"Poos, solos e vulnerabilidade de guas subterrneas" |
"(Inclui arquivo PDF com passo a passo). Nesse curso, veremos como utilizar o Sistema de informaes de guas Subterrneas do Brasil. Atravs dele, podemos obter dados de profundidade de aqufero(nvel esttico), estratos do solo(areia, argila, silte), qualidade da gua subterrnea. Veremos tambm como dizer se um solo observado no SIAGAS mais ou menos vulnervel a uma contaminao(lixes, vazamentos, etc)."
Price: 39.99

"Schizofrenia e disturbi della personalit (2 corsi in 1)" |
"Ciao, benvenuto in questo doppio corso di psicologia clinica!In questo percorso di apprendimento imparerai a riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e il trattamento adeguato per la schizofrenia e i disturbi della personalit.La schizofrenia interferisce con la capacit dell'individuo di riconoscere la realt e di gestire le proprie emozioni. Non solo, questa malattia purtroppo influenza anche alcune delle funzioni pi evolute dell'essere umano, come ad esempio la percezione, la memoria, l'attenzione, l'apprendimento e le emozioni.Chi soffre di un disturbo della personalit, ha anche pi probabilit di soffrire di disturbi d' ansia, disturbi dell' umore, disturbi da uso di sostanze e quant' altro: risulta quindi essenziale comprendere meglio i meccanismi alla base dei disturbi della personalit.Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore della Psicologia Clinica, offre una descrizione completa e approfondita della schizofrenia e dei disturbi della personalit mantenendo fede al DSM-5, considerato il manuale punto di riferimento per ogni psicologo clinico.Ho deciso di offrirti la versione EBOOK all' interno del corso, cos che tu possa rivedere le slide in qualunque momento lo desideri.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione della schizofrenia e dei disturbi della personalit.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel - All in one Course for Beginner to advanced" |
"Microsoft Excel all in One Course from Beginner to AdvancedThis Microsoft Excel course covers topics ranging from MS Excel Introductory level of ExcelMS Excel Intermediate Level of ExcelMS Excel for Finance ProfessionalsMS Excel Advanced Level andProficient in MS Excel VBA/Macros Material recorded with Excel 2016 but covers all topics along with MS Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2016 and onwardsAt completion of this course you will be proficient in the most popular Excel tools and will be master to complete any Excel tasks with efficiently and effectively. for reference below are just are some topics but not limited to it:Creating dynamic spreadsheetsManage multiple source data setsBe the confident to apply MS Excel's Powerful formulas & functions to any kind of data for customized results Pivot tables for dynamic reports and data visualizationsunleash your excel work potential with powerful data analysis Audit tools in excel Customize and streamline your daily office workload with VBA?Macrosdon't wait more, just enroll in the course to learn and go out to serve in your bright career confidently as a professional ...."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering French DELF A1/A2 Grammar and Vocabulary" |
"This course is for ultimate beginners who just want to benefit from their time and learn something new. This course will give you the basic knowledge you need to speak and express yourself.If you want to take your DELF A1/A2 exam, then this course is definitely for you. It covers all the important rules of grammar and by the end of those few hours, you'll be able to READ, SPEAK, UNDERSTAND French!""The french grammar is boring and hard"", they say. But what about your opinion? Well, you'll learn it and judge by yourself!You'll learn about the importance of French and why you should consider learning it.You'll master french pronunciation and basic rules of sentence formation, a guide to construct a sentence that we'll use later on.The last section is pure application! Each video will be focused on a specific topic such as: days, nationalities, home, travel, body, colors and shapes, family, jobs, numbers, space, weather, clothes, transport, animals, cinema and entertainment and sports! In every video, you'll get to know new prepositions and verbs in order to form a sentence. There is a complete section concerning travelling to France and what you must know."
Price: 19.99

