"Prince2 Practitioner practice exam 2020" |
"Included in this Prince2 Practitioner Practice Test course: - 3 practice tests- Practice like the real Prince2 Practitioner Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersPrince2 Practitioner Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 260+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 150 min for 100 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"AWS BDS-C00 Certified Big Data Specialization practice exams" |
"Included in this BDS-C00 Certified Big Data Specialization Practice Test course: - 2 practice tests- Practice like the real BDS-C00 Certified Big Data Specialization Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersBDS-C00 Certified Big Data Specialization Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 213+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 150 min for 110 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Bartender Pro: How To / Customer Service / Resume" |
"In this course, we show you how to become a professional bartender by providing you a step-by-step process and all the ins-and-outs of the service industry. Well be walking you step-by-step through the following:FUNDAMENTAL TECHNIQUESWe'll walk you through concepts including tools, glassware & even garnishes!EXTENSIVE LIQUOR, WINE & BEER KNOWLEDGEWe'll teach you everything you need to know & more about the alcohol you'll be working with day-to-day!WORKING BEHIND THE BARStrap in to the cockpit! We'll give you the inside scoop on life behind the bar. Everything from sanitation to pouring!COCKTAIL RECIPESLearn how to craft the most popular cocktails you'll be pouring on a daily basis!KEYS TO SUCCESSWe'll guide you through everything you'll need to know when looking for a bartending job!CUSTOMER SERVICE TIPS, TRICKS & SECRETSGain insight into the inner workings of becoming the best bartender you can be! We'll share everything we've learned along the way!RESUME & COVER LETTER TEMPLATEYou'll have access to real templates to help you put your best foot forward!COCKTAIL RECIPE E-GUIDEBOOKWe're including an awesome recipe reference guide so you can easily study up on the most common cocktails!""Through all my experience in many different bartending and service industry related environments, I've been able to hone in on what works and what doesn't. I want to encourage people to dive into this industry with an open mind and even if you don't intend on making a career out of it, there are many skills you can gain from this course, both in and out of the bar/restaurant industry."" -Shane Maddox"
Price: 19.99

"Nanotecnologa: nuevas terapias contra el cncer" |
"En este curso aprenders conceptos bsicos sobre el cncer, qu factores lo causan y cules son los tipos ms comunes. Posteriormente identificars las terapias convencionales que se utilizan para tratar el cncer y cmo la nanotecnologa ha abierto nuevos enfoques hacia tratamientos ms eficaces y con menos efectos secundarios. Desarrollars conocimientos acerca de las cuatro principales terapias que involucran el uso de nanomateriales y enfoques biotecnolgicos (enzima-profrmaco, fotodinmica, fototrmica y de inanicin), as como las terapias combinadas. Podrs aprender con ejemplos reales que han sido publicados en las revisitas cientficas mas prestigiosas de una manera sencilla y didctica, ademas tienes como material complementario lecturas externas de divulgacin y artculos cientficos por si quieres ir ms a fondo en el tema. Si tienes alguna duda deja tu comentario y con mucho gusto te contestar."
Price: 1320.00

"Accredited Online Course- Introduction to Aromatherapy" |
"In this Course you will able to learn: What is Aromatherapy; The History of Aromatherapy; Aromatherapy Facts and Benefits; Aromatherapy & Science, with an approach to some Science Trials and their results; Bonus: ""Aromatherapy: Art or Science""; Essential Oils and their Safety Use; IFRA Essential Oil Dermal Limits; Essentials Oils and their properties; Happy diffuser ideas; Organic Skincare Recipes using Essential Oils.This Course has been accredited by the Complimentary Medical Association (CMA)."
Price: 74.99

"Customer Journey Mapping" |
"'Journey ' is very important in our life and the same applies when we talking about customer as that is center of attraction now a days. It is simple when you really understand but we never notice and consider as a difficult to create it . Here i tried to cover my thought as simple as possible in the PPT. Go through and improvise your mappings . Hope this helps."
Price: 19.99

