"Spanish Grammar: Simple Past Tense" |
"To learn verb conjugations, you need to focus on (and practice) one verb conjugation pattern at a time. And it all starts today with the Preterite Tense! Focus on one verb conjugation pattern at a time, and you'll see, it's really not that hard. It's faster and It's better.Talking about the Past in Spanish is a vast topic, by far more complicated that talking about the present or the future so I'll give you a peak inside just how to do it, armed with some essential verbs and phrases to really get you going!"
Price: 19.99

"Terraform: Passez la certification Hashicorp Associate" |
"L'objectif principal de cette formation est de vous permettre passer avec succs la certification terraform associate haut la mainLanc en juillet 2014, loutil dinfra as code Terraform offre dsormais un niveau de fonctionnalit permettant la configuration dune infrastructure cloud complte.Voyons dans le cadre de larchitecture dune plateforme web comment crer une plateforme complte sur Amazon en utilisant Terraform.Terraform est un outil open source dinfrastructure as code, crit en go, dont lapproche est dautoriser la dfinition dune architecture aussi htrogne que possible et ainsi faire cohabiter des instances Amazon EC2 et Google Cloud Engine, grer son DNS avec DNSimple ou encore envoyer les mailings avec Mailgun. Sur la page dintroduction du projet, Terraform se compare avec dautres solutions du march, assumant pleinement ne pas remplir les mmes fonctions que Puppet ou Chef. Le duel avec Ansible est malheureusement absent. Saluons cependant la dmarche.Si les dveloppements se sont jusqu prsent principalement focaliss sur les services Amazon, dautres providers sont supports officiellement et la liste augmente au fil des versions. Il est possible de crer son propre module et les initiatives pour ajouter les providers dautres solutions mergent de la communaut (Openstack, VMware, )Cette formation est destine:aux dveloppeursaux administrateurs systmes et rseauxaux ingnieur Cloudaux DevOpsPrrequis conseills:Avoir des bases sur AWS Avoir des bases sur terraformFormateur: Dirane TAFEN (Consultant et Instructeur Cloud et DevOps)Dure de la formation: 4 heuresPRATIQUE ! PRATIQUE ! PRATIQUE !Nos formations sont trs pratiques, vous verrez que nous mettons en place systmatiquement des exemples concrets afin de vous permettre de mieux apprhender les notions voques. En plus, sur certains de nos cours (docker, kubernetes, ansible, openshift ...) nous vous permettons de raliser les Labs directement sur notre plateforme, en effet nous souhaitons vous faciliter la tche en mettant en place une plateforme d'exprimentation hberge par EAZYTraining et laquelle vous avez accs tout moment. Qu'attendez-vous ? Allez lancez vous et apprenez en pratiquant."
Price: 104.99

"Zoom Like a Pro" |
"In this course, Associate Professor of Communication, Dr. Dustin York, walks you through pro techniques to best utilize Zoom. What ideas are there for engaging audience members through chat? What settings should you use in Zoom? What pro third-party add ons should you use to take your Zoom to the next level?"
Price: 19.99

"How can your hotel recover business during pandemic covid-19" |
"The challenges placed on the hotel industry by COVID-19 will have a deep and lasting impact. Travel will not return at once. It will take time for people to feel comfortable and safe leaving their homes once again. As a result, its essential that hoteliers and hospitality teams around the world learn to enhance their business models.To help the hotel industry plan for recovery, we have produced this course, looking at the new trends and forces shaping hospitality. The insights provided in this course, including an extensive market research, will help you make thoughtful, data-driven decisions as you plan your course for recovery.This course details how to evolve your current hotel practices to address the crisis:The current situationCommunicate Before, During and After stay with the guestCommunicate with your teamRevenue Management - be flexible - adjust your policyRevenue Management - Stay Calm - watch your pricingBuild a variety of promotionsLeisure clients expectationsFocus on leisure and domestic travelLearn from similar crisisSetting up your sales team for successUpdate key materialsCheck your dataCreate new marketsDrive bookings with remarketing, Expedia travel ads, Google Ads and Meta SearchKeep the cashflow goingPay attention towards trending on social mediaOptimise your Booking and Expedia ProfilePlanning for hotel operations (front of house, food and beverage, guest room, housekeeping)If you need any assistance, feel free to message in the QnA section."
Price: 49.99

"AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals -Testes de Prtica 2020" |
"Bem-vindo ao nosso AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Test 2020 Course. Estes testes vo ajud-lo a passar no exame na primeira tentativa.O que se consegue neste Curso102 perguntas de prtica de alta qualidade para o seu exameTodas as Perguntas e Respostas de Teste de Prtica AZ-900 so verificadas por especialistasSempre atualizadoTodos os domnios cobertos30 Dias de garantia de devoluo de dinheiroO que os alunos vo aprender no seu curso?102 Perguntas prticas AZ-900 de alta qualidadeOs nossos testes de prtica vo ajud-lo a pontuar pelo menos 80% no exame principalExistem requisitos de curso ou pr-requisitos?Deve ter conhecimento bsico de TIQuer limpar o exame de certificao AZ-900V em frente, faa os nossos cursos. Pratique duro. Teste o seu Conhecimento. Boa sorte para o seu exame!"
Price: 19.99

