"Master Franchise Part 2" |
"Master Franchise Part 2IntroductionDo you want to be your boss?Are you looking to escape the commute and work from home?Are you ambitious and unfulfilled in your current career?This course is for people who are interested in setting up a business, whether online or offline. Some people prefer marketing as they can start their work whenever they like, financial freedom, they will have no boss to answer. If there are no businesses, how will the economy of each country improve?The future owners of the franchise to have an ethical approach, a positive attitude and the drive to make their business a success. You do not have to be an expert in any business line, as a franchise owner creates proven systems that you will use to train your team.You do need an eye for detail and a passion for excellent service to maintain success. It would be best if you were a good people manager to manage a team of workers to deliver an excellent service, as a franchise offers you the opportunity to own your own business, with the security of following successful and proven business model.Therefore, I created this online course to show people who desire to start a business; setting up a franchise is a profitable way of making an income for you.In this course, I have given in detail about a few types of profitable franchises to start; It will find it easy to run a franchise business as you are going to use someone else's hard work to earn a living. Besides, you will have ongoing support until you achieve your confidence in this business.In the US, opportunities to set up a franchise are massive as the country's economy boosted by an enormous amount of franchise stores available all over the country.Did you know that there are currently more than 11,000 McDonald's franchise restaurants throughout the United States and about just as many, if not more, exist in other countries? Indeed, owning a franchise in today's world has become about the most popular idea next to owning your store or creating it from scratch. There are breakfast house franchises, though, fast food restaurant franchises, retail franchises, and even coffee shop franchises that one can start on their own.Thank you for choosing this course to read, and I hope that you will benefit from it if you do not own your own business.Good luck with your new venture."
Price: 34.99

"Enhance Efficiency By Enhancing ""Ability To Stay Focussed""" |
"Concentration is the capability to focus the attention on one single task or subject. The ability to focus the attention is one of the most important skills one should possess. This one skill can enhance your productivity manifolds, and you can complete tasks in hand at a much faster pace or study your course material in half the time.However, most people cannot concentrate. Their attention usually wanders, without being able to fix it on one subject for any reasonable period of time.The course is more of an ""Offline Workshop"" which enables the user to cultivate this skill of ""Focus"" in a step by step manner. The contents of the course are founded on a contemporary and proven scientific study in the field of Neurobiology.""9 Lectures"" in the course are complemented by ""Work Templates"" which the user can download and use them to enhance their ""Focusing Ability"" in a step by step manner. Consistent implementation of the methodology prescribed will enhance the focusing ability of the user and thereby enable him/her to live a more fulfilling life."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) - Essentials" |
"This unique course covers critical and essential concept of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). To make understanding better there are demonstrations and Quiz as appropriate.The topic of coverage includes the following.Cloud vs On Prem analogy For better understanding of cloud.Whats Cloud & its characteristicsGetting in & accessing Oracle Cloud infrastructure.Oracle cloud infrastructure components.Whats autonomous Database.Creating Autonomous Database on CloudAutonomous Database tools - usage and associated demonstration.Accessing sql developer through web and sql developer client.Populating cloud table from spreadsheet.Oracle APEX toolCreating workspace.Navigation in Oracle APEX.Loading data from spreadsheet.Creating a simple report.Data analytics and visualization using Oracle ML.Oracle Cloud Infrastructure terminology.Compute Engine creation of Oracle Linux instance on VM (Virtual machine) and access.Step by Step demonstration of creation of Linux instance and accessing it from Remote via putty.Computer Engine Enabling the Oracle LINUX GUI and accessing through VNC.Installation and access -Jupyter Notebook on cloud Oracle Linux (VM) & access.SODA for Python - Using python to access the Autonomous DB table dataLearn about Oracle Cloud Infrastrucute (OCI) and Zoom up your career opportunities.. There are ample handson-demo to make understanding better.Happy learning and exploring Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)"
Price: 2560.00

"Options Trading Strategy With Moving Average False Breakout" |
"Improve your trading skills by mastering one of my moving average trading strategies to spot more accurate trading opportunities in the options trading market. The course will guide you through the entire process of mastering this strategy to successfully seize trading opportunities in the market. Come learn how to win the options market with this simple moving average trading strategy. This strategy will help you trade in 3 types of different options market type :Learn how to trade RISE/FALL Options Market type.Learn How to trade IN/OUT options market typeLearn How to trade TOUCH/NO TOUCH options market type"
Price: 99.99

