"3D Reference Modeling Using Blender 2.8" |
"In this course we'll learn how to recreate a scene based on photo reference. This course will mainly be specific to modeling techniques, which can be used to create any kind of scene. Mostly modeling work based on plans and photo references. So when you are in need of unique models, proper dimensions in a scene, or you would like to add your models to a real image, it may be a problem at first, but we'll focus on discussing many techniques to solve the issue. By the end of this training, you'll be able to expertly model a scene from photo reference.Blender is amazing, free 3D modeling software like Maya!Absolutely no experience necessary. You'll start with a complete introduction to Blender 2.8 that is perfect for absolute beginners and can also be used a review.Then you'll jump into the core topics you need to learn in Blender by building practical examples and hands-on projects. You'll learn everything you need to become a 3D modeler. This includes:1. Blender FundamentalsLearn core topics with immediate examples. Master the navigation controls and modes you need to become a Blender expert. Build your first projects including UV editing and texturing.2. Reference Modelling Learn topics like Reference Modeling Setup, Basic Mesh Nose, Lips, Eyes, and Topology Fix.3. Face DetailsLearn topics like Face Detail Readjustments, Neck Construction, and Ear Mesh.4. FixesLearn topics like Topology Fixes and Asymmetrical Fixes.5. UVsLearn how to do UV unwrapping, Texture Stencil Painting, and Texture UV Layout Export.6. TexturingLearn how to Texture FixingHead and Face Modeling for Beginners in Blender HDIf you get one 3D modeling course this year, get this one. Don't miss out while prices have dropped.Join the community. Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99

"How to build your first Wordpress Blog" |
"Learn how to build a blog using Wordpress and host it for free. In this course you will learn how to set up a free Wordpress account, choose a wordpress Theme and customize it. You will learn how to :Create the site Logo using Adobe Ilustrator Set up the site identityUpload photosChange fontsCreate menusLink your blog to social mediaInsert tags and categoriesCreate an About us pageWrite a post using Wordpress BlocksCreate Tags and CategoriesWork with Widgets"
Price: 34.99

"Plano terapia para ultrapassar a depresso e ansiedade" |
"Objectivo: Ser feliz sempre e para semprePara mim existem 3 princpios essenciais:1. Estratgia de equilbrio / 2. Dar valor a coisas simples / 3. O mais importante: ser consistenteCOMO ULTRAPASSAR A DEPRESSO 3 Factores (6 elementos). Factor I. Contexto (1. Famlia; 2. Vida social). Factor II Tratamento (exterior) (1. Terapeuta; 2. Medicao). Factor III Auto (interior) (1. Meditao; 2. Criatividade)A MODA DA ESQUIZOFRENIA nos mass media confundir loucura e vocao1. Loucura viso do terapeuta; 2. Genialidade viso do artista; 3. Xamanismo viso do antroplogo:Dentro do FACTOR III Auto Tratamento (interior) MeditaoSonho que as religies oferecem / Encontrar a racionalidade na religioXamanismo Viso do Antroplogo// DOENA: . Depresso / . Droga / . Medicamentos// CRIATIVIDADE: . Arte:// RELIGIO: . Meditao / . Transe / . Ritos de passagem / . Xam:Dentro do FACTOR III Auto tratamento: Criatividade- 5 Mitos do artista iniciante / - 5 Medos do adulto perante a arte / - 5 ideias erradas sobre arte / - 3 solues simples1 Parte - 5 MITOS do artista iniciante1 - Se eu dominar uma tcnica serei um artista2 Ter o foco no material caro e na tcnica aperfeioada e no na emoo e na criatividade3 - Tenho de saber desenhar para ser um artista4 - Devo trabalhar com a cor e no a linha5 - O gosto generalizado pela pintura do Impressionismo2 Parte - Os 5 MEDOS do adulto perante a arteMedo 1 medo de parecer infantilMedo 2 medo de no ter nada para expressar: estar vazioMedo 3 medo de no ser especialMedo 4 medo porque a escrita o seu mundo; no a imagemMedo 5 - Medo de ser gozado por outro adulto; mas muito mais medo de ser gozado por uma criana3 Parte 5 IDEIAS ERRADAS sobre arteVan Gogh 1 exemplo: A obra Os GirassisVan Gogh 2 exemplo: E ainda Van Gogh: todos consideram hoje em dia a sua tcnica brilhante(crtica generalizada sem fundamento arte contempornea)3 exemplo: Georg Baselitz: este artista vira as suas telas ao contrrio.4 exemplo: J na pintura de Francis Bacon existe um culto da distoro5 exemplo: Outros artistas que levaram a arte ao limite do conceito destruio- criao4 Parte - 3 COISAS SIMPLES para ultrapassar estes 5 mitos, 5 medos e 5 ideias erradasPonto um: Encontrar o material certoPonto dois: Descobrir a relao mgica com a cor comunicam entre si de uma forma autntica e fluidaCor - O artista Yves Klein / Paul Klee / Joan MirPonto trs: Estilo pessoal do artista.Concluindo: O essencial em arte ter imensa pacincia; o grau de aperfeioamento tcnico menos importanteA arte no cura totalmente perturbaes do foro mental - h que equilibrar estes seis elementos, de forma a conseguir uma estrutura mental slida."
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan ngilizce renin Starter Seviye Eitim Seti" |
"Daha nce hi ngilizce eitimi almasanz bile, bu ie en bandan balayabilirsiniz. niversitedeki eitimlerin tadnda, dil bilgisi (grammar) yerine dil becerilerine odakl bir eitimle ngilizce renmeye son kez balayn. 8 haftalk gzel bir program ile denenmi, kantlanm yaklamlarla dil becerilerinizi gelitirin.yi bir balang ok salam bir temel demektir.Derste grmek zere..."
Price: 199.99

