"Business Analytics" |
"Hello, everyone. Welcome to Business Analytics course. This course is an integral part of the Business Analytics course. It includes topics such as Excel Fundamentals: Equals Sign, Constants, References, Operators, Functions, Parentheses, Relative, absolute and mixed referencing. Charts such as Line and Scatter chart, Heat Map and Pareto chart. Enjoy and give me feedback."
Price: 19.99

"ISACA CGEIT practice exams 2020 NEW" |
"Included in this ISACA CGEIT Practice Test course: - 2 practice tests- Practice like the real ISACA CGEIT Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersISACA CGEIT Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 260+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 130 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Ad Words Google Reporting & Analysis Advanced Practice Exams" |
"Included in this Ad Words Google Reporting & Analysis Advanced Practice Test course: - 2 practice tests- Practice like the real Ad Words Google Reporting & Analysis Advanced Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersAd Words Google Reporting & Analysis Advanced Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 160+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 80 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Google Ad-words Advertising Bases Practice Exams 2020" |
"Included in this Google Ad-words Advertising Bases Practice Test course: - 2 practice tests- Practice like the real Google Ad-words Advertising Bases Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersGoogle Ad-words Advertising Bases Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 120+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 60 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Google Analytics Certification Practice Exam 2020" |
"Included in this Google Analytics Certification Practice Test course: - 2 practice tests- Practice like the real Google Analytics Certification Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersGoogle Analytics Certification Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 120+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 50 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Google Search Advertising Fundamentals Practice Exams 2020" |
"Included in this Google Search Advertising Fundamentals Practice Test course: - 2 practice tests- Practice like the real Google Search Advertising Fundamentals Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersGoogle Search Advertising Fundamentals Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 120+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 43 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"ITIL v4 Foundation with Explanation practice exams 2020" |
"Included in this ITIL v4 Foundation Practice Test course: - 3 practice tests- Practice like the real ITIL v4 Foundation Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersITIL v4 Foundation Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 120+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 80 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"PCNSA Palo Alto Network Security Administrator practice exam" |
"Included in this Palo Alto Network Security Administrator Practice Test course: - 2 practice tests- Practice like the real Palo Alto Network Security Administrator Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersPalo Alto Network Security Administrator Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 120+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 40 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Associate 1Z0-1085" |
"Included in this Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Associate 1Z0-1085 Practice Test course: - 2 practice tests- Practice like the real Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Associate 1Z0-1085 Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersOracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Associate 1Z0-1085 Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 60+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 30 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA practice exams 2020" |
"Included in this Certified Kubernetes Administrator Practice Test course: - 3 practice tests- Practice like the real Certified Kubernetes Administrator Practice TestCertified Kubernetes Administrator Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 265+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 100 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Djembe for beginners - From the basics to a full rhythm" |
"This course is an accessible intro to the wonderful world of African drumming.Focusing on the Djembe, we will start at the very beginning with the absolute basics of how to hit the drum to get the best sound, before moving on to learning a full African rhythm with easy steps that you can play along with as if you were in a one on one lesson.This great format will enable you to go at your own pace, and you will be amazed how quickly you will be up and playing an exciting traditional polyrhythm.We also provide notation to help you remember and recall, and understand the rhythms, as well as backing tracks for you to practice along too, for beginner, intermediate, and advanced level.Once you are familiar with the rhythms and you want to extend yourself, we also have a solo section where you will learn three solo phrases that you can play along with this rhythm, or over any rhythm you like.All packed into an easy to follow and extremely accessible video lesson format.You will be glad you decided to learn with us."
Price: 19.99

