"SAP Cloud Platform Enterprise Extension bungszertifizierung" |
"Du mchtest die Zertifizierung C_CPE_12 mit Selbstvertrauen bestehen? Mchtest du mehr wissen, bevor du die Zertifizierung zum SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform: Enterprise Extension ablegst? Du hast Zugang zu den Schulungsunterlagen zu SAP Cloud Platform Enterprise Extension, mchtest aber sicher sein, die Prfung zu bestehen? Bereite dich auf einen garantiert erfolgreichen Zertifizierungsprozess vor.Mit den Tests baust du Wissen und Selbstvertrauen auf indem du Fragen bst, von denen ich garantieren kann, dass sie in einer echten Zertifizierungsprfung so vorkommen knnen. Die bungsprfungen stellen dich auf die Probe, um dich auf die Zertifizierung vorzubereiten. Jede bungsprfung enthlt einen Satz von 80 Fragen, die ber die Themenbereiche gem den Prfungsrichtlinien verteilt sind. Nachdem du diese Prfungen bestanden hast, bist du vollstndig darauf vorbereitet, die SCP Enterprise Extension abzulegen. Dieser bungskurs basiert auf dem offiziellen Prfungshandbuch fr C_CPE_12. Er gewichtet die sieben Themen richtig, so dass du die eigentliche SAP Cloud Platform Zertifizierung sicher bestehen kannst!Die Zertifizierungsprfung ""SAP Certified Associate - SAP Activate Project Manager"" besttigt, dass du die notwendigen und grundlegenden Fhigkeitenim Bereich SAP Projektmanagement besitzt. Dieses Zertifikat baut auf den erforderlichen Beraterfhigkeiten und -erfahrungen auf, die dann durch praktische Erfahrungen whrend mehrerer Projekte verfeinert werden. Mit dieser Prfung wird berprft, ob SAP-orientierte Projektmanager ber fortgeschrittene betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse und die Fhigkeit zur Anwendung von Methoden und Werkzeugen verfgen. Neben fortgeschrittenen Kommunikations- und Prsentationsfhigkeiten wird mit diesem Zertifikat auch besttigt, dass der Projektmanager ber Fachkenntnisse im Umgang mit internen und externen Interessenvertretern sowie ber Grundkenntnisse von nderungsmanagementprozessen und der Kommunikation dieser Prozesse mit anderen verfgt. Mit dieser Prfung wird besttigt, dass der Projektmanager in der Lage ist, den End-to-End-bergang des Projekts vom Vertrieb zur Realisierung erfolgreich zu managen, Roadmaps fr die Projektausfhrung zu entwickeln und das Test- und Qualittsmanagement zu verstehen. Insbesondere bei SAP-bezogenen Projekten wird mit der Prfung berprft, ob der Projektmanager die SAP Activate Methodik anwenden kannKonkret bezieht sich die Zertifizierung auf die Kurse CP100 und CLD200, die ber die entsprechende SAP Learning Hub Subscription erhltlich sind. SAP empfiehlt Schulungen und praktische Erfahrung zur Vorbereitung auf die Zertifizierungsprfung, da anhand von Fragen deine Fhigkeit geprft wird, das in der Schulung erworbene Wissen anzuwenden. Das bedeutet, dass die Antworten auf die Zertifizierungsprfung durch das Erlernen des entsprechenden Kursmaterials gelst werden knnen. Werfen wir nun einen Blick auf die Themenbereiche und die Prfungsablufe:Die Prfung enthlt 80 Fragen und hat einen Cut Score von 63%. Das bedeutet, dass du insgesamt 51 Fragen richtig beantworten musst. Du kannst 29 Fragen nicht richtig beantworten und trotzdem bestehen - genial. Fr die Beantwortung der 80 Fragen hast du 180 Minuten Zeit. Normalerweise wirst du nicht so viel brauchen. Fhlen dich nicht unwohl, wenn du frher fertig wirst.Schauen wir uns also die Verteilung der Fragen genauer an:Cloud Native Application Development > 12% oder mehr als 10 FragenThe Intelligent Enterprise > 12% oder mehr als 10 FragenSecurity 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenAPIs 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenIn-App extensibility 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenSAP Cloud SDK 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenSide-by-side extensibility 8% - 12% oder 6-10 FragenBist du bereit, ein SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform: Enterprise Extension zu werden? Mach dir keine Sorgen. Sei erfolgreich!"
Price: 199.99

