"Microsoft Power Point Crear Super Proyectos y Presentaciones" |
"En este curso aprenders a usar Microsoft Power Point, software que es usado hoy por hoy para realizar todo tipo de presentaciones, ya sea en formato pptx, o formato final de diapositivas ppsx, ideal para realizar presentaciones a travs de proyector o usando cualquier tipo de pantalla, usado tambin en reuniones virtuales, cursos, o para crear esquema de contenidos, en este curso aprenders todo lo mencionado y mucho mas inclusive aprenderemos a realizar un vdeo 100% en power point."
Price: 19.99

"C2010-503 IBM Tivoli Monitoring Fundamentals Practice Exam" |
"128 UNIQUE practice questions for C2010-503 IBM Tivoli Monitoring Fundamentals Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C2010-503 IBM Tivoli Monitoring Fundamentals Practice ExamTotal Questions : 128Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (96 of 128)"
Price: 154.99

"9 Guided Meditative Healing Journeys to Change Your Life" |
"Do you feel something is limiting and holding you back that is beyond conventional means of clearing?Do you feel like you've been entrapped and you are ready to be set free?Do you know in your core that there is a much deeper connection of presence, joy, magic, and possibilities waiting for you?Do you know your life is sacred, yet it's not the experience you are having?Have you felt continuously stuck, replaying the same stories over and over again?Are fear anxiety, stress, depression, and pain recurring experiences in your life?Are you ready for a new story?This is not the way you are meant to live this precious life. We've all inherited thousands of years of genetic, social, and cultural programming along with massive amounts of unprocessed trauma. These patterns are stuck or frozen within our multi-dimensional energy fields. They cause us to unconsciously continue to play out unpleasant repetitive patterns.On my path of 18 years (and many incarnations) studying these patterns, I've discovered ways to reverse engineer them out of myself and others. By returning to the sources of these particular patterns, they can be deconstructed, and your true potential, vitality, joy, and creative magic can be unleashed again.This course is a condensed version of my many years of offering energetic vitalization, attunement, and restoration sessions. While a private session can help adjust specific nuances to the individual, this offering addresses many of the core foundational challenges that nearly every person experiences underlying their personal story.Each video/audio takes you on a guided meditative-like journey using visualization, shamanic wisdom, higher dimensional codex's of light, other-dimensional healing guides, and Soul Language Spell Codes. Going through this experience will bring you back to what I call your Soul Avatar Form, and support its unrestricted integration into your human reality.*Note - This course isn't teaching techniques. It is a program to support your expansion, transformation, and restoration.What's included:Introduction (17:08) [ Audio + Video Version]Ancestral Genetics (44:50) [ Audio + Video Version]Childhood Trauma (Inner Child) (41:20) [ Audio + Video Version]Masculine & Feminine Balance (43:29) [ Audio + Video Version]Restoration of Earth Grid Connections (37:05) [ Audio + Video Version]Emotional & Mental Balance (35:50) [ Audio + Video Version]Physical Health Vitality (40:46) [ Audio + Video Version]Sexual Energy Restoration (41:45) [ Audio + Video Version]Relationship Balancing (39:26) [ Audio + Video Version]Bonus Content:Bonus: Business Activation & Expansion Practice (10:21) (Audio & Video)Use this practice to begin your ""work"" day with inspiration, clarity, energy, and focus. This guided meditation will assist you to open to life force energies to create a workday filled with joy, prosperity, creativity, and miracles. Aaron guides you through an inner energetic awareness process to prepare your mind, heart, and soul for a wonderful epic workday. You'll learn how to energetically connect for positive mutual expansion with anyone that might be part of your workday.Bonus: Morning Spiritual Prayer To Activate A Beautiful Day (06:53) (Audio)This quick prayer invocation is a powerful way to start your day or make a significant energetic shift in your state of being. Use it when you need a ""dose"" of spiritual light to transform, awaken, and activate your light being. This invocation enables your light and calls in your star-light being spirit teams to support you.Bonus: Tree of Life Prosperity Energy Matrix Guided Meditation (22:23) (Audio)Tree of Life Prosperity Matrix Practice is a guided visualization meditation to help you access energies within you for abundance in your life. Using the ancient Tree of Life map of consciousness, you'll get to experience yourself as a Tree of Life accessing more of the universal energies available to you to support your transformation and expansion process. Note, this meditation does include a bit of ""Light Language."" This is encoded information to help your unconscious.Bonus: Morning Invocation Prayer (03:58) (Audio)Start your day off with this beautiful Morning Prayer, Invocation, Meditation! It'll help set the tone of energy you are attuned to for the whole day. This is a great way to get connected to your spirit, your essence, and your beingness before moving into the day!Bonus: Unified Divine Soul Integration Invocation Prayer - Embody All That You Are (07:08) (Audio)This is a channeled active divine invocation prayer to support your full ascended, activated, whole self-integration into your human body temple. It includes unlimited energy activation. It includes ""Light Soul Language"" incantations. Allow these to flow like nature sounds through to your deeper self. It is designed to cleanse and clear your entire system while calling forth the Holy Nature of Your Eternal Soul. Reach out to me for further divine support and wisdom to open to your whole self!Bonus - Focused - Energy Healing (22:22) (Audio)Using guided visualizations, multi-dimensional energy principles, and channeled light language tones, this meditation will guide you through a process of bringing healing, vitality, & health to any area of your body. Using many healing modalities, this meditation puts you back in control of your energy to restore health in the body. *This meditation uses Light Language chanting to support healing. Occasionally this can bring up uncomfortable feelings as it clears the system.About the Creator:Aaron Michael Pyne is a published writer & visionary artist, ceremony and meditation guide, a gatekeeper between the realms, energy weaver, nature lover, and all-around wizard. His work has appeared on TedX, and a wide spectrum of other media and publication platforms. At the age of 17, Aaron had several multi-dimensional experiences that began his spiritual journey of awakening. For the last 20 years, Aaron has studied under many masters and metaphysical systems to refine his unique gifts, cultivate his inner resources, and broaden his ability to commune with higher realms of consciousness. Today, he is dedicated to supporting and guiding individuals to remember the true core of what he calls the ""Soul Avatar Form"" and how to harness the mana of the Tree of Life."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Ingls para Hispanos - Nivel A2/B1.1 garantizado" |
"Este curso esta diseado para estudiantes, profesores y dems personas que quiera adquirir las bases del A2 y B1.1. El curso esta estructurado en 12 mdulos, cada uno contextualizado en la vida cotidiana. Este curso incluye un E-BOOK (Master Presentation) que contiene ejemplos y teora adicional, la cual, es ampliamente explicada en los videos. Al final de cada unidad, encontrarn una evaluacin que medir sus conocimientos adquiridos."
Price: 79.99