"(350-701 SCOR ) CCNP Security Core exam : Practice Test 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for exam (350-701 SCOR ) CCNP Security Core exam : Practice Test 2020The Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (SCOR) course helps you prepare for the Cisco CCNP Security certificationThis exam will help you prepare to take the Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (350-701 SCOR) exam. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge of implementing and operating core security technologies.This exam tests your knowledge of implementing and operating core security technologies, including:Network securityCloud securityContent securityEndpoint protection and detectionSecure network accessVisibility and enforcementThis practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions .This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Cisco in any way.Best of luck for your exam !!"
Price: 29.99

"mare ad acquerello" |
"La tecnica dell'acquerello molto appassionante ed estremamente varia. In questo corso impareremo a dipingere il mare utilizzando la tecnica dell'acquerello.Ti consiglio di accedere a questo corso dopo avere fatto almeno il corso di acquerello per principianti. QUESTO E UN CORSO PRATICO in cui imparerai a realizzare il mare direttamente dipingendo. Attraverso la realizzazione step by step realizzerai 4 dipinti attraverso i quali imparerai a dipingere il mare dall'alto quando il sole produce un disegno a righe, imparerai a dipingere la spiaggia quando il mare arriva a riva creando della piccola schiuma, imparerai a dipingere le onde che si susseguono nel mare e le onde quando si stagliano contro le rocce.I miei video sono strutturati, come sempre, in primo piano step dopo step. Le mie pennellate saranno anche le tue.Ti ricordo che ho altro corsi di acquerello:acquerello per principiantiacquerello avanzatoacquerello effetti specialiacquerello botanicoFiori ad acquerelloAcquerello di NatalePer qualunque dubbio o problema mandami un messaggio, sar felice di parlare con te"
Price: 59.99

"Design a Floating Point Unit 1 - Numbers" |
"The first part of Design a Floating Point Unit concentrates on an introduction to floating point numbers and the IEEE 754 standard for single precision 32 bit floating point binary numbers. This course concentrates on the basics of floating point numbers. How to convert from decimal to 32 bit floating point binary and back again. We look at both normal and subnormal (denormal) numbers , nearest even rounding and rounding errors, precision and cover all the details we need from the IEEE754 standard for 32 bit single precision floating point binary numbers.Throughout the course we use a conversion tool that I created in Microsoft Excel VBA which helps us to automate the conversion process and also helps us to understand and check the results of conversion. Without this type of tool teaching and learning about floating point numbers would be a difficult and laborious process. I hope that this tool helps to demystify floating point numbers and make them more understandable.By ensuring we have a solid foundation in floating point numbers we can then go ahead in the later courses to design each of the floating point arithmetic operations required to produce a full floating point unit in Logisim.Once this course is completed then you will have all the information required to progress to the next course , Design a Floating Point Unit 2 - Multiplier."
Price: 19.99

"R Ultimate: Learn R for Data Science and Machine Learning" |
"You want to be able to perform your own data analyses with R? You want to learn how to get business-critical insights out of your data? Or you want to get a job in this amazing field? In all of these cases, you found the right course!We will start with the very Basics of R, like data types and -structures, programming of loops and functions, data im- and export.Then we will dive deeper into data analysis: we will learn how to manipulate data by filtering, aggregating results, reshaping data, set operations, and joining datasets. We will discover different visualisation techniques for presenting complex data. Furthermore find out to present interactive timeseries data, or interactive geospatial data.Advanced data manipulation techniques are covered, e.g. outlier detection, missing data handling, and regular expressions.We will cover all fields of Machine Learning: Regression and Classification techniques, Clustering, Association Rules, Reinforcement Learning, and, possibly most importantly, Deep Learning for Regression, Classification, Convolutional Neural Networks, Autoencoders, Recurrent Neural Networks, ...For each field, different algorithms are shown in detail: their core concepts are presented in 101 sessions. Here, you will understand how the algorithm works. Then we implement it together in lab sessions. We develop code, before I encourage you to work on exercise on your own, before you watch my solution examples. With this knowledge you can clearly identify a problem at hand and develop a plan of attack to solve it.You will understand the advantages and disadvantages of different models and when to use which one. Furthermore, you will know how to take your knowledge into the real world.You will get access to an interactive learning platform that will help you to understand the concepts much better. In this course code will never come out of thin air via copy/paste. We will develop every important line of code together and I will tell you why and how we implement it.Take a look at some sample lectures. Or visit some of my interactive learning boards. Furthermore, there is a 30 day money back warranty, so there is no risk for you taking the course right now. Dont wait. See you in the course."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Creacin Framework con Selenium, Spring y Cucumber" |
"La idea del curso es poder mostrar cmo crear un framework usando la integracin de diferentes tecnologas, patrones y principios de desarrollo de software que soporte la ejecucin de pruebas automatizadas en diferentes plataformas y ambientes.En el curso usaremos cmo herramienta base, Selenium Webdriver. Despus integraremos Spring para realizar el uso de inyeccin de dependencias y hacer nuestro framework extensible y adaptable.Tambin crearemos un grid para la ejecucin paralelizada primero de forma local y despus en la nube usando para ello Docker, Selenoid, Jenkins y GCP(Google Cloud Platform).Por ltimo integraremos nuestro framework con Kibana y Logstash para generar reportes en tiempo de ejecucin y almacenar todas las ejecuciones que realicemos con el fin de obtener mtricas que ayuden a mejorar la calidad.Espero sea de su agrado y aprendan bastante. Pre requisitos:Tener instalado el JDK 1.8Tener instalado DockerIntellij Community Edition. Se recomienda la ltima versinMaven 3.6 o superiorPlugin gherkin for java en Intellij"
Price: 19.99

