"Masterclass: Cmo hacer trading con FOREX en los datos?" |
"Anlisis Fundamental o tcnico? es posible operar los datos fundamentales incluyendo un enfoque tcnico? En esta Masterclass, de una hora de duracin, veremos varias tcnicas, sobre el mercado de divisas a corto plazo, para operar los principales datos macroeconmicos que se liberan cada semana. Mostraremos los patrones de trading que se dieron en una determinada semana de negociacin."
Price: 69.99

"Flutter, TDD, Clean Architecture, SOLID e Design Patterns" |
"Nesse curso irei demonstrar na prtica como criar um aplicativo com Flutter seguindo as melhores metodologias do mercado. Se voc est cansado de cursos bsicos e quer realmente aprender sobre contedos avanados e relevantes como: Design Patterns, Clean Architecture, SOLID, DRY, KISS, YAGNI e TDD, voc est no lugar certo. O objetivo maior desse treinamento fazer voc sair da sua zona de conforto e ver que existem muitas coisas a serem estudadas para se tornar um lder tcnico ou um arquiteto de software.Vamos criar um aplicativo completo com Login, Cadastro, Lista de Enquetes, Responder uma Enquete e Resultado da Enquete.Vamos aprender a fazer gerenciamento de estado de forma simples e efetiva com testes e utilizando a biblioteca GetX.Vamos aprender como manter um usurio logado gravando seu token de acesso de forma segura.Vamos fazer o aplicativo ficar funcional online e offline.Vamos tornar o aplicativo multi-idioma.Esse curso far voc evoluir mais do que anos de faculdade. Mostrarei pra voc, de forma objetiva, todos os conhecimentos que obtive ao longo dos anos de minha carreira. Voc ter a oportunidade de evoluir em semanas ou meses o que os programadores sniors levam anos para aprender."
Price: 279.99

"Remote Working Efficiently" |
"The recent public health crisis has forced millions of people around the globe out of their offices and work from their homes. However, remote working never be so easy than now. You may be surprised how many tools and organizational solutions you can use while working from home. Learn a new way of doing business to add a new value to your professional life!The first course that comprehensively discusses the issues of remote working. From preparing the workplace to maintaining a work-life balance. From looking for remote job offers to learning fantastic online work tools. You can find answers to all your questions in one course! For both new adepts of working remotely and experienced employees.Everything you want to know about remote working is here. Just simply sign up for this course and check how to work from home efficiently!"
Price: 34.99

"The ultimate guide to remote work and landing your dream job" |
"So... how to get started? Where do you go to work since...you don't have to go anywhere? How do you organize your workload? How do you keep yourself motivated? How do you stay focused? What are the biggest struggles and threats of working remotely? Where do you find location-independent job offers? All this and more will be presented to you in an easy and clear form in this course. Let's dive in!"
Price: 44.99

"How To Use Spatial Analyses In Real Projects By Using ArcGIS" |
" Whats the Spatial Analysis?ArcGIS Spatail Analysis Module is an optional add-on module for ArcGIS for Desktop. This module can work at all license levels. Spatial Analysis Add-On Module allows you to make strong spatial analysis and develop models for your raster and vector data. Where is the most profitable place for the new market you want to open?How can we calculate slopest areas by using Land Usage Map? How can we extract tabular data values by using different type of rasters?How much is the pollution in this lake? What is the population density of A District? How can we create new informations from the current geographic datas by using Model Builder?After you enroll this course, you can easily find answers to special questions such as...With the Spatial Analysis Supplement Module;Finding the most suitable placeProviding transportation from one point to another point with minimum costLand use analysisIdentifying risky areas for fire, flood, earthquake and other disasters,Erosion detectionPerforming crime analysisPerforming demographic analysis,Supervised and Unsupervised classification,Intermediate value estimation,Performing surface analysis such as slope, aspect,Measuring the duration of sunbathingModel Builder You can perform these transactions and more in this course... You will be able to how to manage analysing for your spatial problems in your projects. This course starts from the basic level. We will use R E A L P R O J E C T S scenarios in our applications."
Price: 19.99

