"SolidWorks 2015 Assembly Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2015 Assembly Essential training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create sketch using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks assembly topic, then this is also right course for them. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Parts Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.4.5+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 76 individual video lecturesAn online quiz (30 questions) - to test what you've learned in SolidWorks assembly topicsExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2015 assembly Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos.You will start by learning basic and intermediate topics in assembly such as create assembly, positioning parts, apply mate and so on. This video tutorial will then cover how to apply basic mate and different types of mate option. Then this course will also cover lots of intermediate topics such as advanced mate type, handling sub-assembly, apply assembly level features and so on. Then, you will learn how to work with advanced tool such as linear, circular, sketch driven pattern and so on. Finally, this course will also cover few advanced topic such as assembly configuration, fixing mate error, top down assembly etc. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own assembly and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. One quiz is also added to evaluate your skill after learning this course.In this SolidWorks 2015 Assembly Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.We will cover the following topicsCreating Assembly Making new assembly Add multi parts Positioning parts Add mate to all parts Apply different type mate Mate type Concentric Parallel mate, Tangent mate and perpendicular mate Distance Angle Smart Multiple mate mode Working with sub-assembly Create sub assembly inside another assembly Make sub assembly in flexible state Add empty part to the assembly Create virtual assembly Create folder to organize assembly Assembly level features Extrude Cut Feature scope of Extrude Cut Revolve Cut Fillet Chamfer Weld bead Hole series Create smart component Apply smart component Belt chain feature Swept cut Regular exploded view Radial exploded view Interference detection tool Pattern type Linear component pattern Circular component pattern Pattern driven component pattern Sketch driven component pattern Curve driven component pattern Mirror component Advanced mate type Profile center mate Symmetric mate Limit distance and angle by mate Width mate Path mate Linear coupler mate Cam mate Slot mate Gear mate Screw mate Hinge mate Work with mate errors Mate Reference Capture mate Reference from assembly level Solve common mate error Solve mate problem using MateXpert Replace mate entities Copy with mates Assembly configuration Making new assembly level configuration Control feature in the assembly level configuration Advance option in configuration properties Parent-child option in configuration properties Design table Speedpak Top down assembly What is top down assembly Top down design environment Visibility option for part mode in assembly Power of in-context feature In-context feature in depth Create new part in assembly Virtual part vs external part External reference oRemove external reference"
Price: 124.99

"SolidWorks 2015 Sketch Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2015 Sketch Essential training course, expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create sketch using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks sketch topic, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks sketch Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.3.0 hours of HD video tutorialsOver 48 individual video lecturesExercise filesto help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2015 Sketch Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos.You will start by learning basic and intermediate sketch tools, such as line, circle, rectangular tool, arc and so on. This video tutorial will then cover how to apply geometric relation and dimension and make fully defined sketch. Then this course will also cover lots of intermediate topics such as polygon, ellipse, partial ellipse, spline, mirror entities, offset entities and so on. Then, you will learn how to work with advanced tool such as rapid sketch, path dimension, ordinate dimension, sketch picture, dynamic mirror entities and so on. Finally, this course will also cover few advanced topic such as 3D sketch, spline on surface, face curve, equation driven curve, helix and spiral curve through XYZ point etc. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own 2D and 3D sketch using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. One quiz is also added to evaluate your skill after learning this course.In this SolidWorks 2015 Sketch Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.We will cover the following topicsSolidWorks user interfaceView manipulationBasic tools such as line, rectangular, Arc circle tool etc.Geometric relationDimensionsOver defined, under defined and fully defined sketchSketch fillet and chamferAdvanced tools such as polygon, ellipse, parabola etc.Mirror toolsOffset toolsSketch pattern typeTrim toolsConvert entities toolRapid sketch toolAdvanced dimension typeSketch text toolSketch pictureDynamic mirror entitiesUnderstanding 3D sketchWorking in depth with 3D sketchEquation driven curveFace curveCreate helix and spiral and so on."
Price: 124.99

"SolidWorks 2016 Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Essential training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create sketch, parts, assembly and drawing using the variety of essential tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap in SolidWorks, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Drawing Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.8.5+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 146 individual video lectures11 practice exercises - to test what you've learned in SolidWorksExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2016 Essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. 4 quizzes is also added to evaluate your skill after learning this course.In this SolidWorks 2016 Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications."
Price: 194.99

"Autodesk Inventor 2016 Essential training" |
"In this Autodesk Inventor 2016 Essential training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, (Autodesk Inventor Expert) will teach you how to create sketch, parts, assembly and drawing file using the variety of tools in Autodesk Inventor. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with Autodesk Inventor is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap in Autodesk Inventor, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality Autodesk Inventor Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.7.0+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 125 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex Autodesk Inventor 2016 essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. In this Autodesk Inventor 2016 Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.We will cover the following essential topics Sketch Part Assembly Drawing"
Price: 194.99

"Siemens NX 10 Essential Training" |
"!!! The latest version of NX course is available. Please search ""Siemens NX 1847 - Essential Training"" !!!In this Siemens NX 10 Essential training course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, (Siemens NX Expert) will teach you how to create sketch, parts, assembly and drawing file using the variety of tools in Siemens NX. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no previous experience with Siemens NX is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap in Siemens NX, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality Siemens NX 10 Essential training videos delivered to your desktop.8.0+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 139 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex Siemens NX 10 essential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos.After completing this course you will be able to - Make any simple and intermediate 3D CAD model in part environment. Create assembly from parts and use all essential tools in assembly environment.Create drawing for manufacturing or presentation.You will get depth idea about parametric CAD system.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.In this Siemens NX 10 Essential training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.We will cover the following essential topicsSketchPartAssemblyDrawing"
Price: 194.99

