"Python and djang Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3" |
"Welcome to the Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp! In this course we cover everything you need to know to build a website using Python, Django, and many more web technologies!Whether you want to change career paths, expand your current skill set, start your own entrepreneurial business, become a consultant, or just want to learn, this is the course for you!We will teach you the latest technologies for building great web applications with Python 3 and Django!"
Price: 199.99

"The Key To Success - The Leadership Journey" |
"Youtube Channel: The Internet WolfThe biggest thing that separates successful people from those that are not, is one thing...Leadership.Leadership determines how much income you will make. The better of a leader you the more money you will have in your bank.In this class you will learn about thesecrets of top income earners, and why they continue to havegreat successin their businesses and lives.In this class you will learn:Learn Time Management Secrets From Top EarnersLearn How to Tackle The Most Valuable Things In BusinessLearn to Exemplify Your EffortsLearn To Magnify Your Peer GroupLearn Which Decisions Matter The MostLearn to Create A Productive EnvironmentLearn To Overcome AdversityLearn How to Accomplish Things That Most FailLearn How to Improve YourselfLearn How to Accelerate Your GrowthAnd much, much more...If you are ready toreach new levels of success, then this class is for you.Sign up for this class and prepare for an incredible leadership journey!"
Price: 19.99

"Make Professional Quality Videos Within 1 Hour Using Invideo" |
"Video Creation & Editing is Going to be the Most Demanded Skill in Near Future. Are you ready to learn how to create professional quality videos and use for various marketing channels like Instagram Stories, Facebook Ads, Youtube etc.?If yes, then this course is going to help you in learning how to create eye-catching videos that grab the attention of people. Whether you are a YouTuber, Digital Marketer, Social Media Influencer, Content Creator, Freelancer, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, or Vlogger, you need to know how to leverage the power of video marketing in order to grow your business. ""Learn and Master Video Creation and Editing in this Comprehensive Course********** Video Marketing is growing at a crazy rate and will take the internet to new heights in the coming 5 years. Are you prepared to take advantage of this situation to grow your business or online presence? ********You can take the maximum advantage by learning how to create and edit videos on the go, without the need of complicated tools. In this course, you will learn to use InVideo - a simple, effective and amazing tool to create and edit videos like a pro (Even if you have never created or edited a video before)By learning how to use this tool, you can create videos on your own and do not have to pay someone else to do it for you. Or you can help other companies and brands by editing video's for them. You will have to sign up and create an account on Invideo to use this tool and create videos.What is InVideo and how it helps in Video Marketing?InVideo can be used to create videos for Instagram, Instagram Stories, Facebook ads, Facebook Page, LinkedIn, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest Video Pins, Website, Promo Videos, Whatsapp Videos and more. It's a complete tool with all the amazing features which will help you in creating professional, eye catching videos. It offers an intuitive dashboard and amazing user experience especially if you are a beginner. The best thing about Invideo is that, you don't require any design skills or previous experience in video creation or editing to use this video editing software. ***************************************************************************IN THIS COURSE, YOU WILL:How to create and edit videos from scratch using InVideoDevelop the powerful & highly demanded skill of video creationLearn to create stunning videos that are eye catching & attractiveEdit videos like a ProCreate Videos Fast For Instagram Stories, Instagram Ads, Facebook Ads etc. Learn Video Marketing for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and MoreHow to Use InVideo Effective By Understanding All The Tools and FeaturesThis course is designed to help you develop writing and marketing skills in few hours. The complex fundamentals are explained in a simple manner so that you could learn in an easy way. So even you are an absolute beginner in video editing, you will find this course easy to follow and understand.IN ADDITION, YOU WILL ALSO GET: Life Time Access to The Course (Revise Anytime!) Access to Interesting & Lively Lectures That Are Easily to FollowVideo Creation & Editing skills are high in demand. So by developing this skill, you could have better career opportunities.WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE?Social Media Influencers & EnthusiastsMarketing ProfessionalsYouTubers & VloggersDigital Marketers & ExecutivesContent Creators & Content Marketer'sFreelancers, Soloprenuers, and Virtual Assistant'sAdvertisers and AgenciesEntrepreneurs and business owners Those who want to use a simple yet effective tool to edit and create professional quality videos FASTThose who want total control over video marketing, but don't have time to use complicated video toolsBesides these, anyone who wants to promote a product/ service/ brand using video marketing enroll in this course and learn about video creation. For example, Jewellery Designers, Real Estate Agents, Publishers, Marketers can all use InVideo and use it for creating social media ad to increase sales and client bookings. Or social media Influencers can create attractive and engaging videos using the skills they learn in this course. Even business owners can easily use this tool for growing their business with video marketing.WHY THIS COURSE IS BENEFICIAL FOR YOU?You will develop the most demanded skill of Video Creation & Editing which would open career opportunities for you.You can start a video editing business and start an agency by learning the video editing skillsSave money and time by editing your brand videos or YouTube channel videos yourself without hiring professionals It's a step by step course where you can learn easily and create your own videos in just few minutes by using the Invideo toolIS THIS COURSE RIGHT FOR ME?Yes! Whether you are a beginner or advanced level editor, you would benefit from this course. Dont worry if you have no prior experience. Since we will start from the basics, you dont need prior experience or knowledge. It's designed for ALL LEVELS (Beginner to Advanced). If you are ready to start making your video quickly, please go ahead and enroll in this course. You can take a look at the free lectures as this will help you to know more about the course.I will see you inside!"
Price: 84.99