"Apprendre dessiner des portraits et gagner de l'argent" |
"Ce cours vous offre la possibilit d'apprendre dessiner les tres humains et faire de ce loisir un business rentable, tape par tape, comment dessiner un visage humaine.Hommes, femmes, bbs etc.. .Chaque chapitre, peut tre tudi indpendamment .Tout d'abord, nous allons voir comment apprendre et avoir ce loisir. Puis, nous allons voir les outils de dessin que vous pourrez utiliser comme dbutant, ce sont des simples outils. Et nous allons voir deux mthodes pour commencer dessiner le visage humaine. la fin on va voir comment rendre de ce loisir un business rentable. N'oubliez pas de voir la vido jusqu' la fin pour voir le rsum qui est pos la fin de chaque vido.je vous conseille vivement de suivre ce cours avec un carnet et un crayon. Reproduisez les dessins expliqus tape par tape dans ces vidos, et reproduisez-les encore et encore pour voir votre coup de crayon s'amliorer.bonne chance!"
Price: 19.99

"Coaching de vida: Trabaja en tus valores personales y reglas" |
"Mi objetivo en este curso es mostrate parte de lo que hago con mis clientes de coaching cuando hay algo que los detiene y no consiguen ver qu es por ellos mismos. El conficto de valores suele ser la piedra con la que ms tropezamos en nuestra vida y aprender a resolverlo es una herramienta enorme que te ayudar siempre que la quieras utilizar.En coaching estratgico utilizamos tcnicas que pueden adaptarse para hacer un trabajo personal de autocoaching. Trabajar con un coach es lo ms conveniente pero si no quieres o no puedes contratarlo, hay mucho trabajo personal que puedes hacer en ti mismo para sentirte mucho mejor.Al aprender a trabajar tus valores y sus reglas sentirs que tu vida fluye mejor que nunca.Un cambio de valores lo que produce en una persona, es una nueva forma de pensar, sentir y comportarse en todas las reas de su vida.Aprenders a elegir los valores que quieres en tu vida para alcanzar tus mejores sueos.Comprenders cules son las barreras que estn detenindote y cmo puedes solucionarlo.Encontrars en ti el valor suficiente para tomar mejores decisiones y elegir cmo dar un giro a tu vida o simplemente realizar pequeos ajustes para que al fin, te sientas mejor que nunca.Este curso es un complemento totalmente prctico, repleto ejercicios y ejemplos de la vida real, de mi curso Life Coaching, para ayudarte a seguir creciendo en tu vida personal o ayudar a tus clientes de coaching."
Price: 69.99

"Angular Libraries: Working with Multiple Projects" |
"Learn how to create an Influencer App using Angular. This app is composed by 3 projects, Admin, Influencer and Checkout. In this tutorial, you will learn how to handle multiple Angular projects.In this tutorial you will learn: How to user Angular CLI Create classes, interfaces, abstract classesUse interceptorsCreate public and private routesRestrict routes for unauthorised usersUpload ImagesExport CSV'sBuild a chart with c3.js (part of d3.js)Use Reactive FormsUpload a package to npm registryHandling Multiple Angular ProjectsAngular LibrariesIf these are what you are looking for then this course is for you."
Price: 74.99

