"Docker to Amazon AWS Deploy Java & .NET Apps with Travis CI" |
"**** Understand everything you need to know to get started on the right foot with Continuous Integration (CI), Docker and Amazon AWS! *****Do you need to know and make the most of all the power that Docker and Amazon AWS can give?Do you want to take advantage of the power, lightness, and portability of containers and learn how to deploy them in production?Do you need to put all the concepts of continuous integration into practice?Regardless of your experience with Docker's use on Amazon Web Services (AWS), this course puts you in direct contact with all your main concepts. We learn how to get the most out of containers Docker, Dockerfiles, Docker Registries (Docker Hub and Elastic Container Registry (ECR) from AWS), and container management by the Elastic Container Service (ECS).Initially, we will do a brief review of what Docker is and what Docker Compose is and how to install them on your machine, be it Linux or Windows. Then we will integrate Docker into a Java application with Spring Boot, exploring Docker on AWS at a high level. We will learn how each of the main ""pieces"" works separately, bringing together all the essential parts of a Docker infrastructure in a Linux instance based on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), including installation, Dockerfiles, Docker Images and Docker Hub. Next, we'll learn how to create clustered environments with Amazon ECS.At this point, we will understand how all moving parts can be brought together in a real, publicly accessible deployment. Throughout the course, we will gradually add support for Continuous Integration. We will start by automating simple tasks that will gradually evolve into a Continuous Integration pipeline involving Github, Travis CI, and an ECS Cluster on Amazon AWS. It will be incredible you commit the code, push to Github, Travis CI builds the Docker Images, and deploy it on Amazon ""Automagically.""In addition to the Spring Boot application in the last sections of the course, we will Dockerize an ASP.NET Core application making it able to perform this type of task in more than one technology/language. By the end of this course, you will have learned fundamental knowledge about Continuous Integration and how to use Docker on AWS.So don't waste any more time going to classes!"
Price: 169.99

"Unity Level Design : Abandoned House" |
"In this course I will be showing you a professional workflow for creating a level from a blank scene through to completion that is inspired by the video game: ""The Last of Us"".We will be using free props and models collected from various places online and I will be showing you how you can modify them in Substance Painter to make props fit within an environment that meets your vision.We will be covering the following:Terrain sculptingPainting terrain texturesArranging flowers, grass, ivy, rocks and treesLevel layout of an abandoned houseRe-texturing assets in Substance PainterCreating decals in Substance PainterLighting and baking lightmaps in UnityUsing post processing volumesAdding environmental soundsRecording video within Unity for your portfoliosBy the end of this course you will have developed the skills needed to build your own levels for your own games.I look forward to seeing you in the courseMusic by Jason Shaw: from freemusicarchive"
Price: 49.99

"5G Technology : Transmission and design techniques" |
"We are delighted to bring before you this course of 5g technology and design techniques.Are you eager to learn more about 5g networks?Does 5g networks and design technology of mobile devices is what you want to gain knowledge about?Then, this is the correct course choice to know about 5g networks and design techniques of 5g mobile devices.Today, as the technology is developing at the fast pace, 5G will be coming in existence in the coming near future with more vibrant features and facilities.5G is very important in terms to reach the demand which will be very high in the coming near future.So, if you are interested in knowing more about 5g networks and design techniques.Enroll in the course to learn more about 5g.As you are covered under refund guarantee, check the course out and try it to know more about working of 5g networks"
Price: 19.99

"Realistic Drawing Course for Beginners" |
"This course is straight to the point! Focused on showing shading and gradient details, as these are the basis for the correct design of any drawing with a realistic aspect. We will see techniques of shading, light and shadow, application of texture on the skin, among others ... We will see techniques to be able to trace the design of a face with the maximum similarity to the person in the photo to be drawn, we will study each separately part of the face and finally we will draw a complete face step by step."
Price: 89.99

Trigonometry |
"In this course you will learn: - What the identities are that we can use and why they are useful in trigonometry - Reduction formulae and the Cartesian plane - Solving for an angle and all the variations to easily solve the equations - Drawing the trigonometric graphs with the aid of your calculator - The sine, cosine and area rules as well as to solve problems in 3D"
Price: 24.99

"Introduo e Fundamentos do 5'S" |
"O bom ambiente de trabalho um dos principais fatores para a realizao eficaz das atividades dirias de uma empresa. Assim, fundamental que o local de trabalho seja limpo, organizado e eficiente. Esses resultados podem ser alcanados com a metodologia 5S.A metodologia 5S uma ferramenta utilizada no pensamento Lean (pensamento enxuto), o qual visa eliminar etapas que no agregam valor ao produto final e tornar o processo enxuto. Vale lembrar que o 5S pode ser aplicado em pequenas e grandes empresas, desde escritrios, fbricas, comrcio, servios e at mesmo em casa!Alm disso, essa metodologia possui inmeros benefcios e com um auxlio profissional, pode ser facilmente implantada em uma empresa, seja ela de pequeno ou grande porte.Aproveite ao mximo estes contedos e conhea nossos outros cursos.Abraos e at breve.Equipe Academia Pensar."
Price: 39.99

