"The Complete C Proficiency Exam Test Series - PART II" |
"Complete this test series and boost up your confidence to tackle any C test! Completing this test series, you will get:A question bank to practice C programming questions regularlyConfidence boost to tackle any C examBrush up of your C programming skillsKnowledge about some more topics after going through the explanation of the answers"
Price: 1600.00

"Numerologia Pitagrica" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo contribuir para seu autoconhecimento e expanso da sua conscincia.O curso tem a explicao dos nmero de 1 a 9, 11, 22 e dos elementos que compe o Mapa Numerolgico. Que esse breve curso possa ser um marco e diferencial em sua vida, para contribuir com a melhoria significativa de sua vida em todas as reas.Assim com as informaes das aulas voc poder montar seu mapa numerolgico e iniciar um processo de autoconhecimento.Voc pode acompanhar meu trabalho no Instagram e Youtube @odespertardoeusuperior.GratidoGeria"
Price: 19.99

"Taking Better iPhone Photography for your Business" |
"This training is ideal for small business owners, entrepreneurs and start-ups who may not be in a position to pay for a professional photographer.And it is specifically aimed at photography that you can use for your Business - on social media, on your website, and in various other marketing materials.What we will coverOptimising the settings on your iPhoneThe importance of story tellingPhotography basics including Lighting and CompositionPractical tips for specific kinds of commercial photographyTips on editing Tips for saving, sharing and storing your photos (and videos) Course RequirementsThe only requirement is that you have an iPhone 7+ or later that you can use whilst viewing the video"
Price: 24.99

"The Experts Secret to Mobile Application Testing" |
"Mobile testing and development are among the hottest careers of the decade.Pro tip: In order to get the depth of mobile application testing try catching my jargon and google it to understand what it means if you are not aware of that keyword.I am 100% sure you will not get the content anywhere so good related to mobile app testing as other courses teach only software testing.Most mobile devices are sold with several apps bundled as pre-installed software, such as a web browser, email client, calendar, mapping program, and an app for buying music, other media, or more apps. Some pre-installed apps can be removed by an ordinary uninstall process, thus leaving more storage space for desired ones. Where the software does not allow this, some devices can be rooted to eliminate the undesired apps.In this course, we will go deep into how to do Mobile Application Testing and later I will try to add IOT based testing like Drones, beacons, and NFCMy course is highly experiential and you will learn the concepts in-depth through hands-on practice sessions. You will also be working on a project and understand how Mobile Application Testing helps:Grasp advanced concepts of software testing concepts, app testing generics and much moreMobile application testing is a process by which application software developed for handheld mobile devices is tested for its functionality, usability, and consistencyHere is what you will learn!How mobile apps work and methodologies including SDLC and STLCHow to test your mobile apps manuallyMobile Application Testing Training Introduction to mobile device testingDifferent terminology used in Mobile App TestingReal Devices vs Emulators vs SimulatorsDifferent types of Mobile AppsCommon strategy to test all these appsTest Cases attributes: Software Testing basicWriting test cases for real mobile app Android and iOSBugs attributes: Software Testing basicWriting a bug report for real mobile app Android and iOSMobile Specific TestingApp Managers and Beta toolsIntroduction to FirebaseAdvance Mobile Concepts like creating iOS, Android Simulators, and ADB commandsMobile Application Testing Interview Preparation"
Price: 39.99

"This is a complete course about Java Multithreading. If you want to learn more about concurrency in Java, you are in the right place! This is the course for you!In this course, you will learn all secrets and tricks about multithreading. You will see in practice how each feature works, with straight to the point examples, and no-frills. You will see with your own eyes how things work, rather than having to believe in my own words.I spent my last 20 years in IT as a consultant and I can now deliver these concepts in the most effective way. I designed this course like a journey for you, and I filled it up with a lot of visual content, as learning shouldn't be boring. I believe in visual-learning and when you see something, you can hardly forget it.After this course, you will be able to build your own multithreading applications with absolute confidence and you will be able to better understand someone else's code, being more aware of what is behind every technical choice. You will be able to develop more bug-free code and you will be able to improve performances with parallel computing. Every section is like a piece of a puzzle that at the end is going to build the big picture, which will give you more understanding and certainty.This course is completely hands-on and filled with programming challenges. There are 28 projects that you can download, modify and try by yourself.If you just know the basics about java, you are welcome, as I made things very simple for you. And if you are an expert, you are welcome too, as you will learn more advanced features and add the missing pieces .Tools required:A recent version of Eclipse. In the course I'm using the version 2020-06, but any recent version will work fine.A recent version of Java. In the course I'm using Java 14, but any versions from Java 8 included onwards will work fine.Extra things that come with this course:28 projects for EclipseZip files for each projectGitHub links for each project (optional for who knows Git)Quick reference documents, to review key concepts.Plenty of quizzes.Hands-on challenges.Videos with plenty of images and diagrams to learn key concepts.Plenty of screencasts with demonstrations.Udemy Money back guaranteeI'm sure you will enjoy the course and you will learn a lot out of it. I guarantee I will do my best to help you get through it and get the most from it. But if, for any reasons, you feel otherwise or you change your mind: on each Udemy course there is a 30 day money-back guarantee! So, there is nothing to risk anyway!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Expert em Chanel com Ktia Sanches" |
"Neste curso, voc ir aprender as melhores tcnicas para executar um corte Chanel no nvel expert! Este curso divido em 5 mdulos: ferramentas e modo de uso; formato da cabea e as divises; ngulos, linhas e formas; tipos de Chanel e aprendendo na prtica.No final desse curso, voc vai entender qual a melhor forma de visualizar, criar e adaptar o estilo Chanel mais adequado para sua cliente."
Price: 99.99

