"Photoshop 2020, Fotografa, Edicin, Diseo Grfico, Dibujo." |
"Aprende a utilizar todo el potencial de Adobe Photoshop para editar tus fotografas como un profesional.En este Curso Completo aprenders a sacar partido de la herramienta mas potente de Edicin Digital. Desde hace mas de tres dcadas Phoptoshop es el Software #1 para Diseadores y Fotgrafos que quieren llevar su trabajo al siguiente nivel, y en este curso aprenders paso a paso como lograrlo. Veremos desde las cuestiones mas bsicas como ""que son las Capas"" y que son los ""Modelos de Color"" hasta las mas avanzadas como ""Edicin no Destructiva"", las ""Capas de Ajustes"" o las ""Curvas"". Todo esto con un enfoque 100% practico, iremos viendo distintos ejemplos desde la primer clase y para que puedas ir practicando desde el comienzo todo lo que vemos, te dejare distintos recursos para que puedas descargarte e ir aplicando todo lo que esta en las distintas clases.En este Curso trabajaremos con la versin mas reciente del programa, pero tu puedes seguir las clases, sin importar que versin tengas (Photoshop CS6, Photoshop CS5...) de todos modos podrs seguir las clases casi sin ninguna diferencia.Este curso de Adobe Photoshop cubrir todo lo que necesitas saber para poder comenzar con todo, incluyendo: Como importar Archivos y Como entender la interfaz de Trabajo Herramientas Bsicas de Adobe Photoshop (Seleccin, Transformacin, Pinceles, Goma, Degradados...) Herramientas de Edicin NO Destructivas (Mascaras, Mascaras de Recorte, Capas de Ajustes, Objetos Inteligentes...) Herramientas de Textos y Formas (Texto de Punto, Texto de rea, Texto Vertical, Trazado, Relleno...) Entender el Color Digital (Matiz, Saturacin y Brillo, Espacios de Color, Perfiles de Color, Modelos de Color, RGB, CMYK, Lab...) Entender los Modos de Fusin (Normal, Aclarar, Oscurecer, Superponer, Diferencia, Color...) Edicin Digital Avanzada Retoque Fotogrfico Avanzado Manejo de Color AvanzadoPor que tomar este Curso de Adobe Photoshop conmigo?He utilizado Adobe Photoshop por mas de una dcada, comenzando cuando era estudiante de Arquitectura y para proyectos personales, luego lo utilice como Docente Universitario en la Universidad Nacional de mi ciudad, as como para distintos proyectos de Arquitectura en distintos trabajo que he ido realizando. Por ultimo aplique mis conocimientos de Photohop y Adobe Illustrator en el desarrollo de una Marca de Indumentaria independiente que creamos hace 5 aos y que hoy comercializamos a Nivel Nacional. En 2010 comenc como Docente en la Universidad, y en 2018 empece a dar Cursos Online de Medios Digitales como Photoshop, Illustrator, o Procreate. Por mis cursos Online ya han pasado mas de 10.000 estudiantes, de mas de 115 pases distintos, asistiendo a mis cursos tanto en Espaol como en Ingles. Todos mis cursos son desarrollados para que cualquier persona pueda entenderlos, ya seas un estudiante Universitario o un nio de 12 aos, esto es as ya que las clases son con explicaciones bien sencilla y paso a paso sin dar nada por sentado. Te explicare desde los conceptos mas bsicos hasta los mas avanzados, pero sin hacer las cosas difciles y ayudndome de explicaciones bien visuales. Si todava te quedan dudas, puedes revisar las Calificaciones del Curso donde podrs ver comentarios de otros Estudiantes.Adelante, dale al botn de Inscribirte Ahora y comienza a utilizar Adobe Photoshop como un Profesional!"
Price: 199.99

"Miniature Food with Polymer Clay for Beginners" |
"In this course I'll teach you how to make miniature food charms with polymer clay. This course is designed for beginners, so you don't need to have any prior experience about polymer clay as I'll start the course with the basic knowledge about it including;Polymer clay general properties, Conditioning polymer clay,Baking polymer clay.After that I'll take you through a number of seven different tutorials for making realistic looking food charms that you can put on keychains or you might make them as jewelry. These tutorials are;Donuts.Burger.Cinnamon roll.Cheesecake.Pizza.Ice cream.Cupcakes.Through out these tutorials, I'll show you my tips and tricks for making textures, dripping sauces and cheese, icing and other food ingredients! So If you'd like to make some charms that everyone would like to eat then join me now!"
Price: 19.99