"Kendine Koluk Yap! ""Hedef, Zaman, zgven, Motivasyon""" |
"Kursuma katlan rencilerle belli periyotlarla canl ve cretsiz online eitimlerle de bir araya geliyoruz. lk canl eitimimizi 18 Eyll'de gerekletirdik: ""Kendine Koluk Yapmak"" Sradaki webinarmz yaknda!..Hayallerinizi hedefe dntrmek ve bu hedefe ulamak iin hayatnzn kontroln ele geirin! Grsellerle ve yaln anlatmla hazrladm eitim videolarnn yannda kaynak metinler, rendiklerinizi uygulayabileceiniz ve hemen aksiyon almanz salayacak bol dev ve grevler bulacaksnz. Hem videolar hem de dokmanlar srekli gncelliyor olacam. En ge 24 saat iinde yantlamaya altm soru-cevaplar ve yaptnz devlerin geri bildirimleri ile eitimlerimin interaktif olmasna zen gsteriyorum.Bu eitimi tamamladnzda:Kiiye zg vizyonel hedef belirlemeWalt Disney metoduyla yaratc dnmeDisney modeli tasarm Hedefe gtren klasik ve yeni yntemler NLP yntemiyle hedefe ulamakDisney yntemiyle yaam planlar yapmakVar olan koruma ve ileri gitme eylemleriKlasik zaman ynetimi yerine etkin zaman ynetimiSMART hedeflere uygun stratejiler gelitirmeEylemlerin ardndaki motivasyon trleriErteleme sendromunu ama stratejilerinmzdeki engelleri ama yntemleriRutin / to do list / takvim eylemleri oluturmaSWOT analizi yapabilmeGROW yntemiyle koluk yaklamYenide ereveleme yntemiNLP meta model ile dilin bilinaltna etkisizgven kazanma yollarYaam ark metodugibi birok konuyu renmi ve uygulayabiliyor olacaksnz."
Price: 249.99

"Direct Mail Campaign Made Easy for Real Estate Investors" |
"Learn how to run a successful direct mail campaign without buying expensive lists!Jen will walk you through, step by step, on how she runs her successful direct mail campaign. You will learn how to:find home owner's addresses, FOR FREEscrub your list for maximum savings on postagecreate a mail mergemake your letters stand outkeep all your lists organizedand so much more!"
Price: 49.99

"Learn Piano At Home" |
"Learn Piano At Home was created to take your child from being a complete beginner to knowing how to play piano by ear, how to read music, correct piano technique, and all about music theory.This course was created to teach piano to your child, all while equipping you parent with the skills you need to help them succeed. It was designed for your child to move at their own pace with a step by step approach.Oh and by the way you might end up learning piano right along with your child too! Its happened before and I be it will happen again."
Price: 119.99

"Qt C++ Balang(Uygulamal Anlatm)" |
"Bu kurs Qt C++'a yeni balayanlar ve orta dzeyde Qt C++ bilgisi olanlar iin hazrlanmtr. Kurs boyunca belirtilen konularda C++ bilgisi verildii gibi, ayn zamanda bir rnek kodlama ile konu pekitirilmitir. Qt C++ Balang kursunu bitiren renci ok rahat bir ekilde arayz ieren uygulamalar gelitirebilecek ve bir sonraki eitim seti olan Qt C++ leri kursuna n hazrlk yapm olacaktr.Eitim Boyunca Uygulamal Anlatm gereklenmitir."
Price: 49.99

qpbjiszd |
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Price: 19.99

"Photoshop -. Photoshop." |
"- Photoshop. , , . , -. , , , , . . Photoshop . , ."
Price: 29.99

"Meister Deiner Finanzen - Schuldenfrei & Wohlstand" |
"Dein Leben?Nettoeinkommen 2.000Miete -700Auto -200Leben -500Versicherungen -200Kredite -300Handy/Internet -100Monatsende =0Geldsorgen und Existenzngste gelten als Angst, die strkste negative Emotion. Diese hat nicht nur Einfluss auf Deinen Geldbeutel, sondern auch auf Dein inneres Wohlbefinden. Lerne auf anschauliche und faszinierende Art, wie Du diesen Teufelskreis verlassen wirst. Neben fundiertem fachlichen Wissen verblfft Mike Orastella mit tiefgreifenden Weisheiten ber die innere Einstellung. Finanzielle Bildung und persnlicher Erfolg fundamentieren Deinen angestrebten Wohlstand und Lebensglck. Mit diesem Kurs erlangst Du endlich die Klarheit ber Deine finanzielle Situation und - was noch viel mehr zhlt - direkt Methoden aus der Praxis. Geldexperte und Makler Mike Orastella kombiniert Geld und Bewusstsein auf praktische und faszinierende Art.- Du hast Dir mhsam einen Monat lang Geld angespart, nur um es dann wieder fr ungeplante Reparaturen ausgeben zu mssen? Du selbst bei Rcklagen immer wieder den Drang, das Geld fr materielle Dinge auszugeben? Du hast jeden Monat aufs Neue nur das Geld zur Verfgung, das Du fr deinen Lebensunterhalt bentigst? Du hast keine Erfahrung und kein Vertrauen in Finanzprodukte und weit nie, ob Du abgezockt wurdest? Du hast keine Gelder brig, um diese fr deine Wnsche in der Zukunft zu investieren? Dann solltest du diesen Kurs anschauen! Erfahre den einzigen Grund fr Deinen Geldmangel. Manahmen, um Deine Disziplin im Umgang mit Geld zu frdern. Erhalte ein klares System, um jeden Monat Rcklagen zu schaffen. Dir wird Maklerwissen ohne spezielle Bindung zu Finanzprodukten oder Konzernen vermittelt. Lerne die Grundlagen des Investieren und warum deine Realitt nicht zu Deinen Wnschen fhren wird.______Wie habe ich 2,500 pro Jahr einsparen knnen? Wie konnte ich innerhalb von 1,5 Jahren 30.000 Schulden abbauen?Ich gebe dir meine Methode, von A-Z. Neben den 20 Lektionen erhltst Du ein 26-seitiges Arbeitsheft. Damit kannst Du direkt die Methoden in Deine Situation bertragen. Als Bonus erhltst Du eine Finanzanalyse und Depotanalyse. Du bekommst das Bonuswerk, mein Buch, das die Basis dieses Kurses ist, vermittelt und als Datei, nochmal 26 Seiten voller Wissen."
Price: 54.99

