"Mindfulness Teacher Training Certificate" |
"Do you want to deepen your understanding of mindfulness and learn to teach it to others? This course will give you everything you need to get started as a certified mindfulness teacher.We'll cover:Mindfulness theoryApplications and approachesBreakdown to mindfulness techniques such as meditationTeaching skills and keeping your students safeAdapting practices for groups such as children and older peopleCareers in mindfulnessEach module is assessed by a multiple-choice exam. By the end of the course, you'll earn a certificate accredited by the European Educational Standards Body. Registered training provider number 104667.Taught by Chris Worfolk, psychologist, co-owner of the Leeds Anxiety Clinic and author of Do More, Worry Less."
Price: 99.99

"SoapUI realtime interview questions" |
"SoapUI Interview Questions and answers preparation will help you prepare for your upcoming API testing interview. We have covered all SoapUI realtime interview questions in detail with full explanation in our question answer seriesSoapUI is the most popular tool used for API testing, Webservices testing , functional testing. performance testing and lots more functionality. SoapUI groovy scripting makes process easy. Learn ton lot of interview questions that will help you prepare and clear the interview in first attempt"
Price: 19.99

"1z0-060 Practice Test" |
"1Z0-060 Oracle database 12c New Feature practice tests offers many practice exam questions covering the exam topics that help you stay prepared and face the exam with full confidenceExam Title: Upgrade to Oracle Database 12cExam Number:1Z0-060Exam Price:$245.00Format:Multiple ChoiceDuration:120 minutesNumber of Questions:80Passing Score:Section 1 = 64%; Section 2 = 65%Validated Against:This exam has been validated against Oracle Database"
Price: 19.99

"The Calm Mind" |
"This course teaches you how you can find the calm in the storm by using meditation. In this course you learn:Powerful breathing techniques Types of meditation that are easy to startWays to keep a journalWays to feel calmer instantlyWays to get started with meditation Reasons to try mindfulness meditation Ways that stress is destroying your health and happinessHow to conquer social anxiety How to feel calmer anywhereHow to use mindfulness to sleep better"
Price: 19.99

"Criando Websites com PHP Slim Framework" |
"Voc ir aprender a construir websites utilizando o Slim Framework. Voc tambm aprender a validar formulrios, enviar imagens, enviar e-mails, utilizar o Eloquent e muito mais...No s porque o Slim um Micro-Framework que significa que no podemos fazer uma aplicao completa com ele, muito pelo contrrio, a simplicidade dele muito poderosa.Iremos trabalhar com um domnio de um blog, porm com muitos recursos, incluindo a confirmao de uma conta por e-mail.ATENO: Se voc nunca teve contato com a linguagem php ou no afinidade com programao, ento, este curso no para voc."
Price: 384.99

"Ventas Poderosas y Finanzas del Vendedor en la Incertidumbre" |
"Quizs hayas escuchado poco acerca de las relacin entre las ventas y la salud financiera. En realidad su relacin es muy directa y cercana ya que el dinero forma parte fundamental del xito en las ventas.Una de las razones por las cuales las personas que tienen xito en las ventas es porque no sienten la presin de pagar el alquiler o sus deudas y compromisos. Esto tiene que ver con la plataforma de seguridad financiera que le brinda esa autoestima o ese prestigio para presentarse frente a sus cliente de manera firme y segura.Un vendedor con una salud financiera es un vendedor que posee una seguridad en si mismo para llevar a cabo cualquier proyecto que se proponga.Los tiempos de incertidumbre requieren de poder y fortaleza para consolidar la habilidad de adaptacin la cual ser imprescindible en tiempos venideros."
Price: 199.99