"Digital Electronics and Circuits" |
"Section 1: IntroductionSection 2: Few Basic Concepts+Signals, Systems, Elements+Integrated Circuit Families, Characteristics, and Levels+Number Systems and CodesSection 3: Boolean Expressions, Minterms, Maxterms, Circuit Minimization+Boolean Expressions, Operator Precedence, and Boolean Laws+Basic Gates, Truth Tables, Maxterms, Minterms+K Maps 1+K Maps 2+Quine McCluskey MethodSection 4: Combinational Logic and Circuits+Universal Gates (NAND and NOR)+NMoS, PMoS, and CMoS Designs+EX-OR and EX-NOR Gates (Odd and Even Functions)+Adders (Binary, Half, Full, 4-bit)+Subtraction, Ripple Carry Adders and Carry Lookahead Generators+Decoders and Encoders+Multiplexers and DemultiplexersSection 5: Sequential Logic and Circuits+Concept of Memories, and Latches+Flip Flops (Latches to FF conversion, types of FFs, Setup and Hold Times)+Analysis of Sequential Circuits (Mealy and Moore Machines)+Design of Sequential Circuits+State Reduction+Registers+Counters+Ring Counter and Johnson CounterSection 6: Miscellaneous Concepts and Problem Solving+Metastability+Problem Solving 1 (Design Conversions using MUX)+Problem Solving 2 (Flip Flop Conversions)+Problem Solving 3 (Sequence Recognizer Circuit)* New lectures will be added based upon popular user feedback and request."
Price: 1600.00

"The Complete A/B Testing Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Course !You can Learn complete information related to A/B Testing. It is the best course for A/B Testing. This course of A/B Testing will able you to start your Learning as a beginner. Important Topics you can learn and get huge Explanation are :A/B testingWorking of A/B TestingUse of A/B Testing TestProcess of A/B TestingData CollectionGoals Creating VariationsRun Experiment Analyze ResultsToolsMultivariateSEOThank you so much !Our Team will Happy to see in Course ! Note that Our team is present every time for you and available here for any questions you may have. You can ask any question which you want. "
Price: 19.99

"Gestin y Mejora de Procesos" |
"En este curso aprenders a planificar, disear, modelar, controlar y mejorar continuamente los procesos de cualquier organizacin, ya sea de bienes o servicios, utilizando ms de 20 metodologas y herramientas de gestin empresarial, y con esto sers capaz de maximizar los resultados de tu compaa (Incrementar su rentabilidad, gestionar procesos eficientes, productos y servicios de mxima calidad asegurando la satisfaccin de tus clientes).Cada seccin de este programa cuenta con una estructura y explicacin prctica y secuencial (PASO A PASO) de aplicacin de cada metodologa o herramienta de gestin y cada una de ellas aplicadas a casos empresariales resueltos para que puedas comprenderlas al mximo nivel, con diversas plantillas de implementacin descargables para que puedas utilizarlas como soporte.Tambin incluye casos empresariales propuestos para que puedas poner en prctica los conocimientos adquiridos. Adems, cuenta con un examen por mdulo para poner a prueba todo lo aprendido en el curso. Es importante aclarar que cualquier consulta, observacin y/o sugerencia que tengas sobre cualquier tema expuesto o plantilla, escrbenos en la seccin de preguntas y respuestas que soporta la plataforma, que te atenderemos lo ms pronto y de la mejor manera posible.Tambin recalcar nuestro compromiso en la actualizacin de forma peridica del programa, para que puedas comprender y actualizar tus conocimientos sobre las ltimas tendencias en Gestin y mejora de Procesos. Dentro de la estructura del programa:Aprenders a planificar de forma estratgica cualquier tipo de organizacin y determinar los planes de accin para el cumplimiento de los objetivos de negocio propuestos (anlisis FODA, Cuadro de mando integral BSC).Tambin conocers y aplicars herramientas para identificar los requisitos ms importantes de un producto o servicio en la fase de diseo, en funcin a los requerimientos del cliente, con el objetivo de satisfacer sus necesidades y con esto asegurar el xito del nuevo producto en el mercado (Despliegue de la funcin de Calidad QFD, Anlisis modal de fallos y efectos AMFE).Aprenders a identificar, seleccionar, mapear, priorizar, caracterizar y modelar los principales procesos de cualquier organizacin, tomado como punto de partida para mejorar continuamente su desempeo (mapa de procesos, matriz de priorizacin, caracterizacin de procesos, modelamiento de procesos con el uso de Bizagi Process Modeler).Asimismo, te ensearemos a medir y controlar los procesos de tu organizacin mediante el uso de diversas herramientas y metodologas, as como tambin a determinar los planes de accin para analizar desviaciones de los procesos y mejorarlos (Grficos de Control, Capacidad del Proceso, , indicadores de desempeo, Medicin de Satisfaccin del Cliente, Evaluacin del Desempeo Organizacional). Aprenders el uso del software estadstico Minitab aplicado a la capacidad del proceso.Tambin aprenders diversas herramientas de mejora continua explicadas de forma metodolgica y prctica para que puedas implementarla en tu empresa y mejorar sus resultados de manera eficiente (Estudio de mtodos, Estudio de tiempos, Mapa de flujo de valor o VSM, Diagrama de Pareto Diagrama de Ishikawa, Diseo de experimentos, Metodologa 5s). Aprenders el uso del software Microsoft Visio aplicado al Mapa de Vlujo de Valor (VSM).Te ensearemos de forma concisa y resumida cmo gestionar tu empresa a travs de Modelos de Gestin de Calidad y Excelencia (Sistema de Gestin de Calidad ISO 9001: 2015, Modelo de Gestin de Excelencia EFQM).Finalmente, en un Mdulo Bonus, te ensearemos un tema imprescindible en las empresas de hoy en da: El liderazgo organizacional (te ensearemos a identificar tu nivel de liderazgo inicial y aprender estrategias para desarrollar tus habilidades para liderar el cambio y mejorar el desempeo de tu compaa).Empieza a dar los primeros pasos para liderar el cambio y maximizar los resultados en tu organizacin. Te esperamos.Gracias y saludos.Equipo ADN Lean."
Price: 79.99

