"Tpta Yapay Zeka: Beyin MR grntsnden Tmr Segmentasyonu" |
"leri seviye Derin renme kursu ile hem Residual Networks, Transfer Learning, Autoencoders ve Generative Adversarial Networks konularnn mantn hem de Python ktphanelerinden olan Pytorch ve Keras ile kodlamasn reneceiz.Neden Python?Python 2018 IEEE aratrmasna gre dnya apnda en ok kullanlan ve tercih edilen programlama dili.Python kolay renilebilirlii sayesinde kodlamaya yeni balayanlarn ilk tercihi oluyor.Python open source (ak kaynak) olmas nedeni ile Facebook yada Google gibi dnyann en byk irketleri tarafndan destekleniyor.Veri bilimi, makine renmesi yada yapay zeka denince akla ilk olarak Python dili geliyor. Bu durumda Python'n dnya apnda byk bir kitlesinin olmasna neden oluyor.Python renmesi en kolay olan dillerin banda geliyor.Kariyer asndan Python en ok frsata sahip dillerinden biri."
Price: 49.99

"Start & Build your Online Business" |
"Successfully Start and Build your Online Business to a Seven figure revenue sourceIf you are serious about making money online, then you will be extremely interested in what I have to say now, every successful story always starts somewhere. You dont just dream about it one night and expect it to happen the next morning. Everyone started off as a newbie at one point.Equip yourself with these trusty secret weapons, a spirit of relentlessness, and quickness to learn. On a daily (and nightly) basis, go learn something new; from the very basics of how to buy a domain name, to registering it, to linking it to a website, to building a website from scratch, etc. Learn as much as you can, wherever you can, however, you can.Starting up your own online business doesnt have to be expensive and complicated, but you need effort and persistence to crack the code and earn a 7 figure income.This 32-part video course will provide you with everything you need to know to start a successful internet business.Enroll now, and let us get started, thank you."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Internet Marketing for Beginners Course" |
"This is the Complete Internet Marketing for Beginners CourseAs an internet marketer, you will be able to earn money from the comfort of your home, with no limit as to how far you can scale and grow your business.It is highly rewarding, and it is a skill that you can use to land jobs, or market to other companies, too.There is just one problem: its all rather complicated. If you are not familiar with the world of internet marketing, then you might even be wondering how its even possible to earn money online without anything physical!It is all a bit daunting and its certainly not clear how or where to start.With this video course you will learn the Basics of SEO, Site Design, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media, and more. Enroll now, and let us get started, thank you."
Price: 19.99

"Clairsentience: Developing Intuition and Psychic Abilities" |
"Clear feeling - feeling something outside your own physical experience - is clairsentience. This is also called empathy. This course takes you on a journey to understand your transformational gifts of clairsentience and use them to really know yourself and read the world in ways that will help your business and family and personal healing. Develop your skills with simple exercises and practices to change how you approach life, putting your personal power in your hands! "
Price: 24.99

"Claircognizance Intuitive Practices and Psychic Abilities" |
"Clear knowing - knowing something that you don't know why you know it - is claircognizance. This course takes you on a journey to understand your transformational gifts of claircognizance, and use them to really know yourself and read the world in ways that will help your business and family and personal healing. Develop your skills with simple exercises and practices to change how you approach life, putting your personal power in your hands! "
Price: 24.99

Price: 15000.00

" : "
Price: 19.99

"Interview Training and Tips" |
"The Interview Training and Tips: How to crack Any interview and get your dream Job in any field.This course is where you will study the basics and fundamentals of interview also the tips and tricks to crack any interview.The structure of the Course is the following:CommunicationPresentation SkillsEffective Interview SkillsCV FormatsCV Gets SelectedInterview QuestionsWe will discuss topics such as Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, Curriculum vitae, types of curriculam vitae, Interview Questions.The objective of the Course are for you to understand how the communication is important in companies and the difference between verbal and Non-verbal Communication. I encourage you to begin this journey to Communication regret it! If you have any doubts during the course feel free to ask me or contact me and clarify it immediately, I will answer as quick as possible!"
Price: 12800.00

"Point-of-care ultrasound in undifferentiated shock (vet)" |
"Study whole-body ultrasonography for diagnosis and management of the critically ill animals. Expert board-certified emergency and critical care veterinary specialist will provide comprehensive online training in protocol-driven image acquisition and case-based image interpretation. Study an algorithmic approach to the ultrasound evaluation of hemodynamically unstable veterinary patients.Course ObjectivesAfter participating in this educational activity, you should be able to: Discuss the knowledge base required to perform whole-body ultrasonography in critically ill hemodynamically unstable veterinary patients (dogs and cats). Discuss an existing ultrasound protocol for the diagnosis and management of critically ill patients. Develop a management strategy for patients with shock using a whole-body ultrasound approach. Interpret ultrasound images of the heart, caudal vena cava, and thorax.CurriculumLesson 1: Introduction to the course and overview of the RUSH examinationLesson 2: Assessment of the LV functionLesson 3: Fractional shortening and EPSSLesson 4: Assessment of the RV functionLesson 5: Assessment of the tank (effective circulating volume)Lesson 6: Summary of Rapid Ultrasound in Shock"
Price: 59.99