"Angielski w biegu B2. Swka angielskie upper-intermediate" |
"Kurs zawiera:8 filmw wprowadzajcych materia. W kadym z nich znajdziesz:7 swek i/lub zwrotw,ich wyjanienia po angielsku,tumaczenie na polski,atrakcyjn grafik ilustrujc ich znaczenie,po dwa przykady ich zastosowania,podpowiedzi jak unikn bdw typowych dla Polakw,mini-test powtarzajcy i sprawdzajcy materia.Nauczysz si siedmiu swek angielskich w 5 minut dziennie, w przyjemny i zabawny sposb!TematyW kadej z omiu lekcji poznasz jeden obszar tematyczny sownictwa. Nauczysz si 7 nowych angielskich swek, zazwyczaj dorzucam jeszcze kilka swek bonusowych :). A to wszystko w 5 minut! Obszary tematyczne:1. Wygld. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: otyy, korpulentny, obcity na jeyka.2. Charakter. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: imprezowicz, sztywniak, mdrala.3. Ubrania. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: spdnica plisowana, kalosze, kapcie.4. Jedzenie: potrawy. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: pstrg, krewetki, bakaan.5. Jedzenie: smaki. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: wdzona ryba, bita mietana, krwisty stek.6. Zdrowie. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: siniak, wysypka, trdzik.7. Czynnoci. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: gapi si, puci oczko, czka.8. Media. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: brukowiec, program dokumentalny, telenowela."
Price: 69.99

"Angielski w biegu C1. Zaawansowane swka angielskie" |
"Kurs zawiera:1. 8 filmw wprowadzajcych materia. W kadym z nich znajdziesz:7 swek i/lub zwrotw,ich wyjanienia po angielsku,tumaczenie na polski,atrakcyjn grafik ilustrujc ich znaczenie,po dwa przykady ich zastosowania,podpowiedzi jak unikn bdw typowych dla Polakw,mini-test powtarzajcy i sprawdzajcy materia.Nauczysz si siedmiu swek angielskich w 5 minut dziennie, w przyjemny i zabawny sposb!TematyW kadej z omiu lekcji poznasz jeden obszar tematyczny sownictwa. Nauczysz si 7 nowych angielskich swek, zazwyczaj dorzucam jeszcze kilka swek bonusowych :). A to wszystko w 5 minut! Obszary tematyczne:1. Wygld. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: cofajca si lina wosw, krzaczaste brwi, rozdwojone kocwki2. Charakter. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: przebiegy, bezwzgldny, atwowierny.3. Ubrania. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: kamizelka, szelki, podwizki.4. Jedzenie: potrawy. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: szczypiorek, homar, wgorz.5. Jedzenie: smaki. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: winogrona bezpestkowe, ogrki konserwowe, jajka w koszulkach.6. Zdrowie. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: podbite oko, niestrawno, nadcinienie.7. Czynnoci. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: kuca, napi minie, przesa buziaka.8. Media. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: dziennikarstwo ledcze, w centrum uwagi, obejrze cay sezon serialu na raz."
Price: 69.99

