"Lactancia Humana I" |
"Este es un curso dedicado a las mujeres y familias que estn en la dulce espera de un nuevo integrante, tambin, para los que ya gozan de la presencia de un recin nacido y quieren ser parte de su crecimiento, brindndole lo mejor: LA LECHE HUMANA.Es un curso para ahondar en la importancia de lactancia, cmo implementarla y cmo podemos apoyar a las mams y familias. En palabras sencillas y conceptos bsicos aprenders sobre:- Importancia de la Lactancia Humana y Beneficios de la Lactancia Humana- Anatoma y Fisiologa Bsica de la Lactancia Humana- Reflejos del beb y agarre. Posturas posiciones. Banco de leche- Diez pasos para una Lactancia Exitosa- Mitos y creencias Resolviendo dudas"
Price: 19.99

"Raciocnio Emocional" |
"O que o curso :Um conjunto de tcnicas prticas e rpidas de gesto emocional, para um melhor desempenho pessoal e profissional. So tcnicas desenvolvidas na clnica com base em diversas linhas da psicologia e do treinamento pessoal. As tcnicas adaptadas so de Psicologia Cognitiva Comportamental, Neurolingustica, Psicanlise, Hipnose Clnica clssica e moderna, Programao Neurolingustica.So aulas muito rpidas e prticas. E o que ele no :O curso no uma terapia. No se pretende trabalhar com transtornos ou patologias.O curso tambm no far qualquer milagre. Portanto, necessrio trabalhar e exercitar."
Price: 69.99

"Grer parc informatique GLPI" |
"Dans ce cours, nous allons voir ensemble les enjeux de la gestion de parc en entreprise, ainsi que les responsabilits du gestionnaire. Puis nous installerons ensemble, pas pas, le logiciel de gestion de parc GLPI, ainsi que son plugin FusionInventory qui vous permettra d'acclrer la remonte d'informations depuis votre parc.Nous verrons ensuite comment choisir les quipements que vous devez inventorier, puis comment les organiser et grer vos stocks dans GLPI.Enfin, nous apprendrons grer administrativement et financirement votre parc informatique."
Price: 19.99

"Complete A-Level Maths: Mechanics in 5 Lectures" |
"Founded by two recent Cambridge graduates, Westbound Maths has been running in-person training for students based in North London since 2018, and now we are online! Our courses are designed for Exam Preparation and Grade Improvement with proven results- 88% of our past students improved their final grades by at least one band from predicted grades!What Complete A-Level Maths: Mechanics Course in 5 Lectures teach:The Westbound Maths Complete A-Level Applied Maths: Mechanics Course covers the entire A-Level applied Maths: mechanics syllabus which represents 1/6 of the final exam weight for A-Level Mathematics qualification. The course consists of 5 lectures with over 4.5 hours of class videos, accompanying exam- styled homework and detailed mark scheme for the following topics:Forces: Newton's three laws of motion, how to draw a force diagram showing weight, friction, normal reaction, tension, thrust/compression etc.Moments: how to measure the turning effect forces have on an object.Vectors: understand that vector quantities have both magnitude and direction, and its application.Kinematics part I: constant acceleration kinematics and suvat formula, projectile which is an application of constant acceleration kinematics.Kinematics part II: variable acceleration kinematics, displacement-time graph, velocity-time graph.How to fully utilize the course materials:Class video: we always start with the key concepts and definition within a topic, and then jump straight into a past exam question (sourced across major exam boards) to see how these concepts are tested and applied, then you will be given an exam-styled classroom exercise for practice followed by a detailed step-by-step guide on how to solve it.Handouts: every lecture is accompanied with a handout that summarizes key concepts covered, exam- styled question solving examples, and classroom exercise solutions.Homework with exam-styled questions: for each lecture, the homework contains exam-styled questions which should be completed under exam conditions to help students identify any knowledge gap.Mistake Diagnosis : use the detailed sample solution to diagnose any mistake in homework which is the key to grade improvement."
Price: 24.99

