"Solidworks 2019 Essential Training" |
"Solidworks Essential training by RasonDesigns with Agbim Odiraa will teach you how to create sketch, parts, assembly and drawing using the variety of essential tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap in SolidWorks, then this is also right course for them.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software."
Price: 19.99

"Automation of Financial Statements In Excel" |
"Reporting on Branch wise/ Region wise/ Country wise/ Month wise/ Consolidated from Any Trial BalanceCreating Different Masters :Why Masters are important for any AutomationMost Used formulas one need to master before starting AutomationCurrency Conversion when Multiple currencies are involvedReporting Based on Thousands/ Laces/ Crores/ Absolute figuresDashboard creationNavigation of Reporting with help of Drop downUpdate new data and everything will be updated in seconds"
Price: 1280.00

"Utilizar Redes Neuronales para predecir Series Temporales" |
"Los modelos clsicos ya no son suficientes para una prediccin ""valida"" de un registro de datos ""recogido en el tiempo"". Las Series Temporales deben de formar partes del cluster de la Inteligencia Artificial. En este curso hilvanamos los conceptos de Resde Neuronales y Series Temporales para construir un traje a la medida de la empresa 5.0"
Price: 19.99

"El objetivo general del curso es permitirle entender de un modo bsico el funcionamiento de la gestin de una empresa con SAP.El curso de Incializacin ABAP le facilita los conocimientos bsicos para:Tener los conceptos para la introduccin a SAP, tal como realizar su instalacin, donde obtener un acceso a un servidor SAP y la arquitectura y mdulos que lo forman.Conocer el mdulo de Herramientas de SAP.Conocer el mdulo de Logstica de SAP."
Price: 19.99

"Dveloppement Personnel Approfondie (DPA)" |
"Imagines ce que ta vie serait si tu avais crack les codes de la russite. Ces codes n'existent pas me diras-tu ? Et pourtant il existe dans le monde des personnes qui prosprent dans leur domaine et leur sphre de prdilection. Et si nous pouvions russir nous aussi dans toutes nos sphres de vie ? Ces personnes ont le mme systme crbral que nous, des bras, une tte et des jambes Nous allons entreprendre ICI mme un voyage ensemble dans ce but et bien plus !"
Price: 19.99

"Libert Financire - Le cercle dor" |
"Imagines ce que ta vie serait si tu avais crack les codes des finances. Ces codes n'existent pas me diras-tu ? Et pourtant il existe dans le monde des personnes qui prosprent tous points de vue. Et si nous pouvions nous aussi russir dans toutes nos sphres de vie ? Ces personnes ont le mme systme crbral que nous, des bras, une tte et des jambes Nous allons entreprendre ICI mme un voyage ensemble dans ce but et bien plus !"
Price: 19.99

"Encuentrate con los ngeles y obtn la felicidad" |
"En este curso aprenders que es la angelologa, que estudia, que son los ngeles, jerarquas angelicales, quienes son los arcngeles, cul es su funcin, cmo invocarlos, regencias, que das vibran cada uno de sus rayos, cmo establecer contacto con el mundo angelical y la utilizacin de herramientas de sanacin de la mano de los arcngeles entre otros temas"
Price: 29.99