"Simulados para certificao Linux LPIC-1 Verso 5" |
"Curso destinado aos interessados na certificao Linux LPIC-1, para que possam testar seus conhecimentos e se preparar para os exames 101-500 e 102-500. Este curso possui 4 simulados com 60 questes em cada e o tempo de 90 minutos, abordando todos os tpicos exigidos pela LPI e com o mesmo tempo da prova oficial. Todas as questes destes simulados esto em portugus. A grande maioria das questes possuem comentrios sobre as respostas corretas. Este curso poder ser atualizado sempre que houver necessidade. Qualquer dvida estarei sempre a disposio. Esta certificao um diferencial no mercado de trabalho."
Price: 39.99

"Pinterest Ads - Corso Completo Operativo (2020)" |
"Pinterest Ads - Corso Completo Operativo - Questo corso prevede l'utilizzo di Pinterest Ads per realizzare, in autonomia, delle campagne da integrare nella propria strategia di marketing.ARGOMENTI DEL CORSO:Introduzione Programma del corsoPinterest Academy Come funziona PinterestCome funziona Pinterest AdsAccountCreazione account Pinterest BusinessPanoramica account pubblicitario Campagne Parte 1Obiettivi campagneBrand Awareness Visualizzazioni del videoTrafficoStrumentiIntroduzione a Google Tag Manager (GTM)Collegare Google Tag Manager (GTM) al proprio sitoCollegare Pinterest a Google Tag ManagerConfigurare una conversioneLe conversioni e i modelli di attribuzione Retargeting: cos e come funzionaVerifica del sito webCreazione pubblico di Retargeting Inserire un gruppo di Retargeting in una campagna + Actalike Audience (Pubblico Simile)Campagne - Parte 2ConversioniAnalizzare e modificare una campagnaBudgetCome determinare il budget di una campagnaCome determinare il budget di una campagna (Parte 2)ExtraPanoramica Google Data Studio Creazione Account e Panoramica di CanvaUtilizzo di Canva RingraziamentiConclusioni*corso in continuo aggiornamento Puoi eventualmente richiedere il RIMBORSO COMPLETO entro 30 giorni dall'acquisto."
Price: 84.99