"SAP HANA C_HANATEC_12 Practice Tests" |
"In today's world, people need a source of study to prepare for life's new challenges.Welcome to the practice tests for the exam: SAP C_HANATEC_12.Our goal is to test your knowledge with questions and answers with the latest exam references, giving you the chance to pass the first attempt.You have lifelong access to practice tests, meaning you can study from anywhere without hurrying to win this challenge.Brief DetailsFollowing are the quick details related to the SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP HANA (Edition 2016) Certification ExamExam Name: SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP HANA (Edition 2016) Exam Code: C_HANATEC_12 Language: English, Japanese, Spanish Number of Questions: 80 Questions Duration: 180 minutes Cut Score: 60% Exam type: Multiple Choice Questions Exam Price: $500 (USD) Exam Mode: On-line Proctored Exam. Candidates can take the examination from any place any time as per their convenience. SAP also has the option for the candidates to give exams on-site at any of the SAP training centre. Exam Registration: Certifications are now available on cloud in certification hub enabling the candidates to book the examination date individually based on the product code.Valid Attempts: Candidates can attempt up to 6 times within the 12 months of their subscription. Each retake counts as an attempt. Candidates are allowed to attempt a specific exam a maximum of 3 times. If candidate is not able to clear within 3 attempts, one need to re-register for the next exam release.Exam Scores: The score will be notified on-line immediately after finishing the exam. After passing the exam, an SAP Global Certification digital badge will be sent to the registered email ID.Exam preparationQuestions during the exam are more practical and candidates should address real-world problems, rather than just answering theoretical questions.Therefore, the best preparation for the exam is to have a practical experience in SAP HANA (SPS12) and it becomes more important for candidates to have an experience of working on active projects that allows them to handle and manage the SAP HANA system very close. And empowering them with practical knowledge and practical implementation.In addition, it is recommended that candidates check the SAP Learning Hub to access the learning material and participate in the appropriate SAP Learning Room to obtain the necessary practical knowledge and go through the various options that we must and should not do when preparing and accessing the exam .In addition, candidates can check and follow various training materials available on the internet, exam bins and tips from candidates who have already attended or passed the exam. This will give you a clear idea of how to prepare for the exam.Important:* Unofficial Practice Test FOR People who want to test their knowledge, only this practice test does not guarantee their approval in the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are owned by the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership over any of the brands."
Price: 24.99

"Introduction to Religion in Sociology" |
"This course is good for those sociology students who are able to understand English/Hindi/Urdu. This course is especially designed for CAIE A Level , AQA and Social sciences students for undergraduate programs.With this course you will receive complete resource material such as sample answers, detailed notes and short summaries. After the completion of this course you are able to understand multiple concepts such asThe core definition of religionSocial Stability and changeSociological perspectives of religionModernity and Post Modernity Religious Movements and OrganizationsSecularization Social Identities and Religion"
Price: 19.99

"Hipopresivos Bsicos para Principiantes" |
"Hipopresivos para principiantes es un curso de introduccin y para pblico en general con inters en el deporte, la salud y el bienestar en general.Los ejercicios Hipopresivos tienen mltiples beneficios como: mejoras en la postura, en el sistema respiratorio, digestivo, circulatorio, en el suelo plvico, en las zonas lumbar y abdominal; mejoran el rendimiento deportivo, tonifican la musculatura, reducen el dimetro de la cintura, sumen el vientre y en el caso especfico de las mujeres, una gran herramienta para recuperacin post parto.Puedes desde hoy conocer el mtodo y comprobar por t mismo sus beneficios de manera personal o complementar tu conocimiento para tus alumnos o pacientes.Bienvenido a la clase!"
Price: 645.00

"Oramento de Obras: das reformas s grandes obras pblicas" |
"Nesse curso bsico voc ir aprender os princpios fundamentais para elaborar o seu oramento do incio ao fim de forma simples e objetiva. Iniciando com os conceitos bsicos, nossa inteno simplificar ao mximo esse amplo mercado e passar para os nossos alunos as principais estratgias necessrias para compor as suas propostas.Iremos abordar assuntos como: estrutura analtica de projeto, composies de custos unitrios, encargos sociais, trabalhistas e complementares, bancos de dados (aprenda a utilizar o SINAPI e o ORSE sem complicaes), custos indiretos, BDI, preo de venda e cronograma.Nosso curso contm um estudo de caso completo de elaborao de um oramento, onde disponibilizamos um projeto e toda a planilha para download aos nossos alunos.No perca tempo e QUALIFIQUE-SE para o mercado de trabalho. A Engenharia est em constante mudana e evoluo.Se voc deseja abrir seu leque de oportunidades, elaborar seus oramentos de forma mais prtica e eficiente e vencer as disputas de preos mais apertadas, esse curso para voc!"
Price: 39.99