crescepiano |
Price: 2400.00

"SAP une complte introduction" |
"Rejoignez des centaines de professionnels qui changent de vie qui s'investissent dans une solide carrire en travaillant avec SAP.SAP est le systme de gestion d'entreprise le plus populaire et le plus utilis au monde:92% du classement Forbes Forbes Global 2000 companies ,3 transactions commerciales sur 4 dans le monde touchent un systme SAP !Aujourd'hui, les plus grandes organisations l'utilisent pour grer leurs entreprises.Ce cours doit rpondre toutes les questions qu'un dbutant absolu peut avoir propos de SAP . L'accomplissement de ce cours vous permettra:D'avoir une vue d'ensemble de SAPDe comprendre le fonctionnement de l'ERP SAPD'apprendre utiliser ce logiciel avec quelques cas pratiques .Julien Dat vous prsente les connaissances fondamentales et ncessaires pour comprendre le fonctionnement du systme SAP. Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre :Les tches et processus SAP de base avec des dmonstrations vido claires.A naviguer dans l'interface utilisateur GUIComment restituer des informations et les exporter vers des feuilles de calcul Excel.Comment imprimer les documents depuis SAP personnaliser votre interface utilisateur en fonction de vos besoins. travailler avec les donnes de base et les donnes transactionnelles utiliser les diffrentes mises en page de rapport. quoi servent les icnes courantes dans SAP. travailler avec plusieurs sessions. personnaliser votre disposition locale grer vos transactions favorites identifier les structures organisationnelles de l'entreprise dans SAPVous aurez un aperu de tous les principaux modules SAP ERP et produits SAP.Ce cours vous donne non seulement un aperu du fonctionnement de SAP, mais il est dispens de telle sorte que quiconque s'y engage n'aura aucun problme comprendre tous les sujets prsents.Ce cours facilite l'apprentissage de SAP, vous excuterez des transactions et analyserez les donnes plus rapidement que vous ne le pensez.Point d'attention : Les cas pratiques ont t raliss sur la version ECC car il s'agit cette heure ci de la version la plus utilise dans les entreprises et sera maintenu jusqu'en 2027 au moins. Si vous commencez votre apprentissage sur SAP, vous trouverez cette version le plus souvent .A savoir que vous trouverez dans les version suivantes de nombreuses similitudes avec SAP ECC et toutes les connaissances acquises dans ce cours vous permettront d'assimiler facilement les diffrences."
Price: 19.99

"Adaptable & Engaging Course Design for the Pandemic" |
"This course starts with a simple instructional design that can be used if teaching in person, remotely, hybrid, or even changing between modalities as the semester unfolds. If offers pedagogical tips for engaging students and building a learning community. And it includes suggestions for for assessments, assessments, course management, syllabi, and more"
Price: 19.99

"Design Thinking Basics" |
"In this class, you will be learning the fundamentals of Design Thinking and help get an answer to what it is exactly. If you are a beginner and have no clue about it, this will be an excellent start for you.1. You will learn what Design Thinking is its history, how has it evolved over the decades as well as the design thinking process in brief.2. Why do we need Design thinking? Its role today and how it is evolving every day.3. We will see some examples of how it is being implemented in real life across various industries. We will also dive deep into what are the various aspects where design thinking can be used.4. Finally, I will also be covering how learning the design thinking process can benefit you, professionally or applying it in your lives and eventually, how can you make money by learning this skill.There is a lot more to Design Thinking but, this course will help you familiarise with it."
Price: 49.99

"Build Python Django Real Project: Django Web Development" |
"Develop / Build Real Django Project and Learn How To Make Django Applications. By developing this django website you will learn how to deal with real django application(s) and real project requirements. You will learn most of the basic django to intermediate django knowledge by completing this django tutorial. This is a 100% project-based course. We will be building a real Django project called ""Car Zone - A Used Car Selling Business Website"" right from scratch.The basic scenario of this project is, we are making a website for a car business owner who wants to list his cars in his website and allow the user to come to his site and browse through all of his latest cars and featured cars, search and filter the cars by model or price, and make some inquiries about his cars that are out for the sale. We will be using a Bootstrap template and turn it into our Django project's front-end. We will also be customising the default django admin panel and make it feature-rich, good looking admin area. Login with Google & Login with Facebook are the real smart way to attract the users into our application.This course is structured such a way that you can learn Django while you develop a real project with real requirements. So that the learning become fun and exciting, also you can add this project in your RESUME or PORTFOLIO which increases the chances of getting hired.If you are not satisfied with the course, you will be offered 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. So, go ahead and enrol into this course right now! I will see you inside the course.Tags:django project, django, django freelancing, freelancing jobs, python django project, python django projects, django website, django websites, django real projects, python django real project, django tutorials, python django tutorials, learn django, learn python django, learning python, learning django, django framework, web development, web developer, web application, django tutorials, develop django, project based learning, project based django tutorial, real world django projects"
Price: 119.99

"Direct Sales Training" |
"You will learn some principles that will help you succeed in your Direct Sales business. This is a clear outline for successfully building a team and developing a growth mindset. These tools have been past down from the last generation of successful direct sales leaders and coaches. The concepts have been tested in the real world TODAY. "
Price: 19.99

"Iniciando na Libras" |
"Voc aprender o passo-a-passo da Lngua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), desde a histria da Lngua de Sinais, como chegou no Brasil, cultura surda, at conversao bsica em Libras. Voc no sabe nada de Libras, mas quer aprender? Voc j sabe Libras, mas esqueceu? Voc tem curiosidade em aprender Libras?Tudo bem, esse curso foi feito para voc!"
Price: 39.99