"Switchwords Miracles" |
"Learn to use Switchwords to Create Life You Deserve!Switchwords are one of the most powerful reality creation technique that can change your life.Hack your Subconscious mind with Switchwords and create reality of your dreams.Is your subconscious mind sabotaging YOU?Are you sick and tired of not living the life you deserve?It might be time for you to learn SWITCHWORDS to become MAGNET and attract the life you desire.Switchwords are super easy to learn, remember and work miracles very fast.Are you feeling frustrated and disappointed not being able to live your dream life?Attracting and maintaining a fulfilling and loving relationship doesn't have to be frustrating at all!is something anyone can do when the right thoughts and expectations are focused on and projected. This course is designed to help you release negative beliefs, thoughts and behavioral patterns and reprogram your subconscious mind to become MAGNETIC.Learn to let go of fears of commitment and being hurt.Hack the power of your subconscious mind so you can become a magnet for your life you deserve with Magical Words called SWITCHWORDS.Masterfully Apply the Law of Attraction through Switchwords into Your LifeLearn how the Law of Attraction actually works. Understand the Power of Your Subconscious Mind.Learn how to easily Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind to become MAGNETIC.Learn and understand the Reality Creation Process.Identify obstacles preventing you from living your dream life.Learn dozens of easy processes to feel better about money, your goals and improve your confidence.Practice words, thoughts and behaviors that align you with love and happiness.Identify signs of good fortune, success, and respond appropriately to them!SWITCHWORDS ARE WORDS THAT WORK LIKE MAGIC!Spending thousands of pounds on the law of attraction training and books did not work.Applying ancient knowledge from my books and choosing my own preferred reality did work!A few years later, I realized that this was not such a bad thing but an unfair ADVANTAGE.I spent most of my 20s fighting my own nature. I was a sales and marketing manager traveling around the globe. I was trying to be just like every superstar that I admired, killing myself in the process. For several years, my mantra was: ""Massive ACTION solves every problem!""Which was just incredibly stupid, because ""MASSIVE action"" without a great strategy, only gives you more problems. Your efforts create work that is unfocused and dissipates your energy.I spent thousands of hours pounding the phone and busting down doors.I constantly put myself in situations where my greatest strengths got shoved in the closet, and my weaknesses were on display for all to see, all day long.At one point, I went to see a SWITCHWORDS and REALITY CREATION Mentor. We sat down and did a bunch of evaluations. The results said that I should be doing totally different things that what I was trying to do. Great strategy, SWITCHWORDS, Reality Creation Techniques that work and a Mentor can make a big difference in your life.Who this course is for:This course is designed for students who are having difficulty attracting, or keeping, the kinds of romantic partners they really want.This course is for everyone who would like to life a better quality lifeThis course is NOT for people who are hoping to learn how to get rich fastThe best students for this course are open-minded, and willing to examine their beliefs and behaviors. Guaranteed results if you apply what I teach and document your progress."
Price: 29.99

"AZ-103/104 Azure Administrator Certification Exam 2020" |
"Course Release Date: August 15th, 2020The AZ-104 Microsoft Azure administrator Certification exam focuses on the abilities of Azure administrators to manage Azure identities in governance. Implement and manage storage, deploy and manage Azure compute resources, configure and manage virtual networking and monitor and backup Azure resources.After completing this course, students will be able to:Optimize your use of Azure tools like the Azure portal, Azure PowerShell, Cloud Shell and the Azure CLI. Configure access management with Azure users, groups, and role-based access control.Use Azure Monitor to configure Azure alerts and review the Azure Activity Log.Review and analyze Log Analytics data.Build Azure storage accounts for different data replication, pricing, and content scenarios.Deploy virtual machine storage, blob storage, Azure files, and structured storage.Secure and manage storage with shared access keys, Azure backup, and Azure File Sync.Store and access data using Azure Content Delivery Network, and the Import and Export service.Explain virtual machine usage cases, storage options, pricing, operating systems, networking capabilities, and general planning considerations.Build Windows virtual machines in the Azure Portal, with Azure PowerShell, or using ARM Templates.Apply custom server images and Linux virtual machines.Configure virtual machine networking and storage options.Configure virtual machine high availability, scalability, and custom scripts extensions.Deploy site connectivity schemas including vNet-to-vNet connections and virtual network peering.Implement Azure Active Directory, Self-Service Password Reset, Azure AD Identity Protection, and integrated SaaS applications.Build domains and tenants, users and groups, roles, and devices.Deploy and manage Azure Active Directory integration options and Azure AD Application Proxy.Deploy and configure Azure Load Balancer, Azure Traffic Manager, and Azure Application Gateway.Implement Azure RBAC to grant a granular level of access based on an administrators assigned tasks.Implement Azure Multi-Factor Authentication to configure a strong authentication for users at sign-in.Backup, restore, and monitor virtual machines.Review of virtual networking components, IP addressing, and network routing options.Configure Azure DNS domains, zones, record types, and resolution methods.Apply network security groups, service endpoints, logging, and network troubleshooting."
Price: 49.99

"rn ya da hizmetin pahal olduunu syleyen ve bu nedenle itiraz ederek sat yapma konusunda diren gsteren, hedeflerini yakalayamayan ve bu mazeretin arkasna snan ka sat uzman tandnz?Fiyat mterilerin aldklar rn ya da hizmet iin dedikleri tutardr. Deer ise aldklar eyDolays ile PAHALI RN/HZMET ALDIM denilmez. BU RN/HZMET N FAZLA DEDM. denilebilir. nk deer ile denilen tutar arasnda fark vardr ve mteriler deer satn alrlar. yi sat uzmanlar mteriye Fazla dedim diye dndrmez nk DEER in insan zerinde etkisi ok fazladr. nsanlar bu acya katlanr ve almaktan holandklar eyi aldklarnda AMA BUNA DEER derler. Ayn X marka telefon iin denen tutarn, kiinin maann ortalama 4 kat olmasna ramen AMA BUNA DEERdiyerek satn almas gibiMARKA DEER insanlar iin demeye katlanlan acnn ne kadar fazla olacan dorudan etkiler. DEER ise mteriye sunulan faydalarn btndr.Fiyat odakl Sat Uzman olmayn, Deer odakl Sat Uzman olun.nann bu hereye deer"
Price: 409.99

