"FEITO PRA VOC - Curso de Excel (Bsico)" |
"Vamos aprender usando frmulas, formatao de clulas, a funo PROCV, grfico e outros. O Curso Bsico em Excel tem por objetivo, a utilizao e criao de planilhas de clculos, tabelas, grficos, atravs de montagem de frmulas, formataes e ajustes. Vamos nos divertir e ao mesmo tempo aprender essa ferramenta to importante no mercado e nas nossas vidas pessoais."
Price: 39.99

"TMap NEXT and TMap Suite (TMPTE/TMSTE) Exam Practise - 2020" |
"This practise exam is for the TMAP NEXT and Suite - Test Engineer Exam (TMPTE/TMSTE). The actual exams consists of 30 questions, 65% pass rate and 60 minutes time.The right answers are explained after the test is completed.There are no specific requirements for this exam. General knowledge in the field of system development and six months to one year of work experience in the testing field are recommended.Target Group:(Junior) Professional testersUsers, developers and managers who test information systems and software productsCovered Themes:Framework and importance of testingTMap activities and TMap NEXT phasesTest design"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende Piano con Canciones y Lenguaje Musical - Nivel 1 -" |
"El Primer Nivel de este curso comprende 5 Secciones en las que encontramos 25 Clases. Las 16 primeras lecciones las hemos dedicado, bsicamente, a Lenguaje Musical y algunos aspectos tcnicos del Piano. Desde la Leccin 17 hasta la clase 26 aprenderemos, junto con algunos enfoques tcnicos de Lenguaje Musical y Piansticos, las siguientes canciones: Oda a la Alegra, Titanic, Yesterday y Cuando Calienta el Sol.Todos estos temas se publicarn ""facilitados"", al final de este Primer Nivel, en formato PDF para que el alumnado los pueda imprimir y estudiar sin ayuda de los vdeos (o slo en caso necesario para recordar algo), aparte de que el profesor estar siempre dispuesto a resolver todas las dudas que surjan a l@s alumn@s a travs de UDEMY.En Clase 26 daremos algunas sugerencias y pautas a seguir para una correcta dinmica del Primer Nivel y durante el proceso del mismo."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Google Slides Course - Create Stunning Slides" |
"Welcome to The Complete Google Slides Course. This course will teach you to understand how to use and design stunning slideshows using the Google application Google Slides.Google Slides is a free presentation software that allows you to design visually-appealing presentations for both a professional and casual setting. When compared to Microsoft Powerpoint, Slides offers the benefit of simplicity. With its various templates and themes, it can be as simple as plugging text into the provided text boxes. However, you can take your presentation one step further by adding in customizations. By inserting images, animations, transitions, charts, and diagrams you can amaze your audience!As a complete Google Slides course, this course will start from the basics; first covering the benefits of why you should use Google Slides and how to set up a presentation from either scratch or from a template. It will then segment into the design functions of Google Slides. The lessons from this section include understanding how to use the text box, how to create charts, how to insert links, and more. The learning portion of the course is then closed off with videos teaching more advanced/ not widely known functions. Here you will learn how to edit a master to further customize your slides, insert attention-grabbing diagrams to display data, and apply image masks to morph photos. In addition, quick wins are scattered across these three sections to provide more tips on how to create stunning, captivating presentations.Sometimes Google Slides simple user interface misleads users to not take full advantage of the offered tools. Therefore there is a section that quickly walks through creating a few common slides to showcase how combining these simple and basic functions can lead you to stunning slideshows. Since presentations should be catered to their subject, these examples would not fit for every presentation topic. However, once you understand and become familiar with the tools on Google Slides, you will be able to follow your creativity and bring your slide visions to life.Google Slides is a powerful application that allows you to design beautiful presentations for all occasions. This course will also show you how to strengthen your collaboration and communication skills so you can co-work on slideshows from the comforts of your own home. Some of the many things that you can make on Google Slides include:Consulting proposals, case studies, stock pitchesDigital scrapbooks, portfolios, lookbooksLectures, projects, and etc.Enroll to learn how to use Google Slides to create stunning presentations!"
Price: 199.99