"The Complete Course On Mobile Game Development using Unity3D" |
"This Course will Help You become an expert in the mobile gaming Sector but also , opens your mind in the ways of solving Problems, This course is a complete guide from scratch up to getting a publishing deal with one of the best Publishers in the World we will be learning how to create and design ideas that would trend by studying the market and studying what people likes . Make Games For Android and IOS with no Hastle! at the end to interchange between platforms is as easy as one click, Hyper casual games development or any type of game using my method of creating and innovating . Unity and c# development game design."
Price: 199.99

"Typography for Complete Beginners Tutorial" |
"In this typography tutorial I will show you what are the basics and the advanced knowledge of typography and how you always choose the right fonts for your projects.If you want to know more about typography or you want to be a web designer or to work in a printing house, this course is for you.In this typography course you will learn:the history of script through the millenniahow lead typesetting worked in earlier timesthe readability of textsthe measuring and calculating of font sizes, spaces and widthsFont technologies (Postscript, TrueType fonts)the anatomy of a characterabout font stylesabout Multiple Master fontsReal and false capitalsand many definitions in the area of typographyUpon request, you can receive a certificate of completion free of charge when you have worked through the entire course to the end. Subscribe now."
Price: 19.99

"L'impression 3D par dpt de matire" |
"Ce cours va vous permettre de dcouvrir le monde merveilleux de l'impression 3D et de corriger les dfauts rcurrents que l'on peut rencontrer. Vous trouverez galement une partie sur la dcoupe du fichier afin de l'imprimer, ainsi qu'une prsentation rapide de la ralisation d'un fichier 3D.Vous pourrez ainsi, la fin de ce cours, raliser vos impressions avec les rglages les plus pertinents afin d'obtenir la meilleure qualit que pourra vous fournir votre machine."
Price: 34.99

romanceguitar |
", . . , , , , , (, , ). /. , ."
Price: 24.99

"IT Service Management" |
"This course provides those are professional, to support professional who already working in Information Technology service management with an understanding of how to integrate a series of steps that an organization uses to implement Solutions that provide a continuous flow of value to a customer.To IT-enabled products and services, and relevant application methods. It gives them an understanding of service production, service standard and improvement procedure."
Price: 6720.00

"Practical Python : write over 50+ scripts in python" |
"Today , there are many courses that explain the basic notions and fundamentals of certain programming languages like python but that is not sufficient for the real programmers and developers to push their skills to the next level , they need a practical side to improve their programming sense in order to solve the different problems they encounter. In this course you are going to learn how to practice python efficently by writing over 50 scripts that solves real world problems.What are the things students are going to learn from the course: - Learn to do operations on data containers (lists, dictionaries, tuples, sets...)- Learn to write python functions (with real world examples)- Learn how to handle and manipulate files ( reading, writing, adding, deleting, extracting ... )- Work with different packages and libraries to solve problems in a quick and easy way- Get familiar with special functions (lambda anonymous function)- Build graphical user interfaces using Tkinter library- Get familiar with all different widgets of Tkinter library ( Buttons, Checkbuttons, Canvas, Spinbox, ProgressBar, Labels, Radiobuttons... etc)- Learn to install new packages using the pip command- Learn to use Geopy library to calculate the distance between the different cities of the worldAt the end of this course , you will be able to solve the different problems you face in the programming world with the power of python."
Price: 19.99

"PEGACSA-V6-2 Architect Certified System Practice Exam" |
"306 UNIQUE practice questions for PEGACSA-V6-2 Architect Certified System Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PEGACSA-V6-2 Architect Certified System Practice ExamTotal Questions : 306Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (229 of 306)"
Price: 179.99

"ARKit (Augmented Reality Kit)." |
"ARKit. ARKit. , . . , ."
Price: 19.99

"El Caribeo Spanish CSEC/CXC Oral Exams Prepper" |
"This course is for ALL CSEC Spanish students who: Don't know how to practice for the Oral Exams. Don't have access to Native Spanish SpeakersNeed to to improve their pronunciationParents who wish to help their teens prepare and don't know which questions to ask.Or students who love Spanish, don't get to speak up enough in class, and simply want the opportunity to compare their pronunciation to accurate Spanish, even if they are a bit shy."
Price: 19.99