"Change Management on Agile Projects" |
"This course provides outlines how to take traditional Change Management approaches, as applied on Waterfall projects, and apply them to Agile projects.Perhaps you are a Change Manager about to embark on your first Agile project; perhaps you are a Change professional who is simply aware of that trend of organisations increasingly moving towards Agile delivery approaches, and you want to be in a position to thrive in the environment. If that's the case then this course is for you.Join me as I take you through the end to end Agile process, using a case study to add colour to the story, outlining what a Change Manager should be doing at every step of the journey."
Price: 39.99

"Marketing Digital - primeiros passos para empreendedores" |
"Esse curso foi feito com muito carinho pela professora e consultora Raquel Camargo. Aps atender muitos clientes com sua empresa, em parceria com o Sebrae e tambm dando aula em universidades e palestras pelo mundo, as questes mais importantes foram reunidas atravs desses vdeos.Alm disso, a professora desenvolveu mtodos e recursos que facilitam o trabalho e a organizao das tarefas para quem est comeando.Com esse contedo a gente tem certeza que voc vai se sentir mais seguro(a) para dar os primeiros passos no marketing digital e ter sucesso com o seu negcio."
Price: 84.99

"Learn to Learn Better Masterclass" |
"Learn by actively participating in the course with David Donahoo, NLP Trainer, Hypnotherapist and Learning expert. When you were at school, did you struggle with learning some or all of your subjects? Did it seem like the teacher was speaking a different language. Well they might have actually been speaking in a way that you did not understand. Teacher are trained to teach, but not to understand how individual students learn. David is an expert in being able to understand how your learn. He can chat with you and in under a minute determine your learning styles. In this course David will teach you how to identify how your learn. By knowing the way you learn, means you can learn easier and quicker when you apply what works for you. This is why you would have struggled in the past, because the person teaching you was speaking a different learning language. You will come out of this course knowing how to improve your learning and having had the opportunity during the course to gain the confidence through several activities. None of this is hard. It is just that most people don't know how to learn better. You did not learn to learn, you found a way that worked for you but may not have worked in all cases.Using NLP as the basis of how the mind works, David will help you understand how you process the information you want to learn, so that you are able to retain it and recall it as needed. What David will teach you in this course has taken him years to develop and fine tune so that so can benefit from his training in a very short time.Our course modules are simple and easy to follow, and include:Introduction to LearningWhat is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)Importance of NLP to learningThe Mechanics of LearningDiscover your learning styleWhat your learning style meansExplanation of the learning stylesWhich is the correct NLP Learning Representational SystemHow to improve your learningThe best strategy for SpellingDemonstration of the learning strategy for Spelling You get the practice how to spell betterContinue your learning with the NLP Learning StrategiesAnd Much More!Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?The great thing is that there are no prerequisites for this course, just an internet connection, a computer or smartphone and an open and willing mind!It does help if you being along a curiosity and openness to learn.Who this course is for:Those who want to understand how they learnIf you want improve your learning so it is easier and quicker."
Price: 79.99

"Learn to Create a Game-Ready Katana (Blender and Substance)" |
"This course takes you from beginning to finish on 3D modelling, uv-unwrapping, and texturing a game-ready Katana. You will need Blender and Substance Painter to complete this entire course. At the end you will have a stunning 3D asset ready to be imported into your game engine of choice.Learn a complete workflow of creating game assetsBecome confident in your 3D modelling and texturing skillsThis course is intended for novice-intermediates, but all skill levels are welcome."
Price: 74.99

"Ultimate Mock Exams for clearing CEH in the First Attempt" |
"Want to clear the Certified Ethical Hacker Exam in the first attempt itself?Want to check your confidence level before appearing for the CEH Exam?These 5 sets of Practice/Mock Tests will not only boost your confidence level but also revise your concepts on all the 20 modules of CEHv10 courseware. These Practice sets will give you real exam-like questions and help you to understand the level of questions that will be asked in the CEH exam.Practice/Mock Test 1 - 125 Questions - 240 MinutesPractice/Mock Test 2 - 125 Questions - 240 MinutesPractice/Mock Test 3 - 125 Questions - 240 MinutesPractice/Mock Test 4 - 125 Questions - 240 MinutesPractice/Mock Test 5 - 125 Questions - 240 MinutesBonus Practice Questions - 27 Questions - 60 Minutes"
Price: 1280.00