"Financial Mathematics - Theory of Interest & Cashflow Models" |
"This course requires no prior knowledge on financial concepts and we will go through the main financial instruments one at a time. We will also look at the Time Value of Money, the Theory of Interest Rates and the Discounted Cash Flow Model. This is an introductory course for people who want to pursue careers in Actuarial Science, CFA, FRM, etc. A mathematical background will be advantageous.Section 1What is Finance and Why do we have finance?What are Interest and Inflation Rates?Why are Financial Transactions complicated?Section 2Introduction to Financial InstrumentsZero Coupon BondFixed Interest SecurityIndex Linked SecurityEquityAnnuityInsurance ProductsSection 3Theory of Interest - BasicPower of Interest RatesDiscount RatesBasic Actuarial NotationSection 4Theory of Interest - AdvancedMoney Rates vs Real RatesNominal Rates vs Effective RatesForce of InterestForce of Interest as a Function of timeSection 5Actuarial NotationDiscounting FactorAnnuity CertainAnnuity in AdvanceDeferred AnnuityAnnuities payable pthlyAnnuities payable continuouslyPerpetuitiesIncreasing AnnuitiesSection 6Term Structure of interest ratesSpot RatesForward RatesTheories on Yield CurvesYield to MaturityPar YieldImmunisationSection 7Equation of ValueLinear InterpolationSection 8Loan SchedulesSection 9Project AppraisalSection 10Stochastic Interest Rate ModelsLognormal Interest Rate ModelsSingle Factor ModelsHo-LeeVasicekHull-whiteCox-Ingress-RossSection 11Exam Questions"
Price: 39.99

"Design Failure Mode Effect Analysis - Concepts & Practice" |
"Design Failure Mode Effect and Analysis (DFMEA) is a very important tool for the design engineer to develop designs which are reliable and safe. This course will take you through the concepts and process of developing a DFMEA.What the course will cover? Need for DFMEADefining failure modesCause and Root cause analysis using Fishbone diagramsEvaluation of Risk - Severity, Occurence and DetectionWhat is Design prevention control and Design detection control / Design verification Grading of severity, occurence and detectionThe systematic process of DFMEAWhat is B diagram and how to prepare B diagram with multiple examplesWhat is P diagram and how to prepare P diagram with multiple examplesDFMEA walkthrough of a Bicycle Exercises for learning by doing.The course is well suited for Mechanical design engineers or aspiring students who want to learn how to design effectively and consider possible failure modes. The class focusses on the concepts and underlying reasoning rather than a descriptive approach . Developing a good DFMEA is critical for complex system engineering work and hence its a key skill to develop for career growth and innovation."
Price: 5440.00

"English Writing Basics: Learn to Write Sentences in English" |
"English Writing Basics is an English course taught by me, Chris, an American Native English speaker. You will learn commonly used English Writing patterns so that you can sound more native-like when you speak and write in English.English patterns are groups of words (phrases) that native English speakers use again and again. If you learn one pattern, you can make hundreds of sentences. Learning these patterns will also improve your overall grammar and sentence structure.This course includes:Vocabulary based lectures for the target English patternsWriting and Vocabulary practice for every single patternWriting Quizzes for every single patternWriting Sentence Tests to help you check your mastery of the lessons.and Video downloads so that you can learn anywhere, any time.Each section focuses on a vocabulary based topic so that you can master the sentence patterns and structures and create your own sentences using the vocabulary you have learned.If you want to write English correctly, if you want to sound more native-like when you speak, or if you simply want to take your English to the next level, this course can help you achieve your goal of improving your English writing skills."
Price: 29.99

"Forex trading: Invest profitaby in PAMM (Online investment)" |
"""In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable."" - Robert Arnott ""How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case."" - Robert G. AllenAlthough investing in a savings account is a sure bet, your gains will be minimal, considering the extremely low-interest rates. At times, you will have to step out of your comfort zone to realize significant gains. Forex trading is not for everyone. Many people have tried Scalping, Day trading, Swing trading and even Algorithm trading and still failed to make money in forex trading. The forex market is volatile and vicious. Stocks, Futures, Commodities and Indices have created millionaires and impoverished many. These lucrative financial avenues are high risk, but also offer high returns. Unfortunately, very few people that participate in forex trading are consistently successful. Infact only about 10% of the actors in the forex markets are actually successful, consistently. Its not by chance that they become successful, its skill.So, you want to invest in the highly rewarding forex trading, but don't have the skill required to do so, or maybe you have a full time and highly demanding job that you rarely ever get the time to analyse the markets. Guess what, you can profit from forex trading no matter what predicament you may have, without a trading system, without even knowing how to trade!!!!!This course will teach you how you can tap into Forex trading without the need to develop your trading skills. In fact, if you follow the teachings of this course, you may be more successful than most traders out there. There is a totally legal and scam free way that you can use to invest or employ the top 10% of the traders that make money in Forex trading and profit from them. The best news is that you will only pay them a small percentage of the profits they make for you. So you only pay them when they make money or you. Meaning its in their best interest to make money for you.PAMM is legal and is scam free. You deal with regulated and reputable forex trading brokers online and you do not deal with individuals. Every transaction is automated on the Forex trading broker platform. This course will teach you how to invest in Forex trading through Forex broker PAMM services. Also, you will learn how to choose the best PAMM brokers the industry has.So follow me into the course and learn more on how you can build your own investment portfolio online.WHAT YOU'LL LEARNHow you can profit from forex trading without executing a tradeHow to choose reliable forex trading PAMM brokers.How to choose the best performing forex traders as PAMM fund managers.How to calculate Risk adjusted returns for choosing fund managers.How to build a PAMM investment portfolio.How to manage you risk in your PAMM investment portfolio."
Price: 19.99