"1. Introduction to the Course2. What's the Story? Sketching the Narrative3. Who are the Characters? Sketching the Main Characters4. What are the Major Themes? Outlining ten major themes5. What is the Structure of the Play? Outlining the Structure6. Considering Themes: Love, Fate and Light7. Exam Question: CONFLICT8. TOPIC: Conflict in Romeo and Juliet9. Exam Question: GENDER ROLES10. Exam Question: JUSTICE11. Exam Question: INTERFERENCE AND BLAME12. TOPIC: The role of Friar Lawrence13. A Final Word: How does the play end?"
Price: 24.99

"3 Secrets to look 10 years YOUNGER and live stress free life" |
"I know at end of the course you will know exactly how to keep yourself look 10 to 20 years younger , and you will have energy level of 18-20 years old , your looks will improve and your confidence will increase.I will tell you the daily additional important routine , food habits and other important things that you have to followstep by step without much extra effort.You just have to follow the instructions ,be attentive and do the consistent practice .Lets start process of looking younger without wasting time"
Price: 1280.00

"Basics of Beer From Grain to Glass" |
"This course covers the fundamental facts of beer. It covers the history of beer, its current status in the society, the ingredients and the production process, the different beer styles, and serving beer. This is all done in half an hour (or so), so the course is a concise information package on this widely popular alcoholic drink. It serves perfectly as general information or as an introduction before digging deeper into some specific aspect."
Price: 19.99

xomtrqgh |
", ., 20 . . . , , . . . , . . , . , . . . . . 5000 7000 . . 20 . . . , . , . , . , . . . . . . . . "
Price: 59.99

"4H0-533 Hyperion V3 Planning Certified Practice Exam" |
"200 UNIQUE practice questions for 4H0-533 Hyperion V3 Planning Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 4H0-533 Hyperion V3 Planning Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 200Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (150 of 200)"
Price: 164.99

"1Y0-253 Citrix NetScaler Applications Desktop Solutions Exam" |
"120 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-253 Citrix NetScaler Applications Desktop Solutions ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-253 Citrix NetScaler Applications Desktop Solutions ExamTotal Questions : 120Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (90 of 120)"
Price: 164.99

"HP0-085 Planning Designing HP Server Solutions Review Exam" |
"138 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-085 Planning Designing HP Server Solutions Review ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-085 Planning Designing HP Server Solutions Review ExamTotal Questions : 138Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (103 of 138)"
Price: 149.99

"HP0-J18 Implementing Regulation HP Storage EVA Solution Exam" |
"235 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-J18 Implementing Regulation HP Storage EVA Solution ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-J18 Implementing Regulation HP Storage EVA Solution ExamTotal Questions : 235Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :135 minsPassing Score : 75 (176 of 235)"
Price: 169.99

"ECCouncil EC1-349 Computer Hack Forensic Investigator Exam" |
"172 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil EC1-349 Computer Hack Forensic Investigator ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil EC1-349 Computer Hack Forensic Investigator ExamTotal Questions : 172Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (129 of 172)"
Price: 154.99

"Google Domains Overview" |
"Google is the Best Service Provider in the Internet World . So let's have a brief discussion regading the Google Website Creation Model . Google Domains will let you know how to create a website without knowing code .Find your perfect ending . Express yourself with a unique domain ending.More ways to claim a memorable domain . Choose from over 200 domain endings From .photography to .cafe, find a simple, memorable domain that's just right for you.A domain as unique as you . Tell the world who you are and what you do before anyone even visits your website. Show your expertise with a descriptive domain ending."
Price: 4800.00

"General Biology of The Great White Shark" |
"This course teaches the general biology of the Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) and Population dynamics of the Great White Shark from the perspective of Craig Anthony Ferreira, who has professionally been working with this animal since 1990. The knowledge in this course is largely field based and as a result of hands on work. "
Price: 19.99

