"English Grammar : Master Phrasal Verbs for beginners" |
"The course tries to help English learners to solve one of the English grammar problems that face beginners, phrasal verbs, through introducing a new easy way. The videos will discuss phrasal verbs by giving the meaning of the phrasal verb by real situation sentence and Expressive image position. Through my journey in teaching, connecting the content with real situations and visual images helps learners to make the learning process easier and more logical."
Price: 179.99

"(Tamil) DJ(Disc jockey)" |
", .. . . . . . . . . , ."
Price: 12800.00

2020spgkatastretch |
Price: 6600.00

qlwippaq |
" : ( ) ( Wear ). ."
Price: 19.99

"IT Course for Recruiters + Document of interview questions" |
"Do you want to become a tech recruiter but lack the technical knowledge to do it? At the end of the course you will be able to:- Master the tech concepts and terminology you need to understand your clients and candidates in meetings;- Know about the main programming languages and tools used by developers;- Comprehend companies software development methodologies;- Know the most common IT roles you might have to recruit:- Understand the different types of IT companies and how they work;- Prepare and conduct interviews for IT roles;- Master IT sourcing techniques;- Test candidate's knowledge.And that's not all! The course contains a document with over 400 interview questions organized by role plus another attachment with questions to ask clients so you can better inform your candidates. At the end youll get a certificate proving that youve completed the course that you can post on your linkedin or attach to you CV.Start the training now and become a tech recruiter."
Price: 104.99

"Master Design of 10kW ONGRID Rooftop Solar System-Case Study" |
"Welcome to your course ""Master Design of 10kW ON-GRID Roofop Solar System-Case Study"" this course is designed for the students who wants to endeavour their knowledge in rooftop solar power plant designing for their projects, for the solar technician who wants to know optimum power generation from the solar power plant, for the job seekers who wants to get jobs in solar industry, for the entrepreneur who wants to make career in solar energy.This course is the explains the very basic concept belongs to rooftop solar installation design. The one who is completing the course will able to do all manual design calculation which are required for designing any solar rooftop power plant. The learner of course will get scientific idea of each an every components needed for rooftop solar power plant."
Price: 99.99

"Todo sobre la fertilidad" |
"Nuestro curso sobre Fertilidad est avalado por el IFER (Instituto de Fertilidad de Palma de Mallorca). En la primera leccin conoceremos a la Doctora Ana Beln Castel, su Directora Mdico, quien nos explicar las diferentes causas que dificultan la fertilidad, hablaremos de los tratamientos desde el punto de vista mdico y de prevencin en pacientes oncolgicos, pero tambin de los aspectos sociales que nos llevan a acudir a las clnica de fertilidad. Aprende de la mano de los que ms saben!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn how to make Rubik's cube in a very easy way" |
"Hello everyone! Happy to see you at my course. This is Azaan saifi , in this course we'll learn how to make a 33 Rubik's cube in a very easy way. There are approximately 42 minutes on demand videos which will help you to learn the cube easily. After learning from this course you all will able to solve the cube within 1min. So if you want to learn how to make Rubik's cube and want to impress your friends and family. No any skill required to enroll, the videos start from basiks. So what are you waiting for enroll now."
Price: 19.99