"Fsica para Engenharia - Mecnica" |
"Todo engenheiro e cientista sabe da importncia dos contedos da Fsica no exerccio de suas respectivas profisses.No curso Fsica para Engenharia - Mecnica voc, aluno, aprender os principais conceitos e princpios fsicos necessrios e importantes abordados em qualquer curso de engenharia.A equipe do EngeFsica preparou um curso direcionado, principalmente, para alunos dos cursos de engenharia (mecnica, eltrica, de controle e automao, civil, ambiental, qumica, etc). Alunos dos cursos de Licenciatura em Fsica, Matemtica e Qumica, tambm podem cursar, alm de alunos dos cursos de bacharelado desses mesmos cursos. Durante o curso sero abordados os principais conceitos da mecnica e os princpios fsicos mais importantes, dentre eles: as Leis de Newton, Conservao da Energia, Conservao do Momento Linear e Conservao do Momento Angular. Durante o curso iremos resolver vrios problemas de aplicaes do contedo abordado e, quando conveniente e oportuno, faremos algumas simulaes, plotagem e manipulao de grficos usando software adequado, como o Matlab. A equipe do EngeFsica deseja boas vindas a todos e nos colocamos disposio para dvidas, comentrios e esclarecimentos. Abraos!Equipe do EngeFsica"
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft PowerApps - Canvas Apps Experte werden" |
"Mithilfe dieses Kurses werden Sie zum Canvas-App-Profi. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob Sie schon etwas Erfahrung haben oder ein Neueinsteiger sind. Der Kurs begleitet Sie Schritt fr Schritt durch die unterschiedlichen Mglichkeiten und Prozesse. Nach diesem Kurs werden Sie mithilfe Ihres angeeigneten Wissens, perfekt funktionierende als auch wunderschne Anwendungen nach Ihren Anforderungen erstellen knnen, um bestehende als auch neue Prozesse in digitaler und mobiler Form abbilden zu knnen."
Price: 49.99

"Avaliao Dos Pontos Gatilhos" |
"A sndrome dolorosa miofascial (SDM) uma das causas mais freqentes de dor musculoesqueltica e acomete msculos, fscias e tecidos conectivos.Apesar disto, muitos Fisioterapeutas no a reconhecem, pois o diagnstico, baseado principalmente em achados clnicos e no histrico do paciente, confunde-se com o de outros quadros.Infelizmente em muitos cursos de ps-graduao e em outros cursos o objetivo est em aprender o uso de ferramentas... uma infinidade que acaba gerando grandes reprodutores de tcnicas...No sou contra isso, pelo contrrio, eu mesmo uso vrias modalidades de tcnicas em meus atendimentos e ministro a anos o meu Mtodo TM.I No Controle da Dor com resultados INCRVEIS e j certifiquei mais de 1.300 fisioterapeutas e acadmicos nessa metodologia.O ponto aqui que quero chamar a sua ateno, que existe uma fase antes de usar todo o arsenal teraputico que voc j sabe, o que talvez muitos no saibam : DE ONDE VEM ESSA DOR ?!Muito pior ainda se enganar, tratar UMA CONDIO pensando ser OUTRA COISAE o que eu trago aqui uma das piores situaes que pode acontecer com voc (profissional fisioterapeuta) e para seu paciente (paciente com dor).Tratar o Local da Dor ao Invs da Origem da Dor. Ou Seja, No Achar o Ponto Gatilho da Dor.Para que isso no acontea voc deve identificar se a dor que o seu paciente est sentindo vem de uma origem miofascial ou no.O segundo passo, consiste em saber reconhecer clinicamente os sinais e sintomas que um paciente com dor miofascial apresenta.Esses 2 pontos so fundamentais, fazem toda a diferena no restante da sua avaliao, possibilitando ser mais assertivo no seu diagnstico, facilitando seu raciocnio clnico e trazendo resultados imediatos para o seu paciente."
Price: 69.99