"Arabic conversations" |
"In this course, you will learn how to:introduce yourself in Arabic and your nationality to othersrule of making nationality in Arabic; so simpletalk about your family and your relatives (males and females)numbers and colorsdescribe yourself and others (tall, short, fat, slim, strong, weak, handsome, ...)talk about your home and neighbors and your addressgrammar (the nominal and the verbal sentence)And more of vocabulary and sentences in Arabic.And in every lesson, you will learn the difference between male and female form in Arabic.As for the Arabic grammar, it is no longer difficult because in Arabic Course 1 we review grammatical rules in order to give you your needs to talk in Arabic.We offer you some free videos to let you make sure that we are doing our best to make you learn Arabic easily and comfortably."
Price: 19.99

"learn Arabic of Quran - Quran words and verses" |
"Many people around the world want to understand Quran, they learn Arabic to understand Quran.But the common Arabic courses teach general Arabic that is different to the Quranic Arabic.My course teaches the Arabic of Quran only; words and verses in easily method. Every lesson, you will learn some words from nouns to verbs and will learn Quranic verse to see how it is working.This is Part One and I hope you like it to motivate me continue!Thank you..."
Price: 19.99

"How the TikTok Algorithm Works" |
"Easy Steps to Have the Best Account in TikTok by understanding How the TikTok Algorithm WorksThis course will help you to understand how the TikTok algorithm works and will help you to create videos according to his algorithm and get viral.These video marketing algorithms can be used for other social media like Instagram, Facebook Marketing, YouTube video, and so one."
Price: 19.99

"Certified: The Definitive Guide To The Akashic Records" |
"Certified :The Definitive Guide To The Akashic RecordsRead Your Akashic Records & Access The Akashic Archive, Your Book Of The Soul To Unlock Your True Spiritual JourneyThis course comes with a personal certificate from myself and the Julian Jenkins Spiritual AcademyThe Akashic Records are a field of information and energy stored in the Great Halls that reach back to your past and forward to the future.These records not only contain all of the answers concerning ourselves but the entirety of all life including our past lives, all our energies, lifes historical experiences, and of course our very intimate personal information.The Akashic Records are an amazing tool and space to allow us to view how events from our past, both in this lifetime and previous ones, influence and shape our lives today.By learning how to access your very own Akashic Records, you can get a much greater understanding of some of your past difficult circumstances enabling you to contextualise your emotions, character, and reactions so that you can have a much deeper respect and understanding for your past present and future.This course will truly help you discover the unlimited power and personal understanding of the Akashic Records for yourself.The true essence of the Akashic Records allows you the ability to access and work with them on a regular basis, which in turn helps to paint your spiritual picture of your past lives and your soul's purpose going forward today.Another great benefit of this course is the loving space we enter opens and amplifies the healing love and energy from spirit as we work with our spirit guides, past-life guides and ascended masters who help us galvanise our energetic realm to help us along our spiritual pathway.As always my mantra is to help you help yourself live a happy balanced spiritual life with clarity and purpose and this course ticks every single box.Sign up today and join me on this wonderful journey."
Price: 49.99

"Basics of Fertilizers" |
"This is an introductory level course that that covers the entire range of products that improve fertility of the soil, in a simple and concise way. This course includes nitrogenous, phosphatic and potassic fertilizers, the secondary nutrients (calcium, magnesium and sulfur), all of the micronutrients, advanced fertilizer materials (slow-release, controlled-release and smart fertilizers), organic fertilizers (including biofertilizers) and calculating fertilizer dosages. For each type of nutrient there is a description of the different products available, an outline of their manufacture, important properties, application methods and what causes fertilizer losses. Environmental issues caused by fertilizers are also discussed briefly. Newer types of fertilizers that can reduce environmental impacts are described. This course also discusses various categories of organic fertilizers that include vermicompost, biofertilizers and biostimulants. The last topic examines how to calculate fertilizer doses; methods for calculations for straight fertilizers and mixed or complex fertilizers are detailed together with generic formulae that can be used for any situation."
Price: 24.99

".NET Core 3.1 C# EF y MVC: Crea una App completa desde cero" |
"ATENCIN: Aplica el cupn ONLYFOR1299SEP para obtener un mayor descuento en tu compra ASP.NET Core / C# / MVC / Entity Framework / JQuery / HTML5En este curso aprenders a programar en el lenguaje C# y sabrs como implementar plantillas Modelo/Vista/Controlador con MVC, mediante el entorno ms utilizado hoy en da, Visual Studio Code.Con Entity Framework crearemos nuestra Base de Datos a partir de Modelos.Tambin aprenderemos a utilizar la herramienta aspnet-codegenerator para crear nuestros Controladores y Vistas automticamente.Aprenders a implementar JQuery para validaciones y datos dinmicos.Vamos a instalar Visual Studio Code con sus extensiones, para trabajar y gestionar un proyecto .NET Core y MVC.Con MaterializeCSS vamos a incorporar elementos ms profesionales a tu aplicacin, haciendo que tu diseo se destaque del resto.En este curso aprenders tcnicas de programacin avanzadas que te permitirn desarrollarte en el mbito profesional del rea de desarrollo tecnolgico, destacndote del resto.Si te haces estas preguntas, este curso te ayudarTengo algunos conocimientos de programacin orientada a objetos, pero me gustara aprender ms.En mi trabajo quieren migrar el antiguo sistema por uno ms moderno desarrollado en C# y aprender me vendra genial.Tengo algunas dudas al momento de programar y no s por donde comenzar.Qu tipo de sistema vamos a desarrollar en el curso?Vamos a disear y programar un Sistema de Turnos para pacientes y mdicos con login.Tengo algunos conocimientos de C# porqu debera tomar este curso?En el curso aprenders todos los conceptos relacionados al patrn MVC, por lo que se requiere un conocimiento bsico de programacin en C#.Adems, el curso se mantiene actualizado constantemente con nuevas clases y contenidos.Hay secciones dedicadas a la prctica?Todo el curso cuenta con explicaciones y ejercicios prcticos.Como podr interactuar con los Instructores?Queremos que cada alumno avance y aprenda los conceptos de manera clara.Nuestro objetivo es que aprendas .NET Core C# JQuery HTML5 MaterializeCSS y MVC a nivel Avanzado.Vamos a seguir paso a paso tu proceso de aprendizaje y estaremos cerca para ayudarte con cualquier duda que pueda surgir, con el fin de que puedas lograr el objetivo.No dudes en escribirnos, desde aqu o por el grupo exclusivo de Facebook. Contenido actualizado todos los das. Acceso de por vida a todo el contenido nuevo. Soporte en lnea desde la plataforma Udemy. Acceso al grupo exclusivo de alumnos, donde se comparten dudas y material de aprendizaje.Todas las clases estn disponibles en Full HD 1080Te esperamos!"
Price: 59.99