"WordPress REST API and AJAX pages and forms - FAST TRACK." |
"***** UPDATED and REVISED AUGUST 2020 *****Based on feedback from students, this course has been revised and updated with some extra features so that you may quickly and effectively learn and use the REST API.****************************************************The WP REST API enables us to access data or post data via AJAX without refershing the page.In this course, we will dive into the WP REST API endpoints, how to modify them, create our own CUTSOM WP REST API endpoints and use them in our pages and forms.Packed with full code examples, you will be able to use the template pages straight away in your own site, as you will learn how to customise them for your site*** In the first section we, will build the final site so that you can have your own working copy.We then works STEP BY STEP through each part of the site so that you can UNDERSTAND how the REST API and AJAX work together.This is taught in a developer to developer style. I am a developer and also a student learning all the latest technologies and I will treat you like a new developer that has joined our team.We cover:What the REST API is.How to use built in WP REST APIs (endpoints).How to add fields to built in endpoints.How to create our own endpoints for GET requests.How to create POST endpoints for forms.How to create and use the WP Nonce security token and verify tokens.How to us wp_localize_script to be able to pass PHP values to JavaScript code.Welcome! ****"
Price: 19.99

phkizbts |
". . , . . , . , , . : - , - . , , . . . , , - . ."
Price: 129.99

"Bitcoin Breakthrough - How Bitcoin Really Works" |
"Bitcoin started out with a value of zero and has hit highs of $10,000.It is a valuable commodity and once you have your Bitcoins you need to keep them safe. In this guide you will learn exactly how to do that.Although Bitcoin is a volatile commodity it should be possible for you to make a good return on your investment.This video course will show you the best way to obtain Bitcoins and the best investment strategies.Topics covered:What Is Bitcoin?The Lowdown On Bitcoin InvestingHow Bitcoin Really WorksHow You Can Acquire BitcoinsChoosing the right Bitcoin WalletGetting Ready For Bitcoin TradingReal Life Bitcoin Investment StrategiesAvoid Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency ScamsBitcoin Investing Best Practices"
Price: 99.99

"Xero UK - Complete Accounting & Bookkeeping Training Course" |
"** Please note that this course uses the UK version of Xero **Are you new to Xero and want to learn how to use the worlds most popular online bookkeeping and accounting software in just a few hours?Perhaps you are a small business owner in the UK who feels overwhelmed when trying to set up and use Xero to do your own accounts.Or, maybe youre a bookkeeper who wants to use Xero for your UK clients.Whatever your reason for wanting to learn how to get up and running with Xero quickly, this course is for you!Our Xero UK - Complete Accounting & Bookkeeping Training Course will step you through everything you need to know about setting up and using Xero in just a few hours.---------------------What is the course structure?We begin the course by signing up to Xero with a pretend UK company so you can see how to get started with Xero.We then switch to Xeros amazing demo company so you can practise your skills in real time as you watch each lesson.That way, you can learn by doing, as the whole course is one big interactive exercise!---------------------What will I learn from this course?After signing up to Xero, you will learn how to set up the initial settings for your business, such as the users, VAT tax rates, email settings and financial settings.You will then learn about the chart of accounts, tracking categories and how to manage your contacts.Then, you will learn the important step of how to set up bank accounts and other financial products for your business, before we switch to the demo company for the rest of the course.You will then spend a few hours learning everything you need to know about how to set up and manage:Invoices and salesBills and purchasesBank AccountsProducts and Services (Inventory)Fixed assetsNext, you will learn about Xeros amazing payroll system, which is perfect for UK businesses to pay employees without having to use external software. In this course, you will learn how to set up and manage payroll with ease.Finally, you will learn how to prepare and check your VAT returns in Xero. You may then lodge them manually outside of Xero, or lodge them directly from Xero to the HMRC through the Making Tax Digital (MTD) scheme.By the end of the course you should have the confidence and know-how to set up and use the UK version of Xero for your business.---------------------So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and learn how to get up and running with Xero in just a few hours.See you on the course!"
Price: 129.99