"10 Stunden mehr Zeit je Woche - Zeitmanagement im HomeOffice" |
"Home-Office - das klingt doch wie ein Traum. Doch mit dem Wechsel des Arbeitsortes kommen auch ganz neue Herausforderungen auf. Auerdem ist da pltzlich diese Freiheit, sich den Arbeitstag komplett selbst strukturieren zu knnen.Aber das ist gerade am Anfang mit Stress verbunden. Kinder Partner und auch Freunde melden sich immer dann, wenn Sie gerade mitten in einer Aufgabe sind. Und dann ist da auch noch dieses nagende Gefhl, dass man eigentlich mehr htte schaffen knnen.Doch das alles ist Stress, der sich mit den richtigen Techniken vermeiden lsst. Mit den richtigen Techniken und dem richtigen Zeitmanagement, wird es pltzlich ganz einfach, mit Fokus zur arbeiten.Denn stressfrei und produktiv voranzukommen ist eine Fhigkeit, die Ihr Leben ab heute erleichtern wird."
Price: 199.99

"Windows 10 Dploiement, configuration et scurit" |
"Vous souhaitez devenir un administrateur Windows 10Les comptences et les objectifs de ce cours couvrent la certification Microsoft Windows 10 (MD-100) et vous aideront vous prparer a lexamen MD-100Alors profitez de cette formation complte sur Windows 10Je m'appelle Fabrice et je serai votre instructeur pour ce coursLa srie Modern Desktop Administrator comprend les quatre cours suivants: MD100.1 - Installation de Windows 10 (Section1) MD100.2 - Configuration de Windows 10 (Section 2) MD100.3 - Protection de Windows 10 (Section 3) MD100.4 - Maintenance de Windows 10 (Section 4)Vous apprendrez comment: Installer, mettre niveau et migrer vers Windows 10 Planifier et grer les mises jour de Windows 10 Configurer le stockage, la mise en rseau et les applications dans Windows 10 Identit configure, autorisations et protection contre les menaces dans Windows 10 Prise en charge et dpannage de l'environnement Windows 10Prrequis pour suivre ce cours:Avoir au moins des connaissances sur WIndows 7 ou WIndows 8/10Avoir des connaissances sur la faon d'installer un systme d'exploitation, mme Linux :)Avoir des connaissances sur PowerShellAvoir des connaissances sur le cloud computing et Office 365Mais pas de stress si vous n'avez pas ces prrequis, cette formation s'adresse tous les niveauxJe vous souhaite une super formationFabrice"
Price: 199.99

"Affinity photo le cours complet" |
"Affinity PhotoAffinity Photo est un puissant logiciel de retouche et de montage photo. Moins connu que Photoshop, Affinity Photo n'a pourtant pas envier ce dernier, d'autant qu'il prsente une licence plus qu'abordable. Affinity Photo est compatible avec les formats de fichiers courants comme le PSD. Les fonctionnalits incluent le traitement RAW, les options d'espace colorimtrique, les aperus en direct au fur et mesure que les effets sont appliqus, ainsi que l'assemblage d'images, la composition alpha, la compensation du point noir et les corrections d'aberration optique. En dehors d'un traitement d'image de haute qualit, il possde des fonctionnalits lui permettant de travailler sur toutes les conceptions graphiques, couvertures, carte, flyer et autres. Il possde galement un systme avanc pour la mise en place du texte et la cration de guides. Les fonctionnalits principales- Systme de calque- Rglages avancs de retouche- Traitement des fichiers Raw- Filtres- Mise en page - Et bien plusLa formationDans cette formation vous allez apprendre le logiciel Affinity Photo dans sa totalit. Vous allez rapidement obtenir un bon niveau qui vous permettra de faire toutes vos retouches photos ainsi que vos documents graphiques sur Affinity Photo. Toutes les fonctionnalits du logiciel seront vu dans le cours. En agissant par tape, mode de fonctionnement de l'interface, principe des calques, utilisation des diffrents outils, rglages photo, application de filtres, vous serez en mesure d'avancer rapidement dans l'apprentissage. Des entrainements permettront galement de voir toutes les fonctionnalits vues dans le cours."
Price: 99.99