"Music Theory Mastery for Beginners" |
"In this course, you will have a chance to answer multiple questions about music theory such as music note values and basic scales. This course is suitable to all beginners from age as young as 4 years old to anyone aged 60 and above. You might find this course especially helpful to prepare you for music theory exams Grade 1 - 3 (suitable for ABRSM, Trinity College London, AMEB, etc.). Wishing you great success in this musical journey of yours!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Reason do zero" |
"Neste curso aprenderemos a utilizar um dos softwares mais utilizados no mundo todo para produo e composio de msicas eletrnicas e de outros gneros. Aprenderemos a inserir instrumentos e efeitos, a utilizar o sequenciador para criar linhas meldicas, harmnicas e de automaes de eventos. Por fim aprenderemos a exportar a msica."
Price: 39.99

"Violon pour dbutants: la main droite" |
"Le cours dinitiation au violon cordes vide est la premire partie du cours dinitiation au violon de Diana Cotoman. Avant dapprendre poser les doigts dans la deuxime partie, dans la premire partie, vous allez apprendre : sur le violon et larchet et leurs parties composantes comment tenir correctement le violon au cou et larchet dans la main droite comment est produit le son au violon, quels sont les facteurs principaux qui linfluencent et comment tirer et pousser larchet sur chacune des cordes diffrentes techniques et articulations au violon : arco, dtach, legato, pizzicato. jouer des doubles cordes notions de solfge (lecture de notes, dures, signatures rythmiques etc.)Plusieurs vidos seront accompagnes par des partitions tlcharger et imprimer, ainsi que par des fiches aide-mmoire.Chaque exercice est montr en exemple par Diana et vous tes invits les rpter plusieurs fois chez vous.Ce cours vous offre l'quivalent de 2-3 mois de leons hebdomadaires."
Price: 79.99

"Become a Master in Limits of Sequences (calculus1)" |
"Deep and powerfull course in calculus 1 that focuses on learnig how to find limits of most sequences. You will learn all the conventional methods that teached in calculus course and will be able to solve limits by your self in h.w and exams. The course includes many examples from easy one to hard one. "
Price: 79.99

"Mailchimp ile E-Posta Pazarlamacl" |
"Kursumuz, e-posta pazarlamacl ile tanarak dijital pazarlamada ilk admlarn atmak, onun gcn kullanarak iini gelitirmek isteyen giriimci ve i sahiplerini hedeflemektedir.Mailchimp bir toplu e-posta gnderim ve e-posta pazarlama platformudur. Mailchimp 2000 aboneyi cretsiz barndran ve ayda 12.000 e-postay cretsiz gndermenize izin veren CRETSZ/FREE deme planna da sahiptir.Mailchimp ve e-posta pazarlamacln kendi kurduum ilerde kullandm. Bir ii gelitirme zelliine yaayarak tank oldum.Amacm bu cretsiz potansiyeli sonuna kadar kullanmanz.Kursumuzda renecekleriniz :Mailchimp'de cretsiz/free planda hesap amake-posta listesi oluturmak ve gncellemekkampanyalar oluturarak kitlenize toplu e-posta gndermekotomatik e-posta gndermekkampanyalarnz raporlamakEk olarak aadaki konularda temel bilgi sahibi olacaksnzizinli e-posta pazarlamaclSPAM'in nemi ve yelikten k linkiListelerinizi segmentlere ayrmann nemi"
Price: 49.99