"Arapay orta ve ileri dzeyde renmeyi buradan srdrn" |
"Ana dili Arapa olmayan yabanclara Arapay retmek iin Msrda bulunan Amerikan niversitesinde grevli uzmanlar tarafndan kaleme alnm, ""al-Kitab al-Asasi"" ad verilen ve 3 ciltten oluan serinin ikinci kitab ile karnzdayz.lk kitabmzda Arapaya giri yapmtk. Bu kitabmzda konular daha derinlemesine ele alacak ve modern ve klasik metinleri tahlil etmenin yansra Arapann garamer konularn tereyadan kl eker gibi ilmek ilmek recek ve Arapann problem olmasna bir son vereceiz, inallah.Metinlerden tutun da altrmalara kadar hibirini ihmal etmeden ilmek ilmek iledik. Mevladan yararl olmasn diliyorum.Kitap indirme linki kinci dersin aklamas iinde yer almaktadr."
Price: 159.99

"An Ultimate Acrylic Painting Course for Beginners" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount..!!Hello Friends,Welcome to this interesting Acrylic painting course from LetstutePainting is an art of expressing ideas and emotions which everyone loves to do right from kids to the adults.In this course we will be going to see how to convert a plain white canvas into an amazing acrylic paintings with a realistic look to it.In this course, you will learn the basic of Art to Paint using Acrylic Colors and various brushes.Here we will learn acrylic blending techniques and use of different brushes to create different texture. Remember style, brush patterns, and color theory all play a major role in the world of acrylic painting.This course takes you through various Section of Art Forms and Techniques used. This course is made up using simple yet easy techniques to create beautiful Art forms using Basic Art Forms and Methods.Every section is broken down into simplest steps as possible. So even if you are beginner or intermediate this course is perfect for you and helps in improving your Skills in Acrylic Art.We encourage every artist to enroll in this course and expand your collection of paintings with some amazing artwork. At the end you will have stunning masterpieces you hang on the wall or to give gift to your loved ones.Also dont forget to click the picture and share with us, we would love to share our feedback.So what are you waiting for hurry up and enroll now."
Price: 19.99

"Redux para principiantes" |
"Actualmente las aplicaciones de JS cada ves son mas robustas es por eso que mantener tanta informacin en el navegador se podra volver un tanto complejo es por eso que Redux esta aqu para ayudarte a mantener toda esta informacin y lo mas genial es que toda la informacin que quieras almacenar con ayuda de redux sera mucho mas accesible y fcil de manejar"
Price: 270.00

"Power BI e Shiny - Aprenda a Construir Painis de BI e com R" |
"Bem vindo a esse incrvel curso onde voc ir aprender os recursos para construes de painis utilizando uma das principais ferramentas de BI do mercado o POWER BI e alm disso a criar painis na Linguagem R com o Pacote SHINY. Tudo isso de forma prtica. Veja mais que voc encontrar nesse treinamento.POWER BIO Power BI foi criado pela Microsoft, ele compe um conjunto de ferramentas para anlise de dados de negcios e vem se tornando rapidamente a ferramenta preferida das organizaes, considerada uma soluo de Business Intelligence de ltima gerao e est dentro do Rol das ferramentas chamadas de Data Discovery. Com ela possvel gerenciar, compartilhar e analisar dados de diversas fontes de diferentes formas. Com o Power BI possvel reunir seus dados de diversos formatos, desde um simples arquivo texto at anlises complexas como script da ferramenta da Linguagem R, ela fornece uma viso integral dos dados mais relevantes ao usurio.O Power BI se mostra ideal para atuar em pequenas, mdias e grandes empresas, permitindo a integrao de dados em diversas reas: vendas, marketing, financeiro e outros, isso devido a possuir um painel nico. Voc pode reunir e desenvolver anlises precisas e completas com apenas um clique, sua equipe pode criar um painel que atualizado constantemente, se conecta a mais de 50 fontes de dados e responde as suas necessidades com quadros e grficos interativos buscando sempre a melhor resposta. O Power BI pode facilitar diversos processos, pois atravs desses relatrios, tomadas de deciso e soluo de problemas podero ser feitas mais rapidamente, garantindo a eficincia de seu negcio.R SHINYNo mdulo do Curso SHINY na Linguagem R do Zero: Crie Painis para Anlise de Dados. Se voc estava procurando um treinamento essencial totalmente prtico para aprender a utilizar a incrvel biblioteca SHINY aplicada a linguagem R, esse o material que voc buscava. Vamos comear.A biblioteca Shiny na linguagem R foi disponibilizada para possibilitar aos usurios a apresentao mais amigvel e interativa dos dados extrados, atravs de indicadores, tabelas, grficos(plots) e tudo isso relacionado com muita interao entre os componentes.Nosso curso tem mais de 3 horas de contedo, te apresentando de forma prticas os principais recursos e arquitetura para construo de um ou vrios painis em Shiny. Veja o que aprender no nosso treinamento:O que e porque aprender R ShinyArquitetura de um aplicativo/painel ShinyUtilizao de Objetos de Entrada Texto, Nmeros e DataUtilizao de Objetos de Entrada UPLOADUtilizao de Objetos de Sada TextoUtilizao de Objetos de Sada Tabela Esttica e DinmicaUtilizao de Objetos de Sada PLOTS/GrficosUtilizao de Objetos de Sada DownloadAplicao de HTML em APP / Painel ShinyDefinio de layout para aplicativoUso de TemasIntroduo Reatividade e Publicao de Aplicativo BrilhanteNo final do curso, te entrego uma aula de como publicar seu aplicativo Shiny para acessar pela Internet."
Price: 174.99

