"React JS For Beginner Convert Any HTML Site To React JS" |
"This React JS Course is Best for The Beginners.React has rapidly become one of the most powerful tools for building Web Applications. Top sites using React include Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, Airbnb, and more!This course is perfect for Beginner who wants to start their career in Rect JS and want to be a React Js Front end Developer This course will help you to build a strong foundation of React Js. And you will learn how to convert HTML site to React Js. After the end of this course, you will be able to convert any HTML site to React Js. And also with this skill, you can earn some cash from your client to covert there existing Html site to One single page Application. It means the total site will be a load for just one time. What is the Best Part of this Course?You will learn React Js Basic Fundamentals Some Essential JavaScript.Convert Html to React Js. Upload Total Project in Live webserver. And More..This course you will not just learn you actually doing it. Learn and apply this on a live project with me. Sound Great right? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Click the ""Enroll Now"" button at the top right now!I am excited to see you on the course!Sincerely,Kazi Ariyan"
Price: 99.99

"Cmo Encontrar un Nicho Rentable en 60 minutos" |
"Bienvenido a este curso sobre 'Cmo encontrar un nicho rentable (en menos de 1 hora)'!Mi nombre es Federico Garay. Estoy involucrado en comercio electrnico desde 2009. En ese tiempo, he desarrollado negocios exitosos en desarrollo web, marketing de afiliados y, por supuesto, comercio electrnico. As que ests en buenas manos!Por Qu Deberas Tomar este CursoSea cual sea su negocio dentro del comercio electrnico, encontrar un nicho rentable es clave para el xito y debe ser el objetivo final para cualquier persona que busque generar al menos 6 cifras. Pero encontrar un nicho rentable no siempre es fcil y la gente a menudo se queda estancada en una investigacin interminable o simplemente no saben por dnde empezar.Este breve curso de contenido premium te permitir encontrar tu nicho rentable en menos de 1 hora. De hecho, es probable que termines con varios nichos rentables de los cuales elegir elegir, y yo te guiar para elegir el mejor para tu negocio.Pero Hay MsComo si eso fuera poco, este curso contiene 2 secciones de bonos increblemente valiosas!Bono # 1Ahora que tienes tu nicho rentable, te mostrar una tcnica sper poderosa para ayudarte a identificar a tu cliente ideal. Y no solo eso, vamos a descubrir las marcas y los sitios que tu cliente ideal compra. Esta informacin te permitir:Mejorar enormemente la efectividad de tu publicidad en Facebook.Identificar a los clientes clave en tu nicho y descubrir los productos ms vendidos en piloto automtico.Bono # 2Ahora que tienes tu nicho rentable y comprendes a tu cliente ideal, todo lo que queda es darle valor agregado a tu sitio. Te voy a dar un puado de consejos rpidos, que te ayudarn a crear confianza y lealtad en el cliente, lo cual es muy importante para mejorar las conversiones y la rentabilidad de tu negocio.Entonces, donde sea que ests en el camino de desarrollar tu comercio electrnico, este curso es para ti. Vamos,que no puedo esperar para compartir mi conocimiento contigo!Y con la garanta de devolucin del 100% de tu dinero dentro de los 30 das ofrecida por Udemy, no ha razn para no darte la oportunidad de ser un empresario exitoso.Te espero en la leccin #1Federico"
Price: 19.99