"Copywriting Masterclass: Beginner To Confident Copywriter" |
"""Eric interjects these Mini Missions to make sure you get it, it gets hammered home, you gain Confidence that you can write effective copy."" - Susan GastAttempting to Learn Copywriting Through Reading Blog Posts On Several Websites is FrustratingThere is too much information out there. Its incredibly hard finding out where to start and what to prioritize. It can make you think that Copywriting is complicated. Especially if you dont have any formal training in marketing or Copywriting.You may already own lots of courses and books on Copywriting. But honestly after a while, even though the information is important to you.. reading can bore the hell out of you. Reading definitely bores me.You Cant Focus When Youre Bored, No Matter How Hard You Try And Force YourselfYou may be feeling lots of confusion about writing copy & drawing in more sales. This is a problem for many reasonsIf you are just starting out as a full-time freelance writer you are likely nervous about your skills.If you are self-employed and building a business, not having the proper knowledge of Copywriting makes it hard to meet new customers.If Youre a Full-Time Freelance Writer...Being nervous about your skills as a full-time freelance writer causes you to put the brakes on. Youll subconsciously avoid new projects or sabotage current ones out of the fear that youre not good enough yet.This lack of confidence prevents you from becoming a successful full-time freelance writer and receiving all of the financial freedom that comes with that.If Youre Self-Employed And Building a Business...Not having the right language to communicate how incredible your product is will make the difference between huge success and going out of business.Being able to sell using your words is the most important skill any business owner can have. I became obsessed with Copywriting for this very reason! For small business owners, Copywriting is your superpower.If You Have No Idea Where To Start With Copywriting Read ThisYou need something thats easy to understand, and not too overwhelming. Something that will inspire you to be more confident in your writing and not be too scared to put pen to paper...You need a truly empowering course that helps you understand all the elements and fundamentals of Copywriting.You need a course that will give you new knowledge so youre geared up to write for anything such as Facebook posts, emails, and sales copy.Introducing This Copywriting MasterclassThis Masterclass is designed from the ground up to be short, straight to the point, and filled with real world examples. After teaching over 110,000 students Ive learned there are 4 things that make a course life changing and this Masterclass has them all...#1 Action-Focused LearningWe don't truly learn anything until we do it ourselves.In this Masterclass you will complete 13 Mini Missions that will help you practice what you've learned.These exercises will help you become confident in your Copywriting abilities. Once you finish this masterclass you will be ready to enthusiastically take on any copy challenge.#2 Watch Your Copy Coach VideosMost online courses that I've seen don't actually show the instructor doing something in real time.To help motivate you and destroy the illusion that I have some secret superpower I will walkthrough myself completing each of the Mini Missions in real time.Watching me will give you confidence in your own abilities!#3 Filled With Real World ExamplesTheory is not very helpful until we see examples from the real world.Each main point inside of this course is illustrated with good & bad examples from the real world.Some examples that well look at are websites, book titles on the Amazon kindle store, emails, signs outside of physical stores, websites for my local hair stylists, etc..)#4 PDF Summary Cheat SheetsEverybody loves PDF cheatsheets! They allow you to review important concepts without having to rewatch the whole course trying to find that golden nugget.Inside this course you will get printable resources of the most popular Copywriting formulas, and the simple writing processes you can follow to write kick-ass copy no matter what project youre writing for.Hi, my name is Eric CampbellMy experience as an entrepreneur started at the age of 13 when I wrote a guide teaching kids how to make digital currency in an online game called Runescape.Then 6 years later while studying at Penn State I discovered Copywriting. I immediately became obsessed. It truly is a modern day superpower.Since then I've taught over 170,000 students in my online courses. Copywriting is the secret behind my ability to get students to enroll in my courses :).Now I'm so excited to share this skill with you in this Masterclass that I've poured my Heart into.This Masterclass Will Make You Confident in Your Copywriting SkillsIf you're looking for a course that will help get your thoughts from your head onto the computer screen then this course is for you. With this course you will receive a lot of great information presented in a very accessible way.You will also love the presentation! Going through this course is as addicting as binging on a Netflix show. Everything is very easy to understand and the ""Mini Mission"" exercises help you put what your learning into practice right away.At only halfway through the course youll already improve