"SolidWorks 2016 Template & Properties in Depth" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Template & Properties in Depth course, Expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create part, assembly and drawing templates using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for all SolidWorks user meaning previous experience with SolidWorks is required. After completing this course you will be able to - Get depth idea about SolidWorks part, assembly and drawing templates.Make templates from scratchMake custom properties and link to proper locationCreate templates package for a company Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own template and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 124.99

"SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Sketch Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Sketch training course, expertauthor Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE) will teach you how to create sketchusing the advanced sketch tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for beginnerand intermediate user If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regardingSolidWorks advanced sketch topic, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor inthis training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks AdvancedSketch training videos delivered to your desktop.2.0 hours of HD video tutorialsOver 35 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficient with thematerial.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive,easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks sketchsubjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videosYou will start by learning intermediate sketch tools, such as parabola,slot, sketch pattern, style spline and so on. This video tutorial will thencover how to make conic, text, spline on surface, and teach you what is 3dsketch and what is the best way to design in 3D sketch environment. Then thiscourse will also cover lots of intermediate topics such as intersection curve,project curve, equation driven curve etc. Then, you will learn how to work withhelix, spiral, composite curve etc. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fullycapable of using these tools and techniques to create your own 3D models usingthis 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to followalong with the author throughout the lessons.In this SolidWorks Advanced Sketch training video tutorialseries, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications."
Price: 124.99

"SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Part Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Part training course,expert author Asif Ahmed, CertifiedSolidWorks Expert (CSWE)willteach you how to create complex part using the advanced part tools inSolidWorks. This course is designed for beginner and intermediate user. Ifanyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks advanced part topic,then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor inthis training course to get:Concise,informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks Advanced Part training videosdelivered to your desktop.4.0 hours of HD video tutorialsOver 74 individual video lecturesExercise files to help you become proficientwith the material.Theability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interfaceA quickgrasp of even the most complex SolidWorks part subjects because they're brokeninto simple and easy to follow tutorial videos.You willstart by learning intermediate part tools, such as advanced extrude, advancedfillet, swept, loft and so on. This video tutorial will then cover how to make complexpattern, and teach you what is multibody part and what is the best way todesign in 3D part using multibody part environment. Then this course will alsocover lots of advanced topics such as boundary, dome, wrap etc. Then, you willlearn how to create and manage configuration and many more advanced topics etc.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fullycapable of using these tools and techniques to create your own complex 3D partusing this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you tofollow along with the author throughout the lessons.In thisSolidWorks Advanced Part training video tutorial series, you'll quickly haverelevant skills for real-world applications."
Price: 124.99

"SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Assembly Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Assembly Training course,expertauthor Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE)will teach you how to manage complexassembly using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed forintermediate users, meaning previous experience with SolidWorks assembly isrequired. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks assemblytopic, then this is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor inthis training course to get:Concise, informative and broadcast-qualitySolidWorks 2016 Advanced Assembly Training videos delivered to your desktop.4.0+ hours of HD video tutorialsOver 66 individual video lecturesExercise files to helpyou become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive,easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2016 AdvancedAssembly Training subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to followtutorial videos.You will start by learning top down assembly method topics suchas in-context feature, external reference, virtual parts and so on. This videotutorial will then cover how to apply assembly level features including weldbead, hole series, belt chain etc. Then this course will also cover lots ofintermediate topics such as advanced mate type, handling sub-assembly, applymechanical mates and so on. Then, you will learn how to work with advancedpattern tool such as curve driven, chain driven, sketch driven pattern and soon. Finally, this course will also cover few advanced topic such as assemblyconfiguration, fixing mate error etc.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fullycapable of using these tools and techniques to create your own complex assemblyand get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files areincluded, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.One quiz is also added to evaluate your skill after learning this course.In this SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Assembly Training videotutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-worldapplications."
Price: 124.99

"SolidWorks 2016 Advanced Drawing Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Drawing Essential training course,expertauthor Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE)will teach you how to create drawingfile using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for the beginnerand intermediate users, meaning little experience with SolidWorks is required.If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks drawing topic, thenthis is also right course for them.Follow along with our expert instructor in this training courseto get:Concise, informative and broadcast-quality SolidWorks DrawingEssential training videos delivered to your desktop.3.0+ hoursof HD video tutorialsOver 52individual video lecturesExercisefiles to helpyou become proficient with the material.The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive,easy-to-use interfaceA quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2016 DrawingEssential subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorialvideos.Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fullycapable of using these tools and techniques to create your own drawing and getcontrol perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included,allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. In this SolidWorks 2016 Drawing Essential training videotutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-worldapplications."
Price: 124.99

"SolidWorks 2016 Pipe and Tube Routing Essential Training" |
"In this SolidWorks 2016 Pipe and Tube Routing Essential Training course,expert author Asif Ahmed, Certified SolidWorks Expert (CSWE)will teach you how to create, modify and manage pipe and tube routing using the variety of tools in SolidWorks. This course is designed for intermediate users, meaning previous experience with SolidWorks is required. If anyone wants to fill up his/her gap regarding SolidWorks pipe and tube routing topic, then this is also right course for them. Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get: Concise, informative and broadcast- SolidWorks 2016 Pipe and Tube Routing Essential Training videos delivered to your desktop. 3.0 hours of HD video tutorials Over 52 individual video lectures Exercise files to help you become proficient with the material. The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interface A quick grasp of even the most complex SolidWorks 2016 Pipe and Tube Routing Essential Training subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using these tools and techniques to create your own routing and get control perfectly using this 3D modeling software. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. In this SolidWorks 2016 Pipe and Tube Routing Essential Training video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications."
Price: 124.99