"Best IOT Quiz For Beginners as well as senior developers" |
"Are you a IOT enthusiast this course is for you then it will really help you to get a job in your dream company Like CEZ it contains The interview question which are always asked in an Interview of IOT in CEZ company these questions are always same which are being asked by HR for an IOT developer interview for more than a decade now"
Price: 1280.00

"MikroTik Internetworking Engineer with LABS" |
"***This course is not officially sponsored by MikroTik and not an authorized course by MikroTik. We are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by MikroTik. We respect the Trademarks of the mentioned company and institution.***MikroTik MTCINE is the hardest and the more complex course track in MikroTik. Actually it is the one and only advanced course between all MikroTik courses and it requires as a pre-requisite the MTCNA course as well as MTCRE course.As being a complex course, I have decided to design this course in which I explain all topics of the MTCINE track. In this course, I will explain and do LABS about the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Multiple Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) which are both considered very advanced topics and implemented inside the networks of the Internet Service Provider (ISP).So in this course, I will cover the following topics: What is Autonomous System (AS) What is Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)? Path Vector algorithm BGP Transport and packet types iBGP and eBGP Stub network scenarios and private AS removal Non-stub scenarios iBGP and eBGP multi-hop and loopback usage Route distribution and routing filters BGP best path selection algorithm BGP prefix attributes and their usage BGP route reflectors and confederations MPLS basics Static label mapping Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) Penultimate-hop-popping MPLS traceroute differences LDP based VPLS tunnels Bridge split horizon BGP based VPLS BGP based layer3 tunnels (L3VPN) What is traffic engineering and how it works RSVP, static path, dynamic path (CSPF) Bandwidth allocation and bandwidth limitation differences and settingsAll my courses will be based on LABS, so I advice you to run GNS3 with MikroTik CHR image to be able to follow this course because in some LABS you require to run 7 MikroTik Routers in 1 LAB.Finally, if you want to master the topics of the MTCINE track, I advise you to enroll in my course and I will help you with your mission."
Price: 34.99

"Linkedin Werbeanzeigen: Die Linkedin Marketing Masterclass" |
"Wrdest du gerne Werbeanzeigen auf Linkedin schalten? Und brauchst du einen A-Z Guide, der dich vom Beginner zum Experten fhrt? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich. In diesem Kurs wollen wir uns gemeinsam anschauen, wie man Werbeanzeigen auf Linkedin schaltet, Lookalike Audiences erstellt, Zielgruppen definiert und speichert, Insight Tags setzt, Spilttesting durchfhrt, sein Budget optimiert und vieles mehr. Was genau wirst du jedoch im Detail in diesem Kurs lernen? Werbemanager & Anzeigen: In diesem Teil des Kurses lernst du den Linkedin Werbeanzeigenmanager kennen, wir erstellen Schritt fr Schritt deine erste Werbeanzeige und du lernst wie man Zielgruppen definiert und speichert. Budget Optimierung: Wie viel Geld solltest du fr Linkedin Werbeanzeigen ausgeben? Wie definiert man am besten sein Budget und wann gibt man vielleicht zu viel Geld fr eine Kampagne aus? Darber wollen wir uns in diesem Abschnitt des Kurses unterhalten. Splittesting: Durch Splittests kann der Werbetreibende herausfinden, welche Werbeanzeige gewinnbringend ist und welche nicht. Wir lernen alle vier Arten von Linkedin Splittests kennen und du lernst wie du die Datenquellen aus deinem Splittest zum Re-Targeting einsetzen kannst.Linkedin fr Fortgeschrittene: In diesem Abschnitt lernst du wie man Lookalike Audiences erstellt, Insights Tags setzt, Matched Audiences benutzt und Conversion Werbeanzeigen und Lead Gen Formulare erstellt. Du lernst zudem Schritt fr Schritt wie du Re-Targeting mit sechs unterschiedlichen Datenquellen durchfhren kannst. Nachdem du diesen Kurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du folgende Dinge knnen: Erstelle professionelle Linkedin WerbeanzeigenLerne jedes Tool im Linkedin Kampagnen Manager kennen Erstelle, speichere und optimiere deine Linkedin Zielgruppen und Lookalike AudiencesSchalte Conversion Ad Werbeanzeigen und fhre Conversion Tracking durchNutze das Matched Audiences Tool Fhre effiziente Splittests durch um herauszufinden, welche Werbeanzeige die profitabelste istund vieles mehrWorauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein. Wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video."
Price: 199.99