your ability to write more effective copy many times over and find yourself reflecting on the lessons throughout the week.If you have no idea where to start with Copywriting sign up for this course right now. You can learn so much in just a few hours and it's only a few clicks away. You also get content that you can refer back to anytime to help you in the future.Get Lifetime Access to the Masterclass & All Future UpdatesYou can purchase lifetime access to this Copywriting Masterclass for a one-time fee of $199. After enrolling you will receive instant access to the entire Masterclass.Click on the Enroll Now button on the top right of this page to get instant access to the entire Copywriting Masterclass"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering iPhone Jewelry & Small Product Photography" |
"Do you know that great looking photos can dramatically make a difference in what the perceived value is of the item you are photographing? Yes, its true. Several years ago I started helping my wife build her eBay business while creating the photos of jewelry and small products that she was selling. Over and over again I saw her sell her items on eBay for many times more than what she paid for them. Her items sometimes would sell for 35 or 50 times more than what she paid. Sometimes even more than that.Whats the difference between the items? Nothing, except the photos that she showed were beautiful. They were lit and composed beautifully, had interesting backgrounds and overall, had the look that you might see in the photographs displayed at high end jewelers and department stores. As the result, this gave them a much higher perceived value and her customers were willing to pay more for these items.You are probably wondering, whats the big deal? What makes these photos look so great? Can anyone learn to take photos like these? Yes, I absolutely believe anyone can? Heres why:I have been a professional photographer for many years. Our studio specialized in portrait & wedding photography and we were quite busy. When she asked me to help her take her photos of jewelry and small products she started selling, I started doing so in a simple, easy and quick way since I didnt have too much time to spend on her photos, I was quite busy taking my own photos and running the studio.What started as a simple and quick photo session of her items, has evolved through the years. I was able to fine tune the lighting, the set-up and overall way we photographed her items. Our method has remained simple, quick, easy to learn, and consistent. We step into our small studio room we have designated for taking these photos, turn on the lights, and begin the photography.This course is based on using an iPhone for your camera, along with certain apps that can help you improve your photography and editing of your jewelry and small products. You will learn to take beautiful professional looking photographs using your phone or tablet, or any other camera really.Also covered in this course are several lighting techniques that you can use along with light modifiers to help you fine tune your images to professional levels.If you would like to learn how you can take photos of the small products or jewelry using your phone's camera, consider enrolling in this course. Instead of photographing your items on a carpet or bed spread with bad lighting. Say NO to bad photos and start making more money. Whether you are selling your own products on your own website or small products on eBay, I truly believe this course can help you.Heres whats covered:1. Course Introduction2. Camera/Phone Gear3. My Main LED Light Source4. An Economical Light Source5. Additional LED Light Source6. Fluorescent Light Source7. Window Light8. Making a Reflector9. Reflector Demo10. More on Reflectors11. Soften and Diffuse Light Modifiers12. Setting Up Your Table13. More on Background Sweeps & Seamless Paper14. Using a Plexiglass Shooting Table15. Background Adventures16. The Use of Props17. Light Box Intro & Use18. Light Box & Props19. Light Box Photoshoot: Ivory Heart Necklace20. Light Box Photoshoot: Gold Bracelet21. Light Box Post Process Heart Necklace22. Face Jug Photoshoot: Intro23. Face Jug Photoshoot: Building & Expanding Our Setup24. Face Jug Photoshoot: Getting The Most From Your Photo Shooting Table25. Face Jug Photoshoot: Using a Photo Light Box26. Photoshoots: Several Actual photoshoots to demonstrate the lighting techniques and set ups taught in this course.27. Several Lighting Techniques Used to Photograph a Bracelet28. Camera & Post Process Apps29. Organize, View and Image Editing on your Desktop30. A Few Tips & Tricks When Using Adobe Photoshop31. A Few Advanced Techniques When Using Adobe Photoshop32. A Look at Another Amazing Photo EditorAnd more.....It really doesnt take any more time taking outstanding and professional looking photos. I even show you several lighting methods and techniques you can use. Some of them cost very little and some of them are free.Theres even a pretty good chance that you may already own a phone that has a camera that is more than adequate and has the potential to produce amazing photos. The only thing that may be missing is the knowledge you need to start taking more professional looking photos by using the methods I show you, step by step, in this course. Enroll today, say NO to bad photos and start making more money."
Price: 174.99

