"InVideo Comprehensive Course on How to Use The InVideo App" |
"If you are here then you already know how important video is to your advertising, sales funnel, or brand marketing or you want to put out a captivating portfolio of your visual assets, but you havent quite mastered video editing yet. And thats where Invideo comes in. Their plan is to make it as easy as possible for anyone to put together short promotional or social media videos even if you have never tried it before.My plan is to give you easy, step-by-step instructions so that you can use InVideo skillfully, without all the trial and error, and get on with publishing your videos.In my courses I aim to be thorough, so that you dont have to go hunting elsewhere for answers, to the point so that I dont overwhelm you with information overload, and well edited so that I dont waste your time waiting for tabs or applications to open, or watching while I work something out on the fly.I will take you on a complete walkthrough of how InVideo works with plenty of real examples, a thorough explanation of the regions of the user interface and how to use the timelines. Followed by an in depth-look at all the editing functions in the editing properties tabs.Then we'll go on to adding transitions, voice overs, your favorite colors and duplicating your videos for all thedifferent social media platforms.Check out the preview videos to get started and see if you like my teaching style."
Price: 24.99

"Aplicativo de Tarefas com React Native" |
"O curso completo de Aplicativo de Tarefas com React Native possui 63 aulas, neste curso mostrado o passo a passo de como criar um aplicativo para gerenciar tarefas usando banco de dados mysql, mostrando como filtrar por datas, inserir, editar, listar e muito mais, adquira j nosso curso e comece a desenvolver seus aplicativos para android e ios de forma simples e prtica."
Price: 114.99

"Aplicativo Financeiro com React Native" |
"O curso completo de criao de Aplicativo Financeiro com React Native possui 62 aulas, neste curso voc ir aprender a criar um aplicativo para controlar contas pagar, contas receber, movimentaes, entradas e sadas, aconselhvel o aluno acompanhar antes o curso de aplicativo de Tarefas com React Native, um pr-requisito para este curso caso o aluno seja iniciante, adquira j nosso curso e comece a desenvolver seus aplicativos para Android e IOS."
Price: 234.99

"Impara la lingua maltese: parla e scrivi la lingua di Malta" |
"Vuoi iniziare a imparare il maltese? difficile trovare un modo per iniziare?Le spiegazioni che stai diventando troppo complicate?Sei nel posto giusto!In questo corso imparerai il maltese di base. Il corso rivolto a principianti assoluti e ti insegna maltese passo dopo passo, insieme a oltre 1300 studenti (e contando!).Maltese per principiantiCi concentreremo su quelle parole che il popolo maltese usa pi e pi volte, come essere, saluti, grammatica di base come l'articolo e molte altre materie. Imparerai anche come presentarti correttamente, come ordinare un drink e conversazioni di base dopo aver seguito questo corso.Impara la lingua maltese in malteseIl corso completamente in maltese per garantire la totale immersione. Puoi usare i sottotitoli oppure no. Vengono aggiunti oltre 35 MP3 scaricabili in modo da poter esercitare la tua pronuncia e le tue capacit di ascolto mentre sei in viaggio. Molti testi ed esercizi vengono aggiunti per mettere in pratica ci che hai imparato.Anche se non ti trovi sulle isole maltesi, avrai sempre accesso al corso. Puoi rivedere le lezioni e ripetere gli esercizi in qualsiasi momento, per quanto desideri entrare in contatto con la cultura maltese e le lingue a Malta. Quindi non hai bisogno di imparare il maltese a Malta.Troverai anche collegamenti a pi risorse.Io garantisco:Accesso completo e gratuito a vita a un corso sulla lingua parlata a MaltaTutte le lezioni e gli aggiornamenti extra futuri sono sempre inclusi gratuitamenteGaranzia di rimborso di 30 giorni Udemy incondizionataControlla le anteprime gratuite e ci vediamo all'interno per imparare il maltese!AlainNon sono un maltese nativo, quindi ho controllato la sceneggiatura del corso da un correttore di bozze professionale."
Price: 24.99

"Xero Online Cloud Accounting Complete Training Course 2020" |
"This course takes you from beginners level and gives enough knowledge so you feel comfort while using Xero , this training program is ideal for Freelancers , who want to learn how Bookkeeping , accounting and payroll work is performed on clients projects practicallyIn the video tutorial, I will show you step by step how to do everything on Xero. You can watch videos and then follow what I show. You always have the option to return to the video at any time.After introduction, you will be shown how to register for a free 30 day trial. You will then be shown how to set up your Xero account correctly before you begin.We then discuss the following sections, where each company will benefit from knowledge:Sales - design, create, send, copy, modify, deletePurchases - enter, encrypt, attach files, copy, change, deleteBidding - arrange, create, send, receive, convert sales invoicesOrders - create, send, convert to buy invoicesBanking - establishment, connection, coordination, import, inspectionReporting - review, print, downloadI look forward to sharing my Xero knowledge with you and welcome any questions during or after the course."
Price: 144.99

"Construccin de sitios Web con Wordpress" |
"Wordpress es el gestor de contenido ms utilizado en el mundo y cada da ms y ms gente como t quiere aprender de l y ms si es en un tiempo muy corto.Seamos honestos, los libros tcnicos son aburridos, y muchas veces puede tomar horas buscando en Internet lo que realmente te interesa de wordpress. Claro, podras aprender a trabajar con el desde una larga enciclopedia, pero por qu desperdiciar todo ese tiempo y esfuerzo?El sistema de entrega de contenido de video de Udemy te permitir operar tu propia pgina web en cuestin de horas!Si deseas aumentar tus habilidades de TI, este curso es un gran lugar para comenzar. Ms y ms empresas en todo el mundo, estn utilizando wordpress en sus operaciones diarias. Por lo tanto, no puedes darte el lujo de quedarte atrs!Inscrbete en este curso una vez y tenlo para siempre. No slo eso, sino que tambin obtendras acceso de por vida conmigo como tu instructor personal. Tienes alguna pregunta? Solo pregunta! T, como mi estudiante, siempre ser mi prioridad # 1.Espera, sigues leyendo esto? A continuacin, este curso es para usted que desea comenzar hoy a aprender acerca de wordpress y sus beneficios.Te espero!Beny"
Price: 99.99