"Animal de Poder - Vivncia de Conexo Com o Seu Totem" |
"Cada um de ns temos Luz e sombra dentro da gente. Uma medicina muito bonita reconhecer esses estados atravs das energias elementais que andam ao nosso redor. Voc sabia que possvel se conectar com essas energias e pedir ajuda a elas no seu dia a dia?Os Animais de Poder, totem ou esprito protetor, so uma poderosa ferramenta do xamanismo, que nos ajuda a encontrar nossa misso e a entender nosso jeito de ser. Animal de poder nada mais do que um arqutipo, uma energia ligada com o nosso consciente e nossa fora de instinto. Quando nascemos, somos adotados por um animal que vai fazer parte da nossa vida desde o incio, mas ele precisa ser despertado, descoberto por ns. Essa vivncia online vai te fazer chegar mais prximo do seu animal e reconectar mais com a sua essncia e a natureza que h dentro de cada um de ns. As condues iro revelar no s o seu Animal Totmico, como tambm o seu animal Sombra, que vai te ajudar a descer as profundezas do seu subconsciente e enfrentar seus medos.Esse workshop pode mudar pra sempre a sua forma de ver o mundo, espero que tenha tanta conexo com voc como eu tive, na primeira vez que trabalhei com essa medicina. Bem vindo a esse universo de medicinas nicas que o xamanismo nos presenteou."
Price: 54.99

"Pyhton ve Algoritma" |
"Kursumuzda temel dzey algoritma bilgisi ve python programlama dili eitimi verilmektedir.Algoritmalar ve ak diyagramlar, veri tipleri, koullu durumlar, dngler, fonksiyonlar, snflar ve hatalar kursumuzun ieriini oluturmaktadr. rendiklerimizi pekitirmek iin bir adet Quiz, rnekler ve basit bir hesap makinesi uygulamas yer almaktadr.Kursumuz yazlm renmeye balamak isteyenlerin ekincelerinden kurtularak paldr kldr bir giri yapabilmesini amalamaktadr."
Price: 49.99

"Family Therapy" |
"Learn all about Family Therapy from international expert Dr. Conor Hogan. As an internationally published and best selling author Dr. Conor Hogan has over 20 years of experience in the fields of emotional and mental therapies, physical therapies, psychology, psychotherapy, neuroscience, sociology, and education. As a national award winner, he understands how people think. His unique services are sought after by individuals, groups, and companies but both nationally and internationally. He has created this course on Family Therapy in order to try to help you understand what Family Therapy is, how to use it, & how to help others. In this course Dr. Conor Hogan instructs on the history, creation, and comparisons of Family Therapy to other psychological therapies and delves into the creator`s lifestyle and his thinking. He also brings practical experiences of the therapy in practice as well as a specialist Case Study of a small child within a troublesome family, before establishing which celebrities use this therapy."
Price: 34.99

"Xamarin on Steroids: Xamarin Forms Shell and MVVM" |
"Hey,Do you know whats the most important currency in the world?And no, its no bitcoin.Its time.Once you spend it, there is no way to get it back.Want to know how to build apps faster in the Xamarin Forms? By using Xamarin Forms Shell.Shell is a framework you can use to build side menus and tab bar pages quicker in Xamarin Forms. So that you dont waste your time on those features that are so common to the mobile apps. And focus instead on app-specific functionality.In this course, Im going to show you how to build the crypto wallet app.Ill also share with you some tips I have learned over the years developing apps:How to use the MVVM with the Shell, to separate the UI from the business logicHow to reuse common generic classes across multiple projectsHow to use resource dictionaries to reuse your designThis course is not for the complete beginners with the Xamarin Forms. But if you want to learn advanced topics, then you are in the right place.With the Xamarin on Steroids course you get:Video lecturesGuideline how to build the cryptocurrency wallet app using Xamarin Forms Shell and MVVMSource code of the completed appBook with 81 Xamarin Interview QuestionsAfter you finish the ""Xamarin on Steroids: Xamarin Forms Shell and MVVM"" course, you will know how to build beautiful cross-platform Xamarin Forms apps.""Xamarin on Steroids: Xamarin Forms Shell and MVVM"" course comes with 30 days money-back guarantee. If you don't like this course, just request a refund. No hard feelings. My goal is to make you a happy developer who will understand the Xamarin Forms Shell, so you can actually use it and make the app development an easier process.With all that being said, click the enroll button and Ill see you inside!"
Price: 199.99