"Miners and Ghost Towns of the American West" |
"Miners and Ghost Towns of the American West. History, art and culture of the American West through the Eyes of the American Artist. In this course we explore the Art of the American West through the work of the miners. The course also encourages and shows you how to participate by doing some mining of your own. Mining played and plays a fundamental role in the history of the American West. In this course we study and enjoy the art in the activity of mining. You will meet these colorful, hard working people that forged the region."
Price: 194.99

"C++ Projekte fr Fortgeschrittene: CMake, Tests und Tooling" |
"Kursbeschreibung:Du mchtest den nchsten Schritt als C/C++ Entwickler machen, um beruflich in diesen spannenden Sprachen Fu zu fassen?Dann ist mein C++: CMake, Tests und Tooling Kurs genau der richtige fr Dich.Ich stelle die aktuellen State-of-the-Art Tools fr moderne C++ Projekte vor.Ich stelle Dir ebenfalls den gesamten Code zur Verfgung.Dieser Kurs besteht aus folgenden Themengebieten:Installation der Software fr Windows und LinuxMakefile TutorialCMake TutorialDoxygen DokumentationConan Package ManagerUnit Testing mit GTestLogging und BenchmarkingCode Coverage und CI TestingWarum sollte man die C++ Programmierung beherrschen?C++ ist eine schnelle und effektive ProgrammierspracheBietet die Mglichkeit Low-Level Operationen auszufhrenWird von Firmen, wie Amazon und Google fr groe Projekte eingesetztWerde noch heute ein Profi, in der Technologie von Morgen!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 49.99

"ASL Occupations + Dialogues American Sign Language" |
"IN THIS COURSE, were going to learn thirty-three (33) occupational signs in American Sign Language (ASL). After we learn the target vocabulary, well explore the ASL alphabet and fingerspelling skills so we can fingerspell names. The next step is creating sentences using occupations, names, and extra vocabulary. Well learn how to sign sentences, questions, and complete dialogues. As always, there will be ongoing review to test your signing ability and recognition skills.*** This course is designed to INCLUDE complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. Previous ASL skills are welcome but NOT required.IN THIS COURSE:Students will learn to sign and understand thirty-three (33) occupational vocabulary words in American Sign LanguageGroup 1 vocab: ACCOUNTANT, ACTOR, ATHLETE, ARCHITECT, CARPENTER, CASHIER, CHEF, CHIROPRACTOR, COMEDIAN, DENTIST, DOCTORGroup 2 vocab: DRIVER, ENGINEER, FARMER, FIREFIGHTER, INTERPRETER, JUDGE, LAWYER, MAGICIAN, MANAGER, MODEL, NURSEGroup 3 vocab: PHOTOGRAPHER, PILOT, POLICE OFFICER, PLUMBER, PRESIDENT, REPORTER, SCIENTIST, SERVER, SOCIAL WORKER, SOLDIER, TEACHERStudents will learn to combine occupation signs, fingerspelled names, and extra vocabulary to create sentences, questions, and dialoguesStudents will learn correct facial expressions and head movements for communicating questionsStudents will race a timer as they review all content taught in the courseEach individual sign will be taught step by step to ensure comprehension, correct hand shape, and hand positionStudents will be tested on their ability to sign and recognize ALL material taught in the courseAFTER TAKING THIS COURSE:Students will know how to sign and understand thirty-three (33) occupational signs in ASLStudents will be able to create sentences, questions, and dialogues using vocabulary, names, and extra vocabStudents will have a larger vocabulary and understand the mechanics of each sign taught in the courseStudents will be more confident as they continue their journey of ASL improvementQUESTIONS:What is the main focus of this course?This course focuses on learning to sign essential occupational vocabulary in ASL. These words will be combined with fingerspelled names and extra words to create sentences, questions, and dialogues.Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with ASL before taking this class?No. This course is designed for complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. All necessary signs are taught step by step in the course.Will this course test me on what is taught?Yes. This course contains multiple sections of review and testing where you have the opportunity to demonstrate your ASL signing and recognition skills.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Hello! My name is Michael. When I was three years old, my younger brother became sick with spinal meningitis. In the process, my brother became deaf with an almost complete hearing loss. This difficult situation provided a unique opportunity for my family and I to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Unlike some deaf children, my brother was not sent away to a deaf or hard of hearing school. He grew up with us, his hearing family, and we were active in the deaf community.As a police officer and federal investigator, I often used ASL to communicate with and interpret for witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. I decided to create ASL courses because its a useful and practical skill to have. Like learning any language, it opens your mind and creates the ability to communicate with a whole new group of people."
Price: 19.99