"C# Tutorial for beginners - Start leaning from scratch" |
"In this video series you will cover below things = Learn c# basic concept step by step = Learn core concept of OOP = See examples of SQL database = Create a professional website in asp dot net mvc. = Get code from blogger= Crack c# related interviews= Ask any question any time More videos are yet to come so be connected with us."
Price: 19.99

"Financial Engineering & Portfolio Theory -CM2 Actuarial Exam" |
"Section 1 - Introduction (Out Now)Financial MarketsWe look at various markets such as the Stock Market, the Bond Market, the Derivative Market as well as Risk markets.Efficient Market HypothesisWe consider the Strong, Semi and Weak form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis as well as the evidence for and against each one.Can you Beat the Market?We compare the success of Warren Buffet vs the success of John C BogleActive vs Passive StrategiesWe compare two investment philosophies and consider the problems with eachCovid-19 Investment StrategiesI share my own investment strategies before and after Covid-19What Caused the Great RecessionWe look at what caused the global recession in 2008Section 2 - Utility Theory Irrational BehaviourWe play the St Petersburg Paradox and consider if our decisions can be irrationalConsumer Choice TheoryWe look at indifference curves and budget lines to make decisions around bundles.Utility TheoryWe make observations about the utility of money and consider various attitudes towards risk.Axioms of UtilityWe look at Completeness, Transitivity, Continuity and IndependenceExpected Utility TheoryWe consider consumer choice theory with uncertaintyStochastic DominanceWe look at Absolute, First Order and Second Order DominanceSection 3 - Behavioural Economics Behaviour EconomicsHeuristicsFramingHerd InstinctAnchoringMyopic Loss AversionMental AccountingBias - (Self Serving, Confirmation, Availability and Familiarity)Story BelievingHow to Fight IrrationalitySection 4 - Risk MeasuresVariance and Semi VarianceShortfall ProbabilityValue at RiskExpected Shortfall (Tail VaR)Relationship between Risk Measures and Utility FunctionsSection 5 - Mean Variance Portfolio TheoryIntroduction to Portfolio TheoryIntroduction to Mean Variance Portfolio TheoryAssumptionsOpportunity Set & Efficient FrontierDiversification BenefitOptimal PortfolioSection 6 - Multi-factor Asset Models (Coming Soon: the end of September 2020)Section 7 - Capital Asset Pricing Model (Coming Soon: the end of September 2020)"
Price: 39.99

"Learn Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 for Beginners" |
"Want to learn Photoshop but dont know where to start from?You can learn adobe photoshop techniques in this throughout lessons of the organized bundle.15 Real-time Projects that make you more knowledgeable throughout in Photoshop editing.In every lesson, you can learn new things you never have seen before anywhere.you can learn about the tools and techniques of the panels, menus, and more.Who this course is for:Beginners who want to learn Photoshop and get paid for it (make yourself Freelancer after this).Those who are occupied and can't find enough techniques of Professional users.Newbie's, Freelancers, amateurs, graphic designers, web designers, motion graphics artists, Photoshop users, and any creatives who want to design their own graphics and edit their own photos from scratch""Every Video Lesson I am going to teach you the tutorial - First I show the Output then I move to teach that, how to make it yourself""Note: If you love to learn these all things, Enroll this course, learn all the things, and shortcuts (shown in below of the video - as lower third) make notes on it. Practice well and make yourself as a professional user.After finish the course, please take time to REVIEW of the Course - it helps me to create more courses on udemy, and it's very useful for students and learners - how this course teaches, transforms your knowledge."
Price: 199.99