"VFX Color Grading and Re-Lighting in Nuke - NK404" |
"NK404! The fourth part in Alex's Nuke series on Udemy, this time with a massive 8 hour course about advanced color grading and layering techniques. Take your VFX Compositing to the next level.Why learn from this course?It's easy to learn Nuke nodes, not so much artistic and visual concepts and techniques to build complex composites. This class heavily leans into learning more in depth about the artistic side of color, balance, highlights and shadow, and how to balance them all together. By re-lighting a scene from day to night entirely, you are forced to combine all of these techniques!Not only are you getting an 8 hour class for a bargain price, but you are being taught by an industry professional who knows the proper workflows!Your instructor has worked on feature films such as:Star Wars: The Rise of SkywalkerAvengers: EndgameX-Men ApocalypseThe MandalorianFantastic Beasts and Where to Find them....And many more.What is this class about?Light, color, and combining merge operations in Nuke to re-light a scene!First, what do I need to know entering this course?:1. A basic understanding of Nuke and Nuke's interface (Taught Alex's Udemy class, NK101).2. Knowledege about the basic nodes in nuke, and beginner level color correction concepts (Taught Alex's Udemy class, NK101, and Compositing Photo-real Elements in Nuke).3. Beginner level knowledge on the 3d system in Nuke (Taught Alex's Udemy class, NK202).4. Beginner / intermediate knowledge of CG compositing (Taught Alex's Udemy class, NK303).What skills will I learn?Creating a day to night sceneGradient Re-mapping Techniques in NukeColor Balance and Color SchemeStudying ReferencePhysics of Light and GlossinessStacking Different Merge Operations Highlight stacking TechniquesAdvanced color grading techniques2d and 3d techniques for re-lighting2d and 3d techniques for creating reflectionsCreating and using depth mapsSplitting an image using math operations to control different aspectsGlow stacking techniques, and artistic concepts relatedStructuring a composite and templating assets Lining up and model-building a sceneCreating and layering atmosphere elementsWhat projects do I get to work on in this course?:This course will walk you through my composite of the shot shown in the preview. I have split the class into ""practical sessions"" as well as ""theory"" and follow along sections. This ensures you can actually apply what you are learning when we go over techniques, but also follow along in different areas!Who this course is for:Beginners / Intermediate users learning Nuke but already have a foundational understanding of the 2d and 3d system in nukePeople who have already taken NK101, NK202, NK303, Photo-Real Elements --- my previous classesIndividuals looking for a deeper education in Compositing for a bargain priceNote: You will be required to sign up and download the project files if you want to follow along with this class"
Price: 124.99

"13 Leyes para Emprender un Negocio en el Sector Jurdico" |
"Eres un abogado que se encuentra buscando la oportunidad para emprender un negocio pero que a su vez tiene miedos, incertidumbre y nunca ha tenido experiencia previa en negocios...sin lugar a dudas necesitas conocer las leyes del emprendimiento en el sector legal.En este curso voy a describir en 13 leyes la mayora de las oportunidades y problemas que enfrenta un abogado al momento de emprender su propio negocio firma de abogados.Aprende lo que nunca te ensearon en la universidadDesarrolla una mentalidad de abogado emprendedorDescubre y encuentra solucin los problemas ms comunes que enfrenta un abogado emprendedorAprende lo que necesitas para vender tus servicios profesionalesTe espero en la primera leccin!"
Price: 19.99

"FCE B2 First - Cambridge English Examiner Top Tips To Pass" |
"IMPORTANT: This is not a language course. The course was developed to help candidates and/or teachers have a better understanding of the exam tasks and assessment. You can use it alongside your preparation/language course.If you are planning on taking the Cambridge B2: First (FCE) exam its important that you have a good B2 level of English but its also important to prepare carefully for the exam to make sure you get the best possible result.Hundreds of students take the exam without really knowing how it works, what is expected from them and how this knowledge can help them get top marks.This is the main aim of this course: Familiarize you with the different parts of each paper.I will make sure you are familiar with the structure and timing of all parts of the exam by doing quick practice tasks, working with you on timing so you know how long it takes to do the various parts of the exam safely. We will discuss instructions and tasks on each paper carefully, We are going to watch and react to an official speaking test and, also, we are going to talk about the things you should be aware of before the exam and on the exam day. Even the best candidates make unnecessary mistakes because they are rushing.You will find resources on this course, like practice tests and grammar tables to help you on your journey.My goal here is to give you the tools and knowledge to make the most of the language you already know."
Price: 309.99