"ISO 9001:2015 Introduction Course" |
"About The CourseThis one hour course is aimed at those new to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems. This course can be used by all organisations to introduce their employees and increase their awareness of Quality Management Systems. Delegates have unlimited access to the course material. Upon successful completion, a certificate is rewarded.Who is this course for?This course is designed for employees who do not have any knowledge about ISO 9001:2015 and Quality Management Systems and wish to have a basic understanding. We recommend you start this course before moving onto the one day ISO 9001:2015 Foundation Course.How long is the course?The course is approximately one hour long. Delegates have unlimited access to complete the course material. Upon successful completion, a certificate is rewarded.Will this information help my business?The information contained within the course is suitable for any business type as delegates can apply the information to their business."
Price: 19.99

"The Sky Above" |
"As a science teacher it can be difficult to come up with engaging demonstrations for your students. This course presents ideas for hands-on classroom demonstrations that illustrate well-known celestial phenomena. Students have different learning styles and this course covers most of the bases video, photos, diagrams and text.In this course, a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) approach is taken. For example, a section is included on the basic mathematics of eclipses, which might be useful for teaching more advanced students in the upper years of high school. The course is structured with the simplest topics presented first and more challenging subjects later.The course contains 14 video lectures/demonstrations, and an eBook with a chapter dedicated to each topic. The diagrams and photos in the eBook have been packaged as a collection of PowerPoint slides that you can use in your teaching. A 30-question multiple choice quiz has been included at the end of the course so you can assess what you have learned. Feel free to use the quiz for your students.The course begins with a discussion of laser safety. Extensive use is made of lasers in the course and so it is important to discuss the safe use of lasers in the classroom. The first celestial phenomena dealt with in the course is the twinkling of the stars, demonstrated by shining a laser through a glass of water.One of the first questions that children ask is why the sky is blue, closely related to why sunsets are red, and so these two topics are dealt with early in the course. The red-sunset and blue-sky demonstrations would be suitable for younger students.When we look at the Sun and Moon in the sky, we imagine that they are relatively close to the Earth. However, they are much farther than we commonly suppose. I present ideas for giving students a feel for just how far the Sun and Moon are from the Earth. Before developing the demonstrations in this course, I had not appreciated the sheer scale of the Solar System.Solar and lunar eclipses are the number one and two most spectacular celestial phenomena visible with the naked eye from the Earth. However, there is often confusion about exactly what happens in eclipses. Hopefully the demonstrations will shed light on this subject.One of the more advanced topics in this course is why the same side of the Moon always faces the Earth. A related issue is why the Moon changes shape throughout the month, i.e. has phases. A LED torch, ball and Lazy Susan is used to replicate the phases of the Moon as seen from the Earth.Another area of confusion is why it is warmer in the summer than winter. It is commonly supposed that this is because the Earth is closer to the Sun in summer than winter, but of course this cannot be true of both hemispheres. The seasons are due to the tilt of the rotation axis of the Earth. This is demonstrated using a globe, Lazy Susan and laser leveller.One of the most difficult subjects to understand is the origin of the tides. A large fraction of the Earths population lives near the coast, therefore it is good to teach students about the tides."
Price: 179.99

"MachdeinDing-Ziele einfach erreichen fr Selbstverwirklicher" |
"Was du berhaupt brauchst ohne Unsummen fr (ungeeignete) Bcher, Kurse und Seminare auszugeben oder Zeit fr die Recherche zu verlieren. Wie das Umsetzen von Visionen und Trume wirklich funktioniert und mit welchen Tipps, Tricks & Kniffen du schnelle Erfolge erzielst. Wie du mit den erlernten Techniken umgehst und wie du das richtige Verhltnis zwischen aktiv und passiv sein hinbekommst. Wie du deine Stolperfallen beim Umsetzen beherrschst und dir Fortschritte geschmeidig gelingen. Was Machen und Umsetzen ausmacht und was du beachten musst, damit deine Visionen und Trume dich richtig glcklich machen."
Price: 99.99

