"National Council Licensure Examination-RN" |
"Hello,Are you ready to Take & Pass National Council Licensure Examination?If your answer is Yes so this course will help you not only in Exam Preparation but boost your Confidence Level.These Practice Tests are prepared to let you pass NCLEX-RN Exam.We Believe attending Practice Questions gives you knowledge about different types of questions in Exam. Exam Topics are mentioned belowPhysiological adaptationManagement of careReduction of Risk PotentialSafety and Infection ControlPharmacological and Parenteral Therapies:Basic Care and ComfortPsychosocial IntegrityHealth Promotion and MaintenanceWish you best of luck to achieve your IT Certification."
Price: 19.99

"Mentoria de Carreira" |
"Existem duas figuras bastante recorrentes quando o assunto gesto e acelerao de carreira: o coach e o mentor. O coach trabalha para ajudar o cliente a definir metas ou derrubar barreiras que foram construdas ao longo da vida. J o mentor indicado para pessoas que j sabem o que querem, porm no sabem como buscar esse resultado.Para te ajudar a ir alm, unimos neste produto as duas especialidades. Desenhamos a mentoria de carreira com o objetivo de voc criar um Projeto de Vida claro e consistente para lhe ajudar a buscar seus objetivos com assertividade e adicionamos materiais em formato de vdeos, ebooks, infogrficos, planilhas e testes.... que iro lhe ajudar a clarificar suas metas caso voc ainda possua dvidas sobre qual caminho seguir."
Price: 39.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Cloud Operations Associate" |
"An Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Certified Cloud Operations Associate has demonstrated hands-on experience and knowledge required to Automate Cloud tasks, Tune Performance, Troubleshoot, manage cost, manage security and compliance policies, Monitor and Alert OCI, Implement Data Retention and Archival, create shell scripts with the Command Line Interface (CLI) and design Cloud-scale Agility on OCI."
Price: 19.99

"formation complte en anatomie humaine" |
"Vous voulez apprendre l'anatomie humaine ?russir vos examens ? Ou vous souhaitez tout simplement voluer votre carrire ? ou bien dcouvrir l'anatomie humaine ? Bonne nouvelle, vous tes au bon endroit !Bienvenue la formation complte en anatomie humaine !l'objectif de la formation en anatomie est d'accompagner les tudiants en mdecine et mdecine dentaire durant leur parcours universitaire pour russir leurs examens et progresser leur carrire en mdecine, et toute personne qui veut dcouvrir l'anatomie humaine. grce notre style d'enseignement vous allez dcouvrir quapprendre lanatomie a peut tre rapide et fun a la fois.Apprenez en pratiquant !Comme le dit Richard Branson La meilleure faon dapprendre cest de faire ! Et oui, il n'y a pas de secret, plus vous pratiquerez, plus vous progresserez !Cest pourquoi dans chaque cours, on ralisera ensemble des schmas anatomiques de A Z dans les diffrentes coupes.Informations importantes savoir:Si cette formation ne vous satisfait pas alors vous pouvez obtenir un remboursement sous 30 jours.Une fois que vous avez rejoint la formation, vous y avez accs vie.Vous avez galement accs gratuitement toutes les mises jour que japporterai cette formation.Vous pouvez menvoyer des messages personnels avec toutes vos questions ou suggestions concernant la formation.Allez ! On passe laction !"
Price: 199.99

"Projeto de Combate a Incndio e Pnico" |
"No curso vocs aprendero a projetar um prdio com e sem hidrantes, aprendero tambm a dimensionar um evento temporrio com arquibancada, ou seja, estaro aprendendo a projetar com isso um estdio de futebol, ginsio, alm de shows(eventos) e o terceiro projeto com base em um salo de festas- grupo F , um dos mais crticos para projetar. No perca essa oportunidade! No s o combate a incndio que voc estar projetando, e sim, aprendendo a elaborar o arquitetnico com base nas normas do Corpo de Bombeiros, que obrigatrio para regularizao na prefeitura para Habite-se, alm de evitar a despesa com terceirizao desse projeto ou at perdendo contratos por no saber desenvolv-lo. Para o curso, necessrio apenas ter o conhecimento bsico do Autocad. A renda a ser obtida com um projeto muito bom, varia na faixa dos R$ 1000,00 a R$ 20.000,00, porm so valores na faixa que saem bastante, tem projetos com valores bem maiores, vai depender do tamanho e complexidade. E o melhor de tudo, no precisa sair nem do seu trabalho. O primeiro projeto cobrir o valor investido e ainda sobrar. 30 dias para reembolso, se por qualquer motivo, no gostar do produto.- Os projetos apresentados so todos aprovados nos bombeiros, de minha autoria.- Curso vitalcio- Dezenas de projetos so protocolados todos os dias no corpo de bombeiros- uma rea muito boa para se trabalhar, pois projeto de incndio precisa em tudo que empreendimento, exceto residncias unifamiliares.- Ao trmino do curso voc conseguir elaborar uma gama de projetos como shows, ginsios, restaurante, prdios, etc. e vai ver sua renda aumentar consideravelmente ao fim do ms, s depende de voc.- Engenheiros, Arquitetos e projetistas de arquitetnico sabero dimensionar corretamente os estabelecimentos, reduzindo as despesas para os clientes, alm de no ter que corrigir depois pelo fato de elaborar s pela ABNT e no levar em considerao as normas dos bombeiros."
Price: 369.99

