"Practica la felicidad. Redisea tu vida en 4 semanas" |
"El mundo ha sido creado nica y exclusivamente para que disfrutes de l, y para ello es necesario que aprendas a confiar, sobre todo en ti.La confianza es uno de los principios bsicos de la felicidad. Y el miedo es uno de los principales obstculos para alcanzar esa confianza. Este curso est diseado para ensearte los principios que conforman la autoestima y la confianza, para que puedas empezar a mejorar tu visin de la vida y de ti mismo. Eres especial, eres diferente y nico. Disfruta de ello. Este es tu momento, no lo dejes pasar. Te ha llegado el momento de decidir si seguir en ese estado de conformidad al sufrimiento, a la monotona, a la carencia y a la tristeza, o salir a vivir la vida que de verdad te mereces.ste es un taller prctico de cuatro semanas, diseado con el objetivo de que de verdad notes los cambios reales en tu vida. Te pondr los instrumentos y los recursos para hacer posible que dirijas tu vida hacia donde te mereces, t slo tendrs que seguir el camino que este curso te ir dibujando. En este taller vas a descubrir cules son en realidad tus emociones, cul es tu forma de comunicarte. Conocers tu cuerpo, entenders cul es la relacin que mantienes con los dems.Y por supuesto, podrs contactar conmigo mediante email siempre que lo desees, y podrs contarme cules son tus dudas, as mismo, podrs explicarme aquello que sientes o te sucede al ir ejerciendo este taller, y juntos resolveremos los obstculos emocionales que te impidan avanzar."
Price: 54.99

"Article Marketing Strategy - Direct Traffic and SEO Benefit" |
"Learn how to leverage articles into one of the most powerful online marketing methods. Use these strategies to get high powered articles on the first page of Google or Bing accumulating a mountain of clicks and a giving your website a high search engine score boost in the process. Articles are not only the highest converting traffic on the Net, the synergy created with articles can help your site in more ways than one. Write articles yourself or I show you how to get them written for you for pennies on the dollar. Here is what you can expect: What exactly is article marketing and how to make it all work for you. How to perform research and get tons of information so you can easily count like an expert on any topic for free. How to write your article: Structure, format, what to put in and what to leave out for best results. Complete keyword research: Know what keywords will convert best and how to include them in your article so the search engine cannot help but to rank you high. The importance of the resource box and why I do it differently than almost everyone out there and why I get better results. How to submit your article, do it my way and your life is going to become a lot easier. The tools to make your article writing who whole lot easier. Don't want to write a single word? Well, you don't have to. Want to submit your article once and get it posted to thousands of sites? Well it really is that easy. Plus a whole lot more... This is not the class you want to pass up... Learn how to get the most bang from your articles even if you dont want to write a single word yourself and boost your website traffic to new levels."
Price: 94.99

"Beat Dave & Busters and Win Prizes For Huge Discounts!" |
"I will show you how to hit the jackpot on my favorite Dave & Buster's game each and every time. If you're not familiar with Dave & Buster's it's a massive arcade that gives you tickets for winnings at games. Well I love games and I love to win, so it's a perfect combo. Plus I am not just winning for fun, I am winning for profit. I have mastered a couple of games at Dave & Buster's, but one game I hit the jackpot every single time as many times as I want. And I can show you how to do it, it's NOT even hard. So easy anyone can do it...I have such huge piles of tickets under my machine I have crowds form around me in amaze on how good I am. Not only am I a winner, I am an entertainer, people watch after I bang out jackpot after jackpot completely unaware at what I am doing to win again and again. Sometimes people even play the machine next to me as I make it look so easy. Only to brick ten times in a row and leave discussed. However, sometimes if I like the person watching me (I usually talk to my fans) I will show them how to do what I do. Within just 2 or 3 minutes they are now banging out jackpot after jackpot just like me. After enough jackpots you can take your tickets over to the prize center and buy your new game console. So not only are you going to get your game console for about one-third the price, you are also going to have a blast winning it every step of the way. And as an extra bonus, you get to brag to your friends about how you didn't pay for your game console, you won it for pennies on the dollar with your mad skills. I know I do every time I turn my game consol on!"
Price: 44.99

"Google AdWords Secrets - For Fast Success in Google" |
"I have been using Google AdWords since it was first introduced back in 2002 and I have taught thousands of people how to succeed with the pay-per-click search engine.If you have used the Google AdWords pay-per-click system you know how frustrating it can be. Over 90% of the people who use Google AdWords fail and wonder why? Let me fill you in if you are attempting how to AdWords without an expert guiding you on the in's and outs the does and the don'ts you will also fail. You may think this is a dreadful process; you may get mad, frustrated, or angry and want to give up. But let me tell you these are all positive feeling which you will soon discover. What??Well positive thinking if you're reading this right here right now. If you watch my AdWords Secrets Revealed video tutorials all these feelings will be gone almost overnight, but your competition will still be feeling them all!My easy to follow AdWords learning video tutorials takes you by the hand and lead you down the path of Internet marketing fortune with AdWords learning that works.Those feeling of frustration you have are the same feelings your competition faces each and every day. Who is going to take action turn it around first you or them? Learning how to AdWords first mean you stay ahead of the game."
Price: 194.99