"Introduction to PMP - Project Management Professional Exam" |
"Updated August 2018! - This is what Students say about this Course:""What I like the most is the way you present information, especially the Secret Tips&Tricks where even I had learnt new things (and I've been active in this field for a long time now!) - If I weren't a PMP already I would look forward to your Upcoming Course for my Exam Prep for sure!"" - Markus K.""Very Good Guide for people who want to start with their PMP!"" - BrunoIf youre looking for an Introduction to the Project Management Professional - PMP Exam, youve come to the right place! This is NOT a Prep Course, but its an amazing first step if you want to know what the PMP Exam is about, what you can expect from it, what the best resources to study are, and how you can set up a Personal Study Plan to fit your current knowledge and your precious schedule.PMP Certified Project Managers earn 20% more than their Non-Certified Peers. Companies get more of their Projects done when they have PMPs on board...Do you work in a Project Management environment and want to give a Twist To Your Career?The PMP Certification will be the Turning Point of Your Professional Life!In this Course I share with You my Experience as a PMP, a PMPInstructor, and as a Member of the Project Management Institute to Guide You through the Most Essential Steps needed to get you in the right direction and become soon aPMP credential holder!With Engaging and Dynamic Lessons and with Quizzes that serve as ""Clarification Checkpoints"", we'll navigate through PMP Eligibility Requirements, Contact Hours, PMP Applications, Audits, Exam Scheduling, Setting up an Agile Study Plan... and more!The Course is targeted at both experienced Project Managers who want to understand if they still need to fill some gaps before applying for the PMP Certification, and at Project Team Members who want to know what steps they can start taking, right now, to become PMPs when they will have accrued the required project management experience.My teaching style here on Udemy is already known for the High Level of Interaction with my Students. Ask questions, open discussions, send me private messages... I'll be happy to help you find out the right answer and support your decisions!Enroll Now, Start with the Basics, and Be Ready to Rock Your PMP Exam! See You Inside!PS: Everything To Gain, Nothing To Lose - I'm so confident that you'll get so much tremendous Value from the Information inside(that no other Introductory Course will ever tell you!) that I offer my own Personal 30-Days Guarantee - If you're not 100% happy with the materials, feel free to ask a full refund and get your money back. No. Question. Asked. Enjoy!DISCLAIMER: This course is based on material officially released by the PMI (Project Management Institute, Inc.), but it is not endorsed by the PMI. All registered marks (PMP, CAPM, PMBOK, Pulse of the Profession) are trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 19.99

"Build a PVC Drip Irrigation System for your Garden" |
"This may be the most useful garden video you have ever watched!! Learn how to make your own PVC drip irrigation system for your garden.*** August 2018 Update - This course now has 26 minutes of new content including a new section on using a PVC drip system in raised beds!!If you have ever considered adding a drip irrigation system to your vegetable garden, this is the year!! With drought conditions over a large portion of the country, now is the time to cut your water usage and improve the quality of your vegetable garden!Learn everything you need to know to get your own PVC drip irrigation system up and running this season. Drip irrigation systems promote strong healthy plants, save time and resources in your garden and they save a ton of water!! PVC based systems are easy to build, very flexible and much less expensive than other types of drip systems.Master Gardener Rick Stone takes you through the process of building a PVC drip system. He covers all you need to know to get started. In this class you will learn:Why you should choose a PVC system over the other systems out there.How to build your system, including cutting pipe, drilling holes, and the hardware you will need.How to create a main line water distribution system that will make it easy to get water to each of your garden bedsWhat size of PVC pipe is best for your garden.Where and how many water holes will you need for the different types of crops.How to attach your drip system to a rain water collection system!Tricks on making your system very flexible and easily reconfigured for each year in your garden.With almost 90 minutes of content you will learn every detail of what you need to do to get this PVC drip system up and running in your garden. And of course this video comes with a full 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with this class you can have a full refund! Buy it now, as the price will be going up in only a few months!!A quick warning for those of you who's garden has a slope. PVC drip systems don't deal well with big changes in slope in a garden. Slopes cause uneven water pressure in the pipes and you will have some areas getting too much water and others not enough. So if you garden is on a hill side or drops more than 2 or 3 inches over 50 feet you may want to consider a different watering option."
Price: 19.99

"The Beginner's Guide to Vegetable Gardening" |
"Want to learn how to grow a great garden this summer . . . you should buy this course today!Here's what you get when you buy this course:I will teach you Where to plant your GardenYou will learn When to plant itWhat are the 12 best veggies to plant in your new gardenOver 2 hours of engaging contentAccess to a Master Gardener with 18 years of gardening experienceA 30 day money back guaranteeLearn all you need to know to get started gardening or to improve your existing vegetable garden! Buy it now!Imagine harvesting 100's of pounds of Vegetables from your own backyard! Ripe juicy tomatoes, delicious sweet corn or crisp lettuce. It's possible for any one that has a small back yard to grow surprising amounts of vegetables. A small 150 square foot plot can produce several hundred pounds of yummy veggies thru the spring, summer and fall.In this Vegetable Gardening Basics course you will learn where to put your garden, when to plant it and what are some of the easiest veggies to grow. The course is designed to teach the new gardener the basics to get started. The course will also teach you more experienced gardeners some of the basic principals that you need to know to ""pump up"" your garden production:Where to Grow Your GardenRaised Bed GardensFlat Bed GardensContainersSun requirementsCaring for your soilWatering your gardenWhen to Plant Your GardenCool Weather CropsWarm Weather CropsEstimated Planting TimesWhat to Plant in Your New GardenShould you plant seeds . . . or seedlings?Hybrid seeds vs. Open Pollinated seeds what's the difference?7 Easy to grow Cool Weather veggies5 Easy to grow Warm Weather veggiesWhether you are a new gardener or you have a few years under your belt you will find this course a great guide to improving your backyard garden. Please join our growing community of gardeners as we discuss the best practices for growing a great backyard vegetable garden!"
Price: 29.99