"Complete fundamentals of drawing+ how to draw eyes easy" |
"hello, this course is combination/bundle of 2 courses covering the fundamentals of drawing, what are essential , materials required for drawing, what are essential shading and blending tools and how to use them for your drawing explaining in detail the tips and deep insights oh how to make a smooth shading of skin along with the importance of pencil shading which type of pencil should be used where and how to use it, in detail explanation of light and shadow effect with examples, this course is full package of drawing fundamentals of drawing explained step by step in detail making it so easy that everyone can draw and make a good drawing along with drawing of realistic nose in detail explaining oh how to draw and shade it smoothly covering on how to give highlights and how to make a photo realistic drawing and purpose of this course is to make it so easy that anyone can draw it without any art degree and without any experience.I have a free pdf guide for sketching and shading so download that free ebook and take your art to the next level. This ebook contains more tips and tricks that I didn't cover in this course and it will definitely going to help you more in your sketching and shading, along with this ebook we are also giving you free watercolor basics ebook everything you need to know about before starting with watercolor painting, in detail about various watercolor techniques about essential stuffs to make a beautiful watercolor painting, so click below and download both these ebooks and take your art to next level."
Price: 34.99

"Mastering the science of making realistic lips" |
"Hello guys, I am parshwika, your course instructor, I started my own art career in 2018 and I am a completely self-taught artist.This course contains basic about how to draw a realistic lips in complete depth completely narrated by me taking you to step by step ITS AN ULTIMATE DRAWING COURSE ON HOW TO DRAW A REALISTIC LIPS COVERING EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HOW TO DRAW A FEMALE FACE.This is course is an easy step by step process targetted for anyone to draw and shade without any experience or knowledge/ no art degree.Most simplified version to draw and shade lips.I am on a mission to help to struggle and aspiring artists in their art career. From 2018 till 2020 I had learned a lot, I started from complete scratch and till now I have gained some experience in making a portrait. Since I struggled a lot as I am not from art school don't have any art degree and so I really wasn't knowing how to draw, it was a challenge for me but then I took this challenge and in 2 years I learned by practicing daily and making new artworks. One thing I want to say that you don't need any art degree or any kind of experience to become an artist, cause at that time when I was starting with art people were telling me you don't have any experience and any art degree so you cant draw and sketch. I prove them wrong by practicing daily and making new artworks and I am combining my tips and techniques that I personally used in this art course, this course will going to cover how to draw and sketch and shade a female face step by step taking you to every aspect of an artwork, I hope it will help you. Please give your feedback and reviews as it will help me to improve more.Regardsparshwika"
Price: 34.99

"Hello guys, I am parshwika, your course instructor, I started my own art career in 2018 and I am a completely self-taught artist.This course contains basic about how to draw an ear (everything you need to know about drawing an ear )in complete depth completely narrated by me taking you to step by step ITS AN ULTIMATE DRAWING COURSE ON HOW TO DRAW A REALISTIC FACE COVERING EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HOW TO DRAW AN EAR.This is course is an easy step by step process targetted for anyone to draw and shade without any experience or knowledge/ no art degree.Most simplified version to draw and shade an ear.I am on a mission to help to struggle and aspiring artists in their art career. From 2018 till 2020 I had learned a lot, I started from complete scratch and till now I have gained some experience in making a portrait. Since I struggled a lot as I am not from art school don't have any art degree and so I really wasn't knowing how to draw, it was a challenge for me but then I took this challenge and in 2 years I learned by practicing daily and making new artworks. One thing I want to say that you don't need any art degree or any kind of experience to become an artist, cause at that time when I was starting with art people were telling me you don't have any experience and any art degree so you cant draw and sketch. I prove them wrong by practicing daily and making new artworks and I am combining my tips and techniques that I personally used in this art course, this course will going to cover how to draw and sketch and shade a female face step by step taking you to every aspect of an artwork, I hope it will help you. Please give your feedback and reviews as it will help me to improve more.Regardsparshwika"
Price: 34.99