"Whatsapp stock market bot with Python, Twilio & MarketStack" |
"Conversational chatbots are the trend of the modern world. Virtual assistants are as relevant these days as human assistants. Whether it's: 1. Ordering a Pizza or Ordering new clothes 2. Playing music or a new movie 3. Switching off lights or making coffee4. Checking stock price or a new bitcoin alert chatbots are everywhere. In this quick and highly. focussed course, you'll kickstart your journey by creating your first Whatsapp chatbot in less than 2 hours. By the end of this course, you'll be having a working Whatsapp conversational chatbot. You'll be able to start building your own conversational chatbots using Twilio, Python and MarketStack"
Price: 19.99

"Python And Flask Framework Complete Course For Beginners" |
"Learn Python From Scratch Ive created thorough, extensive, but easy to follow content which youll easily understand and absorb. The course starts with the basics, including Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction.The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish becoming a professional Python developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you Python basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python so you can get real-life practice and be ready for the real world.The topics covered in this course are:Array implementationFile methodsKeywords and IdentifiersPython TuplesPython BasicsPython FundamentalsData StructuresObject-Oriented Programming with PythonFunctional Programming with PythonLambdasDecoratorsGeneratorsTesting in Python Debugging Error Handling Regular Expressions Comprehensions ModulesSee you inside the course!"
Price: 144.99

"Franz Kafka: An Introduction to the Fiction" |
"In this short course we read and study two of Kafka's very short stories as examples of his fictional world. You don't just hear lectures about the stories, you actually read the stories (or listen to provided audio books) and study them. This provides a basis to understand Kafka's stories--and indeed fiction in general--more efficiently. By the end of the course you can say: ""I have read Kafka!""This course does not dwell on Kafka's life and times; it focuses on the fiction. Look for the other course on Kafka the person!"
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals of Verification and System Verilog" |
"This course is introduced for learners who wants to learn fundamental concepts of Verification and basic concepts of SystemVerilog. It is assumed that learner is aware of the Verilog hardware description language. In this course, learners will be introduced to why verification is to be done and what is verification. One of the verification language SystemVerilog constructs will be introduced. Layered testbench and its various components will be discussed. Learner's will also be introduced to various data types, procedural control statements and interfaces in SystemVerilog. Course is being taught with various examples and learner can monitor self-progress by attempting quiz and assignment in each section."
Price: 4160.00

"Fsica Clsica. Parte 1" |
"Con este curso entenders y dominars los conceptos de la Fsica Clsica sin necesidad de memorizar sin sentido.Realizaremos ejercicios para preparar tu examen. Pregntame si an hay algo que no te haya quedado claro todava. Aprende todos los temas en unas pocas horas y disfruta de tu tiempo libre como t prefieras."
Price: 495.00

Webpack |
"Webpack , . , , webpack. , css React . , . frontend , webpack . , ! !"
Price: 2799.00

"Hiperactividad dentro del saln de clases: para profesores" |
"Este curso divido en tres modulos, explora las principales caractersticas del Dficit de Atencin con Hiperactividad desde la perspectiva escolar y le brindar al docente herramientas concretas para su identificacin, incluyendo tambin las dificultades de aprendizaje asociados al dficit, as como tcnicas especificas para su abordaje dentro del saln de clases."
Price: 19.99

"Master art of Abacus Hindi" |
"This course intend to teach you how to use abacus and do calculations on it, whether the operation is addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. This course covers all these topics with some additional problem solving tricks to boost up your calculation speed.This course not only covers the theory but explains its application with the help of justified examples as understanding examples is considered better than listening to theory.You will start from basics and will build-up your skills to a very advanced level. "
Price: 1280.00

"Mimarlar iin AUTOCAD" |
"Merhaba bu kursta autocad kullanmann temel nemli olduunu reneceksiniz. Arayzde yer alan panellerde yer alan iinize yarayacak ksmlarn zerinde duruldu daha ok. Max 2 saat srecek bu eitim serisinde hem boyut temel noktalar kavratacak hemde projeleriniz iin en ok iinize yarayacak noktalara deinildi.Genelikle 2 yllk bir kursa kaydolmanz, 500 sayfalk bir kitap okumanz veya 15 saatten uzun bir evrimii kursa kaydolmanz gerekir. Bunlarn banda, hi kimsenin iyerinde kullanma komutlar reterek kursun daha kapsaml grnmesini salamak iin dolgudur."
Price: 69.99

"SAP C_HANATEC_1 Certified Technology Associate Practice Test" |
"155 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP C_HANATEC_1 Certified Technology Associate Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP C_HANATEC_1 Certified Technology Associate Practice TestTotal Questions : 155Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (116 of 155)"
Price: 154.99