"Academia da Bblia - O Sermo da Montanha: O Reino dos Cus" |
"Mais um curso da ""Academia da Bblia""!Neste curso apresentamos o contexto do Evangelho de Mateus, bem como os princpios do Reino dos Cus, ensinados e encarnados por Jesus Cristo no mais famoso sermo de todos os tempos: o Sermo da Montanha!O curso traz diversas vdeo-aulas breves direto ao ponto, abordando cada trecho do Sermo da Montanha, conforme registrado no Evangelho Segundo Mateus, nos captulos 5, 6 e 7. As vdeo-aulas so em estilo de comentrio bblico e aplicao, adequados para se utiliz-las como temas de pregaes e aulas bblicas na sua igreja ou clula!Vrios recursos com acessos ao site da Universidade Cambridge para o texto grego, recursos de acesso Bblia Interlinear Grego-Ingls do site Bible Hub e vrios captulos de livro comentando o maior Sermo de Cristo, alm de links para o downloads gratuito de captulos de livros e at um link para um livro completo sobre o maior discurso de Cristo, onde Ele apresenta os Princpios do Reino dos Cus!Voc encontrar respostas para perguntas como: * Qual o contexto do Evangelho? * Quais so os princpios do Reino dos Cus? * Jesus alterou a Lei e os Profetas (Velho Testamento)? * O que Jesus nos ensinou sobre a orao e o jejum? * Qual a relao entre o Evangelho e as riquezas? * Como o cristo deve se comportar diante de perseguies e afrontas? * Como edificar a sua vida sobre a rocha?Tudo isto e muito mais!Voc ter acesso s seguintes aulas:* Introduo ao Evangelho de Mateus (Mateus 1)* Os princpios do Reino (Mateus 5:1-16)* A profundidade do Evangelho: a letra da Lei e o Reino (Mateus 5:17-48)* A vida crist no um palco (Mateus 6:1-24)* O Reino de Deus como prioridade e o cuidado de Deus (Mateus 6:25-34)* Construindo sua vida na Rocha (Mateus 7)VANTAGENS:O curso conta com suporte para seu celular, tablet e computador.Dezenas de recursos com acessos e links de grandes sites como da Universidade Cambridge (o Bible Step), o famoso Bible Hub e livros como ""O Maior Discurso de Cristo"" e ""O Desejado de Todas as Naes"", clssicos no comentrio do Sermo da Montanha.Acesso vitalcio da plataforma.Preo que cabe no seu bolso!Garantia de devoluo de seu dinheiro em 30 dias, caso no goste do curso!Est esperando o qu? Compre j!"
Price: 99.99

"Make Beats Like J Cole - Soulful Hip Hop Fundamentals" |
"Do you listen to soulful hip hop songs by artists like J. Cole, Kendrick, Logic, and wonder how they do it?How theyre able to achieve that soulful sound?Do you wish you could make your own beats to vibe, sing, or rap to?Now you can.You might be wondering...How do you get your drums to sound authentic?How do you achieve that soulful, lofi, boom bap sound?Where do you find the right sounds or instruments for this genre?It took me hundreds of beats to finally figure out what was missing in my production.I tried to learn on my own through random youtube tutorials and blogs I read online.I spun my wheels for years.And after teaching hundreds of students I know now why.The answer is simple:We think because the information is out there we can do it ourselves.But with the internet sending us new tutorials every other day it leaves us feeling even more confused than when we started.There's no clear cut path.It took me years of trial-and-error, wasting time trying to learn concepts I thought I needed only to end up months later in the same spot.So whats the alternative?----After being frustrated with how confusing my own journey was learning music production I decided to do something about it...I created Beat School, an online academy that teaches the foundational elements of music production in a simple and effective way.This course on soulful hip hop music production is one of the beginner programs designed to help students gain an understanding of beat making with a step-by-step approach.----My goal is simple:I am here to teach you a simple process to, warp audio, easily create drum patterns, mix, and make the beats that you hear in your head.In this course I wont overwhelm you with fancy software or advanced techniques. Youll learn exactly what you need to get producing as fast as possible.In doing so, I have built what I believe is the most effective way to easily make beats.-That being said, your progress is completely up to you. I cant do the work for you.But I CAN lessen the learning curve, provide an easy to follow blueprint, and shave years off your path to mastery.I hope to empower you with the knowledge, practice, and resources you need to realize that this isnt rocket science.You can do this.If you are willing to invest in yourself and commit to learning a few hours a week, I have no doubt youll be able to achieve your goals with music.You ready to rock?Download the files, set aside a few hours for dedicated learning, and lets make some beats!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Create LinkedIn Profile 2020" |
"LinkedIn is the number 1 Professional Network with a lot of potential for Job Seekers or Business Owners. In order to use this platform properly, you need to understand it's advantages, to speak its lingo, and to have a great LinkedIn Profile Set Up.In this course, we'll talk about why do you need to use LinkedIn and why is it better than other social media platforms, you'll get familiar with LinkedIn lingo and learn how to create a perfect profile."
Price: 24.99