"AZ-900 Azure Exam Prep: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals in 2020" |
"Welcome to the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Practice Tests from Nick Gorgotsias and Examsdigest.Microsoft Azure is the fastest-growing cloud platform in the world. The objective of this course is to provide you questions to practice in different areas of Azure before attending interviews or AZ900 Fundamentals certification exam on Azure. Wherever possible, we have tried adding an explanation in the question as well so it can help you learn. After taking this course. You will be confident in Azure Fundamentals Exam (AZ900). This practice exam will be updated once a month with new questions.What do you get?5 practice sets100 practice exam questionsExplanations for each questionThe questions cover the following AZ-900 exam domains:Understand cloud concepts Understand core Azure servicesUnderstand security, privacy, compliance, and trust Understand Azure pricing and supportKEY FEATURES OF OUR PRACTICE EXAMS100+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 5 sets of Practice Exams available on Udemy and access to the online Exam Simulator from Examsdigest with a pool of 100+ questions to assess your exam readinessEXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 70%) mimicking the real exam environmentDETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that explains why each answer is correct or incorrectPREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasantALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questionsACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobileMONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: 30-day money-back guarantee - no questions askedACCESS ON OUR PLATFORM: After purchasing the practice exam from Udemy you can request access on our platform examsdigest[dot]com"
Price: 19.99

"Juniper Networks Certification" |
"The Juniper Network certification is one of the most reputed in I.T industry, world's top 10 I.T/Banking and Finance services runs on Juniper Infrastructure. The Juniper Network Certified Internet Associate (JNCIA) is the foundation course and is widely given exam in the world. I have given this exam on may 2020 and during my journey i am sharing all the resources with you.This course would be useful for Students who is willing to appear for Examination.Student who wants to get an overview of JNCIA exam.Anyone who is applying for re-certification."
Price: 1280.00

"Power BI Completo + Criao de 5 Projetos" |
"Curso Completo de Power BI Profissional + Desenvolvimento de 5 Projetos Prticos de BI.Do bsico ao avanado em vdeo aulas passo a passo. Neste curso voc vai aprender as principais ferramentas do Power BI, no ficaremos apenas na teoria, teremos 5 projetos prticos de BI usando esta poderosa ferramenta da Microsoft.Alem da teoria iremos criar os seguintes projetos prticos com Power BI.- Gesto de Oramento;- Analise de Vendas;- Despesas do Senado;- Criminalidade em Nova York;- RH - Recursos Humanos."
Price: 144.99

"Este curso lo imparte Mariel Aquino la directora de ADS Addiction Dance Studio y primera bailarina de Skndalo Dance Company, actual campeona del mundo en World Salsa Summit 2017, 2018, 2019. En este curso aprenderan a mejorar sus movimientos femeninos de una menera detallada, mejorando su postura, brazos y movimiento corporales."
Price: 19.99

"Basic Configuration of Cisco IOS Router Using Packet Tracer" |
"This Course will help you learn and understand how to apply basic configuration on Cisco IOS routers. In other words, the class concentrates on the practical side in term of how to deal with the IOS commands of Cisco Router to reach the desired outcomes.Moreover, the Course has many labs that are based on step by step guide to assist you in acquiring fundamental and practical skills in configuring many tasks in Cisco routers. Many of network topologies using packet tracer simulation software are created and designed to cover different scenarios.The course is suitable for CCNA students, computer science and engineering students who are interested in computer networks, beginners ICT(s), network programmers and anyone who want to enhance his or her understanding of computer networks and improve his or her practical skills or acquire new necessary skills in basic configuration of Cisco devices."
Price: 19.99

"C# Basics with .NET Core for Beginners: Learn by Coding" |
"C# was named one of the most popular programming languages for server-side programming, app development, web development, and game development.Why Learn C#?C# is a versatile and modern programming language created by Microsoft. It is evolving and widely used by developers to build a variety of applications including desktop applications, web applications, native Android and iOS mobile apps, web services and web API, Azure cloud applications and services, and game development..NET Core is an open-source, free, multi-platform framework from Microsoft and it replaces .NET Framework. .NET Core 3.0 adds support for C# 8.0 and can be used to develop cross-platform applications.Mastering C# programming with .NET Core lays the foundation for many different career paths with prospective options. You can mold your career as an ASP.NET web developer, desktop developer, or mobile application developer. You can enter the world of game development too. Thorough knowledge of the fundamentals helps you to switch to a different technology stack.If you see any of the above is the right path for your career, then this course is exactly where you need to start.Why this course?This course is the best and most in-depth course in C# basics with .NET Core from Instructor Thomas Mathew. As a Professor, Thomas has already taught over 20,000+ students to code in in-person classes. Thomas teaches you the basics of C# programming in a structured, simple, and tail-to-head manner. This course is presented in such a way that even a novice learner can understand the topics. Every section comes with a collection of lectures on related topics and a quiz. Each programming concept is illustrated with a live coding demo application. Coding assignments that relate to real-world applications are included in every section to boost your logical thinking. All the live coding demo applications and the solutions to the coding assignments are provided as downloadable resources. At the end of the course, you will develop a project utilizing all the skills that you learn throughout this course. This course reforms you from a beginner to a pro. Explore CodingDiscover Career"
Price: 19.99