"Increase your productivity in just simple 5 steps" |
"Hi guys, I am parshwika, I am a doctor, an artist, an owner of a digital art magazine, and an entrepreneur. I manage various aspects of my life. In this course, you will how to increase your productivity 10x rate by just following simple 5 steps that will really help you in your work life, in your career, in your personal life, and as well your family life.These simple 5 steps are personally used by me and they are practically proven ways by which I manage various aspects of my life effectively and smartly along with 2 bonus exercises that are visualization and positive self-talk exercises that will help you in focusing and increasing your productivity.I hope this course will help you and let me know your feedback and review."
Price: 34.99

"How to find right balance while working from home" |
"There are challenges unique to working from a home office that can make successfully navigating this work set-up a struggle. How do you get started? How do you create your own structure from thin air? How do you prevent burnout from all the responsibility? This course answers all these questions and more.Hi guys, I am Parshwika, I am sharing my secret sauce on how to work smartly from home, finding the right balance between various aspects of your life as I am doing it working from my home on my business and setting boundaries and all.You will learn:How to set healthy work/life boundariesHow to schedule your workdayHow to navigate distractions in the homeHow to increase your productivity and work efficiencyTools for prioritizing and goal settingWays to maintain motivation while working from homeThe importance of self-care as related to working from homeIf you want to find the right balance while working from home and be a productive and efficient person, now is the time to enroll"
Price: 34.99

"Aprenda Massagem de Pedras Quentes" |
"Objetivo do Curso* No h no curso envio de pedras quentes e bolsa termica que devem ser compradas a parte, mercado livre tem muitos em conta. A massagem com Pedras Quentes, permite ao terapeuta trabalhar mais profundo no interagente com menos presso por parte do terapeuta. As temperaturas extremas quente e/ou frio e a energia dos cristais ajudaro a relaxar o interagente e melhorar seu estado de sade.Contedo ProgramticoHistria da massagem com pedrasTipos de pedras mais utilizadas na massagemAmbiente e dicas para preparar o espao da massagemEfeitos da massagem com pedras quentesIndicaes e Contra-indicaesPropriedades da termoterapia"
Price: 54.99

"Work from home productivity course" |
"Working from home can be the best thing that could happen to you.You will be more productive, you will earn more, and youll have more spare time to work on your self-development, your hobbies, and the things that really matter to you.It is all about getting into the right mindset, learning to be productive when there is nobody to pile the pressure on, and doing what you can to stay on task.This video course will show you how to work from home and get more done all while staying sane. Enroll now, and let us get started, thank you"
Price: 19.99

"How to be an influencer" |
"This way, you will be not only rich, but also famous.You will find that influential people and companies are lining up to offer you amazing opportunities.You will be able to launch any future business idea or product you can possibly dream up to immediate success.And youll even be recognized in the street by grateful fans. This is the true power of marketing on the web.With this video course, you will learn to become a micro-influencer. That means an influencer with just a few thousand follows, that can nevertheless command the same kinds of endorsement rates and that can drive sales.This is a far more achievable goal, but one that can allow you to make a living from doing what you love and talking about your passions inside a year. Enroll now, and let us get started, thank you."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Lightning Web Components" |
"This course covered different areas in the Lightning web component programming model with simple examples.Introduction Developer ToolsAnatomy of LWC(Lightning web component)Component Reference & PlaygroundData BindingCalculator ExampleHTML DirectivesDecoratorsPicklist PreparationLightning Data ServiceRecord Form Base Components and wire adapters, functions from uiRecordAPICall Apex methodLightning Data TableCommunication Between ComponentsAdd and Delete dynamic rowsMass DeleteLightning Message Service(examples with LWC, Aura, and Visualforce)Include LWC in Visualforce PageNavigate to record's ""Create Page"" and pre-populate field valuesShare JavaScriptDrag & DropCustom LookupHow to Expose properties to set default values"
Price: 19.99