"Organic Chemistry II - Aromatic Reactions and Carbonyls!" |
"In this course, I'll walk you through some of the major topics that are covered in Organic Chemistry II courses. Each topic is covered in detail with background and practice problems. I'll warn you about common stumbling blocks and mental hurdles students normally face, and I'll give you practical problem solving tips and tricks! You're going to do AWESOME! :) "
Price: 199.99

"ePLAN Electric P8 Heavyweight Vol.1/2 - The Crash Course" |
"Instructor's recommendation: If you are a total beginner in EPLAN or you would just want to see the key features of this program then I recommend you check the course: ""ePLAN Electric P8 - The Essentials - For Beginners"". This one is going to get you going and speed up your learning progress in the Eplan Heavyweight courses.*** UPDATES *** - September 09, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).IMPORTANT NOTICE:Please find a folder/file ""Project_resources.zip"" in the Lecture 18 of the course, as a downloadable resource. In the Lecture 2 I show you how to integrate the files from this folder into your EPLAN platform. To be able to follow this course, you don't need Data Portal.In that folder you can also find all the pages I created in the course. So the page macros. If you would like to see how I did it, then you would just drag and drop those pages to your newly created Eplan project. Or, as I recommend, try to do as much as possible on your own :)Hi,welcome to my first course in the series about EPLAN Electric P8.In this course I have covered the essential topics / sections in EPLAN to get you going as soon as possible and to prepare you for the real-life scenarios in the electrical design.That is why I decided to work on a real-life example of a project in the field of Industrial Automation. Simple but effective concept. Typical industrial automation systems consist of many different segments. Here are some of them:- typically more than one electrical cabinet (that's why we work with 3 cabinets in our EPLAN project for our exercise)- power distribution (in our EPLAN project some motors (fans) and a general device that needs 400VAC power supply)- PLC cabinet (CAB3 in our EPLAN Project) - we work with Siemens S7-1500 PLC- control and exchange signals (to control our motors and to exchange signals with a higher-level control system)- analog input signals (in our case temperature measurement with transmitter in head of the instrument - typical industrial application)- Technology overview (also in our EPLAN project, to get better understanding of what we are designing)Moreover, throughout the lessons we cover EPLAN specific topics. Here are some of them:- Creating new EPLAN project- Editing plot frame and forms (advanced)- EPLAN's ""Check Project"" Functionality (advanced)- Rounding up our EPLAN project by adding various reports to the project (Title page, table of contents, terminals diagrams, cable overview)- Learning how to exchange EPLAN project, pages and parts of schematics (in different formats, such as EPLAN files, DWG/DXF, PDF) with our customer and our team members- And much more***IMPORTANT NOTICE***In this course we are NOT going to be working with parts data and with 2D Panel Layout. I've decided to cover those segments of EPLAN in a separate course since (and I speak from my professional experience) not all of the customers demand that I assign parts to elements in the schematics and create a 2D Panel Layout in EPLAN. I work on projects ranging from couple of tens of thousands dollars up to multimillion projects and in most cases the customer give their own parts database and standardized 2D panel layouts. The purpose of this course is to get you going ASAP in EPLAN and for those segments I do not find crucial I will be making separate courses. Beginning from assigning parts and 2D panel layout (Eplan Course Vol.2), then later on Translation, Wire-numbering, custom PLC schematics etc.I have decided not to talk to much during the lessons (the concept applied only in this course), but instead occasionally share with you some short real-life stories, additional tips and tricks and little assignments you could do on your own while working your way through lessons. I believe that you should take time, dive into the lessons, follow them with good concentration and try to repeat all the things I do, on your own. Harder path, but pays off better.As mentioned, by the end of this course you will be able to create any type of schematics in EPLAN. The proper way. And by generating reports, checking your project for errors, being able to exchange various type of files with your team member and with a customer you will be able to create a well-rounded electrical project created in Eplan Electric P8.I have been working in this software for almost a decade now and not once considered trying out software in the same category (Computer Aided Engineering).It is today's standard on the CAE market so if you invest some quality time and effort, it will pay off.It has done a lot for me over the years. Just by knowing how to properly work in EPLAN I always was able to acquire new job, clients, projects, anywhere in the world!I hope you will find my course interesting and valuable and I wish you a lot of fun and a great success in mastering Eplan Electric P8.Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 99.99