"Intermittent Fasting Diet: Full Nutrition Certification" |
">>>THIS COURSE IS CPD ACCREDITED. COMPLETE IT AND YOU AUTOMATICALLY EARN YOUR CERTIFICATION & 10 CREDITS<<<Learn How To Build The Perfect Intermittent Fasting Diet & Meal Plan For Improved Health, Better Weight Loss And More Muscle GainsHi, I'm Felix Harder fitness and dieting coach and amazon best selling author. My ""Intermittent Certification"" is designed for anyone who wants to get the most out of their intermittent fasting diet, no matter if you're an athlete, bodybuilder or simply want to live a healthier life.This course is not some random fad diet that tells you which foods you should and shouldn't eat. Instead, I will take you through each of the steps involved in setting up and following through with your diet. Unfortunately, the internet is full of false advice and misinformation about fasting. That is why I wanted to create a video course that not only debunks the most common intermittent fasting myths but also teaches everything you need to know to reach your dieting goals, be it to lose fat, build muscle or simply live a healthier life. False Fasting Myths That We Will Debunk:You Need To Eat Several Small Meals To Boost Your MetabolismYour Body Can Only Take In 30 Grams Of Protein Fasting Leads To Muscle Loss (Not When You Do It Right)Fasting Leads To Blood Sugar SpikesLESSON OVERVIEWSetting Up Your Intermittent Fasting DietWhich Is The Best Type Of Intermittent Fasting (16/8, Eat-Stop-Eat, Alternate Day Fasting etc.)How To Determine Your Optimal Calorie IntakeHow Much Protein, Carbs & Fat Do You Need?How Many Meals Should You Eat With Intermittent Fasting?Supplements - The Best Options For BeginnersBuilding Muscle & Losing Fat With Intermittent FastingHow To Adjust Your Diet For Fat LossHow To Adjust Your Diet For Muscle GrowthHow Much Protein Do You Need To Build MuscleHow To Train Fasted Without Losing EnergyThe Perfect Pre- & Post-Workout MealsCheat Meals That Won't Break Your DietEverything You Need To Improve Your Health & Immunity:Scientifically Proven Ways Fasting Can Help Your Energy LevelsHow To Use Intermittent Fasting To Boost Hormones (e.g. Testosterone & Growth Hormone)How To Use Intermittent Fasting To Boost Longevity (Through Autophagy)The Best Food Sources Of Protein, Carbs & FatCommon Fasting Questions Answered:Is Intermittent Fasting Bad For Women?Can Intermittent Fasting Boost Health & Longevity?Who Should Avoid Intermittent Fasting?Ketogenic Diet And Intermittent Fasting - How to Combine Them?[BONUS] Downloadable Resources:Printable Course SlidesIntermittent Fasting Meal Plans (For Fat Loss & Muscle Growth)Vegan Meal PlansFood List With The Healthiest Sources Of Protein, Fat & CarbsMacronutrient Cheat SheetSample Gym Workout To Use When Starting With Intermittent FastingAll In All The Program Includes Over 40 Lessons On Dieting And NutritionLearn my intermittent fasting formula for rapid weight loss & everything you need to know about why intermittent fasting is great for muscle growth and bodybuilding.So If You Want To Boost Your Performance, Feel More Energized And Live A Healthier Life, This Is The Right Course For You"
Price: 99.99

"Learn 5 ukulele techniques and 3 songs" |
"This course is for ukulele players that want to learn how to play songs going beyond predictable strumming patterns. For example, you will be taught how to pluck the melody of a song whilst a track is playing in the background. The course also provides you with lectures on the different ukulele techniques and how these are applied to music making. Even though the course is primarily designed for beginners, I recommend it to intermediate players as well. It will give you a chance to revise what you know about the ukulele in a structured and nicely packaged way."
Price: 19.99

"Day Trading Stocks: Complete Guide For Beginners" |
"Are you ready to learn one of the most life changing skills that provides the opportunity to work from anywhere? Welcome to the day trading stocks. In this course we will learn all of the basic fundamentals to day trading with no prior finance or trading experience required. So lets talk about who this course is for. This course is for anyone interested in learning how to properly day trade stocks the right way. We will start with a simple overview and move on to how to select the proper applications, manage risk, pick the right stocks, utilize technical analysis and walkthrough several trading strategies. There will be useless theoretical details that you really dont care about. In this course we will only cover the most essential information to take you from 0 to ready to trade. Now this course is for beginners, so if you are already an experienced trader the material in this course will likely not be helpful to you. However if you are new to trading, this is an excellent time to learn and an invaluable skill to develop. This course is 2 hours of the most essential trading information for beginners. There will absolutely be more to learn after you complete this course. However this course will provide the best possible foundation for you as someone new to trading. So if you are ready to begin learning how to day trade stocks sign up today and start learning how."
Price: 99.99