programmirovanie-virtualnoj-i-dopolnennoj-realnosti-v3 |
". , , - . , , , . VR AR , , , . Android."
Price: 99.99

"Oracle Financials Cloud-Payables Essentials 2020 - 1Z0-1055" |
"There are two practice tests in this Course. It contains important questions for oracle financials cloud: payables 2020 implementation essentials Practice Exam.This tests will help you to clear Oracle Financials Cloud: Payables 2020 Implementation Essentials 1Z0-1055 Certification Exam.The Oracle Financials Cloud: Payables 2020 (1Z0-1055-20) Exam covers the following topics -1. Invoicing2. Expenses3. Other Payables TopicsProcess Income Tax and Withholding tax calculationsConfigure Transactional TaxExplain the Close processConfigure Payables SetupsConfigure Business UnitsConfigure Subledger AccountingExecute 1099 ReportingDescribe the Functional Setup Manager4. Payments5. Reporting"
Price: 1280.00

"Evolutionary Psychology Course" |
"In the last pages of the Origin of Species, Darwin made a bold prediction, explaining the theory of evolution through natural selection (Darwin, 1970, p. 468):I see areas open to much more important research in the future. Psychology can be reliably placed on the foundation laid by Mr. Herbert Spencer, that the need for mental powers and abilities to be acquired only gradually and gradually. The origin and history of man will be more enlightened. These words of Darwin are like the first words to inform that one day a brand new field called evolutionary psychology will be born.Throughout the 20th century, many thinkers have tried to solve the question of how to build the structure necessary for a more systematic approach to psychology based on Darwin's basic understanding (Tooby and Cosmides, 2005). With the influence of all these various approaches and efforts, the field of evolutionary psychology appeared a few decades ago.It is of course possible to define evolutionary psychology from different angles; In general, evolutionary psychology is a basic framework for understanding all psychological phenomena, and a set of principles that suggest that the human nervous system and the behaviors of this system are the products of evolutionary processes. It treats people as the products of natural selection, therefore it does not have an understanding that accepts the human species as somehow independent of the rules governing the natural world (Geher, 2006). Accordingly, the mind and behavior of the human was formed in accordance with a set of natural principles, not random, but for a specific purpose and consistently in itself. Therefore, the evolutionary past of the species should be examined while the current person is explained scientifically and the reasons of the behaviors should be investigated in the light of this past.In this course, you will learn much more from your educator, who teaches in understandable language."
Price: 24.99

"The Digital Marketing Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Course !You can Learn complete information related to Digital Marketing. It is the best course for Digital Marketing. This course of Digital Marketing will able you to start your Learning as a beginner. Important Points you can learn and get Explanation are :Digital MarketingMarketing PlanGoalsStrategiesSEO MarketingSocial Media MarketingContent MarketingEmail MarketingMobile MarketingPPC AdvertisingThank you so much !Our Team will Happy to see in Course ! Note that Our team is present every time for you and available here for any questions you may have. You can ask any question which you want. "
Price: 19.99

"Structural Engineering: Finite Element Analysis of Slabs" |
"Course overviewIn this course the correct method of modelling, analyzing and interpreting results of reinforced concrete flat slabs are covered.Prior knowledge requiredThis is an entry level Finite Element Analysis course. Thus no prior knowledge of Finite Element Analysis is required. However, students will benefit from having a firm grasp of Structural Engineering principles. Course contentThis course is divided into the following topics: The introduction has an important lesson on the how the solver calculates displacements, stresses and strains. This ensures that the user has basic understanding of what happens in the ""black box""The second section deals with modelling strategies. A number of strategies are discussed and poor models brought to the attention of the learner. A critical topic is that of boundary conditions and how to correctly model boundary conditions to prevent stress peaks, and I believe this is the most important topic in this course.The third section covers meshing and mesh refinement. A case study is used to explain how to approach meshing and determine whether a mesh is of good quality.The fourth section covers loading. And there is just a single lesson on how to apply point loads, in order to prevent stress peaks.The final section covers the interpretation of results which is the last step of the analysis process.Course aimsDevelop competency in modelling reinforced concrete flat slabs in a way that produces a sound representation of realityDevelop a sound understanding of boundary conditions, meshing and results interpretation"
Price: 39.99

