"Negotiation Skills and Techniques" |
"Negotiation Skills and Techniques is a bespoke course that will enable you to increase your negotiation skills so it feels authentic to you, help you anticipate and prevent client's objections successfully and command the room. You'll learn to communicate your needs and point of view with confidence, get a deeper understanding of other person's view point and come to a mutually beneficial solutions."
Price: 29.99

"The Good Steward" |
"Let me help you fulfill your purpose by becoming a better steward of one of the most precious gifts we've been given- time! The Good Steward will take you step-by-step to maximize the hours in your day. Complete the 5 lessons (60mins/week) to learn the habits you already have and how to improve on them so that you can fulfill your purpose as God intended!"
Price: 149.99

"Perguntas do exame de especialista certificado Marketo 2020" |
"Voc est procurando [Newest-2020] Perguntas reais e atualizadas do teste prtico Marketo MCE? Voc chegou ao lugar certo, onde pode obter perguntas oficiais sobre arquivos PDF do MCE.Familiarize-se com os tipos de perguntas que encontrar no exame Marketo Certified Expert para ajudar a garantir que est preparado para o teste.Nenhum software adicional necessrio para usar o material PDF do MCE.O software Practice MCE contm um grande nmero de exames simulados com centenas de perguntas verificadas.Para obter o melhor resultado no exame do MCE, voc precisa experimentar os tipos de pergunta do exame do MCE que voc dever responder e se preparar para o teste do MCE nos arquivos PDF do MCE para cada tpico."
Price: 19.99

"KURSUN ERK HEDEF RAKAMLARI: (2 ay iinde eklenecektir)Video says: 250Ders saati: 120 Udemy'de ei benzeri olmayan bir kurs hedefliyoruz. Cmle kurma temelinde byle bir kurs yok! nce A1A2 KURSU'nu bu ekilde gerekletirdik.imdi sra B1B2 KURSUNDA! ...Bu kurs NGLZCE B1B2 seviyesini kapsar. Kursu nemli klan en nemli faktr, her blmle alakal yzlerce cmle kurma sistemidir. Cmle kurarak her konuyu temelli ekilde reniyoruz. Cmle kurduka kelime daarcnz, yap bilginiz, gramer seviyeniz artacaktr. Bu da Speaking temelinizi atacaktr. erik olarak, ilk nce konu detaylca anlatlr, ardndan o konuyla ilgili yzlerce eitli cmle adm adm evrilir ve tam teekkll bir alma haline gelir."
Price: 89.99

"UiPath Platform Infrastructure Setup Demo" |
"RPA is a hot field with companies being aware of its scope and potential. Among the several RPA tools in the market, UiPath is one of the leading tool. There are many UiPath developers but there are very limited RPA developers with infrastruture knowledge. Many organizations looking for RPA engineers who can setup an end to end UiPath platform for any new projects. This course provides a demo of end to end UiPath Platform v2020 setup that includes Orchestrator, Robots, Robot Provisions, and all the other prerequisites. You can practice the demo by yourself by setting up the lab environment without any cost. At end of this course you will learn the following with hands-on experience,Completely understand the UiPath ArchitectureDescribe the Orchestrator Eco system architecture Determine the infrastructure setup of Orchestrator (Hardware and Software)Know all the prerequisite tools required for Orchestrator installationAble to download and install all the all the prerequisite toolsDownloading the UiPath Enterprise trail versionSetup practice lab environment at zero costDetermine the deployment options and required configuration of Orchestrator installationInstall Orchestrator end to endInstall Robot Apply license to Orchestrator Provision the Robot to Orchestrator Able to query and analysis UiPath DatabasePrepare checklist for UiPath platform deployments. and along with this take a practice test at each section for your strong understanding."
Price: 19.99

"Zoom es la aplicacin que es muy utilizada en el mundo de las vdeo conferencias, es por tal razn que hoy te presentamos este curso, en donde abarcaremos todos los temas para que T puedas conocer mas de cerca el uso y manejo de esta aplicacin tanto a travs de la PC, laptop o cualquier dispositivo mvil y de esta manera utilizarlo en beneficio de la labor que realizas.Traslada todo ese conocimiento que quieres hacer llegar a las dems personas a travs del tele trabajo, vdeo conferencias, talleres virtuales u otros, utilizando esta excelente plataforma virtual."
Price: 19.99