"Anlisis de Datos con Pandas y Python" |
"Qu es Pandas?Cuando usas Pandas estas accediendo a una biblioteca de cdigo abierto que proporciona estructuras y herramientas de anlisis de datos de alto rendimiento y fciles de usar para el lenguaje de programacin Python. El conjunto de herramientas de Pandas es potente y completo para trabajar con datos, incluidas herramientas para:Leer y escribir diversos archivosLimpieza de datosAnlisisModeladoVisualizacinQuin utiliza Pandas y Python?Los campos en los que se utilizan estos recursos ms generalmente, abarcan las siguientes disciplinas:Ciencia de datosFinanzasNeurocienciaEconomaPublicidadAnlisis webEstadsticasCiencias socialesMuchas reas de ingeniera.Genial, pero por qu elegir este curso?En este curso, aprenders cmo usar la biblioteca de Pandas y las herramientas para el anlisis y la estructuracin de datos. Vas a aprender sobre DataFrames, series, grficos bsicos, indexacin, ordenamiento, agrupacin, iteracin, localizacin, apilacin, etc.Todo esto te ayudar a trabajar con datos de manera muy efectiva, eficiente y prctica.El mercado est repleto de analistas competentes, y sin estas herramientas siempre estars por detrs de tu competencia!Ok Fede, hago el curso, y luego qu?Al finalizar este curso, vas a tener una buena comprensin de Pandas y sers competente utilizando la biblioteca Python Pandas para el anlisis de datos.Tu instructor (yo) va a estar disponible para preguntas y dudas todo el tiempo con experiencia en responder a todos los estudiantes en menos de 24 horas!... bueno, los fines de semana puede que un poco ms Si te quedan dudas, lee estoCon nuestra garanta de devolucin del 100% del dinero dentro de los 30 das, no hay razn para no comprobar si este curso llena tus expectativas!Tengo muchas ganas de compartir contigo el increble mundo del aprendizaje. Te espero en la leccin #1!SaludosFede"
Price: 19.99

"CSS Animations: The Complete Guide" |
"Take your website projects to the next level and add more value as a developer. Offer skills to businesses that make you and your websites stand out from the crowd.Learn to build a variety of exciting CSS animations that will enhance the users experience and give your website development that extra edgeThe animations that youll be building will be real-world examples that you can use to enhance any website.This extensive CSS animations course can be followed along by all developers at any skill level, and that includes beginners. It is recommended that you have basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, but there is no need to know anything about web animations as this will all be thoroughly taught. I have not included any complicated terminology so as long as you have a basic understanding of front-end web languages, you will be able to follow along with ease.Youll get a full understanding of how to use all aspects of CSS animations such as transitions, transforms, and keyframes to animate images, text, icons, SVGs, and much more. Youll first learn the fundamentals of CSS animations to help build simple animations, before moving towards more advanced examples.Youll be able to flex your creative muscles, whilst still producing animations that are fully accessible, and always keeping the user experience in mind. For all the animation projects that youll learn to build, I will provide you with the starting files which will include a basic webpage setup, but then it will be up to you to code along with me. You will be coding all the animations from scratch, expanding your development skillset along the way.By the end of the course, youll have the expert knowledge to be able to charge more for your services as a web developer. Enroll today!"
Price: 99.99

"AutoCAD 2021 in Hindi Mechanical 2D and 3D for Beginners" |
"AutoCAD 2021 Hindi for Mechanical Engineering Students from beginning to advanced course is the amazing course, which is having basics commands, 2D and of course 3D as well designed by a decade experienced highly qualified faculty member, even you beginner or you know about AutoCAD even then this course will help you in every aspects especially for mechanical engineers to design any challenging design by using AutoCAD.Here are several features of this course-1. More than 12 years of experience instructor2. The course is from scratch to advanced level3. More than 25 hours of course content4. More than 30 practice sets5. You will Learn 2 D and 3 D both6. The version you will learn that is 2021, which is the advanced one.and lot more."
Price: 84.99