"Mit digitaler Visualisierung und bikablo Technik zeichnen" |
"Mache Deine Prsentation zu einem optischen Erlebnis!Visualisieren und zeichnen am Flipchart ist mittlerweile eine bekannte Technik - am bekanntesten ist hier die bikablo Technik, welche sehr einfache Business Symbole visualisiert. Zeichnungen helfen Deinen Zuhrern, das Gehrte zu verstehen und vor allem zu behalten. Das Sehen ist ein wesentlicher Faktor beim Lernen!. Mit den digitalen Mglichkeiten kannst Du die Strken von gezeichneten Visualisierungen und Business Symbolen auch in PowerPoint und anderen Formaten nutzen!Du glaubst, Du kannst nicht zeichnen? Ich beweise Dir das Gegenteil! Sollte das berhaupt nicht klappen hast Du eine 30-Tage Geld zurck Garantie!Falls Du schon zeichnen kannst, aber noch nicht digital unterwegs bist, ist dieser Kurs ebenfalls das richtige fr Dich!Lerne, wie Du mit wenig technischem Aufwand leicht Deine eigenen Zeichnungen erstellst und in Deine Prsentation einbindest. Hier lernst Du:wie Du die Stifte richtig einstellst und die Technik beherrschteinfache, aber ausdrucksstarke Symbole gezeichnet werdenFiguren zu zeichnenSchatten und Farben fr mehr Plastizitt und Bedeutung einzusetzen10 einfache Business Symbole als Start fr Deine eigene Bibliothekwie eine Bilderwelt gezeichnet wirdeine Bibliothek mit Tags einzurichtenim richtigen Format zu exportierenFalls Du mal keine Lust oder Zeit zum selber zeichnen hast findest Du auf meiner Website auch Symbole zum Download (siehe Dozentenprofil). Wenn Du den Kurs durchziehst erhlst Du einen lebenslangen Rabatt von 20% auf alle Visualisierungen und Poster! Wenn Du durch diesen Kurs bist werden sich Deine Prsentationen verndern! Statt langweiliger Slides zeigst Du individuelle Zeichnungen und erzhlst eine Geschichte!"
Price: 49.99

"Sfrdan Baarl Youtube Kanal ve erik Oluturma Eitimi" |
"""Artk Youtube kanal ap baarl olmak, para kazanmak imkansz"" diyenlere kulak asmayn. Bu Youtube Eitimi ile baar mmkn! Doru teknikleri ve aralar kullanrsanz sfrdan balasanz bile byk bir kitleye sahip olabilir ve yksek izlenme oranlarna eriip hem reklam gsterimlerinden, hem rn satlarndan hem de sponsorlu ieriklerden iyi kazan salayabilirsiniz. Bu Youtube Kanal Gelitirme Eitimi ile sadece izlenme ve abone arttrma tekniklerini deil ayn zamanda daha nce hi Youtube yayncl tecrbeniz olmasa bile sfrdan kanal kurup ayarlamay, sfrdan video ekim ve montaj yapmay, doru ierikleri bulup hazrlamay, doru kk resim tasarmlarn yapmay ve kendinizi motive etmeyi de reneceksiniz. Eer Youtube kanalnz varsa da daha baarl olmanz salayacak srlar reneceksiniz.2018 ylnn ikinci yarsnda, on binlerce- yz binlerce abonesi olan byk kanallarn domine ettii Youtube platformunda sfr denecek bir abone says ile periyodik ierik retmeye baladm. Bugn 33 binden fazla aboneye ve toplamda 2 milyonun zerinde grntlenmeye ulatm. Dier Youtuberlardan farkm onlardan ok sonra bu ie girmi olmama ve tannm biri olmama ramen gelitirdiim tekniklerle hzlca baarl seviyeye ulamaktr.Bylesine zorlu ve rekabeti bir ortamda baarl olmamn sebebi uzun yllardr profesyonel olarak altm arama motoru optimizasyonu ve ierik pazarlama alanlarndaki tecrbem oldu. Bilgi birikimimi Youtube algoritmasn anlamak, doru teknikleri bulmak ve bunlar uygulayarak baarl sonu almak iin kullandm. Bu eitim sayesinde yllarn emeine ve tecrbesine dayal, mspet biimde baarl sonu salayan yntemlere sadece czzi bir cret deyerek sahip olacaksnz. ""Bir eyi basit bir ekilde anlatamyorsan onu yeterince bilmiyorsun demektir"" sznden hareketle eitimleri sade bir dille ve herkesin anlayabilecei ekilde hazrladm. Hemen bu eitimi satn aln, zgr ve kazanl Youtube kariyerinize ilk adm atn!Bu Online Youtube Eitimi videolarnn tm haklar sakldr. Datan, satan ve paylaan kiiler hakknda ivedi olarak hukuki ilem balatlacaktr."
Price: 399.99