"Youtuber Kazan Sistemleri ( Kapsaml Youtube Eitimi )" |
"Youtube Dnyasnda Gzel Bir Gemiim ve Bir ok kiiyi tanyorum ve youtube hakknda bir ok bilgiye sahibim zamannda ok izlendim ve hayallerimin peinden gittim ve sonunda sizlere byle bir devamll olan bir eitim hazrladm her zaman gncel yeni derslerin eklediim bir eitim dnn bu yle bir eitim ki sizlere daha iyi bir eyler oluturmak iin bir aba iinde olamak gzel bir ey sizlerde satn alrken gzel bir eitim aldnza emin olacaksnz keyifli dersler beni sosyal medyalardan rahatsz edebilirsiniz danmanlk alabilirsinizinstagram: ogunsakiz"
Price: 129.99

YouTube |
""" "" - , , . "" YouTube "" , , - ! - "" ""! , YouTube, !"
Price: 99.99

handmade-bracelet-octopus |
"Handmade ! ! , - . , . , , . handmade , . , , , . , . ! ;)"
Price: 19.99

"Instagram Schritt-fr-Schritt: Werde zum absoluten Experten!" |
"Wenn Du ein absoluter Instagram-Experte werden mchtest, wirst Du diesen Udemy-Kurs lieben! Du wirst jedes noch so kleine Detail ber diese Plattform lernen und Strategien kennenerlernen, die Du garantiert noch nicht kennst, um Hunderte Follower pro Tag zu erhalten - und das Ganze komplett organisch, also ohne Einsatz von bezahlten Werbeanzeigen!Dieser Kurs ist der umfangreichste Kurs und der Einzige, den du jemals bentigen wirst, um Schritt fr Schritt einen neuen Account aufzubauen oder einen bereits bestehenden Account zu perfektionieren. Mit ber 75 Videos und mehr als 13,5 Stunden Inhalt inkl. umfangreichen Materialien und Erklrungen wirst Du keinen anderen Kurs finden, der so aktuell und detailliert gehalten wird. Bringe Deinen Account von 0 auf 40.000, 60.000 und mehr als 100.000 Followern in Rekordzeit und hole das Meiste aus diesem Account heraus, sodass Du Deinen Lebensunterhalt mit Instagram alleine verdienen kannst.Egal, wie viel Erfahrung du bereits mit Instagram machen konntest - dieser Kurs eignet sich fr Anfnger, Fortgeschrittene und Experten, die Methoden kennenlernen mchten, ohne Einsatz von bezahlter Werbung Hunderte von Followern pro Tag zu gewinnen. Hier wirst du alle kostenlosen Methoden kennenlernen, die dies realisieren knnen!Wie ist dieser Kurs strukturiert und was genau wirst Du lernen?Kapitel #1: Einleitung:Ich stelle mich zunchst einmal genauer vor. Anschlieend werden wir zusammenfassen, was in den folgenden Kapiteln auf uns warten wird. Was werden wir alles behandeln? Wie ist der Kurs strukturiert? Wie schaffen wir es, so schnell zu wachsen? Diese und weitere Fragen werden wir ansprechen!Kapitel #2: Das Wichtigste zuerst:Wir schaffen die ersten Teile unserer Grundlage. Wir werden gemeinsam einen Benutzernamen finden, ein Profilbild erstellen und eine Bio schreiben. Weiterhin werden wir das gesamte Layout der Plattform Instagram analysieren und ber das Branding sprechen!Kapitel #3: Das Grundgerst:Welche Nische funktioniert am besten? Welche Nische solltest Du meiden und welche Faktoren mssen hierfr in Betracht gezogen werden? Welche Arten von Inhalten gibt es und welche solltest du nutzen? Diese und weitere Fragen werden wir im dritten Kapitel besprechen!Kapitel #4: Alles rund um den Inhalt deiner Seite:Dieses umfassende Kapitel beantwortet absolut alle Fragen, die in irgendeiner Weise mit dem Inhalt Deiner Seite zu tun haben.Hashtags, Tools, Branding, Inhalte, Hufigkeit der Posts, Caption und vieles mehr. Egal, welche Frage du zum Thema Inhalt hast:Ich garantiere Dir, dass dieses Kapitel diese Frage beantworten wird - und noch viel mehr!Kapitel #5: Wachstum und Marketing:Was ist ein Algorithmus? Wie kannst Du Dich wirklich von der Masse abheben? Wie gehen wir mit Shoutouts, Nachrichten und Kommentaren um? Welche geheimen Tricks gibt es, um vom ersten Tag an Autoritt zu erhalten? Kapitel 5 liefert die Antworten!Kapitel #6: Fortgeschrittene Marketing-Strategien:Was ist die Explore Page und wie kannst Du sie fr Dich nutzen? Was sind Engagement-Gruppen?Wie gehst Du mit Stories und IGTV um? Wie genau muss Dein tglicher Arbeitsablauf aussehen? Dies und vieles mehr wird das sechste Kapitel beantworten!Kapitel #7: Analysen:Wie erhalten wir Zugriff