"British Maths Olympiad" |
"In our maths olympiad preparations we encounter the BMO1 a first round math olympiad for Britain. We see that it is a mix of junior and senior questions which can also be relevant for AIMO and Senior contest preparations in Australia. (NZMO1 in New Zealand etc.). In this short series we show how our students solved the BMO1 problems and include some links to relevant resources."
Price: 19.99

Opthalmology |
"Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine and surgery which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. An ophthalmologist is a specialist in ophthalmology. The credentials include a degree in medicine, followed by an additional four to five years of ophthalmology residency training. Ophthalmology residency training programs may require a one-year pre-residency training in internal medicine, pediatrics, or general surgery. Additional specialty training (or fellowship) may be sought in a particular aspect of eye pathology. Ophthalmologists use medications to treat eye diseases, implement laser therapy, and perform surgery when needed."
Price: 189.99

"Diploma in Optometry" |
"Optometry is a health care profession that involves examining the eyes and applicable visual systems for defects or abnormalities as well as the correction of refractive error with glasses or contact lenses and treatment of eye diseases.Traditionally, the field of optometry began with the primary focus of correcting refractive error through the use of spectacles. Modern-day optometry, however, has evolved through time so that the educational curriculum additionally includes significant training in the diagnosis and management of ocular disease, in most of the countries of the world, where the profession is established and regulated.Optometrists (also known as doctors of optometry in the United States and Canada, by a higher degree in the United Kingdom and worldwide for those holding the O.D. degree) are health care professionals who usually provide primary eye care through comprehensive eye examinations. They diagnose and manage various vision abnormalities including refractive errors as well as various eye diseases. Being a regulated profession, an optometrist's scope of practice may differ depending on the location. Optometrists typically work closely together with other eye care professionals such as ophthalmologists (specialists) and opticians to deliver quality and efficient eyecare to the general public."
Price: 189.99

"Ansible Mastery" |
"This is a very long course full of content which allows you to become the master of ansible and AWX to increase your job security and automate whatever you can in your infrastructure. We start from the very beginning like setup and configuration of ansible and as we gain more and more knowledge we dive into more complex topics."
Price: 64.99

"HTML5 using CSS - An Ultimate Guide" |
"HTML5 using CSS - An Ultimate Guide is a course to learn the art of web development in a practical way with Projects.Web development has always been the central part of Internet. But in today's time as more and more companies are coming up On-line and E-commerce has become the most effective business model, the demand for skilled web developers has increased significantly. By learning HTML5 with CSS, you can put yourself in the elite panel of web developers. Web development is a creative work and is only limited by the imagination of the developer. Ever wanted to make websites but didn't know how to start? Then this course was made for you!"
Price: 2240.00

"How to Create Landing Page on WordPress" |
"Landing pages are the most effective type of website to sell products or services.In this course, we will cover all you need to know to create your own Sales Page (Landing Pages) on WordPress using only FREE plugins available so you don't need to invest hundreds of dollars in buying what you don't need.And by using our method you will easily capture leads on your sales website.Your Landing Page will look perfect on all devices, and especially on mobile (iOS or Android). Plugins we are using here are: Brizy Free, Contact form 7"
Price: 19.99

"Game Development: Basic Games with C# and Unity 3D" |
"In this course we are going to create 3 simple games and learn a lot from the development of each one. Then you are encouraged to continue the development by yourself following some guidelines on what to do; this way you get to practice and can add some beginner projects to your portfolio.The first of the main projects is the Pong game, which we will use to learn all the basics, mostly Unity stuff and a little coding here and there.The second is the Space Invaders project, where we start to use much more code.The third is the Galaga/Space Shooter, when we go really heavy into programming behaviours, tweeners, movement curves, etc.I'd recommend for you to give a quick scroll through the lesson's names to see more in depth all the topics we are going to go through, but here is a short list of what you'll learn:GameObjects, Materials, Nested Prefabs and VariantsMake Vectorial Movement, Interpolation, Basic Physics, Colliders and TriggersGetComponent and navigate through referencesControls and Inputs through eventsUI and AnchorsInterfaces, EnumsUse Scripts in Animator Events and Control the State ChangesCoroutines and Yield InstructionsAsynchronous systemsSingletonsRef/OutAbstract, Virtual and OverrideSave Data in .jsonsBuild your Own DelegatesScriptableObjectsTweeners to Make Linear and Curved MovementsExtensionsChange Scenes/LevelsCreate a Loot SystemCreate a Weapon SystemPlease take a look at the prerequisites before making the purchase. I'm expecting you to know basic programming logic and have a grasp on OOP. Thanks for your time and hope to see you in the lessons o/"
Price: 199.99