"Creeaz-i propriile materiale promoionale!" |
"Vrei s-i creezi grafice proprii pentru brandul tu, dar nu tii cum s ncepi?Ai cutat online tutorialele de design grafic doar ca s descoperi c nu acoper niciodat ceea ce ai nevoie cu adevrat?Crezi c externalizarea sau angajarea unei persoane dedicate este o durere i consumatoare de timp? Dac ai rspuns ""da"" la oricare dintre aceste ntrebri - acesta este cursul pentru tine! Am neles cum e - pentru c am fost i eu acolo! De aceea am creat acest curs - s-i nv pe cei din jur, ct de uor e s fii propriul designer grafic atunci cnd eti la nceput de drum.Designul i branding-ul sunt importante pentru afacerea ta i precum Paul Rand menioneaz ""Designul este ambasadorul tcut al brandului tu."" Crearea de materiale grafice cu impact poate deveni frustrant ...tiu ct de mult timp poi petrece ca s-i creezi singur/ grafica personalizat, mai ales cnd ncepi i nu mai ai experien anterioar. Am fost i eu acolo ... Petreci nenumrate ore online cutnd tutorialul potrivit. Unelte precum Adobe Photoshop sunt cuprinztoare care ofer sute de opiuni, dar pentru care ai nevoie de mult timp pentru a l stpni complet. i externalizarea - poate deveni scump ca s nu mai vorbim c este o provocare n sine pentru a gsi designerii potrivii. nsa dup ndelungi cutri am descoperit Canva. Nu am crezut niciodat c o sa creez o grafic profesional n cteva minute! Dar acum pot - i vei reui i tu!Cu Canva poi crea design de impact n MINUTE! Acum branding & grafica pentru platformele de social media este unul din aspectele mele preferate n procesul de promovare al unei afaceri. Prin construirea a sute de abloane/template-uri frumos structurate Canva i faciliteaz enorm procesul de design.Acest curs te va nva cum s utilizezi Canva pentru a crea proiecte PRACTICE n cteva minute, pe care le poi utliza n businessul tu.Ce vei nva prin nscrierea n Cursul final de design grafic Canva:Dup nscrierea n acest curs, n Seciunea 1, vei trece prin sesiunea de bun venit.Apoi, nainte de devora Canva, opional, vom nva despre principiile de design. Aceast seciune este mai lung, deci dac eti constrns de timp - pur i simplu continu cu seciunile 3 i 4 i care acoper majoritatea a ceea ce ai nevoie pentru a ncepe.n Seciunea 3 vom trece vedeam cum s navighezi n dashboardul Canva, cteva competene de baz ale tool-ului, precum i elementele de baz de design, astfel nct vei ti cum s le foloseti pentru a crea ceea ce doreti.n cele din urm, n Seciunea 4, vom trece la partea de practic.Proiecte pe care le vei nva cum s le creezi:LogoFacebook CoverPostare pe FacebookFacebook AdFacebook imagine evenimentPostare pe Pinterest Postare si Story pe Instagram Indiferent dac doreti s i mbunteti abilitile de design pentru afacerea ta sau cea pe care o reprezini, pentru uz personal sau doar pentru distracie - dac ai un proiect specific de care ai nevoie astzi, acest curs Canva este perfect pentru tine.Vei primi, de asemenea, un certificat de absolvire la finalizarea cursului!Cel mai bun dintre toate - voi fi aici pentru a te ghida pas cu pas i voi fi ntotdeauna la dispoziie pentru a rspunde la toate mesajele sau ntrebrile pe care le vei avea.NSCRIE-TE ACUM!!Cui se adreseaz acest curs:Acest curs este destinat persoanelor care doresc un control total asupra branding-ului i graficii, dar nu au timp s nvee instrumente complicate de design grafic.Antreprenorii i proprietarii de afaceri care doresc s creeze materiale grafice pentru businessul lor - rapid!Persoane de marketing care au nevoie s i creeze rapid propriile materiale pentru platformele de social media, pentru campaniile offline (precum flyere sau brouri) sau pentru campaniile de reclame.Utilizatori nceptori, intermediari i avansai de Canva pot gsi instrumente i trucuri pentru a-i accelera activitatea de design grafic.Oricine vrea un curs cuprinztor cu privire la modul de utilizare a tool-ului Canva."
Price: 19.99

"PACK 3 en 1 de Personajes 3D estilo cartoon con Maya" |
"Con este completo PACK de cursos, aprenders todo lo necesario para crear cualquier personaje 3D de estilo cartoon. Te mostraremos 3 procesos distintos pero eficientes para la creacin de personajes 3D.Cubriremos todo el proceso, desde insertar y analizar referencias, modelado, esculpido, creacin de UVs, texturizado y creacin de cabello realista, todo utilizando principalmente Maya combinado de dos poderosos programas, Mudbox y ZBrush."
Price: 99.99

"RH gil" |
"Neste curso voc descobrir qual o segredo do sucesso das equipes operacionais de RH mais bem-sucedidas da atualidade. Ao contrrio do que se pensa, estes profissionais encontram formas extraordinrias de gerarem economia de escala, satisfao dos clientes, reduo brutal dos prazos de entrega de solues e felicidade para as equipes sem necessariamente utilizarem metodologias como Scrum e Kanban, que alis quando mal aplicadas podem gerar mais confuso e stress, do que resultados concretos."
Price: 19.99