"Introduction to Primavera For Project Management" |
"Learn the important basics of how to use Primavera P6 Professional in project planning and management through a real practical construction project example.Course Agenda: How to download and install Primavera p6 v8.4 in your Laptop/PC?How to make Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) and Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS) in Primavera P6 R8.4?How to create a Project in Primavera? How to make a project calendar in Primavera?How to make a project Schedule in Primavera?How to make WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) for your project in Primavera?What are the Activity Types in Primavera? How to make Coding for the Activities of your Project in Primavera? How to Export or Import the project data in Primavera?Screen FormattingAssigning ConstraintsFiltering ActivitiesFormatting schedule data :- Group and sort activities according to specific criteria - Time scale format- Bars Format"
Price: 24.99

"Computer Vision With Opencv Python" |
"Here's a list of all the topics you will learnin this course.Basics of NumpyColor SchemesDraw on an ImageWrite Text on an ImageColoring Pixels on an imageCopying Pixels on an imageArithmetic operations on an imageCanny EdgesEdge DetectionGradient DetectionColor DetectionMulti Color DetectionObject TrackingBlurring and SmootheningMorphological TransformationsTemplate MatchingFeature MatchingHaar CascadesFace DetectionEye detectionSmile detectionOptical FlowAI - DhinoHand Art - Project"
Price: 34.99