"Womb Wisdom: Your Sacred Menstrual Cycle" |
"Hello Beautiful Goddess!Do you feel like youve missed proper feminine education in your life? We all have!! Which is why I created an introductory program for women. This course offers feminine-based education you never received at school that gives you the tools you need to reclaim your womb health and body sovereignty.Ever wonder how you can feel more connected and aligned on your spiritual path?! Well, sisters, it is in womb work where we return to the ways of the Wise Woman and bow down in humility to our own humanness.All wise women (that's you!) work with their wombs and with the wisdom of their bodies. It's within the relationship with our body where we can be SO real, so authentic! Our cycle teaches us how to hold ourselves with more kindness along our way.""We don't receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us"" -Marcel ProustAs women, we are naturally cyclical beings and our rhythm is connected to the rhythm of our beautiful Mother Earth. Just like the moon, our womb goes through cycles .. this is the essence of the feminine.Our monthly cycle impacts so much of our everyday actions, many you don't even consider. Research shows there are times of the month when you can get more done, be a more effective communicator, be better with high detail tasks, a better caretaker or lover, even times when learning a new skill is easier.Imagine if you really understood when these times were in your life. You could plan your month to suit your strengths. You could get the results you were looking for, but with so much ease, USING your body to HELP you instead of HINDER you.This may seem foreign to you because we have never been taught anything about this amazing occurrence within our cycle. Perhaps we learned about a few of the negative things that go on, but we're not given any information about the GOOD STUFF! The truth is our menstrual cycle brings enormous power and insight to our world and how we move through it.The circle that is life is within our sacred bodies and the earth.Just as the earth goes through seasons our inner world also goes through seasons. It is crucial to our wellbeing that we understand what is happening within our bodies during these inner seasons. Once we have gathered this wisdom and start to embody it, we realize how sacred our lives are and we can live from a more powerful and authentic place!We are apart of nature and our menstrual cycle teaches us this! Our menstrual cycle is a grounding place of deep wisdom.I adore my cycle in every way possible. For me, using my cycle as a guide, a compass, to navigate my days, weeks, months and overall life has been one of my biggest breakthroughs as a woman. To have the ability to understand what I am heading into each day all because I understand my body so deeply has given me such power. I would LOVE for you to feel the way I do about my cycle. And you can! Which is why I was called to create this program!I'm so excited to share this online course with you. This course is the easiest way for women to learn about their cycle in their own time as this course never expires and you will always have access to it. ""The Wisdom of Your 4 Inner Seasons"" course takes you through EVERYTHING you need to know and understand about the most powerful tool you have ... Your menstrual cycle!It is an honor to offer some incredibly powerful information to you. The information you will find here is not new information. In fact, this is ancient wisdom and once you begin this course I know you will remember the magic that is within your cycle!What does this program offer:An overview of your cycle as a whole.The science and spiritual nature behind your cycle.The meaning of your inner seasons.What each phase represents.How to navigate through each phase.Understanding the cycle of death and rebirth you move through every month.How to use your cycle to live a more authentic and balanced life.How to use your cycle to create, work, and express yourself.A guide to help you live a life in harmonious balance.You womb and her relationship to the moon.Natural remedies for menstruation.The archetypes within your seasons.Practices to help you embody the archetype within each phase.Understand your own unique cyclical nature.A deeper understanding of yourself as a woman."
Price: 44.99

"Frnces Bsico" |
"Es un curso diseado para todos aquellos que quieren empezar a comprender este bello idioma, si bien sabemos que requiere prctica y disciplina en este curso te acompaamos a descubrir las bases de este bello idioma de una manera prctica para que al finalizarlo puedas empezar a formar tus primeras frases. Veremos la parte bsica de la gramtica as como algunas de las expresiones ms francesas."
Price: 270.00

"Building Audit-Proof Project Schedules" |
"Projects that make commitments to deliver IT solutions to their business are likely to be audited. The more important the commitment, the more formal and frequent the review. If you want to be prepared to pass these reviews, this course will you teach you how to make a project schedule that will satisfy the auditor.You dont need to be an experienced PM to take this course. And you dont need to be an expert at project scheduling tools. This course will teach you, step-by-step, how to turn what the business wants into a schedule enabling your project to stay on track and earn the respect of the business."
Price: 19.99