"Presentation Skills: Video Presentation Skills for Marketers" |
"FACT! Videos Sell More Now than EVER Before!Which is why you MUST have excellent video presentation skills if you want to succeed online now.Competition has never been tougher to stand out from the crowd....which is why we created this video presentation skills course for YOU!Whether your generating FREE Traffic from Social Media or using paid ads on sites like YouTube, Facebook or even Instagram Stories...The simple fact is that videos are the #1 way to connect with your audience, deliver your message and turn your viewers into customers!The internet has made it easier than ever to sell to people right round the planet by producing sales and marketing videos. Some charismatic video presenters come across very well on screen, yet you can click on some sales videos where you find yourself bored and clicking away after only a few seconds!So, what makes other sales videos and video presenters engaging and hot to watch? To really connect with your audience, you cant just switch on the camera and hope for the best, especially when you have a product or service to sell. This course will let you into all the editorial and technical secrets of how to create winning videos that will persuade people to buy!This course includes over 2 hours of high quality HD video training videos. Note that this is a version of our best-selling general skills course: Confidence on Camera but re-written and targeted specifically at marketers who want to present more effectively and produce professional selling videos.What You Will Learn... How to project a confident personality that viewers will like and trust via the camera lens. How to beat camera shyness and we give you a great tip to learn to speak to camera naturally. How to stop waffling and speak in neat soundbites. How to prepare your content and deliver conversationally without a teleprompter; and if you have one, how to disguise the fact. Youll learn the main voice training skills to sound authoritative and passionate about your subject. Youll speak clearly and with comfort on camera. How to feel confident every time the camera is in record, so youll save time warming up. Winning tips for hair, makeup and wardrobe, honing your look to perfection. Understand the basics of broadcast TV presentation, and what goes on behind the scenes to help make your own work even more professional.So, if you want to maximise your video presentation skills to build a tribe and boost your leads and sales...Click the button now to get started and I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 39.99

"Full-Stack Web Development For Beginners" |
"A full stack developer is a web developer or engineer who can develop both the front end and back end of a website or application.They can tackle projects that involve databases, building user-facing websites, or even work with clients during the planning phase of projects.Full stack web developers usually have some of the following front end and back end skill sets.Front End Skills ( This is used to build the client software or application)HTMLCSSBootstrapJavaScriptJSONXMLJQueryAngularReactBack End Skills ( This is used to build the server software or application)NodejsExpressjsRESTSQLMongoDBPythonJavaC#ASPPHPRUBYC++Being a full-stack web developer equips you with the skill set to develop web based projects. You can prototype quickly and switch between front and back end development based on requirements."
Price: 179.99

"PowerPoint Masterclass For Training Professionals" |
"If you're a training professional--whether a trainer, an instructional designer, a graphic designer or elearning developer--or you manage training professionals and you've always wanted to improve your PowerPoint skills, here's your chance. In this series of how-to videos, we will familiarize you with all of the functionality that training professionals commonly use.The course is organized around the following sections:Tour de PowerPoint: Let's walk through all of the tabs and ribbons to get the lay of the land.Getting in the Mode: Get comfortable with PowerPoint's different viewing modes.You've Got the Look...and Feel: Learn how to establish the slide deck's look & feel using Themes.Slide Master of Your Own Destiny: Use the Slide Master to standardize your layouts.Bring the Sizzle: Insert and embed a variety of audio, graphical, and video media.Publish or Perish: Use Save As and Print options to publish and distribute your files.Check out the free samples below and see if it's right for you!"
Price: 94.99

"Jiang Baguazhang Refinement Exercises" |
"Specific movements identified by the instructor that will help refine a student's movements in order for them to move more efficiently with Bagua and develop power. With follow-along instruction and discussion of concepts, these exercises assist a student to refine their Bagua practice, further develop body structure, and whole body power."
Price: 39.99

"Percentages for Beginners" |
"1 out of 10 people dont understand percentages.Im part of that 15%.If you dont get this joke, you definitely need to take this course.Hey there! This is your one-stop shop for Percentages. I have designed this course so that students of any age or level can take it and benefit from it. Whether you are a high school student or preparing for your SAT or GMAT or just want to improve your understanding of how percentages work, This course is 100% Guaranteed to help. We start by learning how to convert decimal or fraction to percentage and vice versa, then we go up a level where we learn how to calculate percentages mentally with some amazing shortcuts to help you save those precious seconds in a test. Then we learn how to increase or decrease a number by a certain percent, reverse percentages and how percentage change can be calculated. Then in the third and final level is where all the magic happens because this is where we learn all the uses of percentages and how it is used in calculating discounts, taxes, profit/loss, interest etc etc. Each lesson is kept short and to the point so that you can take it step by step instead of having to cram everything at once. At the end of every lecture there is an exercise and at the end of every section there is quiz to test you on all that you have learnt in the section."
Price: 24.99