"API 571 Exam Prep Course Level 1 - 210 Questions and Answers" |
"This is the most basic database (Level 1 Course) with 210 multiple choice questions from API 571 code book, based on the real exam experience. All the questions have been made based on the Instructor's experience in the previous exams. We are RBIClue and we have 3 levels of API 571 exam prep courses and the current course is the most basic and the cheapest version of our API 571 courses. For more information or to know more about level 2 and level 3 courses, you can visit our website, RBIClue dot com. If you choose level 2 or 3, then after finishing the test, you will see an answer to each question like below: Question: Corrosion in boiler feedwater and condensate return systems is usually the result of dissolved gases, oxygen and ...A. Carbon monoxideB. HOC. ChloridesD. Carbon dioxideAnswer: D. Carbon dioxide, Dissolved gases present in water are the driving force of corrosion. Oxygen in water causes pitting corrosion and scale formation in piping and boiler tubes while carbon dioxide corrosion is prevalent in condensate systems. Carbon dioxide exists in a dissolved or bicarbonate form and condenses to produce carbonic acid. This acid combines with steel and forms grooves at the bottom of the piping. Page 43, Section 3.9.3A is incorrect as carbon monoxide in boiler feed water does not result in corrosion. B is incorrect as water does not directly trigger corrosion but rather the dissolved gases present on it. C is incorrect as chlorides in boiler feed water can cause priming, uneven delivery of steam, deposition of salts, but not corrosion directly.Who is this API 571 Certificate for?All Corrosion Engineers, Integrity Engineers, RBI Engineers, Maintenance Engineers, Pressure Vessels/Piping/Tanks/Boilers Inspectors and every other inspection professionals.Are You Qualified To Take The API 580 Exam?If you hold a current API 510, 570 or 653 certification, you automatically qualify to take the API 571 Corrosion and Materials certification exam. If you do not hold a current API 510, 570 or 653 certification, then qualification is based on a combination of your level of education and industry experience acquired within the last 10 years.You want to study For The Exam?The API 571 Corrosion and Materials certification exam tests the individuals knowledge and expertise in the field of corrosion and materials selection. Exam questions for the API 571 Corrosion and Materials certification are derived from API RP 571 Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry.What is the exam structure?The API 571 exam is 3.25 hours long. There are 80 questions, of which only 70 are scored. The remaining 10 are pretest, which are not scored. All questions are multiple-choice and closed-book. Paper and reference materials are not allowed into the examinations. This exam has a set passing scaled score.What is API 571 code?API RP 571 discusses damage mechanisms applicable to oil refineries as well as petrochemical and other industrial applications. This code is intended to contribute to the overall management of pressure equipment integrity and is a useful resource for many mechanical integrity program activities including:a) identification of existing damage or deterioration and anticipated rates of degradation,b) identification of future damage mechanism susceptibilities,c) development and maintenance of inspection and monitoring strategies, programs, and plans (e.g. per API 510, API 570, and API 653),d) implementation and monitoring of integrity operating windows (IOWs) (see API 584),e) development of corrosion control documents (CCDs) (see API 970),f) implementation of Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) programs (see API 580 and API 581),g) conducting Fitness-For-Service (FFS) assessments (see API 579-1/ASME FFS-1),h) application of proper examination techniques, andi) conducting pressure equipment integrity incident investigations (see API 585)."
Price: 199.99

"Unhackable: Secure Your Life With Algorithmic Passwords" |
"Are you using the same small handful of passwords for everything?Do you sometimes get frustrated by annoying password requirements that don't 'fit your system'?Do you ever waste time trying to login to an account that you forgot your password for?Do you wish there were a simple solution to all of this?(and don't say just use a password manager...)Welcome to Unhackable, the complete solution to tackling the password headache, and turning your online life into a 1% better, 1% faster, 1% more effective, well-oiled and secure machine.Ultimately, this course is not a course about passwords. It's a course about incremental self-improvement, and we are doing that by making your online life, incrementally more efficient, and effective by means of improving your password system.I've done the research.Nobody cares about digital security.In fact. Most of the people I've quizzed about this course are almost proud of how bad they are at passwords (and yet still have not been hacked).So that's not my value proposition. While you will dramatically improve your digital security from implementing this system, it's not the real reason you are going to buy this course.The reason you are going to buy this course is that it's going to make your life easier.We log into our online accounts hundreds of times a week.And if you're a digital entrepreneur, you're probably making a new user account for something, every few days.You probably need to share some of these accounts, too! (did you forget about that?)This course teaches you how to create a system of passwords that works for all of it!You get:--> Passwords that are secure.--> Passwords that are effortless to remember.--> All unique passwords.--> Passwords that are shareable.--> Version control in case of compromise.--> Passwords that empower you. Includes a mantra - a power word you want to repeat every day.Initially, I started building out a very long course, chock full of useful information, aiming to teach you all of the nuances of digital security, and answer every possible question you might have... ever wondered how much the electricity bill would be for cracking a password 14 characters long? I did the math.I decided instead to make a beginner course with the opposite goal - to give you my system in the simplest, shortest amount of time possible, so you can get on with your life quickly, empowered by a new method.Let's be honest here. Passwords are not sexy. Digital security is not ""in"". But we all have to deal with this on a daily basis. We all make mistakes. And some of us suffer greatly for these mistakes, by serving ourselves up for a hacker's Monday morning breakfast. Not fun!!The system you are about to learn is my personal system. I've been iterating on it and developing it for over 4 years, and I'm finally ready to share it with the world.What else you'll get from this course:--> A straightforward approach. I just tell you how it is, and what to do.--> Learn the ""why"". I teach that too, but it is optional if you just want to fast track and learn the system itself.--> The system, once you know it, is free forever. --> This course, once you buy it, has life-time access (so you get all my future updates as well).How much would a permanent 1% boost to your digital efficiency translate to, in time saved, and money made, over the rest of your life?Get 1% better at digital efficiency and security now."
Price: 199.99