"Create A Professional Website Without Coding In 2020" |
"**BRAND NEW CONTENT & UP TO DATE 2020!** NO CODING REQUIRED!!HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO SET UP A WEBSITE ONLINE BUT JUST DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START! WE WALK YOU THOUGH FROM START TO FINISH for each of these top 3 platforms.In this course we breakdown the 3 simplest and most effective website creators: These are Insanely Easy Tools that give entrepreneurs and small business owners the power to create a sales funnel without the need to code or outsource.Squarespace is the all-in-one solution for anyone looking to create a beautiful website. Domains, eCommerce, hosting, galleries, analytics, and 24/7 support allShopify is a clean, simple, and easy-to-use ecommerce platform you can get an online store setup quickly and without all the headaches.ClickFunnels Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To Market, Sell, and Deliver Your Products and Services Online! Without having to hire or rely on a tech team!Create a custom website from scratch using these super simple platforms. I'll walk you through through step by step of launching the new site. Here's just a sample of what you're going to learn on the inside:How to Set Up an Aesthetically Pleasing Home PageHow to Customize the Website for Your NeedsHow to easily accept payments.How to add and edit Product PagesWhat is a Sales Funnel Collect emails into Email Lists!How to Immediately Send Emails to New Subscribers How to create Sales FunnelsHow to Up-sellHow to Install Your faviconCreate the Opt In PageYou'll become proficient at the functions of building a webpage such as:How to add content, titles, Blog posts, ThemesEcommerce products ETC to your site. etc etcHow to create the HIGHEST converting pages from scratch.I'll teach you all about images for the web; where to get them,We explore each site creator in-depth so you can make the right choice for your businessAfter taking this course and going through all the steps you will have your website ready to go live so that you can start making money!Who this course is for:Anyone wanting to create a website!BusinessesEntrepreneursArtists / Actors Great for eCommerce stores, digital products based businesses, brick & mortar, or any type of service business!Anyone with something to sell!Anyone who wants to sell online but doesn't know where to start"
Price: 199.99

"Quran Level 2 - Tajweed Made Easy" |
"Learning Tajweed is not rocket science!Imam Raza shares his secret methodology to teach you Tajweed with least amount of time and effort.The student will learn to recite the Quran with Tajweed in 8 simple steps. Each step consists of multiple exercises to strengthen the student's recitation.Step 1 & 2 - Recite the Quran with 6 basic fundamentals of reading:Huroof (Letters)Harakat (Vowels)Tanween (Implied Noon)Madd (Stretch)Sukoon (Absence of Harakat)Shaddah (Sukoon & Harakat)Step 3 - Extra MaddStretch 4 HarakatExercisesStep 4 - QalqalahBoucing LettersExercisesStep 5 - GhunnahHold Nasal SoundExercisesStep 6 - Rules of NoonMergeShowHideChangeStep 7 - Rules of MeemMergeHideShowStep 8 - WaqfRules of StoppingExercisesWith right instruction and a little bit of work, you will see wonders."
Price: 39.99

"Fully Accredited Certification in Counseling" |
"This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding of Counseling/ Counselling. So we have completely avoided medical jargon and have simplified it for you.This course will cover Counseling as a whole and enable you to use the methods and techniques.The accredited certification will be provided by India's leading CPD provider."
Price: 199.99

"The Creative Advantage" |
"Whats the one feature of humans that makes us stand alone in the animal kingdom? Its our ability to imagine possibilitiesand to imagine requires creativity.Creativity is the most fundamentally human of qualities and a unique trait of our species.Its the most important asset we have to negotiate through this rapidly changing world. From the way we manage our work life and conduct business, to how we learn a new skill, model behaviours for our children and shape the way we age to express our unique selves, the creative brain has no limits.The neuroscience points to the growing understanding into whats going on in the brains of highly creative thinkers and practitioners, as well as the power of brain plasticity. The brain turns out to be far more adaptable and, with the right sort of triggers, can be rewired. Creativity is whole brain activity and the more we understand this, the better we can enhance our own and others creative abilities.This program seeks to reveal the science thats building our understanding of why some of us are more creative. What happens at the intersection of science and creativity is no longer a mystery or based on myth.Of even more relevance, creativity is a skill that can be learnt and practiced, with studies showing that creativity is close to eighty percent learned and acquired.This program is curated from the latest research from the worlds most renowned experts and thinkers in the fields of neuroscience, cognitive psychology, social science and psychology.The good news is that anyone can learn to be more creative, incorporate creative thinking into the everyday life choices and learn to resolve the challenges of doubt, failure and mediocrity that may limit their potential. The secret is there are no tricks or magic formulas but there are strategies, tools and a mindset that, if you stick with, can set you apart to create a distinct creative advantage."
Price: 84.99