"Adobe Photoshop CC Fundamentals and Essentials Training" |
"Hi There, I am Stephen Koel Soren and I am a Graphics and Web Expert. If you are a beginner and looking to learn photoshop from scratch then this course will help you to learn Adobe Photoshop Professionally. For learning graphics design and photoshop retouching from beginner to advanced this course can be a lighthouse for you. You can learn from this course about Photoshop Layer, Color and Adjustment, Photoshop Color Correction, Shape and Symbol, Content-Aware & Cropping, Photoshop Text Style, Gradient Stroke & Bevel, Shadow, Blending, Selection, Photoshop Masking, Blur & Filters, Transform, Warp & Distort, Clipping Mask, Retouch, Photoshop Retouching, Effect Of Visual Style, Brush, Export, Earning Money With Graphics Design Work, Advance Tool and many more.This course is especially for beginners and you do not need any previous knowledge of adobe photoshop, photography, or design. We will start right at the beginning and work our way through step by step. If you never opened Photoshop before or you have already opened Photoshop but you are looking for basic and essential use of photoshop you just have to follow me and together we will learn how to make beautiful images using Photoshop."
Price: 199.99

"Python for Data Science: Master NumPy & Pandas on Real Data" |
"Starting Data Science with NumPy and Pandas in Python can be overwhelming.Data structures with endless functionality.Large and complex libraries....and at first, difficult syntax to understand.Wrong approach to learningMost tutorials and courses are focused on covering the broad basis of Pandas, NumPy, or Python data strctures.Too much focus on covering all the all awesome functionalities and syntax.No real examples or too tailored to be used in real life.Not enough coding included to really understand it.This course learning approachMaster a small basis to get full power with Python built-in data structures, NumPy, and Pandas to make real Data Science project.Work on real life examples with real datasets.Make real projects in Python built-in data structures, NumPy arrays, and Pandas Series and DataFrames to understand to true power of each.Keep incremental learning cycles small to ensure you master each step.All datasets and source code available in the course and you will do all the coding along.Approach with PythonThe simple coding exercises will be done in the Udemy platform.More advanced will be done in your own environment.You can use PyCharm (the best Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Python and it is FREE) or another strong IDE. You can also use Jupyter Notebook.What will we cover in this course?Python built-in data structures with real life examples.Learn the power of Python lists. How read CSV files with datasets and explore the datasets, done on real life dataset.Understand and use Python dictionaries to master the power of them.Master the NumPy array to understand the power and limitations compared to Python lists and dictionaries.Understand and master the power of vectorization with NumPy.Work like a Data Scientist with NumPy: Load the data, understand the data, clean the data, enrich the data, explore the data, visualize the data.Making real project with NumPy on real life large datasets.Creating plots and fitting lines to data points.Pandas compared to NumPy. When to use what?Understand the data structures of Pandas: Series and DataFrames.Master the power of vectorization with Pandas.Use Pandas on large real life datasets.How to combine (merge and join) datasets from different sources.Dealing with missing data points.Cleaning data.Convert data to the datatype needed and dealing with errors.Visualize data on world maps.Calculate new data.Test hypothesis of data from real sources.How to continue your journey as a Data Scientiest.You code along - you only learn by trying yourself - 50+ coding exercisesAt each step you make the implementation along with me.You implement it on all stages to increase your understanding of securityBasically, we learn along the way with more than 50+ coding exercises.What is needed to fully understand this course?You have basic understand of Python.Understand basic math from elementary school level.Who is this course for?You want to learn and understand the Data Science process.Want to master NumPy and Pandas like a professional.Those who want to try it with programming examples to fully understand the depth of each lessonThe course has a 30 day money back guarantee that ensures if you are not satisfied, you will get your money back. Also, feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions."
Price: 149.99

"Sports Card Investing & Collecting Course : Beginner to Pro!" |
"In this course you will learn the following: Master Sports Card Investing and Collecting! . Know the Difference between, Base, Parallel and RPA. Tools Needed to Invest! . How to Grade Sports Cards. How to Spot Mint Cards. How to Buy Sports Cards. How to Find Good Deals! . Selling Sports Cards. How to Ship your Sports Cards. Rookies Vs. Other Cards. RPS, Parallel, Insert Cards"
Price: 189.99