"MBA ASAP Marketing 2.0" |
"Another winner from John Cousins! Doing business in this day and age can be daunting, especially for those of us who are from ""a different era"". This author knows his stuff and shares it in such a way that informs, encourages and inspires."" Liz K.Business is always evolving especially with advances in technology. Business and technology topics can be new and novel or difficult to understand. John has the ability to frame and present business topics in a way where the audience feels like they can quickly grasp concepts, define strategy, and begin to execute.Marketing is about delivering the right message about the right product, at the right price, at the right place, at the right time, and to the right person. Learn the concepts, tools, techniques and platforms involved in the transfer of goods from the producer to the consumer.Digital marketing techniques are a lever big enough to move the world.Online marketing comprises a set of tools and skills that can be used by any size enterprise. These tools can be leveraged for any business and are especially helpful if you are running a small entrepreneurial startup.The bigger your aspirations and the more limited your resources, the more digital marketing helps.The skills you need to connect with your customers online are the same regardless of the size of your enterprise. The difference is in the scale of the campaigns.Online there are more refined capabilities for targeting customers and measuring the effectiveness of your messaging.Digital marketing is about creating messaging, getting it in front of your target audience, measuring the effectiveness in terms of conversions or sales, and revising and optimizing your campaigns based on the feedback.Were MBA ASAP, our mission is to make advanced, quality business education accessible to capable students everywhere by leveraging technology at scale to deliver inexpensive online programs, courses, and books.We know that talent is distributed globally, but opportunity is not. We believe all capable and committed students deserve the opportunity to change their lives and to impact their communities.Education is most effective when educators, and students work together to create pathways for mutual success. Technology makes advanced learning locally available across geographies and enhances outcomes."
Price: 19.99

mechanics-course |
". . . . ."
Price: 59.99

chemistry-101 |
"101 : . : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ."
Price: 59.99

"Revit Structure 2021 from Zero to Hero" |
"In this course, you will learn how to create a full structural model using foundations, columns, beams, beam system, floors. The course will show you how to prepare the model for Structural Analysis software packages, by defining loads, and load combinations. The course contains Concrete structure and Steel structure examples. You will learn how to annotate, tag, detail, your model, along with creating and printing sheets. Other advanced topics will be discussed in the course like creating several types of schedules, how to import CAD files, and link Revit files, how to create your own family. The course will show you how to deal with Trusses, Bracing, Steel connections (using the premade steel connections or Customized steel connections), along with concrete reinforcement (several examples of using different techniques for rebar detailing). Finally you will learn how to customize Revit Environment.This course is built over exercises. You will have two sets of files: PDF files which carries instructions, and RVT files which will be your starting point for each topic. At the end of each video, you will be instructed to open a certain file to practice what you learned."
Price: 19.99

"AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals - Practice Tests" |
"Hello Everyone, welcome to the course of Certification Exam AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals"".Throughout a number of practice sets you will be going through a number of questions that will help you not only to clear the exam but also to understand the basic key concepts Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as well as how various Azure AI services can help you to solve real life problems with ease.Each practice test will consists of around 60-70 real life questions that you need to answer very well to pass each of these practice tests. This practice tests will not provide any dump questions. Instead, you will get to know the type and the format of the actual exam. Therefore, if you pass all the the practice tests covered here, you are good to go for the exam and it will be very likely that you will pass the exam."
Price: 99.99

"A Proven Plan: The Complete Wealth Creation Bootcamp" |
"Making the decision to develop wealth and increase your income is a brilliant and practical decision that can change your financial life for good. Anyone can create wealth if they learn the wealth creation formula in this course!In this practical course, you'll learn the fundamental skills necessary to become wealthy and be able to use these skills to trade knowledge for money, instead of time for money. From how to create passive income to increasing the key ingredient that boosts wealth faster than anything else ""your net worth"", these lectures are designed for any one who's interested in following a proven plan to building wealth and changing their lives. With real world examples demonstrating exactly how anyone can start with very little and create a fortune, you'll learn why the middle class will never be rich if they keep doing what they do and why the wealthy will only get wealthier by sticking to what works.Main benefits of this course and of becoming wealthy:- You'll learn how to use compound interest to make over $1,000,000. Learn how to own stocks for free without investing any money.- Have more options to invest in (including Peer-to-peer lending, Selling cash covered puts, Tax lien certificates, REIT's, etc.).- Learn how to use different types of wealth calculators.- You'll learn how to make 17%+ returns.- How investing as a corporation actually increases profits and reduces tax implications.- Why wealthy people track their net worth constantly and how you can do the same.- Benefit from my ""Personal Wealth Creation Formula"".- Have more time and financial freedom to do what you want when you want.This course was created for people who want to invest little to no money and for people who have money to invest and want to use it to generate passive income on a monthly or on an annual basis. If you're ready for change and want to learn how successful people create wealth, get started with this course. If you want to have more, you need to become more. You need to know the best ways to pay off debt, increase your income, and invest in things that really bring profits and future success. The first section of this course will take you through three increasingly important elements of wealth creation: how the middle class tries to create wealth vs how the wealthy create wealth, how money should flow to benefit your financial life, and how to become a millionaire working part-time. Besides that, you'll learn how this course will pay for itself in a matter of days and how different types of financial calculators can show you how to go from middle class to making a fortune.At the end of it all, you'll have the knowledge and tools the wealthy have to make the best financial decisions and start building lasting wealth for you and your future generations to enjoy.Your instructorJoseph Correa is the founder and CEO of several top corporations in the U.S., having been a licensed investment advisor and owned an investment advisory firm in the past, he knows how wealth is created and what fundamental steps need to be taken to get there."
Price: 149.99