"Learn Dancing Bachata from Scratch - No Talent Needed" |
"""Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order."" - Samuel Beckett.Imagine... Imagine what your life would be like after you know how to dance bachata? Can you see yourself dancing bachata as you dream it? Would that make your life better for you? Give it a try.The most important is not that you learn how to do dance. The most exciting is to feel who you become when you dance...Maybe you are a girl and you have grown with some Walt Disney pictures in your mind. Dreaming about being invited by a charming gentleman for a dance...This prince invites you for a dance...and that is real now...how do you feel the energy?Maybe you are a boy and dancing is your way to make a difference. You are not anyone. What do you think about standing out ? 97% of the men in the planet do not know how to dance...imagine your value added ! how do you feel this empowerment?New kind of holidaysHave you ever watched a bachata clip with dancers on a beach by sunset? This could be you. Music is playing from your smartphone. People around are watching you. You feel and enjoy the present moment. You are the happiest person with your partner at this moment. Welcome to bachataPs: i experience it in Benidorm in Spain in 2017 with my girl friend. I took her by a sunset, to the beach and we improvised a bachata dance. And we danced like nobody's watching us. Total freedom. People remarked us and enjoy watching us dancing. A pure life memory still in my head...Feeling good even workingImagine a usual day at work. Youre smiling. Your colleagues are asking you why you are feeling so good? And you answer: Right after work Im going to attend a Bachata class and then go to a Latin party. What about you?. Well, I am going to chill on Netflix, the routine. Voil, there is nothing else left to say. Sometimes during your work week, just even getting the thought of dancing can make you feel good. New morningsImagine that the day after a great party, you wake up with a great sensation of feeling good. You still have the great Latino vibes of yesterdays night in your mind and you just need one thing: to share it with your loved ones, family, friendsHave a break, listen to bachataEvery time you have a break you listen to some bachata music and discover that you have some favorite ones. The type of music that turns a bad day into a good one. A dancing therapyWe all have concerns, issues, problems. But, once you start dancing bachata at home or at a party, all the problems are going away. You just think about enjoying the good vibes the dance & music provide you.The Problem is that it is often difficult... It happens to everyone :) You think you are not made to be a dancer. You lack of self confidence. You think you cannot have a flexible body to move. You have the fear to be ridiculous. You think it will be a long process. You repeat steps and you tend to forget. The first results come fast and then...desert. You compare yourself with the dancers around you. You have fear to dance on public. You have a busy schedule. ""They"" progress faster than you...THIS IS JUST NORMAL !This is not your fault.Nobody has already provided you the 'guide"" to dance Bachata and be a dancer with the right mindset when you start.You love dancing and you would love to invest in yourself? So, go on reading the next section :)Would you love to... Get a step by step guide? Receive your dance strategy , a method in 7 phases? Practice WITH us slowly? Get a training to be a good beginner dancer but not perfect? Get a guide to use your mistakes as a booster more than a block? Yeah you will laugh at your mistakes and we tell you why in a special workshop. Get a Method to improve your long term step memory ? Just compare your ex ""yourself"" before starting and the yourself you proudly become? Yea, without thinking about others anymore... Get a complete program which prepares you to feel excited to your first social dances in public even with the ""good stress"" the one encouraging you ? Get a program you can follow at your own rhythm?That's possible ! ?Humility, Accessibility, Results !Start here ?That's why we created ""Destination Bachata""?Learn to dance Bachata even if you've never dancing before. We broke down all of the basics and foundations in a step by step beginner program that will show you exactly how and what to do.This course will teach you the basics of Bachata and get you dancing in just a few days!Discover our proven method for learning BachataSECRET TIPS Generally, don't have time to go into this kind of detail in group classes. So get ready to learn tips you won't hear anywhere else. Learn from home with us on your OWN Schedule.This program will coach you step by step to be ready for your first social dancing. The step by step method prepares you to learn steps and also feel good along the learning process. The advices will prepare you to be comfortable on the dancefloor and out of the dancefloor.This program is the result of the last 10 years on the dancefloor. That method worked for me and the students I have trained. Theyre dancers from all around the world and most of them admit that now Bachata makes [you] feel alive. It is yours...The Be, Do, Have method is purely done for a beginner dancer. You will learn the science of leading & following in bachata in less than 1 month! Moreover, I prepared for you a sequence of advices to make you feel good along the learning process. You will learn to be a dancer and to dance FOR your partner. You will not just learn steps; you will be prepared to have a good time on the dance floor. You deserve it.With Petra, we are passionate dancers & teachers. We are very happy to support your rise.""Petra is a fantastic person and that's why she is a fantastic dancer. She is in passion for latin dancing and i admire the way she cares & shares with our students. Her smile, positive attitude and also her detail orientation makes her be a wonderful social dancer & teacher partner. She is teaching Bachata, Salsa, Kizomba and continues growing as a learner who learns forever across many congresses & Latin events in Europe. We teach in physical presence & online in dance studio and we love seeing our students growing in dance. And also, in their private lives thanks to dancing bachata. Now it's your turn..."" -Mohamed."" I know Mohamed for a few years.. I've met him for the first time as an amazing dancer. When I became his dance partner at his bachata classes I realized he is also a great dance teacher... Mohamed is sharing with his students not just a dance technique, but also his passion for dance and a good mindset. He makes a lot for his dance community in general. The social aspect of dancing is very important for him... He is organizing parties, playing music for dancers there, organizing conferences with topic interesting for all dancers, organizing informal meetings of dance friends etc. etc. Meeting Mohamed is always a pleasure for me.. It's always great to experience the positive vibes of this French gentleman "" - PetraSO, Get Excited ... ! And we will be waiting for you and your partner with Petra.See you in a moment,-Mohamed & PetraPS : here some enthusiastic comments from first members :- The training is really good. There is the part how to dance & the mindset what is also important for me -Mimi (France)- I really like it. We dance at home plugging the classes in our TV. The lessons are very accessible for us beginner and we are progressing faster than we thought because it is well explained what we need to do: follower, leader of the dance. I really love the special library of 100 bachata music. It goes beyond dancing, it is an overall experience. It makes feel us good with my wife Robertas & Marija (Lithuania).""Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order."" - Samuel Beckett."
Price: 149.99

thsgnacd |
Price: 19800.00

"CompTIA IT Fundamentals (FC0-U61) Exam Preparation Tests New" |
"Are you ready to pass the CompTIA IT Fundamental certification exam ?The CompTIA IT Fundamentals course is the perfect starting point for anyone who is considering starting a career in the IT industry. This exam focused on entry-level students, you will be taught basic IT concepts such as the identification of computer components, the installation of software, establishing network connectivity and identifying security issues.CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) is an introduction to basic IT knowledge and skills that helps professionals decide if a career in IT is right for them. It also helps organizations prepare non-technical teams for digital transformation.The CompTIA ITF+ exam focuses on the essential IT skills and knowledge needed to perform tasks commonly performed by advanced end-users and entry-level IT professionals alike.This practice test exams will give you full confidence to pass the main exam.Skill Measurement Exam Topics : IT concepts and TerminologyInfrastructureApplications and SoftwareSoftware DevelopmentDatabase FundamentalsSecurity"
Price: 19.99