"Sucht & Drogensucht befreie Dich aus Deiner Sucht" |
"Ich war selbst sehr lange in der Sucht gefangen. Whrend dieser ganzen Zeit habe ich mich und mein Umfeld mit meiner Sucht zerstrt. Heute helfe ich Menschen aus der Sucht, heute ich genau Dir wie Du aus Deiner Sucht kommst und nachhaltig clean und sauber bleibst.Das beruht nicht, aus ein, zwei Zeilen die ich mal in einem Buch gelesen habe, sondern dass ist das Wissen aus ber 14 Jahren Sucht und einer Cleanzeit von mittlerweile 8 Jahren.In diesem Kurs will ich mit Dir mehrere Punkte durchgehen:Du wirst lernen:Die Entscheidung!Bevor Du Dich aus Deiner aus Deiner Sucht befreien kannst musst Du eine Entscheidung treffen. Doch bei der Sucht kann es manchmal herausfordernd sein, die Entscheidung auf 100% zu bringen. Hier arbeiten wir mit zwei Methoden um Dich auf 100% zur Suchtfreiheit auszurichten.Da sehr viele Konsumenten, die Sucht mit der Vergangenheit entschuldigen und begrnden, werden wir uns der Vergangenheit widmen und schwere Schicksale, Schmerzen und ngstet lsenWir widmen und der Sucht und Deiner Klarheit zur Sucht und die SuchtbekenntnisDu wirst lernen, Deine Sucht und vor allem Deinen Ausstieg aus der Sucht als ein Prozess anzunehmen Bevor es wirklich in zu den Ausstieg kommt, wirst Du die Mglichkeit haben mit zwei Techniken, die mental auf Deinen Ausstieg vorzubereiten, so das Du es wirklich durchziehst und suchtfrei wirstIm Kurs erarbeiten wir gemeinsam Deinen Motor, Deinen Antrieb, Dein Warum auf einer ganz speziellen emotionalen Ebene, denn das ist sehr wichtigDu wirst lernen wie Du richtig mit Rckschlgen richtig umzugehen hast, falls Du doch mal einen Rckfalls haben solltest Wir erarbeiten gemeinsam eine innere Strke aus an der Du zur jeder Zeit Dich ankern kannst um Dein mentales Dasein zu strkenVielleicht kennst Du es, Du hast es schon ein paar mal versucht aber bist immer wieder in und zu den alten Freundeskreis gekommen. Genau hier setzen wir auch an, wie Du Dir mit Leichtigkeit einen neuen Freundeskreis und Umgebung erschaffstFalls Du mal auf eine Therapie oder Entgiftung gehen mchtest, was Du hier zu beachten hast um nicht nach ein paar Tagen abzuhauen, besprechen wir ebensoDurch bestimmte Affirmationen richten wir gemeinsam Dein Mindset neu aus, denn das Mindset spielt hier eine primre RolleDas und viele weitere spannende Themen und Videos warten auf DichHast Du vielleicht Sorgen und ngste Das Du Deinen Job, Deine Wohnung oder vielleicht Dein Leben verlierst?Hast Du vielleicht Angst Deine Kinder, Deinen Partner wegen Deiner Sucht zu verlieren?Hast Du vielleicht Angst noch weiter in die Sucht zu fallen und alles zu verlieren?Bist Du es leid, Dich als ein Schtiger, als ein Loser und Versager zu sehen?Hast Du genug davon keine Selbstachtung vor Dir selbst zu haben, Dich Tag fr Tag weiter anlgen zu mssen?Verlierst Du von Tag zu Tag mehr die Hoffnung und den Glauben, in Dich und in das Leben?Ich kenne das Gefhl, aber all zu gut um ehrlich zu sein. ber 14 Jahre war ich in der Sucht gefangen und habe in all dieser Zeit meinem Umfeld groes Leid zugefgt.Mchtest Du erfahren welche Schritte Du gehen musst um endlich Suchtfrei zu werden und die Sucht zu besiegen?Dann schau Dir jetzt den Kurs anIm Training erfhrst weitere Schritte wie:Wie Du es schaffst Deinen Fokus immer wie klar zu haben und zu haltenDu lernst Du bestimmte Techniken aus dem Coachingbereich Deine innere Wertstellung und inneren Konflikte zu lsen und neu auszurichtenDu wirst ein universelles und bestimmtes Toll erfahren, welches Dich sogar zur freiwillig untersttzt endlich aus Deiner Sucht auszusteigenIn einem der letzen Videos bringen wir alle wichtigen Puzzleteile zusammen, wir gehen so tieg an Deine emotionale Ebene, so das die Suchtfreiheit von alleine geschiehtDas und noch vieles mehr erwartet Dich in Deinem KursOn top bekommst Du noch zwei weitere Bonusvideos mit zustzlichen Bonis und einem Geschenk!Im kurzem zusammengefasst, eine einfache, klare, praxiserprobte und leicht umsetzbare Strategie, um Dich endlich aus Deiner Sucht zu befreien."
Price: 199.99

"Gerson Diet Therapy" |
"Gerson Therapy is a nutritionally based diet program for people with chronic disease. In this video series we look at the biochemistry, juicing, meals, supplement protocol and case studies of people who have done the program. We will take a close look at what this program consists of on a day to day basis and give people an idea of what this therapy might offer in healthcare."
Price: 79.99