"AWS Develops Engineer Professional Certified Practice Test" |
"Sample Questionsa) You have recently deployed an application on EC2 instances behind an ELB. After a few weeks, customers complain about receiving errors from the application. You will want to diagnose the errors and are trying to get errors from the access log ELB. But the ELB access logs are empty. What is the reason for this. Please select:a) You do not have the appropriate permissions to access the registersb) You have cloud metrics Watch configured correctlyc) ELB access logs are available for up to a week.d) access logging is an optional feature of Elastic Load Balancing that is disabled by default Your answer is incorrect.Q) an application has been deployed to AWS that makes use of automatic resizing to launch new instances. You now want to change the type of application for the new instances. Which of the following is one of the action items to accomplish this deployment?a) Use Elastic Beanstalk to deploy the new application with the new instance typeb) Training to use the cloud to deploy the new application with the new instance typec) Create a new launch configuration with the new instance typed) Create new EC2 instances with the new type of instance and connect it to Auto Group resizingQ) Your application stores sensitive information on EBS volume and connected to the EC2 instance. How can you protect your information? Choose two of the following options Please select:a) A montage of the EBS volume, take a snapshot and encrypt the snapshot. Re-mount the volume Amazon EBSb) You can not encrypt an EBS volume, you must use a lifecycle policy to transfer data to S3 for encryptionc) Copy clear snapshot of a volume is not encrypted, you can encrypt the copy. The volumes to be restored this encrypted copy will be encrypted.d) Create and mount a new volume of Amazon EBS encrypted. Move the data to the new volume. Delete the old Amazon EBS volumeQ) Your application stores sensitive information on EBS volume and connected to the EC2 instance. How can you protect your information? Choose two of the following options Please select:a) a mounting s volume, take a snapshot and encrypt the snapshot. Re-mount the volume Amazon EBSb) You can not encrypt an EBS volume, you must use a lifecycle policy for transferring data to 53 for encryption.c) Copy clear snapshot of a volume is not encrypted, you can encrypt the copy. The volumes to be restored this encrypted copy will be encrypted.d) Create and mount a new volume of Amazon EBS encrypted. Move the data to the new volume. Delete the old Amazon EBS volumeQ) You have a ELB setup in with AWS EC2 instances running behind them. She was required to monitor incoming connections to the ELB. Which of the following may suffice this requirement?a) Using AWS cloud Trail with load balancingb) Enable access log on load balancingc) Use a clock registers cloud of agentsd) Creating a filter clock cloud custom metric load balancing"
Price: 154.99

"HSPA Optimization" |
"The HSPA (HSDPA/HSUPA) Optimization Training course covers the protocols and procedures for network optimization. You will undertake an in-depth study of the workings of HSDPA/HSUPA in a UMTS network and learn the call setup scenarios, deployment scenarios, The Radio Resource Management (RRM) Procedure in detail. The analysis of typical KPI's is presented in order to assess and evaluate the optimization performed on the system."
Price: 1920.00

"Escuela de Paternidad de Fe ""Guerra de Linajes""" |
"A travs del primer mdulo de la Escuela de Paternidad, Guerra de Linajes, La Reforma del Siglo, el autor llevar a los lectores a recorrer los primeros 25 captulos del libro del Gnesis, para ayudarlos a comprender la guerra que existe entre dos tipos de descendencia y la importancia que la paternidad tiene en dicho conflicto, para que al final Dios obtenga su Santa Ciudad. Estamos seguros de que a medida que usted avance en los temas, Dios lo llenar de revelacin y pasin para vivir la vida de Iglesia en el vnculo padre e hijo, lo que traer una invaluable sanidad en las relaciones. Adems, creemos que este trabajo ser el impulsor de una gran REFORMA para un sinnmero de organizaciones religiosas que en algn momento perdieron dicho vnculo, que sin duda ser restablecido, en quienes se dispongan con humildad, por el propio Dios, que reform la vida del patriarca Abraham para establecer su linaje, sin escatimar esfuerzos. La REFORMA est en marcha: se trata ni ms ni menos de que cada llamado por Dios pueda cumplir su rol paternal, para que al final de sus das Dios mismo tenga al sucesor capaz de administrar la herencia, y as Su gloria pase a las siguientes generaciones.El contenido de la Escuela de Paternidad ""Guerra de Linajes"" fue tomado y adaptado del libro "" Guerra de Linajes"" del Dr. JUan Andrs Busso.El fondo de la imagen de portada fue creada por: kjpargeter - Freepik"
Price: 19.99

"Management and Organizational Behavior" |
"Whether you're in your first managerial role or are a non-managerial employee in any industry, it's important to understand organizational behavior and how managers make decisions. this course covers information every employee will find useful. Whether you want to know what motivates employees, how to negotiate, or how employee behavior influences job performance, organizational commitment, or teamwork, there's something for you in this course.There are 7 sections in this course, covering management topics like leadership, ethics, managing in a global environment, goals and planning, decision making, innovation, and motivating employees, as well as organizational behavior topics like employee communication, organizational commitment, teamwork, job performance, and job satisfaction."
Price: 29.99