"Fun English Teaching -ESL for Babies Toddlers Preschoolers" |
"Complete guide and teaching materials for parents or caretakers seeking an effective method of introducing English as a second language to young learners in a fun and stress-free way. Engaging Montessori principles we can also help you raise a bilingual child even if you are not a native speaker.See many practical examples of how to offer stimulating activities the same way we learn our mother tongue. Together with native speakers, we are promoting parent/child bonding and fluent speaking.Support natural learning with respect to childrens interests. Identify sources of childrens learning opportunities, how families and practitioners can prepare natural learning environments as a source of learning. Over 90 minutes of video guide how to have fun with English in everyday life situations indoors or outdoors. First easy songs, rhymes, games, and fingerplays. Have fun and enjoy some special time together!This brand new course is for: Parents who would like to teach their kids English or support their children to become confident and fluent in English and perhaps practice their conversational skills on the wayEducators teaching English as a Second Language, who would like activity ideas and lesson plans to introduce English in daily fun activities and routines to ensure fluent and confident use of the language.See the action with children for quick teaching ideasLEARNING LANGUAGE THROUGH PLAYCREATING THE RIGHT ENVIRONMENT FOR ENGLISH LEARNINGDEVELOPING THE WHOLE CHILDThe earlier children are exposed to a second language, the quicker they pick it up and achieve confidence in using it. Try my methodology based on the Montessori prepared environment including stimulating materials, and a loving guide whether the parent or the caretaker.From my own experience, I found ESL teaching methods at schools to be very passive. I learned English fluently later during my studies in the U.S. But for children, little English moments can take them on life-changing adventures while staying at home! As a mother of three daughters, I was fascinated by the process of passing on the gift of the native language. I have been successfully employing the practical techniques that you are about to learn when sharing English as a second language.Just 5 minutes a day of our activities can make children bilingual. Let me and my US colleagues help you on the way?I am excited to invite you in! Check out the FREE preview videos! Join us and have fun,Eva"
Price: 129.99

"Deeplearning :Convolutional Neural Networks in Python" |
"Anyone interested in Deep LearningStudents who have at least high school knowledge in math and who want to start learning Deep LearningAny intermediate level people who know the basics of Machine Learning or Deep Learning, including the classical algorithms like linear regression or logistic regression and more advanced topics like Artificial Neural Networks, but who want to learn more about it and explore all the different fields of Deep LearningAnyone who is not that comfortable with coding but who is interested in Deep Learning and wants to apply it easily on datasetsAny students in college who want to start a career in Data ScienceAny data analysts who want to level up in Deep LearningAny people who are not satisfied with their job and who want to become a Data ScientistAny people who want to create added value to their business by using powerful Deep Learning toolsAny business owners who want to understand how to leverage the Exponential technology of Deep Learning in their businessAny Entrepreneur who wants to create disruption in an industry using the most cutting edge Deep Learning algorithms"
Price: 1280.00

"Persuasion Psychology & Influence Close the Deal" |
"Would You Like to Learn How to Close More Deals?Then, You've Come To The Right Place!Persuasion Psychology & Influence Close the Deal is an Online Video Course For Anyone Wanting to Learn to Close More Deals through Persuasion and Influencing. You'll Learn How to be Successful With Your Sales & Deals in Any Business, Marketing or Sales Situation.Inside This Course, You'll learn how to Close Deals.This Course Also Includes Premium Support. (We'll answer all your questions within 24 hours).After This Course, You'll Be Able ToClose More Deals.Persuade Others to Take a Desired Action.Influence Others to Change Their Minds.What You Will Master Inside This CourseHow to Close a DealHow to PersuadeHow to InfluenceSales PsychologyHow to Build a Credible CharacterHow to ReasonHow to Play on EmotionsHow to Use MetaphorsHow to Use BrevityThis Course Includes Templates, Tools, Phrases & Exercises That Will Help you to Close More Deals, Persuade & Influence.The Tools in This Course Are FREE.See You Inside The Persuasion Psychology & Influence close the Deal Course!Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 99.99

"Sales Skills Close More Deals & Increase Sales" |
"Would You Like to Learn How to Increase Sales & Close More Deals?Then, You've Come To The Right Place!Sales Skills Close More Deals & Increase Sales is an Online Video Course For Anyone Wanting to Learn to Increase Sales & Close More Deals. You'll Learn How to be Successful With Your Sales & Deals in Any Business, Marketing or Sales Situation.Inside This Course, You'll learn how to Increase Sales & Close More DealsThis Course Also Includes Premium Support. (We'll answer all your questions within 24 hours).After This Course, You'll Be Able ToIncrease SalesClose More DealsPersuade Others to Take a Desired Action.Influence Others to Change Their Minds.Handle Difficult Customers.Control Your Emotions.What You Will Master Inside This CourseHow to Close a DealHow to PersuadeHow to InfluenceSales PsychologyHow to Build a Credible CharacterHow to ReasonHow to Play on EmotionsHow to Use MetaphorsHow to Use BrevityEmotional Intelligence to Increase SalesDealing With Difficult CustomersHow to Become Self-AwareHow to Self-RegulateHow to be SocialHow to be EmpathicHow to Stay MotivatedThis Course Includes Templates,Tools, Phrases & Exercises That Will Help you Increase Your Sales & Close More Deals!The Tools in This Course Are FREE.See You Inside The Sales Skills Close More Deals & Increase Sales Course!Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 149.99

"Oracle Fusion General Ledger Cloud Training" |
"Oracle Fusion General Ledger Cloud Training with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Saturday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. From this Course You Get a Clear Idea of Creation of Implementation Project, Defining the Currency and Calendar, Creation of Chart of Account Value Set, Defining the Segments, Creation of Chart of Account Structure Instance, Deploy the Flex Field, Enter Value Set Values in Segments, Defining the Legal Entity and Location, Assigning Legal Entity to Primary Ledger, Review GL Role Template, Assign GL Roles, Opening GL Periods, Creation of Journals, Journal Post Process, Creation of Foreign Currency Journal Setup, Journal Process, Primary Ledger Definition, Assign Data Access Set to Primary Ledger, Creation of Cross Validation Rules, CVR Journal Process, Security Rules Setup Process, Creation of Ledger Set Setup, Reporting Ledger Setup Process, Creation of Reporting Journal, Secondary Ledger Setup Process, Auto Post Setup Process, Auto Reversal Setup Process"
Price: 7680.00