"Electrical Design Bootcamp - LV Power Calculations" |
"*** UPDATES *** - September 23, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).Dear Student,I welcome you to my tutorial about low voltage power calculations using Simaris Design and Simaris Curves from Siemens.Planning of an automation project and the electrical wiring on that project starts with power calculations. This is one of the first steps I take when I start to work on a new automation system - I plan and dimension my low voltage power system.I've tried years ago different software from all the biggest manufacturers and concluded that Simaris Design is, according to my experience, by far the best one out there to quickly setup a project, create single line diagrams and output all the possible documents that one needs when performing power calculations (project documentation, different list in Excel, e.g. busbar, cable, device settings, selectivity documentation etc., single line diagrams in PDF and i DWG/DXF).Language support is great, meaning that you can set your workspace and the single line diagram to the language of your choice. The same goes for the output documentation.When creating single line diagrams in Simaris Design the devices you use are grouped into three categories: System infeed: (transformer with primary and secondary side, transformer only with secondary side, coupling to use when you have also emergency power supply, like a diesel aggregate (generator) etc.) Distribution boards: (with busbars, without busbar, sub-distribution boards etc.) Final circuits: (electrical consumers) ranging from general devices, motors (including DOL, softstarter, reverse-duty and frequency converter), power outlets up to special dummy loads. You even have a possibility to insert a charging unit for electric cars. Talking about awesomeness :)I definitely highly recommend this software to all of you who work in the electrical engineering field. Even if you don't enroll in my course, I recommend that you invest some time to get to know this program. It's worth it.I've been using Simaris for years now on many different project across industries and it has always served me well.One of the last project where I had to do some serious dimensioning of my protection devices and cables was a one from the refrigeration industry.We had about 715 A of current consumption in our cabinet. Total of 3 power enclosures and 1 PLC enclosure.In one of the cabinets I had to design a power distribution system for two softstarters to power two screw compressors. One of them 160kW and the other 132 kW. Not to mention that in the area where we had to install our cabinets and pull all the cables the temperature goes up to 38 C in summer. So I had to be very careful when dimensioning the cables. And we did it! We commissioned the system this summer in July and everything went in perfect order (talking about the worst case scenario - summertime).Simaris Design has been a great companion during the dimensioning and in general electrical design on this project.I hope you will enjoy working your way through my course on Simaris Design and I hope you will learn a lot.Don't forget to have fun on the way!Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 69.99

"ePLAN Electric P8 Heavyweight Vol.2/2 - 2D Panel, Parts" |
"*** UPDATES *** - September 11, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).IMPORTANT NOTICE:Please find a folder/file ""Project_resources.zip"" in the Lecture 2 of the course, as a downloadable resource. In the Lecture 2 (free preview) of the EPLAN Vol.1 Course I show you how to integrate the files from this folder into your EPLAN platform. To be able to follow this course, you don't need Data Portal.In that folder you can also find all the pages I created in the course. So the page macros. If you would like to see how I did it, then you would just drag and drop those pages to your newly created Eplan project. Or, as I recommend, try to do it on yourself :)Dear Student,In this tutorial we are going to continue to work on our automation project we created in the EPLAN Vol.1 Course. We are going to further expand our project by assigning parts to all the elements in the schematics and then we are going to create 2D mounting panel layouts for all of the cabinets.Of course, as in the previous course, I am going to share with you a number of useful tips and tricks as you make your progress through the lectures.If you feel that you are still somewhere on the beginner's level in EPLAN then I recommend that you check my first EPLAN course (Eplan Heavyweight Vol.1) where I show you how to start to work in EPLAN from scratch - i.e. from creating a project all the way up to creating circuit diagrams for PLC and some advanced topis like editing plotframe/form and EPLAN's ""Check project"" functionality.I hope you will find this course valuable and I wish you a lot of fun and a lot of success in mastering Eplan Electric P8.See you in the lectures!Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 89.99

"Electrical Design Bootcamp - Power Dissipation Calculations" |
"*** UPDATES *** - September 25, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).Dear Student,I welcome you to this short but powerful tutorial about Rittal Therm, a program I use very often on my projects. It's primary goal is to help the user to calculate the heat loss (also called power loss or heat dissipation) inside electrical enclosures and to dimension the climate system (fan, air conditioning) accordingly.In this short tutorial you are going to learn about:the program itselfthe basics of heat dissipation and how to find this parameter for different devicesthe dimensioning of the climate system in the electrical cabinetto calculate the heat loss and dimension the climate system for the example cabinet from our EPLAN courses (CAB2 - power distribution cabinet)This is the 3rd major topic in electrical design.The first one was the dimensioning of the power distribution system (we cover that one in the Simaris Course)The second one is the creation of various circuit diagrams (we covered that one in EPLAN Electric P8 courses)Now it makes sense to go further and to calculate the heat loss inside the cabinets and to dimension the necessary climate system in the cabinet.That's why this course came to life.Feel free to check my free preview videos and enroll if you find this topic important.And I wish you a lot of fun working in Rittal Therm!Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 39.99