Price: 49.99

"Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik - Grundbegriffe" |
"Der Kurs Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik - Grundbegriffe eignet sich ideal fr Studenten und Schler die noch keinerlei Vorwissen im Themenfeld Elektrotechnik haben. Er baut in verstndlicher Erklrweise Inhalte auf und verfestigt dieses Wissen mit zahlreichen bungenThemen:SI - EinheitenPhysikalische GesetzeElektrischer Strom und elektrische SpannungElektrischer WiderstandEnergie und ArbeitWirkungsgradElektrische QuellenUmfang:mit 66 Seiten Skriptzahlreichen bungsaufgabenjede bungsaufgabe wird vorgerechnetber 2 Stunden reines Videomaterialideal fr jeden Studienanfnger"
Price: 19.99

"Creating and editing content like an Influencer" |
"This mini-course is perfect for anyone who wants to know how to take and edit pictures like an Influencer.I take you through the different FREE apps and show you how to use them.I'll show you how to create your own preset in Lightroom. I'll explain to you how to improve your pictures without expensive equipment - using only your smartphone!Great content and amazing feed are fundamental if you are trying to become an Influencer! Better content and feed will attract not only more followers but can help you to work with brands and/or earn more money from your collaborations!"
Price: 44.99

"Bitcoin, Blockchain, Kripto Paralar ve Yatrmc Psikolojisi" |
"Basit bir anlatm ekli kullanarak hazrladm bu eitim setinde neler reneceksiniz ksaca zet geelim.ncelikle bitcoin nedir, ne ie yarar, nasl ortaya kt, nasl alyor bunlar aklayacam.Bitcoinin arkasnda duran blockchain teknolojisinden ve kriptografiden bahsedeceimDier kriptoparalar bir dier adyla altcoinleri inceleyeceiz.Bitcoine ve arkasndaki teknolojiye insanlar neden gvenemiyor ve neden gvenmesi gerekiyor anlatacam.Milyarlarca dolarlk yatrm yaplan bu denli byk piyasaya Nasl giri yapacaz ? Nasl yatrm yapacaz ? Borsa seerken hangi kriterleri gz nnde bulunduracaz ? Yatrm yapacamz arac hangi kriterlere gre seeceiz ? Anlatyorum.Bu piyasada hangi yntemlerle para kazanldndan. Yeni yatrmcnn yapmamas gereken hatalardan. Gerek yatrmc psikolojisinin nasl olmas gerektiinden bahsedeceim.Piyasay okumak iin ihtiyacnz olan temel ve teknik analiz hakknda bilgi vereceim.Yatrm yaptktan sonra yatrmlarmz nasl gvence altna alacaz. Olas sorunlara kar hangi nlemleri alabiliriz hepsini anlatyorum."
Price: 409.99

"Ansys TurboGrid: Complete course for beginners" |
"This course provides the complete fundamentals of Ansys Turbogrid meshing for turbomachinery components.The course contents include demonstration of mesh generation for axial compressors, centrifugal compressors and axial turbines. There are two NASA test cases included in the course. The mesh generated for these models can be used for CFD validation purpose. Two assignments are provided in this course for practicing mesh generation using turbogrid. This will help to get hands on experience with the software.There is a bonus part in the end, which demonstrates how to import the generated mesh into Ansys CFX, solve and post-process the results. This is to provide basic understanding of the operation of gas turbine components."
Price: 19.99

"On Camera Mastery" |
"Mastering your on camera skills is becoming more and more important. In addition to practicing, you need the right guidance and training. In this On Camera Mastery Course, you'll have everything you need--including lesson workbooks--to become an on-camera pro. Your instructor is a 20-year veteran who has logged thousands of hours on camera as an award-winning television news reporter and anchor.By completing this course you'll learn:The 10 biggest mistakes everyone makes and what to do to easily correct them.How to film yourself in the most flattering way.How to command your audience with your speech and sound confident and comfortable.How to deliver the best content, specifically for videos.How to appear natural,The 3 secret tricks I use to combat nerves.And much more! You'll be amazed by your progress!"
Price: 94.99