"INSTAGRAM : Stories" |
"! AR : Stories Instagram Facebook . 2019 . Stories: "" !"" "" , ... "", !, , , , , , AR ! , . ! ! 99% , . : , . , ."
Price: 1799.00

"Public Speaking in this new decade" |
"Enjoy practical tips that you can start applying today! On top of this, this course includes exercises and a bonus feature that allows you to practice directly with me. This course is suitable for entrepreneurs who want to pitch their ideas to investors, to corporate professionals who need to present data to their teams and managers, and to social media specialists who post videos online to promote businesses.So Sign up and improve your skills!"
Price: 19.99

"Nuevo Curso de Excel 2016 Completo" |
"BIENVENIDO! Acabas de descubrir tu siguiente Gran Curso!--------------------------------------------------------------------Yo soy Yoney, y te presentar este NUEVO curso de Excel, creado especialmente para que puedas comprender su uso, de forma RPIDA, SIMPLE Y SIN COMPLICACIONES.Con miles de alumnos que ya comprobaron sus conocimientos, estoy seguro que tu tambin lo conseguirs! Quieres saber por qu? Aqu abajo te lo explico!---------------------------------------------------------------------Primero lo primero...Sabes por qu hicimos este curso en Excel 2016?Excel 2016 es La Clave!Aunque ya estamos en el ao 2020! se sigue utilizando esta versin y como vemos, Excel no llega a cambiar su aspecto y ni sus herramientas ms tiles.Por lo que, si bien se lleguen a aadir nuevas facilidades, no se alterar el sistema en s, y podrs manejar cualquier tipo de versiones posteriores como Excel 2017, Excel 2018, Excel 2019 y Excel 2020, sin tener que problemas con actualizaciones y entenderlos con mucha ms facilidad y rapidz.Pero...Que aprenders en este curso y cmo lo estructuramos para t?Nos introduciremos y familiarizaremos con la Interfaz de Excel.Conoceremos las herramientas bsicas, para empezar a trabajar de una vezEmpezaremos con las acciones bsicas que debes saber para un manejo rpido y gil.Descubriremos las tablas y como nos facilitan la vida.Personalizaremos nuestras Tablas, para trabajar cmodamente.Veremos las herramientas que nos permiten trabajar con grandes bases de datos, de forma sencilla!Conoceremos las funciones y frmulas para trabajar con nuestras bases de datos.Por ltimo veremos las posibilidades que nos proporciona Excel para trabajar de manera automtica! solo ingresando datos y devolviendons los resultados mediante los Macros.EN RESUMEN, QU OBTENDRS?42 Clases creadas con temas especficos, separados en 10 Secciones bsicas, para que no te pierdas!Contenidos explicados paso a paso, en clases Breves de 3 a 10 minutos, para no quedarnos a medias con cada herramienta.Acceso instantneo a cada clase para volver a revisar cualquier tema, con clases enfocadas en una herramienta especfica.Contenido en HD, podrs ver cada pequea letra del monitor sin tener que pausar o agrandar la pantalla. Muy til en especial si usas lentes.Exmenes y repasos que te proporcionarn el Certificado ""Curso completo Microsoft Excel 2016"" validado por G Academia y te servir como respaldo para tu Curriculum.Ingreso automtico en nuestra comunidad para resolver cualquier tipo de duda o consulta que requieras, ya sea general o para tu trabajo en especfico. Aqu estoy para ayudarte!PERO SOBRE TODO ...***** Sorprenders en tu trabajo con tus conocimientos de Excel! ***** Obtendrs ese trabajo que tanto queras demostrando tus habilidades.***** Mejorars tus habilidades dentro de ExcelPor que dentro de este curso, te ensear desde los fundamento de Excel!, el manejo de libros, hojas y celdas, Herramientas clave que te simplificarn las tareas, Atajos que agilizarn tus procesos y Secretos para tu trabajoDndote resultados inmediatos, reduciendo las laaargas horas de trabajo y anlisis de datos, de forma SENCILLA, ATRACTIVA A LA VISTA y FCIL DE ENTENDER para explicar a todo tu equipo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POR QU ESTE CURSO? y POR QU YONEY?Nunca ms de Frustres!!En mis aos de trabajo fue INCREIBLE!! Como v a tantas personas, perder laaargas horas de trabajo en realizar grandes bases de datos, tablas y grficos, hasta frustrarse y odiar Excel! Todo por NO CONOCER LAS posibilidades y poderosas herramientas que tiene implementado Excel, para hacernos el trabajo mucho ms rpido, sencillo y hasta de forma AUTOMTICA!Es por esto que decid crear este curso para ensear todas las posibilidades y ventajas de Excel, para tu trabajo con ejemplos de casos reales y que puedes implementar a medida que avanzas con el curso, junto con valiosos secretos que he aprendido en aos de trabajar con los programas de Microsoft!Y como s que la memoria aveces es frgil, cuando te inscribas a este curso, tendrs la posibilidad de regresar a l para cualquier consulta, donde podrs encontrar los contenidos escritos en la descripcin de cada clase para que los encuentres rpidamente, resuelvas tus dudas o me puedas consultar nuevas preguntas que vayan surgiendo! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SER SENSACIONAL!! Tenerte en este Curso que ya a ayudado a miles de personas y es uno de los ms buscados en la red.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMENTARIOS SOBRE EL CURSOComo no quisiera hacer comparaciones con otros cursos que he visto y seguramente tu tambin, te compartir algunos comentarios de mis estudiantes que ms me motivaron, totalmente agradecidos y contentos por los logros conseguidos as como puertas que se les abrieron gracias a este valioso conocimiento!--Riverdale 101- Hace 6 meses- my friend: Y cuando te volviste un experto en excel? - me: Ayer a la noche - my friend: :o.................................................................................................................joselyn ayala- Hace 1 aosme aprendi el microsoft word 2016 gracias a ti ,me rio de cosa que no sabia XD y ahorita estoy aprendiendo contigo excel hacer tabla de productos diagramas y aun me falta por ver la facturacion me encanta tus tutoriales..................................................................................................................Henry Aguirre Pelaez - Hace 2 aosYa llevo tres horas del curso. La verdad me ha parecido muy util, y he descubierto trucos y cosas que no sabia de Excel. De nuevo muchas gracias por el aporte. Monteria, Colombia 8 de junio de 2017.................................................................................................................rayzo007 - Hace 1 aosTe amo vato!!! Y no soy gay pero gracias por esta explicacin man!!! ?????.................................................................................................................wilmer gallego - Hace 2 aosExcelente curso, la forma en que explica todo tan especifico y como lo soluciona de facil Aprendi muchisimo gracia.................................................................................................................Elizabeth Celis - Hace 2 aosExcelente vdeo, pedaggico, ameno y con un tono de voz super agradable al odo que invita a seguir el curso. Gracias por su dedicacin. Estoy partiendo de cero y lo he entendido perfectamente.................................................................................................................MrsLovett- Hace 2 aosMuchas gracias por este increble tutorial. Parta absolutamente de 0 de Excel y necesitaba un manejo intermedio del mismo para una oferta laboral. Gracias a este tutorial he pasado de sentirme super perdida a poder manejarme a un nivel medio. Puede parecer que el vdeo es largo, pero la forma de explicar es muy buena, muy comprensible y completo. 10/10--Soy un Profesor Muy Orgulloso de todos mis estudiantes!! Me encanta ensear, y que las personas puedan obtener grandes beneficios en sus vidas gracias ello.As que TE ESPERO EN NUESTRA PRIMERA CLASE!! para empezar de una vez. nete a nuestra comunidad y Participa en nuestro foro, realiza cualquier pregunta que estoy aqu para ayudarte en todo lo que necesites! y no olvides dejarme tus comentarios, aunque solo sea para saludar!INGRESA a este fascinante mundo de la Ofimtica y deslmbrate con toda la capacidad de Excel, Ahora!Te espero!Atte: YONYE !!"
Price: 19.99