"64 BT, LLC Beginner Windows Server 2019 AD Setup" |
"If you are new to IT, looking to learn a new skill, or ended up in a position where you need to learn this information, welcome to the right place! Here you can learn to create and deploy a Windows Server 2019 Standard AD environment in your business. By taking this course you will be able to help protect and distribute data in a way that makes sense for your business. Looking to separate sales files from administration files? You'll be glad you took this course to find out how!"
Price: 19.99

"ELITEx: Event Planning, Sponsors, Volunteers, Management" |
"--Certification for people who finish this course included--Do you believe in making a real positive impact on people?In this course, we show you how we built Startup Funding Event into an international 6-figure business in less than 12 months (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Helsinki, Barcelona, other).This specific ELITE EVENT CREATOR course is aprox. 11 hours and more heavily focused on getting you up and running. In this course, we will be focused on:Setting you up (Idea generation & Vision)Behind-the-scenes of our event planningGetting sales Sponsors Free VenuesProfessional-looking branding for your event. QnA VideosEven though it is smaller, it's still ongoing and will be updated monthly with new QnA videos until we've answered all your questions. You can request the next topic once inside the course....OUR COURSE COMES WITH WORKBOOKSEvery lesson has a printable workbook pdf that you can use to internalize the lessons better.THIS IS FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN:Event managementEvent organizing Event MarketingCreating conferences or festivalsBusiness eventsGroup meetingsKickstartersFundraisersCharity eventsMeetupsEvent promotionA great new way to create additional revenueEvent planningTake your business branding to the next level and get in touch with impossible to reach clientsStart an eventScale an eventTake your event internationalDO NOT BUY THIS COURSE IF:Only parts of this course may be relevant for you if you are an event planner or looking to create a wedding or be part of the wedding planning crew.This course is heavily focused on attracting what you need to break even or make a profit on your event. You need to be comfortable with talking to people to accomplish this.Even if you are a beginner or advanced, our entire team is here to answer your questions, so if you have a unique situation, getting this course is a cheaper way to get access to us.BONUS 1-hour training included.* And a ton of extras, checklists, design templates, ...A BRAND NEW WAY TO DO IMPACTFUL EVENTS!Do you also find it extremely difficult to create an event that attendants rave about where you are actually profitable?For the first time ever, as Startup Funding Event, were launching the ultimate online event school for impactful creators.Well be teaching you how we came up with the idea, launched, and scaled our organization to 3 countries in less than 12 months, and from 100+ people to 1000+ people with NO budget.IS THIS PERFECT FOR YOU?This is perfect for you, if youre a business owner, freelancer or student that wants to launch a product, kickstarter, get more business exposure, credibility or even start an event career.GET READY!If you ever wondered how to start, scale or organize an event for charity, business, festivals or more, but the only thing stopping you is the experience or lack of resources, then this course will be worth it to you....Well be walking you step by step through the following:IDEA GENERATIONLearn how to find a profitable impactful idea for your event. BONUS: Apply it to launch your business products, mobile apps, kickstarters, other.INFRASTRUCTURELearn how to find and build with the best tools there are to set the foundation of your event strongly.ATTRACTING PAID SPONSORSLearn how to build an engaging sponsorship booklet that sells, and creates a loyal community of paid sponsors that support your future events as well.ORGANIZINGLearn how to build a small intimate meetup or a 1000+ people international event, with 24/7 support, behind the scenes, detailed checklists, and more.SCALING YOUR EVENTSLearn how to run a growing event agency: How to hire, scale your team, when & how to go international, common pitfalls, of course 24/7 support, and much more.BONUSES...LEARNOur learning platform is updated monthly with new videos. If there is a certain topic you want to know about, please request this in the form. Of course, the practical experience is half the work. Thats why we also invite you to our virtual job shadows, and any of our events, to really get practical with everything you learn.CULTUREWe invest highly in the community culture, with live events, meetups, feedback Fridays, and collaborations. It is our everyday