"Protocolo de Bioseguridad en el Trabajo Covid-19" |
"El curso brinda el conocimiento para implementar medidas de bioseguridad en las empresas u organizaciones, que ayuden a detectar casos sospechosos o probables y disminuir el riesgo de contagio dentro de las organizaciones o empresas.Cada punto est explicado de manera clara y objetiva en el sentido que sea muy sencillo implementar las medidas de bioseguridad.En el curso est divido en secciones en el marco de la bioseguridad las secciones son: ir al trabajo, entrada de la empresa, oficinas, comedores, higiene del personal, capacitaciones, residuos peligrosos, ir a la vivienda. "
Price: 19.99

"Vegan Diet - Healthy Lifestyle" |
"In this online Vegan diet course you will learn how the pros use a vegan diet to get healthy and strong!In 2009, only 1% of the US population was vegetarian or vegan.In 2019 6% of Americans are vegan or vegetarianAnd of all these vegans, the majority are women.But that's not all... Because soon after that, men started following this lifestyleAt 2012, overall meat consumption decreased by 12.2% from 2007.Google even found a three-fold increase in vegan searches from 2007 to 2014.Have you ever wondered why many prominent athletes opt for plant-based protein instead of animal protein?That's because research by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that plant-protein diets is the better choice for building muscles.Let me explain.Plant-based protein is packed with antioxidants and fibers which can enhance body recovery. Less inflammation in the body would mean that athletes only need minimal amount of time to heal from muscle aches and pains.Also, did you know that you don't need meat, dairy, egg whites or proteins like chicken or fish to build muscles for you?That's right, you don't.In fact, the kind of plant-based foods that can help you build muscle mass are alkaline. They increase your body's pH levels to combat inflammation, which is common when you consume large amount of animal protein.Superfoods like tempeh, quinoa, pumpkin seeds and almond butter are great sources of plant protein.Where do 800 pound Gorillas Get their Protein From? Plants! Guess where 1,600 pound Cows Get Their Protein From Plants!Its Time To Look Good and Feel Better Like Never Before!Today's your lucky day because I'm giving you FULL ACCESS to...My Complete Training on how to begin your vegan journey and reap the full benefits of being one!And for the first time ever, they've been compiled into one incredible course ...Workout plans for vegansTestimonials of vegan athletesDietary outlineTips for transitioning into VeganismDebunking common myths... and MANY more!Just know that I've spent hundreds and thousands of dollars into developing these proven strategies to give you the best experience out of your vegan lifestyle & your workouts.Here's What I'll Be Sharing With You Exclusively The ever-popular craze behind veganismWays to begin your vegan journey for better health and performanceDebunking the myths and misconceptions you might have about vegansThe list of famous athletes who opt for the vegan lifestyle despite initial criticismSimple workout plans for vegans to achieve the lean physique they want... And SO much more waiting to be uncovered inside!This Course Is A Must-Have If You Want To:Get fit and maintain the body you've always wanted effortlesslyIncorporate different kinds of new and delicious foods you've never tasted into your dietLower your risk of chronic diseases like heart attack and type 2 diabetesBoost your mood and help treat symptoms of anxiety and depression with a plant-based dietYou will begin to see mind-blowing results and notice positive changes when you apply what youre about to learn in this life-changing course.To sum it all up, you will:Improve your fitness and overall well beingHave better digestion and skin complexionSave more money on takeouts and junk foodsFeel more energized by shedding off excess weightAnd that's just the tip of the iceberg!The benefits of eating vegan are simply endless!And Here's The Good News...This will only cost you at a low one-time investment.If you're not completely satisfied, simply return your order within 30 days for a FULL Refund.However I do need to remind you that you are letting go of the chance to turn your life around if you choose to click away from this offer.But, if this course isn't every bit as fantastic as I say it is, simply return to get your every penny back.No questions asked You have my word on it.So Why Wait??? START The Course Now!"
Price: 129.99