"nva Photoshop CC 2020 - curs online pentru nceptori" |
"Salut ! M numesc Cristian Frunze i sunt un instructor de design grafic.Vrei s nvei Photoshop, dar nu ai muli bani ? Acest curs te va nva Photoshop pas cu pas. Vei putea s adaugi Photoshopul la CV-ul tu.n acest curs vei nva tot ce trebuie s tii ca s poi folosi Photoshop eficient. Vei crea multe proiecte pe care le poi aduga n portofoliul tu. Acest curs este pentru nceptori. Nu ai nevoie de cunotine n Photoshop, fotografie sau design. Vom ncepe de la nceput i vom avansa pas cu pas.Acest curs include multe avantaje:Acces pe via ( poi s te ntorci ORICND la leciile deja fcute, deci nu te ngrijora c vei uita ) !nva la pasul tu. Avnd acces pe via, nu trebuie s te ngrijorezi c nu vei reui s completezi acest curs !Dac nu nelegi un subiect, trebuie doar s m ntrebi i eu i voi rspunde n 24 de orePeste 10 ore n 90 de lecii !!! (nu toate lectiile sunt puse acum dar peste 1-2 luni cursul va fi finisat)Fiiere de exerciii pe care le poi descrca gratis odat ce ai cumprat cursul. n aa fel vei lucra alturi de mine i le vei putea folosi la portofoliul tu !Acces pe calculator, pe telefon i chiar pe televizor !CERTIFICAT de completare a cursului, pe care l poi pune n CV.Important: Udemy ia 50 % din toata vanzarea si daca vrei sa ma ajuti, foloseste linkul de mai jos pentru a cumpara cursul. Astfel, Udemy nu ia partea lui. Multumesc foarte mult ! M-ai ajuta foarte mult daca ai face acest lucru !Linkul va merge daca dupa cuvantul ""udemy"" din link vei pune un punct. Scuza-i-m de incomoditate. Nu pot evita asta pentru a va putea oferi cursul atat de ieftin.https://www.udemycom/course/invata-photoshop-cc-2020-pentru-incepatori/?referralCode=7F22B2DFE03447767C42"
Price: 199.99

"TOP NOTCH 1 Unit 1-5 My English Lab" |
"TOP NOTCH 1 kitabnn 1.-5. nitelerinin My English Lab altrmalarnn aklamal anlatmlarn ierir. 6.-10. nitelere ve TOP NOTCH 2 kitabyla ilgili videolara kurslar blmnden ulaabilirsiniz.devlerinizi kurs ile e zamanl olarak tamamlayabilir veya yaptktan sonra kontrol etmek iin kullanabilirsiniz. Altrmalar tamamlarken yazm kurallarna nem gstermeniz ve videoda yazld gibi yazmaya almanz nerilir.UNIT 1 GETTING ACQUAINTEDPreviewVocabulary Formal titlesLesson 1 Meet someone newGrammar Information questions with be: ReviewLesson 2 Identify and describe peopleGrammar Modification with adjectives: Review Yes / no questions and short answers with be: ReviewVocabulary Positive adjectives to describe peoplePronunciation Intonation of questionsLesson 3 Provide personal informationVocabulary Personal Information Countries and nationalitiesLesson 4 Introduce someone to a groupVocabulary Personal information: ReviewUNIT 2 GOING OUTPreviewVocabulary Music genresLesson 1 Accept or decline an invitationGrammar Prepositions of time and place: Questions with When, What time, and Where: Review Vocabulary Entertainment and cultural eventsLesson 2 Express locations and give directionsVocabulary Locations and directionsPronunciation Rising intonation to confirm informationLesson 3 Make plans to see an eventVocabulary Events, times, and placesLesson 4 Talk about musical tastesVocabulary Music preferencesUNIT 3 THE EXTENDED FAMILYPreviewVocabulary The extended familyLesson 1 Report news about relationships Grammar The simple present tense: Review Vocabulary Relationships and marital statusLesson 2 Describe extended familiesGrammar The simple present tenseinformation questions: Review Vocabulary Other family relationshipsLesson 3 Compare people Vocabulary Similarities and differences Pronunciation Linking soundsLesson 4 Discuss family cultural traditionsVocabulary Family: ReviewUNIT 4 FOOD AND RESTAURANTSPreviewVocabulary Parts of a mealLesson 1 Ask for a restaurant recommendationGrammar There is / There are with count and non-count nouns; Anything and nothingVocabulary Categories of food Degrees of hungerLesson 2 Order from a menuGrammar Definite article thePronunciation The before consonant and vowel soundsLesson 3 Speak to a server and pay for a mealVocabulary Communicating with a waiter or waitressLesson 4 Discuss food and healthVocabulary Adjectives to describe the healthfulness of foodUNIT 5 TECHNOLOGY AND YOUPreviewVocabulary Electronic devices Replacing productsLesson 1 Recommend a brand or model Grammar The present continuous: Review Vocabulary Collocations for using electronic devices Pronunciation Intonation of questionsLesson 2 Express sympathy for a problemVocabulary Household appliances and machinesLesson 3 Complain when things dont workVocabulary Ways to state a problemLesson 4 Describe features of productsVocabulary Features of manufactured products"
Price: 29.99

