"ServiceNow Exam Practice Test (CIS- HR Service Delivery)" |
"Books and docs could be monotonous, multiple sources could be confusing and multiple mouths could be misleading sometimes. Thats when you wish you had someone to guide you with their experience, knowledge from multiple sources and an aligned approach, at one stop. Here is an end to these worries.This course contains 2 timed practice tests for the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist HR Service Delivery Exam (CIS-HR) certificationMock tests in line with the mainline exam to level up your confidence and time management skills for the actual exam.This Practice Tests Course is for those who are determined to prepare and clear the ServiceNow CIS-HR TEST.All the questions are aligned to the main exam to give you a flavor of the real exam and help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.Strictly follows the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist HR Service Delivery Exam (CIS-HR) Exam Blueprint which is available on ServiceNow website."
Price: 1600.00

"ServiceNow Exam Practice Test(CAD)" |
"Books and docs could be monotonous, multiple sources could be confusing and multiple mouths could be misleading sometimes. Thats when you wish you had someone to guide you with their experience, knowledge from multiple sources and an aligned approach, at one stop. Here is an end to these worries.This course contains 3 timed practice tests for the ServiceNow Certified Application Developer(CAD) certificationMock tests in line with the mainline exam to level up your confidence and time management skills for the actual exam.This Practice Tests Course is for those who are determined to prepare and clear the ServiceNow CAD TEST.All the questions are aligned to the main exam to give you a flavor of the real exam and help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.Strictly follows the ServiceNow Certified Application Developer(CAD) Exam Blueprint which is available on ServiceNow website."
Price: 1600.00

"ServiceNow Exam Practice Test (CIS-Event Management)" |
"Books and docs could be monotonous, multiple sources could be confusing and multiple mouths could be misleading sometimes. Thats when you wish you had someone to guide you with their experience, knowledge from multiple sources and an aligned approach, at one stop. Here is an end to these worries.This course contains 3 timed practice tests for the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Event Management Exam (CIS-EM) certificationMock tests in line with the mainline exam to level up your confidence and time management skills for the actual exam.This Practice Tests Course is for those who are determined to prepare and clear the ServiceNow CIS-EM TEST.All the questions are aligned to the main exam to give you a flavor of the real exam and help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.Strictly follows the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Event Management Exam (CIS-EM) Exam Blueprint which is available on ServiceNow website."
Price: 1600.00