"Digital Tools For K-12 Remote Learning" |
"This course is meant to educate teachers on various digital tools to implement into their classroom. These tools will help prepare teachers for remote learning and continued integration of these tools when they are in their physical classroom. Sections are set up to share teachers an overview of tools and suggestions on why they will be beneficial for their classroom."
Price: 19.99

"Self Deep Massage Course to gain Vitality and Live Pain Free" |
"This training session consists of a comprehensive deep self massage of each part of the body. Using the fingertips, knuckles, thumbs, elbows and back of the hands.The intention is to clear out and neutralise both the physical and psychological effects of accumulated traumatic experiences. Self Deep Massage releases somato-psychic-emotional blockages, allowing the body-mind-emotions to return to their natural state of energetic flow and vitality."
Price: 84.99

"HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate: 120 Exam Questions" |
"IMPORTANT NOTEThe HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate practice exam offered in this course have a passing score of 70% but I highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 90% or higher on it.Remember that using this course alone does not guarantee you will pass the HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises. Nonetheless, these HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate practice exam can provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score!This HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate: 150 Exam Questions course offers the following features:150 TOP-NOTCH Questions - True/False, Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer just like the real HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate exam, created after talking to over 20 students who passed the test.CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which Terraform knowledge areas you need improvement.MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone!RANDOMIZED QUESTIONS - The test questions and answer order is completely randomized every time you take the test. This prevents the unconscious memorization of the answers and ensures that you fully understand the concepts.CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS -Most answers come with a reference link or explanation that can validate the answer but you can also post in the QA section so we can discuss any issues.About the HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate Certification:The Terraform Associate certification is for Cloud Engineers specializing in operations, IT, or developers who know the basic concepts and skills associated with open source HashiCorp Terraform. Candidates will be best prepared for this exam if they have professional experience using Terraform in production, but performing the exam objectives in a personal demo environment may also be sufficient. "
Price: 24.99

"iPhone Photography" |
"iPhone Photography is a beginner's course with 27 lessons and more than 3 hours of video tutorials to teach you how to use your iPhone with iOS 13 or newer to make better photos.The course starts by looking at how to use all of the iPhone's Camera app controls and settings. You'll learn how to use all of the different modes like panoramic, portrait, night mode, live photos and more. You'll learn how to access all of the different controls, and more importantly when you'll need them.You'll also learn photography basics and how to get the best results with the cameras in your device.This course is taught by college photography instructor Jay Shaffer. Jay is a long-time MacMost collaborator and contributor. You should have iOS 13 or newer and an iPhone 6 or newer model to get the most from this course."
Price: 19.99