".NET Programming for Beginners: Windows Forms (C#)" |
"In this course for beginners, you will get started with .NET Windows Forms (WinForms) Programming using Visual Studio and the C# Programming Language. You will learn the basics of .NET Windows Forms, event handling, multithreading and how you can create deployment packages for your .NET Windows Forms programs, directly via Visual Studio, using the ClickOnce component. Last but not least, throughout the course, we will be developing in different phases, a Text Editor demo app, using Visual Studio, C# and Windows Forms.MORE ABOUT THE COURSEVisual Studio and C#, is a very powerful combination, that allows Software Developers to develop a wide range of useful applications. With Windows Forms, you can create user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications, that efficiently interact with the end users and perform different tasks fast and easy. Knowing how to develop in Visual Studio, using the C# Programming Language and Windows Forms, is a very important skill. I have been working with these types of projects for over 15 years and via this course, I'm sharing my expertise, as well as useful tips towards an efficient programming style, when developing Windows Forms projects in Visual Studio.Via my course "".NET Programming for Beginners: Windows Forms (C#)"", you will get introduced to Windows Forms programming, using Visual Studio and the C# Programming Language. Through the introductory section, you will learn what Windows Forms are, what is their architecture, about Visual Studio as a Integrated Development Environment (IDE), as well as, we will see a demo of the Text Editor demo app, that we will be developing throughout the course. Then, you will learn the basics of Windows Forms, such as controls and event handling. After that, we will talk more about event handling, and how you can provide a richer interaction between your application and the end user, by combining events.Multithreading is also a very important aspect in Windows Forms programming. To this end, you will learn what is multithreading and how you can easily implement it in your .NET Windows Forms projects, using the BackgroundWorker component. After you complete the development of a software application using .NET Windows Forms, the next step is to distribute it using a deployment package. I have included a relevant section in the course, via which you will learn, how to easily create deployment packages for your .NET Windows Forms applications, which among other, enable your applications to be self-updating.Last but not least, you will learn how to connect to SQL Server and retrieve data into a DataGridView control on your Windows Form, as well as, how to update back the SQL Server database via your Form.AFTER THE COURSE:You will know what Windows Forms projects are in .NET Framework and Visual Studio.You will know how to create Windows Forms projects in Visual Studio and build Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications using C#.You will know how to implement event handling and multithreading in your .NET Windows Forms projects.You will know how to create deployment packages for your .NET applications using the ClickOnce component in Visual Studio. You will be able to connect your Windows Forms .NET application to SQL Server and retrieve data.PREREQUISITES:Basic computer programming principles and fundamentalsDEMO ENVIRONMENT:For the demos, we will be working with Visual Studio 2019 and .NET Framework on Windows 10Also, for some demos, we will be accessing a test SQL Server instanceTHIS COURSE CONTAINS/OFFERS:3 hours of high-quality videoLive demonstrations and hands-on guidesUseful quizzes for testing your knowledge on each sectionMany downloadable resourcesA practice test in the end of the courseAbility to ask the instructor questions via the Q&A sectionCertificate on course completion"
Price: 99.99

"Servicenow Practice Certification Exams 2020" |
"We're providing you with 6 Practice Exams to help you PASS ALL the following Servicenow Certifications :CSA: Certified System Administrator CAD: Certified Application Developer CIS-CSM: Certified Implementation Specialist - Customer Service Management CIS-EM: Certified Implementation Specialist - Event MangementCIS-RC: Certified Implementation Specialist - Risk and Compliance CIS-VR: Certified Implementation Specialist - Vulnerability Response We will prepare you for what it is like to take the real certification exam. We have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence. All questions are based on the Exam Objectives.Companies are looking for proven professionals and companies that use certified professionals see smoother deployments and better use of ServiceNow. Getting certified boosts your career and sets you up to contribute even more to your organization's success.Once you are ServiceNow certified, you can gain industry recognition, competitive differentiation, greater productivity and results, increased user community satisfaction, and a tangible measure of your educational investment.Our exams are constantly updated to ensure they stay current and up-to-date with the latest release of the exam, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99

"CIA Part1 Practice Test 2020" |
"This is Certified Internal Auditor Part1 Exam Practice Mock Test2020 .In this course we will test student's knowledge and understanding of the domains of Certified Internal Auditor Part1 syllabus 2020 . After using these six practice exams students will be able to pass Certified Internal Auditor Part1 examination in first go.Lets see you inside this course."
Price: 99.99