"Email Marketing - Build a Powerful List of Hungry Buyers" |
"Did you know that over 80% of email marketing campaigns fail because of the lack of knowledge about what makes email marketing tick? It's true, drawing clients and customers to your website Your business depends on knowing what works and what doesn't. How to effectively write an email letter that people can't wait to read. How to properly handle email addresses, follow ups and advanced emails. How to track, measure and more importantly, test your promotional results. We all know what delivers profits to our businessespeople.Without them your business will grow stagnant and your profits will diminish. As a business owner you know the value of marketing your product or business and with the vast percentage of online sales going through the roof you know the value the internet can bring to your business. But you need people to visit your site, look at your products and what you have to offer. Yes you can optimize your website for all the search engines but that isn't enough anymore. You need an Email Marketing strategy that works. I show you how to get lots of visitors into your list and then how to funnel them into the money making chain."
Price: 194.99

"Guide to Quickly Creating Mini Websites on a Small Budget" |
"Let me show you how to create profitable mini sites that become authorities in their niche and brand your name. The fact is anything is easy when you know how to do it. I show you everything you need to know from start to finish so you can have your own mini site business making you money within just a few days.My complete video tutorial walks you through the entire process, step by step, taking you by the hand and leading you down the road of online business success. Just image waking up each morning to see your bank account growing day after day.I have already made all the rookie mistakes so you don't have to. I have tested literally hundreds supporting products test after test headache after headache. I have done all the hard work so you don't have to. Learn from my sweat and tears not your own.No sense in doing trial and error testing yourself how to create a website. Users of my course skip right through to the success blueprint formula for making profitable mini sites within just a couple of days. This is the only mini site package you will ever need to make money online. I cover literally every mini site technique to rack in the big daily profits. How to select the right niche: Need a product to base your mini site around? I show you the exact blueprint for selecting profitable mini sites that rack in money each and every day.How to pick a winning domain name: I cover the basics from registration all the way to the secret methods of thinking ahead in order to score big points with the search engine. How to entice your readers to buy: Want your customers to pull out their credit card and buy whatever it is you're selling. Sprinkle my copy techniques throughout your sales letter and watch the orders start flowing in.Don't like to write copy yourself? Pick up the professionally designed sales copy at deep discounts only because you're a customer of mine. Drop the name Chris Douthit and get the red carpet treatment. Squeeze page techniques: How to create a website squeeze page to acquire results beyond your wildest expectations. My level list system builds upon itself to bring in huge email marketing profits.SEO elements: Want free traffic? My search engine methods blow most out of the water. See how I got the number 1 spot out of 2.7 BILLION competing sites and have held the spot for over 3 years. Tools, tools, and more tools: I show you the products you need to make your mini site creation a snap. Get for free what other mini site creators pay $200 for. The best part is your free tool is better! How to get your customers to spend the absolute most: Boost your income to the max, get your customers to purchase 2 or 3 times from you before they ever put their credit card away.How to get other people to sell your product for you: Want an army of affiliates who will promote your product for you, I show you exactly how to get them.The mistakes almost all rookies make: Never fear, I even made them too and it cost me thousands, but you don't have to. Automate the whole mini site process: Once your set up your working on autopilot, learn how to make a mini site that essentially manages itself so you don't have to lift a finger.How to accept orders on your website within minutes for FREE: Don't pay every time you want to list a new product, let your competition do that.How to structure a joint venture deal: Want to work with other mini site owners so both of you can make crazy profits from each other.Knowing exactly where your converting traffic is coming from: No sense on wasting your advertising budget on traffic that does not convert. Track exactly where your sales come from and more importantly where they're not coming from.How to design your sales page: How to format your text, links and where to pick up professional graphics at bottom barrel prices. Marketing your mini site: Sure building a mini site is one thing, but now you have to drive traffic to your mini site is another. I show you which marketing methods work, I mean really work today and into the future.Don't want to do any of this yourself? Well you don't have to. I show you exactly where to get to get someone else to do this whole process for you and it's not what you're thinking. Hire experts for pennies on the dollar, literally! I show you how.Plus a whole lot more..."
Price: 64.99

"Search Engine Optimization (SEO) #1 Page Google Ranking" |
""Search engine optimization algorithms are a hobby of mine and I am always ahead of the game. My step by step video tutorial explains the exact formula I use to achieve the #1 spot out of 3 billion (Billion with a 'B') competing sites and how you can do the same!"I have been doing search engine optimization sense 2003 and have marketed twenty plus of my own sites plus hundreds of student sites to the first page Google and Bing.I can show you the exact road map on how to do SEO so you can increase your SEO score and increase your passive income by leveraging free search engine traffic. Today I keep up with all SEO strategies and changes to make sure you know about them first!My video tutorial trains you on the exact methods the search engine searches for. After watching the tutorial you too will be an expert on SEO marketing. Here's what you don't yet know, how to SEO is not difficult, and it's actually quite easy if you know what you're doing. If you start out doing SEO strategies right from the beginning it almost zero extra work to incorporate those SEO strategies into your site.Here is what to expect: How to rank almost any website on the first page of search engines for your most popular niche keywords - the ones that are searched hundreds of thousands of times every day The best site architecture for your website so the search engine will love you Tracking traffic, where is it coming from and how to push results up almost overnight for your most profitable keywords Free tools to help you optimize your site for the best possible SEO ranking How to spy on your competitors and steal their most profitable keywords and use them as your own. SEO strategies applied! Plus a whole lot more, I have barely scratched the surface of what's inside SEO Surge Solutions"
Price: 194.99

"Create and Manage a Hosted Website With Dreamweaver" |
"Editing HTML code is still very valuable in any entrepreneurs web business, and its not even hard if you know what you are doing. I can show anyone how to use the most powerful HTML tool every designed in just a few minutes. Stop paying someone to do what you can do very easily with just a couple of quick clicks of the mouse. I also show you how to use Fantasico and and FTP program to make your web work a breeze!"
Price: 94.99