"Learn HTML5 in Hindi Language" |
"This HTML tutorial series covers all the fundamentals of HTML, including the idea of elements and attributes, way of formatting the text using HTML tags, methods of adding the style information to the document, technique of inserting images and tables, process of creating lists and forms as well as method of including other HTML documents inside the current document, and so on.Once you're familiar with the basics, you'll move on to next level that explains the concept of doctype, methods for creating the web page layouts, importance of adding meta information to the web pages, way of adding scripts, techniques of showing special characters, anatomy of a URL, and more.Finally, you'll explore some advanced features introduced in HTML5 such as new input types, drawing graphics on the webpage, including audios and videos in the document, storing data on client-side using web storage, caching files, performing background work with web worker, as well as getting user's geographical coordinates, creating drag and drop application, and so on."
Price: 1280.00

"QuickBooks Pro Desktop for beginners in Hindi/Urdu" |
"I am Noor Wali Baz a commerce graduate. I am try to improve student knowledge to be make money online. I am also working as a digital marketer to learn and teach new digital education. Through web blogging how we make money i will also teach you in this channel."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe After Effects CC ""All-In-One"" Einsteiger Komplett Kurs" |
"Der Adobe After Effects CC ""All-In-One"" Komplett Kurs fr Einsteiger erklrt alle wichtigen Funktionen in Adobe's Motion Design, Visual Effects und Compositing Marktfhrer After Effects CC 2020.Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig.Der Kurs ist fr Designer, Videographer, VJs, Content Creators und Film- oder Compositing Interessierte, die ihre kreativen Ideen Bewegung bringen wollen.Sei es ein Design in ein Motion Design zu verwandeln, oder eine Filmaufnahme zu bearbeiten, aufzuwerten oder mit Titeln zu versehen.Es werden die Mglichkeiten der neuesten CC Version, als auch klassische Herangehensweisen und Workflows in After Effects grundlegend und umfassend erklrt.Ich bin Vinzent Britz und seit 10 Jahren selbststndiger Art Director und Motion Designer und unterrichte seit ber 5 Jahren Motion Design an der Universitt der Knste im Studiengang Visuelle Kommunikation in Berlin.Ich arbeite im Bereich Kunst, Kultur und Wirtschaft fr internationale Kunden, gebe Workshops und halte Vortrge.Der Kurs erklrt an Hand von praktischen Beispielen und Aufgaben Themen wie:Video- Schnitt, Edit und BearbeitungTitel Animation und andere Text & Typografie AnimationwnIntro, Outro & TransitionsDiverse Effekte, wie FarbkorrekturCompositing & Tracking (Implementation von Digitalen Inhalten in Realbild Aufnahmen)Grafik & Logo AnimationDiverse Formate und Ausspielmglichkeiten fr alle gngigen MedienAnimationen fr dynamische und lebendige WebsitesAbstrakte Visuals (VJ Content, installative Animationen, animierte Hintergrnde)Zu den Lektionen werden die After Effects Projektdateien und umfangreiches Material zur Verfgung gestellt.Digitales Bewegtbild ist allgegenwrtig und nicht nur im TV, Kino, Web, Socialmedia, Corporate Design, Werbe- und Musik IndustrieDie Inhalte des Kurses umfassen:Der Arbeitsbereich (Projektfenster, Arbeitsflche, Ebenenbersicht, Zeitleiste, Werkzeuge und Effekte)Instrumente und WerkzeugeKompositionenMaterialien (Video, Bild, Ton, Vektor Materialien)Basis Elemente (Text, Farbflchen, Formebenen, Einstellungsebenen, NullObjekte)Basis Attribute (Position, Skalierung, Rotation, Deckkraft, Mittelpunkt)Keyframes (Animation mit Keyframes, Keyframe Interpolation)Maskieren und FreistellenExpressions (Animieren ohne Keyframes)Tracking (Bild Stabilisierung, Punkt Verfolgung, 3D Tracking)Keying (Greenscreen entfernen mit dem Keylight Effect)2D Character Animation (Marionetten Werkzeug)Videomaterial freistellen bzw. rotoskopieren (mit dem in After Effects inkludierten Programm MochaAE)Interaktive Workflows mit After Effects und anderen Adobe Programmen (Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere)Interaktive Workflows mit 3D Programmen (Cinema4D)Ausspielung (Rendering und Komprimierung)Digitales Projektmanagement (Speichern, Archivieren, Dokumentation und Exportieren der Datei)"
Price: 149.99