"SERVICE DESK M1: Fundamentos e boas prticas" |
"O curso SERVICEDESK foi criado para servir como um guia prtico de como implementar um service desk do zero, indo desde os conceitos bsicos que precisam serem compreendidos antes mesmo de iniciar uma jornada de implementao. Muitos projetos falham e ou so entregues fora do prazo por falta de clareza nos principais fundamentos. Esse mdulo vai cobrir tudo que necessrio planejar antes mesmo de iniciar essa jornada. Se voc j fez um curso de ITIL Foundation ou nveis superiores, at mesmo um treinamento de COBIT Foundation, certamente j se deparou com esse tema, aqui iremos explor-lo de forma genrica sem pender para um ou outro Framework. Seja bem-vindo a essa jornada que levar voc ao nvel de implementao de service desk de forma profissional.Os mdulos que fazem parte dessa trilha so:ITSM SERVICE DESK M1: Fundamentos e boas prticas (voc est aqui)ITSM SERVICE DESK M2: Avaliando a maturidade dos processos de TIITSM SERVICE DESK M3: Projetando a estrutura do service deskITSM SERVICE DESK M4: Implementando o service desk ITSM SERVICE DESK M5: Integrando equipes tcnicas de suporteITSM SERVICE DESK M6: Gerenciando rotinas administrativasANTES DE VOC SEGUIR: Esse curso para voc se voc responder SIM para pelo menos uma das opes abaixo:No dispe de muito tempo para pesquisar as diversas fontes;Deseja planejar aes de ganhos rpidos;Mitigar riscos inerentes ao ambiente de tecnologia;Foi convocado para realizar aes voltadas para a esfera de governana de TI no sabe por onde comear;Deseja se aprofundar no tema, uma vez que j conhecedor da ITIL e deseja ir alm dos fundamentos; analista, coordenador, gestor ou consultor de TI e precisa realizar uma avaliao de maturidade para entregar um plano de ao.Quais so os objetivos desse curso por parte da A7CONSULT?Ter uma misso social de transferir conhecimentos a um valor acessvel;Entregar um contedo de qualidade e unificado em um s treinamento;Preparar novos profissionais para o mercado de trabalho;Reciclar especialistas no assunto de GSTI abrindo novos horizontes;Descentralizar o poder da informao concentrada em uma minoria de profissionais;Elevar o nvel da competio entre profissionais com baixo poder financeiro para cursos caros;Fortalecimento de um grupo de debate para estudantes e profissionais interessados em ITIL;O curso passar a ser parte de um guia de bolso para o aluno, sendo sua base de consulta online."
Price: 54.99

"Complete Web Design Course: HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery" |
"In this course you will learn the basic fundamentals of how to build web sites using HTML & CSS, Javascript and jQuery. No previous knowledge is required to take this course, you will learn from the absolute beginning.With our hands-on step by step method with projects, challenges and exercises you will learn how to build beautiful web pages in a fun and intuitive way. Get ready to build web sites and web applications and start you career in the Tech Industry!Whether if you are aiming for a career as a web developer of you are a freelance web designer who wants to master front end development, this course is what you've been looking for.Enroll now and let's start building amazing websites!"
Price: 119.99

"Oil Painting For Beginners" |
"Learn the way to oil paint!This is a course that consists of lessons regarding oil painting. In this videos, you will learn the basic materials used in oil painting, how to mix colors, theoretical and practical facts in the color theory, and other elements to help you start your oil painting journey. All of this will can be used in future oil paintings.Enjoy and good luck!"
Price: 39.99

"Creating Comics In Procreate For iPad" |
"Welcome to Creating Comics In Procreate! In this class we take our iPad Pro and Apple Pencil and turn it into a cartoonist's studio using the amazing tools inherent in the app Procreate. You'll see a variety of methods to build panels for your comics pages, apply effects to your line art to pump up the storytelling, do hand-drawn letters in custom word balloons, and so much more. See you in class!"
Price: 49.99

"Guided Meditation & Discussion" |
"The instructor shares his personal practice of meditation as a tool for observing the feelings that arise inside and what the mind chooses to believe about what those feelings are. Connecting to your breath, being aware of your physical body at any given time, observing emotional triggers and determining whether they are arising from internal dialogue or external people and/or situations is key to becoming more aligned with the peaceful space inside yourself."
Price: 39.99

"Unity Shadergraph for Beginners" |
"This Course is broken Down into 8 Sections. We first begin with a brief Introduction to Unitys Universal Render Pipeline (URP) with an overview of Shader Graph. Next, we create a Unity project with the URP Template and use this as a building block to learn more about unitys shader types. After a quick review on the types of shaders and understanding the basics of Shadergraph and exploring the user interface we move on to create our first graph which is a TV Flicker effect. The next few sections focus on creating various shaders which include a cartoon style water shader, Vortex Shader, a Dissolve shader, light flicker effect and more. We Finally wrap up the course with a mini project where we create an electric shader for a game asset. The course is created for a beginner audience new to unity so its slow paced but packed with useful tips on how to use the engine. See you in the Course."
Price: 59.99