"Growing Tomato Heaven: Garden grown tomatoes made easy!" |
"There is nothing better than home grown, garden fresh tomatoes!! Close your eyes and picture the taste of the best tomato you have ever eaten. The fresh warm juice dripping off your chin!! Best of all you grew it yourself in your own backyard!!Growing a great corp of tomatoes in your garden is easier than you think. This course is designed to give you the skillsyou need tobe successful your first time or your 50th time planting tomatoes in your garden! Both the beginner and the expert will benefit from this in-depth look at tomato gardening!This 90 minute course is a comprehensive look at how to grow your best crop of tomatoes ever. Expertgardener Rick Stone takes you step by step through the basics of tomato gardening. Starting out with a great tomato start, planting it just right, giving it the support and care it needs through the growing season will lead you to a tasty tomato heaven!Weather you are growing many plants in a large garden for canning and preservingor just a few plants in containers on your balcony, Rick Stone will give you the practical knowledge you need. Bushels of tasty garden goodness wait you at the end of this easy to follow course!Topics covered:Heirloom vs Hybrid TomatoesHow to choose the best tomatostarts to plantWhen and how to plant your tomatoesA great little garden hack that will get you planting 6 weeks earlySimple tricks to extent your harvest in the fallWatering, fertilizingand caring foryour growing plantsUsing stakes or cages to support your plantsWhen to harvest for the best tasteIdeas for preserving your harvestLike all Udemy courses, this one comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not happy with the course, simply return it for a full refund. BUT we are sure you are going to LOVE this course! Welcome to Tomato Heaven!!"
Price: 19.99

"5 garden crops for food storage" |
"Learn how to grow the 5 best garden crops to add themto your food storage. In this course you will learn the 5 crops every gardener should be growing to build your own food storage. Your pantry will soon be bursting with your own home grown veggies. Join me for this quick 45 minute mini course that will get you started growing food for your pantry. We will cover the following topics:What are the 5 best garden crops to be growing in your backyard to add to your food storage.Why dideach of these 5 crops make it to the top spotsGrowing tips to get your best harvest ever of each of these favorite garden goodies!The best methods for preserving or storing these backyard veggies.With today's growing economic andpolitical uncertainty learning how to provide some (or all) of your own food is become more and more important. Join expert gardener Rick Stone as he talks about these 5important garden crops that every backyard gardener should know how to grow and preserve. This primer course is designed to get you started on your journey towards self sufficiency.Rick will take you though each of these 5 important crops and give you tips for growing them and then methods for preserving them. With more that 20 years of gardening experience Rick is becoming one of the ""go to"" guys for online gardening advice. Rick's laid back personal approach to teaching online will have you coming back for more!!Like all Udemy courses, this one comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. If for any reason you are not happy with the course, simply return it for a full refund. BUT we are sure you are going to LOVE this course! Happy Gardening!!"
Price: 19.99

"Secrets of the Highest Conversion Landing Page: Best in 2016" |
"I've seen a lot of courses on conversion. But not one of them taught me anything that I needed. I decided to do a course with step by step practical guidance on how to make a landing page with high conversion. I invested many years of experience as well as information that is not publicly available. The course starts with the basic concepts of marketing, and in the end you have a great opportunity to see the result. I did not want to make a long course, because we live in a world where time is money. So I did my best to pick out just the right information for you based on pedagogical methods. It is a valuable lesson in a course on the fatal errors about landing pages, this information is exclusive and mined empirically using tests. 99% of developers and marketers will find this knowledge useful. Therere no other courses similar to this one. Happy exploring!"
Price: 19.99

"Airbnb Secrets: Save up to 25% on Your Airbnb Stays" |
"Airbnb Secrets: Improve your Airbnbexperiences and save money on yourAirbnb stays.This course teaches you how to find the perfect place on Airbnb and negotiate to get the price down by upto 25%!!! ++++++++++++++ About this course: Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success!Includes message templates that you can copy-paste to save timeGet $25 off your first Airbnb stay Includes negotiating tool that you can use to get the lowest price Includes real life example of how I save over $100 by negotiating with my Airbnb hostMy personal guarantee: if you don't save more than you paid for this course, I will refund you the difference! Includes my travel ebook ""Ten Small Steps, One Giant Leap,"" a guide on how to travel the world full-time for a long time This course is for travelers who don't like the impersonal experience of staying in hotels and want a more authentic, local experience and also travels who want to save money. ++++++++++++++You will learn:How to use the Airbnb search function to find the perfect place to stayHow to recognize a good host How to negotiate to get the price down up to 25%How to get the most out of your stay What to do in case of problems And much much more! So you've read this far! Thank you. The first four videos of this course are for FREE! Check them out, I'll show you how you can get $25 off your first Airbnb stay and how you can get travel credit by referring your friends!Here's to a better and cheaper travel experience! Jasper RibbersAuthor of the #1 Amazon Best Seller Get Paid For Your Pad - Maximize Income From Your Airbnb Listing""Blogger at The Traveling Dutchman"
Price: 19.99