"Learn to Read The Qaa-edah / Qur'aan" |
"In this course, you will learn all the rules necessary to enable you to read the Qur'aan perfectly in Arabic. Topics covered are:1- The Arabic alphabet.2- The short vowels.3- Formation of letters.4- Tanween (double vowel)5- The long vowels.6- Sukoon.7- Shaddah.8- Idghaam.9- Iqlaab.10- Al Laamul Qamariyyah.11- Al Laamush Shamsiyyah.12- Laamu Lafdhul Jalaalah.13- Al Maddul Munfasil.14- Al Maddul Muttasil.15- Al Maddul Laazim.16- Al Maddul 'Aarid.17- Al Maddul 'Ewad18- Rules of stopping."
Price: 19.99

"Impression 3D rsine" |
"Ce cours vous permettra d'apprendre tout ce qui est ncessaire pour raliser de belles impressions 3D rsine. Vous dcouvrirez ainsi le fonctionnement du slicer permettant de dcouper votre objet pour l'imprimante, les rglages idaux pour l'impression rsine, le fonctionnement de la post impression, l'entretien du matriel, mais aussi la cration rapide d'un objet simple pour l'imprimer."
Price: 19.99

"Tworzenie REST API krok po kroku - Python Flask MySQL" |
"Chciaby stworzy aplikacj backendow w Pythonie? Zastanawiasz si, jak proces tworzenia takiej aplikacji wyglda? Nie wiesz, od czego zacz? Ten kurs jest odpowiedzi na powysze pytania.W kursie krok po kroku zbudujemy aplikacj backendow - REST API. Napiszemy testy automatyczne, utworzymy dokumentacj, a na kocu gotow wersj aplikacji wdroymy na rodowisko produkcyjne wykorzystujc chmur AWS.Do zbudowania aplikacji wykorzystamy jzyk programowania Python oraz popularne biblioteki takie jak: Flask, Flask-Migrate, Flask-SQLAlchemy, Marshmallow czy Pytest. Aplikacj przygotujemy do dziaania w trzech rodowiskach: developerskim, testowym oraz produkcyjnym. W kadym rodowisku aplikacja bdzie przechowywaa dane w bazie danych. Wykorzystamy tutaj rne silniki bazodanowe (MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB).Co wicej, aplikacja bdzie posiadaa system rejestracji uytkownikw oraz logowania. Wykorzystamy w tym celu JSON Web Token (JWT).W kursie poznacie rwnie framework Flask. Nauczycie si, tworzy aplikacje wykorzystujc t bibliotek. Dowiecie si, czym jest w pakiecie Flask obiekt request, response, current_app oraz blueprint. Poka Wam jak doda wasn obsug bdw i w jaki sposb walidowa dane. Poznacie rwnie wzorzec application factory.Dodatkowo omwi protok HTTP i wyjani, czym jest REST API.Posiadanie ciekawego portfolio na GitHubie znacznie uatwi znalezienie pierwszej pracy jako Junior Developer. Projekt, ktry tutaj tworz, jest przykadem projektu, ktry moe zainteresowa Twojego przyszego pracodawc. Niewtpliwie moe on zwikszy szans na dostanie zaproszenia na rozmow kwalifikacyjn."
Price: 164.99

"Mindset for Success" |
"- Have you ever struggled to be successful despite putting a lot of hard work?- Have you ever wondered what makes some people extremely successful despite the odds?- Have you ever felt that your friend was lucky not talented enough to get the success they deserved?- Do you know why only 8% people succeed to complete their New Year Resolutions while others fail?Well,it is all because of one major difference between an ACHIEVER and a DREAMER -that is...THEIR MINDSET....YES, Mindset makes all the difference.People win despite their circumstances, because they chose to win.Heroes are made when they encounter difficulties,but they are able to do that because they decide to put up a fight instead of giving up.They chose the right mindset for success.Many researches and successful people say that your success depends on your mindset.It has been proved again and again that even the most talented people can lose when they are not in the right mindset.Mindset for success is what makes the difference between a person who ""HAVE DONE IT"" versus a person who wishes ""TO DO IT SOMEDAY"".The right mindset helps you cope up with the external pressures to perform.If you resonate with this, then the Goal Smashing Mindset course will help you with:1. Ultimate Success Formula - The ingredients for success2. Role of Mindset3. Three (3) Goal Killing Mindsets - Some mindsets only kill the dreams and ensure failure4. Three (3) Goal Smashing Mindsets - The mindset for success5. Tools to create Goal Smashing MindsetJoin the course right now and change your game from a Dreamer, a Procrastinator to an Achiever"
Price: 19.99

"Nodejs: How to upload files to the web server" |
"Uploading files to the web server is one of the most common features of many web applications. This tutorial guides you through the process of creating an image uploader. The supported files are .jpg and .jpeg and the maximum file size is 350KB. The web application is created only with Nodejs from scratch. The application interface is layed out with Bootstrap."
Price: 24.99