"Invest in yourself in your own well being today. This course will give you the skills to become your own personal healer. Tap into you inner power and potential with meditations, self inquiring points and various interactive tasks. This course is for anyone that is committed to being their most loving self. Transform your identity and open you heart to the opportunities of this world NOW! You were born DIVINE, Embody it.I am always available to respond to any question you have regarding the course and your own journey.with love, Sasha"
Price: 19.99

"Ho'oponopono - Prtico e Profundo" |
"Auto-responsabilidade e Liberdade.Este curso para assumir sua vida. Desenvolver seu potencial sem interferncias externas, internas e viver sua essncia e na Inspirao.Compreender o que , como fazer, aplicar no dia a dia.Aprender a histria do Ho'oponopono, da Moornah Simeona, do Dr. Hew Len, Loe Vitale. Aprender sobre os Kahunas e o tradicional Ho'oponopono.Como as memrias atuam sobre voc?Programas que criam bloqueios na sua vida e a se libertar.Desenvolver o amor prprio, pelos outros e o perdo.Desprender-se de mgoas, dores, limitaes, traumas do passado.Desenvolver sua espiritualidade e conexo com Algo Maior, Divindade, Natureza, Deus e sentir PAZ."
Price: 174.99

"Transformada Inversa de Laplace" |
"Necesitas aprender a calcular Transformada Inversa de Laplace?Conoces los mtodos de inversin?Necesitas obtener de forma grfica el producto de la convolucin de funciones?En este curso se desarrolla en detalle todo lo relacionado con el clculo de la Transformada Inversa de Laplace: la frmula de inversin compleja, las propiedades de la Transformada inversa de Laplace, el mtodo de inversin por descomposicin en fracciones parciales, incluyendo el mtodo sistematizado de Heaviside y el mtodo de inversin usando el producto de convolucin de funciones. Adems se muestra el procedimiento para la convolucin grafica de funciones. Tambin se anexa un grupo de problemas resueltos utilizando stos mtodos descritos y se propone un grupo de problemas para complementar su aprendizaje."
Price: 29.99

"100+ actividades ldicas para maestros, con certificado" |
"Sientes que te cansas de hacer las mismas actividades y quieres ver lo que se puede hacer en clases de idiomas? o vas a empezar a dar clases?Estas 100+ actividades ldicas te van a dar mil ideas de lo que se puede hacer y lo mejor: Funcionan!Tenemos actividades de introduccin del tema, hay otras de verificacin del aprendizaje, tambin tenemos actividades para incentivar la produccin escrita, la produccin oral. En fin tenemos de todo. Para mayor claridad, las organizamos en 5 categoras: Comprensin Oral (CO), Expresin Oral (EO), Comprensin Escrita (CE),) y Expresin Escrita (EE) y tambin actividades para clases a distancia."
Price: 2970.00

"Acapella and Nasheed Production" |
Price: 49.99

"Earned value analysis (EVA) for PMP & CAPM Exams" |
"Earned value management, earned value project management, or earned value performance management is a project management technique for measuring project performance and progress in an objective manner.This course will help you to understand Earned value analysis (EVA) for PMP & CAPM ExamsThis course covers, Earned value analysis (EVA) concept with one practical example with samples questions."
Price: 1280.00

"The Simplest Photography Course For Beginners" |
"This beginners photography course is perfect for people that are completely new to photography and want to get a basic understanding of camera functions and how to get better photos out of your camera. This course is also suitable for those of you that want to brush up on your photography skills and give you more in-depth knowledge on how to use your camera correctly. Throughout this ten lesson digital photography course we cover: How to hold your camera correctlyAdjusting the camera to your eyeFocusing your cameraCamera modesUnderstanding ISOUnderstanding ApertureGetting to grips with different compositional methodsDepth of field and more!We've carefully designed this course so that we don't overload you with information that doesn't make sense out of context. As a result, we've put together a course that is as practical as we can make it where we give you the chance to pause the course or between sessions pick up your camera and practice what we've just explained. The course includes 10 separate lessons that cover the essential beginner elements to photography."
Price: 24.99