"Forex Trading" |
"In this course, I will cover everything from introduction, all the way to how you analyze the Forex market and make money out of it. The course will be in form of video contents and written educational materials designed to give you a foundation in the financial markets, as well as make you a profitable Forex Trader. By the end of this course, You will have the full understanding of the Forex Industry, Trading platforms, Risk management, Trading strategies, Trading templates, Demo accounts and a guide to real accounts. I will also provide you with some of the profitable strategies I use to trade."
Price: 169.99

"{Hindi} Graphic Designing With Canva: Canva Masterclass 2020" |
"Did you know that Canva recently went through a massive update (Sept 2018)?People now call it Canva 2.0.I'm sure you want to learn the latest cool things you can do with Canva right? If you do, you are in the right place!This course is Canva 2.0 ready, meaning it will cover all the latest features and functionalities of the platform.I strongly believe this course is different from the other courses about Canva on this platformLet me tell you how:First its a Master Course, meaning we will go into details to present all the features and functionalities of Canva & Canva 2.0, this wonderful and free app that will allow you to create stunning designs in no time! In this course, we will dive a bit deeper.Second, I wanted the course to be as hands-on & practical as possible for you. It will not only teach you how to use Canva, but will help you develop a brand identity for your business or organization. Your brand identity is indeed the foundation upon which you should build your companys communication. It includes your mission, vision, target audience, personality and core values. We will make sure to cover all these fundamentals of graphic design before we start designing.Then, instead of creating some random graphics to teach you how to use Canva, we will start by designing a Brand Style Guide. Of course, we will do this with Canva! A brand style guide is a document that explains how an organization visually presents itself to the world. It provides guidelines about the logo, the color palette, the typography, the imagery style and the tone of voice. In section 4, Ill show you step-by-step how to use Canva to create your very own brand style guide. You will then use this document during the rest of the course to create a complete set of visuals that will be useful to promote your brand.THE PROMISEBy the end of this course you will have created a full set of consistent visuals that will actually help you promote your brand. You will have mastered Canva and will be able to use it to produce any kind of visuals you need in the future, allowing you to save time, money and take your design skills to the next level!Enroll now and lets get this party started!!Who this course is for:Virtual assistants who need to create professional graphics & designs for their clientsSocial media managers and visual content creatorsEntrepreneurs and small business owners who want to create a strong brandFreelancers who want to boost their career on Fiverr, Upwork, etc.Beginner designers and anyone interested in graphic design."
Price: 199.99

"Learning Linux Firewall : Firewalld." |
"This course is designed for beginners and introduces you to firewall concepts, installation of firewalld , touches upon the zones in the firewalld. The course also equips you to understand the concept of ports and how client-server applications use the ports. There are sections dedicated to troubleshooting Firewalld issues from Windows and Linux platforms. There is innovative use of netcat command for you to anticipate future corrective course of action."
Price: 19.99

"Bash Shell and Scripting Fundamentals" |
"This is a course that is meant to every Linux enthusiast who is interested to learn about the intricacies of the Bash shell and scripting. Much effort has been put to make the course short without impacting the quality of learning. Please follow the attached book along with the Video courses to get the maximum benefit and quick knowledge."
Price: 29.99

"Anatoma humana: sistema locomotor" |
"Curso completo de anatoma (sistema locomotor) con orientacin a la carrera de medicina. ste curso est diseado para ser complemento completo de la cursada universitaria, donde abordamos todos los temas mediante video clases y material bibliogrfico propio de la ctedra, haciendo foco siempre en los temas ms preguntados debido a que el mayor dficit a la hora de estudiar una materia nueva se encuentra en comprender los niveles de importancia de cada tema. A su vez, a lo largo de cada mdulo y seccin del curso, se evaluar al alumno para que ste pueda observar los puntos fuertes y dbiles donde hacer foco, y se dispondrn videos de integracin de los temas ms importantes para recorrer la anatoma de otra forma diferente a la clsica."
Price: 69.99