"SAP Extended Warehouse Management 9.5 C_EWM_95 Test&Material" |
"Enroll in this course and get mock tests for learning and clearing SAP Extended Warehouse ManagementThis course covers all the warehouse processes like Inbound, Outbound, Internal and RF configuration. Upon completion of this course, you can have an advanced capability in configuring & solutioning warehouse operations with SAP EWM Consulting. This course also helps you to attempt the SAP Extended Warehouse Management C_EWM_95 certification & further your career aspiration in SAP EWM space. Following material will be shared upon enrolling into the courseSAP EWM100SAP EWM110SAP EWM120 SAP EWM125SAP EWM130"
Price: 199.99

"Covid Health Ambassador Certification" |
"In an effort to guide the community in practicing healthy behaviors during COVID-19, Force Protection Investigations has launched the Public Health AmbassaDores program to address questions regarding campus health and safety measures. The Public Health Ambassadors service will help promote social norms that are to be expected of our community members during this time as we work to create a safe working and learning environment for all. During this time, trained individuals are needed to inform the public in all places the importance of norms that are to be taken into account due to the current pandemic. This course will train individuals on their duties as Ambassadors and inform them on the Covid 19 pandemic. Additionally, there are courses in emergency procedures and Disaster operations.The first section will cover basic duties of the Ambassador, the other sections will cover more information of Covid 19 and the final sections will cover basic emergency response operations, and the final section will cover Disaster Operations in the event of having to deal with the Pandemic in a more austere environment."
Price: 24.99

"Shopify Freelancing Bootcamp: Learn how to work for yourself" |
"Offer value from the get go!Learn the basics that you need to quickly get started as a Shopify Freelancer and start making money!We will be going over:- Setting up your Shopify Partner Account (for easy management of all your clients and to test out stores and products)- Charging a commission for setting up a store with Shopify- Overview of the Shopify Store Dashboard (how to assist your clients with any needs or questions they might have)- Learn to design your store so it is easy to set up- How to set up a highly converting Shopify Store of your clients (learn the industry secrets of highly converting stores)- Putting together the store (where to start when given a project)- Learn the basics of Liquid and how to make changes to the code (even if you have no coding experience)- How to find clients- Managing communication with your clients- Outsourcing and hiring additional help"
Price: 99.99

Camtasia |
"Camtasia StagioAdbePremia ProCamtasiaPremia PropowerpointPremiaPro"
Price: 15000.00

"Emmet in Visual Studio Code: Accelerate your HTML workflow" |
"What's this course about?In this course you will learn how to be very productive in writing your html code. For that purpose we will use Emmet. The code editor for the course is Visual Studio Code (although you can use any code editor that supports Emmet).More details please!If you have never heard of Emmet before, it is a special plugin that allows you to type html ""on steroids"". VS Code comes bundled with it so you can use it straight out of the box. The sole purpose of the plugin is to allow you to type html in a fast and efficient way, saving a tone of time. You type a small abbreviation and in a second it expands into a big table, list, complete form or whatever html structure you can think of.Emmet comes prepacked with a lot of features. In this course we will talk about every feature that could benefit your html workflow. We will start from the very basics. I will show you its core features. Then we will explore some useful commands that it offers. I have also provided assignments for the course so that you could practice and better memorise Emmets features.If you still write html the old way this course will probably change it. Lets get started!What should you know to take the course?Very basic HTML knowledge would be enoughWhat's inside?Expand abbreviationIds and ClassesNesting elementsSibling elementsMultiplicationDummy text (lorem ipsum)Climbing top in abbreviationsGrouping abbreviationsAttributesNumbering elementsWrap with abbreviationWrap individual lines with abbreviationUpdate tagRemove tagGo to matching pairMerge and evaluateAssignments to test your knowledge of Emmet's featuresWho is teaching you?My name is Sergey Shtyrlov. I'm a frontend developer. I've been working with HTML and CSS on a daily basis for almost 7 years and continue doing it today. If you still write HTML without Emmet, you are wasting a lot of time!"
Price: 19.99

"We're going to take the instructions from the centuries of horse training and summarize so that we can train it into every moment, every thought, every nerve, every muscle, every yoint***, and every stride of our riding !You'll understand a distilled overview of all gymnastic horse training. You'll receive the syllabus of the Riding Lessons Course. You'll receive a bibliography by which any item in training and riding can be VERIFIED with certainty.Youll have basic but solid understanding of the mechanical aim and the required trained elements in a forward, through-going horse and the ideas that must exist in the basis of a fruitful training program. Because of this: youll be able to identify and avoid counterfeit training and stupid riding that's rampant. Perhaps most valuable: youll be able to spot riding and training thats only partly right. Youll permanently know how to find the answers to subsequent questions in training from a firm and reliable knowledge foundation.Soon youll know a made or finished horse when you see one. You'll hear & see a correct trainer; you'll hear & see a correct rider...because you'll be one. ***Major Lindgren called the horses' joints their 'yoints'. :)"
Price: 19.99