"The most comprehensive streamlined course available on Udemy or anywhere! A study of American drumming fundamentals for beginners, yet useful for all drummers, including seasoned professionals. After watching every beginner drum instruction video here on Udemy, I can honestly say you're in the best hands, with top notch techniques being passed down to you. Section 1: Building Blocks1) Physical form, throne positioning and height, stick grip, downstrokes2) Full strokes, beginning reading, counting, keeping time with your feet, simple etude3) Reading part II, Mastering Stick Rebound, The Moeller Method 4) 5 essential rudimentsSection 2: Groove! 1) The drum kit was invented to play jazz, ergonomic drum kit, foot/pedal technique, your first grooves2) Beginner ""straight 8th feel"" rock beats, the most utilized beat in popular music. Songs to play along with by Bruno Mars, Def Leppard, The Beatles, The Eagles, Prince, Katy Perry.3) Simple Fills, Playing The Crash Cymbal and use of the ""sidestick"" technique4) The Paradiddle Groove5) The Press Roll, The Shimmy, Jazz/Swing feel and songs to play along with: Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong6) The Shuffle and songs to play along with : Muddy Waters, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Stevie Wonder, Steely Dan"
Price: 69.99

EPyTorch |
Price: 5400.00

"Biology part 1- Human Anatomy" |
"Anatomy is fun!Knowing how your body works, how you move, how your muscles work, what your bones look like, it's all so interesting.This course is applicable for anyone with an interest in the human body, from a fitness lover to a physiotherapist or doctor, from a student to a -professional- bodybuilder and from runners to soccer's medical supporters.How that might be possible? Because we take it one step at a time nd teaching is my profession! I dare you to take this course and find out how much fun you will have in learning about human anatomy."
Price: 29.99

"MS-100 Practice Test: 2020 (Latest Questions)" |
"Welcome to our Course.These Practice tests will help you pass the Microsoft MS-100 exam in the very first attempt.What you get?60 High Quality practice questionsAnswers & Explanations are verified by expertsAlways updated30 Days money back guaranteeWhat will students learn in your course?60 High Quality practice questionsOur Practice test will help you score at least 85% on the main exam.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Should have Basic IT knowledgeWant to Clear Microsoft MS-100 CertificationTake our courses.Practice hard.Test your Knowledge.Give your best shot"
Price: 19.99

"Tecnologia digital na educao: Canva e Socrative" |
" Quer tornar suas aulas ainda mais atrativas? Quer propor atividades que desenvolvem a autonomia e a criatividade nos seus alunos, utilizando materiais diferenciados e surpreendentes? Quer usar, na prtica, ferramentas digitais que auxiliam nas metodologias ativas, trazendo a lgica do ensino hibrido, da educao baseada em projetos e da revoluo tecnolgica para as suas aulas? Caso positivo, voc est no lugar certo. Nesse curso voc aprender algumas ferramentas on line gratuitas para dinamizar suas aulas. E o melhor, voc no precisa ser ""expert"" em informtica para isso. Aqui voc aprender de forma simples e objetiva, com um passo a passo detalhado que mesmo quem no tenha habilidades com o computador vai conseguir fazer. Quais so as vantagens de utilizar ferramentas digitais apresentadas aqui: Tornam as aulas mais atrativas, interessantes e atende a lgica de uma educao hibrida (com a pandemia vimos a necessidade de conhecer meios virtuais, de nos atualizar e de mesclar atividades de sala de aula com o mundo digital)Voc desenvolver materiais mais interessantes e atrativosTodas as ferramentas ensinadas aqui so gratuitasVoc ter ideias de como trabalhar a mesma ferramenta de vrias formasFerramentas que conheceremos neste curso:Canva/Canva for educationSocrativeMas ateno: Cada uma dessas ferramentas ser explorada em toda sua potencialidade com foco no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Ento no perca mais tempo e aprenda essas ferramentas incrveis."
Price: 39.99

"Lemon Delight Cake" |
"In this course, you will learn how to make a simple recipe but make it elegant and presentable to impress your guests! Lemon Delight Cake has 4 components or recipes that you will learn how to make through this course. It might seem a lot but trust me, it is very easy and simple to make. That's what I am here for! My video course will guide you in every step, with explanation and tips. Join me and learn how to make this simple yet elegant and luscious cake! See you!"
Price: 19.99