"Rigging de personajes 3D fcil y rpido con Maya 2020" |
"Aprende a crear un rig corporal completo fcil y rpido en cuestin de minutos incluyendo pesado, ahorra tiempo y trabajo como nunca, adems crea deformaciones personalizadas con el nuevo Pose Editor, controles automticos para acelerar el trabajo del animador y obtener mayor control sobre el personaje en manos y pies, as como tips para pesar tus personajes rpidamente.Para demostrar la eficacia del curso creamos 3 rigs con pesado en un solo curso."
Price: 199.99

"O Guia Definitivo para Atingir as Suas Metas de Vida" |
"O Mtodo ""REALIZADOR DE METAS - SEM LIMITES"" foi elaborado EXCLUSIVAMENTE para as pessoas que desejam aprender uma metodologia de Metas PODEROSA que desperte dentro delas todos os recursos (motivao, persistncia, resilincia, etc) necessrios para ela viver a vida que ela sempre Sonhou Viver!Alm disso, voc ganhar de BNUS ao longo do curso, um contedo completo sobre Produtividade e Alta Performance. Que se encaixar perfeitamente na metodologia aprendida sobre Metas! QUAIS SO OS PRINCIPAIS CONTEDOS ENSINADOS NO CURSO?- Definio Poderosa de Metas (mtodo criado pelo autor do curso)- Maior Clareza, Compreenso e Foco- Alta produtividade e Alta Performance QUAIS SO OS PRINCIPAIS RESULTADOS QUE VOC PODER ESPERAR COM ESTE CURSO?- Compreenso aprofundada sobre as suas metas- Toda a motivao, clareza e poder necessrios para realizar suas metas- Produo em alta performance"
Price: 39.99

"Crystals for insomnia and nightmares" |
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to TCP/IP Reference Model" |
"Technical Interview questions often start with - ""Do you know the TCP/IP reference model""There is no other topic that is synonymous with networking than the TCP/IP architecture model. It is the standard used to create all modern network infrastructure and global connectivity. TCP/IP model is the de facto standard that replaces older OSI reference model for all network connectivity today. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of network communications for all platforms including Cisco, Windows, Linux and cloud servers. Learn the different connection types, network addressing, services, communication protocols and PDU. TCP/IP reference model replaces older OSI model.Learn how data messages are sent across the internetLearn the fundamentals of network communications Ethernet, ARP, Wireless, IP, TCP, UDP, DNS, HTTPLinux, Windows, and Cisco IOS Stack ArchitectureDe facto standard that replaces older OSI modelTCP/IP architecture model is the current standard today for all network communications. In this course you will learn how network hardware, protocols and applications all work together to send data messages across the internet. Deepen your knowledge and understanding of networking and take your career to the next level with rarely available information. You will learn how a network session is operational from the physical layer up to and including the application layer. There is an explanation of how applications and operating system plug-in to the communications stack as well. This is an essential course for network administrators, technical support, web/application developers and certification students."
Price: 19.99