"Computer Networking : Go from Zero to Hero (2020)" |
"If you run a business, its probably pretty apparent how important computer networking is. Put simply, networking impacts everything from applications to backup and recovery tools, from the way your team communicates to the way important information is stored.Well, can you imagine your day without sending a message to your friends? Can you spend your day without chilling with Netflix? Well, the answer is NO! Everything our lives are bound with involves Networking! To send a single Whats App message, we need networking! Even for calling your mom to tell her to cook something delicious requires network operations! Well, are these networking things really important?Well, have a look at these points!About one billion computer systems are connected to the internet.About 3.2 billion people use the internet from which 1.7 billion internet users are Asians.The Internet consists of five billion computing devices such as computers, phones, modems, switches, routers etc.According to Google, the Internet consists of 5 million Terabytes of data.Approximately 204 million emails per minute are sent over the Internet.Shocking right? Just imagine what would happen if the Internet didnt exist! No Internet means no chatting, no Netflix, no emails, not even GAMING! And that is why we need computer networking!As technologies have evolved, networking has too. While networking used to be a bunch of desktop computers connected by wires and cables, these days networking includes wireless systems and connections and other advanced technologies.Did you know? Microsoft has more servers than Google. Microsoft owns over one million servers while Google has 900, 000.How will this course help you?Clear the fundamentals of Computer NetworkingAce your Interviews with FAQsGet your doubts solved with real life working examplesWith the help of this course you can start studying for CompTIA Network+, Cisco CCNA and other networking Exams!Why should you enroll in this course?The perfect answer to this question would be - Have a look at our curriculum. This course is created by subject matter experts from the field of Cyber Security. The instructors have a sound knowledge of Networking Concepts and they have been working as Certified Instructors for the past 3 years! They have trained more than 20,000 students through their courses on Networking and Cyber Security. Have a look at some highlights of this course!Handpicked curriculum, specially designed for all levels of learners.Continuous assessment through challenging quizzes.Get your questions answered within 48 hours.A variety of resources such as useful links, books, PDFs are also provided.Regular updates made to the curriculum.Networking is explained right from the basic Definitions!Practicals with explanation included.Who can enroll for this course?This course is not intended for a specific group of people. Anyone who wants to learn about networking can enroll for this course. If you already know a few concepts, you can always revisit the ideas and clarify. We have covered statistics along with technical topics. In short, this is a perfect course for you if you want to kick start your career in cyber security!BOTTOM LINE -Once you move ahead in this course, you will get a clear idea about how networking works in our life. We have assembled this course in a way that you will enjoy and learn along the way."
Price: 1280.00

"Microsoft Excel - from the beginning to professionalism" |
"2019 2010 2013 2016 ..."
Price: 19.99

"Learning SOLIDWORKS : For Students, Engineers, and Designers" |
"SOLIDWORKS is a very productive 3D CAD software tool. It helps to design various products and services, testing them in very cost effective way like Model and prototype testing as you learned earlier in engineering degree class. The Solidworks have wide range of applications in industries such asAerospaceDefenseAutomotiveTransportationMachineryHeavy EquipmentConsumer productsMold & Tools designElectronicsSheet metal workProcess PlantEnergy conservationConstructionMedical toolsProduct design and other engineering services.This course will help you in understanding and learning the basic and advanced tools of the software. You will get a thorough knowledge and hands on experience on Sketch, Part, Assembly and Surface Environments of SOLIDWORKS."
Price: 29.99

"Google Professional Cloud Security And Network Engineer Exam" |
"Google Professional Cloud Security And Network Engineer ExamGoogle cloud professional cloud security Engineer : Professional Cloud Security Engineer enables organizations to design and implement a secure infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform. Through an understanding of security best practices and industry security requirements, this individual designs, develops, and manages a secure infrastructure leveraging Google security technologies. The Cloud Security Professional should be proficient in all aspects of Cloud Security including managing identity and access management, defining organizational structure and policies, using Google technologies to provide data protection, configuring network security defenses, collecting and analyzing Google Cloud Platform logs, managing incident responses, and an understanding of regulatory concerns.The Professional Cloud Security Engineer exam check your ability to:Configure access within a cloud solution environmentConfigure network securityEnsure data protectionManage operations within a cloud solution environmentEnsure complianceGoogle cloud Professional Cloud Network Engineer :Professional Cloud Network Engineer implements and manages network architectures in Google Cloud Platform. By leveraging experience implementing VPCs, hybrid connectivity, network services, and security for established network architectures, this individual ensures successful cloud implementations using the command line interface or the Google Cloud Platform Console.The Professional Cloud Network Engineer exam check your ability to:Design, plan, and prototype a GCP NetworkImplement a GCP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)Configure network servicesImplement hybrid interconnectivityImplement network securityI have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking Google cloud Professional Cloud security and network Engineer exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Google in any way."
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft 70-649 MCSE Window Server Update Review Exam" |
"196 UNIQUE practice questions for Microsoft 70-649 MCSE Window Server Update Review ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Microsoft 70-649 MCSE Window Server Update Review ExamTotal Questions : 196Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (147 of 196)"
Price: 174.99