auf die Instagram Insights und wie deuten wir deren Kennzahlen? Wie optimieren wir unsere Hashtags und Inhalte?Welche externen, kostenlosen Tools gibt es? Das siebte Kapitel beantwortet alle Fragen rund um das Thema Analysen!Kapitel #8: Verdiene Geld mit Deiner Instagram Seite:Welche Mglichkeiten gibt es, um mit Deiner Instagram Seite Geld zu verdienen? Welche dieser Mglichkeiten ist die effektivste? Wie genau gehen wir vor, wenn wir unsere Produkte und Services bewerben mchten? Dies und mehr klrt das achte Kapitel!Kapitel #9: Finale Gedanken:Was haben wir alles gelernt? Wie gehen wir mit den Informationen um? Wie geht es weiter, wenn wir alle Videos geschaut haben? In diesem Kapitel lassen wir alles noch einmal Revue passieren und klren zustzlich, wie es danach weitergeht.Kapitel #10: Extras:Was passiert, wenn Instagram Dinge ndert? Was ist, wenn sich neue Strategien ergeben und wie erhltst du allgemeine Updates? Hierfr haben wir das zehnte Kapitel. Hier wirst du alle nderungen, Neuerungen und weiteren Informationen erhalten, die auch in Zukunft mit dem Thema Instagram zusammenhngen werden. Du wirst also immer auf dem neuesten Stand sein!Bonus #01: LIVE-Beispiele:Wir werden nicht nur alles besprechen, was besprochen werden muss. Wir haben etwas einmaliges vorbereitet: Im Verlaufe des Kurses werden wir gemeinsam einen Instagram Account erstellen, der genau die Inhalte und den Verlauf der IG Universitt wiedergibt. Du wirst also Schritt fr Schritt sehen knnen, wie wir alles Gelernte sofort in die Praxis umsetzen werden. Somit wird dieser Account immer mehr an Struktur gewinnen, je weiter wir im Kurs voranschreiten!Bonus #02: Lifetime-Support:Ich biete Dir als Kursinhaber meinen persnlichen Support an - und das ein Leben lang! Als Kunde kannst Du mir jederzeit auf diversen Wegen Fragen stellen, Anregungen mitteilen oder einfach nur Kontakt aufnehmen. Egal, was du mchtest: Ich werde auf ewig Dein direkter Ansprechpartner sein und alles beantworten, was du wissen mchtest. Dies ist mein Versprechen an Dich!Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses wirst Du wirklich jedes Detail von Instagram kennen. Du wirst anhand des beigefgten Tagesablaufs genau wissen, wann Du was zu tun hast und wie Du das absolut Meiste aus Deiner Instagram-Seite herausholen kannst. Schreibe Dich jetzt ein und lerne von einem Vollzeit-Internet Marketer, der sich seit vielen Jahren auf Instagram spezialisiert. Du wirst meinen Support auf ewig erhalten und immer zu mir kommen knnen, wenn Du Fragen, Anregungen oder einfach nur den Wunsch nach einer Kontaktaufnahme hast.Also kaufe jetzt diesen Kurs und steige noch heute zum Instagram-Experten auf!Wir sehen uns auf der Seite des Erfolgs!Dein Coach und Mentor,Daniel Huppertz"
Price: 199.99

"Whiteboard Animation Masterclass In VideoScribe 2020" |
"Do you want to learn how to create your own whiteboard animations in the easiest way with step-by-step guidelines?If your answer is 'YES' then you are in the right place!In This online course will teach you how to create PROFESSIONAL WHITEBOARD ANIMATION with Sparkol VideoScribe Software. No need any previous experience!Videoscribe is one of the most popular and easy to use whiteboard animation software. It's widely used by Business/Website owners, Marketers, Youtuber and Small Business Owner to spread their products/services or presenting something. Also, used by online instructors who want to create high quality explainer and engaging videos to their students.These videos are great for small businesses, startups, and even teachers.The goal is to learn the basics of how to use VideoScribe, advanced techniques within the program, and finally to approach the designing of whiteboard animations with a more artistic eye.Actually I have cleared all the Concept Step by Step, Because I believe that Your Satisfaction is My Success. I hope you are going to enjoy the course very much. So, stay connected for your best result.Thank you very much for considering my course.I wish you the best of luck.Take Care.Nafiul Alam Nayem"
Price: 199.99