"SOLIDWORKS: Complete Course in HINDI (Learn 3D Modeling)" |
"Hi there,This course ""SOLIDWORKS: Complete Course in HINDI (Learn 3D Modeling)"" is a beginner level course . I (Vinod Cumar) will be your Instructor. I am a Product Design Engineer/Trainer.Benefits of this course:2D drawings & 3D modelingConcept designReverse EngineeringJigs & Fixtures designProduct designProduct rendering and AnimationIndustries Using SolidWorks:Mechanical or Industrial EngineeringAutomotiveMachineryComputer HardwareMedical DevicesHigher EducationManufacturing & ConstructionMining & MetalScope/Application of this course: (as)Product DesignerDesign EngineerMold DesignerApplication EngineerAre you struggling to start your Design Journey? Being a design/engineering student or a beginner who wanted to show his ideas to the world is very critical and essential. Then I can promise this course will prove to be your Astra (tool).This SolidWorks course will start from zero level and will provide you 'The Level' which is necessary/essential to start your journey in the design industry. Whether you are Engineering/Design student or searching your first designer's job or someone who wanted to add a great skill to your CV/resume & planning to built an impressive portfolio. After this course, you will be able to create lots of your own projects that will provide you the edge during your job application.This SolidWorks course will cover topics: SolidWorks 3D Modeling (Part Modeling), SolidWorks Assembly, SolidWorks Drawing, SolidWorks Animation (Motion study),SolidWorks Rendering During this course, you will be provided with practice exercises and quizzes related to the topics being taught. Please do not forget to use the downloadable resources provided to you. This course is designed in Hindi (but it is valid for learners in Urdu also) to provide you the simplest way of instructions. Please follow along with me for better results.This course will introduce you to SolidWorks tools and the fundamental modeling techniques. It will give you with a strong understanding of SolidWorks and will cover the creation of parts, assemblies and drawings. This course takes you from beginner to advanced with clear instruction that goes beyond the basics. Fundamental techniques are detailed with real-world examples for hands-on learning. Even experienced users will find value in this course by learning new techniques that make familiar tasks quicker, and easier to do.This course is for beginners and the course will be in Hindi. You do not need any previous knowledge of SolidWorks, design or CAD. You only need SOLIDWORKS 2015 or later version installed in your computer. I have also shared few resources/websites for inspiration & guidelines to make your design start easier.So, make me your companion in this journey by enrolling to the course ""SOLIDWORKS: Complete Course in HINDI (Learn 3D Modeling)"" to learn 'The Best' CAD tool for any design project.Thanks"
Price: 9600.00