"Modelos Lineares com Abordagem Bayesiana & COVID-19" |
"Se voc busca pelo primeiro curso sobre Modelos de Regresso com Estatstica Bayesiana este curso ideal para voc.Este curso tem como objetivo ser um curso de entrada para quem quer aprender modelagem estatstica com abordagem bayesiana. Assim, tenho a pretenso de apresentar de forma introdutria as 3 tcnicas essenciais para modelagem estatstica bayesiana:Regresso Linear Simples com Abordagem BayesianaRegresso Linear Mltipla com Abordagem BayesianaAnlise de Varincia (ANOVA) com Abordagem BayesianaCom essas 3 tcnicas mostro como trabalhar com dados qualitativos e quantitativos para fazer predies sobre os mais diversos tipos de fenmenos.Ao final do curso, por meio de dados oficiais do Brasil, mostro como desenvolver um estudo de caso sobre a Pandemia causada pelo Novo Coronavrus. Neste projeto o objetivo analisar a incidncia de bitos nas regies do Brasil, por meio dos modelos estatsticos preditivos ensinados no curso.Com uma linguagem simples, mas sempre com muito rigor cientfico esse curso ideal tanto para quem precisa aprender de forma rpida tcnicas de modelagem estatstica, quanto para pesquisadores que precisam incorporar o rigor cientfico nos seus projetos. Seja voc aluno(a) de iniciao cientfica, mestrando(a), doutorando(a), pesquisador(a) consagrado(a) ou profissional de inteligncia competitiva."
Price: 144.99

"Dropshipping com Shopify" |
"Descubra os segredos para montar sua loja Shopify de forma rpida e sem gastar um nico centavo com estoques. Descubra como encontrar os melhores fornecedores para trabalhar e como achar produtos campees de vendas. Descubra os segredos para obter o maior lucro possvel de cada produto. Veja como avaliar o mercado, todos os custos envolvidos e como calcular exatamente o seu preo de venda. Aprenda a colocar sua prpria loja online em funcionamento com o Shopify usando os estoques dos fornecedores e comece a faturar imediatamente. Aprenda a configurar um layout atrativo, a configurar as diversas formas de pagamento, e tudo sobre as caractersticas e configuraes de frete. Alm disso, voc vai aprender a criar pginas, cadastrar corretamente os produtos e construir um site atrativo que ter um papel importante para a comercializao dos seus produtos.Saiba como fazer descries de produtos que convertem.Todos os segredos revelados e muito mais - dentro deste curso prtico, direto, e passo a passo, feito especialmente para voc que quer empreender e ter um negcio rentvel com o mnimo investimento possvel.CONTEDO:Mdulo 1 Introduo Aula 1 Bem vindos Aula 2 - Como funciona o curso Aula 3 Mindset de SucessoMdulo 2 Planejamento do Negcio Aula 4 O que Dropshipping Aula 5 O que Shopify Aula 6 As vantagens do Dropshipping com o ShopifyMdulo 3 Primeiros passos Aula 7 Abrindo uma conta Shopify Aula 8 Adquirindo um domnio Aula 9 Adicionando domnio no ShopifyMdulo 4 Configuraes da loja Shopify Aula 10 Configuraes iniciais Aula 11 Adicionando aplicativos Aula 12 - Configuraes de frete Aula 13 Configuraes de e-mail Aula 14 Configuraes de notificaes Aula 15 Configuraes de plataformas de pagamento parte 1 Aula 16 Configuraes de plataformas de pagamento parte 2 Aula 17 Configuraes de plataformas de pagamento parte 3 Aula 18 Configurando pginas e menus parte 1 Aula 19 Configurando pginas e menus parte 2Mdulo 5 Adicionando produtos Aula 20 Como escolher forn e prod - Parte 1 Aula 21 Como escolher forn e prod - Parte 2 Aula 22 Como escolher forn e prod - Parte 3 Aula 23 Como calcular o preo de venda Mdulo 6 Design e Copy Irresistveis Aula 24 Como criar um design irresistvel parte 1 Criando a logomarca Aula 25 Como criar um design irresistvel parte 2 Tema Aula 26 Como criar um design irresistvel parte 3 Aula 27 Como anunciar seus produtos de forma irresistvelMdulo 7 Gerenciamento de Vendas Aula 28 Teste de vendas"
Price: 99.99