"Chart Pattern Trading via Day Trade Stock Options Intro" |
"Day Trading is talked about and seems mysterious. Some people are quietly very successful while the masses are warned about the dangers. This course takes away the complexity and shows the non-technical (and some technical) parts of trading Stock Options, such asChart Pattern Trading. The course includes examples of good and bad indicators. This course has the rules for trading successfully and why they work. We start out with basics that you need and go directly to the proven trading system rules. We cover the important elements: What, Why, When and Where. If you're looking for a fast path to successful trading, and want to enjoy a 4-hour work week, this course can get you very close to that goal. We have a follow-up course, ""Stock Options Trading - Make Money & Income From Day Trading"" that covers any remaining questions people have, how the software you see in this course works and some trading strategies. Our advanced course: ""Day Trading Stock Options 3 - The Cornerstone Method"" is now available.Start your journey to financial success today!"
Price: 94.99

"Stock Option Day Trading with Chart Pattern Trading Tools" |
"Can you make 10% in ten minutes trading stock options withChart Pattern Trading? No one but you knows the answer to that question.What we do promise is that you will learn the tools in this course to make make 10% in ten minutes on a regular basis. Those tools include how to use our exclusive Waves of Profits software, how to control Fear and Greed, journaling, and identifying patterns of success. This course builds on our first Stock Options Trading course, ""Stock Options Trading - Make Money & Income From Day Trading"". If you are very new to day trading, options or the stock market, we strongly recommend you shortcut your learning curve by building a strong foundation for success.If you are an experienced Day Trader, the tools you will learn in this course will take your success rates through the roof.The most important part of trading is protecting your capital and that comes from managing risk. What can you do to minimize your exposure to capital losses?One thing you can do is to make sure you are not gambling. Day trading is not investing. You don't buy a stock and hold on to it for a year. You buy a Call or a Put, and sell it ten or fifteen minutes later. And if you follow the right rules and use our exclusive tools, you will find with practice, trading options becomes easier and more profitable the more you do it.We have back tested our theories over 50+ years of stock data. We have refined our theories and rules with a small group of diligent 'beta-testers'. We have grown our own accounts.But what we do isn't as important to us as what our students have done and their successes, nor it is as important to us as how you can do.In this course, you will learn:How to choose the best stock option opportunities withChart Pattern TradingThe basic rules of options trading successHow to make 10% in 10 minutesThe best way to practiceHow to protect your capitalHow to minimize your riskThe secrets to successful practicingHow to access our exclusive Day Trading software for a month FREE! Discover for yourself this system works.What indicators you should watchHow to access our eleven exclusive proven indicatorsOur proprietary rules for option successHow to practice in near-real market conditions without risking any capitalHow to practice at normal market speed or at double market speeds so that when you are trading live everything looks like it is unfolding in slow motionHow to stop yourself from self-sabotaging your successWhy you should only trade once a dayHow to use the Waves of Profit software to increase your success rateEntry and exit strategiesCase studiesAnd much moreThere's no better time than the present to make money trading options. Start today and find out what successful traders know to make 10% in ten minutes with Stock Options andChart Pattern Trading!"
Price: 194.99

"Stock Options Day Trading Mindset for Success" |
"What sets truly successful stock options traders apart from those who never realize their dreams? Is it a particular set of habits or special rules? An increased appetite for risk? Skill at charting? Plain old smarts? No doubt each of these factors plays a part in a day trader's achievements, but perhaps underlying all of these differences is a particular and profoundly powerful mindset.The fundamental difference between the wildly successful and the merely mediocre stock option trader is not any inborn characteristic or individual learned behavior, but how we think about skills and learning in general.Can People Really Change?Some folks, it seems, think that, basically, when it comes to skills and abilities, you get the hand you're dealt, and that's that. You are, however smart you are, however hard working, and there's little to nothing you can do to change these fundamental characteristics of your personality. That's called a ""Fixed Mindset"".Other people know differently. Those with the opposite view, called a ""Growth Mindset"", believe that with effort, training and perseverance, you can expand your knowledge, broaden your daytrading skills, improve your odds, and overcome reversals. The key to successful trading is not inherited talent, or skill, but good, old-fashioned hard work on their skills and attitudes. Guess who ends up more successful?If you haven't guessed yet, successful stock options traders generally have a Growth Mindset, a fact proven in large part by the research of renowned Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck. In a lengthy and fascinating article in INC . com, Dweck wrote: ""It's all about your mindset. Successful daytraders tend to focus on growth, solving problems, and self-improvement, while unsuccessful people think of their abilities as fixed assets and avoid challenges.""In this insightful course, the team that brought you Udemy's top Stock Options Trading courses team up to cover the ""Inner Game of Successful Trading"".The course includes revealing insights from experienced daytraders. Stock Options Traders usually don't give up their secrets or failures. You'll notice more than a few, don't appear on camera. They value their privacy but we were able to get them to share their hard-won insights.In these interviews with Allen, they share their heart and wisdom. The mistakes that took years to correct are explained in simple bite-size conversations.When you enroll in this course, you receive life-long access as well as Udemy's 30 day satisfaction guarantee. With over 9,000 happy students and 210+ 5 star reviews, we are confident you will learn a ton and improve your success in all aspects of life that you apply this course to.Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ... every hour you delay is costing you money ..."
Price: 199.99