"Crer un super Business Plan en 4 heures !" |
"Sommes-nous tous gaux face la crise ?Le baromtre de l'emploi de l'institut BVA pour le groupe BPI (ralis auprs de 1 000 salaris en 2020) montre que 35 % des salaris se disent inquiets face aux risques de perdre leur emploi dans les 3 prochaines annes. Le changement est terrible ! Cette crainte se manifeste notamment chez les salaris des TPE (50 %), les salaris du priv (40 %), les cols bleus (39 %) et dans une moindre mesure les cadres auprs des cadres de plus de 40 ans.Les consquences de la crise du coronavirus peuvent se poursuivre et la crise conomique peut tre plus destructrice que le virus lui-mme. En raison des mesures sanitaire de confinement prises dans le monde entier, l'conomie mondiale est tombe en rcession. Selon les estimations actuelles, nous allons faire face la pire crise conomique de l'histoire. Le PIB (produit intrieur brut) mondial devrait baisser de 5 % en 2020. En France, cette baisse pourrait dpasser les 11 %.Quelles sont les solutions ?Vous avez deux options pour faire face la crise actuelle :1/ soit vous comptez sur votre chance et vous estimez que rien ne peut vous atteindre et que votre socit est insubmersible (comme le commandant Edward John Smith du tristement clbre Titanic).2/ soit vous prenez les devants et vous mettez en place un Plan B ! (B comme Business)Naturellement, nous partirons pour l'option numro 2 car il vaut mieux prvoir de gurir ! La cration d'entreprise reste une solution face aux incertitudes lies aux risques professionnels ; laction savre importante face lincertitude. Ce qui distingue une personne active : cest sa ferme volont dviter de faire du surplace. Rester immobile alors que leur march se transforme ne constitue pas une option. Devenir indpendant reste souvent un critre de choix et une alternative intressante pour les personnes qui savent saisir les bonnes opportunits et rpondre la demande du march. Ok, mais je ne sais pas comment concrtiser mon projet...Vous pouvez trouver l'ide intressante, mais le problme est que crer une socit , monter un business n'est pas la port de tout le monde!Et bien non, vous vous trompez, si vous bnficiez d'une formation qualifiante et srieuse, il sera ais de transformer vos ides en business viable.Pour cela, il faut suivre des rgles prcises et respecter les tapes de la cration d'un business. En bref, il faut passer de l'ide la mise en place du projet, le quantifier, tudier le march, analyser la concurrence, mettre en place un rseau de distribution. En ralit, tout cela est trs simple si vous suivez les conseils d'un professionnel qualifi ayant plus de 20 ans d'expriences dans la gestion de projets.Comment raliser une Formation Cration dentreprise ?Crer un projet de business est simple mais il y a des rgles respecter !Il existe des multitudes de piges viter et un travail de prparation avant de se lancer.Votre projet de cration ou de reprise d'entreprise doit tre prpar avec le plus grand soin: du choix d'un business model la forme juridique de l'entreprise, toutes les dcisions forment le fondement de l'activit, et vous pourrez ensuite l'utiliser comme base pour soutenir votre dveloppement commercial et faire progresser votre Chiffre d'affaires ... Pour commencer avec une base suffisamment solide, il est prfrable de former des professionnels expriments qui se spcialisent dans les acquisitions ou la cration de nouvelles institutions.Quels les objectifs de cette formation ?Crer son business modelRdiger une tude de marchMonter un business plan chiffrDcouvrir un Executive Summary Dployer sa stratgie dentrepriseMatriser la boite outils du crateur dentrepriseTrouver des sources de financement Trouver les aides disponibles Pour qui est ralise cette formation ?Notre formation en cration dentreprise sadresse toute personne souhaitant crer une entreprise, individuelle ou en socit.Elle peut notamment tre ralise par des salaris qui souhaitent devenir indpendants dans un futur proche, mais aussi par des demandeurs d'emploi qui souhaitent rintgrer le monde du travail en crant / reprenant un business.Programme : Comment lancer son businessLes 20 risques la cration d'entrepriseLes erreurs de dbutants viter !Les tapes principales respecterLa cration d'une tude de marchCrer un Business Plan chiffr en 1 heure !Comment crer un executive SummaryLes financements disponibles !Les aides disponibles !Le pacte des actionnairesAlors prt ?! Lancez vous !"
Price: 79.99