"Soccer: coaching in action" |
"My name is David Horwitz and I have more than 20 years experience as a soccer coach. I have coached at all the different levels including age group, amateur and professional. This leaves me very well placed to identify with, and to be able to advise coaches at all levels of the game.At the end of this course you will be aware of and educated in all the elements that will make you a successful coach. This will allow you to approach your next coaching assignment with absolute confidence.The course is designed in a way that will allow you to move between sections and lessons including a multitude of topics. Please see the full course content on this landing page.I designed the course for all current and aspiring coaches who may want to improve their winning percentage in an industry that is particularly results driven. It will also be of interest to all soccer enthusiasts that are passionate about this beautiful game.I am so confident about this course, that it is backed up with a 30 day, 100% money-back guarantee."
Price: 114.99

"Face Reading: Know people immediately. (profiling)" |
"This is an online Face reading course which the author has made it so simple to understand and learn. If you have always wanted to know why you had a hunched that a person you meet turned out to be of a certain nature and it turned out to be right? If you want to sharpen your accuracy in reading people, profiling them accurately for your work and social reasons, this is the course for you. This is NOT a fortune teaching course, but this skillset allows you to make intelligent projections on how ones live might turn out. Acquire the skill to read people in a short period of time."
Price: 29.99

"Contabilidad para emprendedores" |
"Durante este curso, aprenders los aspectos mas importantes de la contabilidad, desde una perspectiva actual en un mundo moderno y cada vez mas globalizado, donde las empresas han sido transformadas con el pasar del tiempo, y los esquemas tradicionales ya no funcionan casi igual que hace unos 20 aos, es por eso que este curso esta dirigido, a emprendedores, freelander, ceo. entre otros que realmente se han vito en la necesidad de gestionar de una forma mas global sus propios prendimiento. Aprender desde cero la contabilidad, que pasa por poder identificar tus Activos, pasivos, Y Patrimonio, gestionndolos de manera correcta para poder mantener los equilibrios contables adecuados."
Price: 19.99

"Psicologa Positiva y Gestin de tu Bienestar" |
"Durante el curso de Psicologa Positiva y Gestin del Bienestar Personal adquirirs una nueva visin de lo que es el Bienestar y de qu manera puedes crearlo y gestionarlo, con el fin de reinventarte, crear futuro para ti y tu entorno.De igual manera aprenders lo que propone la Psicologa Positiva de manera que cuentes con herramientas que te permitan sentirte mejor contigo mismo.Finalmente vers cmo empoderar tu mente desde las Creencias Dominantes, esta poderosa herramienta te ayudar a crear realidad que desees."
Price: 24.99