"Cryptography: Learn Public Key Infrastructure from Scratch" |
"What is this course about?Do you wonder how SSL works on websites? And what is the significance of digital certificates in secure communication between two entities e.g. a client and a web server? Then you are in the right place.In this course, we'll talk about PKI which means Public Key Infrastructure. This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to deploy and manage a 2-tier public key infrastructure (PKI) on windows servers to support applications that require certificate based security. Students get hands-on experience implementing the solution to secure websites, applications and devices.Note: ""This course is purely related to Microsoft PKI on windows server a.k.a. Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS), Please go through the curriculum thoroughly before purchasing the course"" What kind of materials are used? Ive designed this course using Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC). Training will be done through videos where youll find lectures and hands-on. Why take this Course? There are many reasons to take this course. One of the Best courses with more than a 4-star rating on this topic.This course is designed according to Microsoft Official Curriculum and taught by Microsoft Certified Trainer. Knowing the understanding level of students whether they are a beginner or advanced, this course is designed for all levels making it the best fit for everyone. You'll find lots of Hands-On in this course which will make you practically sound.And moreover, security is a hot subject in today's digital age, so why not learn about one of the major and most popular technique to secure your IT Infrastructure.At last, I am eager to see you succeed, I am offering you my help, assistance wherever required in learning this course. You can drop your queries in the Q&A section of the course and I'll make sure it will be responded promptly.30/11/2018Course updated: Included Lectures on Migrating Hashing Algorithm from SHA1 to SHA2"
Price: 69.99

"Using Facebook Ads to Increase Your Online Sales." |
"Using Facebook Advertising to Sell More. If you're not using Facebook Ads you're leaving money on the table. I've personally used Facebook Ads to sell affiliate products and my own information products with great success. My very first campaigns netted me $2000 in pure profit by driving ads from Facebook to my own webpage selling affiliate products. Facebook has over 1 Billion users, and your target audience is there in large numbers. And in this course I'm giving you everything you need to guide you through the whole process of using Facebook Ads in a very simple and easy to understand ""no jargon"" way, and even how to try it out for free. At the end of this course you will have the confidence to start creating your own highly targeted ads and also get involved in more advanced methods like retargeting. And if that wasn't enough, I let you in on some advanced tips and tricks to capture custom audiences and lookalike audiences to retarget even more potential buyers. If you want to learn Facebook Advertising you don't need to look any further. What more, there's a 30 day money back guarantee with this Udemy course, so you really have no reason not to get started right now. Take action, jump in, and start making more money online with Facebook Advertising."
Price: 19.99

"Write on Target: Better Business Writing for Results" |
"If you want to compose more eloquent prose to produce better results in your work, Write on Target is for you! This course will transform you into a more effective writer by helping you investigate both the science and the art of writing. Writing is necessary in nearly every job and good writing is critical to professional success. If your employment requires you to use formal or informal writing on a regular basis, this class will help you polish and perfect your writing skillsboosting your professional image and impact. Other writers, such as students, essayists, and bloggers, will also benefit from the information provided in this course. Write on Target includes 33 fun and informative videos, five practical exercises, and four worksheets to help you master the concepts of good (and even great!) writing. In addition to learning about writing composition, this class offers a refresher of the most critical grammar, punctuation, and spelling rules you learnedbut may have forgottenwhile a student. You don't have to be a ""writer"" to write well. It is a skill that can be developed over time through effort and practice. If you can think and speak, you can write, too! By completing this informative and engaging class, you will be prepared to write with ease and clarity in any work setting. About your friendly facilitator: Jessica R. Dreistadt is an accomplished writer who has written ten books. She manages two blogs and also contributes to Huffington Post. She has taught in the business department at DeSales University for seven years. In addition, she has worked in the nonprofit sector for over 15 years and holds masters degrees in nonprofit management and sociology. Jessica is the founding director of The Fruition Coalition."
Price: 49.99

"Plan for Success! Fundraising Planning for Nonprofits" |
"This course was designed to help nonprofit development staff and leaders develop a comprehensive, strategic annual plan to improve their organizations' capacity for fundraising. Plan for Success! Fundraising Planning for Nonprofits includes 12 brief but information-rich lectures that walk students through every step of the process. In addition, students receive more than 10 worksheets that can be used to organize information to be used in the plan. After taking this class, students will be able to: cultivate more resources for your cause develop stronger and deeper relationships with donors create needs and resource assessments identify new funding opportunities develop a fundraising budget create strategic process and outcome goals coordinate the efforts of staff and volunteers create a detailed fundraising activity timeline articulate key messages Plan for Success! Fundraising Planning for Nonprofits will strengthen all of your organization'sdevelopment strategies."
Price: 49.99

"Become an Egyptologist: A Comprehensive Look at Ramesses II" |
"Are you a budding Egyptologist? Do you have a passion for learning about ancient history and the ancient world? Do you have an amateur interest in ancient Egypt? Even those who are not well-versed in ancient history have heard of his name. Thousands of years ago, neighbouring nations wrote about him in their history books. Some of his actions back then have had a direct impact on modern life. But who was Ramesses the Great? In this course, we will discuss and analyze the life and times of Ramesses II. We will cover his biography, achievements, family life, military campaigns and majestic building projects. We will also take a look at modern archaeological finds related to him as well as some research and papers that have been published by various Egyptologists regarding Ramesses the Great. There will be short quizzes at the end of each section to test your knowledge about what you learned. This course is designed for those who already have basic knowledge of ancient Egyptian history. Students who need a quick overview of the history of Egypt can take my course here at Udemy called Become an Egyptologist: Introduction to Ancient Egypt. Take this course NOW and continue your path in Egyptology!"
Price: 29.99