"SAP2000 Professional Course : From Scratch to Pro" |
"Don't get settle by just learning the Residential Building Design if you can learn more than that ."" The main use of SAP2000 is to deal in Over Head Water Tank and various other complex structures.You can google what is the actual use of SAP2000 . This course primarily focuses on Basic Level , Intermediate Level and and Expert Level. This Course SAP2000 Professional Course : From Scratch will teach you all the important things that a Civil / Structural engineer must know in order to do the Structural Analysis and Design of Building from Scratch.This Course will give you in depth knowledge of the SAP2000 so that you can design your own Structure in SAP 2000.YOU can easily model your :-1. Residential Building2. Rectangular Water Tank 3. Computation of equation Ax+By+Cz+D .4. Over head water tank5. 3D Steel space Truss6. Pre Engineered Buildings and analyze in csi SAP2000.7. Bill Board 8 .Heavy Steel Structure that stores cement ,Rebars and other construction material.This course will fill the gap between the fresher and the real life experience.So, if you want to remove the tag of Fresher enroll in this Course and Explore the World of SAP 2000.What to expect from this course :-After completion of this course, you can easily model your Residential building , Over head water tank, 3D steel space truss, and analyze in CSI SAP2000.This Course SAP2000 Professional Course : From Scratch will teach you all the important things that a Civil /Structural engineer must know in order to do the Structural Analysis and Design of Building from Scratch.This Course will give you in depth knowledge of the SAP2000 so that you can design your own Structure in CSI V20 SAP 2000.YOU can easily model your :-1.Residential Building 2.Over head water tank3.3D Steel space Truss4. Rectangular Water Tank with Complete Theory and analyze in SAP2000.6. Pre Engineered Buildings and analyze in csi SAP2000.7. Bill Board 8 .Heavy Steel Structure that stores cement ,Rebars and other construction material.This course will fill the gap between the fresher and the real life experience.So, if you want to remove the tag of Fresher enroll in this Course and Explore the World of SAP 2000.What to expect from this course :-After completion of this course, you can easily model your Residential building , Over head water tank, 3D steel space truss , Rectangular Water TANK with Complete Theory , 3D Truss , PEB SHED , Heavy Steel Structure analyze and design in CSI V20 SAP2000."
Price: 12800.00

"Robot Structural Analysis Professional course 2021" |
"Why to enroll in this ' Robot Structural Analysis Professional course 2021 ' ?This course is created by highly experienced Structural Engineer using the latest version of Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021 and the content are arranged in such a way that it will clear your basic concept and give you base you for the Professional Content that I have provided in this Course. In this course , you will learn everything from the Basic to the Advance level using the latest version of Robot structural Analysis Professional 2021.First we will start from some Basic examples which is very important. Then we will move to the Modelling , Analyzing and Design of the Reinforced Concrete Structures like Beam , Column , Shear Wall and Footing in Robot structural analysis .I am using the latest version of Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2021 but you can use any version of Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional.Advance Steel structures modelling, analyze and design in Autodesk robot structural analysis Professional 2021. Basic to advance steel efficiently with crystal clear concept.Autodesk robot is very powerful software which can make the life of structure engineers very easy.Then we will do the the Bridge Modelling, Analysis and design with moving loads in Robot Structural Analysis.Residential Building as an assignment .All important Tools are properly explained as it is very essential for the Advance Modelling , Analyzing and Designing .Why this course is not a bestseller even though the quality of this course is top notch ?This is the new course so it will take time to become a Top seller course as many many students will join this high quality course.If don't like the course , You have 30 days to ask Udemy for a refund."
Price: 12800.00

"Curso Preparatrio I - Assistente Administrativo. SESCOOP-SP" |
"Esse curso foi estruturado para voc ter acesso a explicaes de como o processo seletivo do SESCOOP - SP e acesso a vdeos com aulas das matrias especficas que so cobradas no processo seletivo para contratao de assistentes administrativos.A estrutura foi desenvolvida tendo como referncia o edital 2019. Abordando as matrias : Histrico do Cooperativismo; Ramos; Direitos e deveres dos cooperados (Lei n 5764/71, artigos 7 a 9 da Medida Provisria n 1.715/98, Decreto Federal n 3.017/99) e a Lei n 5764/71. Para ajudar na sua formao, deixarei alguns bnus. Alm dos vdeos com as aulas, ser possvel fazer downloads de muitos materiais para complementar seus estudos e do E-book - Dicas de Portugus do dia a dia. Voc ter um diferencial ao adquirir esse curso por ser o nico especfico para um processo seletivo pouco conhecido pelos candidatos. Alm de ter a facilidade de assistir as aulas vrias vezes e ainda ter o materiais de apoio para downloads.Por fim, por ser um processo seletivo que tem um histrico de ocorrer anualmente ( quando consultei havia um histrico de processos seletivos em 2016,2017 e 2019), vale a pena antecipar-se e sair na frente dos outros candidatos. Bons estudos!Roberto"
Price: 99.99

"Copperplate for Beginners" |
"This course is designed to start your journey with copperplate calligraphy. If you are a beginner, intermediate, or an amateur calligrapher, this course is for you. By taking this course you will be able to write copperplate like a Pro in no time. Dont delay and master this art now."
Price: 39.99

"Assistncia Reprodutiva em Gado Leiteiro" |
"Independentemente do tipo e tamanho de explorao, das condies do mercado, o produtor de leite sempre vai precisar de assistncia tcnica competente para auxili-lo na reproduo. Este treinamento mostra como prestar uma assistncia de qualidade, voltada para resultados e tambm como oferecer seus servios de forma assertiva, com maiores possibilidades de conquistar novos clientes."
Price: 69.99