"Inteligencia Financiera: Gua completa Finanzas Personales" |
"No crears riqueza inmediata y sin esfuerzo con los conocimientos adquiridos. Pero si quieres manejar tus finanzas para lograr la libertad financiera (tambin llamada retiro) entonces ests en el camino correcto. Las deudas pueden quedarse con parte de nuestros ingresos y hasta destruir nuestro futuro, pero no todas, algunas nos ayudan a aumentar nuestro capital o a adquirir bienes sin sacrificar ingresos. Salir de las destructivas es primordial, pero tambin entender de dnde vienen para no volver a caer en ellas. Dominar los sesgos mentales y aumentar nuestra autoestima nos lleva a que otros no se queden con nuestro dinero ganado con mucho esfuerzo.Queremos la libertad financiera, o sea, no tener la obligacin de trabajar por tener ingresos que no dependen de nuestro esfuerzo diario. Eso se logra teniendo un capital que trabaja para nosotros. Lo que debemos entender que ese capital hay que construirlo. Primero con ahorros (ya sea de lo que ganamos y no gastamos, o de lo que reinvertimos en nuestro negocio en vez de gastarlo). Ensearte cmo no usar el dinero al inicio y luego a invertirlo para que despus sea una fuente inagotable es mi funcin en este curso.Subir tu FQ (Cociente de Inteligencia Financiera) lo logrars con estos grandes temas:Saber tu realidad financiera: Desde cunto tienes o cunto debes, pasando por todo sobre el cerebro con relacin al dinero y terminando con la importancia de la autoestima en la construccin de una vida financiera sanaDominar los crditos: Diferencias las deudas tontas,las inteligentes y las superinteligentes. Haciendo que el dinero de otros haga crecer nuestros activos y evitando que el nuestro haga crecer el de los demsAhorrar es el inicio del principio: Si quieres capital tendrs que construirlo de lo que no gastas, no del sueo de recibirlo sin hacer inversin alguna. Hay una forma muy efectiva, casi infalible de lograrlo...Aumenta tus ingresos: Ya sea como empleado o comerciante. Ms ingresos pueden ser la base de una mayor calidad de vida presente y futura... de lograr la libertad financiera en menos tiempo.Invierte lo ahorrado: No es muy asertivo dejar el dinero guardado, es por eso que muchos no creen en el ahorro. Este es solo el primer paso, luego tienes que saber cmo y en qu invertir. Te muestro aqu muchas posibilidades para que puedas elegir.Libertad financiera o retiro: Logra calcular cunto necesitas para no tener que trabajar por obligacin. Ingresos suficientes por siempre sin necesidad de trabajar es uno de los sueos a perseguir por muchos. Trabajar si se quiere y en lo que uno quiere es quiz lo mejor que a nuestra vida laboral le puede suceder. Consigue el nmero y la manera de lograrlo.Logra tu plan acelerado de creacin de capital: Si quieres trabajar por tu dinero ms que los dems, para lograr que l trabaje por ti antes de lo que piensas, aqu estn algunas directrices para emprender y multiplicar tu capital. No es sin esfuerzo ni en corto tiempo, tampoco es una frmula mgica.Vemos muchos casos de xito con relacin al dinero, creemos que son logrados de la noche a la maana, la verdad es que casi todos los grandes casos que vemos hoy nacieron en un garaje y les llev hasta dcadas ser lo que hoy son. No pretendo con este curso hacerte de millones, solo que tengas las bases necesarias para manejar tus finanzas personales de la mejor forma, llegando desde dominar tu cerebro por conocerlo por completo hasta lograr la libertad financiera por saber cmo se hace (solo endeudndome para hacer crecer mi patrimonio, ahorrando para acumular capital, invirtiendo mi ahorro para multiplicarlo y si quiero trabajo un tiempo extra por dinero para multiplicarlo ms rpidamente. No le tomes miedo a todas las horas del curso, solo te muestran que es muy completo. Si hay temas que no te hacen falta los puedes saltar y dirigirte a los que te son de utilidad. Aunque en todos hay tips que les puedes sacar mucha aplicacin en tu da a da. Toma accin, no tienes riesgo, tienes una garanta de 30 das. te espero dentro del curso para que comiences, o a salir de las pesadillas del dinero, o a lograr los sueos que hoy tienes y quieres lograr lo ms rpido posible."
Price: 199.99

"Human Resource Management Basics" |
"The main objective of the course Human Resource Management Basics is to develop a familiarity with the discipline of human resource management and to enable the students to understand the HRM at the introduction level. And to integrate and cultivate the understanding of various Human Resource concepts. The course contains insights related to HRM."
Price: 24.99

"Klaviyo Automation and Segmentation Masterclass" |
"Grow your ecommerce business by gaining a comprehensive knowledge of Klaviyo's powerful automation and segmentation capabilities based on the techniques I use to support and grow my 7-figure business. Understand the most effective ways to segment your audiences. Get step by step flow design tactics based on what I use in my storeLearn insider tips and tricks for increasing sales and engagement"
Price: 99.99