"Data Analytics A-Z with Python" |
"Data Analytics is the trending technology in the present days. If you are someone who is passionate about Data Science, Machine Learning and Data Analytics, then this course is for you.It covers the following:Data Analytics Numpy Mathematical OperationsPandas Data ManipulationData Visualization with MatplotlibPython programmingPre-Requisites:No Pre-Requisites are requiredTarget Audience:Any one who is passionate about Data AnalyticsResources:Code workbooks for Data Analytics part is provided"
Price: 3200.00

"Business Development Principles for Small Businesses" |
"Why do so many small businesses fail? (over 50% don't even make it 5 years, 70% fail by 10 years)If you've ever felt overwhelmed and told yourself that growing a small business was impossible, you're not alone. I know how hard it is to build a sustainable small business. I am a small business owner myself. I thought that building a profitable small business meant 1,000 hours of work per week. Or squeezing every last dime out of every vendor. Or peddling my services in the streets until the cows come home. What I found was that I didn't need to do any of these things. I simply needed to understand how to apply the fundamental business growth concepts that have been around for decades. These principles are simple and effective. I needed to understand what these concepts were and how they applied to small businesses. All of a sudden, I didn't feel so alone. Other business owners had navigated the same situations I was going through and used proven principles to position their companies for growth and I knew I could too.This year one of my businesses will be celebrating its 11th year in business and the other will be celebrating its 5th year in business. Both are profitable and have been for years. This course will take complicated concepts written about in Harvard Business Review and taught in MBA schools across the country and make them understandable for the everyday small business owner. This course covers the 7 key concepts that business leaders leverage to position their company for sustainable growth and provide context for good decision making. Learn how to position your company for growth using the same strategies and principles that top executives in the world's largest companies are taught to use. Click on the 'Enroll now' button so you can stop struggling for sales and start growing your small business. Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Learn the key business growth concepts so you can start applying them to your business today. Click on the ""Enroll now"" button and I will see you on the other side!"
Price: 19.99

"Video Editing in DaVinci Resolve 16 - Complete Course" |
"In this DaVinci Resolve 16 (MAC and PC) editing course you will go from beginner to professional. Throughout the course you will learn about all off the pages inside of the editing program with real practical examples and my personal tips and tricks to take you from a novice to expert. Not only will you be able to edit your own cinematic masterpiece you will also learn green screen effects, masking effects and lots more along the way.As you progress through the course I will continually update with new tasks to help you improve on your editing skills. I hope you enjoy the course and I look forward to seeing what you create."
Price: 49.99

"DellEMC Information Storage Management V4 Practice Test" |
"The Dell EMC Information Storage and Management certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in Information Storage and Management domain. The Dell EMC Certified Associate - Information Storage and Management (DECA-ISM) exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of Dell EMC DECA-ISMBenefits storage architects, administrators, or managers; CIOs or project managers; or recent additions to information and storage management teams.You will learn to make informed decisions about storing, managing, and protecting digital information in classic, virtualized, and cloud environments.Prepare for your Information Storage Associate (DCA-ISM) Certification."
Price: 1280.00

"Cisco CCNA 200-301 Cert. Practice Test" |
"This Cisco CCNA Practice Questions and Answers help you with CCNA 200-301 Test Preparation 2020. If you are planning to take Cisco CCNA Exam (200-301) in 2020 and want to see what kind of questions are coming in the Cisco CCNA Real Exam, these CCNA practice questions are the best for you.CCNA Exam v1.0 (CCNA 200-301) is a 120-minute exam associated with the CCNA certification. This exam tests a candidate's knowledge and skills related to:1. Network fundamentals. 2. Network access.3. IP connectivity.4. IP services.5. Security fundamentals.6. Automation and programmabilityAlthough to pass the CCNA 200-301 Certification you have to score around 85%, but by taking this test multiple times until you score 95%+ you consider your self as ready to pass the CCNA certification and you can save costly re-schedule fees. "
Price: 2240.00