"OneLogin - IAM tactics for beginner / intermediate levels" |
"Hi! I am an IAM engineer and Software Engineer and I have carefully designed this course for you to get to know the aspects of OneLogin in a simple and pleasant manner.Course is intended for anyone out there working with OneLogin or simply interested in this field. You frankly don't need much previous information to get started and learn what I am presenting here.But, the focus is on the beginner - intermediate levels.You'll get to see:More than 2 hours of hands-on training;Different links to OneLogin KBs to sustain the lectures even more;Step-by-step practice exercises;You will:Learn some features in the OneLogin Admin Panel;Use AD Delegated Auth and SyncCreate your own Users;Add your own Applications and learn how to assign them in various ways;Study OneLogin Groups;Create and understand the Policies (Sign On, MFA, Password Policies);Cope with Mappings;Develop knowledge about Single Sign-On;Get my recommendations and best practices;"
Price: 19.99

"American Fascism Explained: Understand, Apply and Analyze" |
"Confused about this Fascism thing that you are hearing about more and more? You should be! This course provides an introduction to American Fascism, including a presentation of the idea of Fascism, why it is such a difficult term to understand and use, how the American version differs from the European version, and how the characteristics of American Fascism can be used as an analysis tool to identify political leaders who are Fascist and those who are not."
Price: 19.99

"Software Engineering Complete Exam/Test With Explanation" |
"Software engineering is a branch of computer science, which usually deals with physical systems, to the design, development, testing, deployment, and management of software systems.software engineering involves a number of fields that cover the process of engineering software and certification including requirements gathering, software design, software construction, software maintenance, software configuration management, software engineering management, software development process management and creation, software engineering models and methods, software quality, software engineering professional practices as well as foundational computing and mathematical and engineering study.About the exam/test:The topics of Software Engineering on the test are; Software Engineering Basics, Software Processes, Software Models, Agile Software Development, Extreme Programming, Requirement Engineering, Software Modelling, Software Design, Function-Oriented Software Design, Object-Oriented Software Design, Software Evolution, Software Certification, Sociotechnical Systems, Dependability and Security, Software Maintenance, Software Management, Advanced Software Engineering, Software Testing and, Quality Management, etc.Above topics are divided into 6 exams/tests:Software Engineering Exam/Test: 01 [50 MCQs] (With Explanation)Software Engineering Exam/Test: 02 [50 MCQs] (With Explanation)Software Engineering Exam/Test: 03 [50 MCQs] (With Explanation)Software Engineering Exam/Test: 04 [50 MCQs] (With Explanation) Software Engineering Exam/Test: 05 [50 MCQs] (With Explanation) Software Engineering Exam/Test: 06 [50 MCQs] (With Explanation) Best of luck!Course Instructor: Ramish Masood Computer & Software Engineer"
Price: 34.99

"Instagram Photography Master: Fantastic Photography!" |
"Do you want to Understand how to use the Instagram?Do you want to Learn how to master Instagram Photography?Are you passionate about Photography? Then This course is definitely for you!Hi! Welcome to the course! I will walk you through the necessary steps to use Instagram regardless of your level and photography knowledge. You will use the app and the camera the way we should use them.This course covers:The important steps and what you need to know before starting to Instagram!The different levels of the Instagram app and the functions and tools that it offers.We will go through the process of choosing a picture and editing and sharing it to Instagram.Improve Your Photography Techniques, Acquire Clients, And Make MoneyRegardless of what your level of experience is or what type of camera you use, this in-depth course provides you with everything you need to take your photography skills to the next level.Whether you prefer taking photos of nature, animals, or people, a brilliant photographer knows how to compose a shot, light it, and edit it. By honing these skills, you can sell your photos so you can turn your passion into a career. This course shows you how.As the course goes on will give you tips and tricks on how to use Instagram the bestAfter completing this course, you will be able to:Use Instagram to the fullest of its abilitiesKnow how you can use Instagram's tools and functions and really enjoy the app and have fun with itUnderstand why Instagram is such a social media phenomenonI hope you now have e good grip on what this course is about and what we will cover.Feel free to look through the curriculum of the course and watch some previews, I look forward to seeing you inside!Contents and OverviewThis course is aimed at teaching photographers what it takes to improve your techniques.You'll learn about your camera settings, including how to shoot in manual mode. You'll master how to compose and light a scene. You'll learn how to take great photos with a smartphone or tablet and how to edit images.So you can learn how to brand yourself. By the end of this course, your confidence as a photographer will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of your camera so you can use it to the fullest and take unforgettable photos.My happiness guarantee...I have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, I will refund your payment - no questions asked!I can't wait to see you in the course!Enroll now, and I'll help you take better photos than ever before!"
Price: 149.99