"How to Start a Podcast: The A-Z Guide to Podcasting!" |
"Whether you are brand new to podcasting or already have some experience, this is the course for you! We will cover the basics and provide you with a strong foundation of advanced technical skills for both free and premium audio editing software that will get your audio sounding professional.We will cover:The basic hardware recommendations for podcastingHow to plan and brainstorm topics for your podcastHow to prepare and set-up for recordingHow to edit audio with both Adobe Audition and AudacityWhere to host, grow, and monetize your podcastIn this course, were going to emphasize the technical aspect of podcasting by heavily focusing on editing audio. No matter your skill level, well teach you to master audio editing with both professional, paid software, and free software.In Adobe Audition and Audacity, you will learn how to expertly and efficiently:Bring in or create your own audio tracksBalance and stabilize your audio levelsIsolate and remove background noiseEnhance vocal tones and pitchMerge multiple tracks together for a finished productFade tracks and music in togetherAfter mastering the editing tools and achieving your desired audio outcome, well have you create a preset workflow in Audition. With this, you can apply your newfound editing expertise to all your future audio, in just a few clicks.By the end of this course, you will have all of the tools you need to plan, record, edit, and grow your podcast! We look forward to getting started."
Price: 99.99

"Autodesk Inventor De cero a Maestro en 4 horas !!" |
"Bienvenid@s a otro maravilloso curso de Acorn School!Llega el momento de aprender a disear piezas y conjuntos en 2D y 3D. Comenzaremos dando nociones bsicas de cmo trabajar con el software, y seguiremos un hilo lgico aumentando progresivamente la dificultad. Es importante destacar que no es necesario el conocer el software o haber trabajado con l previamente. Este curso ofrece una visin global y te permitir al finalizarlo ser el diseador de TUS productos.Adems todos los software CAD tienen funcionalidades similares, as que es ideal si te quieres adentrar en el mundo del diseo asistido por ordenador, debido a que los conocimientos que adquieras te servirn incluso para otros entornos de trabajo similares!Por otra parte, de todas estas funcionalidades, se incluye la de presentar documentacin tcnica para proyectos de carcter ingenieril o tcnico. Es el curso ideal si eres un estudiante o un apasionado del diseo de productos.Adicionalmente, otra de las funcionalidades muy actuales de Autodesk Inventor es la posibilidad de disear tus propias figuras para ms tarde convertirlas en objetos fsicos con tu propia impresora 3D! Desde Acorn School te invitamos a que entres en el curso! Gracias por confiar en nosotros,Acorn School"
Price: 99.99

sgodoikotaro |
Price: 5400.00

"Spanish for Beginners: Learn Spanish" |
"Learn Spanish for beginners and immediately be able to connect with over 500 million new people. Learn in weeks, not years.Meet new people, increase your job opportunities, and transform the way you travel. Spanish is one of the most fun languages to learn and will change your life.Learn Spanish today!"
Price: 64.99

"Trabalho Compromisso Qualidade e Divulgao" |
"Voltado para os que esto iniciando ou j iniciaram um pequeno empreendimento/negcio, o curso traz conceitos de divulgao e propaganda, oferece dicas de estratgias simples e eficazes para o sucesso do negcio, no que diz respeito a princpios e valores, divulgao de baixo custo, a partir do eterno ""boca a boca"", estratgias de fidelizao do cliente, perigos da propaganda enganosa, limites legais, e muito mais. possvel crescer cumprindo deveres e usando prerrogativas, sem usurpar direito alheio. Isso vale para todo e qualquer tipo de pequeno negcio (borracheiro, lanterneiro, pipoqueiro, quitandeiro, vendedor ambulante, doceira...). Se voc quer mudar de patamar no seu negcio, esse curso pra voc."
Price: 39.99

"Master GMAT Math Concepts and Techniques to Score 400/400" |
"Hi Students, here I am going to tell you how our course is different from others1. Our Course is designed through White Board Animated Videos, So you can avoid seeing the face of Trainer, which improves your attention.2. Your trainer is an expert with 15 years of Experience in teaching GMAT.3. You will gets the best Techniques as per GMAT Exam Standards in 2020.4. Here you see how to apply the learned techniques in Real GMAT Test.5. Here we don't teach but we train you to solve any type of Data Sufficiency & Problem Solving questions.6. We the testprep24 team is available 24*7 to clarify your doubts.7. Guaranteed Score improvements you can see on a regular basis.Total Syllabus classification:1. Vedic Maths techniques to improve Calculation Speed2. Number Theory and Classifications3. Arithmetic ( This include the Math which we Use in day today life like Percentages, Ratios and Proportions, Profit and Loss, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Mixtures, Time Speed and Distance etc)4. Algebra (Simple Equations, Linear Equations, )5. Geometry6. Logical Analysis ( Permutations and Combinations, Probability, Progressions, Logical Sequencing)7. Statistics, Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency.8. Problem Solving Techniques ( This section includes how to eliminate the Answer Choices from Multiple Choice questions without solving them exactly along with Quantitative Comparisons and Data Sufficiency)"
Price: 199.99