"A biblical understanding of the final forty two months" |
"This course looks at the subject of the events that will take place in the last forty two months of this current age. This course is meant for all audiences. No previous theological study is required or expected, for it is meant to give a basic understanding of what the bible says about the subject of the end time events.Michael Maher will lecture from the bible, to walk the student through the subject of the end time events, so that the saint can have a clear understanding of this doctrine in the Christian faith.This course focuses on explaining the biblical view of the events in the final forty two months. As a supplementary resource, this course can be taken in tandem with the reading of Michael Mahers book, Resurrection of the Dead.I trust that the material and the dialogue with other students will be encouraging and enlightening for all."
Price: 19.99

"Intermittent Fasting 101 - The Beginner's Guide" |
"In This Online Intermittent Fasting Course You Will Discover The Secret To Losing Weight When Other Diets Fail. Intermittent Fasting Helps People Who Arent Progressing In Their Diets To Breakthrough And Be Successful In Finally Losing The Weight. Intermittent Fasting Has Many Benefits And You Will Learn Them All Here!Few People Realize The MANY Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting Such As Boosting Growth Hormone, Reducing Oxidative Stress, Removing Belly, Fat, Boosting Metabolism, Improving Insulin Levels And Much More!Find Out How Intermittent Fasting Can Help YOU!By The End Of This Course, You Will Discover 1) What Intermittent Fasting Is & How It Can Help You Beat Your Weight Problem Even When Other Systems Failed2) Learn About The MANY Amazing Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting3) Discover The RIGHT Way To Do Intermittent Fasting For The BEST Results4) Learn How Intermittent Fasting Can BOOST Your Energy!5) Be Shown The Specific Protocols For Intermittent Fasting6) Get Special Tips On How To Maximize Your Results7) Learn The Secret Of How Intermittent Fasting Can BEAT Your Weight Loss Plateaus!8) Bonus Q & A Section On Intermittent Fasting9) Look & Feel Amazing!. And This Is Just A TINY Part Of The Training There Is SO Much More!!!NO RISK! FULL 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!!! Sign Up NOW! :)"
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft Azure AZ-204-Exam Simulator (Developing Solutions)" |
"Welcome to the Azure Administrator certification AZ-204 : Practice TestsThis exam is valid for the Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure certification AZ-204The course contains 4 practice tests, with 178 questions in total, timed to 150 minutes and passing score adjusted at 90% Questions are very similar to the real exam.Simulator 1 (50 questions) Simulator 2 (52 questions)Simulator 3 (50 questions)Simulator 4 (26 questions)"
Price: 19.99

"Editar Vdeos con Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"Editar Vdeos con Adobe Premiere Pro 2019 es un curso bsico de edicin de vdeo para principiantes. El curso cubre lo siguiente. 1. Una introduccin al programa Adobe Premiere Pro. 2. Cmo importar los archivos a Premiere Pro. 3. Cmo editar el vdeo en la lnea de tiempo. 4. Cmo usar msica de fondo en el vdeo. y 5. Cmo exportar el vdeo en un formato para YouTube."
Price: 119.99

"Gradle Essential Training For Java Developers" |
" Gradle Essential Training For Java DevelopersIn this course, I'll equip you with the right knowledge you need to understand Gradle fundamentals and core concepts to build your Java-based apps in the right way.Also, I'll walk you through comparison among Java build tools: Why you need to choose Gradle instead of Ant or Maven?I'll talk about Gradle key features that boost Gradle Performance: task output caching, Incremental build, and Parallel executionI'll introduce you to the Groovy language basics to help you write a custom Gradle build script.I'll build a Java project using Gradle and explain Gradle with real coding examples.I'll explain the Gradle lifecycle and Gradle wrapper in depth.I'll cover Gradle repositories, dependencies, and transitive dependencies.I'll talk about dependency configurations such as (Implementation, CompileOnly,runtimeOnly) what they mean and what are the benefits of using them?I'll explain Gradle tasks how to use them and how to create custom tasksLive example on how to convert Spring boot/java app from Maven to Gradle.How to use Gradle Daemon to speed up your build time. All slides and codes included. Enjoy the ride and be well."
Price: 19.99