"GPHR practice exams 2020" |
"Included in this GPHR Practice Test course: - 2 practice tests- Practice like the real GPHR Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersGPHR Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 204+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 102 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"University Writing: Persuasive and Argumentative Essays" |
"Welcome to University Writing: Persuasive and Argumentative Essays. Its purpose is to aid students transitioning either from American high schools or foreign universities into an American university's writing program. It teaches the skills required to create a clear, well organized, adequately supported academic argument. The likes of which make up the vast majority of ACT, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, GRE writing tasks, and university writing assignments, encountered in almost all classes.University writing courses are required by all American university students. Unfortunately, they have an extremely high failure rate. This failure rate is in part due to a large gap between the skills taught in the classes students are coming from like American high schools and EFL/ESL classes taught in other countries and the required skills for university classes. In the classes the students are coming from, they are shown how to write 100-300 word reports on a given topic. But, never how to write proper academic arguments that are between 1,000 and 5,000 words in length. Unfortunately, it is expected that students know how to write these types of papers before coming to university writing classes. This gap in knowledge causes a large number of students to have to repeat their writing courses, wasting time and money.My goal for this course is to help ensure as many students as possible are successful the first time they are faced with an American university writing class. I will use simple English and concepts to make sure the students can understand the content. I use outlines and argument diagrams so that the students of this course, regardless of their background, can grasp the fundamental form of academic arguments in a wide variety of fields for just about any purpose. This knowledge, carried into other university courses, will help students obtain stronger grades on their term papers. This, in turn, will help to improve a student's overall GPA and their chances of being accepted into graduate school.Sincerely,Daniel Current"
Price: 99.99

"Getting started with VMware vRealize Automation 8.1" |
"Want to learn vRealize Automation, but don't know how to even install it?The objective of this course is to take you from zero knowledge on vRA, to being able to deploy it, and setup a basic blueprint, as well as present that blueprint in a self-service catalog. At the conclusion of this course, you'll have all of the tools, knowledge, and experience necessary to move into advanced vRA topics and deploymentsVMware vRealize Automation (vRA) allows users to create self-service portals, automate the delivery of virtual machines, applications, and IT infrastructure. Automating the delivery of these services enables the consistent delivery of this infrastructure, which means we can ensure security is implemented correctly every time, and we can scale to very large deployments.. In this course, we'll cover the following:vRA Basic Components (Architecture, Cloud Assembly, Service Broker, Code Stream)vRA Platform ArchitectureDeployment optionsvRA 8.1 InstallationHome Lab SetupLeverage vRealize Easy InstallerBasic Initial configuration of Cloud AssemblyCreating Cloud AccountsCreating Cloud ZonesCreating a ProjectCreating Image MappingsCreating Flavor MappingsBlueprintsCreating your first Blueprint (we will be deploying a virtual machine)Deploying a BlueprintManaging BlueprintsService BrokerReleasing items to service brokerSetting up approval chainsLimiting deployment duration through lease policiesRestrict what your users can/can not due with day 2 policiesand more!About your InstructorHi! My name is Mike, and teaching has been my passion for 10+ years. My background is primarily in Network, Virtualization, and Automation. I've spent time working for large organizations, both as a customer, a professional services engineer, and an architect. I also have experience working for several large OEMs. I firmly believe in learning by doing, so what you will not find in my courses is a lot of slides! I like to spend as much time as possible in the GUI/CLI as I believe that's where the real learning happens! "
Price: 109.99