"watercolor portrait painting" |
". . . . 4 . . .Hello .The course is drawing watercolor portraits.This is the process of coloring on the completed sketch to complete it.First, look at the sketch sample provided, complete the sketch, and then watch and study this course.A single picture is divided into 4 courses, and for effective performance improvement, just watch without practice first and then practice again when viewing.Please proceed with the course referring to the provided course image.There are Korean version and English dub version."
Price: 84.99

"PMO-CP simulation exams" |
"The PMO-CP Project management Certified Practitioner is issued by PMO Global Alliance, an international organization focused on managing a worldwide community of PMO professionals.These sets of Exams will prepare you to take the PMO-CP exam and pass it from the first try, you have the opportunity to pause the exam at any time, and resume it later, however I strongly advise you to take each set of test in one uninterrupted session to practice managing your time."
Price: 19.99

"Score 5 Above target in PMPExam -PMBOK 6th" |
"4 Full PMP Exams Based on PMBOK 6thEach Exam Contain 200 QuestionsHow To Link Different Topics With Each other To Solve PMP PuzzlesHow To Think In PMI Philosophy in Solving Tricky QuestionYou will get all the resources you need to pass the PMI PMP certification examClarification for correct answer To improve Your knowledge and to see the areas of weakness and strength in order to Close Any GapEach question is supported by answer explanations which will allow you to understand the reasoning behind the correct answer"
Price: 19.99

"AZ-301/304: Azure Architect Design Practice Tests" |
"Welcome to the AZ-301/304: Microsoft Certified Azure Architect Design Practice Test Course.This course will help you test your knowledge of the AZ-301/304: Microsoft Certified Azure Architect Design Exam.This is the best way to know if you are ready to take on the Azure Architect Design Exam.Be assured that, the answers for the practice tests are 100% accurate and we are confident that our practice test will help you perform better when taking the official exam.Reinforce what you know with hours of practical challenges and master the skills needed to succeed in your exam.Currently, the person in constant progress will not be eliminated.The entire IT team knows that it is very difficult to pass the exam and have the necessary skills to show the world that a certification is a way to improve your ability and prove your value, obtaining better opportunities in the job market."
Price: 2880.00

"Freeform Sculpting in Zbrush" |
"Hi - I'm Adam Dewhirst, and this is my course of Freeform Sculpting in ZbrushI've spent the last 16 years working in the visual effects industry as a modeller and texture artist. I've worked on numerous Films including Guardians of the Galaxy, World War Z, The Dark Knight, The Golden Compass, Clash of the titans, Hobbs and Shaw and Tenet. Over that time, I've taught Zbrush at schools and universities, and I've hired and trained Interns for Cinesite, Framestore and The Mill. After writing many articles and training documents for the companies I've worked for, I'm finally releasing a course for everyone out there to get started in Zbrush! In this course, you'll learn the basics of zbrush, how its navigation and menu's work. How to use the tools and get starting sculpting your own 3D creations. Following the guided structure, you'll learn how to block out a creature in zspheres, define the form and add high resolution details before going onto to pose, texture and render your concept. This course is designed for beginners and those new to zbrush."
Price: 49.99

"Mitarbeiter fhren und effektives Fhren von Teams" |
"So wirst Du erfolgreich dein Team fhren. Hier wird in einem erfolgserprobten Modell erklrt, wie man effektiv fhrt und delegiert. Fr alle Fhrungskrfte oder Nachwuchskrfte in allen Branchen. Fhren und Delegieren ist in allen Unternehmen eine Herausforderung. Von guten Fhrungskrften sind die Ergebnisse der Unternehmen abhngig. Sie knnen sich mit grundlegendem Wissen und tglicher Anwendung zu einer grandiosen Fhrungskraft entwickeln."
Price: 19.99