"Mulesoft - API Design Associate (RAML 1.0) Mock" |
"This mock exam is a good practice test for you to prepare for the API Design Associate Exam. This has questions from various disciplines like :RESTful API Design, Translating Functional Requirements for APIsAPI-led Connectivity and the API LifecycleDefining API Resources and MethodsSpecify ResponsesModeling DataDocumenting and Testing APIsMaking APIs DiscoverableReusing PatternsModularizing APIsSecuring APIsEnhancing API Responses using HypermediaVersioning APIs, etc. This course is a good practice to access your knowledge of API Design related topics. It will help you identify strengths and weaknesses as it would provide you with answers and explanations.FormatFormat: Multiple-choice, open book, unproctored online or in a testing centerLength: 47 questionsDuration: 90 minutesPass score: 75%"
Price: 19.99

"Wordpress para Creativos, Arquitectos e Interioristas." |
"WordPress para Arquitectos, Interioristas y CreativosHaz tu propia Web en WordPress para Exponer tus Proyectos. De 0 a Experto.Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca, Arquitecta Luca Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Has buscado tu nombre en Google? Es muy probable que tus clientes si lo hayan hecho y hayan visto si tienes web y que servicios ofreces, hoy en da es fundamental que nuestra imagen online exprese bien nuestros trabajos y nuestros diseos. Los profesionales podemos aumentar considerablemente nuestras ventas si tenemos un sitio web efectivo, al finalizar este curso tendrs tu propia pgina Web Portfolio. Al brindarles a los clientes la posibilidad de que ordenen o soliciten los productos o servicios por la red, la experiencia se hace mucho ms fcil y accesible. Tus servicios y visibilidad estarn operativos las 24 horas del da, los 365 das del ao y las distancias ya no sern un obstculo.WordPress es un sistema de gestin de contenidos lanzado el 27 de mayo de 2003, enfocado a la creacin de cualquier tipo de pgina web. Originalmente alcanz una gran popularidad en la creacin de blogs, para luego convertirse, en una de las principales herramientas para la creacin de pginas web comerciales.Aprenders WordPress y crears tu propia Web Portfolio, una de las herramientas fundamentales de presentacin del decorador, interiorista y arquitecto, en el curso se darn las pautas, paso a paso, fundamentales para hacer tu propia pgina web donde te presentes profesionalmente.En este curso aprenders a crear tu web donde que te posicione como profesional creativo y podrs mostrar tus proyectos y servicios al mundo, aumentando tus posibilidades de conseguir nuevos clientes y empleabilidad. Esta web cumplir las exigencias de usabilidad, navegabilidad, velocidad, seguridad, optimizacin responsive, diseo actual, seo, calltoaction, etc.Las principales pginas de esta web sern:Home (a modo de landingpage donde se describa lo ms relevante sobre el creativo).Sobre m / Sobre nosotros (si sois un pequeo estudio).Servicios (muestras una carta de servicios que ofrece el creativo, es la pgina con ms texto).Proyectos organizados por categoras (ser el portfolio, una galera muy cuidada donde mostrar los proyectos).Blog (dnde pueda subir su da a da, noticias, novedades, link a redes, etc)Contacto (incluye datos de contacto y formulario de contacto).Paginas complementarias. Aviso Legal, Poltica de Cookies, etc.Destinado a:Principalmente son profesionales independientes que tienen un portfolio de trabajos muy visual, compuesto principalmente por imgenes, diagramas, planos, incluso videos de sus diseos. Por lo que el texto no tendr tanta importancia en su web portfolio. Lo que ms va a primar en estas webs el atractivo estticos, el cuidado en la composicin, el color, la red, la tipografa, la usabilidad y navegabilidad web. Creativos, Freelance, Diseadores, Decoradores, Interioristas, Arquitectos, Paisajistas, Urbanistasndice de la Formacin:Mdulo 1. Introduccin y Ajustes PreviosComienzo y presentacin del cursoQu es y para qu sirve Wordpress org Ventajas del CMSCmo Comprar un dominio y contratar un hostingCmo descargar e instalar WordpressPrimeras configuraciones de Wordpress y su puesta a puntoDnde comprar Themes. Themeforest, ElegantTehemes, Studiopress, etc.Instalacin y Activacin de theme Repaso muy rpido de los apartados del dashboard.Mdulo 2. Creacin de la Web PortfolioComenzamos Importando contenido demo del theme.Seleccionamos las pginas que vamos a usar en nuestra web y eliminamos las que no queramos del demo.Jerarqua Web. Creacin del men principal. La importancia de la navegabilidad web.Personalizar Wordpress y Theme (color corporativo, tipografa, etc.)Creacin de pginas (Home, Sobre m, Servicios, Proyectos, Blog, Contacto)Medios, formatos compatibles y optimizacin previa a subida de imgenes.La pgina Home. Edicin y configuracin.La pgina Sobre m. Edicin y configuracin.La pgina Servicios. Edicin y configuracin.La pgina Proyectos. Edicin y configuracin.La pgina Blog. Edicin y configuracin.La pgina Contacto. Edicin y configuracin.Pginas especiales: Cookies, Polticas, Aviso legal.Creacin de un post.Los widgets. Edicin y configuracin.El footer. Edicin y configuracin.Mdulo 3. Ajustes finales y LanzamientoAjustes finales antes del lanzamiento.Consejos sobre SEO (Yoast), Velocidad (Autoptimize), BackUp (Updrafplus), Imgenes (Smush) y Seguridad (Wordfence)Consejos y tips finales del instructorSalida del modo mantenimiento y Publicacin de la web.Metodologa Didctica:Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Es excepcional el aumento en la demanda de profesionales en este mbito por parte de las empresas de todo el mundo actualmente. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El curso est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano del instructor lvaro Garca. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al curso, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este curso te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este curso es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 74.99