"DP-900 : Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Practice Tests" |
"Candidates for this exam should have foundational knowledge of core data concepts and how they are implemented using Microsoft Azure data services.This exam is intended for candidates beginning to work with data in the cloud.Candidates should be familiar with the concepts of relational and non-relational data, and different types of data workloads such as transactional or analytical.Azure Data Fundamentals can be used to prepare for other Azure role-based certifications like Azure Database Administrator Associate or Azure Data Engineer Associate, but its not a prerequisite for any of them.Skills MeasuredDescribe core data concepts (15-20%)Describe types of core data workloads describe batch data describe streaming data describe the difference between batch and streaming data describe the characteristics of relational data Describe data analytics core concepts describe data visualization (e.g., visualization, reporting, business intelligence describe basic chart types such as bar charts and pie charts describe analytics techniques (e.g., descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, prescriptive, cognitive) describe ELT and ETL processing describe the concepts of data processingDescribe how to work with relational data on Azure (25-30%)Describe relational data workloads identify the right data offering for a relational workload describe relational data structures (e.g., tables, index, views) Describe relational Azure data services describe and compare PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS delivery models describe Azure SQL Database describe Azure Synapse Analytics describe SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machine describe Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure Database for MariaDB, and Azure Database for MySQL describe Azure SQL Managed Instance Identify basic management tasks for relational data describe provisioning and deployment of relational data services describe method for deployment including ARM templates and Azure Portal identify data security components (e.g., firewall, authentication) identify basic connectivity issues (e.g., accessing from on-premises, access with Azure VNets, access from Internet, authentication, firewalls) identify query tools (e.g., Azure Data Studio, SQL Server Management Studio, sqlcmd utility, etc.) Describe query techniques for data using SQL language compare DDL versus DML query relational data in PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Azure SQL DatabaseDescribe how to work with non-relational data on Azure (25-30%)Describe non-relational data workloads describe the characteristics of non-relational data describe the types of non-relational and NoSQL data recommend the correct data store determine when to use non-relational data Describe non-relational data offerings on Azure identify Azure data services for non-relational workloads describe Azure Cosmos DB APIs describe Azure Table storage describe Azure Blob storage describe Azure File storage Identify basic management tasks for non-relational data describe provisioning and deployment of non-relational data services describe method for deployment including ARM templates and Azure Portal identify data security components (e.g., firewall, authentication) identify basic connectivity issues (e.g., accessing from on-premises, access with Azure VNets, access from Internet, authentication, firewalls) identify management tools for non-relational dataDescribe an analytics workload on Azure (25-30%)Describe analytics workloads describe transactional workloads describe the difference between a transactional and an analytics workload describe the difference between batch and real time describe data warehousing workloads determine when a data warehouse solution is needed Describe the components of a modern data warehouse describe Azure data services for modern data warehousing such as Azure Data Lake, Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Databricks, and Azure HDInsight describe modern data warehousing architecture and workload Describe data ingestion and processing on Azure describe common practices for data loading describe the components of Azure Data Factory (e.g., pipeline, activities, etc.) describe data processing options (e.g., HDI, Azure Databricks, Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Data Factory) Describe data visualization in Microsoft Power BI describe the role of paginated reporting describe the role of interactive reports describe the role of dashboards describe the workflow in Power BI"
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript - Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen" |
"Hallo! Und herzlich Willkommen in der Welt der Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen. Hier in diesem Kurs, wirst du alles lernen, um Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen von Grund auf selbst implementieren zu knnen.Durch meinen Beruf als Lehrer, aber auch durch das Studium der Informatik, in dem ich mich mehrere Semester in diese Themen vertieft habe, bleiben wir in diesem Kurs nicht nur bei den Standard-Algorithmen (Sortieren, Suchen, etc.), sondern gehen auch zu den fortgeschrittenen Themen wie Heaps, Graphen und dem Krzeste-Wege-Algorithmus von Dijkstra. Zudem untersuchen wir alle Operationen und Algorithmen auf Laufzeit- und Speicherverhalten mit Hilfe der O-Notation. Du bist dir nicht sicher, ob du schon fit genug fr solch einen Kurs bist?Keine Angst! Im Grundlagen-Modul wirst du mit allem ausgestattet, was du fr diesen Kurs brauchst, bspw. Arrow-Functions, export/import, Rekursion, Fluent Interfaces uvm. Insofern du die Grundlagen von JavaScript kennst, bist du bereit fr diesen Kurs.Warum sollst du den Kurs whlen?Interaktiv Ich fordere dich bei jeder Funktion heraus, das Problem selbst zu lsen. Anschlieend siehst du natrlich meine Implementierung.Theorie vs. Praxis Alle Themen werden in einer Mischung aus Theorie und Praxis unterrichtet. Vor allem dann, wenn es anspruchsvoller wird, nehmen wir uns die Zeit und machen umfangreiche Beispiele.Tipps und Tricks In fast allen Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen werden Techniken eingesetzt, welche sehr elegant, effizient und vllig universal sind. Du erweiterst deine Kompetenzen also sowohl in der Tiefe, als auch in der Breite.Also! Worauf noch warten? Werde ein besserer und kompetenterer Programmierer!"
Price: 29.99