"ePLAN Electric P8 - Translation in EPLAN" |
"*** UPDATES *** - October 03, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).Dear Student,I welcome you to my third in the series course on Eplan Electric P8.In this one we are going to cover the Translation Module in EPLAN. So, we are going to learn how to work with multiple languages in an EPLAN project, the right way.By the end of this course you will become confident to work on international project where you need to have multiple languages within your EPLAN project.Join me on this course and I wish you a lot of fun on your way through the lessons!Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 39.99

"ePLAN Electric P8 - Custom Symbols / Tips And Tricks" |
"*** UPDATES *** - October 26, 2019 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated).Dear Student,I welcome you to, according to my opinion, the intermediate course on EPLAN Electric P8.In this short but intense course we are going to cover the following sections / function in EPLAN: Symbols and symbol libraries - masterclass - everything you need to know about custom symbols in EPLANLayer management in EPLAN - what layers in EPLAN can do for us in the real-worldHow to be more effective when working in EPLANBonus lecture - very interesting way to tag cables (a requirement from some customers in the real-world)This is going to be one of my last courses on EPLAN Electric P8. I might do another one and for that one I will ask for a feedback from you, my students, to tell me which are the things you would like me to cover in the last one.After EPLAN courses I will concentrate more on electrical design, with examples of projects I have worked on so far.To help you master electrical design on a professional level so that you can consider a career in this field of electrical engineering.I hope you will find my course valuable and fun and I wish you a great success in mastering EPLAN and electrical design!Also please don't forget to rate my course and leave a short review. I thank you for that in advance.Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 49.99

"Eplan PRO PANEL Vol.1 - Let's 3D - Beginner Course 2020" |
"Dear student,I welcome you to my first course in the series about EPLAN Pro Panel.In this course I have covered the essential topics / sections in EPLAN Pro Panel to get you going as soon as possible and while demonstrating also some real-world issues you might encounter when working in Pro Panel.By the end of the course you will be ready to do the following on your own:create new layout spaceinsert enclosures and accessories for the enclosuresinsert and effectively work with cable ducts and mounting rails (including special rail for Siemens S7-1500 PLC)isolate and add different parts of the enclosure for better efficiencylearn nad use collision check functionlearn and apply different placement and positioning options - change length, adopt length, place centered, change handle etc.learn and apply mounting clearances for special devices such as for PLC, DC power supplies, frequency converters (VFD or VSD)export model views and 2D panel layoutsgenerate and filter enclosure legend for example only for the enclosure doorlearn about drilling views and drilling patternsexport drilling patterns to DXF and PDF and also integrate to your EPLAN projectand much moreI invite you to join the course and I wish you a lot of fun and success in mastering Eplan Pro Panel.Your Instructor for Electrical Design,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 139.99

"ePLAN Electric P8 - The Essentials - For Beginners" |
"*** UPDATES *** - January 10, 2020 - Captions in English (EDITED, not auto-generated). PS: it's so boring to do CC's but I had to do it for my students...Hello,after some feedback from my students I've finally invested time and energy to create this EPLAN beginner's course. Only the essentials, only EPLAN (no design this time).If you're into learning the basics of EPLAN, the essential functions and sections to be able to create some decent circuit diagrams in EPLAN then you've come to the right place.It doesn't matter whether you are a total beginner with EPLAN and electrical design or you are already an accomplished electrical designer and you just want to experience what does it mean to design in EPLAN, you will find this course an interesting starting point into EPLAN and into Electrical Design field.Or you might be a company owner / freelancer and want to see if EPLAN is worth investing your time and money to incorporate it into your design standards - this course will help you decide.I originally planned to keep this course under 1 hour of length, but then, while I was filming the lectures I realized that anything under 2 hours would not be fair to my students, and that's only to show you the basics :oSo, without further ado, check the free preview videos and if you like what you see, enroll and let's start the journey!See you in the course.Yours sincerely,Ivan (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 79.99

"Eplan Pro Panel Vol. 2 - Wiring / Routing in 3D Space" |
"Hi,welcome to my 2nd in the series Eplan Pro Panel course. This is one of the most interesting courses I have filmed so far and I've had a lot of fun filming this course.It's an interesting topic and also a very perspective one, I would say that this is the future of engineering - simulation in 3D to an unbelievable detail.As people of electricity, our job mainly evolves around devices and wiring and now we also got the chance to enter the world of 3D and not by only placing the devices in the 3D layout space but now also to wire them.Join me in this course and learn how to wire devices in a 3D layout space and how to route the connections across the back plate, across the door and in between.Check out the intro video, also the free preview videos and if you like what you see, enroll in this very interesting course.See you in the lectures!Stay safe and well.Best,Ivan Vidovi (aka Eplan Tutor)"
Price: 199.99

"Eplan Pro Panel Vol. 3 - 3D Macros - Cable Gland" |
"INFO: Find the project resources in the first lecture of the course.Hi, welcome to my Eplan Pro Panel Vol.3 course.It's a mini course that tackles into the background of Eplan Pro Panel.In this course you will learn how to go from importing a STEP file in EPLAN to creating a fully functional 3D Eplan macro and a part number of a cable gland. Together with the defined reference plane, drilling pattern and even a routing path. Which means that we can even route wire/cable through that cable gland which is something I will also demonstrate in the last video of the course.I hope you will enjoy the lectures as much as I've enjoyed filming them.Best, Ivan"
Price: 49.99