"A Comprehensive Guide to the Business of eSports" |
"SummaryIn the past few decades, video games have gone from merely being a curiosity and a simple hobby to becoming a multi-billion dollar industry. This rise in popularity has also seen the development of eSports. Short for Electronic Sports, eSports provide a way for people to prove their video game skills by playing people from around the world. As the industry has grown, so too has the scale and importance of the events. Today, the eSports industry is worth over $1 billion and employs millions of people around the world. The industry has a wide range of different jobs available, and if youd like to get involved in eSports, its important to understand how it operates and what makes eSports such a unique opportunity.Competition has always played an important role in the advancement of our society and sports are incredibly popular because of the lessons they teach us and how fun they are to participate in and watch. Now, younger generations who are growing up in a digital world are increasingly becoming involved in video games as a competitive outlet. Although sports have remained as one of the primary forms of entertainment for thousands of years, advancements in technology now provide new ways for people to find entertainment.As technology has improved and more people than ever have access to computers, phones and high-speed internet, the accessibility of eSports has increased. Coupled with a greater focus from video game companies on developing their games around the eSports market and the industry has seen explosive growth in the number of people watching and taking part. Higher viewing figures provide more opportunity for revenue as ticket sales, merchandise and advertising increases. The growth of the industry is indicated by the number of high profile brands that have recently sponsored eSports teams, events and players.As the eSports industry sees record-breaking revenue figures, the demand for highly qualified professionals is higher than ever. The industry grows more competitive as more organisations and teams vie for the top spots. Some of the biggest teams now pull in millions of dollars in revenue in a year and have their own training facilities and a team of staff, just like with professional sports teams. To succeed in the industry, whether its through working for an established organisation, starting your own venture or investing in an eSports project, youll need to understand the industry. As the sport develops and becomes more focused on mainstream audiences, people with a deep understanding of eSports and how they work are needed to take it to the next level.What Youll Learn What are eSports? How eSports developed What is online streaming and its relevance to eSports What kind of people are eSports fans, and where are they from? How important mobile phones are to the growing industry In what ways are eSports organisations and competitors able to interact with their fans What is the connection between gambling and eSports, and what implications does this have? Where does the money for eSports events come from and who profits from them? The different levels of organisational structure that make up the eSports industry What goes into holding an eSports event How eSports events have changed over time and adapted to changes Do eSports have a future at the Olympics? Are women fairly treated by the eSports industry and what can be done to improve female participation in the sport? How prevalent is cheating in eSports, and what can be done to prevent it? All about match-fixing and how it threatens the integrity of the industry Can eSports continue to grow in the future and what might happen if the growth slows down? How eSports compete with regular sports and what sports organisations are doing about it What is league franchising and what effect will it have on the industry Technological improvements to eSports and what it means for the future of the sportWhy Choose This Course?This course has been specifically developed to help give you the knowledge you need to understand eSports and how the eSports industry operates. If youre looking to work in eSports, or just want to gain an in-depth understanding of what it is and why its become successful, this course is ideal for you. In this course, youll find plenty of real-world examples of eSports organisations and discover the details of what has made them successful. Youll learn about what it takes to succeed in the industry, issues that eSports face and future challenges and opportunities that may arise.As the eSports industry grows and develops, being able to understand whats driving the growth and whether this can be directed and controlled is very important. This course will teach you how eSports began and what its taken to become a billion-dollar industry. Youll learn about the changes that have helped and hindered the development of the sport and whether the rate of growth can continue.While the course will cover a lot of details around eSports, it is always explained in easy to understand terminology. Weve designed the course in a way so that it can be understood by anyone. Whether you have prior knowledge of eSports or if you already know a lot about eSports and what they are, the course will explain things clearly and in detail. By the end of the course, you wont just understand what eSports are but also the details of the fans, the athletes and the organisations that all make up the eSports ecosystem.Weve included lots of real-world examples that will give you a clearer picture of the industry and how organisations and individuals have built their success. All of the examples weve used have been carefully selected to provide detailed information about the motivations, processes and structures that have contributed to the development of eSports. Weve also included detailed case studies which will examine a particular organisation or event within the industry and look at the factors involved in building and maintaining a successful eSports enterprise.Youll learn about the definition of eSports and how they first began. Youll also discover how eSports have changed and adapted over the years as new technologies, demographics and ideas have come into play. Later on in the course, youll be examining whether the growth of the industry can be sustained and what the future may hold for eSports. This will include future technologies, new concepts and how eSports may break into the mainstream.The course will also cover eSports fans including what kind of people they are, what makes an eSports fan and how they can be compared to sports fans. As with traditional sports, fans are a large part of the eSports revenue, but the course will also be looking at the other sources of revenue including where the money is coming from, who is paying it and why.Youll also discover the different companies involved in the eSports industry including a closer look at teams, governing bodies and games publishers. Youll see the motivations of these organisations and why eSports are so important for them. Youll learn how each type of business contributes to the industry in a different way and whether they have a positive or negative effect on the industry as a whole.The course will also look at eSports events in detail. Youll see what goes into holding an eSports event and why the industry depends on them. There will also be a chance to learn about the evolution of eSports events and why purpose-built eSports arenas are cropping up in cities all over the world.Regular sports have been one of the most popular forms of entertainment for many years but as eSports become more popular with younger generations, should sports teams be worried about dwindling viewing figures? The course will cover the competition between traditional sports and eSports and whether sports executives need to be concerned about their growth. Youll also see what both the sports and eSports industries can learn from one another and improve the experience for their fans while increasing revenue.This course presents a complete and balanced view of eSports and its growth as an industry and form of entertainment. Its important to understand the business side of the industry and learn more about how it all works behind the scenes if youd like to work in eSports. For those who would like to build a successful career or business in the eSports industry, this course if a perfect entry point. Youll gain a deeper understanding of how the business side of eSports works through case studies, facts and theories. This knowledge will serve you well in not only working in the eSports industry but also in your general understanding of how a new sport such as eSports can develop, grow and thrive from small beginnings."
Price: 74.99