6-fvmewu |
Price: 19.99

"Jewish Studies 102: Intro to Jewish Literature" |
"This course serves as an introduction to Jewish Literature. Jewish literature can be sacred and spiritual for the Jewish tradition, and it can be analyzed and deconstructed by academia. In this course, you will gain a foundational understanding of BOTH the spiritual and academic perspectives on Jewish literature. You will not only understand the basics of Jewish literature, but you will also learn how to access the literature online, and you will also be able to understand how Jewish literature is utilized as a way of celebrating Jewish holidays and commemorating dates on the Hebrew calendar. This information is useful for anybody looking to incorporate Jewish literature as a spiritual practice, OR for anybody who is just interested in learning about a very complex and beautiful literary tradition that can bring meaning to lives of all people."
Price: 104.99

"AutoCAD 2020 - 2D Tamil Language" |
"After completing this course, you will be able to: Navigate the AutoCAD Workspace and Viewing commands Describe units and coordinate systems and create basic objects, using different data input techniques for precision Select, modify, and adjust the properties of objects using object grips and the Move, Copy, Rotate, Mirror, and Array commands. Create line types and obtain geometric information from objects in the drawing. Modify objects by changing their size, shape, orientation, or geometric composition using Trim, Extend, Offset, Join, and other commands. Create and edit annotation objects Create, edit, and manage dimensions and dimension styles."
Price: 1280.00

"Probiticos Para Salud Intestinal: curso exclusivo" |
"BENEFICIOS:***Para personas que quieran recuperar su salud***Recobra tu salud intestinal ahora y con poco esfuerzo.Recupera tu vida social y laboral, en plenitud y libertad.Deja de sufrir por diarreas, dolores de cabeza, insomnio, constipacin, gastritis, meteorismos, flatulencias u otros sntomas.Controla mejor tu ansiedad y depresin, usando a los probiticos a tu favor.Obtn seguridad y confianza en tu vida sexual.Te proporciono una membresa de por vida, con actualizaciones permanentes.***Para estudiantes y/o docentes que quieren profundizar sus conocimientos***Llega a ser un lder en tu campo: Nutricional y/o especializacin, sobre: Microbiota, microbioma, probiticos y/ prebiticos.Ahorra esfuerzo y tiempo, para presentar tus clases o investigaciones, usando nuestros materiales educativos.Obtn un certificado de finalizacin, al finalizar todo el curso.Mejora tus ingresos, al poder especializarte y mejorar tus conocimientos.Actualzate y aprende desde la comodidad de tu casa.Capactate en cualquier momento, ya que el curso est grabado.Te proporciono una membresa de por vida, con actualizaciones permanentes.CARACTERSTICAS:1. Te ensear mediante ms de 120 vdeos en HD, para que puedas aprender paso a paso, ""cmo utilizar a los probiticos a tu favor, y recuperar tu salud intestinal y salud en general"".2. El curso comprende de 6 mdulos o secciones:Primer mdulo/seccin: Descubre, cmo los probiticos se han involucrado en nuestra historia, hace miles de aos, y su papel relevante, para mejorar u optimizar tu salud intestinal y salud en general.Segundo mdulo/seccin: Comprende sobre el proceso de fermentacin, y lo que debes tomar en cuenta para tener xito, en tus propios alimentos fermentados.Tercer mdulo/seccin: Aprende, de los alimentos fermentados y su microbiota de cada uno de ellos. Cuarto mdulo/seccin: Averigua, qu requisitos debes tomar en cuenta a la hora de elegir un suplemento probitico, algo que casi nadie lo menciona.Quinto mdulo/seccin: Te enseo, sobre las principales cepas probiticas, sus beneficios de cada una de ellas, y sus principales estudios cientficos que se han realizado.Sexto mdulo/seccin: Comprende, cmo es que estos probiticos pueden ayudarte para tus problemas gastrointestinales, desde: Sndrome del intestino irritable, intestino permeable, enfermedad de Crohn, colitis ulcerosa, etc.3. Adems te entregar 337 diapositivas en alta definicin, para que puedas revisarlas en el momento que quieras.4. Descarga ms de 170 recursos descargables, basados en evidencia cientfica, de las principales revistas de gastroenterologa, salud y nutricin, en formato PDF.5. Si te gusta leer, te entregar a travs de formato PDF (197 hojas), sobre el curso y algunas tablas y bibliografa, no mencionados en los videos.6. Descarga 21 videos de msica curativa (solo para los que terminen al 100% el curso).7. Aprende en cada seccin a travs de cuestionarios y de inmediato atender a tus dudas sobre el tema en cuestin."
Price: 124.99