how-to-speak-in-an-online-course |
Price: 9000.00

"SwiftUI ve iOS Uygulama Gelitirme 2. Seviye (52 Saat)" |
"Apple'n UIKit'e (bir bakma)rakip olarak duyurmu olduu SwiftUI teknolojisiyle zellikle uygulama tasarmlarnz UIKit'e gre ok daha az ve basit kodlar yazarak gerekletirebileceksiniz. Hazrlanan bu kurs, daha nce Swift programlama dilini kullanarak iOS uygulamas gelitirmek isteyen ama daha nce hi SwiftUI hakknda bilgisi olmayan birine gre hazrlanmtr.SwiftUI konusuna ait en basit ey dahi anlatlarak, karmak uygulama tasarmlarn gerekletireceksiniz. Netflix ve Instagram gibi uygulamalarn baz ekranlarn sfrdan ve her admnn aklamasn bularak tasarlayp reneceksiniz.Kursa girip dersleri incelediinizde ve yava yava SwiftUI konusunda tecrbe kazandka, UIKit ile ok fazla kod yazarak yaptnz tasarmlarn burada ok daha kolay yaplabildiini greceksiniz.Yakn Zamanda Kursa eklenecek konular : Firebase - SwiftUI EntegrasyonuSosyal Medya Hesaplaryla Giri veya Hesap OluturmaHaritalar ve SwiftUICore Data ve SwiftUIWidget KullanmBu konular eklendikten sonra istee gre dier konular da eklenecek.NOT : Bu kursta anlatlanlar dzgn bir ekilde anlayabilmek iin daha nce balang seviyesinde bile olsa Swift Programlama diliyle iOS Uygulama Gelitirmeyle ilgilenmi olmanz gerekiyor."
Price: 19.99

"PTSD : Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Diagnosis & Management" |
"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event, such as sexual assault, warfare, traffic collisions, child abuse, or other threats on a person's life. Symptoms may include disturbing thoughts, feelings, or dreams related to the events, mental or physical distress to trauma-related cues, attempts to avoid trauma-related cues, alterations in how a person thinks and feels, and an increase in the fight-or-flight response. These symptoms last for more than a month after the event. Young children are less likely to show distress but instead may express their memories through play. A person with PTSD is at a higher risk for suicide and intentional self-harm.This course is to learn about PTSD, diagnose, and manage it timely."
Price: 189.99

Psychology |
"Psychology is the science of mind and behavior. Psychology includes the study of conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feeling and thought. It is an academic discipline of immense scope. Psychologists seek an understanding of the emergent properties of brains, and all the variety of phenomena linked to those emergent properties, joining this way the broader neuro-scientific group of researchers. As a social science, it aims to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases."
Price: 189.99

"Blazor examples" |
"In this course you will see three different Blazor examples, it will be relatively slow paced and you will find some useful advice along the way. The first example will show you how to establish a simple privacy policy consent arrangement. In the second one, you will see a real-world country picker Blazor library. Finally, you will see how product list submission is implemented and with that how lots of time can be saved."
Price: 29.99

"Il Corso Completo di Project Management" |
"Questo corso di Project Management nato per trasmetterti tutte le conoscenze e le tecniche fondamentali da applicare direttamente sul campo.Dalla farmaceutica alle no-profit, dall'ingegneria aerospaziale al marketing digitale si avviano progetti, e per ognuno di essi serve il Project Manager per gestirlo.Migliora la tua carriera con nuovi orizzonti, metti in risalto le tue doti rispetto a tutti gli altri.Se ti piace vedere le cose sia nel loro insieme e sia nei dettagli singoli, potresti essere un Project Manager perfetto.Iscriviti ora e non farti sfuggire il prossimo progetto dalle tue mani!Il corso venduto con 30 giorni di Garanzia Soddisfatto o Rimborsato.Rilascia Certificato di CompletamentoPuoi visionare le lezioni da qualsiasi dispositivo"
Price: 149.99

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