"Topluluk nnde Konuma ve Hitabet Kursu" |
"Etkili konumak ve insanlarla baarl bir ekilde iletiim kurmak, sosyal yaamda baarl olabilmenin en temel artlar arasnda yer almaktadr. zellikle kitlesel bazda iletiim kurarak birden fazla insan zerinde olumlu etki brakmak ise i ve sosyal yaam iin vazgeilmez bir neme sahiptir. Bu eitimde herhangi bir topluluk nnde konuurken nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektii, ikna etmenin hi duyulmam yntemlerini ve tahmin ettiinizden ok daha fazlasn bulacaksnz. zellikle itirazlar telafi etme, dinleyenlerde duygusal deiimin salanmas ve benzeri farkl teknikler, eitimi dierlerinden farkllatrmaktadr. tm katlmclara faydal olmas dileiyle..."
Price: 149.99

"Basic Project Leadership Skills: Analysing Stakeholders" |
"The textbooks like PMBoK-G have lost the plot on good practical sensible techniques, steps and tools for the vital parts of leading (or managing) a piece of work - and that's even worse if your an accidental, transient work-leader with a day job who does not want 600 pages of 'guidance' but just under half an hours guidance on what is key.Here it is - and if you playback at double speed you'll get through the how-to and be ready to do the real 'doing' faster.In fact the videos invite you to pause and apply frequentlyThey also cove in 30 mins MORE than the 'exam' oriented books do"
Price: 19.99

"Exact lookup using VLOOKUP Function in Microsoft Excel" |
"VLOOKUP is probably the most used function in excel. In this VLOOKUP course, We introduces you to the most simplest way to understand VLOOKUP function.This course starts with understanding of VLOOKUP syntax. Then it will show you how to use VLOOKUP function is a List, Multi-Sheet / Multi-Workbook and then gradually moves to the using of VLOOKUP with other functions.This course will fully benefit, if you download the exercise files, and practice it yourself.I always tell my students that learning Microsoft Excel is like driving, you can't learn it till you drive yourself, so it is totally true for Microsoft Excel, that you don't learn it till the time you do it yourself, hands-on.By the completion of this course, you will be fully versed, and capable of using VLOOKUP function in Microsoft Excel."
Price: 19.99

"Python 3 - Automao para Redes Cisco" |
"Curso Automao Redes Cisco com Python 3Nesse curso voc vai aprender como automatizar a verificao e configurao de equipamentos Cisco com a linguagem de programao Python. Automatizar o futuro para quem quer trabalhar com redes inteligentes!Todo o material deste curso focado na linguagem de programao Python 3Se voc sempre quis automatizar tarefas da sua rede como, criar novas vlans, habilitar um protocolo de roteamento ou at mesmo fazer o backup dirio, mas no quer fazer isso de forma manual, agora possvel com Python!Mas voc pode estar pensando... O que o Python?Python uma linguagem de programao criada por Guido van Rossum em 1991. Os objetivos do projeto da linguagem eram: produtividade e legibilidade. Em outras palavras, Python uma linguagem que foi criada para produzir cdigo bom e fcil de manter de maneira rpida. Python tem uma biblioteca padro imensa, que contm classes, mtodos e funes para realizar essencialmente qualquer tarefa, desde acesso a bancos de dados a interfaces grficas com o usurio. E, logicamente, j que esse o objetivo deste grupo, existem muitas ferramentas para lidar com dados cientficos. Essa caracterstica da linguagem comumente chamado baterias inclusas, significando que tudo que voc precisa para rodar um programa est na maior parte das vezes presente na instalao bsica.Entenda que os dias de configurao manual dos Roteadores e Switches da Cisco esto chegando ao seu fim! Automao em Python veio para ficar e colocar no passado toda parte manual das redes que temos hoje em dia.Aqui vamos utilizar as seguintes ferramentas:GNS3SSHTelnetNetmikoNAPALMO que est incluso no curso:- Aulas sem slides! 100% prticas!- Videos gravados em HD 1080i de resoluo!- Tira-dvidas pelo Chat!- Certificado de Concluso do curso!- E muito mais...No final do curso de Automao Redes Cisco com Python 3 voc estar apto a aplicar com sucesso uma automao inteligente e precisa na sua rede.Te vejo na primeira aula :))"
Price: 249.99