"Hybrid agile project management: combine Scrum and Waterfall" |
"Agile project management becomes more and more important, but after the initial hype, its weaknesses and downsides become more obvious. Companies have started to realize that it's not ""the holy grail"", that solves all project management related challenges and they're looking for individual solutions for their particular projects.Companies and project managers are looking for a better integration of agile techniques into standardized company processes, like formal project approvals, or resource and portfolio planning. They also need a better balance of reliable mid to long-term plans without compromising too much flexibility to quickly react to changing market situations or customer requirements.Hybrid agile projects (also known as ""Scrumbut"", ""Waterscrum"") have the potential to be that solution. Hybrid agile projects try to combine the best agile and traditional project management elements to create a unique solution for today's projects.The challenge: Combining Waterfall and Scrum sounds easy, but can get really complex. Hybrid agile project management requires a solid understanding of agile and traditional project management to avoid confusion and absolute chaos. It is much more than just combining two project management approaches, as different roles, events and ideas collide.In this course you will...# learn to understand the benefits and downsides of hybrid agile project management# learn to avoid common mistakes in setting up your hybrid agile project, by applying a checklist and strategies provided by this course # ...be able to apply an idealistic best practice approach that includes agile and traditional componentsContent:This course starts with an overview and a differentiation of various hybrid project management approaches.You will than get a summary on agile and traditional Project Management incl. the respective mindset, processes and the benefits and downsides, for a better understanding of what we want to combine in our hybrid agile approach.We will than guide you through the ideal set up of a hybrid agile project, based on best practicesThe final chapter of this course will than teach you, how to plan the set-up of your hybrid agile project and you'll receive an Excel-checklist as additional support.Additional Course material:Your learning experience will be supported by:# regular quizzes# a great and comprehensive slide-deck# One Pagers that summarize the most important ideas of each chapter# an Excel-checklist that helps to plan your next projectEnroll right now and I'm hoping to see you in the course very soon!Niels"
Price: 19.99

"Formao em Headhunter" |
"O mundo mudou!Segundo a estimativa da Organizao Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) , quase 38% da fora do trabalho no planeta est sem emprego e mais do que nunca, as empresas se vem obrigadas a darem um tiro certeiro a cada contratao.Mas ainda existe uma verdade que muitas associaes se negam a encarar: o fato que, para alcanar absoluta preciso a cada recrutamento, preciso dominar o conhecimento ea motivao certa.Ento, se voc est preparado (a) para dar o prximo passo ...Chegou a hora desenvolver sua carreira e as habilidades certas para conectar os melhores profissionais s melhores empresas.O que voc aprenderA Formao em Headhunter, que um especialista em encontrar talentos e recursos humanos para as organizaes, vai te ajudar a adentrar em uma das profisses do futuro, que vem ganhando fora no mercado brasileiro e j realidade nos mercados americano e europeu.Aprenda os conceitos de recrutamento, receba tcnicas, ferramentas e avaliao para avaliar os critrios e competncias para conhecer com maior eficincia e critrio as pessoas, buscar autoconhecimento e gesto do conhecimento. exclusiva e comportamental - atravs de uma metodologia, mapeada pelos grandes headhunters e principais empresas e consultorias ao redor do mundo.Benefcios para voc:Mercado promissor e ainda pouco explorado Vantagem competitiva em recrutar, com precisoMercado dinmico, que possibilita construir networkingrea reconhecida internacionalmente, com sucesso consolidado nos EUA e na Europa Benefcios para empresa:Mais contrataes bem-sucedidas e menos demissesContribuir com a realizao pessoal e profissional dos candidatosEconomia de tempo e de recursos valiososTcnicas especficas capazes de detectar o profissional certo, que no seria encontrado atravs dos mtodos comunsPreveno de danos causados por incompatibilidade de expectativaCrescimento organizacional saudvelImportante: O diferencial desta formao alm da tecnologia de vanguarda, todo o contedo aplicvel filmado e fruto de mais de duas dcadas de atividades para pessoas e empresas, e aplicada na sala de aula com pessoas reais na soluo de problemas tambm reais, e com resultados reais, objetivando alavancar suas vidas e carreiras. No trata apenas de teorias que no resistem realidade das dificuldades de contextos profissionais ou pessoais, mas de tcnicas que voc mostra em tempo real, se mostram efetivas nos resolvedores de bloqueios e aplicaes, e aumentam rapidamente os resultados nas mais diversas reas da vida das pessoas que ali esto."
Price: 579.99