"Apprendre l'anglais business en 2 heures !" |
"Quand la concurrence professionnelle est rude, il faut savoir s'affirmer et se dmarquer. Rester comptitif sur le march du travail signifie qu'il faut savoir s'adapter en permanence aux exigences du march de l'emploi. Cela signifie rester vigilant et constamment mettre jour vos comptences pour suivre les demandes du march et ainsi suivre les employeurs potentiels.Tous les conomistes sont d'accord : la France connatra la plus grande rcession de son histoire moderne en 2020, cela cause des 55 jours de confinement, elle devrait tre l'un des pays les plus touchs.Cette situation va entraner moins d'opportunits professionnelles et des licenciements de masses travers le monde entier. Pourtant, il existe des solutions pour pallier ce problme : La formation professionnelle.Une tude amricaine mene par l'universit de Chicago a prouv que 75 % des personnes ayant t formes ces 5 dernires annes ont plus de chances de garder leur emploi ou mme de bnficier d'une promotion professionnelle ! Seulement 25% de non forms bnficient des mmes opportunits.A l'heure de la mondialisation la concurrence n'a jamais t aussi froce, et la connaissance de l'anglais des affaires (English Business) reste un atout non ngligeable sur le march franais.Pourquoi ma carrire ne dcolle pas ?Une des raisons principales est le manque de connaissance en langue trangre, en effet seulement 25% de la population estime parler un anglais correct, et moins de 10% un anglais professionnel irrprochable !Sans matrise de la langue de Shakespeare, votre promotion professionnelle linternational est impossible ; il est donc dommage de ne plus progresser professionnellement cause dun manque dinvestissement dans langlais professionnel ou encore appel langlais des affaires (English Business).Saviez-vous que langlais professionnel utilise moins de 500 mots et expressions en moyenne ?Non, et pourtant en apprenant 10 expressions par jours, vous pourriez maitriser langlais des affaires (Business English) en mois de deux mois. Deux mois pour donner un nouveau souffle votre carrire professionnelle ? Cest clairement un investissement raisonnable.Langlais des affaires et la mondialisationEn ralit sans langlais des affaires il sera quasiment impossible de vous adapter lheure de la mondialisation, car le monde est devenu un village grce principalement internet et lusage massif de langlais dans tous les secteurs dactivits ?Certes, Google traduction peut vous aider rdiger vos e-mails (avec certaines approximations) mais lorsque vous devrez changer oralement avec votre interlocuteur lautre bout du monde ou de lEurope alors les choses seront plus compliques. Vous risquez de perdre en crdibilit !De plus les jeunes diplms universitaires parlent quasi parfaitement langlais des affaires, la comptition dans le march du travail devient alors de plus en plus rude ! Sans compter la sous-traitance vers des pays faibles cots qui propose une concurrence dloyale Bref, matriser langlais des affaires (the Business English) nest pas une option mais une obligation sans quoi vous serez rapidement dpasss par la concurrence nationale et internationale.Langlais des affaires, dfinition :L'anglais des affaires est un anglais technique, il peut vous aider trouver un nouvel emploi ou obtenir une promotion dans votre entreprise actuelle. Il est essentiel pour les personnes qui ne sont pas de langue maternelle anglaise et qui souhaitent largir leurs opportunits de carrire en maximisant leur potentiel de revenus.Trs important : l'anglais des affaires implique plus que du vocabulaire et de la grammaire. Cela peut vous aider travailler plus intelligemment. Un seul mot investissement en vous et en votre potentiel !Pourquoi devrais-je apprendre langlais des affaires avec cette formation ?Un bon cours d'anglais des affaires est bas sur des recherches approfondies sur les comptences linguistiques les plus utiles dans un monde des affaires en constante volution. Il vous aidera mieux faire face aux situations quotidiennes et aux besoins de la vie professionnelle. Les cours doivent tre interactifs et flexible. Si vous avez dj un emploi, vous devriez pouvoir suivre des cours le soir et le week-end. En tous les cas il faut absolument investir au moins 15 mn par jour afin dobtenir des rsultats rapides.De quoi sont composes les leons danglais des affaires ?Je vais vous faire bnficier de ma propre exprience professionnelle de plus de 20 ans dans le domaine du business international ; vous apprendrez seulement ce qui est utile !Mes cours d'anglais proposent des situations de runion du monde rel et le vocabulaire adapt. Ces cours sont spcialement conus et contiennent des sections thmatiques sur des sujets tels que les comptences en ngociation, la correspondance commerciale et la communication interculturelle. Quiconque a travaill dans l'entreprise sait que ce sont des sujets importants !Vous dcouvrirez, les erreurs fatales viter, les expressions les plus utiliss et les plus utiles, les mots cls vous permettant de comprendre et de communiquer linternational ainsi que des expressions insolites sous forme de jeu. Nous dcouvrirons aussi les erreurs de bases faites par les francophones de manire gnrale, et je vous apprendrais les viter de manire simple te astucieuse.Apprendre avec discipline et organisationQuelle que soit la mthode d'apprentissage que vous utilisez, attribuer au moins 15 minutes par jour dapprentissage reste une excellente occasion d'acqurir les comptences de communication ncessaires dans diffrents environnements professionnels.Pourquoi ? Parce que vous promettez de suivre un cours chaque jour pour terminer ce cours de 2 heures complet, c'est donc le meilleur environnement pour apprendre.Avec discipline, au bout de deux mois, vous matriserez lensemble des expressions les plus utilises dans le business en anglais.Rejoignez-nous ! Et valoriser votre profil professionnel grce la formation en anglais des affaires The English Business Consultez notre programme ds maintenant pour en savoir plus sur notre cours. Vous pouvez galement nous contacter via Udemy pour obtenir les derniers conseils et astuces d'apprentissage des langues.Et rappelez-vous, le meilleur investissement dans votre dveloppement professionnel, cest vous !"
Price: 69.99

"IELTS Essay Writing Band 9" |
"This course will teach you how to write the following essays:Problem and solution essays (What are the reasons for ___? What should the government do to___?)Opinion essays Do you agree or disagree? To what extent do you agree with this statement?)Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantagesDiscussion + opinion essays (Discuss both of these views and share your opinion)Advantages and disadvantages essays (What are the advantages and disadvantages of___)Explanation + opinion essays (In your opinion, how influential is___?/Why do you think this is?)You will learn how the examiner will evaluate your script in detail. Task achievement (how accurately you answer each part of the essay prompt) Coherence and cohesion (connecting ideas, referencing, and linking devices) Lexical resource (a wide range of complex vocabulary and collocations) Grammatical range and accuracy (a wide range of grammar, complex and compound sentences)Pay close attention to the model answers and the techniques shown in order to maximise your writing score.Good luck,Neil"
Price: 24.99