"Certifcate en Solidworks (CSWA) empezando desde cero" |
"En este curso totalmente prctico vas a aprender todo lo que necesitas para certificarte en Solidworks, esto significa que estars listo para trabajar profesionalmente como diseador CAD.La gran ventaja de este curso con respecto a otros es que no nos andaremos por las ramas ensendote lecciones largas y aburridas, sino que iremos directamente a los temas que sabemos te ayudarn a mejorar tus habilidades de diseo para que puedas trabajar en ello cuanto antes.Entre otras cosas, aprenders a modelar objetos en 3D, crear ensamblajes bsicos, planos en 2D de tus diseos, adems de que al terminar el curso te sentirs totalmente familiarizado con la interfaz de Solidworks.El curso lo impartimos dos maestros:- Jesus, con mas de 7 aos de experiencia en enseanza a nivel universitario y con otros cursos online de diversos temas, principalmente software, diseo, electrnica. - Oscar, experto en Solidworks, con diversas certificaciones (CSWA, CSWP, Professional Advanced Weldment, Advanced Sheet Metal) y con ms de 5 aos de experiencia en diseo CAD con este software, adems de experiencia en CAM e impresin 3D, Oscar tambin tiene algunos aos de experiencia en enseanza profesional, as que estars en buenas manos :)."
Price: 49.99

"Fully Accredited Certification in Mindfulness Practice" |
"This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding of Mindfulness/ Mindfulness Meditation. So we have completely avoided medical jargon and have simplified it for you.This course will cover Mindfulness/ Mindfulness Meditation as a whole and enable you to use the methods and techniques.The accredited certification will be provided by India's leading CPD provider."
Price: 199.99

"ACCREDITED CERT- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)" |
"This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). So we have completely avoided medical jargon and have simplified it for you.This course will cover Mindfulness/ Mindfulness Meditation as a whole and enable you to use the methods and techniques.The accredited certification will be provided by India's leading CPD provider."
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Theoretical JavaScript: Learn Advanced JS Concepts" |
"JavaScript is a very popular language now. And in today's world, if you want to stand out from everyone who's learning web development, you have to be the best.Having a core, solid understanding of JavaScript would enable you to become a much better developer and you'll be friendly working with JavaScript.This course aims to cover theoretical parts of JavaScript (there's another course for advanced practical JavaScript, so make sure to check that out after this one) where we would go over things that power JavaScript but aren't really things which you'll usually interact on with day-to-day basis.We would be covering a lot of fun things, including but not limited to:Event LoopDOMECMAScript standardMicrotask queueTask queuerAF queueAnd more! This course is regularly updated to include more advanced things I discover and could condense into a sizable chunk of knowledge, so stay tuned!"
Price: 199.99

"SAP S/4HANA Industry Solutions - Retail - An Overview" |
"SAP's Industry Solutions are Industry specific solutions targeting Industries like Retail, Oils and Gas, Fashion, Mill Products etc. These industry operations in general is different than the normal Industries or normal Industry solution may not be fully applicable to these industries by their very nature of operations. SAP Legacy platforms, serve these Industries well by additional adoption of functionalities attached to their SAP platforms. But the pain-point is difficulties in implementing, maintaining and operating such attachments through interfaces. It is normally complex and often leaves gaps while catering business solutions with respect to capabilities and what Industry actually wants.SAP S/4HANA Core offers highly efficient Industry specific solutions which are faster, quicker and eliminates duel maintenance of master-data. Apart from that, interfacing is either easy or eliminated as all the set up and operations are centralized. This course as explained in 'expectations' session is made purely to give an overview so that students / consultants will have an understanding of Industry Solutions apart from their core subject. That will certainly help to become an differentiator in their consultancy as well as in job interviews.This course does not cover any technical system demo or exercise but provides useful overview explained in a detailed way so that students can visualize the scenario very well.This course focusses on retail. There are subsequent releases where we will be bringing out Mill Products, Fashion Industry as well as Oil and Gas."
Price: 24.99