"Oracle Fusion Cloud Accounts Payable Training" |
"Oracle Fusion Cloud Accounts Payable Training with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Saturday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. Oracle Fusion Cloud Accounts Payable TrainingFrom this course you will get a clear idea of Introduction to AP, Creation of LDG, Business Unit Location, Creation of Business Unit Setup and Process, Assigning AP Access Roles to User, Run LDAP Job, Defining the Procurement Agent, Payable Roles, Manage Common Options in Payables, Creation of Distribution Set, Creation of Supplier, Supplier Site Details, Creation of New Bank, New Branch and Account, Assigning Data Roles to User, Run LDAP Program, Introduction to Invoice, Invoice Setup and Creation of Invoice Process, Creation of Debit Memo Setup and Process, Creation of Credit Memo Setup and Process, Prepayment Setup Process, Apply Prepayment to Invoice, Withholding Tax Setup and Process"
Price: 7680.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Technical Interview Questions and Answers" |
"Oracle Apps R12 Technical Interview Questions and Answers with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. What is ERPWhat is Architecture of ERPWhat are the Different Types of API'S for Customer InterfaceWhat are the Parameters in PLSQL Stored ProceduresWhat are the Steps Required for Customizing the FormWhat are the Steps Required for Attaching Report with Oracle ApplicationsWhat is Data LinkIn which Tables the Flexfields are StoredWhat is the Difference Between Key Flexfield and Descriptive FlexfieldWhich Procedure should be called to enable a Descriptive FlexfieldWhat is the Difference between Flexfield Qualifier and Segment QualifierWhere do the Concurrent Request Logfile and Output file goWhat is Apps Schema. Differentiate Apps Schema and other SchemasWhat is the Purpose of US Folder in Appl DirectoryExplain Custom.pll, forms, reports, sql loader, control fileWhen will we use custom.pllHow do you find whether Multiorg is InstalledWhat are the Data HandlersWhat are the Steps for Customizing the Standard Oracle ReportDifference between Bind Parameter and Lexical ParameterHow to find the Report short name for customizing the reportwhat is the structure of visapplHow to migrate the custom tables from 11.5.10 to r12What is the Difference between Conversion and InterfaceHow to register a table and columns through backendExplain the Functions fnd_req, submit_reqWhat are Cursors, where we have to useExplain about the Report triggersWhat is tokenWhat are the Steps Required for Registering the Report into AppsWhat are Security Attributes, ProfilesWhat are the Steps for Developing the FlexfieldsWhat are Profile Options. At what level we setup the profile optionsHow can you know the form(fmb) nameWhat is the Relation between Responsibility, Menu and Request GroupWhat is a Function, Appl_topWhat are the Supported Version of Forms and Reports Used for Developing an Oracle Apps Release 11i/r12What is the responsibility, request group, dffWhat is a Data Group and where we have to useWhat is ResponsibilityWhat is E Business Suite What are Different Types of Responsibilities What is a TemplateWhat is the adhoc reportWhat is Value SetWhat are the Different Validations TypesWhat is Multi Org StructureWhat is the Maximum number of records we can display in one page in xml reports What is Primary LedgerHow can we call standard interface program Where can you find the release name from backendTell me what are the base tables in AR ModuleWhere do we create tables, sequenceWhere do we create views, procedures and new profile optionsWhat is Formula Column and Summary ColumnTCA (Trading Community Architecture)What is Flex Mode and Confine Mode What is Place holder ColumnWhat is Apps ArchitectureWhat are the API'sDifference between Application Developer and System AdministratorUse of Triggers in Forms and Types of Triggers What is TCA (Trading Community Architecture)Difference Between Inbound and Outbound Interfaces Form PersonalizationWhat is MRC (Multiple Reporting Currency)What are the Different Types of InterfacesWhat is the Difference between Operating Unit and Inventory OrganizationWhat is Item Validation OrganizationWhat is XML Report. Difference between BI Publisher and XMLHow do you Display the Company LogoWhat is a Data TemplateName Some Business Cases in BI ReportsWhat is the Role of Work Flow in Oracle ApplicationsHow We Can Download the Work Flow Files from Oracle Applications without BackendWhat are the Steps Involved in Developing of Oracle Work FlowWhat is Work Flow and Benefit's of Using Work FlowWhat is Performer in Oracle Work FlowWhere do you Register Data and Layout TemplatesWhat does Lexical Section ContainsHow Do You Move Your Layout and Data Template Across InstancesWho should take this courseAny Professional with Basic Knowledge on SQL and PL/SQL"
Price: 7680.00

"Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) in R12" |
"Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) Course with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails.Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) is a data model that allows you to manage complex information about the parties, or customers, who belong to your commercial community, including organizations, locations, and the network of hierarchical relationships among them.This Course includes What is TCA, TCA Matters Before and After, TCA Data Model Components, TCA in R12 Includes, TCA in R12 MOAC, TCA in R12 Bank Account Model, TCA in R12 Legal Entities, TCA API's, TCA Tables."
Price: 4160.00

"Escultura digital com Blender 2.9" |
"Aprenda com este contedo acelerar seus processos, e ganhar mais fluidez na hora de produzir esculturas 3D com diversas estratgias no Blender 2.9.Se voc j conhece um pouco das metodologias tradicionais de criao de personagem e assets 3D, sabe que este pode ser um processo muito denso, tcnico e detalhado, mas com a escultura digital voc poder focar com muito mais liberdade na parte artstica ao criar formas naturais, orgnicas e ricas em detalhes com diversos pincis e ferramentas.Siga com o seu instrutor neste curso, Sebatian Cavazzoli, as etapas passo-a-passo, indo fundo nos detalhes dos processos e ferramentas para criar esculturas digitais de forma direta e fluda.Se j conhece de forma bsica os fundamentos do 3D e do uso do Blender, poder acompanhar tranquilamente essas aulas e abrir novas portas profissionais enriquecendo o seu portflio com esculturas em 3D.Seja para o mercado de jogos ou o de Action Figures impressas, inmeras so as possibilidades de atuao para quem domina as ferramentas de modelagem e criao de personagens.Comece agora mesmo para utilizar todo o potencial que o Blender tem disponvel e leve seus trabalhos para um prximo nvel, te espero na primeira aula!"
Price: 234.99