"Business : How to grow your business with art of selling" |
"Secure your financial future by building a business and master the skill of selling to convert your business into a highly profitable and successful business.Welcome to the ""Business: How to grow your business with the art of selling."" I'm going to teach you in detail how to grow your sales and add value to your product.My name is Ramya Manikonda and I've been a successful offline entrepreneur since 2013. I've built a successful business in clothing (manufacturing). I have started coaching institute for all passionate people helping and guiding them in strategic planning, sales funnel, marketing techniques, Business analysis, Consumer psychology, and most important: managing finances.I've taken up an initiative to provide my experiences and to avoid mistakes which would lead to a reduction in the progress of the other business while giving strategic tactics.At the end of this course, you will learn how the selling process works, identify the mistakes made by 99% of all e-mail marketers online. How to grow your business for the long term doing it the right way. Retaining customers is the hardest for all businesses, we learn to do so by providing free referrals, so the money keeps rolling in no matter what you do.The course is designed for businesses with low sales, but if you are struggling in eCommerce many of the tips and strategies will help you on your way.We will be learning the customer's mindset and how to show the customers about the value of your product? Increase the advantages of social networking. Maintaining a long term relationship with customers through email marketing helps to increase your sales by around 500%. The ways to attract customers to double sales by reassuring them about their needs.By the end of this course, you will learn the basic principles that apply to sell in any context.You will become a master in dealing and studying the customer's behavior and the ways to attract them.You can quickly evaluate what provider is the best fit for you and your business.How to deal with the most aggressive and powerful competitors?How to increase the number of products sold"
Price: 19.99

"Dados de chuva, vazo e nvel de rios e reservatrios" |
"Coleta de dados de informaes de rios, reservatrios e dados de chuva(precipitao) utilizando aplicativo da Agncia Nacional das guas, atm de breves noes de hidrologia e ciclo da gua. Importante para quem quer saber como anda o nvel e vazo dos nossos reservatrios e o quanto choveu na semana na sua localidade."
Price: 39.99

kaizen-katakori |
Price: 15000.00

"Therapy at Work" |
"Therapy at work is a crash course in therapy for aspiring and early career managers. The current landscape of management advice and research is insufficient given all the challenges employees, especially those working in rapidly changing industries face on a day to day basis. From information overload, to the ballooning costs of education, housing, and childcare, personal challenges creep into our time at work, whether we like it or not.In this course, I will teach you how therapists guide patients towards a desired state by helping them see through cognitive distortions and limiting beliefs, helping them reframe their thoughts and develop more helpful ways of thinking. We will examine how therapists motivate their patients to change, and how we can translate these techniques from therapy to help you improve the performance of your team members. Finally, we'll discuss best practices from therapy can help you create a more inclusive and supportive work environment."
Price: 19.99

"Simulados Preparatrio Certificao AZ-900" |
"Este simulado auxilia com os conhecimentos para a prova AZ-900 do Microsoft Azure. Ateno, este no um treinamento.Este contedo um simulado base desenvolvido em cima do contedo da prova. Estes simulados foram desenvolvidos para auxiliar com os estudos para utilizao do Microsoft Azure, que pode ser utilizado tanto por novos entrantes quanto por analistas j experientes.Teste seus conhecimentos.Para quem este curso:Interessados em prestar a prova AZ-900"
Price: 39.99

"Surface area and Volume of Solid Figures" |
"In this topic you will learn how to find the surface area of some solids like the prisms or cylinders by finding the area of each face or by using specific formulas but most importantly the formula for each face or figure, as we know that the prism is any solid with two parallel faces that are polygons"
Price: 19.99