"O Novo Humano da Nova Terra" |
"Neste curso de imerso, voc vai acessar:- Passo a passo para descobrir sua misso de alma- Identificar valores (o leme que conduz sua vida)- Medir o nvel de satisfao da sua vida- O que so frequncias e por que tudo vibra em hertz- Como acessar a frequncia da quinta dimenso- O que a quinta dimenso e como so os seres da Terceira at a Dcima Segunda Dimenso- Aprender tcnicas que iro tornar seus sonhos realidade- Alinhamento dos corpos e dos chakras- Voc e suas 144 partes existentes- Como alinhar (pensamento, sentimento e emoo) - frmula da COCRIAO- O poder do campo magntico do corao- A chama trina e seu poder de realizao e proteo - Acesse sua famlia galctica (descubra quem voc verdadeiramente , QUAL SUA ORIGEM GALCTICA - Segundo o Sincronrio Maia)- Meditao Final."
Price: 99.99

"Complete Fractions Course: Master Fractions TODAY" |
"Is it true that five out of four people struggle with fractions?In this course, you will learn why that notion is ludicrous, but more importantly, you will...Conquer your fear of fractionsLearn all operations with fractions ANDBecome a fraction MASTERFind out more about the Acceleration Matrix inside this course - we'll send you a sneak peek and some goodies too!Monthly Math Modules Membership only $19 MonthlyHere are the Members' Only Benefits:(2) Complete Math Workbook Modules provided monthly ($26 value)Limitless Math Binder ($37 Value)Diagnostic Assessment in Grade Level or Math Course of your choice ($5 value)Complete Assessment Package in Grade Level of Math Course of your choice so you monitor your progress and growth ($17 value)Find out more about the Acceleration Matrix inside this course - we'll send you a sneak peek and some goodies too!Acceleration Matrix Membership only $97 MonthlyHere are the Members' Only Benefits:(2) Complete Math Course of your choice ($154 value)Personalized Path to Math Success PlanWeekly 1-hour live small group tutoring sessions ($200 value)50% off one-on-one tutoring sessions10% off merchandise and courses(2) Complete Math Workbook Modules provided monthly ($26 value)Limitless Math Binder ($37 Value)Diagnostic Assessment in Grade Level or Math Course of your choice ($5 value)Complete Assessment Package in Grade Level of Math Course of your choice so you monitor your progress and growth ($17 value)Find out more about the Acceleration Matrix inside this course - we'll send you a sneak peek and some goodies too!PLUS THESE FREE BONUSES (included in both membership tiers)Membership Support ForumChecklist of Most Effective Math StrategiesGET THIS COURSE FREE, just sign up for one of the membership tiersFREE Study MusicWeekly Video TutorialsOn-going Access to Math ExpertsPrizes and GiveawaysMuch MOREREMAINING A FAITHFUL MEMBER HAS ITS PERKSMembership Incentives:3 Months - additional course FREE6 Months - ""Highly Skilled"" t-shirt9 Months - Official Completion Certificate and YouTube Video shoutout12 Months - ""Limitless Math"" Sweatshirt HoodieFind out more about the Acceleration Matrix inside this course - we'll send you a sneak peek and some goodies too!Why wait? Take the course NOW or sign up for a beneficial membership and get this course FREE"
Price: 49.99

"Modelagem 3D no Fusion 360 Autodesk" |
"A concepo do software Fusion 360 veio com a ideia de que em um nico software tivesse a capacidade de integrar desde a fase a inicial do projeto at a viabilizao da fabricao final do produto, englobando todas a etapa em uma plataforma, ou seja, necessidade que se inter relacionar vrias fases de um projeto.Sua finalidade auxiliar os usurios desde a ideia inicial, com modelagem, detalhamento e criao de imagens para equipes de marketing at a criao por meio de impresso 3D.O sendo um dos softwares da Autodesk relativamente fcil de aprender e usar, e suas ferramentas so integradas umas s outras para ajud-lo a projetar produtos com preciso, rapidez e custo-benefcio."
Price: 39.99

"Pharmacy Technician Certification Board" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass Pharmacy Technician Certified Board?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence to Next Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass PTCB Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Topics are mentioned belowMeditation Federal RequirementsPatient Safety and Quality AssuranceOrder Entry and Processing Wish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification goals."
Price: 19.99