"Designing and Implementing Views in SQL Server" |
"Database Views play a fundamental part in Database Development, whether it's for reporting, productivity, or security, you'll hardly come across a database that doesn't contain views.In this self-paced course, I'll be taking you from the basics of designing database views to some more advanced concepts and implementations.The course is designed to be completed at your own pace and comprises video presentations, demonstrations, SQL resources files, and referential links to text-based resources.Once you have finished this course, you'll receive a certificate you can use to show your employers you have what it takes to design and implement views in SQL Server."
Price: 99.99

"Hollywood Screenwriting - From Concept to Draft" |
"Hollywood Screenwriting - From Concept to Draft - How to Write a Killer ScriptHave you... always wanted to write a screenplay, but didn't know where to start? devoured books, seminars - even written some pages - but still found yourself unable to clarify the screenwriting process? finished several screenplays, even good ones, but still struggle with the following:Building a focused first act, a RIVETING second act, a HEART-POUNDING third act, RISING stakes, COMPELLING hero, THEMATIC layers... and... by the way... knowing what the HECK They want?Designed by a sold/produced screenwriter/director with over 30 completed feature screenplays and a decade in the WGAw, this course was developed to help SCREENWRITERS of ALL LEVELS write their best script from the point of concept.A self-taught studio screenwriter, director, and Hit List Alum, Amanda directed her film THE BETRAYED, starring Melissa George and Oded Fehr, from a spec script she sold to MGM, following her independent feature debut IN MEMORIUM. She's optioned, rewritten, and adapted material for studios, and been repped by Benderspink, Endeavor, Paradigm, and Zero Gravity.From her years reading/troubleshooting fellow writers' material, Amanda's isolated common writing issues in scripts of all skill levels - including a soft concept, a passive hero, and a flat structure. She designed this course to teach the art and craft of screenwriting from TWO critical PERSPECTIVES:- The FILM INDUSTRY - which includes collected gems of advice from Producers, Managers, and Studio execs on what ""They"" want in a screenplay.- The SCREENWRITER - which includes finding a killer idea, creating a compelling hero, building an invigorating structure - and doing it again and again with each new spec.Teaching the same, step-by-step methods that she uses to write EVERY SINGLE SCREENPLAY, Amanda will show you exactly how she cracks a new script - beginning with the most crucial element - the CONCEPT.She'll teach -- the CRUCIAL characteristics of a compelling MOVIE-WORTHY concept, and- the 4 CRITICAL BUILDING BLOCKS that MUST exist in EVERY fully-formed movie idea.- Once you've brainstormed your screenplay idea, she'll teach you how to expand it - to flesh out both creative and practical elements - including characters, world, tone, genre, theme and rising stakes.- She'll advance you to the beating heart of your script - your HERO and teach you how to sculpt, reveal, and propel your hero through your screenplay to keep your reader spellbound.- She'll show you how to elevate your HERO'S OBSTACLES the Villain, Plot, and Antagonist - and use them to force your Hero's ultimate transformation.- She'll cover the MAJOR STRUCTURAL BEATS and their respective purposes, using plot examples from 4 standout movies THE RING, LEGALLY BLONDE, THE FUGITIVE, AND FIELD OF DREAMS.- She'll discuss STYLE ON THE PAGE - including dialogue, action lines, scene structure, and your hero's introduction.- For newer writers, she touch on screenplay formatting.Included with the video lessons are step-by-step handouts and assignments to guide you through the entire process of brainstorming and outlining your new screenplay.By the end of this course, you have all the tools you need to write your first draft.As a fellow writer, I designed this course to help clarify the multi-layered process of writing an industry-worthy script.If you're an experienced writer, this course will give you effective guidelines to create organic, heart-stopping story beats from inception rather than slogging through the trial and error of plot, hero, and act frustrations.If you're a new screenwriter, this will set you on a clear story path from the get-go, teaching you how to write with a PURPOSE - on the page, from idea to structure - while you develop your craft of sculpting a compelling movie script.I love teaching and I love writing and I'm beyond excited to offer this course to you!- Amanda GusackINCLUDED:- 53 Video Lectures- 10 Detailed Self-Guided Assignments to Prep Your Script from Concept to Page- 8 Detailed Handouts to Demonstrate Structure and Format- The Ability to Watch on All Devices, Work at Your Own Pace, and Re-Watch the Course With EACH NEW SCRIPT- Limited Lifetime Course Access- 30-Day Satisfaction GuaranteeBIO:A self taught pro and decade-long WGAw member, Amanda directed her film THE BETRAYED, starring Melissa George and Oded Fehr, from a spec script she sold to MGM, following her independently-directed feature debut In Memorium.She's optioned, rewritten, and adapted material for studios, collaborating in countless notes sessions with agents, managers, producers and studio execs.Over the years, she's been repped by Benderspink, Endeavor, Paradigm, and currently Zero Gravity.When she's not writing her own material, she offers script-coaching and feature screenplay feedback on her website actbreakdown.""This course is absolutely invaluable for newcomers as well as seasoned writers. I wasted my first seven years in Hollywood, too-cool-for-school to learn the basics of screenwriting under the arrogant delusion that my cinematic creativity would magically reinvent the wheel of a tried and true craft. Amanda Gusacks insightful instruction could have focused my creative energy to complete a well structured screenplay that was industry-friendly enough to land me an agent.Eric Bress, Co-writer/director - The Butterfly Effect, Co-writer - Final Destination 2, Kyle XY"
Price: 49.99