"Become an Egyptologist: The Basics of Egyptian Mythology" |
"Are you a budding Egyptologist? Do you have a passion for learning about ancient history and the ancient world? Do you have an amateur interest in ancient Egypt? Some took part in the story of creation. Others brought about blessings and protection while others were masters of the dead, the afterlife and the underworld. Creative, manipulative, ambitious and passionate. These are the stars of Egyptian mythology. In this course, we will discuss the different Gods and Goddesses that the ancient Egyptians worshipped. We will also be covering the mythological stories that had been passed down from generation to generation. Which of them is the God of writing? Who were the creators? Did Set have any success in overthrowing Osiris? There will be short quizzes at the end of each section to test your knowledge about what you learned. Take this course NOW and continue your path in Egyptology!"
Price: 29.99

"Become an Egyptologist: The Queens of Ancient Egypt" |
"Are you a budding Egyptologist? Do you have a passion for learning about ancient history and the ancient world?Do you have an amateur interest in ancient Egypt?In this course, we will explore the wonderful Queens of ancient Egypt. Among those we will discuss are Nefertiti, Nefertari, Hatshepsut and Cleopatra VII - and more! Learn about the Queens who ruled as Pharaohs and the Queens who acted as co-regents. We will explore their lives, their influence as well as the archaeological finds that belonged to them, that they themselves had built and even those that were commisioned in their honor.Take this course NOW!"
Price: 29.99

"Become an Egyptologist: A Comprehensive Look at Tutankhamun" |
"Are you a budding Egyptologist? Do you have a passion for learning about ancient history and the ancient world?Do you have an amateur interest in ancient Egypt?You have seen the golden mask. You have heard about his royal tomb. You may be aware of the endless speculations regarding his death. Was it an accident? Was it from an illness? Was it... murder? In this course, we will explore the most famous Pharaoh of them all - Tutankhamun. We will discuss his lineage, his family, his reign, the speculations regarding his death and of course, his famous tomb. Join us in exploring the life of Egypt's Boy King!Take this course NOW!"
Price: 29.99

"Scala for Java Developers (in Russian)" |
"- Scala. Java Junior Middle. - - Python, C#, PHP. 6-10 , : , generics, , XML/JSON, - (, , , , , ). 20 , 200 50 . : continuation passing style, tail call optimization.Scala , : higher-kind types, path-dependent types, macroses, parser combinators. . . , . 25% (, , ). , computer science . . . . Scala!"
Price: 49.99

"Core Java. Exceptions" |
". :trycatchfinallythrowthrows :checked/unchecked throws (unckecked) catch, throws /JVMverriding throws , ( 100)"
Price: 24.99

Java |
"Java, , (1C, PHP, Delphi, C, C++, C#, Python). 150+- 150+ , java, , - (). , . """" ( , , , , , , , , ), Java, , , int Object, (if, switch), (while, do-while, for), , , ., "" Java"" , , , ."
Price: 24.99

"Website Business-Create & Sell High-Ticket Digital Products" |
"Five Star Student Reviews: ""This was everything and more than I expected. Thanks so much for such a great course!"" - Liam Jacob ""I can't recommend Website Profits System highly enough. I love the mindset training as well - Laura addresses my doubts and fears about creating your own products and selling them."" ""Website Profits System is great. I love the workbooks. It's very strategic but at the same time very, very practical and step-by-step. Brilliant.""WPS is a comprehensive 8-module, 70+ video online coaching program on how to create a successful online business - working from home and reaching a global audience with your expertise, products and services. You get easy step-by-step tutorials on how to discover and define your brand, create a simple downloadable product and create a website to sell it and then most importantly, how to market it - building a large online audience and customer base. The course helps you master the 6 'P's of online success, they are: PerspectiveProductPositioningPresentationPerfect PitchPromotionsThe 8 Modules cover the following topics:Module 1: Online BrandingHow to establish your brand online to be THE go-to person How to find and write your unique story (Everyone has one even if you don't see yours yet)The 1 Paragraph that could be the difference between making a million or simply surviving"".How to cement your expert status so you can be placed above your competition as an authority.Module 2: Your Money WebsiteWebsite and blog optimisation with the relevant key pages for maximum profitability Your Free Offer created and positioned right to effortlessly attract new prospective buyersBuilding your mailing list and adding new subscribers on autopilotModule 3: Content MarketingCrafting your MKL (Master Keyword List) which will allow you to have limitless ideas of what to include with your content, whilst being found in the search engines The step-by-step blog content creation method this allows you to write a keyword rich, yet content heavy piece of content that will place you as an authority and person of valueMy personal method for creating content on time so I don't burn out or get stuck for ideasCreating your first professional video decoded this is where I will show you how you can inexpensively create a powerful professional video that will bring in more clients, customers, and prospects to your siteModule 4: Traffic Generation Exactly how to structure your content for SEO and social trafficHow to bring in traffic from social sites like Slideshare, YouTube, and other super-effective underground sites.Strategies for content distribution that have stood the test of time and have survived everything Google has ever brought out for SEO!Module 5: E-mail Marketing How to structure your emails for maximum readability, retention of information, and overall customer happinessHow to create powerful affiliate promotions that get read & bring in salesThe time-tested and proven strategy and complete 2-year blueprint for effective e-mail content.Module 6: Unique Info-Product My blueprint for turning what you know into a profit-pulling product that your customers will love and buyHow to create a secure membership site for your content deliveryHow to price your product so you don't under or over chargeThe 4-step formula for creating a high-ticket product that can realistically bring you in 700-20,000 a monthModule 7: Webinar Cash Machine The 10-Step Formula for high-converting webinarsHow to structure your content so it engages your audience while teaching themHow to automate your webinars so they run every week and make sales without you needing to be thereModule 8: Outsourcing & Systems How 2 powerful, simple, yet free project management tools can automate your businessWhere to find the best outsource workers to look after your business whether you're actively growing your business or are on holiday for a month and taking a breakHow to leverage YOUR key strengths so you are totally fulfilled and making the smartest use of your timeHow to manage your time, energy and daily habits like the super-successful doEasy Standard Operating Procedures Blueprint for your businessthis is crucial for creating a highly scalable and salable businessFeatures:Your Roadmap for SuccessStep-by-step tutorials to get you from A to B from obscurity to authority-figure with your online brand Coffee Break TrainingManageable chunks of content that you can watch and learn from in 20 minutes or less iPad & Phone Compatible Watch the video training on any mobile device or tablet, for your convenience & flexibility PDF Action Guides & Blueprints TooComplementing the video training, you can download the PDF slides, action guides & blueprints Lifetime Access & UpdatesTraining will be updated from time to time, you get full lifetime access to the new and existing resources. You can access the training online on any computer (Mac or PC), anywhere in the world, 24/7 The course will take you anywhere between 1 week and 2 months to go through, as there is a lot of material - all you need to succeed in online business. This is your ultimate reference guide and you can come back to it anytime and re-watch the tutorials.Testimonial:15,000 Added to My Bottom Line!"" I went from a standing start and Laura's course has allowed me to easily market my products online and added over 15,000 to my bottom line in the past 6 weeks. I am so confident with what it does. I wanted to take my brand global and if you're looking to so the same, Laura's training allows you to effortlessly increase your brand while you get on with what you do best in your business. I would absolutely recommend it"" Lucy Johnson Owner, Fully Booked Formula"
Price: 199.99