"Portraiture - Sketching and Watercolor portraits" |
"Welcome to the course. I've used Loomis method and few other methods for learning about the proportions and added my own findings to create a technique that I use for my portrait sketching and watercolor work. I will be sharing the same with you in this class!You will learn the following,Sketching processBasic sketching processLearning the proportions of head for male, female and childLearning to sketch out the featureHow shadows work on the faceIn depth study for female head structure along with the featuresDemonstration of the discussed topicsTracing out the resultsWatercolor painting process.With the traced out results, we will work on watercolor process with the same subject but different color tonesColor mixing for different skin typesLayering processPainting 3 types of skin tones with minimal colors - Yellow, Scarlet lake, Burnt Sienna, Cobalt blue hue, Sap green and Gamboge hueFinal sketch, paintings have been attached under lecture 9 as a downloadable resource. See you in my classCheers,Nahid."
Price: 24.99

"33 Tcnicas para aumentar a converso de lojas virtuais" |
"Treinamento 100% OnlineTcnicas de converso de vendas para lojas virtuais.Voc tem uma uma loja virtual que no vende? Por mais que voc invista em trfego, no consegue converter?Eu vou te ensinar 33 TCNICAS que vo alavancar as vendas de sua loja virtual!Nesse curso eu te ensino tcnicas que j foram testadas e consolidadas em grandes lojas virtuais pelo mundo todo e que vendem sem parar.ESSE CURSO ENSINA A CONVERTER VISITAS EM VENDAS (CONVERSO).ESSE CURSO NO ENSINA A GERAR NOVAS VISITAS (TRFEGO).QUEM SOU EU?Sou designer e desenvolvedor web, mas no momento no estou atuando nessa rea. Trabalho h 15 anos com internet, e sou especialista em gesto de ecommerce por pelo menos 10 anos. J trabalhei em todos os departamentos que uma loja virtual pode ter, desde o que acontece dentro do cdigo que est rodando o ecommerce, passando pelos algoritmos de inteligncia artificial de redes sociais e buscadores, conheo tcnicas de SEO e finalmente chegando ao marketing digital, onde ocorre toda a mgica na cabea do cliente.Esqueci de mencionar que tambm sei diversas tcnicas de gesto e atendimento ao cliente que iro tornar a sua loja uma referncia?"
Price: 39.99

"220-802 CompTIA A + Certification Practice Test" |
"239 UNIQUE practice questions for 220-802 CompTIA A + Certification Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 220-802 CompTIA A + Certification Practice TestTotal Questions : 239Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :140 minsPassing Score : 75 (179 of 239)"
Price: 169.99

eiken-4-vocabulary-grammar-reading-listening |
"Hundreds of vocabulary comparable to those in the 4th grade of the English Proficiency Test along with grammar and reading comprehension will be covered in the course. Answers to the questions are accompanied by detailed explanations. Work through the questions (100 in total) to prepare for the Eiken test."
Price: 99.99

eiken-3-vocabulary-grammar-reading-writing-listening |
"Hundreds of vocabulary comparable to those in the 3rd grade of the English Proficiency Test along with grammar and reading comprehension will be covered in the course. Answers to the questions are accompanied by detailed explanations. Work through the questions (100 in total) to prepare for the Eiken test."
Price: 99.99

"Business of Transcription" |
"Welcome to my course on 'Business of Transcription'!Do you know you can recover your investment in Transcription business in just two months while working from home? Transcription has become an essential service in todays competitive business environment. Companies that are looking to document meeting notes/discussions or reach newer customers are leveraging transcription.If you are finding it difficult to where to start from setting up your business of Transcription then you will love this course. In this course you will learn about: - Overview of Transcription Business- Setting Up Transcription Business- Transcription Business Operations- Financial Plan and How to Increase Profit- Marketing Transcription BusinessMy name is Omar Khan and I have more than 10 years of experience in helping more than 250 clients to bring their ideas to reality! I hope I help bring your idea to reality by connecting the dots for you."
Price: 24.99