"Master Excel PowerPivot - Data Analysis & DAX for Beginners" |
"A brief glimpse of PowerPivot's usefulness and capabilities...This course is designed for all Excel users -- not just power users capable of building incredible Excel worksheets with functions, VBA, and mystical trickery. Even if you never write a single formula, this course will teach you to build basic relationships and create PivotTables from multiple mapped tables without a single formula.The course will also introduce you to the DAX formula language. DAX is very similar to Excel formulas; however, you do not need to have experience with Excel formulas in order to use them. DAX and it's concept of context can allow you to replicate many complex Excel formulas with very simple DAX formulas. You'll learn to write formulas that are deceivingly simple yet generate results that seem like magic tricks.Dramatically increase the your data crunching capabilities with PowerPivotLearn how to weave datasets together within Excel to create flexible and dynamic reports unlike any you've built before. Incorporate KPIs to give your PivotTable reports dynamic visual cues. Incorporate DAX formulas to create intelligent PivotTables that look-up, link, and allocate values for you. This course is for anyone new to PowerPivot and applicable to any level of Excel user. You will learn DAX from the beginning stages and you don't need to be an expert in Excel to take this course.Change your view of PivotTablesEver spent hours building a table to load into a PivotTable through lookups, references, and connections?How about creating additional columns of complex calculations using SUMIFS or AVERAGEIFS?With some basic DAX, you don't need to understand these complex and challenging functions in order to create complex and powerful analytical computations. You can take advantage of the context-based computations within PowerPivot with the relationship definitions you'll learn about to generate tables of data faster than you can imagine.Never look at a PivotTable the same way again with PowerPivot.Make your data more accessible.How many reports have you either interacted with or built that used strict tables that required a knowledgeable Excel analyst to either pull more data from or simplify the view?Ever gone back because your boss needed you to break all of the report entries down from annual to quarterly or from sector to department?PivotTables have that functionality built in with their rows and columns, but getting data into that format has been a hassle ... that is, until you learn how to use PowerPivot.Define custom hierarchies for your qualitative data to make expanding and contracting data a one-click experience. Put your co-workers, clients, and boss in awe when they ask for a drill-down and you can provide it on the spot. When they ask a question about the data, give them the workbook to drill into from any angle they want with no need to worry about cell formulas!PowerPivot gives you time back to spend time analyzing the data instead of preparing the data.Open yourself to new avenues of successThis course will help you become more capable with PowerPivot, but PowerPivot is only the tip of the iceberg.Set yourself on the path to mastering basic self-service business intelligence tools and prepare yourself to extend beyond Excel with the concepts covered within. You'll be introduced to relational data structures, problem solving skills, and data concepts that will serve as a foundation for many different tools and problems. Take next steps into PowerQuery to improve your ability to extract, transform, and load data from a SQL database or take your starting knowledge of DAX and relationships and jump into Power BI to begin building fluid and dynamic visuals that simply blow Excel away.Join the course today and take the first step to becoming the master of your data."
Price: 124.99

"Curso de Terceirizao e Trabalho Temporrio" |
"Curso completo sobre terceirizao e sobre trabalho temporrio atualizado com a regulamentao pela Lei n. 13,429/2017. Saiba quem so as prestadoras e as tomadoras de servios terceirizados, quais as exigncias legais para a terceirizao, quais as obrigaes e os direitos na terceirizao e no trabalho temporrio. Tambm tratamos sobre as normas tributrias que devem ser observadas pelas prestadoras e tomadoras destes servios."
Price: 69.99

"Floral Nails. Summer Nail Art" |
"This course includes 5 floral nail art designs and instruction for gel nail polish application. Your will learn to paint on nails using gel polishes. You will get full videos with descriptions. Using them you will find out how to give dimension to your art and will be able to paint these designs. Such a practice will help you to develop your imagination and inspire you to create your own unique designs!"
Price: 19.99

"Basic Knitting English III: all about gauge" |
"Key concepts to gauge.1. Basic Concepts - Same gauge, then?ok- Swatch How-to - Tools for gauge swatch- Blocking swatch- Measuring gauge & choosing size2. Further Discussion - Gauge Q&A3. And Beyond"
Price: 2200.00