3D- |
", . ( ), . 3D- "" "" OnShape. , , 3D-, 3D-, . "
Price: 1799.00

"Grammaire de lallemand" |
"Beaucoup d'tudiants trouvent des difficults comparer entre l'accusatif et le datif ,pour cette raison ,j'ai choisi ce thme que je considre fondamental en allemand. La dure du cours est 3mn J'espre que vous trouverez tout ce qui vous intresse en allemand et bonne chance.A la fin de chaque video ,j'ai choisi des thmes de la culture varie de l'Allemagne ,des personnages clbres ,qui ont jou un grand rle dans l'volution et la richesse culturelle du pays.En plus ,j'ai saisi l'occasion de vous donner une idee sur la gastronomie allemande, apprciez-la durant ce cours et bon courage.Contenu du cours:1. Pronoms a l'ccusatif Pronomen im Akkusatif Exemples sur les pronoms a l'ccusatif 2. Pronoms personnels a l'ccusatifPersonalpronomen im Akkusativ ""Singular"" Exemples sur les pronoms personnels a l'ccusatif pronoms personnels au datif Personalpronomen im Dativ Exemples sur les pronoms personnels au datif3. Tableau de diffrentes transformations des pronoms personnels a l'ccusatif et au datif""y compris le ""pluriel"".4.Verbes a l'ccusatif Verbe mit Akkusativ Liste de verbes a l'ccusatif.Liste de verbes au datif. Verbe mit Dativ.5.Les pronoms interrogatifs Interrogativpronomen im Akkusativ Exemples sur les pronoms interrogatifs.6. Les pronoms interrogatifs au datif.7.Les pronoms interrogatifs 'Welch ,was fr"" ""quelle"", ""quelle sorte de"". Exemples sur quelle, quelle sorte de. Declinaison de""""welch et was fr "" ."
Price: 84.99

"Currculo adequado e postura na entrevista" |
"Quantas vezes voc j enviou currculo para aquela empresa que tanto sonha em trabalhar mas nunca foi nem sequer chamado para uma entrevista? Aposto que j aconteceu tambm de ser chamado para entrevista e sentir que poderia ter se sado melhor. Pode tambm j ter acontecido de responder as perguntas na entrevista de maneira insegura ou de sentir que no est vestido de forma adequada (sabe quando a gente sente que no est com a roupa certa naquele momento?). Com esse curso voc no ter mais essas dvidas e estar no caminho certo da vaga dos seus sonhos! Quer sucesso? Vem com a gente!! :)"
Price: 39.99

"Master Git in Arabic" |
". Git The course would make your development life easier in such a way to track, version, and control your code. Development with Git is not optional, you must understand it in depth to avoid breaking your code and make your job interview much easier."
Price: 19.99