mission to create a creative, safe, and fun environment to thrive in....ABOUT USThe Elite Event Creator Program is a private online event training community founded in 2018 by Startup Funding Event.Its the ultimate online event school for impact creators, designed to teach you how to build and scale any event that has the potential to bring good into the world and impact human lives, even if you have no idea on what sort of event you wish to build, technical skills or knowledge about events.Each year we have thousands of new people from all around the world enter our events and I want to make sure that you can make an informed and educated decision on whether the Elite Event Creator Program is right for you.What people say about our eventsThe event was fun, energetic, and inspiring Thank you so much team, keep doing what you do, and stay in the core of all this startup energy.This Event really opens up the calendar. And if you can add your network to what theyre doing, I think its a win-win situation. Ill definitely be inviting other partners to join the event as well.Great people, great prizes and sparkling What I really liked at this event is that its about giving back You can be successful in having a good idea or product. But you can have even more success if youre in an inspiring environment and today was all about that!I was here as a judge to attend this super event and I really liked it. Its not even for the prize, its more about getting the stage and seeing how awesome you guys prepared this whole event.I think this event is one of those potential partnerships where you can get a lot of value out of it.Thank you so much for having us and helping us with the preparations It was really joyful to be here!The giving back concept of the event as well as the startups making impact is what I love. I think this is the start of a great initiative Initiatives like this should be started in other places as well.The exposure youre getting from today is huge! I really like the event all in all it was a really interesting day!Empowering, inspiring and connecting with other people what I really like is the connection with all the companies It pushes me to continue and start connecting with other people. And to keep following my dream.THE BEST 30 DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEIf you're not happy with the content we've made for you, then this course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. We do our best to really tend to everyone's needs and answer everyone's questions in our monthly videos, that way we make sure that everyone succeeds, and this course keeps growing to become more valuable for you.UDEMY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION WHEN YOU FINISH THE COURSEWhen you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Intraday Trading Strategies With Technical Analysis" |
"What is this course for?This course is designed to help you Intraday Trading and Swing Trading Strategies and take trades independently after completion of courseYou will learn from beginner to advanced levels of Technical Analysis required to trade stocks for short term and intraday.What are the Course Contents?1.Technical Analysis2.Candlestick Patterns3.Chart Patterns Price Action Trading with Support Resistance4.Indicators And Trade setups - All important Indicators5.Price Action Trading with Support Resistance6.How to Find Entry, Exit and Stop Loss - Risk management and Money Management7. Data analysis - understanding Market data - Open interest, Delivery, FII DII, Volume analysis, Reading Option Chain8. How to Find stocks in Intraday, How to predict Direction of stocks 9. How to find stocks for Next day with EOD Analysis10.intraday strategy with trading set upDo I need to know anything before?This course will start from zero and go to advanced levels. So even beginners can learn.Will I be earning profits after training?If you spend One month practising to learn charts and trade as per Risk management and Money Management,yes you will definitely. However, three months of practice is required.You get lifetime access to this course which already has 5+ hour of HD video tutorials sharing everything you need to be an Intraday Trader and Start Making Money in the Best Way!Thank you very much for reading all of this!I hope to see you as a student in the course when we next meet!Legal Disclaimer: The Authors, or any Party Related to this Course or it's Contents, Will not be Responsible for Any kind of Loss to anyone in any way, due to this course.Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to make a living with Intraday TradingAnyone who wants to learn the art of making money within a dayAnyone who wants to learn day trading strategiesAnyone who is already working in the stock market but wants to improve his/her skills"
Price: 12800.00