"Aulas Online: O Bsico Que Voc Precisa Saber Para Comear" |
"Nessa Master Class de mais de 1 hora voc ir conhecer e aprender a utilizar ferramentas essenciais para tornar suas aulas online interativas e dinmicas. Algumas coisas que voc ser capaz de fazer aps assistir a essa Master Class:- Identificar qual a melhor plataforma para aulas ao vivo- Criar slides com extrema facilidade sem depender do PowerPoint - Criar documentos colaborativos com seus alunos (o que vai reduzir uma grande quantidade de papel na sua vida como professor)- Criar materiais em PDF para seus alunos de forma rpida e prtica.- Criar testes online com autocorreo Te espero l dentro da Master Class para juntos darmos o primeiro passo no que pode vir a se tornar sua carreira definitiva!"
Price: 39.99

"Developing Stakeholder Relationships for Team Leaders" |
"This class teaches students how to identify key stakeholders, develop stakeholder relationships, create a plan for leading a team of multiple stakeholders to complete a project, and facilitating team discussions.The class is designed for professionals and emerging leaders who want to strengthen their team leadership skills by learning how to run a project that spans multiple teams and departments.No specific prior knowledge is required. However, the class is built on the assumption that students have an actual upcoming or current project to which they can apply the course lessons.The skills learned in the class can be used to improve stakeholder participation on a small existing team all the way up to managing large, on-going projects.Note: This class does not teach general stakeholder ""engagement"" tactics, which is often aligned with marketing and ultimately doing more business with clients. While that topic is clearly an important one, this class does not take that approach. In contrast, the class is essentially about developing critical relationships and leading a team of stakeholders on a project."
Price: 29.99

matqixwq |
" . . 165000 2013. 2011-2012 483$ . : . . . 10 . . . . . . ."
Price: 104.99

"Negotiation Mastery: Become A World Class Negotiator" |
"Do you want to be in control of any situation you encounter?Every influential leader understood the power of negotiation. Winston Churchill, Richard Nixon, Barrack Obama, Donald Trump and even infamous leaders such as Hitler and Stalin.Such powerful leaders have forged the landscape of our history for better or for worse. Some rose to power bringing freedom and prosperity, while others left terror and atrocities in their wake. These influential leaders intuitively knew the power of utilizing influence and negotiation to advance their agendas.Everybody engages in some level of negotiation whether at your workplace, among friends or prospecting for favorable business deals. This skill is applicable to almost every aspect of your life.Negotiation can be used, interview situations, real estate, business, bargaining at stores or spotting deception and stopping it in its tracks.Inside this program you will understand deeper level insights to the art of negotiation, think critically, human psychology, and ultimately how to arrive at win-win negotiation deals!What You'll Learn..Body languageValue systemsTypes of negotiationPower & perception Technical aspects of negotiation Human psychology Weak pointsCase studiesAnd, much, much more!Negotiation is an essential skill that can greatly impact the quality of your life in favorable terms if you learn how to master it. Whether its negotiating your salary at your workplace, requesting a pay raise, and creating favorable deals for contracts with sellers or buyers. This is a skill that can tip the balance in your favor once you understand how to leverage it to design win-win outcomes.The scenarios are endless on how you can practically implement the art of negotiation to the many aspects of your life, buying a house, selling your car, investing ( million dollar contracts),, and even high-stakes situations.Therefore, if you're tired of losing contracts, being passed over for promotions at work, and missing out on making genuine and meaningful connections, then I highly recommend you enroll in this program now and learn how to navigate in the complex world of negotiations."
Price: 199.99

"Kazas Aratrma ve Kk Neden Analizi Eitimi" |
"gvenliinden sorumlu olan herkesin riskli durumlara kar aksiyonlar almas gerekir. Ama tm aksiyonlara ramen maalesef istenmeyen olaylar da meydana geliyor. Benzer olaylar ve bunlara bal ac tecrbelerin yaanmamas iin olaya neden olan kk sebeplerin tespit edilerek iyiletirmeler yaplmas gerekir. Yoksa ciddi yaralanma veya lmle sonulanan olaylardan dolay ilgili uzmanlar ar yaptrmlar ve hapis ile kar karya kalabiliyor.te bu yzden her i gvenlii sorumlusunun kaza aratrma, etkin aksiyon belirleme ve raporlama becerisine sahip olmas gerekir. Bu eitim bu becerilerin kazanlmas noktasnda size nemli katkda bulunacaktr."
Price: 109.99