"SAP Activate Project Manager Certification (C_ACTIVATE12)" |
"Get ready for SAP C_ACTIVATE12 Certification Exam (new version of C_ACTIVATE05) with high quality training material: Practice tests with verified questions that will help you succeed!Are you ready to pass the SAP Activate Project Manager exam? Find out by testing yourself with verified questions. Each of the 4 full practice tests in this set enables you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your exam.SAP Certified Associate - SAP Activate Project ManagerThe C_ACTIVATE12 certification test can be difficult even after studying carefully and consistently. After finishing the preparation tests you will understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure, syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognize them when analyzing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.DescriptionThe ""SAP Certified Associate - SAP Activate Project Manager"" certification exam verifies that the candidate has the knowledge required in the area of SAP project management. This certificate builds on basic consultant skills and experience that is then refined by practical experience during several projects. This exam validates whether SAP focused project managers have advanced business skills and the ability to apply methodologies and tools. Aside from advanced communication and presentation skills, this certificate also verifies that the project manager has skills to manage internal and external stakeholders, basic knowledge of change management processes, and communicating these processes to others. This exam validates that project manager can successfully manage the end-to-end transition of the project from Sales to Realization, can develop roadmaps for project execution, and understand testing and quality management. In particular for SAP related projects, the exam verifies that the Project Manager can apply the SAP Activate Methodology.Topic AreasPlease see below the list of topics that may be covered within this certification.Agile Delivery Approach > 12%Describe how the project team prepares release and sprint plans, and the structure and key activities in each sprint. Discuss key techniques used in agile projects.Workstreams Overview > 12%Describe concepts, artefact flows, accelerators, tools and roles for each Workstream within SAP Activate MethodologyAgile Project Planning 8% - 12%Describe the agile project roles and responsibilities and the preparation of the project including the planning, estimation, user story mapping and construction of backlog.Transition Path ""New Implementation SAP S/4HANA Cloud"" 8% - 12%Describe concepts, landscape overview and specifics in Workstreams related to implementing S/4HANA Cloud Edition.SAP Activate Elements 8% - 12%Provide an overview of content, tools and methodology elements of SAP Activate Solution Implementation Framework.SAP Activate Overview 8% - 12%Define factors influencing SAP Activate, its purpose and place among other frameworks.Transition Path ""New Implementation SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Single Tenant Edition"" < 8%Describe concepts, landscape overview and specifics in Workstreams related to implementing S/4HANA Cloud, Single Tenant Edition.Transition Path ""System Conversion"" < 8%Describe concepts, landscape overview and specifics in Workstreams related to System Conversion Transition Path.Transition Path ""Selective Data Transition""< 8%Describe concepts, landscape overview and specifics in Workstreams related to Selective Data Transition Transition Path.Transition Path ""New Implementation SAP S/4HANA""< 8%Describe concepts, landscape overview and specifics in Workstreams related to implementing S/4HANA.Official Exam Details:Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate - SAP Activate Project Manager (C_ACTIVATE12)Exam: 80 questionsExam Cut Score: 61%Exam Duration: 180 minsType of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/False"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a minar Bitcoin paso a paso desde cero" |
"En este curso, aprenders los conceptos bsicos que rodean el mundo de la minera, como las criptomonedas, criptocarteras, Bitcoin, maquinas ASIC, aplicaciones de gestin de minera, pools de minera, plataformas de criptocarteras, entre otros. Todo esto, para entender que la forma ms eficiente y rentable de minar el Bitcoin, no es mediante minados mgicos en la nube, o desde el celular, si no, mediante las maquinas de minera, que a diferencia de los tan populares rigs de minera basados en tarjetas grficas, tienen mayores ventajas y ms facilidad para ser configuradas y activadas por cualquier persona que no sea experta en el tema.Aprenders a instalar tus propios mineros, as como tambin gestionars y crears tu criptocartera, para enviar y recibir Bitcoin, entenders lo que es revisar en tiempo real tus ganancias y a conectars tus cuentas de minera con tu smartphone para tener una mayor facilidad de monitoreo remoto. El objetivo principal de este curso, es lograr minar tus propios Bitcoins siguiendo una serie de pasos que llevados a cabo correctamente te darn la entrada a una excelente oportunidad de inversin y creacin de activos que trabajarn para ti. El curso ha sido diseado para ser tomado sin necesidad alguna de tener conocimiento sobre el tema, es una gua especfica que te permitir introducirte al mundo de las criptomonedas y participar en esta revolucin tecnolgica que representa la tecnologa de Blockchain."
Price: 2070.00

"Amazon AWS EC2 LEMP + Host Multiple Domains on One Server" |
"In this exciting new course, we show you how to host multiple domain names on a AWS EC2 Instance. We will show you step-by-step how to configure a EC2 instance with LEMP Stack on Ubuntu 18.04. This includes deploying a EC2 instance, installing all the components included in LEMP Stack including Nginx, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin.After you understand the foundations of server configuration, we will host multiple domains using Nginx server block configuration files, and manage it through Cloudflare.As an extra content , I will show you how to encrypt your site and use an HTTPS protocol, using cloudflare SSL certificates very easily. We will redirect all of our traffic to www, to avoid issues with cache."
Price: 149.99