"10X your Startup Idea" |
"Do you have an idea you think is great? 10X your odds of success with the help of a step-by-step guide. This course is not about you sitting and listening, it is about you actually building a business and starting a healthy cycle of 10X growth.WHAT DO YOU GET?This course takes you through a five steps process that ends with you launching your first product. Every step ends in a checkpoint that verifies you are still on course of building something that will sell and make financial sense. We are all about making sure your plan makes sense before executing it - life is too short for building something no one wants.- A refined business idea that solves a real problem, a viable business model that makes financial sense and a lean business plan to execute everything- A deep understanding of who is your customer, what is it that you can help them with and most importantly how to communicate that to your customers (so that they will understand and appreciate it)- Validated proof that your idea makes sense: your product is something your customers want to buy and you can reach the customers without spending too much on marketing- A brand, positioning strategy and a go-to-market plan- Your first product to kickstart your business (built with a shoestring budget)- A workbook to document your plan and powerful templates for finances, market analysis, positioning and more- support of our community of entrepreneurs just like you, going through the exact same stepsWHO IS THIS COURSE FOR?This course is designed for early stage startups and future entrepreneurs. If you already have an idea for a business, this course will help you get it to market. If you already have a an early stage startup going, this course will help you nail the basics that allow you to reach that 10X growth cycle. But it's equally ok if you don't have an idea yet, just an ambition to start a business - we'll help you create one"
Price: 199.99

"Yoga Alignment: Introduction, Philosophy & Practice" |
"This course introduces you to the fundamentals of Iyengar Yoga. It will teach you all the basics of Iyengar Yoga and will equip you with all the knowledge you need to start a regular Iyengar practice.The first module looks at Iyengar Yoga from a theoretical point of view. The lectures in this module will set you up with the basic knowledge about Iyengar Yoga, its philosophy and what makes it so special. The second module will connect the theoretical knowledge you have gained during the first section to the practical knowledge you need in order to practice this style of yoga. This module also features short Iyengar Yoga practices to further deepen your knowledge of this style of yoga. The third and last module will offer you some tips & tricks how to best practice Iyengar Yoga on and off the mat to reap the most benefits from your time on the mat.Namaste,Corinna(Music in the video by bensound; photo by Eternal Happiness from Pexels)"
Price: 19.99

"Embedded system and Arduino Interfacing for Beginners" |
"This course is completely about Embedded system and Arduino programming for beginners.The main insight of the course includes Arduino programming,Embedded C,Embedded system,Arduino IDE Software.*****No prior experience needed to start this course********Expected Audience : BeginnerHere working on live Arduino projects are explained in the Arduino IDE Software .......Enroll now to start !!!!"
Price: 1280.00

"The Secrets to Happiness" |
"This is a practical guide to happiness. Packed with easy to use tools and tips you might find yourself thinking your life could have been even better if you had found this course earlier. This happiness guide busts myths about happiness and reveals secrets to happiness that will set you on track to never have to spend another day unhappy. We look at what happiness is and what it isn't. How to find it and most importantly how to keep it."
Price: 29.99

"Interviewing for Better Hiring Decisions" |
"Selecting the right candidate is a big decision. Most of the time, we know very little about our candidates when making hiring decisions. After all, what do you know about a person after meeting them for an hour or two?If you want to get to the right insights from your candidates, so you can take a confident hiring decision, then this course is for you!The course focuses on a step-by-step process including interview preparation and candidate assessments, that will enable you to gain the right insights from your candidates during the hiring process. Insights that will actually matter as of day 1, when your new hire starts on the job.We will also cover video interviews which become increasingly popular, for good reasons!Here is what students have said about this course:""Obiously this course is very knowledgeable for me. It is fully detailed. Thanks."" H.K.""The course was very informative. Precisely everything was explained with an example."" D.B.Now it is your turn! If you want to learn more about this course, enroll now or watch the preview lectures to see what is inside."
Price: 79.99