"Definitions of Terms in Horse Training - GLOSSARY" |
"This is Horse Training Definitions & Terms in English; it's a pre-requisite for ALL serious horse-training regardless of 'discipline'. And, its a specific pre-requisite (that shall be tested) for the ALL RLC 2020 Courses! We must be able to verbally conduct the training efficiently in the arena. That is the purpose of this class: it simply defines the list of Training Terms that must be understood, and agreed upon BEFORE proceeding. We use a broad-based, tested, and certain Bibliography of training texts.You yourself could compile and write out this list by reading, studying, dissecting, and re-collating the entire horse-training Bibliography along with the FEI Rulebook, Articles, and Tests. But doing this would be a redundant, time-consuming, pain-in-the....hindquarters. So, its been done for you. :)The Definitions Glossary List is here for you in different formats:1. It is here in a .pdf. You can print it out for your own reference and study.3. AND! The Definitions List Glossary is also here read aloud (by me) and presented in a video format. In the video, I simply read the definitions of terms out loud. I recommend following along with your printed version and adding your own notes. If you don't like my voice, read the .pdf instead. Knowing these terms by heart is crucial for any rider and trainer. The list is something we can keep and learn from for a lifetime! Knowing these terms with certainty increases a rider's discernment in the horseworld at large."
Price: 19.99

"How Great Horses GO !" |
"In this class we take a close look at what really happens when a horse honestly and consistently 'carries himself' -- from the very start! How do we TRAIN this ?Overall --and in all disciplines -- we are always teaching the horse 1) to follow our decisions and 2) to govern his own momentum by CARRYING. We teach him this CARRYING priority by his hindquarters because those hindquarter/hip joints are the strongest, largest bones in his body, and because this big bone structure is mobilized by the largest, strongest muscles. Isolating the effort to the hindquarters of the horse keeps him sound. It also makes him more versatile, agile, adjustable, and comfortable to sit upon. When we train with the carrying idea in HIS mind....namely his own discipline...his own ""desire to advance the load""*...we end up with a really useful, rideable horse -- and also a really happy one.We train 100% 'by the book'. To that end, an horseman's reading list and Bibliography is provided. The reason we adhere to this policy is because there is a lot of watered-down and merely- partially-right riding and training in the horseworld. All on-line students and on-site riders are taught to verify items we discuss. Riders check every doctrine that's trained; and they themselves enforce the policy to ride 'by the book'. The horses deserve this.Off we go!*quote from GYMNASIUM of the HORSE by Gustav Steinbrecht p. 71....which is the page that cites the renowned and beloved 2 Golden Rules of Riding: ""...Ride your horse forward and set him straight..."" 1. Carry GO Forward; 2. Carry-On; 3. The TURN and Curved-Lines; 4. HALT & Half-Halt (i.e. Stop-Slow)"
Price: 19.99

"NextJS Bootcamp" |
"Welcome to NextJS BootcampWhat is NextJS?NextJS is React Framework, It makes things a lot easier, you don't need to configure some important things like optimizing performance, Good SEO, scalability, Server Side Rendered Pages, PWAs, CSS in JS, and many more.What you will learn:NextJSIntegrating FirebaseAPI IntegrationWhat you will not Learn:HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactWhat Projects you will make?Hello EveryoneTo USD (which will convert given currency to USD)QR Palace (Generate QR Code from given input)Brainstorming"
Price: 5440.00

"ServiceNow Exam Practice Test(Certified System Admin)" |
"Books and docs could be monotonous, multiple sources could be confusing and multiple mouths could be misleading sometimes. Thats when you wish you had someone to guide you with their experience, knowledge from multiple sources and an aligned approach, at one stop. Here is an end to these worries.This course contains 3 timed practice tests for the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Exam (CSA) certificationMock tests in line with the mainline exam to level up your confidence and time management skills for the actual exam.This Practice Tests Course is for those who are determined to prepare and clear the ServiceNow CSA TEST.All the questions are aligned to the main exam to give you a flavor of the real exam and help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.Strictly follows the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Exam (CSA) Exam Blueprint which is available on ServiceNow website."
Price: 1600.00