"Travel Hacking Mastery: Travel Around the World for Cheap" |
"Travel Hacking Mastery:This Travel Hacking course will teach you how tofly anywhere in the world for less than $150!If you live in the US and you earn a monthly salary, then this is totally possible.By using frequent flier points you can book flights by only paying the taxes. You don't even need to travel a lot to earn points. You can earn points by signing up for credit cards and use your regular monthly spending. You don't need to spend a single extra dollar! In this course you will learn how to 1) Book free flights using airline loyalty points2) Earn thousands of airline loyalty points by signing up for credit cards3) Get the annual credit card fees waived by the banks4) Choose the best credit card to sign up for5) Maintain a very high credit score6) Get credit card applications approved7) Earn maximum points by managing credit card spending8) Understand the benefits that come with different credit cards9) Sign up with the airline loyalty program that fits the student's situation best10) And much more...*********************************************************************************************************So...what makes this course so unique?The extremely detailed information you simply won't find anywhere elseThe incredible savings you can achieve on your travels by implementing our strategies*********************************************************************************************************Who is teaching this course? The instructors Jasper and Erik both have a wealth of knowledge and experience on the topic of travel hacking. Jasper has been traveling full-time for over five years and has flown around the world one year without paying for a single flight, using frequent flyer points. Erik runs an online business that manages clients award point portfolios. He has helped thousands of people earn free flights and free upgrades to business and first class flights. Erik has over 25 credit cards without ever paying a fee! *********************************************************************************************************Did you know banks often waive credit card fees when you ask for it? It's much cheaper for a bank to retain a current customer than to acquire a new one. Therefore, banks are often willing to waive credit card fees if you negotiate correctly. We will teach you how to do this! In this course we have included real life conversations with bank employees in which fees of over $100 a year are waived. That's more than the price of this course, which means that even if this is all you take away from the course, you'll make your money back.*********************************************************************************************************"
Price: 39.99

"Conference Hacking For Entrepreneurs: Network Effectively" |
"Build long lasting relationships with valuable business contacts by leveraging your conference visit, meet lots of new people and network effectively.Learn how to prepare well for your conference so that youll feel comfortable and confident, even if you go alone and dont know anyone.Setting conference goals Strategies to start conversation Creating your elevator pitchBuilding relationships with your new contactsMake new business contacts and grow your businessLearning how to leverage conferences to create dozens of new business contacts is a very powerful way to grow your business. In addition, conferences also offer a great way to learn from your peers and stay up-to-date on news and developments in your niche. The people you meet at conferences are often very valuable for your business, wether they become new clients, partners or friends. However, in order to have these benefits, youll have to do a little bit more than just showing up. In this course I will tell you exactly how to do just that.Content overviewSuitable for entrepreneurs in any niche, through this course youll learn all the tips, tricks and strategies to meet the those people who can bring most value to your business. It all starts with preparing for the conference. Researching the attendees, setting your conference goals, creating your elevator pitch and reaching out to the people you want to meet. With these basics mastered, the course will walk you through the actions you should take during the conference, such as how to make the best use of your time, tips on making notes, how to approach people and tips on how you can stand out from the crowd. The course continues with post-conference strategies on how to follow up with the people youve met and build the relationships that will help you grow your business. Students completing the course will feel comfortable, confident and excited to attend their next conference and implement all the strategies that theyve learned."
Price: 19.99

"Entrepreneurship: Learn How to Quit the Rat Race Today" |
"Learn how to adopt the 10 essential mindsets that will allow you to confidently make the leap from corporate to entrepreneurship. This course will prepare you for the challenges that you will inevitable face and help you overcome the obstacles so that you will have a head start on your entrepreneurial journey. Build a strong mental foundation that will empower you to take action, quit your corporate job and change your life. Ever wondered what the common denominator is of people who do the things that others perceive as impossible? Its often not talent, experience or background. Its their mindset. We designed this course, for anyone who feels stuck in their corporate job, and is seeking to become an entrepreneur. By the end of the course, youll be able to adopt the mindset necessary to leave your current job and start your entrepreneurial journey. Some of the mindsets that you'll learn are: *Recognizing your own value *Making the right assumptions *Not being afraid of failure *Defining success the right wayThe course is split up into ten sections and each section teaches you one of the essential mindsets. To help you understand each mindset, we provide you with examples from our own lives, and well give you practical exercises to apply them in your life.Who is this course for?The ideal student for this course, is someone who feels trapped at their current job, that wants to start their own venture, but struggles to make the jump. Youre facing fear, How do I give up the security of my current job? What if Im not successful? What will other people think of me? If you these questions sound familiar to you, then this course if for you. Look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 94.99

"Sleep Hacking Masterclass: Sleep Faster and Feel Refreshed" |
"Learn powerful hacks to fall asleep faster, improve the quality of your sleep and learn how to effectively nap during the day. Wake up feeling refreshed and energized and improve your general health by sleeping well. The Circadian Rhythm Self hypnosis, meditation and breathing techniquesDay-time napping The psychological process of sleep Help for insomniacsLucid dreaming Sleep restriction techniques Night shift workersJetlags Sleeping well is the key to general well-being and health Being able to sleep well affects many areas of our lives. It helps us to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and energized to start the day. Sleeping well is essential to a well functioning immune system and a healthy and positive mind. Lack of sleep causes many issues: low energy levels during the day, feeling lethargic, being unproductive, getting into a bad mood, not feeling like engaging in social activities and even more serious problems like feeling depressed and all sorts of health issues. Content Overview This course is a very comprehensive resource on the topic of sleep hacking. The way you plan your day has a big effect on how well you sleep at night, which is why we start by teaching you how to align your day to the Circadian Rhythm and explain the different factors that affect your sleep, such as light exposure, body temperature and several hormones like serotonin, adenosine and cortisol. We also teach you how you can control these factors so that they will help you sleep well at night. With these topics mastered, the course moves on to more advanced methods to improve the quality of your sleep, such as self hypnosis, meditation, breathing techniques and sleep restriction. A section on step-by-step advice for insomniacs is also provided. Finally, we'll also cover how to effectively use naps during the day and how to control your dreams at night. Who should take this course? We designed this course for anyone who is struggling to sleep well or seeking to improve the quality of their sleep, either at night or by taking day-time naps. By the end of this course, youll be able to fall asleep within minutes and wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to start your day.What will I get from this course? Fall asleep faster Avoid waking up during the night Waking up restedFeel energetic during the day The ability to nap Controlling your dreams"
Price: 24.99