"Basics of Blender 2.8 -" |
"2.8 3 . 2.8 2.8 3 , , , 2.8 Camera Outliner Blender 2.8 Blender Addons"
Price: 1280.00

"Preguntas del examen de experto certificado de Marketo 2020" |
"Est buscando preguntas reales y actualizadas de la prueba de prctica de Marketo MCE [ms reciente de 2020]? Lleg al lugar correcto donde puede obtener preguntas oficiales sobre volcados de PDF de MCE.Familiarcese con los tipos de preguntas que encontrar en el examen de experto certificado de Marketo, para asegurarse de que est preparado para el examen.No se necesita software adicional para utilizar el material PDF de MCE.El software Practice MCE contiene una gran cantidad de exmenes simulados con cientos de preguntas verificadas.Para lograr el mejor resultado en el examen MCE, debe experimentar los tipos de preguntas del examen MCE que se le pedir que responda y prepararse para la prueba MCE a partir de los volcados de PDF de MCE para todos y cada uno de los temas.Al comprar este curso, mejora enormemente sus probabilidades de aprobar con el primer intento para evitar costosas tarifas de reprogramacin.Estas preguntas de la prueba de prctica estn compuestas por las mejores preguntas. Las pruebas son una representacin de lo que puede esperar del examen real. Pruebe el examen final solo cuando se sienta muy seguro con el material o est cerca del da del examen real. Esto le dar una proyeccin precisa de la puntuacin que obtendr en el examen real!Objetivos y alcance del examenSeccin 1: Fundamentos del programa (30%)Seccin 2: Orientacin y personalizacin (16%)Seccin 3: Anlisis e informes (16%)Seccin 4: Gestin de clientes potenciales (20%)Seccin 5: Implementacin y operaciones (18%)Informacin del examenNmero de examen: AD0-E552Nombre del examen: Examen de experto certificado de MarketoNivel de certificado: Experto certificadoEstado: ActivoIdiomas disponibles: ingls, japonsNmero de preguntas: 75Formatos: opcin mltiple y seleccin mltipleDuracin: 150 minutosEntrega: supervisada en el sitio / en lnea (requiere acceso a la cmara) o supervisada por el centro de pruebasCalificacin aprobatoria: 70%Precio: $ 225 USD"
Price: 19.99

"Question de prparation l'examen d'expert certifi Marketo" |
"Vous vous prparez passer votre examen d'expert certifi Marketo? Dcouvrez ce cours qui a t organis pour vous aider prparer l'examen! Dans ce cours, je vous ai compltement configur pour ce quoi cela ressemble pour passer le test de l'examen expert certifi Marketo. Ce cours vous prparera pleinement passer la certification.Le cours comprend deux examens pratiques avec un total de 70 questions. Les questions d'examen contiennent 70 des MEILLEURES questions simules, en rfrence la documentation d'examen expert certifi Marketo pour une comprhension et un apprentissage supplmentaires afin de vous assurer de russir votre examen du premier coup!En achetant ce cours, vous amliorez normment vos chances de russite ds la premire tentative afin d'viter des frais de reprogrammation coteux.Ces questions de test pratique sont toutes composes des meilleures questions. Les tests sont une reprsentation de ce quoi vous pouvez vous attendre lors de l'examen rel. N'essayez l'examen final que lorsque vous vous sentez trs l'aise avec le matriel ou que vous approchez du jour de l'examen proprement dit. Cela vous donnera une projection prcise du score que vous obtiendrez au vrai examen!Objectifs et porte de l'examenSection 1: Fondamentaux du programme (30%)Section 2: Ciblage et personnalisation (16%)Section 3: Analyses et rapports (16%)Section 4: Gestion des leads (20%)Section 5: Mise en uvre et oprations (18%)Information sur l'examenNumro d'examen: AD0-E552Nom de l'examen: Examen d'expert certifi MarketoNiveau de certificat: Expert certifiStatut: ActifLangues disponibles: anglais, japonaisNombre de questions: 75Formats: choix multiple et slection multipleDure: 150 minutesLivraison: Sur site / en ligne surveill (ncessite un accs la camra) ou centre de test surveillNote de passage: 70%Prix: 225 $ USD"
Price: 19.99