Purpose |
"In this course, you will learn how to find your purpose. In the first section, I will talk about what it is like to have a purpose and what it is like not to have one. In the second section, I will talk about how to find out about what it is that you enjoy doing. In the third section, I will talk about what you can do to deeply connect to yourself. In the fourth section, I will go into an important question that you can ask yourself. In the fifth section, I will go into two more important questions that you can ask yourself. In the sixth section, I will talk about what you can do to find out what it is that you contribute to the world. In the seventh section, I will talk about why it is important for you to follow the signs. In the eighth section, I will talk about the two types of needs that you have. In the ninth section, I will talk about the power of letting go. In the tenth section, I will take about the importance of journaling. And lastly, in the eleventh section, I will share my words of support and share my own story."
Price: 29.99

"Lebendiges Software Design 2/3: Modulare Architektur" |
"Bestimmt kennst du Ungetme von Software, die als Legacy Systeme gelten, und eigentlich kaum noch wartbar sind. Kein Entwickler traut sich an den Code noch ran, und wenn es dann doch einer versucht, gibt es meistens unerwartete Seiteneffekte. Der Kunde ist irgendwann mit dem Team nicht mehr zufrieden, wegen der geringen Produktivitt und dem hohen Ma an Bugs.Was ging dort schief? Wie verhindert man sowas dauerhaft? In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, wie du auch in komplexen Systemen solche Situationen vermeidest und ein sauberes System entwirfst."
Price: 39.99

"Prctica para el exmen Profesional Certificado en Bitcoin" |
"Un Profesional Certificado de Bitcoin conoce la cadena de bloques de Bitcoin, las transacciones de Bitcoin y cmo funciona la red de Bitcoin. Los CBP pueden aplicar la tecnologa Bitcoin a su rea profesional de experiencia y comprender los aspectos de privacidad, el doble gasto y otros problemas relacionados con la moneda.TODAS las preguntas de prctica tienen explicaciones detalladas de la solucin junto con enlaces a referencias de la solucin.Los CBP tienen conocimiento profesional de trabajo en 33 temas que cubren seis (6) dominios de conocimiento de Bitcoin.Estos seis dominios constituyen el conjunto de conocimientos comunes que todos los profesionales de Bitcoin deben poseer para obtener la designacin CBP.Las siguientes carreras se beneficiaran de la certificacin:Contadores y ControladoresProfesionales de ventas y marketingProfesores, maestros y educadoresEmprendedoresProfesionales de TIRepresentantes del centro de llamadasGerentes de proyectoCualquiera que use Bitcoin en su vida diariaCmo puedes obtener tu certificacin?Cree una cuenta y elija la certificacin que desea obtener.Cuando est listo, inscrbase para tomar el examen. El examen es en ingls y cuesta $ 99.99 CAD. Debe pagar el examen en Bitcoin.Despus de aprobar el examen, puede enviar su solicitud para obtener la certificacin. Esto incluye cargar una copia de su currculum y aceptar el Cdigo de tica de C4. Las tarifas de solicitud son de $ 39.99 CAD. Tambin debe pagar por esto en Bitcoin.Una vez que recibamos su solicitud con los resultados de su examen, su currculum vitae y que haya aceptado los trminos y condiciones, lo certificaremos y le enviaremos un aviso.Metodologa del examenEl examen incluye 75 preguntas de opcin mltiple y verdadero / falso que cubren cada uno de los 33 temas enumerados a continuacin. El examen tiene un lmite de tiempo de 20 minutos, por lo que no tendr la oportunidad de utilizar un motor de bsqueda. Se requiere una calificacin aprobatoria del 70% para solicitar la certificacin. Si no pasa el examen, puede pagar para volver a tomar el examen. No podr solicitar la certificacin hasta que haya aprobado con xito el examen.Una vez que haya pagado la tarifa del examen, no se impondr un lmite de tiempo sobre cundo debe realizar el examen. No dude en esperar todo el tiempo que desee despus de pagar hasta que est listo para tomar el examen sin temor a ninguna sancin. Sin embargo, una vez que comience el examen, solo tendr 20 minutos para responder las 75 preguntas.Estudiar para el examen CBP es fcil. Los 33 temas se cubren ampliamente en lnea, lo que facilita el aprendizaje del conocimiento requerido para la certificacin. Una gua de estudio de CBP est disponible para ayudarlo en su revisin."
Price: 19.99