"Sterilization Protocol for the Beauty Centre" |
"Ask yourself the following:1. How am I different from other beautician, esthetician or beauty business owner?2. Do I have enough happy and satisfied clients?3. Can I afford to lose my reputation in the industry?Doubtful? Youre not alone. Our team of experts in Beauty Science and Entrepreneurship here at European Wellness Aesthetic Academy have crafted this workshop to help you.This workshop is part of a 4-part series workshop titled ""Becoming a World Class Esthetician"", designed for every Esthetician in the world.Look out for the other parts which are also available here on Udemy.BREAKDOWN OF WORKSHOP:STERILIZATION PROTOCOLS FOR THE BEAUTY CENTRE1ST SEGMENT: UNDERSTAND THE COVID-19 & SPREAD OF BACTERIA/VIRUSESIntended Learning Outcome:This segment will give you a clear understanding the risk of Covid-19 or even the spread of other bacteria and viruses. Many customers now do not feel safe going for their treatments are beauty centres. It is vital that you are extra cautious with high-risk procedures commonly done at Beauty Centres and make sure you are making the effort to manage the risks. 2ND SEGMENT: INFECTION CONTROL TECHNIQUESIntended Learning Outcome:This segment will help you understand the cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing processes, along with personal hygiene requirements. You will also be learning step-by-step of mandatory sanitizing methods for different surfaces, furniture, equipment and tools + recommended cleaning products. Make sure your place stays sanitized to give your clients a sense of assurance.3RD SEGMENT: MANAGING RISK AT YOUR BEAUTY CENTREIntended Learning Outcome:This segment will provide you with a guide in crafting a good operations process flow in servicing your clients. When your clients realize how serious you are in managing risks, they will feel more comfortable coming over for their treatments."
Price: 19.99

"Binary Options For Beginners" |
"In this course, you'll learn how to trade binary options from scratch. You'll also learn how to make your own perfect analysis without depending on trading signals from anyone. This course is specially made for people with little to no experience in trading. All you have to do is watch and understand every aspect of this course. I wish you the best and happy trading."
Price: 19.99

"Salva il collo" |
"Ti vedi invecchiata e hai la pelle flaccida sul collo, gli angoli della bocca abbassati, il doppio mento e altre imperfezioni nella parte bassa del viso? Hai gi provato di tutto senza aver dei risultati soddisfacenti e duraturi ? Non vuoi ricorrere ai metodi invasivi ? Hai gi speso un patrimonio in creme, sieri, maschere e trattamenti estetici di ringiovanimento?Questo il corso per te ! Il corso ""Salva il collo"" presenta un set di esercizi studiati secondo il metodo ""Formula di Bellezza"" che aiutano a sollecitare e tonificare i muscoli del collo per garantire alla pelle un miglior attacco e di conseguenza un tono pi giovanile, eliminando le rughe, il doppio mento, guance cadenti e angoli della bocca abbassati.Per rafforzare il risultato degli esercizi facciali ti insegniamo ad utilizzare un kinesio TAPE sui muscoli facciali che ha un effetto lifting. Il corso prevede una sezione dedicata di 3 video-lezioni di tecniche per applicazione del tape anti-rughe.Il metodo naturale di ringiovanimento facciale Formula di Bellezza prevede una beauty routine composta dal Facefitness, taping facciale e una speciale alimentazione antiage, studiata dalla nostra Naturopata per rallentare l'invecchiamento funzionale ed estetico della pelle. Nell'apposita sezione del corso trovi i suggerimenti alimentari, un esempio del menu antiage e le relative ricette per arricchire la tua dieta per contrastare l'invecchiamento cutaneo.Inoltre, potrai imparare a prenderti cura della tua pelle con le ricette dei cosmesi fatti in casa, naturali, BIO e personalizzati.Durante il corso avrai unassistenza online per qualsiasi domanda o per la verifica della corretta esecuzione degli esercizi.Se deciderai di acquistare il nostro corso ""Salva il collo"" e seguirai i nostri suggerimenti impegnandoti a praticare tutti i giorni la nostra ginnastica facciale e il taping, otterrai dei miglioramenti d'idratazione della tua pelle, del suo colorito, riuscirai a combattere i dolori al collo e ad attenuare tutte le imperfezioni della parte bassa del viso e del collo.Avrai un aspetto pi giovane, sexy, sereno e tutti non potranno fare a meno di notarlo !"
Price: 69.99

"Facial Course -Step by Step Guide" |
"Face massage is part of a full-body treatment in which pressure points on the face and neck are stimulated in order to release blockages in the flow of qi, or vital energy. This training course will help individual to learn how to do Face Massage. This course covers all steps for face massage."
Price: 19.99