"The Ultimate Coloring Books Course - Boost your Creativity" |
"Do you want to be more creative, relaxed, and intuitive when approaching your daily tasks? Have you ever thought to yourself, ""Why does creativity come so naturally to some, but seem almost impossible for others?""Coloring books are the most affordable and convenient way to tap into the world of coloring and creativity. Unlike any other creative activities, like painting, lithography, sculpting, coloring books are fun, easy, and simple to start using.This course lays out the foundation of what it takes in order to be a Rambo of coloring with an application on coloring books. You will have the complete arsenal of the most common coloring techniques used by coloring book lovers, and beyond, I will show you secret tips&tricks I use for each of the techniques and also my way of mixing these techniques into an own mixed media style and technique. Regardless of your job title or profession, by the end of the course, you will able to color anything and especially coloring books and at an advanced level, you will find your own favorite coloring technique that best suits you and you will find your own artistic voice, all together with the many benefits that coloring brings.Coloring will give you:MORE Creativity and Out of Box thinkingA fast way to Relax and RefreshA way to disconnect from the digital worldQuality time spent together with your loved onesA hobby that you can practice whenever you have a short timeA world of coloring books enthusiast that showcase their works onlineA way to exercise your thingers and hand musclesHigher self-esteemAdmiration of friends and familyA way to express yourself using colors and drawingThe opportunity to exercise your both brains hemispheresA way to create your own mini decorative paintingsDo not waste this opportunity of getting all of the above benefits and more!So what else is in it for you? In this course, you have compressed all the information combined on 7 different coloring techniques (color pencils, color pens, color markers, pastels, gouaches, watercolors, and mixed media) including the necessary theory part to get you started fast and right, choosing of materials and instruments as well as practical 1-page coloring with each of the technique. You save a bunch of money you would have spent on 7 different courses, one of each of the techniques. You get instant access to over 4hours of full practical coloring techniques, over 9 sections, over 30 pages.The course is set up to quickly take you through step by step, the techniques of coloring, including the minimal theoretical aspects you need to know concerning stroking techniques, varying the color saturations from bright to dark, blending colors.Plus I share my personal tips&tricks that I use in my daily practice, secrets that you can apply immediately and you will not find in any other theoretical course.This course is exemplified with the use of my coloring book MYFUNART that includes the contours of my most popular paintings from the last 14yrs. You can find the book in pdf form in this course and you can get it for the only 11.99usd. You will benefit from professional art while also learning to color and you will literally be on the same page with me.Heres what you get with the course:All at your fingers tips instantly.The course starts with a brief introduction of the techniques you will learn and benefits of using these techniques on coloring books, showing the many benefits the coloring activity brings to you: creativity, full brain exercise, quality time, destressing, etc.Next, we will go into each of the coloring techniques, the idea is for you to experience each of one and so to find your artistic voice and medium.I will go into the first technique of color pencils and explain the Pros and Cons of them, the minimal theoretical aspects you need to know, I will reveal some tricks to balance the Cons of the technique and we will color a 1-page using color pencils.Next, you have a BONUS technique, not included first in the course, but added later, the Color Pastels techniques, again going through advantages and disadvantages of the technique, the minimum theoretical aspects you need in order to start right, some of my personal tips to balance the disadvantages and 1 age live coloring example using pastels.What comes next is one of my personal favorite techniques, the color markers, going into the pros and cons of the technique, the basic theoretical aspects of using the markers, and a 1-page coloring using the markers. I will spend the next sections going into the color oriented coloring techniques, the watercolors and goauches, the easiest of the painting mediums that you can learn, presenting the pros and cons of each, the basic theoretical aspects you need to know in order to start right, and 1-page coloring for each of the techniques where you will see me in real-time coloring and you will learn from my experience and hear some of my tips on the subjects.Lastly, there's a dedicated section to a mixed media technique, something I created using 3 different of the above-described coloring techniques, all at once on the same page. You will be seeing me drawing a real-time 1 page using this mixed media technique, an amazing experience where you will hear some precious real practice advice and indications.The course ends with a Thank you section and indications for further practice of the things you learned.Over the 30 lessons, I will put my experience in action and by the use of my coloring book MYFUNART you will get:An opportunity to discover the favorite coloring technique that best suits you.The change to experience the many benefits of drawing.Confidence in your coloring style knowing that each of the techniques has pluses and minuses and no one can brag he is best.A way to play with 3 or more of these techniques and put them harmonical into a single coloring pageThe main elements that control someones personalityWhat else will you get?- A hobby you can practice- Satisfactions of learning something new- Quality time spent with your loved ones coloring- The appreciation of your family and friends- Better health and general state of well being- Amazing decorations you created for your space, home or officeThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for you every step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and change your art world today!"
Price: 44.99

"Kalkulus 1A adalah mata kuliah wajib bagi anak TPB ITB, Itera dan UP.Semua video sudah dicek .Jika ada segala informasi yang salah sampai mohon dimaafkan karena manusia tempat nya salah dan khillaf. Semua materi sudah berusaha disampaikan dengan bahasa yang sesederhana mungkin mengingat nanti dikelas sesungguhnya dosen akan sangat cepat mengajarnya."
Price: 280000.00