"Feedback: Emotional Intelligence for Managers and Leadership" |
"Some people are so uncomfortable about giving feedback that they avoid it altogether. Others do it in a way which makes you feel offended, attacked, or demoralised. Still others in their effort not to give offence come across without conviction. The problem with feedback is how to be strong enough to be taken seriously yet friendly enough to win co-operation, how to be firm but fair, tough on the issue but soft on the person.Could this course be relevant for you?Yes if any of the following apply to you;-Sometimes in your job you have to correct people. But you dont like it in case you come across as confrontational, rude or disrespectful.Youd like to correct people firmly but politely.You feel uncomfortable doing other peoples appraisals because don't like having to do the human resources aspect of managing people. Instead of improving your relationships they end up causing you stress. You may accept theyve got to be done but dont feel at all comfortable doing them.Sometimes you have to be tough with people, but you're not confident you can do it without causing offence. You'd love to be able to be tough on the issue yet soft on the person.You want a diplomatic and tactful way to criticise people.You recognise that your interpersonal feedback has gone wrong when your criticism makes other people defensive.You want to develop your leadership skills and become more inspirational and encouragingYou dont like to praise too much in case other people might think you sound insincere or patronising.You hate to criticise because you dont know how to give critical feedback without antagonising.You dont enjoy confronting problems or having difficult conversations.You've were never taught how to give constructive feedback.You want to develop your management skills and communication skills so you can be better at performance management.You know that people need to be confronted from time to time, and they might benefit from tough, firm and clear feedback, but youre not at all confident how to do it safely.You want to be toughen up your management skills and not accept poor quality at work.You find it hard to talk about difficult subjects, or to confront difficult people.You really want to receive some good quality feedback, but don't know how to ask for it from the people from whom you need if they are not very good at giving it.Sometimes you want to be able to express strong feelings, express dissatisfaction or complain more successfully and youd love to know if there is a diplomatic way of to do it that doesnt start a fight.You want to help people face hard truths.You want to be more generous with your praiseYou want to know more about emotional intelligence and how it can help you communicate more effectively with othersWhat does this course offerThis isnt just a set of academic lectures where you learn a few bits of dry theory. There is some theory. Most people like a little bit of it. Well explore why giving feedback is difficult to do. And then well move on to what youre really here for which is that youll get a very simple, clear and powerful skill set. Ill teach you exactly what to say, and how to say it to produce the effect you want. Ill explain in detail an emotionally intelligent method of giving feedback where you can be both kind to the person and tough on the issue. Ill include some exercises that you can practice in order to help you prepare for meetings where youll be able to predict the kinds of things people might say so you can rehearse how best to respond in those situations.Well cover;-How to praise without patronisingHow to criticise without attackingHow to confront others WITHOUT discouraging and putting them on the defensiveCommon feedback pitfalls to avoidTypical obstacles when providing good quality feedbackHow NOT to criticise if you want to motivate others to changeBy the end of the course, and with some skill and practice you can get to the stage where youll be able to confidently give it to people straight without having to worry about whether the way youre putting it is going to ruffle their feathers. Youll even find that other people will be grateful for your attention because theyll find your insights so helpful and supportive."
Price: 199.99

"Teaching Online - Crash Course - Everything You Need To Know" |
"Welcome To A Complete Online Teaching Masterclass: START Teaching Online Today With This Crash Course!In this course: New and or existing teachers will become equipped with all the information needed to start teaching online TODAY - and be successful.In this crash course, I have taken my extensive 5 years online teaching knowledge and experience and broken it down into a 1h easily accessible course where you can learn and gain all knowledge needed to start teaching today.Pia Vermaak has designed this course so that you all can start your teaching Online journey ASAP, lectures are short and to-the-point so that it does not disrupt your daily life any further.Coronavirus has left many of us in a head spin and Online Teaching/Remote Teaching has become the new normal but not many of us are equipped with the knowledge to teach online or know how to transition from an in-class teacher to an Online teacher. This new transition can be scary, but it does not have to be. This course will guide you through the process and give you all the direction, knowledge, and confidence you need to overcome your fears of teaching online.This course will cover everything you need to know to start teaching English online, including:How to set up your classroom backgroundHow to look and sound your best on cameraWhat to do and how to act in classResolving issues before they arise in your online classAdapting and why it is so importantMany Tips and Tricks I have accumulated over the years so that YOU can become the best online teacher.So, what is holding you back - Start your new journey TODAY!"
Price: 29.99

"Divi Masterclass: Website erstellen mit WordPress Theme Divi" |
"Seit der ersten Divi-Version bauen wir in unserer Agentur alle Kundenwebsites mit dem Premium Theme Divi. In diesem Kurs gebe ich dir unser Wissen aus dem jahrelangen Umgang mit Divi weiter. Mein Ziel ist, dass du rasch und unkompliziert das Premium Theme Divi kennenlernst und zgig deine eigene Website erstellen kannst. Als Bonus erstelle ich eine komplette Website und erklre dir dabei Schritt fr Schritt, wie ich die Website aufbaue. Als weiteren Bonus bekommst du das fertige Layout aus dem Kurs geschenkt, sodass du alle Schritte im Detail nachvollziehen und darauf aufbauend deine eigene Website erstellen kannst."
Price: 74.99