"UiPath Foundations A-Z" |
"Ever wish the mundane daily tasks could be automated?Learn from an instructor who delivers enterprise Automation projects and has been actively involved in engagements that has won global RPA awards.Intelligent Automation is at the forefront of disruption, also known as the ""digital workforce"". It is transforming the efficiency of every organization function from finance, tax, HR and IT. This saves hundreds of hours of peoples time to focus on more higher value tasks.What does this mean for you?There are HUGE opportunist in this space right now, RPA grew by 63.1% in 2018 to $846 million. It is currently the fasted-growing segment of the global enterprise software market. This course will enable you to get a first mover opportunity in this market, and also prepare yourself if your role is at risk!What will this course do for you?This course will give you a clear overview of UI Path. We will develop our very own process bots to automate common manual processes. Some include inventory management systems, invoice extractions and even recognizing Pokemon!Further to this we also take a look at the best practices when it comes to implementing your processes in enterprise grade environments, along the way you will also encounter common issues working through to resolve them. Hint - without help this takes up a tremendous amount of time otherwise! All this is taught in a manner that is akin to hands on experience.Key learning on this course:Understanding of UI Path key conceptsAutomation various types of applications (Desktop, web)Machine learning basics overviewUI Path best practicesAll my courses include: Unlimited lifetime access to the courseMy help is always available - my support is legendary on UDemy and my Youtube channel"
Price: 199.99

"Klantgericht telefoneren en communiceren" |
"De meest voorkomende manier waarop klanten met uw dienst in contact komen, is ongetwijfeld via de telefoon. Klantvriendelijk de telefoon opnemen is dan ook belangrijk voor het imago van het bedrijf. Slaagt u er in de klant een tevreden gevoel te geven, ook als u hem niet heeft kunnen helpen? En hoe reageert u op klanten die een klacht hebben of agressief worden?Hoe klanten uw kwaliteit ervaren, is sterk afhankelijk van het eerste telefonisch contact met uw organisatie. Verreweg het grootste deel van het contact verloopt telefonisch. Daarbij kunnen relaties worden verstoord of juist versterkt. Door een actieve houding aan te nemen tijdens het inkomende telefoon gesprek, ontstaat er een nog betere relatie met klanten en wordt de kans op commercieel succes aanzienlijk vergroot. Dit is een training voor omzetverhogende en klantenbindende gesprekken."
Price: 89.99

"Top 5 skills for kids in 2020!" |
"This course serves as a curated guidebook for parents, educators and employers about some of the key skills that are essential for young people to thrive in the 21st century. We have a great responsibility on our shoulders to start building the workforce of the future as early as possible because the pace of innovation in education is very slow. Schools are yet to adapt. They are teaching knowledge that has very short shelf life and imparting techniques that will be abandoned tomorrow. So it is imperative for us to take charge and start working on building their skillsets as early as possible!The need to upskill is not just an option but it is the only way forward. Building new skills will enable kids to take control instead of being passive recipients of change. It will create new opportunities and empower them to create their own future. It will enable them to ride the waves of change rather than being swept away.Some of the essential 21st century skills that we will talk about in this course include digital literacy, personal branding, storytelling, metacognition and lifelong learning. The list of skills that need to be emphasized is long and I will keep adding more skillsets to this curriculum moving forward but we are starting off with these top 5 skills that we need to start working on right away!"
Price: 19.99

"Blender Beginner Class - Low Poly Human Character" |
"Blender Beginner Class - Low Poly HumanWelcome to one of our beginner classes on learning Blender 3D. For this class, we will be covering the process of creating a low poly human character in blender using as little geometry as necessary. The model that you will create can then be used as a base for any future projects that require human character models, so you don't have to start from scratch.The tools that are going to be covered in this class include....Use of reference materialLoop cutsExtrudingVertex SlideEdge SlidePrerequisites:Ensure you have Blender installed on your machine. A full sized keyboard and mouse is also ideal when modelling 3D objects. We will guide you in what reference material you should look for but it will be up to you what reference images you use. A basic knowledge of navigating and selecting in 3D space is recommended before staring this course.The Class Project:The class project is split into three tasks and is detailed in the video titled 'your homework'.The 1st task is to create a new model from scratch without looking back on your work in the class itself, to see what needs improving.You will also use the low poly character that you have created as a base to add more detail and create a more realistic looking human model."
Price: 29.99