"Kardiowarrior Fitness and Personal Protection ADVANCED" |
"Kardiowarrior ADVANCED Workout - 50 minutes high paced work out routine (plus a 6 min. Warm and stretch, 20 min. Abs, Buns and Thighs toning, 5 min. Tai Chi Cool Down)This ADVANCED Workout offers a high paced exhilarating workout that regularly performed will take you to a higher level of physical fitness and wellbeing.The punching and kicking combinations are designed for strengthening and toning the entire body whilst giving you an exhilarating all round cardio workout. Whether youre a beginner or advanced participant you are guaranteed amazing results.Whatever your personal training goals are, Kardio Warrior Advanced will take you there.Kardio Warrior is the Ultimate Fitness Work-Out and Personal Protection programme taught by renowned Fitness Expert and former World Karate Champion Ravi Moodley. Kardio Warrior combines martial arts with western Boxing performed to energetic dance music. Kardio Warrior is a safe, fun and effective workout that accommodates all, men, women and children from beginner to advanced in the comfort of your own home. Kardio Warrior is the highest fat burning workout designed to tone and shape your abs, buns and thighs like never before. See consistent amazing results in no time.Kardio Warrior is a dynamic fitness programme which enhances cardio-respiratory endurance, co-ordination, flexibility, balance, agility, power and muscular strength.Kardio Warrior is one of the highest calorie burning workouts available today with simple punching and kicking ""combos"" designed to tone and slim.Kardio Warrior is the ultimate self protection training program that delivers an effective yet practical approach to providing men, women and children with the necessary skill to deal with confrontation and violence.Kardio Warrior focuses on the practical application of these kicks and punches so as to enhance the participants self defence skills which ultimately gives more meaning to ones workout.The target market of Kardio Warrior extends beyond normal fitness enthusiasts and includes people from all walks of life, prone or not to exercise.The ADVANCED Training Programme builds on the knowledge gained from the Kardiowarrior INSTRUCTIONAL AND BASIC Programme (separately available on Udemy).It can also be performed by itself without any prerequisites."
Price: 19.99

"Preparing financial statements (in Arabic)" |
" 2020 2020 1. 2. 3. 4. - 5. CMA & DipIFR & MOS & CFM & financial modeling"
Price: 19.99

"Kaip bendrauti su iniasklaida?" |
"7 mini-paskait ciklas pads ma ir vidutini moni ir organizacij atstovams atsakyti klausim kaip bendrauti su iniasklaida?Poros valand kursas suskaidytas tokias dalis: 1) nauda organizacijai; 2) kuri iniasklaida tinkama; 3) kokia informacija domi iniasklaidai; 4) kokius rankius turi organizacija; 5) kaip pamatuoti efektyvum; 6) k pakeit Covid-19; 7) galima verstis ir be iniasklaidos."
Price: 19.99

"310-035 Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Practical Exam" |
"113 UNIQUE practice questions for 310-035 Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Practical ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 310-035 Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Practical ExamTotal Questions : 113Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :70 minsPassing Score : 75 (84 of 113)"
Price: 149.99

"CAS-002 CompTIA Advanced Security Certify Practitioner Exam" |
"224 UNIQUE practice questions for CAS-002 CompTIA Advanced Security Certify Practitioner ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CAS-002 CompTIA Advanced Security Certify Practitioner ExamTotal Questions : 224Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (168 of 224)"
Price: 174.99

"High Voltage and Insulators for Electrical Power Engineering" |
"High voltage engineering is one of the most important branches for any electrical power engineer to know and understand in the field of power engineeringThis course is the first on Udemy marketplace to explain this important branch in electrical engineering The aim of this course is to provide a complete guide and reference to you in the field of high voltage engineering and insulators to help you in your career ,your study or even if you want to start your scientific research in the field of high voltageThe course is structured as follows:Learn the importance and the need for high voltageUnderstand the insulator function for isolation of H.VUnderstand How breakdown occurs in insulatorUnderstand the meaning of dielectric strength of insulatorRealize the different applications of Using high voltageLearn different types of testing high voltages in labUnderstand the concept and operation of HV testing transformerRealize the difference between HV testing transformer and Power transformerCascaded HV transformers for higher voltage generationUnderstand the operation of resonant transformerLearn every thing about TESLA coil for high frequency HV generationRealize different applications of HVDCUnderstand Van de Graaf generator for HVDC generationUnderstand the concept of rectification for producing HVDCLearn the operation of different rectification circuits for HVDC generationUnderstand impulse voltage waveformUnderstand Marx circuit for producing lightening stroke in labUnderstand HV testing circuit in HV labRealize the precautions taken into consideration during the testLearn different methods to measure different types of high voltagesUnderstand what is the sphere gap method for measurementsRealize the effect of atmospheric conditions on the measurementUnderstand the function of overhead lines insulatorsUnderstand the main features of overhead lines insulatorsGet a comparison between different insulator materialsPin insulator vs. Suspension insulator vs. Strain insulatorRealize different causes of insulation failureLearn how to avoid flashover of the insulatorUnderstand the function of arcing hornsUnderstand different tests to be made on the insulatorVoltage distribution across the insulator stringlearn the importance of using guard rings with the insulatorUnderstand the meaning of sparkover and how it can occurUnderstand every thing about corona effect in power engineering"
Price: 29.99