"Gradient Descent from scratch" |
"In this course you will learn Gradient Descent from scratch.Gradient Descent forms the foundation of the training process in Machine Learning and Data Science.In this course you will learnBasics concepts of Machine LearningMathematics for Machine Learning and Data ScienceGradient DescentGradient Descent is used in the different fields of Machine Learning and Data Science. Learning Gradient Descent will help you in understanding advanced topics of Machine Learning and Data Science. If you are taking a Machine Learning or Data Science course, then this course is certainly going to help you.In this course I have provided video lectures for each and every concept that will help you reinforcing your knowledge and will also help you in learning the Gradient Descent for Machine Learning.After completing this course you will be able understand Gradient Descent used in Machine Learning and Data Science."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Dialogflow: Build Smart Chatbots using Dialogflow" |
"If you want to become a Dialogflow expert then you have come to the right place. This course has been created to help you learn and understand Dialogflow from Ground up. No previous chatbot building experience is required for this course.Here is my quick introduction. I am Anshul, Founder and CEO of a Chatbot development company AxleWeb Technologies. We have been working on building Chatbots for the last 3 years and have created 100+ chatbots for our clients."
Price: 189.99

"Primavera P6" |
"Cette formation apporte une connaissance pratique de Primavera PM (P6) pour planifier, budgter et suivre les activits dun projet.Elle consiste en un exercice pratique permettant aux participants de s'approprier les fonctionnalits de base du logiciel.Avoirs les notions de base de Windows est indispensable. Aucun acquis pralable de Primavera nest exig. Quelques lments de pratique en conduite de projet est un atout."
Price: 19.99

"Hukuku Eitimi (Tm alan ve verenler in)" |
"Bu eitim setinde 4857 sayl Kanunundaki en ok merak edilen ana maddeler ve temel kurallar bulunmaktadr. verenler yasal ykmllklerini, iiler ise yasal haklarn renmi olacaklardr. Eitim setinin ierii herkesin kolayca anlayabilecei bir dilde ve grsellerle hazrlanmtr. Bu eitim ayrca i sal ve gvenlii uzmanlar iin veyahut hukuk fakltesi rencileri iin bir kaynak tekil etmektedir."
Price: 114.99

"Yog Advanced Color Energy Healing Level- 3" |
"Advanced Colour Energy Healing represents a great revolution in energy healing technology. This very advanced healing system of use of color energy produces very rapid healing and treats a great range of diseases. The difference between Basic Energy Healing and Advanced Energy Healing is basically similar to the difference between a General Doctor and a Specialist. In this course you will learn how to use color energy effectively for rapid recovery. Advanced Colour Energy Healing is a specialized course for those who want to become more effective healers and want to effectively treat serious ailments by using colour energy healing therapy."
Price: 199.99

"FRM Part 2 - Book 2 - Credit Risk (Part 1/2)" |
"James Forjan has taught graduate and post-graduate finance classes for over 25 years and has also co-authored college-level investment books. His resume includes:BS in AccountingMaster of Science in FinancePhD in Finance (minor in Economics, two PhD level courses in Econometrics)Completed the CFA Program in 2004 and earned the CFA charter later that yearCollege professor who taught at six institutions since classes such as Corporate Finance, Investments, Derivatives Securities, International FinanceIn this course, Prof. James Forgan, PhD, summarizes the first 9 chapters from the Credit Risk book so you can learn or review all of the important concepts for your FRM part 2 exam.This course includes the following chapters:1. The Credit Decision2. The Credit Analyst3. Capital Structure in Banks4. Rating Assignment Methodologies5. Credit Risks and Credit Derivatives6. Spread Risk and Default Intensity Models7. Portfolio Credit Risk8. Structured Credit Risk9. Counterparty Credit Risk"
Price: 49.99

"BD01 : Using BIM with Databases / SQL" |
"This course will let you utilise the Data residing in BIM Software such as Revit and Navisworks. I love data and I know in an age of Big Data we will all be moving toward a more Data driven society. The course aims to give you a starting point for the accessing the data within BIM and then being able to handle the data. Basic concepts of SQL, which is one of the commonly used Database languages will be explained and examples of how to execute some of the key SQL commands. There is no requirement for Programming knowledge however some basic understanding on coding will help.Examples of how the data can be brought into Microsoft Power BI will also be demonstrated for the purposes of visualisation.Ultimately this course is to help build you up your ability to extract and manage data for further data analysis.Target Audience Professionals in the AEC industry Data administrators Data Analysts Non-Programmers People who want to start using and collecting Data from BIMHappy Learning!"
Price: 49.99