"The Alkaline Diet Made Easy: Lose Weight & Heal Naturally" |
"This course is designed to help you lose weight and keep it off, whilst eating big portions of delicious healthy and alkalizing foods. It is a complete, comprehensive and step-by-step guide to getting healthy and eating an optimum diet for high-energy, anti-aging, reversal and prevention of disease and overcoming health and eating struggles.It is best suited to people who want to lose at least 5lbs of fat, want more energy and better sleep and ideal students are busy parents, business owners, entrepreneurs and people working in a demanding job, athletes and sports people and people who have a health issue to overcome.There are lots of detailed and practical recipe and tutorial videos, a recipe book, a PDF guide and quizzes to help you succeed.The course will take around a week to complete and the diet is for at least 21-days, in order to see great results, try out the new recipes and form new positive habits. Take this course to end your search for the optimum and most satisfying diet and lifestyle, with shockingly delicious healthy and vegan recipes."
Price: 199.99

"The 7 Keys To Extraordinary Health With The Alkaline Diet" |
"Having great health and getting into your ideal dress size is not about a tireless hamster wheel of eating less and exercising more, its about 7 key lifestyle elements that work in harmony with your bodys acid-alkaline internal balance (and its much less hard work too).Get Your Body Into Alkaline Balance & Youll Be Nicely Surprised How Easy It Is To Achieve A Permanently Slender Body, More Energy & Noticeable Signs Of Great Health & Healing. There are thousands of diets out there to confuse us but its only these 7 Keys to Extraordinary Health that are proven fundamentals to moving us away from degenerative disease and towards true vitality.In this course we look specifically at these 7 Keys to Extraordinary Health:1. Sunlight & Deep Oxygenation2. Pure Hydration3. Sleep & Balancing Rest4. Living Alkaline Foods5. Eliminating Acidic Toxins6. Movement & Posture7. Positive Mindset & EmotionsThe Alkaline diet is not new, its not rocket science but in this course, Ive made it simple and accessible and in less than 2 hours youll be crystal clear on how to achieve extraordinary health and your ideal weight - no matter what your starting point and how distant that might seem right now.ALKALINE DIET FACTS:When we maintain proper alkaline balance, by eating more alkaline foods and reducing acidic foods, this increases the Oxygen in your body.The Nobel Prize winning work of Dr Otto Warburg in 1931 showed that cells weaken, mutate, or die in the absence of Oxygen. Several years later, two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr Linus Pauling was the first to show that... Cancer cells are unable grow in an Oxygen-rich, alkaline environment. Therefore, oxygenated cells promote good health and Oxygen-depleted cells promotes ill health and disease.What youll learn:By the time youve finished this course, youll have the tools to establish simple alkalising habits that you can incorporate within your normal daily routines. Youll know exactly what foods are alkaline and health-producing and what foods are acidic and more toxic, as well as household and beauty product chemicals to avoid. Youll also know how to have a much better quality nights sleep, how to properly hydrate your body with pure water thats not full of toxins and chemicals, best practices for exercise and choosing activities that work best for you and a powerful technique for getting into great mental and emotional wellbeing. As per normal on Udemy, this course is delivered mainly by HD video but you also get the 7 Keys printable framework PDF and course slides to accompany the videos."
Price: 29.99