"Azeites e vinagres aromticos" |
"Curso rpido e simples, com base em narraes de fundo simples e aprofundamento com materiais complementares, que traz curiosidades sobre a fabricao de azeites e vinagres, tanto quanto ao processo industrial (brevemente abordado) quanto ao processo caseiro, alm de procurarmos entender um pouco da cincia envolvida na obteno das nossas cores e sabores."
Price: 39.99

"Automate Your Trading With C# and Multicharts.NET" |
"Learn to fully automate your stocks/forex/cryptocurrency trading with this course!Automate every step of your strategy. Build Completely Automated Trading Robot.This is an hands-on-tutorial, extremely practical. Even if you have limited C# and trading strategy experience, this course provides a great start for getting into automated trading and safely testing out strategy ideas.We'll start with introduction of Multicharts.Net software. It is free to download on their website as shown in the course. No need to purchase Multicharts.Net or a trading account - Everything in this course is freely available.We'll create a simple trading strategy. Although it's meant for DAX originally, the strategy script itself can be used on any market/timeframe. We'll apply it on a Bitcoin(BTC/USD) 5min and daily charts.By the end of the lectures, you should be able to not only create a simple trading strategy, but can expect to gain the following skills from this courseIntegrating your favorite technical indicators & plot in a strategy in Multicharts.Net.Learn leveraging financial functions inside a strategy script in Multicharts.Net. Build your own Automated Trading strategyApply and test out your signals and potential success.Learn how to design and deploy trading strategies on Multicharts.Net platform using C#. Happy trading!"
Price: 19.99

"Telegram Marketing for you!" |
"A comprehensive course to make money with Telegram. In this course, you will learn how to manage Telegram and improve your brand awareness. You will also learn the difference between groups, supergroups, and channels. You will take advantage of the best expert in Italy in Digital Marketing and you will study some good case studies."
Price: 19.99

"AutoCAD - How To Create a Floor Plan" |
"This course is aimed at those who may have learned AutoCAD in the past but forgotten how to use it.In this course we will go over how to create a floor plan using AutoCAD. We will go over drawing walls, creating window openings, creating door and window Blocks, inserting blocks and adding text and dimensions and hatches and finally plotting. If you have been looking for a course to teach you how to draw a floor plan then this course is for you.As an Architect with over 10 years of industry experience, I have taught many people to use AutoCAD over the years. I still use CAD software on major engineering projects and it shocks me when I see the items still being taught in schools, books, and other online courses by teaching commands that nobody actually uses in the workplace.This course is designed to get you up & running with AutoCAD quickly by teaching you the things you need to know without long-winded explanations of techniques and commands that are no longer used."
Price: 19.99

mopaindia |
Price: 94.99

"Violencia de gnero: 5 claves para identificarla" |
"Comprender qu es la violencia de gnero nos permite identificar y detener formas de maltrato hacia la mujer por el simple hecho de ser mujer, derribando mitos, justificaciones y ciertos prejuicios.Este curso rene definiciones, conceptos y otros aspectos tericos con el principal fin de poder contribuir en la prctica diaria de quien se encuentre atravesando una situacin de violencia de gnero y de quien quiera involucrarse brindando su ayuda y contencin."
Price: 49.99

"Modern Doodle Calligraphy, become a calligraphy artist" |
"Calligraphy can be done by anyone, as long as you learn the correct way from the very beginning. This course will set you off learning all the skills you need to become a Designer Calligraphy Pro.This really is the perfect course for anyone with an interest in Calligraphy. Whether that be someone who is looking to take up a new hobby. No need of any brush pens or costly equipment's, with just color pens we can create beautiful calligraphy."
Price: 1280.00

"Learn Eggless Tea Time Cakes (suitable for beginners)" |
"This course is designed for anyone who wants to know how to bake a cake and do simple decoration in a very easy way, whether youre a complete beginner or youve been baking and decorating cakes for a while but want to improve the basic foundation of your cake. This course covers the absolute basics of how to mix, bake, assemble, and serve a cake. You can watch the videos whenever you choose and download or print the included recipes and quick reference guides (handouts for each module with photos and descriptions of every step). Using clear explanations, and step by step instructions, you'll finish the course confident about your ability to make the perfect cake!"
Price: 1280.00