"Devenir Community Manager sur Facebook en Moins de 5H" |
"Devenir CM sur Facebook en moins de 5H est une formation en ligne que j'ai ralis dans le but de t'aider dvelopper et acqurir les bonnes comptences en Community Management sur Facebook pour te permettre de contribuer efficacement au succs de ton entreprise grce ton expertise sur ce rseau social. Ou ta future expertise sur le sujet si tu n'es pas encore Community Manager ;)En effet, je me suis aperu que l'importance du mtier de Community Manager et les comptences qui y sont associes sont bien trop souvent ngliges.Entre les dirigeants qui n'ont pas compris ce qu'tait rellement le Community Management et qui demandent tout et n'importe quoi leurs collaborateurs qui travaillent sur le sujet.Ou les ""coles"" et centres de ""formations"" qui ne sont pas capables de proposer des cursus qui permettent aux (futurs) CM d'acqurir des comptences efficaces qu'ils pourront rellement mettre en pratique. Il fallait remdier cela :)Cette formation va donc te permettre d'acqurir toutes les comptences essentielles qui te permettront de participer efficacement la dfinition et la mise en place de la stratgie Facebook de ton entreprise.Si tu as suivi ma formation ""Devenir CM en Moins de 5H"" sache que celle-ci plonge en dtail dans le sujet de Facebook quand l'autre traitait du Community Management au sens large.Cette nouvelle formation va donc te permettre d'acqurir des connaissances et comptences plus approfondies au sujet de Facebook spcifiquement.Prt.e devenir un.e expert.e du Community Management ?"
Price: 94.99

"Goal Setting, Set, Organize & Reach Your Goals" |
"A Simple, Step-by-Step System For Organizing Your Life, Being More Productive & Achieving Your DreamsGoals! Everyone talks about creating goals, but often these goals are impromptu New Years resolutions, empty promises, or simply good intentions without any thought or planning.When it comes to Goal Achievement, most of the time, people ask themselves, What are theyre doing wrong that keeps their Drams and Goals Far From being achieved.Now there is nothing wrong with having dreams, after all, if you dont have one, how can it become a reality.But dreams are very different from Goals and goal achievement. I have heard it being said before, and its a line I borrow often when working with people, Goals are dreams in action. That is, a goal, is a dream with direction, that is measurable and thought out. So that is what this course is about. This course is About Discovering, writing and planning your goals, its about goal achievement, or putting your dreams in action so that you can achieve whatever you desire in life.If youre ready to quit procrastinating and ignoring your goals, if you want to take immediate actions to improve your life, and if youre willing to do the hard work success requires, lets get started right now in this course."
Price: 59.99

"STAAD Pro - structures - introduction course" |
"This is a course of introduction to structure analysis and design using the softare Staad Pro from Bentley Systems.In the course will learn to model steel and cocrete structures, define loads and generate reports.Finally you will learn to model, analysis and design slabs.Geometry and Modelling (Steel and concrete Structures)Load DefinitionsAnalysis, Design and reports generationSlab Modelling, Analysis and Design"
Price: 199.99

"how to pray salah (namaz) - the complete guide in urdu/hindi" |
"step by step how to pary salah (namaz) this course is in urdu language so i write the discription in urduin this course the 1st 3 lecture for trailis corse mai mai ny shuru k 3 lecture trail per rakhhy h ap ko is sy andaza hogai ga k is course mai kia kia bayan kia gai gais course mai namaz ka amli tariqa k hame namaz kis tarha perhni h ye bayan kia hor namaz k faraiz bayan kia hnamaz ky wagibat bayan hoa hnamaz kin chezo k sy toth jati hor namaz ki sunnaty kia hnamaz mai achi chezi kon si hor aakiir mai advice k hame agar namaz mai koi masla ya kisi bhi deni chez mai masla ho to kon si kitab ya kon si website sy online masla dekh sakty h ya poch sakty hJAZAK ALLAH KHAIRI"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Photoshop Mega Course-From Beginner to Super Designer" |
"This course is designed to take you from an absolute beginner to a super Designer We divided this course two parts; Basics and Advanced Basics Part consists of 9 Sections We will star with the principle of design In this part you will learn everything about the basic tools of Photoshop, you will learn clipping masks, layer masks, selection tools. You will learn how to remove background from the most complex compositions like curly hair. You will learn how to remove objects from a scene Professionally. You will learn how to change and adjust the colours and how to make your own colour looks. For photographers, you are going to master Camera Raw Filter which is an alternative to Adobe Lightroom. You will learn how to work with text and use it for beautiful Artworks. You will learn how to work with 3D. You will learn how to make beautiful looks using layer styles.By the end of the basic part, you will master the Adobe Photoshop CC like a good designer and you will have dozens of artworks to add it to your CV.After you finish the basics you will be ready for the advanced stuff in photoshopAdvanced Part Consists of 13 Sections I will teach you how to use Adobe Photoshop CC for photomontage and we will be practising on a creative artwork.Then will teach you how to achieve a double exposure effect in Photoshop and how to use it creatively. In the Baugasim section, I will teach you the tools you need to achieve this trendy style and we will be working on a project to practice it. In the photo collage section, we will be creating an outstanding poster and will show all the techniques you need to make your own photo collage.In the User Experience UI section you will learn how to use photoshop to make UI designs, at the end of this action we will be creating a mobile app UI design and a web dashboard UI.Then we will have the Mockup section in this section I will teach you how to work with mockups and how to make your own mockups. By the end of the section, you will be creating all these mockups.And you cant learn Photoshop without knowing about the retouching, in this section I will teach you all the tools you need for the High-End Skin and Eyes retouching.In the Abstract Gradient style section, I will teach you how to achieve this trendy style in Adobe Photoshop CC and we will be creating a trendy artwork. Then will show how you how to create Glowing Objects in Photoshop and especially the Calop style.Then I will show you how to make Contrast trendy style.After you finished this course. Of course, you will be a very good designer and you will want to make money out of your skills, that's why I have added this I bonus section. This section is for those who want to sell Photoshop elements and Templates online. I will teach you how to make Photoshop, Actions, Brushes, Patterns, Mockups and Design Templates. Then I will show where and how to sell them online, and maximise your revenue as a designer.This course is designed to take your from absolute beginner to a super designer so if you want to start your design, business or carrier this is the course that you should be taking.After enrolling you will have access to our Facebook group there you can get feedback from me and other students.And if for any reasons you did not like this course you have 30 days money-back guarantee."
Price: 199.99