"Oracle Java SE 8 Programmer I Certification - Practice Tests" |
"Want to test your exam readiness for the Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer Certification 1Z0 808 first step to progress to the next level, the requirements to earn the OCP credential, and the benefits to getting Oracle Java certified. These 6 practice tests reflect the difficulty of the OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I exam questions.EXAM TOPICS COVEREDJava BasicsWorking With Java Data TypesUsing Operators and Decision ConstructsCreating and Using ArraysUsing Loop ConstructsWorking with Methods and EncapsulationWorking with InheritanceHandling ExceptionsWorking with Selected classes from the Java APIKEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS600 PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 6 sets of Practice Exams (with 100 Questions each) available on Udemy to assess your exam readinessEXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 65%) mimicking the real exam environmentDETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that explains why each answer is correct or incorrectREFERENCE LINKS: To help you understand the concepts, all answers link to relevant sections of Training Notes (Cheat Sheets) with exam-specific informationRANDOMIZED QUESTIONS: Each time you take the test, the questions and answers are randomized, making it more challenging to ensure you're learning and not memorizingPREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasantALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questionsACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were coveredBEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the other OCAJP Practice Test which gives you up to 70 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests you get lifetime access to our pool of questionsACCESS ON MOBILE: Practice for the exam on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 39.99

"Deep Dive into Python Programming" |
"This course covers the beauty and functionality of the programming language Python. We discuss topics as simple as the fundamental data types to concepts as difficult as object oriented programming. The course has no pre-requisites and anybody who successfully completes this course will become a confident and knowledgable Python programmer. "
Price: 19.99

"COSMIC ASCENSION - Quantum Healing Art" |
"This course provides an elaborated explanation at both scientific and spiritual level. It gives you an insight on energy frequencies that are continually shaping our life and how they can be consciously altered to manifest our dreams & desires and at the same time raise our frequency and ascend to higher realities, and attain higher consciousness through Art and Creativity. Quantum healing art is a unique synthesis of Art, Creativity and Consciousness which helps to transform life and align with super conscious mind.Here you will be encouraged to EXPLORE. CREATE. HEAL. TRANSFORM & THRIVE!"
Price: 204.99

"An introduction to game development in Python" |
"One of the best ways to learn coding is by making videogames; and this is what this course is about. We will make 4 videogames that are becoming progressively more complex and we will be using the python programming language for it. We will start with Pygame, which is a popular Python module that makes game development easy. With that, we will make a shooting range game and a meteor dodger arcade game. While both are fairly simple they will teach you the fundamentals of the module and give you the ability to achieve a wide range of games. Once we finished that, we will learn Godot, which is a game engine that makes creating videogames so much easier and more fun. Along with that, we will also explore GDScript, which is nearly identical to Python but is optimized for game development. We will start with a futuristic 2D Frogger clone and then create a 3D first person shooter. All the lessons are set up to maximize learning: There will be a challenge in almost every video; the project files for each lesson will be included in the video and I will be answering questions in the forum every day. All the tools we will encounter in this course are free to use and open to everyone. So there is no limitation on starting immediately. Hope to see you in the course!"
Price: 24.99

"L'acadmie des Vrits Intrieures" |
"Imagines ce que ta vie serait si tu avais crack les codes de la russite. Ces codes n'existent pas me diras-tu ? Et pourtant il existe dans le monde des personnes qui prosprent dans leur domaine et leur sphre de prdilection. Et si nous pouvions russir nous aussi dans toutes nos sphres de vie ? Ces personnes ont le mme systme crbral que nous, des bras, une tte et des jambes Nous allons entreprendre ICI mme un voyage ensemble dans ce but et bien plus !"
Price: 19.99

"200-301 Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions(CCNA)" |
"Enrol, Prepare and attempt 200-301 Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions(CCNA) and get certified.This exam tests your knowledge and skills related to:Network fundamentalsNetwork accessIP connectivityIP servicesSecurity fundamentalsAutomation and programmabilityThe Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA) v1.0 course gives you a broad range of fundamental knowledge for all IT careers. Through a combination of lecture, hands-on labs, and self-study, you will learn how to install, operate, configure, and verify basic IPv4 and IPv6 networks. The course covers configuring network components such as switches, routers, and wireless LAN controllers; managing network devices; and identifying basic security threats. The course also gives you a foundation in network programmability, automation, and software-defined networking."
Price: 49.99

"Learn The Art Of Being Happy 24 Hours" |
"The course is about learning to live happily 24 hours by understanding the reality of life and meaning of happiness.In this course we will observe ourselves at deeper level and take corrective actions to improve ourselves.The course will teach you certain techniques to strengthen the mind and stress relieving along with the importance of self love."
Price: 24.99