"Cursos de adobe Illustrator cc principiante" |
"Bienvenidos al curso rpido de Illustrator en todas sus versiones, en este captulo aprenderemos el uso bsico del programa, donde trabajaremos con formas bsicas, colores de relleno, contornos y les dejar una tarea algo sencilla pero muy divertida donde pondr a prueba su creatividad al realizar un paisaje con solo formas bsicas. Espero ir al ritmo deseado y les recomiendo enormemente seguir los captulos sin adelantarlos, as podrn conocer todos los tips que dejo en los vdeos necesarios para un correcto uso del programa."
Price: 19.99

"Finance Personnel l'quilibre" |
"Finances Personnelles, reprenez le contrle.Formation en ligne : Je vous aide sortir du dcouvert bancaire chronique. Programme labor pour vous aider vous librer du stress que gnre le solde de votre compte en banque, et travailler sur la relation que vous avez avec lArgent.Planifier et sOrganiserLcher prise et Identifier les liens toxiques que vous entretenez avec lArgent (sance daccompagnement individuelle en vido : Zomm, )Aller plus loin et redfinir vos objectifsCe programme est un acclrateur de changement de comportement devant les croyances toxiques sur largent."
Price: 99.99

"Dasar Manipulasi Photoshop untuk Segala Profesi" |
"Digital Imaging merupakan istilah yang digunakan untuk teknik manipulasi foto. Bisa dengan menggabungkan banyak foto, mempercantik atau menambahkan efek spesial. Kelas ini akan mengajak siswa untuk belajar berbagai macam tehnik manipulasi foto menggunakan perangkat lunak Adobe Photoshop. Perangkat lunak ini telah banyak digunakan oleh fotografer digital profesional, desainer grafis, dan perusahaan iklan. Popularitas Photoshop ini masih sulit disaingi, sehingga Adobe dapat dikatakan sebagai market leader untuk perangkat lunak pengolah gambar atau foto."
Price: 280000.00

"Desain Presentasi Profesional dengan PowerPoint" |
"Hampir semua orang bisa membuat slide presentasi. Namun sayangnya, tidak semua orang mampu menyajikan tampilan slide presentasi yang baik dan menarik.Kelas ini akan mengungkap lima rahasia penting dalam membuat slide agar terlihat lebih mengesankan tapi tetap terstruktur.Kelas ini juga akan memberi trik bagaimana cara mencari sumber yang aman dari internet. Kita akan membedah proses yang dilakukan para designer profesional dalam mendesain sesuatu dan mengubah desain presentasi dari yang biasa saja menjadi lebih visually attractive dengan menggunakan prinsip-prinsip design."
Price: 280000.00

"Introductory to Metal Stamping Course" |
"Welcome to my Introductory course on metal stamping. this course is designed for anyone that has ever wanted to try their hand metal stamping. Through this course you will become acquainted with the supplies and tools as well as metal stamping terminology. You will gain the knowledge needed to begin your metal stamping journey. "
Price: 19.99

"How to Edit Portrait Photography in Photoshop & Lightroom" |
"Youve taken some great photographs of a beautiful model, but now what? Take your photography skills to the next level by learning how to edit like a pro, using Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom.You'll learn how to:Use both Lightroom and Photoshop to ensure your final image is the best it can beDo basic edits to RAW or JPEG photos in Lightroom including lens correction, sharpening, and adding grain and vignettingTweak the exposure, white balance, and colour grade your image in LightroomRetouch the skin in Photoshop and remove blemishes, with 'ethical editing' in mindTake your photos to the next level with additional colour grading in PhotoshopSharpen your image in Photoshop and save a high quality JPEGImprove your workflow, making the process as smooth as possibleIf you feel like your photography is lacking a little something and you're not wow-ed by your final image, this class is for you.Or perhaps you're happy with your final edits but it takes hours to arrive at the finished piece... watch these classes to see how a professional photographer works and see how to streamline your workflow.Suitable for beginners through to experienced photographers."
Price: 19.99

"Project Management Professional - PMP 6th Edition" |
"You need to pass the PMP exam and you need quality training that'll help you in your role as a project manager. You also want to learn from an authority in project management, in an online environment with plenty of assignments, videos, and concise explanations.Who this course is for:Project managers who are preparing to PASS their PMI PMP examinationProject managers who need 35 contact hours to qualify for the PMP examination - by completing the entire courseProject managers who want to pass their PMP exam on the first try"
Price: 19.99