"Acerca del cursoAlguna vez te pidieron ms informacin sobre tu producto o servicio y no supiste bien qu informacin enviar? Alguna vez enviaste una propuesta ms de una semana despus? Alguna vez te pidieron informacin y enviaste un Word sin siquiera incluir tu logo? Si algo de esto te pas, te quiero decir algo: te perdiste una oportunidad que seguramente otro profesional ocup por vos.La venta de tu servicio o producto es tan importante como la calidad de lo que ofrezcas Quin va a confiar en vos y pagarte si lo que ven como propuesta de trabajo no refleja ni le hace justicia a TODO LO QUE TENS PARA DAR?En este curso te voy a ensear a armar una PROPUESTA DE TRABAJO GANADORA, que responda a los puntos esenciales que necesita conocer tu cliente para decidirse por vos DEFINITIVAMENTE (e incluso est dispuesto a pagar ms). No solo vas a llegar primero sino que vas a llegar MEJOR QUE NADIE en un universo digital cada vez ms competitivo.TEMAS:Qu es para qu sirve una Propuesta de TrabajoCmo gestionar la relacin con los clientes y establecer el contacto correcto antes de enviar la PropuestaLas secciones clave de la Propuesta de Trabajo ganadoraManos a la obra: Abordaje de una Propuesta de Trabajo modelo para personalizar en Canva y construir la propia (El paso a paso para tener tu Propuesta)Metodologas de trabajo: Cmo prepararse para una reunin / Protocolo de Reuniones / Contrato de ServiciosCmo enviar formalmente una Propuesta de TrabajoQu es una PROPUESTA DE TRABAJO?Una propuesta de trabajo es un documento visual que se realiza con el objetivo de presentar a tu potencial cliente en qu consiste tu servicio/producto, cul ser el recorrido a realizar para lograr los objetivos/trabajos propuestos y qu incluye tu presupuesto. En otras palabras, es la presentacin de QU VAS A HACER, CMO LO VAS A HACER Y CUL ES EL PRECIO DE TU TRABAJO. Este archivo esencial resume los beneficios por lo cuales deberan elegirte y en este curso te voy a ensear cmo hacerla paso a paso sin experiencia previa.En el mundo en el que vivimos hay que SER Y PARECER. No basta con que tu producto o tu servicio sea de excelencia; para crecer necesits que todo eso que SOS tambin se vea hacia afuera. Si vos no lo hacs, otro profesional lo har por vos.Este curso es para vos si:Quers generar Propuestas de Trabajo ganadoras para cerrar ms y mejores negociosQuers aprender a transmitir quin sos como profesional y ganar ms dinero potencindote con tu imagenQuers aprender a comunicar mejor tus productos o serviciosQuers profesionalizar tu empresa con incorporaciones sencillas e inmediatasQuers optimizar tu tiempo y ahorrarte la incomodidad que genera no saber qu hacer cuando te solicitan un presupuestoQuers aumentar la confianza en lo que ofrecs. Al final de cuentas, cuando uno est conforme con quin es y cmo lo muestra, EST CONDENADO AL XITO.A quin est orientado este curso?Este curso est orientado al nivel inicial o intermedio del desarrollo de una marca. Incorporar estas tcnicas te permitir llevar tu negocio a otro nivel con herramientas sencillas de aplicar y realizando, incluso sin darte cuenta, una consultora que te ayudar a estructurar tu empresa y profesionalizarla.No es necesario recurrir a un profesional experto en la primera etapa de tu negocio para mejor tu rendimiento; pods hacerlo vos mismo siguiendo mis videos, ejercicios y plantillas descargables. Y, desde ya, consultarme y consultar a otros estudiantes ante cualquier duda que tengas para que podamos ver juntos qu ingrediente podra cambiar la forma en la que tu negocio est orientado.Te invito a que inviertas este tiempo en el nacimiento de un posicionamiento GANADOR!Qu te llevars del curso?- Cmo hacer una correcta lectura de lo que necesita el cliente a travs de 10 preguntas clave (a veces fallamos en algo tan simple como SABER PREGUNTAR y detectar por qu nuestro cliente se puso en contacto)- Cmo hacer una Propuesta de Trabajo de alto impacto paso a paso con todos los elementos que debe tener para que tus potenciales clientes se decidan definitivamente por vos- Una metodologa de trabajo 360 que te ordene en tu proceder como empresa: Desde cmo armar la propuesta, pasando por cmo organizar reuniones, gestionar empresas, cmo enviarla, registrarla en nuestro sistema y darle seguimiento.- Lo ms importante: Una imagen que REALMENTE refleje quin sos como profesional y que te haga resaltar sobre otros profesionales que venden el mismo servicio o productoQU INCLUYE?Recursos descargables:- Mi Propuesta de Trabajo modelo- Las preguntas exploratorias que tens que tener listas para las reuniones con tus clientes e identificar rpidamente qu necesitan- Metodologa de Trabajo modelo para ordenarte en el proceso de cierre de propuestas y optimizar tu tiempo- Protocolo para organizar reuniones con tus clientes- Contrato de Servicio modelo para que puedas terminar de cerrar tus propuestas y darle un marco de seriedad a tu empresaRecurso editable:Acceso a un modelo de Propuesta de Trabajo en CANVA 100% editable para que disees la tuya y no tengas que arrancar desde la hoja en blanco (video explicativo con el paso a paso).Comencemos!"
Price: 19.99