"TOEFL & IELTS Practice Test 2020 With explanation" |
"Included in this TOEFL & IELTS Vocabulary Practice Test course: - 6 practice tests- Practice like the real TOEFL & IELTS Vocabulary Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersTOEFL & IELTS Vocabulary Practice Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 420+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 85 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Shrm-CP (Organization) practice exams with explanation 2020" |
"Included in this Shrm-CP Practice Test course: - 2 practice tests- Practice like the real Shrm-CP Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersShrm-CP Practice Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 165+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 85 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Aphr certification practice questions 2020" |
"Included in this APHR Practice Test course: - 6 practice tests- Practice like the real APHR Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersAPHR Practice Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 600+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 100 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"CPLP certification practice exams 2020" |
"Included in this CPLP Practice Test course: - 4 practice tests- Practice like the real CPLP Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersCPLP Practice Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 751+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 300 min for 200 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"PLC ve dier giri k elemanlarn alarak programlama olduka maliyetli ve zordur. Bunun yerine PLC hakknda genel bilgileri renerek simlatr zerinden plc programlama daha mantkldr. Bu adan gerek bir fabrika otomasyon Simlatr olan Factory IO yazlm ile Tia Portal ve Plcsim zerinden temel seviyede sfrdan programlama yapabileceksiniz.PLC hakknda daha nceden bilginizin olmamas sizi korkutmasn. Gerek eitim gerek mr boyu destek sayesinde Temel seviyede PLC hakknda gereken tm bilgileri renebileceksinizBu kursu dier kurslardan ayran en nemli zellik gerek bir PLC gerekmeden Tia Portal yazlmn sonuna kadar kullanabilmenizdir. Eitim setini izlerken takldnz yerlerde annda cevap alabileceksiniz. Bu sayede binlerce lira vermekten kurtulup cazip bir fiyata kendinizi zel ders alyormu gibi hissedeceksinizAyrca zel numaramdan ulap balantlar hakknda grntl destek alma ansna sahip olacaksnzTemel seviyeden sonra oluturulacak olan HMI panel ve SCADA sistemine gemeden nce n bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.9AE1BC2755DDB7B2902E kupon kodunu kullanarak daha uygun bir fiyata alabilirsiniz."
Price: 94.99

"Freelancer Exitoso - Estrategias, Herramientas y Teletrabajo" |
"Si te parece interesante la idea de Teletrabajar desde Casa este Curso es para ti, te mostrar las Estrategias y Herramientas necesarias para que puedas tener xito como Freelancer.El Teletrabajo o trabajar desde la casa como Freelancer es un tendencia que en la ltima dcada ha venido teniendo un crecimiento desbordante aos tras ao, pero con la famosa pandemia del ao 2020 el crecimiento fue Brutal multiplicandose por 10.Si eres Programador, Diseador, Traductor, Escritor o Redactor Creativo, Profesional del Marketing, Productor de Video o algn contenido digital, Contable, Psicloga, Profesional de SEO, Secretaria Administrativa, Profesional de RR. HH., Transcriptor, Servicio al Cliente y muchas otras profesiones o habilidades que puedan resolver un problema, este curso es ideal para ti.Este Curso no solo te ensea cmo Monetizar tus Conocimientos y Ganar Dinero a partir de ellos, tambin te ensea a tener una Mentalidad de Freelancer Exitoso que es determinante a la hora de alcanzar el xito en este basto Mundo Digital. Y no todo termina ah tambin se ensearemos a Cotizar, Negociar, Cobrar por tus servicios y hacer llegar tus Dlares o Euros Ganados a tu pas.No te entretengo ms y te esperamos en las clases tcnicas, ordena el curso ahora!Gracias."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Preparacin para EGEL-PSI 2020" |
"Bienvenidos a nuestro Curso de preparacin para el examen general de egreso de licenciatura en la modalidad de psicologa (EGEL-PSI)Estructuramos este curso, dividindolo por las reas en que est dividido el examen: Evaluacin psicolgicaIntervencin psicolgicaInvestigacin y medicin psicolgica Cdigo tico del psiclogo, Examen de simulacinCon base a nuestra experiencia, notamos que era prcticamente imposible estudiar para este examen, al menos de la manera tradicional, ya que lo que ms nos ayud si fue el conocimiento como tal, pero ms que nada nuestra experiencia prctica, todas las vivencias que obtuvimos a lo largo de la carrera, ya fuese en clases, prcticas o en el servicio social."
Price: 420.00