"Asynchronous Programming in Javascript - Complete course" |
"Would you like to take your Javascript knowledge to the next level? Would you like to become a master Javascript programmer by mastering one of the most complex, but very important aspects of web development? Asynchronous programming is real world programming, and if you master it, you'll certainly stand out from your competitors! Javascript wasn't designed to be an Asynchronous language, but with just the right tweaks, you can make it Asnychronous. In the real world, everything doesn't happen one after the other. You might be stuck with a data fetch that takes a couple seconds to execute. You can't make the rest of your code wait for it to finish executing though. Asynchronous code helps you manage everything seamlessly while making sure that the data you're waiting for (in our example) is used in your code ONLY after it has been completely fetched. Sounds like magic, doesn't it? But it also sounds too complicated. Don't worry. You'll learn every single concept of Asynchronous Javascript with easy to understand over-the-shoulder examples and detailed, but interesting explanations. You'll learn all about event loops and how Javascript works behind the screen and how it executes Asynchronous code, about callbacks and their drawbacks, how promises replaced them and how Async Await made promises prettier. You'll apply all of these in 3 real world mini-projects as well. So, if you'd like to delve deep into the exciting world of Asynchronous programming, especially with Javascript as your language of choice, this course is perfect for you. What will you learn in this course? 1. By the end of this course, youll have a thorough understanding of how Asynchronous programming works in Javascript.2. You'll learn the ins and outs of one of the major topics that can land you a job or a promotion3. Youll know how to apply those concepts in your projects and create clean code that runs faster than your peers.4. You'll learn all about event loops and how Javascript works behind the screen and how it executes Asynchronous code5. You'll learn about callbacks and how you've probably been using them in your daily programming already6. You'll learn about the pros and cons of callbacks, callback hell and why we need a replacement7. You'll learn about promises, an ES6 update, and how they replaced callbacks 8. You'll learn about handling errors in promises 9. You'll learn about making promises prettier with Async Await, an ES7 update10. You'll learn about handling errors in async await 11. You'll learn how to apply what you learn in 3 real world mini projects12. You'll learn one of the most complex topics of programming with easy to understand examples and hands-on explanationsWho is this course for? 1. Javascript developers who want to take their knowledge to the next level2. Web developers who'd like to pad their resume and get that promotion they've always wanted.3. Web developers who'd like to add ""Asynchronous programming"" to their resume and stand out in your job interviews. 4. Programmers who already know Asynchronous programming but would like to learn how to implement it in Javascript. 5. Fledgling developers who'd like to learn how real world programming works 6. Front end developers who are working with frameworks like Angular, React, Vue or Svelte and would like to apply Asynchronous programming concepts in their projects. How is this course designed: Module 1 : Introduction - In this module, we'll look at the difference between synchronous and Asynchronous programming, how Asynchronous programming works, how Javascript works in the background, what event loops are, how call stacks execute your Javascript code, what Web APIs are and so much more!Module 2 : Callback functions - In this module, let's delve deeper into Asynchronous Javascript by looking at using callback functions to make your Async codes work seamlessly, but let's also delve deeper into the pros and cons of callbacks and why we need a replacement for it. We'll end the module with a mini-project that demonstrates a real world usage of callbacks and asynchronous code. Module 3 : Promises - In this module, let's take a detailed look at the ES6 update Promises, why they were needed and how they pretty much replaced calbacks. Let's also look at how we can get their resolutions and errors and display them, creating promise chains, promisification and error handling in promises. We'll end this module by creating the same mini project, but this time with promises and comparing them to callbacks. Module 4: Async Await - In this module, we'll look at Async Await, an ES7 update, and how they've made promises look pretty. We'll also look at resolving multiple promises at the same time using Async Await and error handling. We'll end this module with a mini project as well. Each of these modules will create full-fledged lessons that teach a particular Asynchronous JavaScript concept in detail with a lot of real-world over-the-shoulder examples, so you'll have a lot of fun while learning! So, what are you waiting for? Get in and get started on your journey to becoming an Asynchronous web developer today! "
Price: 199.99