"RPA UIPATH Orquestrator" |
"Ol Aluno... que bom ter voc por aqui!Neste curso voc ir aprender a utilizar a ferramenta UIPATH Orquestrator, essa ferramenta da UIPATH permite que voc gerencie todo seu exrcito de robs e tudo que eles precisam para funcionar, e conseguir ver em tempo real o status das execues atravs de uma dashboard simples e muito intuitiva.Os principais temas abordados neste curso so:Conhecendo a dashboardCriando mquinasCriando robsImportando projetoAtualizando projetoAtivando uma nova verso do projetoEfetuando o rollback de um projetoImportando uma nova bibliotecaAnalisando os logs de execuoIniciando a execuo de uma automaoDefinindo agendamento de execuoEntendendo o gerenciamento de filas de execuoAuditoriae muito mais...No posso deixar de te dizer que neste curso teremos testes prticos para vermos o UIPATH Orquestrator em execuo."
Price: 279.99

"Ekspresowy kurs sprzeday" |
"Ekspresowy Kurs Sprzeday dla pocztkujcych. Dziki wykorzystaniu techniki microlearningu moesz szybko i efektywnie zdoby wiedz niezbdn do sprzedawania dowolnego produktu lub usugi. Cae szkolenie trwa nieco ponad godzin, a lekcje s bardzo krtkie i treciwe. Po zakupie moesz je zatem obejrze cae i od razu wdroy now wiedz w ycie.Projektujc ten kurs zastanawiaem si nad tym, dlaczego szkolenia online, ktre kupiem nie daway mi oczekiwanych efektw. Doszedem do wniosku, e wikszoci z nich nie miaem czasu obejrze w caoci. Jeli jednak byo ono krtkie, dotyczyo wybranego przeze mnie zagadnienia, obejrzaem je od razu po zakupie i mogem zobaczy efekty od razu! Dlatego wanie prezentuj Ci ten kurs sprzeday, bo doskonale rozumiem jak mao mamy czasu w obecnych czasach.Dla kogo ten kurs?Kurs ten jest dedykowany osobom, ktre dopiero stawiaj pierwsze kroki w sprzeday. Zawiera on podstawowe techniki, ktre mog by wykorzystane zarwno jeli oferujesz produkty jak i usugi. Jeli Ci zaciekawi to zapraszam Ci do kolejnych szkole Express, ktre rozwin zagadnienia, ktre poruszam w tym kursie sprzeday.Pamitaj, e 80% technik nie jest zalenych od brany i produktw, ktre oferujesz. Tylko 20% jest dedykowana do okrelonych grup asortymentowych. Aby jednak wdroy wikszo z nich, potrzebujesz absolutnych podstaw - fundamentw, na ktrych zbudujesz swj indywidualny warsztat sprzedaowy. Dlatego tak bardzo polecam Ci ten kurs, bo wyjani Ci w nim jak dziaa sprzeda i wyposa Ci w kluczowe metody, ktre umoliwi Ci szybki start w brany handlowej.Jeli stawiasz swoje pierwsze kroki w karierze zawodowej to musisz wiedzie, e umiejtnoci sprzedaowe (poczone z wystpieniami publicznymi) umoliwi Ci szybko i efektywny rozwj w bardzo krtkim czasie. Wiem co mwi, sam na tych dwch umiejtnociach oparem swoj karier i dzi prowadz wasn firm szkoleniow oraz wsppracuj z najlepszym biurem nieruchomoci w Polsce jako dyrektor ds. procesw, a wczeniej jako trener wewntrzny.Dlaczego ten kurs i dlaczego taki krtki?Otrzymasz ode mnie nieco ponad godzinny kurs wideo, ale za to wypeniony konkretnymi przykadami i historiami, ktre uatwi Ci przyswajanie treci. Nie zaczniemy od historii sprzeday czy sownikowego definiowania wszystkich poj. Ma by krtko i konkretnie, zgodnie z moj dewiz. Wyznaj zasad, e jeli mog Ci czego nauczy w cigu tak krtkiego czasu to to zrobi, zamiast zbdnego przecigania i sztucznego wyduania kursw.Jeli jednak szukasz dugiego szkolenia i to za nie jeste w stanie zapaci - przykro mi, le trafie. Tutaj znajdziesz tylko i wycznie konkrety i praktyk.Czego si nauczysz?Poznaj jak funkcjonuje wiat klientw, sprzedawcw oraz sprzeday.Dowiedz si jak klienci podejmuj decyzje zakupowe i jak moesz wpyn na ten proces.Zrozum swojego klienta i jego potrzeby oraz oczekiwania.Przeprowad analiz potrzeb klienta i dostosuj do niej swoj argumentacj.Naucz si podstawowych technik sprzeday, ktre umoliwi handel dowolnymi produktami lub usugami.Wykorzystaj gotowy i sprawdzony schemat pracy z obiekcjami.Zapoznaj si z podstawowymi technikami perswazji i wykorzystaj je, aby sprzedawa wicej.Dowiedz si jak zamyka sprzeda, aby finalizowa wicej transakcji.To wszystko i wiele wicej w Ekspresowym Kursie Sprzeday.Jeli przeczytae opis to nie czekaj, kup i obejrzyj wszystkie materiay od razu! Nie odkadaj tego na pniej, bo teraz wanie Twoja motywacja wewntrzna dziaa najlepiej, pcha Ci do przodu i pozwala pochania wiedz w mgnieniu oka!Do zobaczenia w pierwszej lekcji, Marcin Fester!"
Price: 69.99