"How To Become Extremely Persuasive" |
"This course sheds light on How To Become Extremely Persuasive, delineates Why Persuasion Is The Utmost Important Skill Set To Master, and reveals the Benefits Of Being Highly Persuasive. Moreover, How To Become Extremely Persuasive In Order To Reap The Most Out Of Life is expounded upon and the ample Persuasion Tactics For How To Become Extremely Persuasive are demystified in this course. Furthermore, the formula for generating wealth to predict the future profitability outlook of a business is revealed, the causes behind poverty are identified, and how brand building can prevent poverty is expounded upon in this course. The overarching focus of this course is to teach you How To Become Extremely Persuasive."
Price: 24.99

"Crear y publicar una website sin cdigo - MasterClass" |
"En este curso aprenders a crear un sitio web sin saber programacin, para poder tener un sitio donde puedas:Programar tus consultas medicasProgramar tus consultas de coachingProgramar tus consultas de marketingProgramar tus consultas de ventasVamos aprender a:Comprar tu dominioCrear tu pagina webGuardar los correos de tus clientesCrear un sistema de citas o agendaPublicar nuestro sitio web"
Price: 19.99

"CISM Incident Management Answer and Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following is an example of a correction control?a) Redirect incoming traffic to respond to a denial of service (DoS) attacksb) Filtering network traffic to the internal network based onc) Check the incoming network traffic for virusesd) Log incoming network traffice) NoneQ) In order to determine how the security breach occurred in the company's network, pay attention to safety in the storage of different devices. Which of the following best Facilitates correlation and review of these magazines?a) Database ~~ POS = TRUNC server ~~ POS = HEAD COMPb) Domain Name Server (DNS)c) time serverd) proxye) NoneQ) The organization had a number of attacks on the network that everyone seems to have originated inside. The best approach is to:a) It requires the use of strong passwords.b) assign a static IP-address.c) centralized logging software support.d) installing an intrusion detection system (IDS).e) NoneQ) A serious vulnerability has been reported in the firewall software that is used by the organization. Which of the following factors should be immediate measures for information security management?a) Make sure that all OS patches are updatedb) Block inbound traffic until a suitable solution is not foundc) Get advice from your firewall manufacturerd) Order penetration teste) None"
Price: 164.99

"1Y0-401 Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Designing Solutions Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Scenario: CGE safety notes that for reasons of compliance, all network traffic between the delivery controllers, servers, and showcases Net Scalers be encrypted.Which encryption type, the Citrix Architect recommends?a) Secure ICAb) IPSecc) SSLd) L2TPe) NoneQ)Scenario: Citrix Architect at Jurong office CGE created Net Scaler High Availability (HA) pair to support end-users in Southeast Asia. The office did not hold a showcase and using the existing web interface environment for internal access. External access provided by the Secure Gateway. In the architect's plans for setting up NetScaler Gateway using the ICA proxy for the remote license access.Which NetScaler required to support this decision?a) userb) devicec) Platformd) universale) NoneQ) What part of the environment CGE should be updated to the implementation of Xen Desktop virtual desktop solutions in the data center in Houston?a) server infrastructureb) POS network connection ~~ ~~ = TRUNC POS = HEAD COMPc) storage infrastructured) Power and cooling infrastructuree) NoneQ) Which option requires a minimum number of components for the implementation of a fault-tolerant, load-balanced solution for end-user access to each data center? multiple-choice a) Two servers in the window of a server storage group. b) Two NetScalers in a high availability pair, with load balancing point on one storage server. c) Three NetScalers in a cluster with load balancing points on two servers belonging to the same windows server group. Storefront d) Two NetScalers high availability pair balanced load indicating two servers belonging showcases of the same group Storefront servers. e) None"
Price: 159.99

"Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (Practice Exam)" |
"After taking this course, the students will learn risks and methods of money laundering, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations Basel Committees Report on Customer Due Diligence Wolfsberg Group Principles, the main elements of an anti-money laundering program the provision and support of a money-laundering investigation.It consists of 300 + MCQS5 Practice Test1 Final mock"
Price: 99.99

"CISA- Certified Information Systems Auditor (Practice Exam)" |
"This question bank is collection of all latest 2020 exam MCQS which will help you to pass exam in fist attempt. The best-selling CISA course supplement includes the following features:Most trusted sourceAccurate and verified answersUnderstanding of content with explanation of answersAfter taking this course, the students will learn Cybersecurity Management Knowledge Management Risk Management Strategic Planning and Policy Training"
Price: 99.99