"Freelance Masterclass: Use Your Skills to Work From Anywhere" |
"Learn everything you need to know to start your freelancer career today and beat the competition on Fiverr and Upwork by marketing your skills effectively. Become your own boss today by mastering freelancing platforms and make money quickly as a freelancer. Learn step-by-step exactly how to make money on freelancer platforms Make money today using skills that you already have Monetize the skills that you gained in other Udemy classes (copywriting, design, web development and many more)Learn how you can work from anywhere in the world Learn how to manage a location independent freelancing life: taxes, incorporation, health insurance and legal issues Begin your freelancing career by the end of this course! Unlimited freedom at your fingertips The easiest way to get started as a freelancer is using existing online marketplaces to market your skills. These marketplaces already have potential buyers, an infrastructure and a system to market your services. You dont need to build anything from scratch. You just need to create a compelling reason for buyers on these platforms to use your services. What's great about being a freelancer is that you can live from anywhere in the world. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection. Your instructors actually wrote this description on a amazing beach in Thailand, after having spent their morning scuba diving. But their lives weren't always like this, both Ian and Jasper used to work in an office working a corporate job. Ian graduated from an Ivy League university, became a strategy consultant for Bain & Company and earned his MBA before leading the Mergers & Acquisitions team at eBay. Jasper started a career in finance after earning a Masters degree in Econometrics. He worked for Optiver, one of the largest proprietary trading firms in Europe and traded the major European and US stock markets. Course OverviewSuitable for anyone who has the drive to start a freelancing career, this course contains 92 lectures and over four hours of video. We start by teaching you on which platforms you can apply and monetize the skills that you've learned from your work experience, your education or from other Udemy courses. We'll provide you with a step-by-step system that takes you through the process of starting your first gig on Fiverr. We then teach you exactly how to beat the competition by making your gig more attractive than the best selling gig in your category. We'll teach you a little known strategy on Upwork to stand out from the competition and attract the clients that you want to work with. We show you how to build long term relationships with these clients instead of focusing on getting as many jobs as possible by competing on price. Students completing the course will be able to start their freelancing career within weeks, if not within days. Complete with practical exercises, cheat sheets and to-do lists, the course will also give you the tools and knowledge to manage your life as a freelancer and make the switch from 9-to-5 to freelancing."
Price: 144.99

"Learn Polish Language for Beginners" |
"Learn Polish Language for Beginners is designed to give you the skills to cope with situations you might find yourself in when visiting Poland. It's easy to learn and interactive. Perfect for people who want to visit Poland, or to start learn Polish language. It will give you basic knowledge and skills for speaking, writing, and listening in Polish. Desing of this course is directed to remember and practice of the words and phrases. You will hear dialogues between native speakers which help you to understand how to use word or phrase ind the conversation. What's inside? 24 video lessons, over 2 hours of content in 5 sections Essentials - covers Polish alphabet, numbers, ordinal numbers and basic expressions Basic Grammar - conjugations of verbs ( to be, to have), plural Essentials (2) - this section covers hotel, airport, train station, renting a car and getting around situations Ordering food and shopping - ordering a food, buying clothes, shopping at the liquer store When You're not feeling well - how to tell about your illness, how to make an apointment with a doctor After most of the lectures, you can check what you've learned by taking quizzes. Completing the Learn Polish Language for Beginners course will allow you to communicate in practical, common situations, and develop understanding of the Polish language. Start adventure with learning Polish today and see how great it is!"
Price: 19.99

"48 Logo Designs and Techniques" |
"Logos are everywhere, we daily come in contact with thousands of logos. They are part of visual representation and culture. People are aware of logos more than any time in the history. So if you have great logo, they will definitely response to them. To learn how to create your own, it's important to be able to identify the components and design techniques behind the most successful designs. In this course, we will constructs popular logos in order to explain why and how they work, and offers a methodical approach to creating a logo in Illustrator. In this course we will be looking closely at list of iconic and high quality logos, working on each design individually, and understanding how they works & most importantly , what techniques were used in their creation.This is a course for learning various unique and innovative techniques to design an industry level logos, exploring from the basic to the most advance designs. This will definitely enhance your designing skill and help in developing more creative ideas.Contents and OverviewThe course module will include:Project FilesColor PresetsFontsKeyboard Short-cuts PDFLogo Design TutorialsBefore Starting the Lectures, download all files in the first section. The PDF which include all the Keyboard Shot-cuts,The fonts folder, Project files and the color Presets Then start with the course.in the First Section, you will get the PDF for Basic Keyboards Short-cuts. Which will help you in following the tutorials step by step. My suggestion will be first go through all the keyboard short-cuts mention on the PDF and then start the course.Next download the the fonts folder and install it before you began the course. These are all the fonts used in every design i have worked on.Also the Color Presets folder. In this you will get all the color and gradients in have used in designing the logos. So this will help you to directly apply the color to your design.Finally with every exercise, download the project file and practice along the lesson. Working with the project files will help in understanding every single steps explained in the lessons."
Price: 29.99