"Deep Learning avec TensorFlow 2 et Keras" |
"Ce cours vous guidera dans l'utilisation du dernier Framework TensorFlow 2 de Google pour crer des Rseaux de Neurones Artificiels pour le Deep Learning ! Ce cours a pour but de vous donner un guide facile comprendre sur les complexits du Framework TensorFlow version 2+ de Google.Nous nous attacherons comprendre les dernires mises jour de TensorFlow et exploiter l'API de Keras (l'API officielle de TensorFlow 2+) pour construire rapidement et facilement des modles. Dans ce cours, nous construirons des modles pour prdire des prix futurs de maisons, classer des images mdicales, prdire les donnes de ventes futures, gnrer artificiellement un nouveau texte complet et bien plus encore... !Ce cours est conu pour quilibrer la thorie et la mise en uvre pratique, avec des guides de code complets de type ""Notebook Google Colab"" et des diapositives et notes faciles consulter. Il y a galement de nombreux exercices pour tester vos nouvelles comptences au cours de la formation !Ce cours couvre une grande varit de sujets, notamment :Cours acclr sur la bibliothque NumPyCours intensif et acclr sur l'analyse des donnes avec la bibliothque PandasCours acclr sur la visualisation de donnesPrincipes de base des rseaux de neuronesPrincipes de base de TensorFlowNotions de syntaxe de KerasRseaux de Neurones Artificiels (ANNs)Rseaux forte densit de connexionRseaux de Neurones Convolutifs (CNNs)Rseaux de Neurones Rcurrents (RNNs)AutoEncodersRseaux Adversatifs Gnrateurs (GANs)Dploiement de TensorFlow en production avec Flasket bien plus encore !Keras, une API standard conviviale pour le Deep Learning, elle sera l'API centrale de haut niveau utilise pour construire et former les modles. L'API de Keras facilite le dmarrage de TensorFlow 2. Il est important de noter que Keras fournit plusieurs API de construction de modles (squentielle, fonctionnelle et de sous-classement), afin que vous puissiez choisir le bon niveau d'abstraction pour votre projet. La mise en uvre de TensorFlow contient des amliorations, notamment une excution rapide, pour une itration immdiate et un dbogage intuitif, et tf.data, pour la construction de pipelines d'entre volutifs.TensorFlow 2 facilite le passage des nouvelles ides du concept au code, et du modle la publication. TensorFlow 2 intgre un certain nombre de fonctionnalits qui permettent de dfinir et d'entraner des modles de pointe sans sacrifier la vitesse ou les performancesIl est utilis par de grandes entreprises dans le monde entier, notamment Airbnb, Ebay, Dropbox, Snapchat, Twitter, Uber, SAP, Qualcomm, IBM, Intel, et bien sr, Google !Devenez un gourou du Deep Learning ds aujourd'hui ! On se retrouve dans le cours :)"
Price: 199.99

"Astrophotography: Processing Galaxies in PixInsight" |
"PixInsight is a powerful tool, but with a steep learning curve. If you're ready to take your astrophotography to the next level, this course will de-mystify PixInsight and unleash its potential for you. Even if you're an experienced PixInsight user, I think you'll find some tips, tricks, and scripts you may not have encountered before.We'll walk through the processing of the galaxy M61, a distant, challenging target that includes an image of a recent supernova! As we go, we'll cover:Installing my PixInsight process icons and third-party scripts to simplify thingsIdentifying and discarding bad sub-frames with the Blink processCalibrating your frames across multiple nights using the WeightedBatchPreprocessing scriptWeighted stacking with WeightedBatchPreprocessingLinear noise reduction with MURE DenoiseCropping your integrated imagesCreating luminance, range, and star masksSharpening your image with deconvolutionBackground extractionColor combination, luminance integration, and photometric color correctionStretching into non-linear space while preserving star colorsNonlinear noise reduction with TGVD DenoiseAesthetic tweaking with RGB and saturation curvesShrinking and re-shaping stars with MorphologicalTransformAnnotating your imagesFinal tweaks in PhotoshopThis walkthrough uses monochrome data collected over 3 nights using luminance, red, green, and blue color filters. But many of these techniques will be the same if you're using a color camera as well.Don't let PixInsight's unusual user interface and complexity scare you off - it's worth learning, and can really take your images to the next level."
Price: 29.99