"Complete Altair Hypermesh & Optistruct Course" |
"The course will take you on exciting journey from beginner to expert in Theoretical Concepts behind CAE/FEA ,Creation and modification in CAD/Geomrtry , Meshing , Connections , Analysis and helps you in interview preparation with dedicated section of Interview Series .We will start with Theory of FEA , where you will get familiar with critical ways in which you can find solution to given problem and the logic behind most of the CAE software's .Then we will proceed toward meshing where we will learn about 1d, 2d, 3d meshing & guidelines that one has to follow while meshing. We will talk about quality checks and quality parameter in much detail along with the mathematical formulation of quality parameters.Then we will move towards building assembly of various components using connections .At last we learn to perform Modal Analysis , Static analysis . I have some of the industrial projects waiting for you.Last section will be placed for your doubts. I will update this session with answers to all of your doubtSo Enroll now and start this exciting journey with me. If you have any doubt fell free to contact meWhatsapp - +919890660581Email - orvilleacademy18@gmail.com"
Price: 12800.00

"Find And Live Your Purpose" |
"A very practical course that will not only help you discover your unique purpose in life, but also to live it and share it with the world. Begin by creating a solid foundation that will support you and your purpose now and into the future. After you discover your purpose the rest of the course will support you to fully engage and share your purpose with the world. Packed with plenty of tools to help you meet the challenges that will naturally emerge. You will learn how to stay strong and committed, building confidence, resilience and self belief making you an unstoppable force. By the end of the course you will be able to apply what you learnt to many areas of your life. "
Price: 49.99

"Build Wordpress Website From Scratch - Beginners Training" |
"In this WordPress training, you will learn how to convert a design into a complete WordPress website without any coding knowledge using the Elementor page builder.Using this method you can easily create websites for yourself and for others.What you will learn in this trainingHow to buy Domain and HostingHow to install WordPressHow to install theme and pluginsHow to create pages with Elementor page builderHow to set up blog and posts"
Price: 99.99

"Getting started with the Piano" |
"It's like having a bunch of one-to-one piano lessons on demand.With over 25 years experience of teaching piano I have constructed this course as a collection of lessons as if you were starting as a new student in my studio. Each lesson is delivered as if you were in the room with a me, a new topic every time. During the lessons you will learn basic fingering, rhythm and how to read sheet music. By the end of the course you will have also learnt a bunch of pieces and a few scales that you can play on the piano.An instrument to practice on is required. This need not be a grand piano, a basic keyboard will get you going fine."
Price: 24.99

"Ganzuado de cerraduras, tcnicas en serreta y multipunto." |
"En este curso de apertura de cerraduras, podras aprender el uso de las diferentes ganzuas para abrir cerraduras de serreta y multipunto. Tu destreza para abrir cerraduras la conseguiras con mucho prctica. Tienes que saber que en cerrajeria de apertura no existen libros de instrucciones, pues es un arte que has de desarrollar."
Price: 69.99

"Microsoft Excel Ninja Basics - Learn to be an Excel Ninja!" |
"Did you know that nearly 80% of all middle-skill job openings require their potential employees to use spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel?*Thats because Excel is a powerful tool that can be used for data analysis and management, allowing users to gather useful insights into the data that they are working with. It can also be used for ""fun"" applications, such as to play tic-tac-toe, etc.Gone are the days where you have to calculate 101 columns of monthly expenses yourself or sketch a graph by hand just to understand your expenses you can do all these with Excel, at a lesser time!This course allows you to get started with Excel starting from the bare basics as getting the fundamentals right is key to mastering Excel. Don't feel overwhelmed, we will go through the basics slowly :)*according to the report, first discovered by Lauren Weber at the Wall Street Journal.Money-back guarantee:Don't worry - there's a 30 day money back guarantee - there's nothing for you to lose when you sign up for this course! Get started today!Tags: Online Excel, Microsoft Excel, Learn Ms Excel, Basics, Excel Tutorials, Formulas, Shortcuts, Examples, Easy, Productivity, Analyse, Online courses, Certificate courses, Training"
Price: 29.99