AutoDesk |
"AutoDeskAutoCAD + Revit + 3ds MaxInstructores: lvaro Garca y Luca Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Conocers en detalle los programas ms destacados de AutoDesk para arquitectos e interioristas, adems te ensear tcnicas rpidas y sencillas para que puedas crear cualquier tipologa de diseo sin bloqueos, sin frustraciones y con resultados de calidad y profesionalidad.Aprende paso a paso los programas ms destacados de Autodesk en un solo curso. Comenzars a ver como funciona la plataforma formativa para poder sacar el mximo partido a la formacin y luego irs adentrndote en cada uno de los programas.En este curso Aprenders:Introduccin y Bienvenida al Curso AutoDesk.AutoCADRevit3ds MaxRecursos para el Alumno del Experto en Diseo y Planificacin de Proyectos de Diseo de BaosEmisin del Certificado de Finalizacin ""Curso AutoDesk""Sobre la Formacin:La formacin te permitir convertirte en un experto en la materia, y todo ello desde una formacin principalmente prctica. A travs de variadas actividades y proyectos completos podrs adquirir los conocimientos suficientes para ejercer profesionalmente de forma solvente. Adems conocers en detalle mi flujo de trabajo a la hora de afrontar un proyecto profesional. Para la realizacin de este curso no vas a necesitar el equipo informtico ms potente del mercado, ya que el software empleado durante formacin online se encuentra perfectamente optimizado y su uso es muy fluido en todo tipo de equipos, tanto en PC como en Mac.Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los diseadores lvaro Garca y Luca Fernndez. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin del 100% de tu dinero durante los primeros 30 dasLa modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Access for Beginners" |
"This introduction to Microsoft Access provides the perfect foundation for developing expertise. Even though it is a beginners course, delegates will build two fully functioning relational databases. Chester Tugwell, your course tutor, started his Microsoft Access training career back in the late 1990s and over the years he has fine-tuned his content and delivery to culminate in this excellent course.Chester has designed this course to be as hands-on as possible. It is project-based and takes you through the steps involved in building an Access relational database from the ground up. Topics Covered in the CourseRelational Database Theory what is a relational database and how does it compare to the way data is stored in Excel, for example?Tables designing tables to store data. Setting data types and field properties.Importing Data importing data into your Access database stored in Excel or as text files.Creating Relationships Between Tables understanding primary and foreign keys and creating relationships between tables.Design Forms that look great and function well.Select Queries understand how to set AND/OR criteria, use comparison operators and wildcards.Design Reports that look professional.Create a Front-End for your Database create a navigation form with command buttons that open your forms and reports. Set database options that control what appears/doesnt appear to your users when they open the database.The course was created using Access 365 (2019) but will work for earlier versions."
Price: 19.99

"Kanban Fundamentals Kanban Overview Kanban in real life" |
"The most complete and comprehensive Kanban Full Overview course you can find on Udemy covering everything you need to know to hit the ground running with Kanban Project Management: the Kanban board, WIP limits, cycle time, defects, agile and kanban, Scrum and kanban. Kanban is a management method for teams and organizations to visualize their work identify and eliminate bottlenecks and achieve dramatic operational improvements in terms of throughput and qualityThis Kanban course provides guidance on Kanban implementation and bootstrapping a Kanban system in your own organization. You will learn how Kanban is a cultural change initiative and what that shift means, how Kanban can be applied to your software development workflow, and how it differs from other development methods. Below topics will be covered in this course: - Kanban origins and benefits- Kanban concepts, principles, and terminology- Visualization of Work- Limiting Work-In-Process- Analyzing the Flow of Work- Continuous improvement culture- Lean Thinking- Lean Methodology and Metrics- Kanban Real Life ScenariosThis course should be attended by the following roles: Business Analyst, Technical Analyst, Project Manager, Software Engineer/Programmer, Development Manager, Product Manager, Product Analyst, Tester, and QA Engineer.This Kanban training is a perfect place for cross-functional teams to familiarize themselves with Kanban and learn the basics of how to function as an Agile team. - At Elite instructors we are providing our students 24x7x365 Support. You can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New YearSTILL NOT CONVINCED?And if youre still not sure heres our promise to you:This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee! That means, if you arent completely satisfied with your purchase, I will give you a refund no questions asked!By the end of this course, youll have a working understanding of the fundamentals of Kanban, and how you can apply it in real lifeEnroll today and get started learning the fundamentals of Scrum."
Price: 99.99

"Intro to Android Jetpack: With Whiteboard Animations!" |
"Are you looking for a crash course and FUN on how to use Android Jetpack?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with my friend Abdul - he is very talented and knows Android Jetpack inside-out!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:What is Android JetpackWhy AndroidXJetpack ComponentsArchitecture ComponentsManage Persistant Data With RoomManage Data and Business LogicAnd More!So if you are ready to learn how to easily use Android Jetpack...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 74.99