"BLENDER - Der Komplettkurs 2020 (Blender 2.8)" |
"KURS: BLENDERWolltest du schon immer deine eigenen 3D Modelle erstellen? Egal ob fr das Erstellen von VFX oder fr die Spiele-Entwicklung, hier lernst du Blender zu beherrschen und deine kreativen Ideen umzusetzen. Beim ersten ffnen von Blender geben viele Anfnger leider schon wieder auf: Das Programm bietet sehr viele Fenster und Funktionen, ohne eine genaue Einweisung ist man schnell abgeschreckt. Ich erklre dir Schritt fr Schritt wie Blender funktioniert, sodass du nicht aufgeben wirst!Dieser Kurs richtet sich vorallem an Anfnger, die das Programm zum ersten Mal ffnen. Aber auch wenn du etwas weiter fortgeschritten bist und noch auf viele Fragen und Probleme triffst, wird dir dieser Kurs weiterhelfen. Du brauchst also kein Vorwissen. Wenn dir aber trotzdem schon ein paar Funktionen bekannt sind, kannst du diese auch bespringen und dir das nchste Video anschauen.Was sind die groen Kapital in diesem Kurs? Systemoberflche und Allgemeine Funktionen Arbeiten mit Objekten Modellieren von Objekten Die Modifier (Generate) Rendering Licht Materialien Animationen erstellenFr wen ist dieser KursDieser Kurs richtet sich an alle, die Lust haben ihre eigenen 3D Modelle zuerstellen und mit der kostenlosen Software Blender zuarbeiten."
Price: 179.99

"LEED Green Associate V4" |
"This course includes 100 sample questions covering all the exam content areas for the LEED Green Associate exam as provided by USGBC. The sample test will be very useful for all the candidates who are planning to take LEED Green Associate exam. The course will be frequently updated with new questions. Please contact us if you have any query related to this course on support@designparameter.comExam SpecificationsThe following outline provides a general description of exam content areas for the LEED Green Associate exam.Knowledge Domains reflect the rating systems credit categories and what one needs to know as a LEED Green Associate.The LEED Green Associate exam tests your general knowledge of green building practices for both commercial and residential spaces and both new construction and existing buildings as well as how to support other professionals working on LEED projects.LEED Process (16 Questions)Organization fundamentals (e.g., mission/vision; non-profit; role of USGBC/GBCI)Structure of LEED rating systems (e.g., credit categories; prerequisites; credits and/ or Minimum Program Requirements for LEED certification)Scope of each LEED rating system (e.g., rating system selection; rating system families [BD+C, ID+C, O+M, ND, Homes])LEED development process (e.g., consensus-based; stakeholder and volunteer involvement; rating system updates/evolution)Credit categories (e.g., goals and objectives of each [LT, SS, WE, EA, MR, EQ, IN, RP]; synergies)Impact categories (e.g., what should a LEED project accomplish?)LEED certification process (e.g., certification levels [Certified, Silver, Gold, Platinum]; LEED Scorecard; third party verification; role of documentation submission; LEED Interpretations; Addenda; awareness of different system versions [e.g., LEED Online]; components of LEED Online and Project Registration)Other rating systems (e.g., in general, what other rating systems are out there?)Integrative Strategies (8 Questions)Integrative process (e.g., early analysis of the interrelationships among systems; systems thinking; charrettes)Integrative project team members (e.g., architect; engineer; landscape architect; civil engineer; contractor; facility manager, etc.)Standards that support LEED (e.g., breadth not depth of American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers [ASHRAE]; Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association [SMACNA] guidelines; Green Seal; ENERGY STAR; HERs; Reference Standards listed in ACPs, etc.)Location and Transportation (7 Questions)Site selection (e.g., targeting sites in previously developed and brownfields/high- priority designation area; avoiding sensitive habitat; located in areas with existing infrastructure and nearby uses; reduction in parking footprint)Alternative transportation (e.g., type, access and quality; infrastructure and design)Sustainable Sites (7 Questions)Site assessment (e.g., environmental assessment; human impact)Site design and development (e.g., construction activity pollution prevention; habitat conservation and restoration; exterior open space; rainwater management; exterior lighting; heat island reduction)Water Efficiency (9 Questions)A. Outdoor water use (e.g., use of graywater/rainwater in irrigation; use of native and adaptive species)B. Indoor water use (e.g., concepts of low flow/waterless fixtures; water-efficient appliances; types and quality) C. Water performance management (e.g., measurement and monitoring)Energy and Atmosphere (10 Questions)Building loads (e.g., building components; space usage [private office, individual space, shared multi- occupant spaces])Energy efficiency (e.g., basic concepts of design; operational energy efficiency; commissioning; energy auditing)Alternative and renewable energy practices (e.g., demand response; renewable energy; green power; carbon offsets)Energy performance management (e.g., energy use measurement and monitoring; building automation controls/advanced energy metering; operations and management; benchmarking; ENERGY STAR)Environmental concerns (e.g., sources and energy resources; greenhouse gases; global warming potential; resource depletion; ozone depletion)Materials and Resources (9 Questions)Reuse (e.g., building reuse; material reuse; interior reuse; furniture reuse)Life-cycle impacts (e.g., concept of life-cycle assessment; material attributes; human and ecological health impacts; design for flexibility)Waste (e.g., construction and demolition; maintenance and renovation; operations and ongoing; waste management plan)Purchasing and declarations (e.g., purchasing policies and plans; environmental preferable purchasing (EPP); building product disclosure and optimization [i.e., raw materials sourcing, material ingredients, environmental product disclosure])Indoor Environmental Quality (8 Questions)Indoor air quality (e.g., ventilation levels; tobacco smoke control; management of and improvements to indoor air quality; low-emitting materials; green cleaning)Lighting (e.g., electric lighting quality; daylight)Sound (e.g., acoustics)Occupant comfort, health, and satisfaction (e.g., controllability of systems; thermal comfort design; quality of views; assessment/survey)Project Surroundings and Public Outreach (11 Questions)Environmental impacts of the built environment (e.g., energy and resource use in conventional buildings; necessity of green buildings; environmental externalities; triple bottom line)Codes (e.g., relationship between LEED and codes [building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, fire protection]; green building codes)Values of sustainable design (e.g., energy savings over time; healthier occupants; money-saving incentives; costs [hard costs, soft costs]; life cycle)Regional design (e.g., regional green design and construction measures as appropriate; regional emphasis should be placed in Sustainable Sites and Materials & Resources)Source: USGBC Website"
Price: 1280.00