PVAmazon |
Price: 24000.00

150PV |
Price: 24000.00

"Learn HTML from scratch" |
"Hello Learners! Welcome to this fully packed HTML crash course. This course teaches you all you need about HTML. In this course you are going to learn the skill needed to start a journey as a web developer. It does not matter if you are just starting to use a computer for this first time, I have prepared this course for anybody especially for beginners, so don't worry just follow every instructions and you are good to go"
Price: 19.99

"French Individual Oral: IB French ab initio" |
"Bonjour et bienvenueEvery French ab initio student has a dream of getting Grade 7 after studying 2 years of IBDP program and the most challenging part for students is to tackle Individual Oral. Through these videos, I would like to teach in a practical way and a step by step modules so that students would be able to achieve Grade 7 in Individual Orals of IBDP French ab initio 2 year diploma program. There is nothing more thrilling than being able to handle French Individual Oral assessment. Well, now you can!Its my passion to teach French and my goal is to provide the students the best of my knowledge and skills. I have created 10 Minute French ab initio Individual Oral as a way to make orals easier than ever before and accessible to anybody who has opted for ab initio 2 year Diploma Program. This course is perfect for the ab initio student to crack the Individual Oral. You can go from presenting an image, follow up questions on the theme and then finally answering fluently the questions on a separate theme. Knowing no prior knowledge of French orals at all to putting together your own sentences in just a few minutes. Please do watch the free preview lessons below to know the details. Amusez-vous bien!"
Price: 19.99

"Sketching and Painting Portrait of Woman Ballet Dancer" |
"This course is for beginner and Intermediate artist who want to learnSketching portraits and drawing posturesMixing skin tone colourBrushes, materials and other techniques used in portrait paintingPainting a woman portrait, including face, neck, hand, back, legs, muscles and hair in detailPainting light and shadow and applying multiple layers in portrait paintingGlazing technique in oil paintingOil Painting ballet dress and ballet shoespaint foggy clouds with misty forest treesPainting peacock feathers"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Photoshop cc (diseo de calzado / zapatilla de depo" |
" ******* Curso de cc de Photoshop (diseo de zapato / zapatilla de deporte del boceto) *******Nota: en este curso, el software se usa en inglsEn este curso aprender a disear zapatos / zapatillas de deporte de principio a fin, y al final de este curso podr disear el diseo de zapatos / zapatillas y tcnicas de creacin de sombras y reflejos para crear un efecto realista. Puede aplicar estas tcnicas a cualquier diseo o concepto para que sea profesional y realista.Hacia - el - curso de punto sin ninguna confusinRequisitos:Software: Photoshop cc ltima versin 2020 o 2019 o 2018 o 2017 o 2014 o 2015 o cualquier versin anterior como cs5 o cs6, etc.PC o computadora porttilTu precioso tiempo!Eso es!!!Cualquier cuerpo puede unirse a este curso:EstudiantesTrabajadores de software 3dFreelancersArtista graficoEmpresarioTrabajadores a tiempo parcialEstudiantes de habilidadesApasionado por aprender y desarrollar habilidadesIngenieros *** Comencemos a aprender hoy y aumente sus conocimientos y habilidades de manera profesional."
Price: 19.99

"photoshopUIpspsUIps UIUIUI~UIpsUI~"
Price: 39.99

"Marketing Skills for Entrepreneurs" |
"This course is ideal for small and medium business owners who are interested in growing their businesses with the application of innovative marketing concepts and practices. This course is also beneficial to professionals contemplating opening their own business ventures. Learn how to create excitement and attract new customers by gaining the marketing skills needed to successfully market your products and services. Upon completion of this course learners will be able to develop a competitive marketing plan and will be equipped with effective marketing skills to apply in their business ventures."
Price: 19.99