"CCIE Security Fundamentals - With Whiteboard Animations!" |
"Are you looking for a crash course on how to use CCIE Security to protect yourself, your business, and your family?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with a friend and colleague - he is very talented and knows CCIE Security inside-out!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:Malware, Virus, Trojan, RootkitMalware Analysis TechniquesDDos AttacksSpyware- KeyloggersBuffer OverflowSQL InjectionUnsecure code practiciesCloudAnd More!So if you are ready to learn how to easily use CCIE Security to protect yourself, your business, and your family...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 74.99

"Intro to Point-of-Sales Systems: With Whiteboard Animations!" |
"Are you looking for a crash course on how to understand and use Point of Sales Systems?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with my friend and colleague Ash - he is very talented and knows Point of Sales Systems!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:What is POSUnderstanding POSBenefits of POSPOS InnovationsCloud POSCloud DisruptionsAnd more!So if you are ready to learn how to easily use Point of Sales Systems...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 64.99

"Easily Learn the Fundamentals: Salesforce Service Cloud" |
"Are you looking for a crash course on how to use Salesforce Service Cloud?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with my friend Gaurav - he is very talented and knows Salesforce inside out!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:Service CloudService ChannelsCase ManagementKnowledge ManagementService ConsoleEntitlement ManagementAnd more!So if you are ready to learn how to easily use use Salesforce Service Cloud2...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 69.99

"A Deeper Dive in Cisco Firepower: Threat Intelligence & More" |
"Are you looking for a course that will dive deeply into advanced topics for Cisco Firepower?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with my friend and colleague - he is very talented and knows Cisco Firepower inside out!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:What is Cisco FirepowerIntrusion Prevention SystemAdvanced Malware ProtectionThreat Intelligence and Application Visibility and ControlURL FilteringDeployment and High Availability OptionsHardware Platform OverviewNGFW Use CasesMigration and VPNsFirepower Management OptionsAnd more!So if you are ready to dive deeply into Cisco Firepower...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 79.99

"Crash Course on Ethereum Web3js: With Whiteboard Animations!" |
"Are you looking for a crash course on how to use Web3js?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with my friend Ash - he is very talented and knows Web3js inside out!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:Web3js DemystifiedWhat is Web3jsWeb3 IllustrationWeb3 Add to ProjectWeb3APIWeb3eth APIWeb3eth Contract APIWeb3eth Accounts APIWeb3eth Personal APIWeb3 utils APIWeb3 on RopstenWeb3js Thank youAnd more!So if you are ready to learn how to easily use Web3js...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 74.99

Invideo |
"In this course, you will find a very easy tool to create your animated videos. Have you ever dreamed to add animated texts, images and sounds to your videos? Invideo is the solution you was expecting!Creativity has never been so easy with this powerful tool.Follow this course that is giving you explanations for every tools available to create your videos. No need of coding, no need of any knowledge of design, drawing, complex movie softwares... ONLY one word to describe INVIDEO : simplicity !"
Price: 19.99

"Object Oriented C# MasterClass Part 1" |
"Get Started with Object Oriented C# MasterClass Part 1!Are you a student or professional in the field of software engineering or maybe contemplating an educational or career move to the software engineering world? Have you been looking for a quick and easy way to get up and running with Object Oriented C# using .NET Core and don't want to go through an overwhelming amount of material just to get your environment setup and ready for building your own apps? Don't worry as THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU! In my course, I will teach you how to get your environment setup for .NET Core and help you to gain a strong foundation in C# Object Oriented Programming quickly and through a step-by-step guided approach. I will be showing you all the necessary installation and setup needed for .NET Core and Visual Studio IDE. Take this course and feel proud of the fact that you will be one step closer towards the rewarding field of Software Engineering using .NET technologies!"
Price: 54.99

"Linear Regression in Python from scratch" |
"In this course you will learn about linear regression which is a machine learning technique used in data science and you will learn on how to code linear regression from scratch in python using gradient descent .Anybody who wants to enter into machine learning or data science can go through this course to get a basic understanding of machine learning ."
Price: 1280.00

"Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Using Python in 2020" |
"Is this one of your needs? Then course is for you Forecasting Online Users ?Forecasting Traffic ?Forecasting the expected performance of their loan portfolio?Forecasting real-estate properties?Forecasting User Spending Habits ?If there is some time dependency, then you know it - the answer is: time series analysis.Welcome to the best online resource for learning how to use the Python programming Language for Time Series Analysis!We'll start off with the basics by teaching you how to work with and manipulate data using the NumPy and Pandas libraries with Python. Then we'll begin to learn about the statsmodels library and its powerful built in Time Series Analysis Tools. Including learning about Error-Trend-Seasonality decomposition and basic Holt-Winters methods.We'll talk about creating AutoCorrelation and Partial AutoCorrelation charts and using them in conjunction with powerful ARIMA based models, including Seasonal ARIMA models and SARIMAX to include Exogenous data points.Then we'll learn about state of the art Deep Learning techniques with Recurrent Neural Networks that use deep learning to forecast future data points.This course will teach you the practical skills that would allow you to land a job as a quantitative finance analyst, a data analyst or a data scientist.In no time, you will acquire the fundamental skills that will enable you to perform complicated time series analysis directly applicable in practice. We take the most prominent tools and implement them through Python the most popular programming language right now. With that in mindWith these tools we will master the most widely used models out there: AR (autoregressive model) MA (moving-average model) ARMA (autoregressive-moving-average model) ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average model). SARIMA (seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average model)Why wait? Every day is a missed opportunity.Click the Buy Now button and start mastering time series in Python today.Who this course is for:Aspiring data scientists.Programming beginners.People interested in quantitative finance.Programmers who want to specialize in finance.Finance graduates and professionals who need to better apply their knowledge in Python."
Price: 19.99

"Social Work Tools - How To Use Solution Focused Techniques" |
"Have you ever worked with a client and felt that you have tried EVERYTHING? You've emptied out your toolbox, and nothing seems to work? If you have practiced social work for any length of time, or plan to do so in the future, this is a common story.In order to be better prepared for situations like this, Social Work Mentor has created a website and Android app to help future, new, and seasoned Social Workers in the office, in the field, and beyond. The tool provides practical, tangible, and easily accessible mentoring and guidance for Social Workers and other helping professionals. These tools can help you address situations like the ones we pointed out above, and many more!This course provides guidance on how to use one section of the website/app, ""Solution Focused Approaches"" It is absolutely not necessary to use the website/app to find value in this course, as the concepts are stand alone. However, having or being familiar with the website/app can improve comprehension in the course. After completing this course, any professional in social services and/or human services will be much more equipped to deal with that one difficult, challenging, and defiant client they just can't break through on...and all of their other clients as well!"
Price: 79.99

"Automate Your Catering Business Like a BIG Business" |
"Automate your catering business with systems that will allow you to work more efficiently and increase sales. In this course you will learn about what processes within your catering business you can automate to increase productivity, capture clients, and allow your business to function while you are away.Many small catering companies fail because the owner is overworked and underpaid. DON'T LET THAT BE YOU. Learn each systems you can put in place that will allow you to free up more time and focus on creating a beautiful experience for your clients.These systems are adopted from large restaurants but have been broken down so that they fit your small catering business. YES, you can turn your everyday task that takes hours and days to complete into a simple easy automatic system that works for your catering company.When your catering business is set up with these simple automatic systems you are able to increase client experience from start to finish. The best part is these systems allow you to reduce your stress and focus on what you love to do, creating fabulous menu item for your clients.Join the class today!"
Price: 124.99

"Gravit designer the complete course" |
"Gravit designerGravit designer is graphic design software that can work on all platforms. It is a versatile software that allows you to create a varied number of graphic designs. It offers the possibility of working in vector format, very useful for the design of logo, poster, or any document intended for printing. It is also a complete tool that will allow you to make your marketing documents, such as posts for social networks, montages, or presentation sheets. There is a open source version online, and a desktop version. Many accessible tools, management of text, objects, adding effects and much more. It is possible to start with models. It can suit beginners as well as experts thanks to its versatility. It offers an ergonomic interface.Creation of graphic documents- Book cover- Poster- Flyer- Photo montage- Post for social networks- Visit card- Invitation card- Logo- Website mockup- And more...TrainingThere is a free version and the course will see the software with all the features of the free version as well as the pro version on desktop. You will learn how to use all the features to be able to optimize your designs. There will also be several trainings on the creation of various graphic documents."
Price: 49.99