"Solar Energy Powered Photovoltaic Water Pump System Bootcamp" |
"The intent of this technical course is to provide the ultimate guide on the design of solar-powered water pump systems for use with livestock operations or irrigation systems or homeowners for human usage. What makes this course stand out is that you will taste the real-life experience about the projects and how to set up the whole system this course provides a review of the basic elements of electricity, a description of the different components of solar-powered water pump systems, important planning considerations, and general guidance on designing a solar-powered water pump system. I will walk you step by step until you get a profound understanding of the system and how to build it from scratch."
Price: 99.99

"AutoCAD : 3D Modeling of Products & Plants" |
"Welcome!!!!If you are in search of a course that can remove your fear about AutoCAD Permanently then you are at the right place. This course is designed such a way that everyone can learn AutoCAD either you are from technical field or not. Every section of course will add an measurable increment in your knowledge. Five sections of this course will teach you from drawing and setting to modeling and assembling the different elements to complete a 3D model of sample plant. If you are student , mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, civil engineer or at any other designation in manufacturing or construction field then you must take this course. The knowledge delivered in this course worth the price of course which you are going to pay.Thank You!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Hip Hop Basic Choreografie" |
"Cool fit werden und auch noch tanzen lernen.Perfekt vorbereitet fr Partys - Disco und einfach zum Radio tanzen.Wir besprechen Hip Hop Basic Elemente und ben diese ausfhrlich.Verschiedene Styles, verschiedene Tempis und das nicht zu wenig.Ich halte nicht viel von Step touch step touch in der Beginnerstunde. Ein bisschen gefordert werden macht viel mehr Spa!"
Price: 39.99

"Isolation & Koordination" |
"Isolation und Koordination. Wer kennt nicht ein paar lustige Koordinationsbungen aus der Kindheit, z.B. eine Hand kreist auf dem Bauch, die andere geht ber dem Kopf auf und ab - Und das gleichzeitig -.Wir trainieren heute in dem Isolations und Koordinatons Kurs unser Gehirn und teilen unseren Krper in Bereiche auf.Wie siehts aus knnen Sie Ihre Pobackenseiten abwechselnd bewegen? :-D"
Price: 34.99

"PPL2020-10-Update Perpajakan Bentuk Usaha Tetap" |
"Untuk meningkatkan penerimaan pajak di masa pandemic Covid-19, Pemerintah mengenakan pajak atas kegiatan perdagangan melalui sistem elektronik melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2020. Salah satu mekanisme pemajakannya adalah melalui penambahan kriteria Bentuk Usaha Tetap (BUT). PPL ini akan membahas definisi dan ketentuan perpajakan Bentuk Usaha Tetap secara komprehensif termasuk kriteria BUT untuk digital economy."
Price: 980000.00

"Online Teaching and Course Development" |
"Are you a student of English Literature? Or English Language? Or are you any graduate, confused in choosing a career other than traditional classroom teaching? Don't worry! You have plenty of online career options that you can be good at, and make money as well. This course introduces you to the tools needed in Online Teaching. Did you know, you could turn out to be an excellent online teacher or tutor of various subjects, you could be a Language instructor, you could teach copywriting, audiobook narration, Transcription or Subtitling or Translation! Well, if you dont want to teach any of these skills, there is still more There are also lots of opportunities for professionals like online digital marketers, video content creators, online coaches, personal trainers, online course creators, VA (Virtual Assistants), Affiliate Marketers, and so on, and you could be teaching any of these as well. You may also create courses on other professional skills like Vlogging, Blogging, Photography, Social Media Management, Advertising, Graphic designing, Web designing, etc. which are also fantastic online options. And the best part is, the whole world of Online Teaching opens before you at the cost of a Starbucks coffee.Here in this course well guide you to develop your skills in various kinds of Online Teaching, and also equip you with practical aspects of the profession such as where to host your course, how to find appropriate students, how to sell your course well, etc. This is a constantly updated course, and so keep checking this course every week. See you on the other side of the course."
Price: 1280.00

"Leading with Superpowers: Resilience, Empathy, & Creativity" |
"Superpowers are those abilities that help us succeed in the workplace, in school, and beyond. They are similar to ""soft skills"" and impact how we function and interact with others. In this course, we will work on building 3 in demand superpowers: Resilience, Empathy, and Creativity. While these superpowers are very much in demand in the workplace, we find that many people in the marketplace lack them. This course will teach you how to build the superpowers that will help you perform at a higher level!"
Price: 19.99