"Curso Vue JS do zero ao avanado na pratica" |
"Opa seja bem-vindo ao curso de Vue Js.Neste curso ir descobrir o jeito mais moderno de desenvolver aplicaes web e sistemas web, voc vai aprender a criar aplicaes completas do extremo zero e entendendo na prtica como o Vue Js funciona.O Curso para qualquer pessoa, desenvolvedores que querem crescer como programadores na rea de desenvolvimento web.Ento mesmo que voc ainda no saiba nada sobre programao e quer comear na rea esse curso aqui tambm pra voc. Vamos aprender na pratica tudo desde o zero configurar seu ambiente de trabalho e todo ecossistema, entender oque o vue e por que usamos ele, criar seus primeiros projetos e at aplicaes completas.Temos como objetivo sempre passar boas praticas e mtodos que so os mais usados e preparando voc seja para o mercado de trabalho, ou apenas para criar seus prprios projetos.Preparado?! Te vejo aqui do outro lado para comearmos essa jornada juntos."
Price: 84.99

"4th Grade Math Bootcamp" |
"Overview4th grade math is challenging for many parents, teachers, and students. This course is designed to make 4th grade math easier everyone. Even the best 4th grade math teacher isn't able to connect, 100% of the time, with every student. Most math students need extra help, every now and then, to excel in class. Thats why so many families find this math course helpful.Who should take this course?Parents. Do you want to help your child with math? Take this course to remember and relearn the most important topics in 4th grade math. You can even take this course with your child.Teachers. Are you looking for a supplement to your regular 4th grade math lessons? Do you need an activity for your advanced 3rd graders? Are you looking for a way to help some of your 5th grade students catch up in math class? This course might be the solution you need. Help your students learn even when you aren't teaching, by having them complete this course.Why take this course?School doesnt always provide everything you need to succeed in math class. Most students require extra math help at some point. Teachers often don't have the time to give one-on-one instruction, tutors can be extremely expensive, and parents don't have the time to teach their kids. An online math course, like this one, is often the perfect solution for math students. You can work at your pace, rewatching videos to gain a better understanding. The math homework, quizzes, and reviews help ensure understanding. A 3rd grader will find an interesting math challenge, a 4th grader can stay on target, and a 5th grader, struggling with math, can catch up by learning the fundamentals.What does this course include?This course is separated into 6 weeks:Addition, Subtraction, and MultiplicationDivisionFractions (part 1)Fractions (part 2)DecimalsNumber SenseEach week introduces four new topics, has a quiz, and includes a short homework set. The course is intended to be completed in 6 weeks. The weekly format is as follows:Day 1: New topicDay 2: New topicDay 3: New topicDay 4: New topicDay 5: Quiz and explainer videoThere is an additional homework sheet, with questions from each week, for extra practice. After six weeks there is a comprehensive final exam."
Price: 49.99

"Juicing For Health & Longevity" |
"WHY JUICE?Did you know that fruit juices are the cleansers of the human system and vegetable juices are the builders that revitalize the body?No one doubts that eating vegetables are good for you. But the problem with vegetables are ... Theyre so boring! Nothing is more boring than chewing on a carrot for what seems like hours.Plus, if youre like me, then you know that vegetables like kale, ginger, and brussel sprouts are good for you, but you just cant stand the taste.By juicing, you can turn these boring and unpleasant vegetables into a simple, healthy, and delicious potion.Also, juicing removes the fibers to get every drop of nutrient out of the vegetable, which means you can drink more vegetables than what you are physically capable of eating!Imagine how easy it is to drink once a day and become more attractive by the end of the week!Simple Fast Easy!DRINK YOUR VEGGIES!Beauty is skin deep but it reflects whats inside.Basically, what you put in you will radiate on the surface.Youre About To Discover Amazing Ways To Look Younger, Have Radiant Energy, And Stay SlimTodays your lucky day because Im giving you FULL ACCESS TO ...My Entire Video Training Course on how you can live a healthier life using the lazy way.And for the first time ever, these tips & insights been compiled into one incredible course ...You will Learn - The Science Of Juicing- Juicing for Energy and Beauty- WHY Store Bought Juices Will Cause Breakouts And Weight Gain- How To Turn Pulp Into Healthy Snacks- Detoxing Your Organs For Longer LifeAnd MUCH More...Just know that Ive spent thousands of dollars into researching why juicing feels so good for you and what the best recipes are. Recipes so delicious that kids would want more.And heres your opportunity to learn my secrets that will cause the fat to melt off and your skin to glow.Im granting you the permission to follow my method and apply it for a complete transformation of your health and wellness.Its your chance now to become a healthier and more good-looking version of yourself the lazy way.Introducing ...Juicing For Health & LongevityA Complete Guide to the Maximum Health Goodness & RecipesJuicing For Health & Longevity is your go-to Master Guide to feeling good and looking how you feel...by actually following your mothers advice to eat your veggies In a more interesting and effortless way!You will discover the reason why juicing works so well and how you can immediately reap its benefits.Here's What I'll Be Sharing With You Exclusively:How To Have More Vegetables Than Humanly Possible And Why Its Good For YouHow To Flush Out The Gunk In Your System Thats Causing All Kinds Of Illnesses And ProblemsWhy Store Bought Juice Is As Bad As DonutsThe Difference Between Juicing And BlendingHow To Smooth Out Wrinkles And Turn Back Time... And So Much More Waiting To Be Uncovered InsideWhy This Ultimate Must-Have Video Course Is For You:Have Radiant, Glowing, And Spot Free SkinFuel Yourself With Clean Energy That Will Not Cause You To CrashLearn Why Vegetable Pulp Is Actually Good For YouDiscover Delicious Recipes That Will Make Vegetables Taste Good For OnceStick To A Healthy Lifestyle Thats Made For Lazy PeopleTo sum it up, you will:Have Skin That Will Have Many EnviousEnjoy A New VitalityHave To Buy New Jeans As Your Waist Size ShrinksImpress Everyone With Your New Mental SharpnessAnd thats just the tip of the iceberg!Having a healthy diet affects you in such a way that youll start improving your life for the better. Who knows where youll be in a year!Get Your Video Training Course: Juicing For Health & Longevity Now!"
Price: 129.99