"Speaking English. What to do When Youre Stuck. Spanish speakers. BI (INT) +Hablando ingls: qu hacer cuando te quedas bloqueado.Created by Paul Black International English. Suitable for English in all of the world.What youll learn:By the end of this course you will be able to put the English you already know into practice when you are speaking.You will have a large number of techniques that will enable you to respond immediately and maintain the flow of a conversation.You will have learnt new vocabulary, expressions and intonation patterns.You will have learnt how to make use of different word forms, and how to avoid searching for words you dont need.RequirementsThe course is for Spanish speakers with an English level of intermediate or above.DescriptionI have been teaching English in Spain for 14 years, and many of my students know a lot of English but do not know how to put their knowledge into practice. It seems that some of them want to conquer English by being perfect, which means more and more study , and continuously looking for the perfect learning method . That is all very difficult for an adult. A more useful objective than perfection is to learn how to put your knowledge into practice at the same time as learning more. What you will do in this course is learn specific techniques to make your conversation flow. You will also learn lots of vocabulary expressions and some intonation patterns and grammar points.The course is based on what I have observed with my students, and you will benefit from the techniques in the same way they have. It is also based on my experience of learning Spanish and then using it here in Spain. I still use the type of techniques that you will study in this course.Contents and OverviewThe course will take you about 6 hours, consisting of 50 minutes of video and the rest in the form of written lectures, exercises and a final test. The style is informal, and the method is not magical but practical.In section one you will learn how to be sure that you can respond immediately by using: echoing, fillers, saying what youre thinking, intonation, asking a question, set expressions and echo tags. In section 2 you will firstly learn what to say when a word or phrase escapes you. After that you will study how to paraphrase, that is , how to say something in a different way, using: synonyms and antonyms, a different form of a word, definitions , a more general word, and using intonation and simple words to replace complicated vocabulary.In section 3 you will learn how to use vague language in the way that native-speakers do, and also how to eliminate vocabulary that you dont need. At the end there is some general advice about speaking in English, and I will tell you about mistakes that native speakers make. Ill also show you that they often speak in a disorganised way: starting a sentence and then stopping and rephrasing it.By the end of the course you will have learnt the techniques that will make you more comfortable and fluent when speaking English. You will be confident that you can participate fully in conversations at work, socially or on holiday. The problem of making use of your years of study will be over.Who this course is for:Spanish speakers with a level of intermediate and above (the course is principally in English but often uses Spanish for examples).Anyone with a sufficient level who wants to be more fluent in social, holiday, or work situations._____________________________________________________________________________Hablando ingls: que hacer cuando te quedas bloqueado.Hispanohablantes. BI (INT) +Creado por Paul Black Ingls internacional. Es apropiado para ingls en todo el mundo.Lo que aprenders Al final de este curso podrs poner en prctica el ingls que ya sabes a la hora de hablar. Tendrs una gran cantidad de tcnicas que te permitirn responder de inmediato y mantener la fluidez de una conversacin. Habrs aprendido vocabulario, expresiones y patrones de entonacin nuevos. Habrs aprendido cmo utilizar diferentes formas de palabras y cmo evitar buscar palabras que no necesitas.RequisitosEl curso es para hispanohablantes con un nivel de ingls intermedio o superior.DescripcinHe enseado ingls en Espaa durante 14 aos y muchos de mis estudiantes saben mucho ingls, pero no saben cmo poner en prctica sus conocimientos. Parece que algunos de ellos quieren conquistar el ingls siendo perfectos, lo que significa ms y ms estudios, y continuamente buscando el mtodo de aprendizaje perfecto. Todo eso es muy difcil para un adulto. Un objetivo ms til que la perfeccin es aprender cmo poner en prctica tus conocimientos al mismo tiempo que aprendes ms. Lo que hars en este curso es aprender tcnicas especficas para que tu conversacin fluya. Tambin aprenders mucho vocabulario, expresiones y algunos patrones de entonacin y puntos gramaticales.El curso se basa en lo que he observado con mis alumnos, y t te beneficiars de las tcnicas de la misma manera que ellos. Tambin se basa en mi experiencia aprendiendo espaol y luego usndolo aqu en Espaa. Todava uso el tipo de tcnicas que estudiars en este curso.Contenido y descripcin generalEl curso durar aproximadamente 6 horas, que consta de 50 minutos de video y el resto son lecturas escritas, ejercicios y una prueba final. El estilo es informal y el mtodo no es mgico sino prctico. En la seccin uno aprenders cmo asegurarte de que puedes responder de inmediato utilizando: ecos, fillers, decir lo que ests pensando, entonacin, hacer una pregunta, set expresiones y echo tags. En la seccin 2 primero aprenders qu decir cuando te le escape una palabra o frase. Despus de eso, estudiars cmo parafrasear, es decir, cmo decir algo de manera diferente usando: sinnimos y antnimos, una forma diferente de una palabra, definiciones, una palabra ms general, y usando entonacin y palabras simples para reemplazar vocabulario complicado. En la seccin 3 aprenders a usar un lenguaje vago de la manera en que lo hacen los hablantes nativos, y tambin cmo eliminar el vocabulario que no necesitas. Al final hay algunos consejos generales sobre cmo hablar en ingls, y te hablar sobre los errores que cometen los hablantes nativos. Tambin te mostrar que a menudo hablan de manera desorganizada: comenzar una oracin y luego detenerse y reformularla.Al final del curso habrs aprendido las tcnicas que te harn sentir ms cmodo y fluido cuando hables ingls. Estars seguro de que puede participar plenamente en conversaciones en el trabajo, socialmente o de vacaciones. El problema de hacer uso de tus aos de estudio habr terminado.Para quin es este curso:Hablantes de espaol con un nivel intermedio y superior (el curso es principalmente en ingls, pero a menudo usa espaol para los ejemplos).Cualquier persona con un nivel suficiente que quiera tener ms fluidez en situaciones sociales, de vacaciones o laborales._____________________________________________________________________________"
Price: 19.99