"Pratique pour l'examen Professionnel Certifi en Bitcoin" |
"Un Professionnel Bitcoin Certifi connat la blockchain Bitcoin, les transactions Bitcoin et le fonctionnement du rseau Bitcoin. Les CBP sont capables d'appliquer la technologie Bitcoin leur domaine d'expertise professionnel et de comprendre les aspects de confidentialit, les doubles dpenses et d'autres problmes lis la monnaie.TOUTES les questions pratiques contiennent des explications dtailles de la solution ainsi que des liens vers des rfrences de solution.Les CBP ont des connaissances professionnelles professionnelles dans 33 sujets qui couvrent six (6) domaines de la connaissance Bitcoin.Ces six domaines constituent le corpus commun de connaissances que tous les professionnels de Bitcoin doivent possder pour obtenir la dsignation CBP.Les carrires suivantes bnficieraient d'une certification:Comptables et contrleursProfessionnels de la vente et du marketingProfesseurs, enseignants et ducateursEntrepreneursProfessionnels de l'informatiqueReprsentants du centre d'appelsChefs de projetQuiconque utilise Bitcoin dans sa vie quotidienneComment pouvez-vous obtenir votre certification?Crez un compte et choisissez la certification que vous souhaitez obtenir.Lorsque vous tes prt, inscrivez-vous pour passer l'examen. L'examen est en anglais et cote 99,99 $ CAD. Vous devez payer l'examen en Bitcoin.Aprs avoir russi l'examen, vous pouvez envoyer votre candidature pour tre certifi. Cela comprend le tlchargement d'une copie de votre CV et l'acceptation du Code d'thique C4. Les frais de dossier sont de 39,99 $ CAN. Vous devez galement payer pour cela en Bitcoin.Une fois que nous aurons reu votre candidature avec les rsultats de votre examen, votre curriculum vitae et que vous aurez accept les conditions gnrales, nous vous certifierons et vous enverrons un avis.Mthodologie d'examenL'examen comprend 75 questions choix multiples et vrai / faux couvrant chacun des 33 sujets numrs ci-dessous. L'examen est limit dans le temps 20 minutes, vous n'aurez donc pas la possibilit d'utiliser un moteur de recherche. Une note de passage de 70% est requise pour demander la certification. Si vous chouez l'examen, vous pouvez payer pour repasser l'examen. Vous ne pourrez pas postuler pour la certification tant que vous n'aurez pas russi l'examen.Une fois que vous avez pay vos frais d'examen, aucun dlai n'est impos pour le moment o vous devez passer votre examen. N'hsitez pas attendre aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez aprs avoir pay jusqu' ce que vous soyez prt passer l'examen sans crainte de pnalit. Cependant, une fois que vous aurez commenc l'examen, vous n'aurez que 20 minutes pour rpondre aux 75 questions.tudier pour l'examen CBP est facile. Les 33 sujets sont largement couverts en ligne, ce qui facilite l'acquisition des connaissances requises pour la certification. Un guide d'tude CBP est disponible pour vous aider dans votre examen."
Price: 19.99

"Unreal Engine 4: Make a Multiplayer First Person Shooter!" |
"My third course on Udemy is a much requested one: how to make a multiplayer FPS game in Unreal Engine 4 inspired by Counter-Strike!Here are some important notes before you purchase this course:1) My teaching style is different from others you may be used to. It's REAL game development. You'll watch me build a game from scratch and make improvements as we go along. There isn't any copy+pasting code from a completed project. I'm making the game in front of you. There will be bugs and struggled to overcome in the process. But, the videos will skip the parts where I'm stuck so you don't have to sit and wait :)2) The course is in ""early access"" meaning that I'm still creating it. If you want to wait until it's completed, that's fine. But if you want to take the course while I'm still adding lectures, then purchase it now and come along for the ride. Join the Discord so you can see the announcements when new lectures are added.3) The course is designed for beginner to intermediate users of Unreal Engine 4. I do NOT recommend the course if you're completely new. Spend a few months going through the free Epic tutorials on Youtube so you can get familiar with the engine. You will have a much easier time when you understand the fundamentals.Because this game is designed with multiplayer from the very beginning, expect it to be somewhat difficult if you're new. You will always have the video lectures to study, but you may have trouble understanding certain things.The goal is to create a round-based FPS game inspired by mostly Counter-Strike with elements from other games. One team will be Attackers and the other team will be Defenders. The attackers must plant the bomb. Defenders will have 35 seconds to diffuse the bomb or else they lose the round.You'll learn how to make an advanced but predictable recoil system that isn't taught anywhere else. I made this on my own and it's better than anything on Youtube.You'll learn how to select teams at the start of the map.You'll learn how to create a Buy Menu so the players can purchase new weapons, armor, and grenades before each round begins.Players will earn money depending on how their team did in the previous round. Money is used to buy equipment.We'll also create a main menu that will have hosting and joining of servers. Dedicated servers are not planned since you need C++ to create them, as well as a place to host them which cost money.If this all sounds interesting to you, then join now and let's get started!"
Price: 29.99