"CheckPoint CCSA R80 Complete Course - Learn by Doing" |
"CheckPoint CCSA R80 Complete Course will start from scratch by teaching student how to deploy Check Point firewall and Management Servers in EVE-NG and Google Cloud Services. By completing this training, network administrators will be better prepared to advance into roles that lead to higher-level network administrator and security positions. This course is intended for anyone who manages a companys Check Point or security training, this CCSA R80 training can be used for 156-215.80 exam prep, for on-boarding new network administrators, or as part of a team training plan."
Price: 24.99

"Facebook Ads Profit School" |
"When I finally made mastering Facebook Ads my #1 focus and priority, I was able to go from struggling, to building an online business thats generating multiple 6-figures per year in a very short timeFast forward just a few short years later and I've now spent over $1 million profitably on Facebook for my own brands and my clients.However, there is no one-size-fits-all with paid ads and online business...Everyone is different depending on where you are in the journey...In this online course, I have gathered 18 top experts from around the world into one setting to help you find the best options for you to help you Research, Launch, Optimize And Scale Profitable Facebook Ads...Within Facebook Ad Profit School, youll watch and listen to 18+ experts giving you comprehensive masterclass training sessions based on combined experience of spending over $50 million in Facebook Ad spend......all designed to help you learn and implement. You'll learn how to master every strategy needed to grow a range of assets in your business that continue bringing you new leads and sales daily for years or decades to come...In this online course you'll;Learn the fastest and easiest way to build a successful Facebook launch strategy that will find you highly qualified leads, resulting in more customers...Get extraordinary advice on how to launch your campaigns and what metrics to monitor that are crucial to know for optimization...Discover what the experts are doing when optimizing and testing in order to scale your ads with confidence ...Hear Captivating Case Studies that highlight the challenges and break-throughs others have had that have transformed their campaigns and businesses ...Learn from the worlds leading experts including:Nicholas KusmichAmanda BondNavid MoazzezDennis YuAndrew HubbardAdam ErhartOscar GarciaKim BarrettGavin BellPaul RamondoBastien ErnstSheri-Lee WoycikJon SchumacherJesse KriegerZach SpucklerIsi AladejobiMatt HolmesStephen EsketzisNorbert OrlewiczThis Facebook Ads course is what you've been looking for and will be the game-changer you've been dreaming about for your business."
Price: 119.99

"SAP HANA Admin Training for Beginner to Expert" |
"SAP HANA is an in-memory database for performing real-time data analysis, and development of applications on the top of real-time data. HANA administration deals with managing SAP HANA system in a single and distributed system environment. Each HANA system can contain multi node architecture with each node containing multiple processors for fast speed data analysis and real-time data provisioning. You can use Smart data access to get the data from non-SAP systems without importing the data to HANA database, and virtual tables can be used to perform read/write data operationsRapid Deployment OptionsSAP HANA Studio - Look & FeelSAP HANA Architecture Persistency ,Backup and RecoveryData Provisioning - Flat FileSAP HANA - Modeling SAP HANA Admin OverviewArchitecture & ScenariosComplete Installation procedure Admin Tools for SAP HANA HANA Operations Backup & Recovery HANA Monitoring Database Migration Option High Availability and Disaster ToleranceSecurity & Authorization"
Price: 59.99