"Save on a Computer: Run Windows, Mac, & Linux w/ VirtualBox" |
"Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to run Windows, Mac, and Linux on your current computer with the popular virtualization application, VirtualBox.Learn to use VirtualBox for iOS development or testing with this tutorial for beginners.VirtualBox installation and setupOptimization and best options for each operating system you will run (and some older ones too)Install Windows 7,8,8.1, 10, and XPInstall Mac OS X Mavericks (El Capitan will be uploaded soon)Install the latest version of Ubuntu Linux (14.04) and any other Linux variantFixing common networking problemsLearn how to share folders between the host and the guestSetup XCode & Swift on your virtual environment to develop iOS apps on Windows or LinuxSave yourself tons of money on a new MacSave yourself time trying random ideas from YouTube that don't workPowerful Skills You'll Need on the JobMany development and IT jobs require that you understand virtualization, from DevOps to programming to IT/Help-Desk. Learning VirtualBox will give you a strong background in how virtualization works and what you can do with it. I've heard from many students that they find this course helpful for practicing their skills when taking the Microsoft Certification Exams for MCSE, MCP, MCSD, and others.Content and Overview Suitable for beginners, through this course of 28 lectures and 2+ hours of content (more being filmed right now), youll learn all of the VirtualBox fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind virtualization. Each chapter focuses on a specific use case for virtual computing allowing you to put your new learned skills into practical use immediately.Starting with the installation of the latest version of VirtualBox, this course will take you through all the pertinent details of the program, and help you get setup correctly the first time.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create a number of virtual computers to use however you see fit. Typical uses are to develop iOS or android applications on Mac OS X, Learn Linux (Ubuntu and other versions), test websites and other applications, as well as run old software on outdated operating systems. Youll be able to work alongside the instructor as you work through each concept, and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.What am I going to get from this course?Over 28 lectures and 2+ hours of content! (more in the works)Learn VirtualBox from a professional trainer from your own desk.Suitable for beginners and ideal for users who learn faster by doing.Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning.An active connected instructor who will assist you with anything you need. All discussion posts answered within 24 hours, most within a few hours.Here's what others have said about this course"" I have tried many vm tutorials and yours is the only one that works."" - Will""The course is very straight forward, short, fun and Ryan is a great instructor, taking care of any questions you might have."" - GabrielOver 4000 students have already taken this course with many 5-star reviews! Why?The most important thing you can get in a course is an instructor that cares about what you need and will help you get it. Until you have the support of someone who has been through what you're attempting, that will show you the steps you need to take in order you aren't going to get anywhere.Mac OS X Mavericks & Xcode (including Swift)Learn to install Mac OS X Mavericks on a Windows computerLearn to install Xcode 6 and Swift on a Windows computer (using a Virtual Machine)Learn to fix the display resolution on Mavericks for best resultsFinally mobile app developers can develop Android and iOS apps on the same computer without paying a ton of money for two computers. No more being locked into one operating system.This course contains 2+ hours of HD video lectures on how to get the most out of VirtualBox. including all the details on fixes and best practices you'll need to run any operating system you want without buying an expensive computer to do it. You really have nothing to lose! Enroll today and get started with VirtualBox. Don't spend $1000 or more on a new computer without at least trying this method first.This course is so popular because it can potentially save you $1000 or more on buying a new computer to be able to do iOS development on Windows, install Linux, or Mac.5-Star Instructor SupportI personally assist every student with any issues that come up. If you aren't satisfied for any reason, you have Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee, no joke. I want you to succeed, so I am here to help with anything you need, and if I can't help you then there is no reason to be stuck with this course. Reaching your goals and learning new skills is what really matters.Enroll Today! Thank You!"
Price: 29.99

"Minecraft 101: Learn to Play, Craft, Build, & Save the Day" |
"What in the world is Minecraft anyway?Youve heard of Minecraft. The game has taken over the world, and captured every kids imagination. Maybe you dont have any clue what it is, but you dont want to ask the kids to explain it, because they will give you THAT look (like youre dumb or something) not to mention, they arent the best with details. Yeah, weve all been there. Ill give you the scoop, step by step on what Minecraft is, what it is good for, and how to get started, so you can try it out for yourself if you want. Ill treat you like an adult and show you what the kids are up to.Why this course?Here's what you get:Instead of listening to high-pitched 12 year olds on YouTube talk for hours on end and never get to the point, Ill give you everything you need to know about finding diamonds in a concise, useful format that allows you to pause the video, and try it out yourself. This is the de facto crash course in video game awesomeness from a parent of 5 and veteran Minecrafter. Whether you are a parent, a teacher, an aunt, uncle, grandparent or godparent Ive got you covered.You'll be able to save the day, in game and out:If youre too busy to sit down and play -- totally understandable, we all work for a living -- you still wont be in the dark (where the bad guys are), because youll have a great reference for later when you need it. Ill even show you how to fix problems, repair corrupted files in seconds, and even beat the game. Don't worry, you can do it with my help. You'll be the Minecraft hero and you wont even have to wear a cape. Unless youre into that or whatever.Here's what youget from this course?4.5+ hours of HD Video, taught in a conversational style by an expert that will help you learn by experienceThe help and support of a responsive instructor who can answer questions and help with problems at any pointGood for a parents, teachers, aunts,uncles, grandparents, godparents or anyone who wants to know what Minecraft is about and why the kids cant get enough."
Price: 29.99

"Never Lose Photos Again: Cloud Sync w/ Dropbox & OneDrive" |
"UPDATED: Over 1150+ students have enrolled! This course is already making sales a few weeks old. See why. Great instructor support.I respond quickly to questions and create new materials based on what you ask for so you'll have the best support available to get the most from this course. This isn't just another Have you ever lost your phone or had it stolen? What was on your phone that you'll never get back? Apps, sure, but those are backed up in your account usually. What about your photos? You'll never see them again. Don't let that happen.This course will show you how simple it is to get your phone setup with the best protection on the planet for free.Here's what you get from this course:How to use Amazon and Microsoft's stable infrastructure to keep your media safeHow to use online cloud sync servicesSetup sync on Windows, Mac, and Linux computersFull step by step instructions for Dropbox and OneDriveSync options for iPhone and Android phones (OneDrive works with Windows Phone too)How to configure for wifi only/unlimited data plans to disable sync over your cellular dataHow to get 100 GB Free space of online storage space from Microsoft for one yearHow to get another 15GB free space on OneDrive for life, (total of 130GB max)How to free up space on your iPhone so it is usable again.Americans lose their phone about one a year, or get it stolen. This does not include getting broken or upgraded. Phones are lost or stolen every hour in the US as well. It is a problem in many countries all over the world. I have many friends and family members who have lost their phones or broken them, so I wanted to create a simple quick course to help at least save the photos and videos that you can never get back.Another big issue I've seen with iPhones especially is that the phone gets full and makes you have to delete photos to continue using it. This course shows you how to never have that issue again."
Price: 19.99