"5-Day Juice & Green Smoothie Detox For Weight Loss" |
"When you want to start losing weight and eating healthily, the best way you can prepare your body and mind for slightly smaller portions, eating more nutritious foods and to experience fast, encouraging results is to do a short detox. Most detox programmes are between 3-10 days but 5 days is the sweet spot for achieving great weight loss and energy results but also staying motivated and making it possible to fit around your busy life. This course aims to guide you through a practical, realistic, safe and enjoyable detox that you can use time and time again to give yourself a quick health boost and lose a few fast pounds. How would you like to be thinner, healthier, brighter version of you, in just 5 days time?Lose 2-5lbs, Have More Energy and Brighter Hair, Skin & Nails In 5 Short Days When you make the decision to take the 5-Day Juice & Green Smoothie Detox for Weight Loss you can rest assured that youll be eating 100% clean, nutrient-rich, alkalizing foods, which can help you experience some remarkable health and beauty benefits: It is one of the most effective ways to achieve fast and easy weight loss (many people have dropped a dress size!) and to kickstart a longer weight loss programme - helping you to fit back into those smaller, nice clothes you have in your wardrobe to feel good about yourself.At the end of the course, you can expect to have lost 2-5lbs in weight and you can also expect to feel more energised, have more mental clarity and focus, brighter and shinier skin, hair, eyes and nails and to feel pretty great about and being in your own body.Also, youll be giving your body the best nutrients and building blocks for regenerating and healing any health niggles or chronic issues. The 5-Day Detox Is... Exciting and affordable Youll get a real taste treat over the course of the detox. Plus, everything you need for the 5 days is easily bought locally and is inexpensive.Uniquely satisfying Unlike other smoothie and juice detoxes, it also includes some solid foods so you get the satisfaction of actually eating food. Youll feel full and satisfied with steady blood sugar levels.Alkaline balanced for maximum detox benefits.Nutritionist created and approved Created by QualifiedNutritionist - me, Laura Wilson and approved by my associate who holds a Masters Degree in Nutrition and is a Personal Trainer, Performance Exercise Specialist and Corrective Exercise Specialist. The whole detox diet and recipes has been nutritionally balanced packed with all the vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats that your body needs to thrive.Ice cream! Unlike any other detox plan, it includes delicious non-dairy and super-healthy ice-creams and mini-snacks.Full Meal Plan, Shopping List, Juice & Smoothie Videos & Daily Motivation Video To Help You The course guides you through a super-healthy plant-based (raw vegan) detox programme for the full 5 days and youll be consuming 7 mini meals per day - a combination of juices, green smoothies some other solid foods.Unlike most other detox programmes which allows you only to have liquid meals, youll also be having delicious ice-cream smoothies, cut raw vegetables and little healthy indulgent treats as well, which will help you to stick to it and really enjoy your detox.You get a 24-page 5-Day Detox eBook will full meal plan, recipes and shopping list. You also get 5 daily motivational videos which guide you through the day, what you can expect and how to complete the 5 days and really thrive and enjoy them. You are also welcome to ask questions and seek support in the course members area.Whether you're new to plant-based eating or a hard-core health fan, you can experience great benefits from this simple and short detox programme for a boost in your health, vitality and weight loss."
Price: 49.99

"Become an Expert Recruiter and Top Biller - 360 Essentials" |
"Learn the concepts of the full 360 recruitment cycle, picking up skills, tips, tricks and hints, as well as theoretical and practical knowledge, to allow you to develop a successful career as a top biller. Become a revenue generating superstar! Build your portfolio as a super biller by following the simple steps in this course to enhance your understanding of recruitment, whatever level of ability you currently possess. Generate leads and new business Taking a job specification Use assertive sales techniques Become effective at closing Maximise revenue through continued business development Perform in depth, control based candidate qualification Build strong questioning and listening skills Understand continual pipeline building Powerful ideas you can apply today to build your brand and monetize your skills Recruiting is big business, but with changing job markets, increasingly competitive resourcing capability, and higher candidate awareness, you need to develop the skills that will set you apart from the rest as one of the best. Pick up essential ideas around how to become a top biller, building ideas to develop a consistent business model and maintain healthy relationships. You dont want to be a flashy salesman; use this course to develop subtle ideas around how best to enhance your skillset without damaging your reputation. Earn respect, trust, and build authenticity to get the best results for you, your candidates, and your clients. If you are looking to get a start in a career in recruitment, have hit some stumbling blocks, or want ideas on how to adequately build your profile, this course is for you. Content and Overview You will look at the entire scope of the 360 recruitment cycle, using the key principles of this process and the sales environment to develop an understanding and appreciation of the whole process to build your own brand and business. We start off looking into simple, but effective, ideas around generating leads and winning new business, as well as how to properly take a job specification, not just a few lines jotted down we forget about. You will understand how to effectively prioritize the roles you have on offer, avoiding wasting time on opportunities that have limited success ratios, whilst building those where we can get the biggest wins. You will spend time looking at relationship building and candidate control, using thorough qualification methods to ensure we are working with the highest calibre individuals. As we develop, you will learn how to sell roles to candidates, candidates to clients, and sell yourself as a trusted partner. An insight into the ideas around fact finding and analysing needs combined with selling back to these will arm you with the tools you need to produce useful, powerful, targeted pitches. Management also plays a critical role for any recruiter; managing the interview process and the people involved, steering your relationships the way you want them to develop. We will end by showing you how to effectively close throughout the entire cycle, ensuring you never have issues around turn-downs and people accepting counteroffers. Dealing with objections helps you close, and well show you a simple, yet highly effective objection handling model, ensuring you develop the best ability to close, and giving you the highest conversion rate."
Price: 29.99

"Learn Construct 2: Creating a top-down shooter in HTML5!" |
"==================================================================How to make an ""top-down shooter"" in Construct 2!==================================================================What is the course about?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This course is about creating an intense top-down shooter game. By using Construct 2 and it's extremely fast ability to get a thought out of your head and into code, we are going to be diving right into creating our game. This course is about understanding how we can take a very advanced topic and make it simple all thanks to Construct 2. =======================What material is included?=======================In the beginning of the course you have access to all of the assets used (art, animations, SFX) so you can make the same game along with me. In the download you will find the .capx we create at the end of the lecture!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++What does this course include?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Simulated controlsConfigurable shootingBullet accuracyDynamic CameraCamera ScreenshakeEnemy AI using Line of SightEnemy trackingFunctions and parametersMuzzle FlashPlayer health and deathEnd gameRandom enemy spawning Instance variablesBullet shellsPushing the limits of Construct Free but great for C2 PersonalAll assets are free to use for commercial use.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++The course is always being updated as is the game engine we are making!=======================Why take this course?=======================The lectures are quick and easy to understand. If you follow along with the provided assets you will easily find yourself able to create any kind of game once the course is over. I personally think that as soon as you finish the course you are going to want to add so much more to your own game that you are going to have no choice! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Is this course right for me?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++If you have never programmed before this course is perfect for you. If you have programmed before this course is ALSO perfect for you. Whether you are just starting out or an advanced user you will find some of this information helpful.=======================How is this course structured?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I have structured this course in a way where we add the important things first and create the gameplay second. By creating and fine tuning the mechanics as we go we are able to understand everything Construct 2 has to offer and create an awesome game on the way!I hope to see you in the discussion!- Jeremy"
Price: 49.99