"Athletes' Parents Guide Through College Athletic Recruiting" |
"The college athletic recruitment process can be confusing and stressful if you do not know what you are doing. It takes a lot of work in order to create the exposure your child needs to create interest from college coaches all the way through signing a letter of intent. This hour and a half class will walk you through every step of the recruiting process to increase the chances of your child being recruited and earning an athletic scholarship. You can take this class at any time to fit your busy schedule. You can also stop it and come back to finish it at your convenience. This course covers:Parents' Role in Recruiting Process How to create exposure for your child and contact college coaches What paperwork needs to be completedThe college admissions processHow financial aid packages are built for athletesHow to save money on college expensesMaking a highlight tapeHow to use social media in the recruiting processHow to have a successful campus visitsHobbies Outside of SportsCollege Coaches Turn OffsChoosing the Correct SchoolIt also includes a template to use to email college coaches correctly. A lot of recruiting services charge thousands of dollars to handle the process for you. It is much cheaper to learn the process and go through it with your family. Coach Jeremy Pope, Owner of the Next Level Skills Basketball Academy and former College Athletics Admissions Counselor, has put together this class to help families navigate the recruiting process more efficiently and learn admissions and financial aid tips. This class only costs $65 and 15% of your class fee will be donated back to our athletic department. This class will educate you, help your family save money, and benefits our athletic program."
Price: 64.99

"Starting A Career in Theatre" |
"Have you ever dreamed of being a professional theatre actor? In this course, you will learn the basic working of the professional theatre industry. Missing from most training programs, this information will provide those new to professional theatre world with knowledge that is usually learned through years of trial and error. We will discuss unions, agents/managers, auditioning, tools of the trade, contracts, and negotiations."
Price: 19.99

"Sre Ynetimi" |
"Sre ynetimi doru uyguland takdirde kurulularn rekabet gcn artran unsurlarn banda yer alr. Srelerin doru ynetilmesi kadar doru ekilde tasarlanmas ve uygulanmas da sre performansn etkileyen dier konulardr.Bu eitimde sre ile ilgili temel teorik bilgilerin yan sra, srelerin etkin ve verimli bir ekilde ynetilebilmesi iin nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektii ile ilgili bilgiler verilmektedir."
Price: 199.99