"The Simple And Easy Way To Cure Insomnia: Sleep Better!" |
"In This Online Insomnia Solutions Course You Will Learn How Can Transform Your Life By Beating Insomnia! This Self-Help Course Covers All The Major Skills You Need To Beat Insomnia ... And Get Your Life Back! Insomnia Is Horrible And Nobody Should Have To Live With It. Unfortunately We Were Never Taught How To Beat Insomnia. Now You Will Have Those Skills With This One Simple Course!Insomnia Saps Your Energy, Creativity, Productivity, Happiness and Drive And Can Lead To Anxiety & Depression. Nobody Should Have To Live Like This But Polls Show That Up To 50% Of People Have Regular Issues With Insomnia You Are Not Alone! But You Will Be One Of The Very Few With The Skills To Beat Insomnia - That You Will Get Inside This Course! This One Skill Set Can Make An Amazing Difference In Your Life, Your Mood, Your Career And Your Health!By The End Of This Course, You Will 1) Learn About The Different TYPES Of Insomnia2) Learn The Negative Effects Of Insomnia3) Discover What Recent Science & Studies How Discovered About Insomnia4) Learn How The Mind Of An Insomniac Works & How This Can Help You.5) Debunk The Many Myths About Insomnia & What Causes Sleep Disturbance6) Discover Both Natural & Artificial Remedies For Insomnia7) Discover How Medication Can Both Help & Hurt8) Learn How Light & Environment Has A Huge Impact On Sleep, Several Ways.9) Learn How To Better Prepare For Sleep & How To Turn Off Your Mind10) Learn How to PREVENT Insomnia11) Discover The Secrets Of DEEP Sleep12) Find Out How To Program Your Mind For Sleep. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!Dont Miss This Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity To Learn Life Skills That Can Transform Your Life From Our Pros At Advanced Ideas - Who Have Condensed Their Many Years Of Learning, Training & Testing Into This One Quick & Easy Course For You.Heres What Our Students Say:I Am Absolutely Loving This Couse! It Is A Great A Match For Me As I Am Always Looking To Improve Myself. A Lot Of The Information Is Blowing My Mind! How They Explain It Makes It Easy To Understand! - Danielle SubannyProf. Paul Never Disappoints! I Own All Of His Courses & This One Is Amazing Too. Youll Be Shocked How Fast The Course Goes By & Wishing It Was Longer Because Its Packed With So Much Life-Changing Information. I Believe It Gives You A Huge Advantage In Life. Thanks Again For This Amazing Course Prof. Paul Chris Ghring - CEOSign Up Now!"
Price: 129.99

"Binge-Free Healthy Lifestyle Diet" |
"In This Online Binge-Free Healthy Lifestyle Diet Burning Course You Will Learn How The Pros Teach People How To Melt Away The Pounds And Boost Their Health & Longevity. This Course Is Not Medical Advice ... But Is Based On Scientific Research & Principles That Are Known To Get Results Fast! Having These Tools & Strategies Will Make Eating Less And Losing The Weight So Much Easier, Dramatically Increase The Results You Get & Help You Achieve Your Goals In Less Time.Discover WHY You Lack Control Around Food, Especially Certain Foods, And What You Can Do About It. Virtually NOBODY Was Ever Taught As A Child HOW To Control Their Eating And Given Specific Skills How Can You Win With NO Skills??? This Course On Binge-Eating And A Healthy Diet Will Help Give You The Skills And Insights You Need To Be Very Successful In This Area.If you want to solve this problem, lose weight and feel better than ever Then THIS Is The Course For You! You will be amazed at what you learn and the skills you gain before You are halfway through! Get Started Today Feel Better Tomorrow!START The Course Now!By The End Of This Course, You Will 1) Discover The Terrifying Fact Food Companies DONT Want You To Know!2) Learn The Science Behind Overeating What Causes It?3) Discover WHY Your Eating Gets Out Of Control & How You Can Beat This!4) Learn Signs Of Compulsive Overeating & What To Do5) Uncover The 10 Types Of Overeating6) Find Out About The Dangers Of Overeating & Solutions7) Get Information On How To Overcome An Eating Disorder8) Learn Specific Strategies To Prevent Overeating & Lose Weight!. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!Dont Miss This Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity To Learn Life Skills That Can Transform Your Life From Our Pros At Advanced Ideas - Who Have Condensed Their Many Years Of Learning, Training & Testing Into This One Quick & Easy Course For You.Heres What Our Students Say:I Am Absolutely Loving This Couse! It Is A Great A Match For Me As I Am Always Looking To Improve Myself. A Lot Of The Information Is Blowing My Mind! How They Explain It Makes It Easy To Understand! - Danielle SubannyProf. Paul Never Disappoints! I Own All Of His Courses & This One Is Amazing Too. Youll Be Shocked How Fast The Course Goes By & Wishing It Was Longer Because Its Packed With So Much Life-Changing Information. I Believe It Gives You A Huge Advantage In Life. Thanks Again For This Amazing Course Prof. Paul Chris Ghring - CEOSign Up Now!"
Price: 129.99