"Up for deletion !!" |
"Up for deletion, up for deletion up for deletion presumably up for deletion shortly! Thank you!! 50 characters longer... hmmmm what to write next. Up for deletion! I have created this hair styling course not only knowledgeable within all aspects up of this hairstyling course, yes! I really pride my work. Up for deletion."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Excel - Frmulas, tablas dinmicas y dashboards" |
"Existen tres pilares fundamentales que debes conocer de Excel y que todas las empresas hoy en da estn solicitando: - Frmulas y funciones - Tablas dinmicas- DashboardsEl curso est enfocado para que adquieras un nivel avanzado en estos tres elementos. Para ello, est dividido en los siguientes bloques:IntroduccinEn esta seccin realizaremos la presentacin inicial del curso y se trataran temas relacionados con la distribucin de las clases, por qu es tan importante saber Excel, cmo se pueden descargar los materiales, preguntar dudas, etc.Conociendo ExcelEntraremos en materia partiendo de un nivel bsico. Una vez termines esta seccin conocers a fondo la interfaz de Excel y sers capaz de trabajar con formatos condicionales, de filtrar y ordenar la informacin y de manejar la distribucin de los datos mediante referencias absolutas y relativas.Frmulas y funcionesLas frmulas y las funciones de Excel van a permitirnos automatizar las tareas y agilizar la consecucin de los resultados. Partiremos desde un nivel de principiante y, poco a poco, iremos profundizando en todos los aspectos para acabar la seccin con un nivel alto.Tablas dinmicas y cuadro de mando.Las tablas dinmicas son la herramienta ms poderosa de Excel ya que, con una serie de procedimientos vamos a obtener un desglose de la informacin muy detallado. En esta seccin veremos a fondo cmo trabajar con tablas dinmicas y realizaremos un cuadro de mando o dashboard prctico para representar visualmente los datos.Dashboard interactivoComo proyecto final realizaremos un autntico dashboard interactivo a travs del cual aprenderemos a modelar los datos, a personalizar todos los tipos de grficos y a disear autnticos reportes profesionales."
Price: 99.99

"Complete Azure Web Apps (Paas) Course" |
"In this course you will learn all about Azure Web Apps. You will learn how to build, connect, monitor, get alerted, and much more! You will be tested on the top PaaS interview questions and be given the answers both in words and in demonstrations. This course has over 2 hours of practical how to video. You will quickly become an expert in Azure Web Apps."
Price: 24.99

"Aromatic Oils and Vinegars" |
"It is a short term course, based on narrations about simple backgrounds, and complementary materials for further study, such as links to videos and scientific articles. We will see some aspects about the manufacture of vegetable oils and vinegars, scientific topics on the subject and, finally, well bring recipes with condiments and herbs."
Price: 19.99

"Menjual Itu Mudah" |
"Transaksi jual beli adalah suatu kegiatan yang pasti kita jumpai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun, tidak semua orang mampu menjalankan transaksi dengan baik. Halangan-halangan yang ada ternyata mampu mengurungkan niat banyak orang, untuk menggeluti bisnis jual-beli. Perbedaan generasi antara penjual & pembeli merupakan salah satu halangan terbesar dalam bertransaksi. Dalam Course kali ini, kalian akan mempelajari banyak hal tentang transaksi jual beli seperti konsep SPIN, memiliki mindset yang baik, hingga mempelajari teknik negosiasi. Setelah mempelajari Course ini, kalian diharapkan mampu untuk mengetahui kebutuhan konsumen, memiliki percaya diri tinggi, dan mampu bernegosiasi dengan baik."
Price: 350000.00

"Dart Simplified : Beginners guide." |
"In this course you will learn all the part you required to start flutter.You will master the most loved programming language by google.The most interesting part of this course is that you don't need to know any other language.As you know that our courses are strictly time bounded and the most effective.Go ahead and enroll yourself we are here if you have any problems!"
Price: 1280.00

"Historia de la Filosofa para principiantes" |
"Siempre te ha interesado la filosofa pero no sabes cmo comenzar a estudiarla?En este curso veremos, de forma clara y sencilla, el pensamiento de los ms destacados filsofos de todos los tiempos, comenzando desde los orgenes del pensamiento filosfico, llegando hasta los enfoques contemporneos.En este curso abordaremos el pensamiento de:PitgorasScratesPlatnAristtelesDigenes el CnicoEpicuroLos estoicosAgustn de HiponaRen DescartesBaruch SpinozaImmanuel KantW. F. G. HegelKarl MarxFriedrich NietzscheMartin HeideggerJean-Paul SartreMichel FoucaultSlavoj Zizek entre muchos otros.Diseado especialmente para que puedas continuar profundizando por tu cuenta en los temas de tu mayor inters, se ofrecen amplios recursos de lectura y audiovisuales complementarios en cada una de las clases, as como preguntas de reflexin e investigacin. Qu ests esperando? Acrcate a la filosofa con este curso diseado especialmente para ti."
Price: 270.00