"Agile Practice Tests (220 Questions & Answers)" |
"Are you ready to pass the PMI-ACP PMI Agile Certified Practitioner Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.There are 4 tests, each one contains questions & answers. All 4 practice tests are carefully crafted and come with detailed explanations.The following topics are covered and are based on the Agile Practice Guide:*The agile manifesto and mindset;*Characteristics of the agile life cycle;*Team composition;*Common agile practices;*Measurements in agile projects;*Organizational change management.After this course, you will be able to pass the real test easily without any problem. You will have also knowledge to pass the new version of the PMP test after January 1 st, 2021. "
Price: 19.99

"Watercolor expression. Step by Step" |
"In this course you are going to learn how to create beautiful and interesting layers with dark and light shades of aquarell. I will teach you Step by Step how to use the colors to create this beautiful picture.You will also learn how to use the colours so you get a 3dimensional feeling with the picture.I really hope you are going to enjoy my Art course and I am really interested in your end results"
Price: 129.99

"Metodologia de Diagnose de Soluo de Problemas - MASP" |
"Quer resolver problemas de forma tcnica e sistmica? A Metodologia de Diagnose de Resoluo de Problemas - MASP ser o seu facilitador! Neste curso o aluno aprender a identificar problemas, suas causas e tambm definir um plano de ao para os solucionar.Metodologia de Diagnose - MASP - (NVEL BSICO)Conceito da metodologia de Diagnose - MASP;Compreenso da metodologia de diagnose - MASP;Aplicao da metodologia de diagnose - MASP.Introduo ferramenta da qualidade: BrainstormingIntroduo ferramenta da qualidade: 4Q1POC (5W2H)Introduo ferramenta da qualidade: Diagrama de causa e efeitoIntroduo ferramenta da qualidade: Mtodo dos porqusIntroduo ferramenta da qualidade: FluxogramaIntroduo ferramenta da qualidade: GrficosIntroduo ferramenta da qualidade: Lista de verificao simples e de frequnciaComo material didtico disponibilizaremos o arquivo em PDF com o contedo apresentado durante o treinamento.Melhore o seu desempenho e o desempenho da sua empresa! Aproveite esta srie de treinamentos rpidos e prticos e mergulhe nas ferramentas da qualidade com a gente!Prof RonaldoEquipe Doutor gesto"
Price: 159.99

"Fundamentals of Python Programming" |
"This course is designed to teach you how to program using Python. We'll cover the core building blocks of the language, programming design fundamentals, how to use the standard library, third-party packages, and how to create Python projects. The course deals with some of the fundamental concepts in Python and is intended for the absolute beginner. By the time you've completed this course, you should feel more than comfortableThroughout this course, we'll cover:Python data typesControl flow structures conditionals and loopsData collectionsFunctions and projects."
Price: 19.99

"Corso di Email Marketing" |
"Questo corso di Email Marketing spiega in modo completo come fare campagne di email marketing efficaci e quali tecniche applicare per coinvolgere al massimo grado i clienti in mailing list.Dopo un breve periodo in cui si pensato che le email non avrebbero avuto pi valore nell'universo della comunicazione online, oggi l'email marketing diventato una forma di digital marketing fondamentale per il successo di un piano di digital marketing.In particolare, l'email marketing permette di conseguire numerosi obiettivi di marketing:fidelizzare la clientelaattuare azioni di remarketinggenerare nuove occasioni d'acquisto estremamente personalizzate ed efficaciinformare e coinvolgere il pubblico creando nuove intenzioni d'acquisto.In questo corso di Email Marketing vengono esposte le pi importanti normative concernenti l'invio di email e la creazione di mailing list, viene spiegato come creare email capaci di interessare i destinatari e quali errori devono essere evitati nei contenuti e nella grafica dei messaggi. Per completare il percorso formativo vengono illustrate in grandi linee le principali funzionalit di un software tipico di email marketing.NOTA: questo corso la versione online di un corso aperto al pubblico erogato in modalit di formazione a distanza."
Price: 59.99