"How To Analyse Poetry - English Literature Short Course" |
"In this short course I will take you through the 6 thing your teacher will expect you to comment on when you are analysing poetry.We will look at what these 6 things are and what to look for when you are analysing, namely:---- 6 BASICS ---- 1. Form 2. Structure 3. Punctuation 4. Tone 5. Language 6. MeaningThese apply for any type of poetry, but I have focused on these basics in relation to an unseen poetry exam as it can often be the most daunting exams for students."
Price: 94.99

"Forecasting in a Time of Uncertainty" |
"The days of last year plus 3% in forecasting are gone. The COVID19 pandemic as pretty much destroyed planning and forecasting as we know it.So what do we do? And how can we forecast in a time of uncertainty?Our Forecasting in a time of uncertainty webinar will help you build a path through the fog of uncertainty. We cannot solve all your problems, but we can give you some tips and guidelines to help you move in the right direction.Our webinar will cover topics including: Revisiting the purpose of forecasting The problems of traditional approaches to forecasting Applying Agile principles to forecasting Criticisms of the Agile approach to forecasting Identifying the Levers of Performance Using simulation to test possible and likely outcomes Using Relative ForecastingForecasting in a time of uncertainty will help you become more responsive and adaptable in your forecasting methods and it will help you stress-test a wide range of possible outcomes, but there are no magic solutions.Forecasting in a time of uncertainty is, by definition, unpredictable. This course will not give you a definite prediction no one can do that but it will help you get better at forecasting."
Price: 24.99

"Orchestral Template for Beginners" |
"Building an orchestral template in a Digital Audio Workstation is not as scary as it may appear. This course will show you how to do this.You will learn about the main instrument groups, individual instruments used in an orchestra, but that's just a start. You will also learn about basics of routing the signal, then about panning the orchestra, and finally you will balance your instruments to create a realistic sounding virtual orchestra.You will be provided with audio and MIDI files to make balancing a lot easier, too, as I give you my own composition, ""Dreamlords"", as individual instruments that you can use as a reference."
Price: 19.99

"Practice the IIBA CBAP Exam: 240 Quality Questions, 2020" |
"The Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP ) designation is a professional certification for individuals with extensive business analysis (BA) experience. CBAP recipients are the leading, senior members of the BA community.CBAP EligibilityTo earn the CBAP designation, candidates must:Complete a minimum of 7,500 hours of Business Analysis Work experience in the last 10 years.Within this experience, a minimum of 900 hours completed in 4 of the 6 BABOK Guide Knowledge Areas, for a total of at least 3,600 of the required 7,500 total.Complete a minimum of 35 hours of Professional Development in the last 4 years.Provide two references.Agree to Code of Conduct.Agree to Terms and Conditions.Pass the exam.CBAP CompetenciesIs CBAP right for you? The CBAP certification is for:Individuals with significant experience in business analysisIndividuals with a CCBA designationProduct ManagersNon-BA consultantsTrainersHybrid Business Analysis professionals, including: Project Manager, Testers, Quality Assurance (QA) professionals, Change/Transformation Managers, and DesignersIIBA CBAP Body of Knowledge and exam domains:Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring 14%Elicitation and Collaboration 12%Requirements Life Cycle Management 15%Strategy Analysis 15%Requirements Analysis and Design Definition 30%Solution Evaluation 14%The CBAP exam consists of 120 multiple choice questions and must be completed within 3.5 hours. Formulated from the BABOK Guide, exam questions are both scenario and case study-based.In this CBAP exam preparation course, you'll be challenged with 240 CBAP practice exam questions. These question have been written to emulate the CBAP exam and are based on the International Institute of Business Analysis.CBAP Exam One: 120 questions across all exam domains (three and half hours)CBAP Exam Two: 120 questions across all exam domains (three and half hours)Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass the CBAP exam. Take each three hours and half exam set until you can answer all questions correctly. Exam taking instructions: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.(as learning mode) You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.This course is considered as a great tool to prepare and pass the CBAP exam, each question of the three practice tests was written, and audited by our experts at elite minds, who passed the exam from their first trial. Don't forget that you have 30 days money back guarantee! so you have nothing to lose, enroll now and make use of this course. Disclaimer: This is not an official course of IIBA. CBAP, CCBA, and ECBA are all registered items for IIBA"
Price: 99.99