"Exam de Prtica de Certificao SSCP" |
"Quer passar no exame sscp?Est procura de Perguntas de Prtica sscp de alta qualidade?Se sim... Ento est no lugar certo.Neste curso de exame de certificao SSCP Tech Hub Fornece-lhe 250 Perguntas SSCP de qualidade nica & atualizada para o seu prximo exame SSCP. Estes testes SSCP cobrem material de cada tpico do exame principal da SSCP.Estas 250 perguntas ajudam-no a preparar-se para o ambiente principal de exames SSCP. Por que tomar o nosso curso?i.Unique & Atualizado 250 PerguntasIi. Todas as perguntas do SSCP sugeridas por especialistas em assuntos de topoiii. Respostas verificadasiv.30 dias garantia de devoluo de dinheiro, sem perguntas.Para quem este curso:i.Aqueles que querem obter conhecimento sobre o exame SSCP & verificar as suas habilidades no exame SSCP.Ii. Aqueles que confiantes o suficiente para quebrar o seu exame SSCP na primeira tentativaiii.ter uma mente aberta e desejo de aprenderRequisitos:i.No pr-requisitos necessrios, uma vez que se trata de um teste de prtica (SSCP)Ii. Embora tenha de conhecer os fundamentos do tpico de exame SSCP & Currculo de exame SSCP"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle 1Z0-207 Comm. Billing & Revenue Mgmt Pricing Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) GPRS Manager, an optional component of Portal, Portal is used to integrate with the GPRS network services. Which of the following statements is true about the GPRS Manager functionality?a) And 'authenticates and authorizes clientsb) It keeps track of GPRS activitiesc) It has the ability to value assets GPRSd) A and Ce) A, B, and CQ) ________________ is an Integration Service Manager portal that integrates with terminal server to support dialup Internet access servicea) Radius managerb) Content Managerc) GSM managerd) EAI Managere) WAP ManagerQ) ________________ Integration Manager is a service that integrates the portal with enterprise applications for export or publication of corporate eventsa) Content Managerb) Radius managerc) EAI Managerd) GPRS Managere) WAP ManagerQ) Which of the following provides an incorrect description of portal applications?a) Payment Tool can be used for payments in reverse Portalb) Collections Center can be used to view, add and delete accounts in collectionc) SIM administrator can be used to charge the SIM cards in the portal databased) Self-Care Manager, which is used by customers to manage their accounts, is not customizablee) Developer Center can be used to display the data stored in the portal databaseQ) Which of the following statements about the Center client is not it?a) Customer Center is a Java-based application that can be customizedb) Customer Center is available only as a stand-alone applicationc) Customer Center is used by customer service representatives to create customeraccountsd) A and Ce) A, B, and C"
Price: 144.99

"UiPath Automation Hub, Action Center & Doc. Understanding" |
"Robotic process automation continues to impact businesses at breakneck speed. With RPA evolving into an intelligent form of technology, capable of automating even complex tasks through hyperautomation, expertise in this realm are in very high demand. In this course, you'll have access to detailed lessons, practical examples, and demonstrations for some of the most high-value functionalities in UiPath. Here are some of the primary topics covered in the course:A detailed introduction into UiPath Automation HubHow to build, manage and maintain projects in Action HubA complete and practical guide to using UiPath Action CenterUiPath Document Understanding, how it's used, and implementation stepsDetailed walk through of each lesson/topic through UiPath StudioPLUS: A Bonus PDF resource of our ""RPA Best Practices Checklist""Who is this course for?RPA developers and citizen developers looking to strengthen their skillsAspiring RPA developers and UiPath beginners/intermediatesC-level executives wishing to better understand RPA technologyBusiness Analysts and other RPA 'support' team members"
Price: 49.99

"Cdigo de Conduta e tica INTERFARMA" |
"O cdigo de tica e conduta da INTERFARMA tem como objetivo agestlinhar todas as diretrizes, direcionamentos e regras entre todas as partes envolvidas no tratamento do paciente, um documento valioso para te trazer os limites e diretrizes de conduta, de empresas aderentes ao cdigo e/ou empresas, associaes e empresas do setor de sade, que tratam, cuidam e possuem contato com paciente, mdico ou profissionais da sade em si.A ideia de que todas as partes envolvidas no tratamento de um paciente, incluindo o Governo, trabalhem de forma sincronizada, objetiva, assertiva e dentro da tica e conduta propostas pela INTERFARMA."
Price: 84.99

"PCNSE-Latest Premium Questions 2020" |
"Welcome to the Palo Alto Networks PCNSE Sure Practice Test. If you plan to attend the PCNSE exam, this practice test will help you a lot in passing the exam. This test is based on the latest version and will help you with the requirements to pass the PCNSE exam. This practice test will make sure you have a solid foundation to become PCNSE in 2020.This test consists of 165 very latest unique questions. I have used my experience in deploying Palo Alto Networks equipment and passing the PCNSE exam to write this Practice Test. So be sure it will help you along the PCNSE Certification "
Price: 19.99