"Web Development Tools the Pros Use: Code Productivity Hacks" |
"""Is there anyone so wise as to learn by the experience of others?"" - VoltaireBasic front end web development isn't terribly hard to learn. It can be tricky to remember all the things you learn, but after you get comfortable with the code, what comes next? Many developers spend time optimizing code and trying to make it perform better. A lot of time is spent making things work, simplifying functions, making things faster and eliminating confusion. Most developers miss one of the most important parts of development. Optimizing YOURSELF as a coder.Many companies wish they knew what would make their developers happier and more productive. Putting in place agile software development methodologies helps a lot, but what about beyond that? Is there anything you can do as an ambitious developer to wipe the floor with the competition? Yes, there is. There are many developers making 6 figures in web development today. This doesn't happen over night, and we've never heard of a get-rich-quick scheme in web development, but given enough time and best practices, it is definitely possible. It takes skill, talent, ambition, but it also takes speed and efficiency. It takes building upon the shoulders of giants, people who have already done what you're trying to do, and doing it better. Finding a better way is what makes programming fun and challenging. Gladly, making use of these resources and becoming one of the best developers out there is largely free, enjoyable, and is only a matter of time. If you have the passion to get there.Whether you're fresh out of one of Udemy's best intro to web development courses, or have been doing it for a while, you can always take it to the next level. Inside this HD video course, you'll find the tools to do just that.I am so excited that you're looking at what it takes to become a top web developer and advance your skills. I will get right to the point. Inside this course, you will learn:The difference between ""front end"" and ""back end"" web development.Why Google is a developer's best friend, even though it seems so simple.The best place to find programming answers from the top developersHow to talk directly to the developers who invented the open source libraries you're using, live in real timeHow communication is critical in day-to-day operations and growing quickly as a developerHow social media is a powerful tool in getting information, connecting with the industry and staying on the cutting edge of your fieldHow to use annotated screenshots to eliminate misunderstanding and make your point visuallyWhat javascript frameworks you must know and some that just make things simpler, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel every dayDiscover a handful of chrome tools that make you more productive and less frustratedFind out how Twitter's bootstrap framework can make your own prototypes and projects look great with no design experienceThe best way to get free sharp icons that load fast to use in any new or existing web project. They scale well too, even on mobile devicesWhat tools to use to optimize and monitor servers and applications from Yahoo and others.How to test Internet Explorer natively (even old ones) with free tools from MicrosoftProductivity hacks and personal shortcuts I currently use as a professional developerWe cover all this and a lot more inside, and will be expanding content to cover new topics in the near future. We are most interested in adding content that you specifically request, because we find it provides the most value to you. Simply let us know and we'll make new videos on the subject you want to know about if we can.More than 4 hours of video on leveling up your skills as a programmer, you'll have access to the course discussions, where other students ask questions and instructors answer, usually in a matter of hours to help you with anything that doesn't make sense or to provide more information on anything related to the course topics. Please feel free to ask questions, help answer questions if you want, and we'll learn together.If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the course, Udemy offers a 30 day money back guarantee, so you have no risk taking a course you don't love and get a lot out of. No pressure at all. Either you learn a lot of great tips and tools to use and improve your skills or you shouldn't have to pay. That's how strongly we feel about the material in this course and that it will help you with your development journey.Thanks for taking a look at this course, and please enroll now to get started!"
Price: 29.99

"Java Programming with Eclipse for developers" |
"Java Programming with Eclipse for developers This course assumes you have some knowledge of Java. You will start by learning how to create a project, including creating packages and classes, running the program, and the project folder structure. Installing JDK Installing Eclipse and run the first program String Variables Integer Variables Generating Random Numbers Create your class and object While loop What to put in the main For Loop Arrays Bonus GUI Tutorials Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have gained the knowledge necessary to develop your own applications in Eclipse. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons I have also added 2 tutorial on Java GUI (Graphical User Interface) Join the Java community now"
Price: 49.99

"Ser escritor y vivir de ello es posible" |
"TE IDENTIFICAS CON ALGUNA DE ESTAS SITUACIONES? Siempre he soado con ser escritor/a, pero todo el mundo me dice: Eso no es una profesin. Deja de soar y bscate un trabajo de verdad. Djate de tonteras, la realidad es otra, etc Siempre he soado con ser escritor/a pero no s si tengo talento. No me siento seguro/a. Tengo dudas. Y si lo que escribo es una birria, y si no me lee nadie, y si Piensas que es una prdida de tiempo o que no interesa a nadie lo que escribes Te bloqueas al cabo de unas pocas lneas o pginas y no sabes cmo continuar He escrito una novela pero ninguna editorial quiere publicarme. Bien! Una editorial ha aceptado publicar mi novela no veo los beneficios por ningn lado. Me he auto publicado, pero nadie me compra el libro. Esto es un desastre! Tengo que renunciar a mi sueo. Si te has identificado con alguna de estas situaciones ESTE ES TU CURSO Alcanza el XITO, te lo MERECES. Ahora tienes a tu disposicin este curso con el que aprenders a ser un escritor/a de xito. Un escritor/a que vive de lo que escribe. En este curso encontrars tcnicas y recursosque te permitirn jugar con la percepcin y la intuicin, pero tambinencontrars la motivacin y el coaching que necesitas para dar el paso, as comolas diferentes maneras de utilizar todas las alternativas de marketingque hoy estn a tu alcance."
Price: 79.99