"Learn to paint tiny houses using watercolor and gouache" |
"Learn to paint colorful tiny houses!In this class, you will get to learn about basic use of watercolor and gouache step by step.We will first draw tiny houses on paper by using references. I will also show you a simple method of drawing them without reference.We will then learn simple, beginner friendly wash techniques and mixing of watercolors. After the layer dries, we will start painting details over the washes with watercolors and gouache. This is the most fun part of all! You can apply the gained knowledge and create more such creative paintings.Enroll now and learn these easy to follow techniques at the comfort of your home!"
Price: 19.99

"TypeScript ve React ile Hafza Oyunu" |
"Merhabalar,lk olarak nasl bir uygulama yapacamz grmek isterseniz:https://memcard.web.app/adresine giderek uygulamay test edebilirsiniz.kinci olarak kurs ile ilgili 4 temel uyarm olacak:Kurs temel Seviye React bilgisine ihtiya duymaktadr.Kurs ierii ""scripted"" yani metin ve ierii nceden hazrlanm deil, tamamen spontane ilerliyor ve anlatm bu nedenle akc olmayabilir.Devrik ve kendini tekrar eden cmleler ska duyabilirsiniz.Kayt iin tam profesyonel bir mikrofona sahip olmadm iin ses seviyesi yetersiz olabilir ya da ok temiz gelmeyebilir.Kurs hakknda konuacak olursak;Eitimde TypeScript ve React kullanlarak bir Hafza Oyunu yapacaz. Bunu yaparken de TypeScript'i anlayabilmek adna temel bir JavaScript bilgisi olmak ile birlikte React konusunda da temel bilgiye sahip olmak gerekmekte. Temel bilgi dnda State Ynetimi, Hooks gibi ileri saylabilecek konular anlatlmayacak ve ihtiya da duymayacaz(tabi bunlar renmek istiyorsanz nceki eitimlerime de bakabilirsiniz). nk eitim boyunca yaplan ilemler temel aritmetik ve mantk ilemlerinden oluan metodlar ile gerekletirilecek. Sanrm Eitim iin syleyebileceklerim bu kadar.Umarm faydal bir eitim olur.Anlalmayan ksmlarda soru sormaktan ekinmeyiniz.""Happy Coding!""Genel BilgilendirmeEitimlerimde gnmzn ""hello world"" diyebileceimiz ""ToDo"" app ya da benzeri uygulamalar yapmak yerine farkl uygulamalar ile ""lgi ekicilii"" yakalamay, bununla birlikte de anlatmak ve anlalmak istediim konulara odaklanmay tercih ediyorum. Ayn iin tekrar tekrar yapld bir eitim olmamas iin elimden geldiince de abalyorum."
Price: 49.99

"Google Cloud Platform Associate Cloud Engineer exam 2020" |
"Google Cloud Platform Associate Cloud Engineer exam 2020Associate Cloud Engineer deploys applications, monitors operations, and manages enterprise solutions. This individual is able to use Google Cloud Console and the command-line interface to perform common platform-based tasks to maintain one or more deployed solutions that leverage Google-managed or self-managed services on Google Cloud.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking Google cloud Associate Cloud Engineer exam in near future.The Associate Cloud Engineer exam assesses your ability to:Setup a cloud solution environmentPlan and configure a cloud solutionDeploy and implement a cloud solutionEnsure the successful operation of a cloud solutionConfigure access and securityThis is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Google in any way."
Price: 24.99

"Criminology: Why do people commit crime?" |
"Crime has been part of society ever since humanity started the whole concept of ""society,"" and we seem to be no closer to solving the problem of crime than we were thousands of years ago. Sociologists, Criminal Justice researchers, and others have been trying to scientifically determine why some people commit crime and others don't. There are many theories that attempt to explain how and why people become criminals, and each one has a different set of assumptions, claims, and policy implications. This course will be an overview of the most popular scientific theories about crime causation, and will prepare the student to discuss, propose, and implement behavior and policies that may reduce criminal offending."
Price: 49.99