"Temel Problem zme Teknikleri ve Kk Neden Analizi" |
"Problemler iyiletirmeler iin vazgeilmez aralardr, tabi ki smen alt edilmedikleri srece. Problemi fark ettiinizden andan itibaren problemin doru tanmlanmas, bunun iin doru sorularn sorulmas, problemin zm iin gerekli admlarn belirlenmesi ve problemin doru teknik ile zmne dair bilgileri bu eitimde bulabilirsiniz. Bu eitim sonunda katlmclar aadaki konularla ilgili bilgi sahibi olurlar:Problem tanmlama,Problem zme sistematii,5 neden Analizi,Beyin Frtnas,likilendirme Diyagram,Balk Kl,Sre (Proses) Haritas,Pareto veHistogram"
Price: 99.99

"Next For Me:" |
"So, youre planning some big change in your life, are you? There is a lot of noise out there about reinvention, transformation and the like. It would seem (with only slight exaggeration) that there are more books, podcasts, and thought pieces on the evolutionary journey than there are people making changes. Granted, some of it is practical information worth paying attention to, but where do you go when youd like to be more introspective and open-minded about what youre setting out to do?In this course based on our popular book we offer a set of exercises that should help you see your next thing in a more expansive light. Starting at Your Philosophical Center we dig into the values, mission, people and associations you make along the way. Then on to Fresh Perspectives with some fun techniques founded in open-mindedness including visualization, using constraints, mind mapping, and even deja vu. Then we come back to earth with The Tactical, our most useful survival techniques for hacking through the day-to-day and having the endurance to stay standing.Weve built our company around a cause we really believe in, with people we trust and respect. Our hope is that the things weve learned along the way can help guide your next move in life or career and even help you enjoy the process."
Price: 19.99

"PREMIUM Practice Test Oracle Database 19c Administration 1" |
"Weekend discount: $12.99 - Code: 5D584527FCC653568EBA-------------------There are tons of questions pool for the exam 1Z0-082 on the market.However, this is the only one which is carefully verified and corrected all answers by DBA Experts.We are not only help you to pass the exam but also pass in high score and confidence!Premium Version: Questions are clearly format.Answers are verified and corrected by Database Experts.Pass the exam with confidence (high score)!----------------------------------------------------------Exam Title: Oracle Database Administration IExam Number: 1Z0-082Passing Score: 60%Number of Questions:124 questions and right answers-----------------------------------------------------------ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR ORACLE EXAM?A practice test is the best way to help you prepare to take your exam."
Price: 19.99

"Optimisation des performances pour les sites WordPress" |
"Avez-vous dj eu l'impression que le contenu disponible dans l'optimisation WordPress est trs superficiel?Ici, mon objectif principal est de simplifier le contenu sur l'optimisation de site Web avec cet outil WordPress!En d'autres termes: ce cours a t dvelopp pour les personnes qui souhaitent vraiment apprendre optimiser les sites Web sur WordPress.En classe, j'enseigne le contenu de manire simple et objective, pour que vous puissiez assimiler clairement les sujets, activer l'optimisation de votre progression de carrire!Il s'agit d'un cours de brsilien enseign en portugais brsilien, mais ne vous inquitez pas, il est sous-titr en franais et dans d'autres langues."
Price: 29.99

"De lo sensorial a las matemticas" |
"Estoy segura de que te va a sorprender. Vas a ver la importancia que tiene preparar una mente matemtica a travs de los sentidos y vas a alucinar con todo lo que se puede sacar de un solo material. Todo el mundo cree que conoce la torre rosa Montessori, porque es un ""material top ten"" pero en realidad, despus de tanto tiempo formando a familias y docentes, me doy cuenta de que casi nadie conoce todo su potencial.No, no se trata de construir castillos, Se trata de preparar una mente matemtica y que adems lo hagamos con propuestas sencillas y divertidas.Quieres ver como pasamos de tocar un cubo a construir una raz cbica?Quieres ver como pueden entender que volumen ocupa un litros?Quieres ver como son capaces de trabajar la visin espacial de forma alucinante?Quieres ver como pueden entender que es una potencia?Con esta formacin vas a obtener una informacin valiosa que te va a dar muchos recursos para potenciar, sin pensarlo, al trabajo sensorial."
Price: 19.99