"SAP Benutzeroberflche fr Anwender - ALV-Grids" |
"Viele Mitarbeiter in Unternehmen arbeiten heute mit der SAP-Software. Sie sind mit den Funktionen vertraut und knnen ihre tgliche Arbeit damit erledigen. Die Oberflche der SAP-Software, (SAP-GUI) bietet viele Funktionen, die den Mitarbeitern in Schulungen nicht vermittelt werden, weil bei der Schulung die Lsung der eigentlichen Aufgaben Vorrang hat.Erst wenn der Mitarbeiter seine Aufgaben im SAP-System beherrschet, hat er die Kapazitt, die Funktionen der SAP-Oberflche genauer zu erforschen. Viele der Funktionen haben das Potential, die tglichen Aufgaben effizienten zu lsen. In diesem Kurs geht es um die in SAP weit verbreitete Darstellung von Listen mit dem ALV-Grid. "
Price: 19.99

"70-412 MCSA Windows Server 2012 Certification : Test 2020" |
"In this Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (70-412) Certification Exam course there are over 240 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing.I am highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to pass your Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (70-412) Certification ExamWhy take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 240 Questionsii.All Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (70-412) Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!Requirements:Want to pass the Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (70-412) certification.Want to find your weak areas for the Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (70-412) certification, and improve on them."
Price: 19.99

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Price: 29.99

"Calculate Productivity Rate: Steel Reinforcement" |
"My course will give a very simple way to understand how to estimate and calculate the productivity rate of steel fixers working on reinforcement fabrication and dismantling in construction projects, based on a real project already completed.All the explanations will be directly provided based on site Photos and Excel sheets calculation formulas and site data information.The project under study is a tower of 28 stories where i was directly involved in its construction."
Price: 19.99

"When to be worried about your Child" |
"Parenting and child development is not an easy task, on the whole. There are many parenting styles used for the personality development for kids and in the infants.There are certain cdc infant milestones and cdc growth and development goals that a certain child of a particular age group must follow. But if your child is not achieving these milestones then you must contact your pediatrician or visit nearby child care health and development center.In this course I will tell you about the average vocabulary of a 2 year old, babies emotional development, baby brain development milestones, baby cognitive development, eyesight development, fine motor skills, baby girl growth, and baby girl height milestones. If your child is hitting milestones early then growth of your child is fast. Baby motor development milestones include crawling, walking, language development, mental development, physical development, nervous system development, sight development, and speech development milestones.In this course, you will also learn about teeth growth, talking milestones, and best food for toddlers brain development. If you are opting into this study and learning material, then you would be able to easily care for child development.Parents must keep focus on the weekly growth of baby so that they might bring up their child as whole brained child. By monitoring step by step baby growth the stunted growth in babies/children can be spotted easily. Slow sleep and brain development in babies, slow growth in babies/kids/ or a child after birth, and small motor skills for toddlers may lead to negative physical growth and development of a child.Emotional development in early childhood of children is necessary as by this kids learn how to deal with the other people around. Parents or caregiver must focus on the fine motor skills development in early childhood especially the development of fine motor skills for infants and toddlers.Typically developing child has normal speech and physical development. But, sometimes growth sprout in babies is very slow that may lead to diminished head growth in infants. Head growth in premature babies must be a point of concern for parents. You can use height tracker for toddlers to check healthy child development or healthy growth in kids.Kids brain development is also a major point in kids development and growth as this may lead to late talker baby or late physical development of boys. National center for child health and development recommends some predefined goals that if followed, produce normal growth of baby.While understanding child development and child psychology, typical developmental milestones might include:Early childhood brain developmentEarly childhood communication developmentEarly childhood development, care, and educationSpiritual development in early childhoodSpeech and language developmental milestones by ageSolo play child developmentSomatic growth in infantsSocial and emotional development in early childhood in childrenSocial and emotional development milestones in infants and toddlersSocial development in preschoolersChild psychology or kids psychology is the major subject of concerns when we are dealing with some abnormal child behavior. Understanding child developmental psychology and parent child relationship is the basic key to deal with the animal behavior of a child. There are many types of behavior such as dialectical behavior, proactive behavior, ethical behavior, and moral behavior.Often kids suffer from panic attacks. They feel loneliness, social phobia, agoraphobia, and performance anxiety. There are different types of anxiety such as anxiety at night, separation anxiety in children, separation anxiety in adults, different phobias, anticipatory anxiety, and public speaking anxiety. There are many common phobias in children such as phobia of heights and phobia of separation. There are several ways to reduce anxiety in your kids. Just treat them with cool and calm ways and ensure that you care them in every circumstances.Some kids always show anger, frustration, and irritability. Some are in joyous and happy mood most of time. Depression anxiety leads to angry personality. So anger management in kids is the essential part of parenting techniques. As we know that an angry person can attack on any person nearby and thus harm others. The growth and development of kids is the critical matter in their personality grooming. If your kid shows abnormal behavior such as anger and rage, you must visit anger management counseling for your child near your place.Anger management programs, resources, and services provide help in taming anger. Depression and rage can affect the mental health of a child and may also lead to anger related disorders, dementia, and schizophrenia. Child psychology is technical phenomenon and it includes behavioral changes in your kids, cognitive approach, social and emotional retreat. It is really tough to administer anger management for toddlers and teen agers. Bringing up a child is not an easy task. A lot of courage and devotion is needed to tame your kids.There are many examples of human behavior and conduct. Some may be negative behavior such as illness behaviour, regressive, rational behavior, irresponsible, hostile behavior, and immoral behavior. There is a vast list of negative attitudes and behaviors. Such as unethical behavior in the workplace, misbehavior, opportunistic behavior, rage, and sudden outbursts. When we talk about parenting, then such things have a great effect on the development and growth of a child. Lets suppose that you are working at an office and your boss expresses bad feelings about your work then definitely you are going to ease with transferring your frustration towards your family or kids.Usually psychologists study the subjects of neurobiology, cognitive neuroscience, nutritional neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, and computational neuroscience to know in depth about the psychology of human minds. We have seen that some kids suffer from a phenomenon or mental illness that is called as coprophagy. In this mental sickness, kids eat their faeces, wastes, or dung. This thing can be treated with a little effort. But if parents dont give their time and attention to their developing kids, then such mental and social conditions can worsen with the passing of time. So, timely attention and care is needed during the growth and development of a child."
Price: 19.99