"Healthy Heart - Strengthen, Heal & Protect Your Heart" |
"In This Online Healthy Heart Course You Will Learn How To Handle A Heart Attack, Should It Occur. You Will Also Learn Specific Strategies To Make Your Heart Healthier And Help Prevent Heart Attacks.This Self-Help Course Covers ALL The Major Skills You Need To Strengthen Your Heart .,. And Live A Full And Productive Life.Also Great For Family Members & Loved Ones Who Want To Learn More In This Area.If Your Family Has A History Of Heart Disease ... YOU Need This Course!Take Good Care Of Your Heart And It Will Take Good Care Of You!By The End Of This Course, You Will Discover 1) Discover A Heart Attack ACTUALLY Is & What Is Going On2) Learn How To Spot a Heart Attack3) Learn What The Complications Of A Heart Attack Are & About Follow-up Care.4) Learn What To Do When A Heart Attack Occurs5) Discover The Primary Risk Factors For Heart Disease6) Discover How Acceptance Can Be A Powerful Key To Freedom From Anxiety7) Learn How To Strengthen Your Heart To Prevent Future Episodes8) Learn About Specific Heart Remedies That Can Make A BIG Difference. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!Dont Miss This Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity To Learn Life Skills That Can Transform Your Life From Our Pros At Advanced Ideas - Who Have Condensed Their Many Years Of Learning, Training & Testing Into This One Quick & Easy Course For You.Heres What Our Students Say:I Am Absolutely Loving This Couse! It Is A Great A Match For Me As I Am Always Looking To Improve Myself. A Lot Of The Information Is Blowing My Mind! How They Explain It Makes It Easy To Understand! - Danielle SubannyProf. Paul Never Disappoints! I Own All Of His Courses & This One Is Amazing Too. Youll Be Shocked How Fast The Course Goes By & Wishing It Was Longer Because Its Packed With So Much Life-Changing Information. I Believe It Gives You A Huge Advantage In Life. Thanks Again For This Amazing Course Prof. Paul Chris Ghring - CEONO RISK!!! FULL 30 Day Money Back Guarantee! Sign Up Now!"
Price: 129.99

"Eczema Solution - Discover The Secrets Of Beating Eczema" |
"Eczema Solution is your ultimate guide on everything you need to know about handling & controlling this skin condition. While eczema is not a disease and there is no immediate cure for it You can get rid of the unbearable itch and inflammation of the skin with the strategies revealed in this training.Whether you are diagnosed with eczema or if you are living with a person who suffers from this skin condition This is the training that youve been looking for!Let me be clear: all the remedies revealed here are unlike ANYTHING youve ever been told about preventing & freeing yourself from the symptoms of this skin condition.And no matter how many times youve tried to get rid of this eczema in the past, this works as long as you do the things Im about to share with you.While there is no immediate cure for eczema, with all the strategies you will discover today ... you can learn how to manage, reduce, and instantly relieve the symptoms of eczema.Now is the time to put a stop to the intolerable pain of eczema.If you want to look great, feel great, be healthier and live longer This is the perfect course for you! The goal of this training is to help you achieve eczema relief in the fastest, simplest and easiest way possible. This course will save you years of research, struggle and frustration. So start this course today and start looking & feeling better tomorrow!START The Course Now!By The End Of This Course, You Will 1) Discover The Secrets Of Beating Eczema Itch2) Learn About The Powerful Connection Between Your Emotions & Eczema3) Discover How Simple Meditation Can Dramatically Improve Your Condition4) Learn Great Home Remedies To Beat Eczema & Itch5) Discover The How The RIGHT Creams, Supplements & Light Therapy Can Help You Beat Eczema & Itch6) Learn How To Properly Care For Your Skin In Many Ways7) Find Out How To Cope With Eczema & What Really Helps8) Learn How To Allergy-Proof Your Home9) Tips For How To Deal With Your Child Having Eczema10) Discover The Link Between Food Allergies & Eczema11) Uncover The Powerful Link Between Eczema & Stress And How To Beat It12) Learn About How Diet Can Make a HUGE Difference. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!Heres What Our Students Say:I Am Absolutely Loving This Couse! It Is A Great A Match For Me As I Am Always Looking To Improve Myself. A Lot Of The Information Is Blowing My Mind! How They Explain It Makes It Easy To Understand! - Danielle SubannyProf. Paul Never Disappoints! I Own All Of His Courses & This One Is Amazing Too. Youll Be Shocked How Fast The Course Goes By & Wishing It Was Longer Because Its Packed With So Much Life-Changing Information. I Believe It Gives You A Huge Advantage In Life. Thanks Again For This Amazing Course Prof. Paul Chris Ghring - CEONO RISK!!! FULL 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!!! Sign Up Now!"
Price: 129.99