"Arabic Calligraphy in Practice (Diwani font)" |
"Welcome to: Arabic Calligraphy in PracticeThis course focuses on Diwani Font............................................................. Arabic Calligraphy in Practice was designed to be:Practical and to the point. Applicable so you will be able to apply what you will learn and practice. Compact so what you will learn and practice during this course is more than what you will learn in longer courses. I respect your time. Arabic Calligraphy in Practice is a neat and well-organized course. Arabic Calligraphy in Practice does not have unnecessary information. .............................................................I hope you enjoy this journey which includes but not limited to:- An introduction of Calligraphy materials.- Writing Arabic letters in Diwani font.- Practicing many International values written in Arabic Calligraphy. See you there Regards"
Price: 199.99

"Apache Airflow: Complete Hands-On Beginner to Advanced Class" |
"Hi there, my name is Alexandra Abbas. Im an Apache Airflow Contributor and a Google Cloud Certified Data Engineer & Architect with over 3 years experience as a Data Engineer.Are you struggling to learn Apache Airflow on your own? In this course I will teach you Airflow in a practical manner, with every lecture comes a full coding screencast. By the end of the course you will be able to use Airflow professionally and add Airflow to your CV.This course includes 50 lectures and more than 4 hours of video, quizzes, coding exercises as well as 2 major real-life projects that you can add to your Github portfolio!You will learn:How to install and set up Airflow on your machineBasic and advanced Airflow conceptsHow to develop complex real-life data pipelinesHow to interact with Google Cloud from your Airflow instanceHow to extend Airflow with custom operators and sensorsHow to test Airflow pipelines and operatorsHow to monitor your Airflow instance using Prometheus and GrafanaHow to track errors with SentryHow to set up and run Airflow in productionThis course is for beginners. You do not need any previous knowledge of Apache Airflow, Data Engineering or Google Cloud. We will start right at the beginning and work our way through step by step.You will get lifetime access to over 50 lectures plus corresponding cheat sheets, datasets and code base for the lectures!"
Price: 139.99

"Curso Photoshop do Bsico ao Avanado - Aprenda fazer artes" |
"Conhea as tcnicas e dicas que j ajudaram mais de 358 alunos a fazer arte de IgrejasMeu objetivo que voc saia do curso no apenas com o conhecimento, mas com materiais para que voc possaaplicar nas suas criaes, por isso eu criei o treinamento de Designer Grfico para Igrejas,Um treinamento de Designer Grfico focado em artes de Igrejas evanglicas, transformei 8 anos de experincia em um curso simples e pratico para te ajudar. No treinamento estarei te ensinando como fazer uma arte bonita, com todas as informaes necessrias."
Price: 54.99