"Character Design MADE EASY with Moho & Anime Studio" |
"Character Design MADE EASY with Anime Studio Pro==================================================================What is this course about?========================This course is about those who have no natural drawing ability but want to draw anyway. It is also about turning a sloppy drawing into a refined piece that is ready to rig and subsequently animate.Drawing for those who lack the natural ability can be a struggle. If you however do have some natural ability when it comes to drawing, this course will translate to you on a different level. Anime Studio Pro makes it as easy as humanly possible to draw what you imagine. The drawing tools are simple but unlike anything else out there. Once you master their tools, it's a matter of playing it smart and using a reference image to achieve the character you want. IT IS THAT SIMPLE.=======================What material is included?=======================This course like our others is a no fluff, straight to the core, course. In it we dive right in to actually using the tools Anime Studio offers to draw our characters. Each character we draw is free for you to use commercially for any of your projects! We are constantly drawing in Anime Studio and as a result we will be constantly updating this course. At the moment there are 4 ready to rig characters for you to follow along with and or use. But as you check back we will be updating the course with more and more characters and start building an Anime Studio character design community. =======================Why take this course?=======================In this course we will walk you through step-by-step how to draw and organize a character ready for animation. We will talk about why Anime Studio Pro works for character animation and demonstrate how we use it as a premiere drawing tool. These lectures are gold for those who have had trouble in the past drawing digitally but even more so as we continue to update, these lectures will give you the experience in character design you have been missing!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Is this course right for me?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This course might not be right for you if you are already a well equipped digital artist. But even if you are comfortable at drawing you can still learn how we make ready to rig characters that utilize Anime Studio to its full extent.I hope you will join us in the ever increasing world of character design!"
Price: 49.99

"Construct 2 - From Beginner to Advanced - Ultimate Course!" |
"Updated 7/5/19About The Course Learn the concepts, tips and programming techniques to build fully functional games with the popular visual scripting editor, Construct 2. By the end of this course, you will know everything to make your own amazing desktop game.Build a solid foundation with programming as this course, and Construct 2, whether you have made games before or not, teaches a structured logic experience like nothing else!Understand beginner logic such as Global Variables, Local Variables and Instance Variables.Recognize that as you are making your engines, once challenging concepts like Arrays, Effects and Functions become easy.Find the gameplay experience your games have been missing with lighting, screenshake and more! A Powerful Tool at Your Disposal Learning the fundamentals of programming can be frustrating, but that's where Construct 2 comes in and swoops you in off your feet. With the [Free] edition it is easy to learn, has excellent documentation, and is the visual scripting tool your brain has been missing.Games become your canvas and Construct 2 becomes your paint brush as you will be able to pick up every other language you try. Whether it be, C++, C#, Javascript, Java, Ruby or Pascal, you will find that every programming principle is instilled in Construct 2's editor.Throughout each game you will learn new programming principles that can be applied to any language. Each section, you will evolve your code. The first section is different from the last. We start with Starter Template Version 1 and end with version 4.Students completing this course will have the knowledge to create anything they want. Construct 2 doesn't limit you to only games, you can make mobile apps, advertisements, banners and more but better yet you can export them to any platform. Windows, Linux, Mac, Wii, iPhone, Android, Facebook, Kongregate and the Scirra arcade.Complete with working .capx files and royalty free art assets, you'll have unlimited access to me as you work through each concept, and each game to achieve the certificate of completion upon finishing this course."
Price: 199.99

"Juniper Basics" |
"First of all I want to state that this course is still in Progress. I will be adding on to this course beyond the RIP video. So hang in there.This is a course that starts off with some theory and then flows right in some fun. Configuring interfaces, setting up zones, filter routes, and setting up routing protocols. All of this is done on the Juniper command line. You are about to walk into a world which Juniper is no stranger to providing a powerful operating system that make their devices provide granular or simple tasks.By the time you are finished with this course, you will have the skills to be comfortable on JUNOS. But this does not happen over night. It takes practice and you need to spend the time practicing. I have taken the time to provide you with a course that helps you get familiar with the command line. I will be using real Juniper equipment with my lectures and there is a lots of time spent on the command line. That is correct, you will be seeing a lot of configurations. Lets face it, that is why you are here. You will learn how to configure IP addresses, set up zones, allow traffic into and between zones, static routing, routing protocols, route filtering, and so on. You can take for granted that you will find this course relaxing and a joy to follow. There is some boring things in the beginning, but when we start configuring, it just keeps going and going. Juniper is usually a device that others start with after having experience with other networking vendors. So you will need the basic skills in Network Fundamentals, IP addressing, TCP/IP, OSI Model, and Basic Communicated between two host. This is a course that is designed for one purpose....... To leave the course and gain the ability to configure a Juniper device. That is my goal and that is the mission of this course."
Price: 19.99