"How To Write Raps And Freestyle Effortlessly" |
"This Course Is For You If:You've always wanted to learn how to rapYou are a rapper and are looking to improve your skillsYou've stopped writing raps and need some motivation to start up againYou don't have a lot of free time but want to learn a new skillWhat Is Included In This Course:I will teach you what I've learned in the past 10 years about making rap songs. You will be shown how to find inspiration to start your songs and write consistently. I will give a full 75 minute demonstration of writing a song front to back, with verses and choruses. A full ""off-the-dome"" freestyle demonstration will also be given, along with tips on how to start and improve your freestyling. Also, I will uncover how I was able to kill off writer's block and complete a challenge I set for myself to write 1000 songs in only 1000 days. You will also be provided with a free eBook detailing what I learned from completing this challenge.We will discuss finding your own unique style and how to be influenced by your idols without sounding too much like them. I will cover the importance of your song's impact on your intended audience and why it may matter even more so than your execution. Also covered will be how to avoid procrastination and to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who will help hold you to a higher standard in terms of your artistry. Provided will be questions you should be asking yourself to see if your song is really finished and ready to be recorded.I'll show you why quantity is actually BETTER than quality when it comes to pumping out new song ideas. Staying on beat, flow, and breath control will all be defined for you. If you prefer to learn offline to avoid distractions, I have given all my students the option to download my lecture videos. At the end of the course, I will provide you with free song ideas for you to get started making your own rap songs right away!Whether you want to make music just for the love of it, or one day have it paying all your bills, I think this course can help any beginner or intermediate emcee improve their skills and confidence to pursue their passion. Hip Hop has been a passion of mine since I started in 2010 and if you haven't begun this journey or have taken a break from it, this is your chance to start or start anew.I'm ready when you are. :)What youll learnHow to write a full rap songHow to freestyle ""off-the-dome""How to defeat writer's block"
Price: 99.99

facilitation |
"PTA...- - - - - - - - PC"
Price: 5400.00

"Excel VLOOKUP Formulae Mastery Course (Expert Level-25+ Ex.)" |
"Covers VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH, INDEX, VLOOKUP with MATCH, PICTURE Lookup - Manipulate& Extract Data like Never Before. __________________________________________________________________As an Excel user you've probably heard a lot about VLOOKUP and other lookup functions. But what can lookup functions do, why should you use them, and how can they help you?In essence, lookup functions search through data and return specific values. You may be asking yourself, Well, why cant I just do a manual search through my data with ctrl-f and find what I need that way? And sure, thats fine if you only need to look up one or two things. But what if you have ten, a hundred, or even thousands of things you have to search for and search through?Thats where lookup functions come in, they are all about making Excel do the work for you. They can help you to quickly and efficiently retrieve data which saves you time and effort.This course is a comprehensive deep dive into Excels lookup functions including (but certainly not limited to) the ever-popular VLOOKUP, my personal favorite, INDEX-MATCH, and the new function, XLOOKUP. It will give you a solid foundation of lookup function knowledge, but also challenge you to learn about and create nested and two-dimensional lookup functions that can really take your Excel capabilities to the next level.**********************************************<<<<Real Time Excel Data which is used in the industry.>>>Practice Files, Assignments and Case- StudiesE-Book guide to assist while watching the videos**********************************************Super BONUS: MASTER HYPERLINKED WORKBOOK All sheets as one place.***** THE MOST RELEVANT CONTENT TO GET YOU UP TO SPEED ********** CLEAR AND CRISP VIDEO RESOLUTION ********** CLEAR AND GOOD AUDIO ********** COURSE UPDATED: Aug 2020 *****Becoming advanced in Excel takes practice, readiness to learn new methods and willingness to apply these to practical cases. Take this course to get a head start!SummaryMy motto of creating this course program is increase the awareness of the top excel vlookup applications which will eventually help you to solve complex problems. Explore the best possibilities Excel offers you, only then are you able to do any type of data extraction and analysis with the best and clean method in the shortest time.[*****It's time to start working smarter, not harder. *******]If you're looking to maximize your excel data extraction and manipulation efficiency, supercharge your productivity, and become an absolute Excel POWER USER, this is the course for you.See you in there!Nipun Gupta, Trulabz TechnologiesTake action now to take yourself to the next level of professional development. Click on the TAKE THIS COURSE button, located on the top right corner of the page, NOWevery moment you delay you are delaying that next step up in your career*** LIFETIME access includes Excel Pro Tip PDF eBook, Excel project files, 1-on-1 expert support, and a 100% guarantee ***"
Price: 3520.00