"Excel para Gestin de Informacin de Recursos Humanos" |
"Excel Para Recursos HumanosObjetivo General: Con frecuencia, los profesionales de Recursos Humanos deben cumplimentar muchos formularios y realizar seguimientos de variedad de datos, desde planes de compensacin de empleados hasta programas de desarrollo de carrera. El objetivo de este curso es simplificar estas tareas para invertir ms tiempo con las personas y menos con el papel. La herramienta Excel te ayuda a mantener un seguimiento y reporte de tus datos de Recursos Humanos. Por ejemplo, los responsables de seleccin realizan seguimientos sobre los curriculum entrantes, fuentes de los candidatos, nmero de candidatos entrevistados, ratio de entrevistas-ofertas, motivos de desestimacin, etcDirigido:En este curso a distancia se realizarn numerosos ejercicios para la inmediata puesta en prctica en el lugar de trabajo. Asimismo, a los alumnos se les hace entrega de distintos modelos que podrn utilizar en su trabajo, as como manuales y ejercicios prcticos. En este curso a distancia se realizarn numerosos ejercicios para la inmediata puesta en prctica en el lugar de trabajo. Asimismo, a los alumnos se les hace entrega de distintos modelos que podrn utilizar en su trabajo, as como manuales y ejercicios prcticos.Directores y responsables de Recursos Humanos Directores y Tcnicos de Administracin de Personal Responsables y Tcnicos de cualquiera de las reas de Recursos Humanos Profesionales y Tcnicos de Recursos Humanos que desean mejorar su desempeo y eficiencia en su rea de competencia CONTENIDO Gestin de grandes volmenes de datos Tabla, estilos de tabla, fila de totales Nombres definidos Funciones de Texto, Fecha y Bsqueda y referencia Filtros Filtros Avanzados y Subtotales Tablas Dinmicas y Grficos Dinmicos Uso de Mini grficos Subtotales y Agrupar Tabulacin de datos con listas desplegables Creacin de listas desplegables dependientes Ingresar datos de fechas en celdas por medio de un calendario emergente. Importacin y exportacin de datos Plantillas con bases de datos Vnculos: Celdas, hojas, Libros, red Importacin de archivos Validacin de formatos Formatos Condicionales Microsoft Query para cruce de tablas de datos Anlisis y clculos de la nmina con grandes volmenes de datos Funciones Buscar, Indice, Coincidir Funciones Lgicas Funciones de Texto y Fecha para determinacin de das laborables, antigedades, etc) Funciones Promedio y Estadsticas Clculos basados en condiciones. Anlisis de datos mediante tablas dinmicas. Prctica: Reclutamiento y Seleccin de candidatos. Mejora del clculo de los elementos de la nmina con el uso de nombres definidos Filtros avanzados para consultas de datos de trabajadores Macros para vincular un registro de trabajador a una foto Trabajar un libro en modo multiusuario para trabajo de equipos de empleados. Presentaciones avanzadas Tipos de grficos y su parametrizacin. Formatos condicionales. Exportacin de grficos y tablas a Word y PowerPoint. Combinacin de correspondencia entre Excel y Word (ejemplo automatizacin de una constancia de trabajo) Metodologa En este curso se realizarn numerosos ejercicios para la inmediata puesta en prctica en el lugar de trabajo. Asimismo, a los alumnos se les hace entrega de distintos modelos que podrn utilizar en su trabajo, as como manuales y ejercicios prcticos."
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals of After effects 101" |
"What can I say? After effects is simply put an amazing program. If you're looking for ways to seriously amp up the production value of your videos, I highly recommend investing the time in learning the ins and outs of this program.In this lesson:You'll learn the fundamentals of working in after effectsHow to create a dynamic and interesting graphic sequence for your videosShort cuts to immensely help speed up your workflow and get projects finished faster!"
Price: 44.99

"Estruturao e Reestruturao de Negcios" |
"Alexandre sempre foi um sonhador. Desde cedo trabalhou como mecnico com seu tio e primos, e queria abrir a sua prpria oficina.Guardou dinheiro durante 10 anos, e decidiu empreender: comprou os melhores equipamentos, fez as campanhas de lanamento, um bom trabalho de relacionamento... Mas, como 60% das empresas brasileiras, a oficina de Alexandre no resistiu e fechou aps 5 anos de atividade.Sabe qual o maior problema da empresa do Alexandre, e de outras 597.000 empresas?Os empreendedores no conhecem o suficiente de Gesto Estratgica de Negcios.Se voc se identifica com essa histria, viu algum prximo a voc passar por isso ou quer apenas comear a se preparar para abrir o seu negcio, esse curso pra voc!Nele, discutiremos o essencial de estratgias de gesto de negcios, e te daremos um norte sobre quais as principais habilidades que voc deve desenvolver para que sua empresa tenha os melhores resultados!"
Price: 39.99

"ServiceNow Exam Practice Test (CIS-Service Mapping)" |
"Books and docs could be monotonous, multiple sources could be confusing and multiple mouths could be misleading sometimes. Thats when you wish you had someone to guide you with their experience, knowledge from multiple sources and an aligned approach, at one stop. Here is an end to these worries.This course contains 2 timed practice tests for the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Service Mapping Exam (CIS-SM) certificationMock tests in line with the mainline exam to level up your confidence and time management skills for the actual exam.This Practice Tests Course is for those who are determined to prepare and clear the ServiceNow CIS-SM TEST.All the questions are aligned to the main exam to give you a flavor of the real exam and help evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.Strictly follows the ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Service Mapping Exam (CIS-SM) Exam Blueprint which is available on ServiceNow website."
Price: 1280.00