"Ketogenic Diet Look & Feel Amazing The Keto Diet Way!" |
"Keto Diet: If youve been struggling to lose weight, even if youve been exercising regularly, this could be the ONLY solution for you.Heres why:No matter how frequently you exercise ... You will NOT lose weight if your body is NOT in a Fat-burning mode.Sadly, most people start exercising with the expectation to lose weight fast.Of course, exercising will help you to lose weight and be healthy, but it is NOT the fastest way to lose weight.But, if you combined exercise and follow the Right diet ... You will definitely be able to lose weight FAST.This Keto diet will trick your body into a 24/7 burning machine by making it use your stored body fats as an energy source instead of using carbs in your bloodstream.The good news is, this is completely safe, easy to follow, and will shortcut your way for rapid weight-loss.The Ketogenic Diet is the fastest and safest way for you to lose weight.Research has been done that proves Ketogenic Diet can not only help with rapid fat loss, but to treat other diseases such as Epilepsy, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and even Cancer!You get to reap all the health benefits of the Ketogenic Diet as well as achieving your dream body. The time to transform your body is now!Heres What You Will Discover Inside This Keto Diet Course:How Does the Ketogenic Diet Enhances Fat Loss?How To Turn Your Body Into A Fat Burning Machine All Day Without Going Into Starvation ModeThe Only Side Effects Of Keto Diet? (Hint: Its A Good Side Effect)8 hidden Benefits Of Keto Diet Other Than Losing Weight EasilyHow To Eliminate Sugar Spikes For Diabetic People Once And For AllHow To Get Higher Mental FocusHow To Improve Your MemoryAvoid The Types Of Food That Can Cause Foggy Brain.How To Increase Energy Level Without Relying On Sugar Rush.How To Get A Clearer, Healthier And More Glowing Skin In Matter of Weeks.How To Prevent Your Body To Go Into The State Of Hunger4 Ways Ketogenic Diet Destroy Cancer CellsAccidental Discovery In 1924 That Made Keto Diet A Breakthrough Diet For Weight LossThe Ugly Truth About Anti-seizure Medications & Epilepsy (Read This Part If You Want To Stop Taking Anti-seizure Medications)150 Epileptic Children Were Tested With Ketogenic Diet Over A Year The Result Will Shock You!10 Foods Rich In Potassium That Helps In Treating Hypertension8 Main Food To Eat And To Avoid On A Ketogenic DietWhy You Should Switch From Paleo To Keto DietWill Keto Diet Affects Your Athletic Performance? Check Out This Study On A Group Of CrossfittersNeed More Mental Focus? Eat This (Revealed in Chapter 7)Need To Reach Your Body Goals Faster? Try Keto & Intermittent Fasting. Heres How (Read Chapter 7).10 Easy Steps On Getting Started With Keto Diet18 Yummy Keto Recipes That You Can Easily Prepare Even If Youve Never Cooked In The Kitchen Before!4 Things To Do After Youve Already Achieved Your Fitness Goals With Ketogenic DietA Ketogenic Diet Will Turn Your Body Into A 24/7 Fat Burning MachineBe Healthier, Happier & FitterBe At Your Very Best Self, Physically and Mentally.Have A High Mental Focus To Be Productive At WorkLive Longer And Become A Cancer-Proof SuperhumanMelt That Stubborn Belly FatMost Important, You Will Reach Your Fitness Goals Much Sooner Than You Think!If you choose to do nothing, you will remain the same at where you are right now.You will remain confused, puzzled, and even frustrated to see why you are still struggling to lose that unwanted body fat that can be detrimental to your health in the long-term.You can keep dreaming about 6-pack abs - but if you dont do anything about it, a dream can only remain as a dream.Take Action Now! Sign Up!#Keto #KetoDiet #KetogenicDiet #DietTips #Weightloss #Nutrition #HealthyEatingHeres What Our Students Say:I Am Absolutely Loving This Couse! It Is A Great A Match For Me As I Am Always Looking To Improve Myself. A Lot Of The Information Is Blowing My Mind! How They Explain It Makes It Easy To Understand! - Danielle SubannyProf. Paul Never Disappoints! I Own All Of His Courses & This One Is Amazing Too. Youll Be Shocked How Fast The Course Goes By & Wishing It Was Longer Because Its Packed With So Much Life-Changing Information. I Believe It Gives You A Huge Advantage In Life. Thanks Again For This Amazing Course Prof. Paul Chris Ghring CEONO RISK!!! FULL 30 Day Money Back Guarantee! Sign Up Now!"
Price: 129.99

"Hacking tico : Virus , Amenazas en la Red." |
"Hola a todos, bienvenidos a un nuevo curso donde aprenders de una manera sencilla a programar un antivirus , aprenders a cifrar tus programas para que no te roben el cdigo personas malintencionadas.Usaremos el Visual Studio 2019 que se lo descarga gratuitamente desde su web, igualmente todos los programas para cifrar son gratuitos y se los puede obtener de los servidores de sus propios creadores."
Price: 19.99