"Kendimiz zerinde alarak Satlar Artrma" |
"Kendimiz zerinde almaya emeimizin yzde kan harcyoruz? Sat artrmann yollarnn banda sat yapacak kii gelir. Sat yapacak kii kendi hayatn da dengeyi kuramam ise baarl sat olamaz.. O halde en nemli ey kendimiz zerinde almaktr.Burada nemli olan satn formln ve satn srrn kavrayarak, sat yapmay artrabilecek. Daha nce grmediiniz ekilde satn srrn anlayacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Popler Sosyal Mecralar in Api Kullanm Rehberi" |
"Sosyal network ann en gllerinin kullanc datalarna erimek ve bu datalar ilemek! Bu kurs aslnda temelde aslnda login ilemini kolaylatrmaya ynelik almalar barndryor. Facebook, Twitter, Google, Linkedin ve Twitch mecralarnn apilerini kullanarak kendi sisteminize kullancnza giri yapma olana vermek nasl oluyor bunu iliyor. Bu kursta SDK Kullanmyoruz. Methodlarmz biz yazyoruz. O nedenle ierisinde OAuth request nasl yaplr bunuda iliyor. Memnun kalacanz umuyor, keyifli renmeler diliyorum."
Price: 199.99

"CodeIgniter Course: The Complete Guide (Step by Step)" |
"In this course you will learn the most popular PHP framework CodeIgniter. We will learn everything in codeigniter from a beginners level to an advanced level.Here you will learn to build a fully function web application from scratch. You will learn to build an EMS Web App (Employee Management System). You will also learn to host your web app on a free web server for testing purpose.You will learn the following in this Complete CodeIgniter Course for Beginners:MVC FrameworkBasic ConceptsConfigurationWorking with DatabaseLibrariesError HandlingForm ValidationSession ManagementCommon FunctionsPage RedirectionApplication ProfilingAdding JS and CSSMuch much more"
Price: 4800.00

"Official Breakdance course Mastery" |
"Welcome to Official Breakdance course Mastery! Learn from a professional Bboy Sio! Over 15 years of experience in Breakdancing! Learn to top rock, down rock (styles), powermoves, freezes, flips, kicks, transitions and suicide flips and twists. All of these elements with knowledge and tips will be broken down into digestive chunks for you to have an elite physique, amazing moves on the dance floor. You will have tutorial on style, elements of powermoves, freezes, flips, kicks, transition, suicide flips and twists. Do not look further as this is a great course for you or someone as a gift who would enjoy this course. Plenty of physical techniques and skills all in one place."
Price: 59.99

"Simulados para o exame CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ CLO-002" |
"Os Simulados para o exame CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ CLO-002 tem como objetivo preparar e reforar o conhecimento dos candidatos para esta certificao. Voc encontrar no total deste simulado 120 questes prticas que cobrem 100% os tpicos do exame e a explicao das respostas corretas em cada questo.Teste prtico 1: Domnio 1 Conceitos de Nuvem;Teste prtico 2: Domnio 2 Princpios Comerciais de Ambientes em Nuvem;Teste prtico 3: Domnio 3 Gerenciamento e Operaes Tcnicas;Teste prtico 4: Domnio 4 Governana, Risco, Conformidade e Segurana para a Nuvem.Teste prtico 5: O ltimo simulado um pr-teste que foi elaborado com a combinao de questes referentes aos Domnios 01, Domnios 02, Domnios 03 e Domnios 04 para simular o exame oficial. Essas questes so as mesmas encontradas nos Testes prticos 1, 2, 3 e 4, porm elas sero executadas randomicamente para testar os seus conhecimentos combinando questes de vrios domnios. Neste ltimo simulado voc encontrar 75 questes que o nmero de questes do exame oficial."
Price: 39.99
