative and easy to follow. Many times when Ive purchased online courses I get bored and dont complete them. This was very to the point and interesting. Look forward to continue with more of your courses. - GeraldineWhat is this Arabic Language course all about?In this complete guide to Arabic Language course, you'll not only learn all of the principles of the Arabic Language, but also how to understand the language and start thinking using it.This course will cover everything you need to know to start Speaking, Reading & Writing in Arabic, including:Introducing yourselfGreeting othersOrdering food & Drinks, and chatting in the restaurant/Cafe. How to form and structure the sentences in a correct way.Numbers and Days of the Week.Asking and Telling the Time.The most important adjectives and descriptive words The most important verbs and how to conjugate them in a very simple way.Presenting and describing your Family members.Talk about your daily routine and activities.Ask and Tell the directions, and Describe the main parts of the city Learn how to talk about future events and simple past actions Learn the Arabic AlphabetRead and Write in ArabicAnd much much more!Learn from someone who is currently working in the industry, who knows the most current teaching techniques, and who has a masters in Languages from one of the world's top Universities.BONUS: As a bonus, you'll have access to free live webinars and exclusive social media channels. Keep an eye on the Bonus lecture at the end of the course.By the end of this course, your confidence as Arabic Language learner will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of how to use the Language with your friends or in a business environment.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!I wish you an enjoyable journey with us.Shukran! Mozn"
Price: 159.99

"Comprehensive Human Psychology Course" |
"This course covers psychology lessons from the start, which you will understand well. This course is a comprehensive psychology course, which is updated every month with detailed descriptions and new courses are added. The course content is not academic, but is designed in a way that everyone from all walks can understand. While some lessons are in classroom environment with teacher expression, some lessons are enriched with slides. This course will be very useful to you, your family and your loved ones. Now you will find much more in this course, from communication between people to body language, from feeling good to ways of happiness. This course will teach you to look at life differently and fill you with new hopes."
Price: 99.99

"Educational Psychology Course" |
"Education has been interpreted so far by different people and institutions in terms of its definition from separate perspectives. The definition of what education is in our mind, a positive behavior change should occur as a result and of course this behavior should be in line with the targets in the desired direction. We can sum it up in the form.Since the first ages of life, education has always existed from the first moment when humanity began to breathe and breath, and education will continue to exist in all future periods. Even in the Old Stone-Paleolithic Age, which is the longest phase in human history, people have reflected figures and pictures that express their thoughts and feelings to the caves. The content of these pictures has changed depending on the psychological moods.In this course, you will learn much more from your educator, who teaches in understandable language."
Price: 19.99

"Sass: Complete Sass Course (CSS Preprocessor) With Projects" |
"One of The Best SASS or SCSS Course on Udemy!!!Sass: Complete Sass or SCSS Course (CSS Preprocessor) With ProjectsSass or SCSS is ""pre-processor"" language, and it basically supercharges your CSS so you can create flexible, clean and incredibly powerful stylesheets. You will enjoy this sass course on udemyThe entire purpose of sass crash course is to save you time & energy when styling websites and applications.If you want to learn about the most popular CSS Extension (Sass) and build modern, beautiful and real world websites, then this is the right course for you. Sass the complete sass course covers all you need to know about this awesome Sass css technology.INCLUDED:1. Basic computer commands to run Sass2. You will able to use Ruby with Sass3. We will cover topics like: variables and mixins imports, functions and many more4. You will know about CSS types and you can change CSS types using Sass5. You will build modern and beautiful website . Project will be created based on SASS. You will learn about how to structure your code using SASS and you will be able to put all the learned stuff together and build the website.6. Throughout the course, you will understand advance css and sass and meet detailed explanations about how SASS works, also, you will introduce to modern practices and solutions.When we learn something new, I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life.You're protected with a 100% money-back guarantee! Simply request a refund within the first 30-days, and you'll get your investment back, no questions asked.Get fast and friendly support from instructors 24/7.ENROLL TODAY!!!"
Price: 99.99