"O Bsico do Stop Motion Animator, Usando Canva e OpenShot" |
"Stop Motion em ingls ou quadro-a-quadro uma tcnica de animao muito usada com recursos de uma mquina fotogrfica ou de um computador. Utilizam-se modelos reais em diversos materiais, sendo os mais comuns uma madeira de rvore que tenha troncos e a massa de modelos modelar. Neste projeto iremos usar o Canva para gerao das imagens e o OpenShot para animao."
Price: 129.99

"Health and longevity dietary lifestyle pattern" |
"Do you know you can increase your lifespan for as long as you desire?Do you also know that scientists have proven that longevity is much of a lifestyle issue rather than genetics? Which means you can live for as long as you want if you have the right lifestyle in place.In my over 14 years as a nutritionist in school of nursing, I have discovered that the problem of most people is not just the lack of willingness to change their lifestyle but the lack of access to right information about their health.This is the gap this course is going to bridge for you.This course is designed to help you identify ways to; Increase your life expectancy, Improve your health, and Feel great as you age.Also, you will be learning some new habits which can boost your health and put you on the path to a long life. Youll get to know all the healthy tips and tricks of eating well for longevity, know what things you can consider as healthy and longevity everyday food to eat, and even how to prepare your meals in a healthy way.Some of the ways taught in this course were carefully extracted from proven sources and they might suggest that you move out of your comfort zone if you havent started doing that.But by the time you are done with this course, you will have a whole new understanding of what it means to live a healthy and long life. You will also be a person proficient in living a lifestyle that makes for health and longevitySo, I like you to enroll now and lets get started on that journey to longevity.DisclaimerAll content within this course is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. The instructor (Tosin Adeola) is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a student based on the content of this course. Always consult your health care professional if you're in any way concerned about your health."
Price: 24.99

"The Seven Keys to Job Promotion" |
"If you are not ready for promotion now, then you are ready for retrenchment. There are no two ways about it in the new normal. Be a candidate for promotion the day you start work. The fourth industrial revolution is sweeping across the globe fast, changing the future of work. The corona virus pandemic is also changing the way we work from year 2020 going forward. Technology and equipment are changing in the workplaces. Business processes and methods are changing in the workplaces. Old business practices are giving way to new business practices. Some totally new positions are created in the process, while some traditional positions are rendered obsolete. New skills are required. Some old skills that used to put food on the table are rendered obsolete. Worse still, companies are streamlining operations in line with what is essential to sustain their missions. They are trimming off excess fat. This revolutionizes the way we interact with equipment, processes, other employees and customers; in delivering quality products and services.The question is: how do you prepare yourself to fit in the new normal? You can no longer afford to be just a number in the workplace. You have to be known beyond your payroll clock number. The workplace can no longer tolerate mediocrity in the new normal. Each business is forced to operate with essential staff only, no more blotted workforce. What value are you adding to the employer? Is there any consequence of not having you on board? Is the benefit you bring to the company more than your cost to company? You need to add more value to survive in the new normal. Your value is what will save your job or get you promoted or get you a job. If you are ready to be promoted then you have acquired the necessary value to excel in the new normal. The seven keys to job promotion is what you need; whether you are looking for a new job, or saving your current job, or seeking promotion. The seven keys to job promotion will turnaround your career and if you are looking for a job it makes you promotable material before you even get a job; thereby increasing your chances of getting the job in the first place. If you are one of the employees with a burning desire to get promoted, but you have been wondering how you could land that promotion this course is for you. If you are one of the employees faced with retrenchment and you have been wondering how you could be the last man standing despite the retrenchment criteria this course is for you. If your reputation is bad in the workplace and in the industry and you want to rebrand yourself, then this course is for you also."
Price: 29.99

"How to use Seed System to Achieve Financial Freedom" |
"Are you aware that even if you attended many personal development courses out there, regardless types of it, yet you still have challenges in resolving your current problem...particularly financial issue?I'm sure most of you having the same situation too. Don't get me wrong, it does not mean other courses are not good as the matter of fact, they do help at least giving you that precious knowledge. However, there are more issues besides acquiring knowledge only, you need to learn how to apply and live with it.This is the challenge especially when we talk about money, career, business and monetary freedom. We call it due to the current ""seed"" that is determine our situation. So in this course we are going to learn how to change these kind of seed that is holding us up that causing us unable to live in financial freedom.Whether you are currently:-In huge financial debt situationLay-off by current employmentIncome stagnant for a long timeBusinesses revenue isn't coming in as expectedBeing trapped in your personal and business cash flowNot getting any gigs as beforeWe all have at least 1 or more problems listed above and yet seems unable to get out of such situation. For the record, you cant be blame because you were not taught originally on such education more importantly the essence of deeper cause that affecting your financial matter.Bringing you here the ancient Tibetan system since almost 1000 years ago where we constantly investigate and learn how to change each seed that we have particularly the not so good one. What you will learn would be:-How to use unlimited potential principle or pen story to shift out belief systemHow to identify our behaviour leading to our financial problem and becoming part of our habit.How to use the famous 4 Steps to overcome itUnderstand every single step in greater detail with follow-up plan and guideHow to sustain in using this 4 Steps regardless any situation or distraction.We look forward seeing you and very proud bringing you this latest method to change your financial situation."
Price: 49.99