"Certify in SAP Cloud Platform Enterprise Extension C_CPE_12" |
"Do you want to pass the C_CPE_12 certification with confidence? Do you want more knowledge before taking the SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform: Enterprise Extension certification? You have access to SAP Cloud Platform Enterprise Extension materials, but want to feel confident about passing the exam? Prepare for a guaranteed successful certification process.You'll study questions that I can guarantee could appear like this in a real certification exam. The two practice exams will put you to the test to prepare you for the certification. Each contains a set of 80 questions distributed across the topic areas, as detailed in the exam guidelines. After you pass these exams, you will be fully prepared to take the SCP Enterprise Extension certification exam. This practice exam course is based on the official exam manual for C_CPE_12. It correctly weights the seven topics so that you can confidently pass the actual SAP Cloud Platform certification exam!The ""SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform: Enterprise Extension"" certification exam confirms that you have the necessary and core skills required for the SAP Cloud Platform profile and its enterprise extension scope. It proves that you have the overall understanding and sound technical expertise to serve as a member of a project team in a mentee role. This certificate builds on the basic knowledge gained through a related SAP Cloud Platform training.Specifically, this certification refers to the materials CP100 and CLD200, which are available via the corresponding SAP Learning Hub Subscription. SAP recommends training and practical experience to prepare for your certification exam, as questions are used to test your ability to apply the knowledge you have acquired in practice. This means that the answers to the certification exam can be solved by learning the relevant course material. However, it is possible to pass the exam without first attending the courses in case of sound and intensive training for the exams.Let us now take a look at the subject areas and examination outlines of C_CPE_12:The exam contains 80 questions and has a cut score of 63%. This means that you have to answer 51 questions correctly. You can fail 29 questions and still pass - ingenious. You have 180 minutes to answer these 80 questions. You usually will not need that much. Don't feel uncomfortable if you finish earlier.So let's take a closer look at the distribution of the questions:Cloud Native Application Development > 12% or more than 10 questionsThe Intelligent Enterprise > 12% or more than 10 questionsSecurity 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsAPIs 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsIn-App extensibility 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsSAP Cloud SDK 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsSide-by-side extensibility 8% - 12% or 6-10 questionsAre you ready to become an SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform: Enterprise Extension? Don't worry anymore. Be successful!"
Price: 199.99