"How to Draw Anything with Powerpoint" |
"Do you need to create graphic designs for your presentations, videos and more, but you don't have design skills? No problem! I don't have either. But thanks to the process that I teach in this course, you will be able to create pretty much any illustration that you want inside Powerpoint alone. No need for any other software! It's pretty simple: you won't create anything from scratch. Rather, you will reproduce an illustration on top of any existing picture. At the end, it will look like a really nice custom graphic object. I tried to make it short, so in a few hours you will be able to master this technique that I now personally use for my online courses and youtube videos. But of course, you can apply it in any other context. We are going to recreate two amazing things in this course: the Crew Dragon capsule by SpaceX and the Airbus A380 aircraft. You will learn how to reproduce any shape that you want, how to set the right colors and how to create shadows, depth and 3D effects to make everything look even cooler."
Price: 194.99

"Python and Flask Full-Stack Web Development for beginners" |
"A full stack developer is a web developer or engineer who can develop both the front end and back end of a website or application.They can tackle projects that involve databases, building user-facing websites, or even work with clients during the planning phase of projects.Full stack web developers usually have some of the following front end and back end skill sets.Front End Skills ( This is used to build the client software or application)HTMLCSSBootstrapJavaScriptJSONXMLJQueryAngularReactBack End Skills ( This is used to build the server software or application)NodejsExpressjsRESTSQLMongoDBPython JavaC#ASPPHPRUBYC++Python is a programming language. Python can be used on a server to create web applications.Flask is a Python framework for building lightweight and dynamic web applications. It helps speed up tedious behind-the-scenes development work, such as URL mapping, and offers more control to the developer to build applications Being a full-stack web developer equips you with the skill set to develop web based projects. You can prototype quickly and switch between front and back end development based on requirements.Projects we will create:CalculatorCountdown timerInteractive QuizTodo List ApplicationURL Shortner ApplicationBasic API"
Price: 189.99

"CFA Level 2 - Portfolio Management (2020 - 2021)" |
"With the CFA exams postponed to December 2020, you now have more time to study! The syllabus has also been frozen for 2020 and 2021, which means you can actually start preparing for the exams now!Prepare for the CFA Level 2 exam in 2020/2021 with 100% confidence! The course covers the Portfolio Management syllabus in detail so you will have a complete understanding when tackling this section in the exam.AFTER GOING THROUGH THIS COURSE, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STUDY FROM THE TEXTBOOK ANYMORE (OR ANY OTHER SOURCE)!This course will prepare you to ace the Portfolio Management topic area in the CFA Level 2 syllabus. Don't fall behind the bell curve while others are going all in their studies.Exam Weight: 10% - 15%The course covers the syllabus in detail for the following readings:Exchange-Traded Funds: Mechanics and ApplicationsUsing Multifactor ModelsMeasuring and Managing Market RiskEconomics and Investment MarketsAnalysis of Active Portfolio ManagementTrading Costs and Electronic MarketsWhat you will get by buying this course is:detailed coverage of the syllabus, taught by our seasoned instructors of the CFA Program.support in the Q&A forum (course-related questions) from our instructors.the confidence to nail this topic in the exam!"
Price: 129.99

"Blender and Motion Capture" |
"Using motion capture data in Blender is a great way to create amazing animations, and it has never been easier to get started. In this course youll learn how to create, import, and configure motion capture data to be used in Blender.To do this we will need a character, so we'll use Character Creator 3 to quickly create a character to be used for this process. You can also just download the finished character, or use a character of your own. We will then import the character into Blender and set-up the rig using a Blender add-on called Auto-Rig Pro. It has some great tools to retarget the motion capture data to the character, and to adjust the character to get good looking animation.Next we'll use the Perception Neuron motion capture suit to create character animations. Its a relatively low-cost system that allows you to get some really nice motion capture for your characters. But in a lecture at the end of the course, Ill also show you how to use a pre-made motion capture file downloaded from the Mixamo website.In the next section youll learn how to import the motion capture file and retarget it to your Blender character. Well talk about how to create a Bones List preset file and how to use Auto-Rig Pros Interactive Tweak tool to adjust the rig for better animation. And we will do a bit of Weight Painting to fix any deformation issues.Finally, youll learn how to bring your animated character into an existing scene and render out the final animation to a video file."
Price: 19.99