"Building Personal Emotional Resilience During Uncertainty" |
"Since the world feels out of control with this COVID-19 pandemic, polarization, global warming, an increase in anxiety, depression, and toxic stress, you need, more than ever, to get yourself grounded, so you can get your life back under control. It is time to heal your anxiety head to toe.Do you feel out of control of your life? Seeing all your restrictions and limits and scared it will never get better?Are you feeling plagued by self-doubt and worry that you can handle this any longer?Are you afraid of what people think or how they judge you?Do you wish you had more confidence that you can handle this and help your family through it?Do you want to enjoy your days instead of dreading them?In this course, you will learn how to feel control of your life again. Don't hesitate. You can build robustness in mental resilience even through a pandemic, and in fact, you have to!"
Price: 29.99

edharproairbnb2 |
"Airbnb. , . . , , , . , 30 . , , ."
Price: 79.99

"The Art of Divination" |
"Divination, or Diving information from the Gods, has been performed for centuries as a way to foretell the future. Diving is the method that is used to gain and gather information that acts as insight into future events. This can be done in many different ways, and this module will be exploring four of the most common divination methods as used in Wicca, Witchcraft and Pagan practices. You will have the opportunity to explore Scrying, Tea Leaf Reading, Pendulums and Muscle Testing. These four forms of divination are very different in their practices and offer a great guide to the broad spectrum of what divination may entail. This module offers bit sized chunks of information that you can use as a foundation for your divination practices going forward."
Price: 19.99

"Communicating With Data" |
"After sharing charts on Instagram now for almost 5 years, Ive learned what errors people make when interpreting visual data. As a former university educator, I created a curriculum to tackle these challenges and present them in an engaging way, so you can hit the ground running using tools for your own work and life management."
Price: 19.99

"CLO-001 CompTIA Cloud Essentials Certified Practice Exam" |
"231 UNIQUE practice questions for CLO-001 CompTIA Cloud Essentials Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CLO-001 CompTIA Cloud Essentials Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 231Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (173 of 231)"
Price: 164.99

"SAP Using SAP-GUI Lists - AVL-Grids" |
"The list is SAP are often very big, they are created for several purposes. When we are using the bis lists, we have to scroll in the list to find the date we are presently need. In this Training you learn how to reduce the bis lists into a short or list, that contains the date you need only. You can create several interactive list, that will make you able to find the information you need for the actual task in a quick and comfortable way. "
Price: 24.99

"Citrix 1Y0-A09 Implement Xen Server Enterprise Edition Exam" |
"93 UNIQUE practice questions for Citrix 1Y0-A09 Implement Xen Server Enterprise Edition ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Citrix 1Y0-A09 Implement Xen Server Enterprise Edition ExamTotal Questions : 93Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (69 of 93)"
Price: 159.99

"CompTIA JK0-801 A + Portable Printers Method Operation Exam" |
"240 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA JK0-801 A + Portable Printers Method Operation ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA JK0-801 A + Portable Printers Method Operation ExamTotal Questions : 240Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (180 of 240)"
Price: 164.99

"Tally.ERP 9 Certificate Course" |
"Tally.ERP 9 is an enterprise resource planning software developed by Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd, headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka India. Tally.ERP 9 software serves more than 1.6 million users across the globe .Tally.ERP 9, enterprise software was launched in the year of 2009. The first release of Tally.ERP 9 was called as Tally.ERP 9 Series A release 1.0. It was launched with remote access capabilities, advanced synchronization and many more features. From time to time, serval product releases were made available with a range of features and the latest release is Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.5.In 2017, Tally.ERP 9 Release 6.0 was launched to support the GST compliance in India and VAT support in Tally. ERP 9 release 6.4 for GCC countries such as UAE and Saudi Arabia. In its latest offering in Release 6.6.2,the VAT requirements for Bahrain are supported."
Price: 5760.00

vibor_rasstanovka |
". , , , ! , - . - . , , , ! ? ? ? , , ? - , - ! ! - -."
Price: 19.99