"Oil & Gas Process Simulation/ Modeling Using Aspen HYSYS" |
"If you know nothing about HYSYS or know a little background about it, this will be the right place to start together to be an expert. We will go through many cases and will do examples together. Many units will be designed and analyzed according to the course content you see. Ready to be an expert?Part of students' feedback:* The course is easy to learn and covers all of the topics. The instructor is so knowledgeable and has a fortune of practical experience. I do recommend this course for the engineers and for whoever needs HYSYS in their work.* Great course with valuable information and excellent explanation , I recommend it so much It helps me a lot in software skills . Thanks Udemy for this course.*The instructor is knowledgeable and the course seems to cover all HYSYS-related topics."
Price: 154.99

"Talk with Confidence on the Science of Skin" |
"Ask yourself the following:1. How am I different from other beautician, esthetician or beauty business owner?2. Do I have enough happy and satisfied clients?3. Can I afford to lose my reputation in the industry?Doubtful? Youre not alone. Our team of experts in Beauty Science and Entrepreneurship here at European Wellness Aesthetic Academy have crafted this workshop to help you.This workshop is part of a 4-part series workshop titled ""Becoming a World Class Esthetician"", designed for every Esthetician in the world.Look out for the other parts which are also available here on Udemy.BREAKDOWN OF WORKSHOP:TALK WITH CONFIDENCE ON THE SCIENCE OF SKIN1ST SEGMENT: THE SCIENCE OF SKINIntended Learning Outcome:This segment will teach you the anatomy of Skin and understand each component of the Epidermis, Dermis and also the Subcutaneous Layer. Built your knowledge and confidence as you relate science to beauty with your clients.2ND SEGMENT & 3RD SEGMENT: KEY INFLUENCES TO SKIN HEALTHIntended Learning Outcome:This segment will cover the SEVEN ELEMENTS contributing to one's skin health, beyond genetics. It will help you to understand what lifestyle, diet and exposures to diagnose and advise your clients. It is crucial to truly understand our clients before we conclude and offer the right treatment and solutions."
Price: 19.99

"Skin Products: Understanding Ingredients & Effects" |
"Ask yourself the following:1. How am I different from other beautician, esthetician or beauty business owner?2. Do I have enough happy and satisfied clients?3. Can I afford to lose my reputation in the industry?Doubtful? Youre not alone. Our team of experts in Beauty Science and Entrepreneurship here at European Wellness Aesthetic Academy have crafted this workshop to help you.This workshop is part of a 4-part series workshop titled ""Becoming a World Class Esthetician"", designed for every Esthetician in the world.Look out for the other parts which are also available here on Udemy.BREAKDOWN OF WORKSHOP:TALK WITH CONFIDENCE ON THE SCIENCE OF SKIN1ST SEGMENT: UNDERSTAND COSMETICS & THE PRESSURE BEHIND ITIntended Learning Outcome:This segment will give you a clear understanding of cosmetic products; the definition, classifications and functions. You will also understand how society perceives cosmetics and how vase we are actually exposed to various cosmetic products. Learn how to differentiate and explain to your clients which products are considered cosmetics and which are not.2ND SEGMENT: YOUR AWARENESS VS ACTUAL CONTENT/INGREDIENTS IN SKIN PRODUCTSIntended Learning Outcome:This segment will teach you what you will need to know about the content of skin products; key ingredients of skin products, understand the effects of these ingredients and identify harmful chemicals used. It is a fundamental skill as an esthetician or individual in the skincare industry to be aware of key ingredients of skincare products to avoid offering the wrong solutions and causing more harm to your clients skin and health.3RD SEGMENT: RISK & RISK MANAGEMENT OF SKIN PRODUCTSIntended Learning Outcome:This segment will cover the right and wrong market practices when it comes to marketing skin products. It will also dwell into specific ingredients and risk linked to these ingredients to assure that you are able to choose your skincare products wisely. As you complete this workshop, you will be able to speak confidently on the science behind specific harmful ingredients and educate your clients well."
Price: 19.99

linear-algebra-for-engineering-students-arabic |
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Price: 34.99

"Microsoft Excel - Excel for Beginners & Intermediates" |
"******Use this promo code for taking up this course at free - ONLY4YOU. *****""Excel is one of the power tool of Ms OfficeIn this course you will know how to use excel to make your work easy Reduce your work time with more productivityCreate Pivot table and control it by SlicerShortcuts that leads to better time management & increased efficiencylearn some tips & tricks,shortcuts,functions & formulas to become an excel power userWhat you will learn ?excel basicAlignment functionspage layoutShapesCommentfreez paneTable creationPivot tableSlicerTemplate creationData entry formConditional formattingChartsBasic FormulaeVlookupShortcutsfew useful functionsIf you are a complete beginner to Excel? or If you know something on Excel?if "" yes ""then this course is for you!!!!ENROLL today and start your excel learning Now."
Price: 1280.00