"Distillation columns : Principles , Operation & Design" |
"Distillation columns of various designs and applications are encountered nowadays throughout petroleum refining, petrochemical, chemical and process industries.This course is designed to provide you with a complete understanding of construction details and functioning of distilling columns. This understanding is a prerequisite for successful operation of your plant.The course features 5 major items :1- VAPOR LIQUID EQUILIBRIA : (thermodynamics of pure components and complex mixtures)Volatility of pure components : boiling point, vapor pressureConcept of Sensible and Latent HeatBehavior of mixtures in distillation : dew and bubble points, vaporization curves, total/partial condensation and vaporization, liquid-vapor separation and distribution of components according to their volatilityRelation between temperature, pressure and composition of distillate and residue...2- INDUSTRIAL DISTILLATION PRACTICES :Operating parameters of an industrial distillation column (Pressure, Temperature, Flow rates, Reflux Ratio...)Separating power : number of stages, liquid and vapor traffics, feed inlet locationColumn pressure : pressure control and pressure profile along the columnInternal flow rates profiles, concentration and temperature profiles, concentration peaksMaterial balance of the column : concepts of cut point, separation quality and fractionation capabilityHeat balance : condenser and reboiler duties, Reflux and Boil-up ratios and industrial configurationsInstrumentation and process control loops around the column...3- INDUSTRIAL DISTILLATION EQUIPMENT :Trays : technology, performances, flexibilityPackings (structured or random) : technology, performances, flexibilityDifferent types of contacting systems for the active area : bubble caps, fixed or floating valvesLiquid or vapor distributors, collectors and redistributorsTroubles such as flooding, weeping, fouling......4- ASSESSING DISTILLING COLUMN PERFORMANCE USING ASPEN PLUS (A CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SIMULATOR)Base caseEffect of temperatureEffect of pressureEffect of feed stage locationEffect of reflux ratio...5- SOLVED PROBLEMSEthylene / Ethane fractionatorReboiler operationFlash separatorDistilling column overhead operationsDepropanizer case study...Many images, cross sectional views, graphs and animations can be found throughout, increasing the value of this course as an educational tool and industrial reference for personnel involved in distilling operations.So this course is not only of use to practicing engineers and operators to whom a knowledge of the distillation process is of crucial importance in efficient operation of distilling columns but also intended as a study guide for undergraduates in process, chemical, petrochemical & petroleum engineering disciplines.So with no further ado, check out the free preview videos and the curriculum of the course and we look forward to seeing you in the first section.Hope to see you there !WR TrainingSpread the wings of your knowledge"
Price: 199.99

"Aprenda Tudo Sobre As Ferramentas Google - Google Apps" |
"Seja muito bem vindo ao curso de Ferramentas Google, meu nome Felipe Martins mas pode me chamar de Felps! Estaremos aprendendo sobre os Google Apps, do bsico at o mais avanado. Este curso est em desenvolvimento ento mais material ainda ser adicionado, me coloco a disposio tambm para resolver qualquer tipo de problema e/ou dvida que voc enfrentar. Espero que goste!"
Price: 39.99

"Animal Reiki Master" |
"This multimedia course, like live courses, certifies you as a Reiki Master for animals, Animal Reiki Master.The course is accredited by the IAOTH, International Association of Therapist, which ensures that the certificate is recognized internationally.Essential requirement, you must have achieved at least the third level of Usui Reiki.You will get the necessary attunements, you will learn the theory and, through the practical exercises and the basics, you will be accompanied step by step in order to be able, as soon as you finish the course, to make professional treatments to animals and plants and to attune people as Animal Reiki Pratictioner and as Animal Reiki Master.Animal Reiki Master is a new figure, therefore very interesting for potential job opportunities.You will also get deeper communication and communion with the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom.Are you ready to enter this new, exciting and fascinating Reiki practice?"
Price: 179.99

"How to have a good family life and define your family values" |
"Welcome to the course on ''How to have a good family life and define your family values''Improving your family life can help make your family members closer and prevent conflicts from getting in the way of everyone's happiness. Fortunately, there are lots of concrete steps you can take to make your time with your family more enjoyable and fulfilling. Between working, cleaning, school, and sleeping, it can be hard to clear you schedule for fun family activities. Sometimes it can seem like there arent enough hours in the day to have fun with your children. Therefore, its important to eliminate the unnecessary time wasters in your life to increase your free time. You can also include your children in your daily chores by making them into games. If you examine your schedule carefully, youll find that you, too, can create free time from chaos.Sometimes, your family might be a little obnoxious. However, no matter what they say, they really do love you. The problem can sometimes be loving them back. Learn from this course to understand how to love your family again! In todays busy world, many families struggle to see each other as much as in previous generations. That does not mean that our need for family and unity has diminished, however. We are all still human, and most of us crave a unified family to identify, reminisce, and spend time with. That unity does not always come easily, though. You must communicate with each other, help each other, and spend time together to build the bonds and trust that must be present to have family unity. Your values are your moral and ethical principles. Values are often a guide for the decisions you make and how you choose to live your life. You most likely have a pretty good sense of what your individual values are. It can be a little more complex to try to define your family values, since there are more people to consider. However, with reflection and communication, you can find effective ways to define your family values."
Price: 129.99

"Reddit For Business in 2020" |
"In this course you're going to learn how to setup a highly successful affiliate marketing business with Reddit. Here are details of what you're going to learn: How to choose a strategic username for your Reddit accountHow to setup and configure your Reddit accountHow to boost social proof by increasing your post karma and link karma fast.How to identify the ideal subreddits for your affiliate marketing business.How to generate leads from Reddit on autopilot. How to create viral content in your target Reddit communityHow to use personal stories to market affiliate products in your target Reddit community. How to use content curation to build trust, authority and influence in your target Reddit community. How to strategically drive targeted traffic from your chosen subreddit. How to develop an effective comment marketing strategy to market your business on Reddit. How to use AMA sessions to market your business on Reddit. How to setup successful advertising campaigns on Reddit"
Price: 179.99
